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सिंघी जैन ग्रन्थमा ला
के को-*-*-*[ग्रन्थांक ३४ ]
संस्थापक ख० श्रीमद् बहादुर सिंह जी सिंघी
श्री राजेन्द्र सिंह सिंघी तथा श्री नरेन्द्र सिंह सिंघी
प्रधान कांपादक तथा संचालक आचार्य जिन विजय मुनि
कविराज - स्वयंभूदेव- विरचित
पउमचरिउ [अपभ्रंशमाषाप्रथित महाकाव्यात्मक जैन रामायण ] प्रथम भाग-विद्याधरकाण्ड
संपादक डॉ. हरिवल्लभ चुनीलाल भायाणी एम्. ए.; पीएच. डी. ******************+[प्रकाशक]******************* सिंघी जैन शास्त्र शिक्षा पीठ
भारतीय विद्या भवन, बंबई
वि. सं. २००९]
[मूल्य १२-7-0
For Private & Personal use only
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वर्गवासी साधुचरित श्रीमान् डालचन्दजी सिंघी
बाबू श्रीबहादुर सिंहजी सिंघीके पुण्यश्लोक पिता जन्म-वि. सं. १९२१, मार्ग. वदि ६ 卐 स्वर्गवास-वि. सं. १९८४, पोष सुदि ६
Jain Education internet
Page #3
mmmunit immi
दानशील-साहित्यरसिक-संस्कृतिप्रिय ख. श्रीबाबू बहादुरसिंहजी सिंघी
अजीमगंज-कलकत्ता जन्म ता. २८-६-१८८५]
[मृत्यु ता. ७-७-१९४४
Page #4
सिंघी जैन ग्रन्थ मा ला
*************[] ग्रन्थांक ३४ ]*****************
कविराज - स्वयंभूदेव - विरचित
[ अपभ्रंशभाषाग्रथित पौराणिक महाकाव्य ]
श्री डालचंदजी सिंधी
SINGHI JAIN SERIES ************[ NUMBER 34 ]******
(A PURĀNIC EPIC IN APABHRAMSA ) Composed by Kaviraja Svayambhudeva
Page #5
कलकत्ता नि वा सी साधुचरित-प्रेष्ठिवर्य श्रीमद् डालचन्दजी सिंघी पुण्यस्मृतिनिमित्त
प्रतिष्ठापित एवं प्रकाशित
सिंघी जैन ग्रन्थ मा ला
[जैन आगमिक, दार्शनिक, साहित्यिक, ऐतिहासिक, वैज्ञानिक, कथात्मक - इत्यादि विविधविषयगुम्फित; प्राकृत, संस्कृत, अपभ्रंश, प्राचीनगूर्जर - राजस्थानी आदि नानाभाषानिबद्ध; सार्वजनीन पुरातन वाय तथा नूतन संशोधनात्मक साहित्य प्रकाशिनी सर्वश्रेष्ठ जैन ग्रन्थावलि.]
प्रतिष्ठाता श्रीमद्-डालचन्दजी-सिंघीसत्पुत्र ख० दानशील-साहित्यरसिक-संस्कृतिप्रिय
श्रीमद् बहादुर सिंहजी सिंघी
बहादुर सिंहजी सिंधी
प्रधान सम्पादक तथा संचालक आचार्य जिन विजय मुनि
ऑनररी मेंबर, जर्मन ओरिएन्टल सोसाइटी (सम्मान्य नियामक-भारतीय विद्या भवन )
सर्वप्रकार संरक्षक
श्री राजेन्द्र सिंह सिंघी तथा श्री नरेन्द्र सिंह सिंघी
सिंघी जैन शास्त्र शिक्षा पीठ भारतीय विद्या भवन, बंबई
प्रकाशक-जयन्तकृष्ण, ह. दवे, ऑनररी रजिष्ट्रार, भारतीय विद्या भवन, चौपाटी रोड, बंबई. नं. ७ मुद्रक- लक्ष्मीबाई नारायण चौधरी, निर्णयसागर प्रेस, २६-२८ कोलभाट स्ट्रीट, बंबई
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[अपभ्रंशभाषाग्रथित पौराणिक महाकाव्य] विविध पाठभेद, विस्तृत प्रस्तावना, विशिष्ट शब्दकोष, परिशिष्टादि समन्वित
* *
संपादक डॉ. हरिवल्लभ चूनीलाल भायाणी एम्. ए.; पीएच्. डी. (प्राध्यापक, संस्कृत एवं प्राचीन गुजराती साहित्य, भारतीय विद्याभवन)
प्रथम भाग (विद्याधर काण्ड)
सिंघी जैन शास्त्र शिक्षा पीठ भारतीय विद्या भवन
विक्रमाब्द २००९] प्रथमावृत्ति, पंचशत प्रति [ख्रिस्ताब्द १९५३ ग्रन्यांक ३४] भारतीय विद्या भवन द्वारा सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित [मूल्य रू. १२-८-०
Page #7
Page #8
Professor of Sanskrit and Old Gujarati BHARATIYA VIDYA BHAVAN
V. E. 20091
First Edition : Five Hundred Copies
[1953 A. D.
