Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 19
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 113
________________ MARCH, 1890.) BOOK NOTICE. 103 days later, on the 23rd November, at about 34 gh. | 2+ gh. 32 p. And for this day the other details 16 p.; noreover, the tithi commenced during the are correct. The sun was then in Dhanus ; night, it which time it is very unlikely that a the entrance into that sign having occurred formal ceremony of accession should be per- twelve days previously, on the 23rd November, formed. And the amdnta Margasirsha kşishna at about 49 gh. 47 p. At sunrise on that day 13 ended, also not on a Friday, but on Monday, there was the Anuradha nakshatra, by all 16th December, at about 18 gh. 24 p. three systems; and it ended, according to the In Saka-Samvat 888 current (887 expired), equal-space system and the Garga system of however, the results work out quite satisfactorily. unequal spaces, at about 7 hrs. 53 min., = 19 gh. The pirnim inta Mârgasirsha krishna 13 again 42.5 p., after mean sunrise (for Ujjain), and by ended, not on a Friday, but on Wednesday, the Bralıma-Siddhanta system of unequal spaces, 5th November, A.D. 945, at about 37 gh. 3 p. at about 2 hrs. 38 min., = 6 gh. 35 p. And But the amanta Margasirsha krishna 13, Mr. Sh B. Dikshit finds that there was the and we have already seen (ante, Vol. XVII. p. 142) Ghata lagna from about 8 gh. 23 p. to 12 g that the aminta arrangement of the lunar fort. 46 p., after apparent sunrise for Rajamahendri.* nights is the one that ought to apply for the | Accordingly, the date of the accession of period and locality of this grant, - ended on Amma II. was Friday, 5th December, A.D. Friday, 5th December, A.D. 945, at about 945. J. F. FLEET. NOTES AND QUERIES. CHARMS AND SPELLS. always possess the opposite sex in mankind. It • In the North-West Provinces. . is much more difficult to exorcise a mohini than a Children throw oil into a pot of water when it ! pisisu. Lascivious dreams at night are always rains, with the idea that, as it breaks upon the attributed to possession by mohinis. The cure surface of the water, the clouds may break. for this is to take a washerman's virgin daughter WILLIAM CROOKE. by the hand, and bathe in a tank holding her hand, In Madras. on a Friday evening. In South India male devils are called pisasus S. M. NATESA SASTRI. (Skr. pišucha) and fernale devils mohinis. Devils Madras. BOOK NOTICE. THE MODERN VERNACULAR LITERATURE OF HINDUSTAN, therefore Sanskrit and Prakrit works of all by G. A. GRIERSON. Calcutta, 1889. kinds have been excluded from it; but the mere This is another of those solid contributions to fact that in it Mr. Grierson has been able to our knowledge of India with which the name bring together the names of 952 authors shows of Mr. Grierson is now so honorably connected, what an advance it is upon the previous standard and which we have had already reason to work on the subject by Garcin de Tassy, Histoire notice. de la Literature Hin.ionie et Hindoustanie, in The book is the final outcome of a paper read which only about 70 authors are mentioned. before the International Congress of Orientalists Dr. Grierson puts forth his work as a collecat Vienna in 1886, which the present writer was tion of materials to "form a foundation upon privileged to hear delivered, and to the very which others may build." Those "others," when. favourable reception of which he is happy now to ever the time comes for them to write, will testify. It deals only with the modern verna- unqnestionably be vastly indebted to the author cular literature of Hindustan proper, and of these materials, whose industry has afforded 3 The exact place for which the times of Eastern ending-time of the tithi, &c., would be later at Raja Chalukya datos should be reduced, has not been determ ahindri than at Bombay. It does not cause any mined. The ancient city of Vengi is perhaps reproacuted variation in the general results for the present date. by the modern Pedda-Végi, a village in the 'Ellore' Taluka of the Golivari District (Archæol. Suru. South. This calculation is by the present Sarya-Siddhinta. Ind. Vol. I. p. 36). But more suitable place, for And cccording to the same authority, the tithi ondod at 27 gh. 50 p., and the Anuradha nakshatra ended at 21 yh. purposes of calculations, is probably Rajamabendri in 46 p., according to the equal-space system and the the Godavari District, Lat. 17' N., Long. 31° 49' E.; and Garga system of unequal spaces, both these timos being taking the longitude of Bombay as 72° 53', the difference in after apparent sunrise for Rajamahendri. time is 8 * 10 palas = 1 yh. 29-1 p., by which the n 1 See ante, Vol. XV. pp. 60, 24.


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