FEBRUARY, 1890.)
by Mr. Fleet, the words "the reckoning from," simply to bring out the meaning of this instrumental. And the difficulty caused by the instrumental case rather tends to convince me that the word gana-sthiti must have another meaning than the one which has been assigned to it. At the end of a palm-leaf MS. of the Aupapatika-vritti, which is mentioned in my Report on Sanskrit MSS., p. 50, we read
grarthågram 3135 akshara-gañanaya sthậpitam-iti; i. e., "the granthågra has by counting the alesharas been settled to be 3135." Here we have in construction with each other, the word garaná, which is etymologically related to gana (one of the synonyms of which is sailchyd), and sthápita, derived from the same root stha from which we also have sthiti. Gananayá sthapayitum means 'to settle or fix by counting, to reckon up;' and, in the absence of anything better, I would claim for gana-sthiti a similar meaning, and would accordingly translate the phrases Malavánari ganasthitya and Málavaganasthiti-vaédt simply with “by, or according to the reckoning of the Malavas," a rendering which, like the original passages, would leave it doubtful whether the Mâlavas spoken of should be anderstood to be the people of MÁlava or the rulers of that country. In fact, I would maintain that the expressions gana-sthitya and ganasthiti-vasát are to all intents and purposes synonymous with the phrase -prakálé ganandi vidhaya in the now well-known Gupta-prakálé garanámi vidhaya, which has been fully discussed by Mr. Fleet elsewhere.
• As regards the two villages mentioned in the present inscription, I may add here that Professor Peterson has identified one of them, Chonipadrake, with the village of Chaoni' which according to his account, is close to Kôtah. The village Sarvanka I am unable to identify.
TEXT. 1 Om namah Sivaya | Om Namah ssa kala-samsara-sågar-Ottara-hôtave i tamo
gartt-abhisampata-hast-Alambâya Sambhavé 11 Svēta-dvip-anukârâb-kvachidaparimitair-indu-pâdaih patadbhir=nnityasthaisesândhakarah kyachid-api nibhritaiḥ phânipair-bhbhobbhoga-bhagaiḥ [1*] sôshmâņô nêttra-bhabhiḥ kvachid
ati-á[i]áira Jahnuka2 nya-jal-aughair-itthar bhậvair=yviruddhair-api janita-madah pânta Sambhôr-jjata
vah 11 Bhôge-indrasya phaņa-maņi-dyuti-milan-manl-indu-lôl-amšavô p nêttragnes-ch haritas-sadhama-kapiśair-jvâla-bikh-igraih kvachit! muktakara-marannadi-jalakanairəkkirnya-6ðbhah kvachich-ch-êttham sasvata fu Ushaņa-vyatikarah
Simbhor = jja3 tah pânta vah 1110 Sthâņôril-vvaḥ påta mûrddhna(rddha) sara iva satata-vyoma
Grung-ambu-lola-sphärjjad-bhôgindra-pamka-ślatha - vikata -jaţá jûţa-kahlarahiri | mandam yattra sphurantyo dhavala-narasird-värijanm-antara la-spashțah prodyan-mțiņâl-Ankara-nikara iveabhậnti maal-indu-bhåsaḥ 11 Nêttra-kroda
prasakt-8.jljvals-dahana-sikhi-pimga-bhasim jatinám bharam samyamya kritvå samam-amrita-kar-odbhasi maul-indu
bimbani hastabhyâm-ürddhna(rddhva)m=udyad-visas sha)śikhi-vadanagranthime atatys naga 112 Sthâņaḥ prârabdha-nțitto jagad-avata lay-Otkampi-padangulikah | Chadas-charu-man-indu-mandita-bhaval14 sad-bhôginam - Abrayaḥ paksha-chelth8da-bhay-artti-samkatavatar rakshA-kabe
From the impression.
Expressed by a symbol. • Metre, Blóka (Anushtubh).-Road namas skala-, or naman ala+ Metro, Sragdhart Metro, Bardolavikridite
. This sign of punctuation is superfluous. *After this sign of pnRetnation there is, is the original, a small circle, followed by another full stop. 11 Metro, Bragdhard; and of the next verno.
13 This siga of punctuation is superfluous. 11 Metre, Bard Olavikrlạita, and of the next verso.
1 I have no doubt whatever that the correct reading, intended by the poet, is .bhaval (representing both bhava and Bhupah); and, judging from the impression, I incline to believe that the sign for the vowel w has been struck out already in the original.