Vol. 34]
[Price Rs. 12–8–0
Page #9
॥ सिंघीजैनग्रन्थमालासंस्थापकप्रशस्तिः ॥
2006saan -
अस्ति बङ्गाभिधे देशे सुप्रसिद्धा मनोरमा । मुर्शिदाबाद इत्याख्या पुरी वैभवशालिनी ॥ बहवो निवसन्त्यत्र जैना उकेशवंशजाः । धनाढ्या नृपसम्मान्या धर्मकर्मपरायणाः ॥ श्रीडालचन्द इत्यासीत् तेष्वेको बहुभाग्यवान् । साधुवत् सञ्चरित्रो यः सिंघीकुलप्रभाकरः॥ बाल्य एवागतो यश्च कर्तुं व्यापारविस्तृतिम् । कलिकातामहापुर्यां धृतधर्मार्थनिश्चयः ॥ कुशाग्रीयस्वबुद्ध्यैव सद्वृत्त्या च सुनिष्ठया । उपायं विपुलां लक्ष्मी कोट्यधिपोऽजनिष्ट सः॥ तस्य मन्नुकुमारीति सन्नारीकुलमण्डना । अभूत् पतिवता पत्नी शीलसौभाग्यभूषणा ॥ श्रीबहादुरसिंहाख्यो गुणवाँस्तनयस्तयोः । अभवत् सुकृती दानी धर्मप्रियश्च धीनिधिः ॥ प्राप्ता पुण्यवता तेन पनी तिलकसुन्दरी । यस्याः सौभाग्यचन्द्रेण भासितं तत्कुलाम्बरम् ॥ श्रीमान् राजेन्द्रसिंहोऽस्य ज्येष्ठपुत्रः सुशिक्षितः । यः सर्वकार्यदक्षत्वात् दक्षिणबाहुवत् पितुः ।। नरेन्द्रसिंह इत्याख्यस्तेजस्वी मध्यमः सुतः । सूनुर्वीरेन्द्रसिंहश्च कनिष्ठः सौम्यदर्शनः ॥ सन्ति त्रयोऽपि सत्पुत्रा आप्तभक्तिपरायणाः । विनीताः सरला भव्याः पितुर्मार्गानुगामिनः ॥ अन्येऽपि बहवस्तस्याभवन् स्वस्त्रादिबान्धवाः । धनैर्जनैः समृद्धः सन् स राजेव व्यराजत ॥
अन्यच्चसरस्वत्यां सदासक्तो भूत्वा लक्ष्मीप्रियोऽप्ययम् । तत्राप्यासीत् सदाचारी तञ्चित्रं विदुषां खलु ॥ नाहंकारो न दुर्भावो न विलासो न दुर्व्ययः । दृष्टः कदापि तद्गेहे सतां तद् विस्मयास्पदम् ॥ भक्तो गुरुजनानां स विनीतः सज्जनान् प्रति । बन्धुजनेऽनुरक्तोऽभूत् प्रीतः पोष्यगणेष्वपि ॥ देश-कालस्थितिज्ञोऽसौ विद्या-विज्ञानपूजकः । इतिहासादि-साहित्य-संस्कृति-सत्कलाप्रियः॥ समुन्नत्यै समाजस्य धर्मस्योत्कर्षहेतवे । प्रचाराय च शिक्षाया दत्तं तेन धनं घनम् ॥ गत्वा सभा-समित्यादौ भूत्वाऽध्यक्षपदान्वितः । दत्त्वा दानं यथायोग्यं प्रोत्साहिताश्च कर्मठाः ॥ एवं धनेन देहेन ज्ञानेन शुभनिष्ठया । अकरोत् स यथाशक्ति सत्कर्माणि सदाशयः ॥ अथान्यदा प्रसङ्गेन स्वपितुः स्मृतिहेतवे । कर्तुं किञ्चिद् विशिष्टं स कार्य मनस्यचिन्तयत् ॥ पूज्यः पिता सदैवासीत् सम्यग्-ज्ञानरुचिः स्वयम् । तस्मात् तज्ज्ञानवृद्ध्यर्थं यतनीयं मयाऽप्यरम् ॥ २१ विचार्यैवं स्वयं चित्ते पुनः प्राप्य सुसम्मतिम् । श्रद्धास्पदस्वमित्राणां विदुषां चापि तादृशाम् ॥ जैनज्ञानप्रसारार्थ स्थाने शान्ति नि के तने। सिंघीपदाङ्कितं जैन ज्ञान पीठ मतीष्ठिपत् ॥ श्रीजिनविजयः प्राज्ञो मुनिनाम्ना च विश्रुतः । स्वीकर्तुं प्रार्थितस्तेन तस्याधिष्ठायकं पदम् ॥ तस्य सौजन्य-सौहार्द-स्थैयौँदार्यादिसद्गुणैः । वशीभूय मुदा येन स्वीकृतं तत्पदं वरम् ॥ कवीन्द्रेण रवीन्द्रेण स्वीयपावनपाणिना । रस-नागाङ्क-चन्द्राब्दे तत्प्रतिष्ठा व्यीयत ॥ प्रारब्धं मुनिना चापि कार्य तदुपयोगिकम् । पाठनं ज्ञानलिप्सूनां ग्रन्थानां ग्रथनं तथा ॥ तस्यैव प्रेरणां प्राप्य श्रीसिंघीकुलकेतुना । स्वपितृश्रेयसे चैषा प्रारब्धा ग्रन्थमालिका ॥ उदारचेतसा तेन धर्मशीलेन दानिना । व्ययितं पुष्कलं द्रव्यं तत्तत्कार्यसुसिद्धये ॥ छात्राणां वृत्तिदानेन नेकेषां विदुषां तथा । ज्ञानाभ्यासाय निष्कामसाहाय्यं स प्रदत्तवान् ॥ जलवाय्वादिकानां तु प्रातिकूल्यादसौ मुनिः । कार्य त्रिवार्षिकं तत्र समाप्यान्यत्र चास्थितः ॥ तत्रापि सततं सर्व साहाय्यं तेन यच्छता । ग्रन्थमालाप्रकाशाय महोत्साहः प्रदर्शितः ॥ नन्द-निध्येत-चन्द्राब्दे जाता पुनः सुयोजना । ग्रन्थावल्याः स्थिरत्वाय विस्तराय च नूतना ॥ ततः सुहृत्परामर्शात् सिंघीवंशनभस्वता । भा विद्या भवना येयं ग्रन्थमाला समर्पिता ॥ आसीत्तस्य मनोवाञ्छाऽपूर्वग्रन्थप्रकाशने । तदर्थं व्ययितं तेन लक्षावधि हि रूप्यकम् ॥ दुर्विलासाद् विधेर्हन्त ! दौर्भाग्याच्चाल्मबन्धूनाम् । स्वल्पेनैवाथ कालेन स्वर्ग स सुकृती ययौ ॥ इन्दु-ख-शून्य-नेत्रब्दे मासे आषाढसज्ञके । कलिकाताख्यपुर्यां स प्राप्तवान् परमां गतिम् ॥ पितृभक्तैश्च तत्पुत्रैः प्रेयसे पितुरात्मनः । तथैव प्रपितुः स्मृत्यै प्रकाश्यतेऽधुना पुनः ॥ इयं ग्रन्थावलिः श्रेष्ठा प्रेष्ठा प्रज्ञावतां प्रथा । भूयाद् भूत्यै सतां सिंघीकुलकीर्तिप्रकाशिका ॥ विद्वज्जनकृतालादा सच्चिदानन्ददा सदा । चिरं नन्दत्वियं लोके श्रीसैंघी ग्रन्थपद्धतिः ॥
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॥ सिंघीजैनग्रन्थमालासम्पादकप्रशस्तिः ।।
