Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 19
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 296
________________ 272 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY [SEPTEMBER, 1890 TEXT. i Om (11) Bhaddramb=asta Jina-śâsanaya sambbaddratám-prati vidhana-hêtavé aniya - vâdi-ma2 dahasti-mastaka-sphatanîya ghatanê patiyasi [11] Om Svasti Samasta-bhuva 3 n-aéraya śrî-prithvi-vallabha mahârâjâdhirâja paramêsvara paramabhatta 4 rakam SatyAbraya-kula-tiļakam Chaluky-abharaṇaḥ śrimat-TraiļOkyamalladevars 5 vijaya-rajyam-uttarôttar-abhivriddhi-pravarddhamânam=i-chamdr-arkka-târam b a - 6 rań saluttam-ire [1] Tad-višal. Ora[h*]sthala-nivåsiniyar-appa srimat-Ketaladeviyar 7 Tarddhavadi-sAsirad-olagan=arunurun-badada khampana Bagey-ayvattars 8 baliyam=uttamam-agraharam Ponnavadamam tribhôg-abhyantara-siddhiyind=alutta - 9 m-ire [1*] Tat-pâdapadm-ôpajivi ganaka-chûdî maniyu[] Vanasao-kul-ambaru bhanuvam 10 Arhach-chhâsana-maļa-stambhavum Kalikala-śrêyîmsanum samyakt[v*]a-ratnakaranum=&. 11 ppa 11 Vanasalo-vamba-kurmma-nibha-Komma-jagad-vinut-Attikambika-sunur=udatta-ki. 12 rtti-dhavalikrita-dig-Jina-yôgi-rân-Mahâsêna-munîndra-pidakamala-bhbhra (bbhrama13 ran paripurnna-châru-vidya-nidhi-Chamkiraja-vibhur=asrita-sishta-jan-ê 14 shta-tashți-da[h*] 11 Gambhirô11 bahn-satkha-matsya-makara-śrimattalamsatvikela Lakshmi-ja15 ams-grihas=samasta-vasudhA-vyâvêshtan - od yad - yasa h-antar 18 jjyotita-chá 16 tna-nivahô n irddhâta-kalmashakê jîv-înanda-ras-âkaro vijayatê 17 myakt[v*]a-ratnakaraḥ | Ahârl4-abhaya-bhaisa(sha)jya-śüstra-dậné tatha param ChArkan-418 ryyas=samô15 n=asti na bhàtô na bhavisya(shya)ti (11"] Om [11*] Sri16. Malasamghe Jina-sha(dha)rmma-muļð gan-abhi19 dhånê vara-Bona-namni gachhchhô(chohhê)shu tuchbchh8(chchh8)=pi Pogaryy. abhikhyê samstùyamanô mu20 air-Årjya(ryya)sênab 11 Aneka-bhů palaka-mauli-ratna-sõnâmsu-bata pa-jala kêni(na) 21 projjrimbhita-sri-charaṇäraviṁda-sri-Brahmasêna-pra(vra)tinátha-sishya[h*j | Tasylia Aryya22 sênasya mun-iśvarasya sishy8 Mahîsêna-maha-mna(ma)nimdra[bo] sama(mya)ktva. ratn-6 23 jj*vaļit-antaranga[ho] samsara-nîråkara-sêta-bhůta[ho] 11 Taj-Jaina-yôgimdra-padábja. 24 blținga[h*] śri-Vanas-am ndys-viyat-patamga[ho] sri-Kommaraj-atmabhavas=sn-têja25 S-samyaktva-ratnakara-Charkiraja[ho] 11 Kalamkale-muktas-satat-aikarûpô dôsh-êtara. 26 sri-nilayas=samasta-bhavy-abja-samdôha-vikâsa-hêtu[h*) virAjatê nûtana-Cham kira # From the ink impreseion. • The symbol here is apparently an eight-leaved water-lily, with a bud projecting downwards; it is, I conclude. intended for the word 3m. In the other placea, in linea 2, 18, 32, 33, 41, and 43, the ordinary plain symbol is used. Metre, Rathôddhata. • Rent 'ti-prati'. I do not find the word sambhadrata, - nor sanbhadra, from which it is formed, in Monior-Williams Sanskrit Dictionary. It was perhape invented for the sake of the netre. See the introductory remarks. See note 26 below. Here the nasal in the second syllable is distinctly the lingual . In lines 11 and 34, it is as distinctly the dental n. 19 Metre, Utpalamalika. The language here is Sanskrit. But the metre, I believe, is purely Kanarese ; and the asual prisa, or alliteration of the second syllable of each páda, wbich is peculiar feature of Kanarese poetry is fellowed here. 11 Metre, Sardulavikridita. Here, the prása is not introduced. 13 Some esneadation s needed here. Perhape Sri-matta-hans-invit was intended: but it does not seem very appropriate. " The proper reading, it sardhi were adbored to, would be yaso-ntar. What we bave in the text, must be looked apon as a metrical license. 4 Metre, Blóka (Anushtabh). 16 Read äryya-samo "Metro, Upajiti, óf ladravajri and Upendravajra ; and in the next vorge. 11 Metre. Indravajra, and in the next verse. 16 Metro, Ufajti, of Indra vajr& and Upcodravajra


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