MAY, 1890.)
25 dînám vilasitam=achirambu-chaichalam=avagachchhadbhih â-chandr-arka-dhar-årạnava
sthiti-samakâlar yasa26 Sachichishubhiḥ sva-datti-nirvviśêsham paripalaniyam 11 Uktañ=cha bhagavata vedavyâsêna Vyâsêna [1*]
Third Plate. 27 Vaba)hubhir16-vvasudha bhukta râjabhis-Sagar-adibhih yasya yasya yada
bhůmis-tasya 28 tasya tasya tadâ phalar (11) Svan=dåtun su-mahach-chhakyam duḥkham=anyasya
pilanan dẫnam và pa29 lanam vəêtti(ti) dânách=chbrêyô=nupalanam (11) Sva-dattam para-dattar va yo
harêti(ta) vasu30 [ndharam] shashți-varshsha-sabasrâņi vishtbâyân jayate krimiḥ [11] Maha31 sândhivigrahika-bri-Ramapunyavallabhêna likhitam-idam śâsanam [11*]
TRANSLATION. . Om ! Hail! Victorious is the form, which was that of a boar, that was manifested of (the
god) Visbņu; which troubled the ocean, and which had the earth resting upon the tip of its up-lifted right-hand tusk!
(Line 2.) -- Of the Maharaja, the illustrious Pulakesin (I.), the favourite, whose body was purified by ablutions performed after celebrating the aśramédha-sacrifice, -- who adorned the family of the Chalukyas, who are glorious; who are of the Manavya götra, which is praised throughout the whole world; who are Haritiputras; who have been nourished by the Seven Mothers, who are the seven mothers of mankind; who have acquired an uninterrupted continuity of prosperity through the favour of (the god) Karttikêya; (and) who have had all kings made subject to them on the instant at the sight of the crest of a boar which they acquired through the favour of the divine (god) Narayana, - the son (was) the Alahárája, the illustrious Kirtirarman (I.), the favourite of the earth, whose pure fame was established in the territories of the hostile kings of Vanavasi and other cities), that had been in varled by (his) prowess.
(L. 7.) - His son cas) [the Maharájádkirája and Paraméérarn, Satyasraya-(Pulikesin II.), the favourite of fortune and of the earth*],17 whose other title of Supreme Lord' (paramsvara) was acquired by defeating the glorious Harshavardhana, the warlike lord of all the region of the north.
(L. 8.) - Of his dear son"],18 the Paramésvara and Bhat!drala, Vikramaditya (I.), - who, only by (his) impetuosity, assisted by (leis) intellect, attained (again) the appropriate accumulated regal power of his own family; who irradiated the distant regions with the banner of his fame, praised in various ways and white, that was acquired by victory over hostile kings who marched in the van of battle; who received (by surrender) the city of Kanchipura, immediately after defeating the lord of the Pallavas, who had been the cause of the humiliation and destruction of the family of the Chalukyas) which was as pure as the rays of the moon; 19 whose excess of self-confidence rent open, with the thunderbolt that was (his) prowess, the self-confidence of the three mountains which were the three kings of Choļa, Pandya, and Koraļa; who had the water-lilies, that were his feet, besprinkled with the water that was the rays of the watering-pot of the jewelled diadem of the lord of Kanchi,
16 Metro, Slöka (Anushtubh); end in the following two yerses. 17 As regards tho ornissions here, see the last paragraph of the introductory remarks.
15 Pulikexin II. had two other sons; Adityavarman, and Chandrilditya. The expression "his dear son" seonia to indicate the special selection of Vikramaditya I. As his successor on the throno. Soo Gupta Inscriptions, p. 12. note 1, for similar instances of selection in the Early Gupta Dynasty.
19 This is probably an allurion to the tradition, expressed more clearly in Inter grants (e.g. ante, Vol. XIV. p. 50, linc ?), which attribute the Chalukya lineage to tho Simavara or Lunar Race.