स्वस्ति श्रीमेदपाटाख्यो देशो भारतविश्रुतः । रूपाहेलीति सन्नाम्नी पुरिका तत्र सुस्थिता ॥ सदाचार-विचाराभ्यां प्राचीननृपतेः समः । श्रीमञ्चतुरसिंहोऽत्र राठोडान्वयभूमिपः ॥ तत्र श्रीवृद्धिसिंहोऽभूद् राजपुत्रः प्रसिद्धिभाक् । क्षात्रधर्मधनो यश्च परमारकुलाग्रणीः॥ मुञ्ज-भोजमुखा भूपा जाता यस्मिन् महाकुले । किं वय॑ते कुलीनत्वं तत्कुलजातजन्मनः ॥ पत्नी राजकुमारीति तस्याभूद् गुणसंहिता । चातुर्य-रूप-लावण्य-सुवाक्-सौजन्यभूषिता ॥ क्षत्रियाणीप्रभापूर्णा शौर्योद्दीप्तमुखाकृतिम् । यां दृष्ट्वैव जनो मेने राजन्यकुलजा त्वियम् ॥ पुत्रः किसनसिंहाख्यो जातस्तयोरतिप्रियः । रणमल्ल इति चान्यद् यन्नाम जननीकृतम् ॥ श्रीदेवीहंसनामाऽत्र राजपूज्यो यतीश्वरः । ज्योतिभैषज्यविद्यानां पारगामी जनप्रियः॥ आगतो मरुदेशाद् यो भ्रमन् जनपदान् बहून् । जातः श्रीवृद्धिसिंहस्य प्रीति-श्रद्धास्पदं परम् ॥ तेनाथाप्रतिमप्रेम्णा स तत्सूनुः स्वसन्निधौ । रक्षितः शिक्षितः सम्यक्, कृतो जैनमतानुगः॥ दौर्भाग्यात् तच्छिशोर्बाल्ये गुरु-तातौ दिवंगतौ । विमूढः स्वगृहात् सोऽथ यदृच्छया विनिर्गतः ॥
तथा चभ्रान्त्वा नैकेषु देशेषु सेवित्वा च बहून् नरान् । दीक्षितो मुण्डितो भूत्वा जातो जैनमुनिस्ततः ॥ ज्ञातान्यनेकशास्त्राणि नानाधर्ममतानि च । मध्यस्थवृत्तिना तेन तत्त्वातत्वगवेषिणा ॥ अधीता विविधा भाषा भारतीया युरोपजाः । अनेका लिपयोप्येवं प्रत्र-नूतनकालिकाः ॥ येन प्रकाशिता नैके ग्रन्था विद्वत्प्रशंसिताः । लिखिता बहवो लेखा ऐतिह्यतथ्यगुम्फिताः ॥ स बहुभिः सुविद्वद्भिस्तन्मण्डलैश्च सत्कृतः । जिनविजयनाम्नाऽसौ ख्यातोऽभवद् मनीषिषु ॥ यस्य तां विश्रुति ज्ञात्वा श्रीमद्गान्धीमहात्मना । आहूतः सादरं पुण्यपत्तनात् स्वयमन्यदा ॥ पुरे चाहम्मदाबादे राष्ट्रीयः शिक्षणालयः । विद्यापीठ इति ख्यात्या प्रतिष्ठितो यदाऽभवत् ॥ भाचार्यत्वेन तत्रोच्चैनियुक्तः स महात्मना । रस मुंनि-निधीन्द्वब्दे पुरा त त्वा ख्य मन्दिरे ॥ वर्षाणामटकं यावत सम्भष्य तत पदं ततः। गत्वा जर्मनराध स तत्संस्कृतिमधीतवान ॥ तत आगत्य सल्लग्नौ राष्ट्रकार्ये च सक्रियम् । कारावासोऽपि सम्प्राप्तो येन स्वराज्यपर्वणि ॥ कमात् ततो विनिर्मुक्तः स्थितः शान्ति नि के त ने । विश्ववन्द्यकवीन्द्रश्रीरवीन्द्रनाथभूषिते ॥ सिंघीपदयुतं जैन ज्ञानपीठं तदाश्रितम् । स्थापितं तत्र सिंघीश्रीडालचन्दस्य सूनुना ॥ श्रीबहादुरसिंहेन दानवीरेण धीमता । स्मृत्यर्थं निजतातस्य जैनज्ञानप्रसारकम् ॥ प्रतिष्ठितश्च तस्यासौ पदेऽधिष्ठातृसज्ञके। अध्यापयन् वरान् शिष्यान् ग्रन्थयन् जैनवाङ्मयम् ॥ तस्यैव प्रेरणां प्राप्य श्रीसिंघीकुलकेतुना । स्वपितृश्रेयसे ह्येषा प्रारब्धा ग्रन्थमालिका ॥ अथैवं विगतं यस्य वर्षाणामष्टकं पुनः । ग्रन्थमालाविकासार्थिप्रवृत्तिषु प्रयस्यतः ॥ बाणे-रत्न-नेवेन्द्वब्दे मुंबाईनगरीस्थितः । मुंशीति बिरुदख्यातः कन्हैयालालधीसखः ॥ प्रवृत्तो भारतीयानां विद्यानां पीठनिर्मितौ । कर्मनिष्ठस्य तस्याभूत् प्रयत्नः सफलोऽचिरात् ॥ विदुषां श्रीमतां योगात् पीठो जातः प्रतिष्ठितः । भारतीय पदोपेत विद्या भ व न सज्ञया ॥ आहूतः सहकार्यार्थं स मुनिस्तेन सुहृदा । ततः प्रभृति तत्रापि सहयोगं प्रदत्तवान् ॥ तद्भवनेऽन्यदा तस्य सेवाऽधिका ह्यपेक्षिता । स्वीकृता नम्रभावेन साऽप्याचार्यपदाश्रिता ॥ नन्दे-निध्यक-चन्द्राब्दे वैक्रमे विहिता पुनः । एतद्ग्रन्थावलीस्थैर्यकृत् तेन नव्ययोजना ॥ परामर्शात् ततस्तस्य श्रीसिंघीकुलभास्वता । भा विद्या भ व ना येयं ग्रन्थमाला समर्पिता ॥ प्रदत्ता दशसाहस्री पुनस्तस्योपदेशतः । स्वपितृस्मृतिमन्दिरकरणाय सुकीर्तिना ॥ दैवादस्पे गते काले सिंघीवों दिवंगतः । यस्तस्य ज्ञानसेवायां साहाय्यमकरोत् महत् ॥ पितृकार्यप्रगत्यर्थ यत्नशीलैस्तदात्मजैः । राजेन्द्रसिंहमुख्यैश्च सत्कृतं तद्वचस्ततः ॥ पुण्यश्लोकपितुर्नाम्ना ग्रन्थागारकृते पुनः । बन्धुज्येष्ठो गुणश्रेष्ठो ह्यर्द्धलक्षं प्रदत्तवान् ॥ ग्रन्थमालाप्रसिद्ध्यर्थं पितृवत् तस्य कांक्षितम् । श्रीसिंघीबन्धुभिः सर्वं तगिराऽनुविधीयते ॥ विद्वजनकृताहादा सच्चिदानन्ददा सदा । चिरं नन्दत्वियं लोके जिन विजय भारती॥
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SINGHI JAIN SERIES Works in the Series already out.
अद्यावधि मुद्रितग्रन्थनामावलि ? १ मेरुतुङ्गाचार्यरचित प्रबन्धचिन्तामणि । १५ हरिभद्रसूरिविरचित धूर्ताख्यान. (प्राकृत) मूल संस्कृत ग्रन्थ.
. १६ दुर्गदेवकृत रिष्टसमुच्चय. , २ पुरातनप्रबन्धसंग्रह बहुविध ऐतिह्यतथ्यपरिपूर्ण १७ मेघविजयोपाध्यायकृत दिग्विजयमहाकाव्य. अनेक निबन्ध संचय.
१८ कवि अब्दुल रहमानकृत सन्देशरासक. ३ राजशेखरसूरिरचित प्रबन्धकोश.
१९ भर्तृहरिकृत शतकत्रयादि सुभाषितसंग्रह. ४ जिनप्रभसूरिकृत विविधतीर्थकल्प. ५ मेघविजयोपाध्यायकृत देवानन्दमहाकाव्य.
२० शान्त्याचार्यकृत न्यायावतारवार्तिक-वृत्ति.
| २१ कवि धाहिलरचित पउमसिरीचरिउ. (अप०) ६ यशोविजयोपाध्यायकृत जैनतर्कभाषा.
| २२ महेश्वरसूरिकृत नाणपंचमीकहा. (प्राकृ.) ७ हेमचन्द्राचार्यकृत प्रमाणमीमांसा. ८ भट्टाकलङ्कदेवकृत अकलङ्कग्रन्थत्रयी.
२३ भद्रबाहुसंहिता. ९ प्रबन्धचिन्तामणि - हिन्दी भाषान्तर,
२४ जिनेश्वरसूरिकृत कथाकोषप्रकरण. (प्रा.) १० प्रभाचन्द्रसूरिरचित प्रभावकचरित.
२५ उदयप्रभसूरिकृत धर्माभ्युदयमहाकाव्य. ११ सिद्धिचन्द्रोपाध्यायरचित भानुचन्द्रगणिचरित. २६ जयसिंहसूरिकृत धर्मोपदेशमाला. १२ यशोविजयोपाध्यायविरचित ज्ञानबिन्दुप्रकरण. २७ कोऊहलविरचित लीलावई कहा (प्रा.) १३ हरिषेणाचार्यकृत बृहत्कथाकोश.
२८ जिनदत्ताख्यानद्वय. १४ जैनपुस्तकप्रशस्तिसंग्रह, प्रथम भाग. २९ खयंभूविरचित पउमचरिउ ( अपभ्रंश)
Dr. G. H. Bühler's Life of Hemachandrāchārya. Translated from German by Dr. Manilal Patel, Ph. D.
Works in the Press.
संप्रति मुद्यमाणग्रन्थनामावलि १ खरतरगच्छबृहद्गुर्वावलि.
९ महामुनिगुणपालविरचित जंबूचरित्र (प्राकृत) २ कुमारपालचरित्रसंग्रह.
१० जयपाहुडनाम निमित्तशास्त्र. (प्राकृत) ३ विविधगच्छीयपट्टावलिसंग्रह.
११ गुणचन्द्रविरचित मंत्रीकर्मचन्द्रवंशप्रबन्ध, ४ जैनपुस्तक प्रशस्तिसंग्रह, भाग २.
१२ नयचन्द्रविरचित हम्मीरमहाकाव्य. ५ विज्ञप्तिसंग्रह-विज्ञप्ति महालेख-विज्ञप्ति त्रिवेणी
१३ महेन्द्रसूरिकृत नर्मदासुन्दरीकथा. (प्रा.) आदि अनेक विज्ञप्तिलेख समुच्चय.
१४ सिद्धिचन्द्रकृत काव्यप्रकाशखण्डन. ६ उद्द्योतनसूरिकृत कुवलयमालाकथा. ७ कीर्तिकौमुदी आदि वस्तुपालप्रशस्तिसंग्रह. १५ कौटिल्यकृत अर्थशास्त्र-सटीक. ८ दामोदरकृत उक्तिव्यक्ति प्रकरण. | १६ गुणप्रभाचार्यकृत विनयसूत्र.
Shri Bahadur Singh Singhi Memoirs
१ स्व. बाबू श्रीबहादुरसिंहजी सिंधी स्मृतिग्रन्थ [भारतीय विद्या, भाग ३] सन १९४४. 2 Late Babu Shri Bahadur S
Memorial volume. BHARATIYA VIDYA [Volume V1 A. D. 1945. 3 Literary Circle of Mahāmātya . Vastupāla and its Contribution
to Sanskrit Literature. By Dr. Bhogilal J. Sandesara,
M. A., Ph. D. 1-5 Studies in Indian Literary History, Two Volumes.
By Prof. P. K. Gode, M. A.
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By Acharya Jina Vijaya Muni
On 7th of JULY, 1944, Babu Shri Bahadur Singhji Singhi left his mortal coils at the comparatively early age of fiftynine. His loss has been widely felt. His aged mother received this rude shock so ill that she did not long outlive him. His worthy sons have lost an affectionate and noble father, the industrialists and businessmen of the country one of their 'pioneers, the large number of his employees a benevolent master, scholarship one of its best patrons and the poor people of his native district a most generous donor. To me his loss has been personal. My contact with him was a turning point in my life. Whatever I have been able, during the past fifteen years, to achieve in the field of scholarship is due directly to him. The financial assistance with which he backed up my activities was the least of his contributions. But for his love of scholarship with which he inspired me, this chapter of my life would have been entirely different. To his sacred memory I am penning these few lines.
Babu Shri Bahadur Singhji was born in Azimganj, Murshidabad, in Vikram Samvat 1941, in the ancient family of the Singhis, who were of old the treasurers of the Mughal emperors. The family had passed through many viciisstudes of fortune and in the 17th century it migrated from Rajaputana to Bengal, but thanks to the energy and enterprise of Singhiji's father, Babu Dalchandji Singhi, the family firm became a very flourishing concern.
At an early age Singhiji joined the family business and by pushing ahead with father's enterprises, succeeded in making the firm the foremost in the mining industry of Bengal and Central India. Besides he also acquired. vast zamindaries and had interests in many industrial and banking concerns This early preoccupation with business affairs prevented his having a college education. But Singhiji was studious and introspective by nature. Unlike many other wealthy men who spend their money and time in such fads as the races, the theatres, and the like, he devoted all his spare time to study and cultural development. He acquired an excellent command over several languages. Art and literature were the subjects of his choice. He was very fond of collecting rare and invaluable specimens of ancient sculpture, paintings, coins, copperplates and inscriptions. His manuscript collection contained a large number of rare works of historical and cultural importance, among which mention must be made of a unique manuscript of the Koran which was handed down from Baber to Aurangzeb and bears the autographs of all of them. It is recorded therein that it was considered by them all as more valuable than the empire.
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His numismatic collection, especially of Kushan and Gupta coins, is considered the third best in the world. He also had a good and large collection of works of art and historical importance. Singhiji was a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (London), a member of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, the Bangiya Sahitya Parishad, the Indian Research Institute and a FounderMember of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. He was also the President of the Jain Shwetambara Conference held in Bombay in 1926. Though he had made no special study of law he was well up in the legal matters. On one occasion when he found that his lawyers were not properly representing his case he himself pleaded out the case successfully, much to the surprise of the bench and the bar who took him for an accomplished advocate.
. Though a highly religious and leading figure in the Jain Community he had an outlook which was far from sectarian. More than three-fourths of the six lakhs and over of his donations were for non-Jain causes. More often than not he preferred to give his assistance anonymously and he did not keep a list of his donations even when they were made in his name. "To the Chittaranjan Seva Sadan, Calcutta, he gave Rs. 10,000/-, when Mahatmaji had been to his place for the collection of funds; to the Hindu Accademy. Daultapur, Rs. 15,000/-, to the Taraqi-Urdu Bangala 5000/-, the Hindi Sahitya Parishad 12,500/-, to the Vishuddhanand Sarasvati Marwari Hospital 10,000/-, several maternity homes 2,500/-, to the Benares Hindu University 2,500/-, to the Jiaganj High School 5000/-, to the Jiaganj London Mission Hospital 600/-, to the Jain Temples at Calcutta and Murshidabad 11,000/-, to the Jain Dharma Pracharak Sabha, Manbhum 5,000/-, to the Jain Bhavan, Calcutta, 15,000/-, to the Jain Pustak Prachar Mandal, Agra, 7,500/-, to the Agra Jain Temple 3,500/-, to the Ambala Jain High School, 2,100/-, for the Prakrit Kosh 2,500/-, and the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 10,000/-. At the Singhi Park Mela held at his Ballyganj residence in which Viscount Wavell, then Commander-in-Chief, and Lord John Herbert, Governor of Bengal and Lady Herbert participated, he donated Rs. 41,000/-, for the Red Cross Fund.
The people of the district of Murshidabad, his native place, will ever remain grateful to him for having distributed several thousand maunds of rice at the low price of Rs. 8- when rice was selling at Rs. 24- in those terrible years of 1942-44, himself thereby suffering a loss of over three lakhs. In May-June 1944 he again spent Rs. 59,000/- for the distribution of cloth, rice and coins for the people of that place.
My close association with Singhji began in 1931, when he invited me to occupy the Chair for Jain Studies which he was starting at the Vishvabharati. Due to unfavourable climatic conditions of Shantiniketan I could not continue to work there for more than four years, but during those years was founded the Singhi Jain Series. During the period of ten years of my principalship of Gujarat Puratattva Mandir, Ahmedabad, and even before that I had been collecting materials of historical and philological importance and folk-lore etc. which had been lying hidden in the great Jain Bhandars of Patan, Ahmedabad, Baroda etc. I persuaded Singhiji to start
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a series which would publish works dealing with the vast materials in my possession, and also other important Jain texts and studies prepared on the most modern scientific lines. On the works of the Series he spent through me more than Rs. 75,000/-. During this long period of over a dozen years he not even once asked me as to how and for what works the amount was spent. Whenever the account was submitted he did not ask for even the least information, but sanctioned it casting merely a formal glance on the accounts sheets. But he showed the most discriminating interest in the matter that was being published and on the material and manner in which they were being brought out. His only desire was to see the publication of as many works as possible during his lifetime. In May 1943 at my instance he gave over the Series to the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. In September 1943 I had been to Calcutta to negotiate the purchase, for the Bhavan, of a well-equipped library of a retired professor. Singhiji casually asked me what arrangements had been made for meeting the cost. I promptly replied that there was no cause for worry as long as donors like himself were there. He smiled; he had decided. Eventually he pursuaded me to go in for the Nahar Collection which was a still more valuable one. He did not live long enough to present this literary treasure to the Bhavan; but his eldest son and my beloved friend, Babu Shri Rajendra Singh has fulfilled his father's wish though he was totally ignorant of it and has got this uniqu collection for the Bhavan and spent Rs. 50,000/- for the purpose.
By the end of 1943 his health began to decline. In the first week of January, 1944, when I went to him at Calcutta in connection with the work of the Bharatiya Itihasa Samiti I found him extremely unwell. Notwithstanding his ill health he talked to me for more than a couple of hours on the day of my arrival there. The first thing he said in the course of this lengthy, though very sweet talk, was to give me a mild reproof for undertaking the long and tedious journeys to Calcutta, Benaras and Cawnpore in spite of my ill health, He discussed with absorbing interest the details of the Samiti's proposed History of India, a subject of great interest to him. Our talks then drifted to the subject of the History of Jainism in which connection also he expressed his opinion about the material to be utilised for such a work. At the termination of our talks, which this time lasted for over three hours, I found him much exhausted and drooping in spirits.
On the 7th January his health took a turn for the worse. On the 11th January I went to take leave of him, which he, full of emotion, gave with a heavy heart, exclaiming, "Who knows whether we shall meet again or not?" I requested him to take heart and remain buoyant. He would be soon restored to normal health. But while I was stepping out of his room, my eyes were full of tears and his last words began to eat into my heart. III luck prevented our second meeting. That lofty and generous soul finally left its mortal hebitat at mid-day on 7th July, 1944. May his soul rest in peace !
His sons, Babu Rajendra Singh, Babu Narendra Singh and Babu Virendra Singh are treading in the footsteps of their revered father. During
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the past year on the Singhi Series alone they have spent over Rs. 20,000/-. I have already mentioned how Babu Rajendra Singh purchased for the Bhavan the valuable Nahar collection. Babu Narendra Singh has also spent Rs. 30,000/- for a foundation of a Jain Bhavan at Calcutta. Babu Rajendra Singh and Babu Narendra Singh have also very generouly promised me to continue to meet all the expenses of the Singhi Jain Series and requested me to bring out as many works as possible, at whatever cost so that this unique series fonnded and cherished by their late lamented father may continue to bring to light the invaluable treasures of Jain literature and culture.
In recognition of his unique assistance the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan has decided to perpetuate Singhiji's memory by naming its Indological library after him. Further, one of its main halls will bear his name. The Bhavan's Jain Department will also be known as the Singh Jain Shikshapith.†
Jina Vijaya Muni
† Reprinted from Babu Shri Bahadur Singhji Singhi Memorial Volume of the Bharatiya Vidya, [Volume V] 1945.
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Page iii - vii viii - x xi-xiii xiv
1 - 129 1
1-3 3-6 7 - 15 7-9 9-15 15 - 41 15 16 16 - 20 20-27
General Editor's Foreword. Preface. Bibliography. Abbreviations. Introduction : 1. Introductory. 2. Critical Apparatus and Text-Constitution :
Critical Apparatus. .. .. .. "
Text-Constitution. .. 3. Date and Personal Account of Svayambhū :
Svayambhu's Date. ..
Personal Account of Svayambhūdeva. 4. Svayambhū's Literary Activity:
The Extant Works : The Paümacariu. The Ritthaņemicariu The Svayambhūcchandas:
Its authorship (20-21); its Prakrit Section (21); its Apabhramsa Section (21-22); analysis of the contents of SC. IV-VIII (22-23); citations in SC. (23-24); the lost portion of SC. (24-27);
The Chandaśśekhara and SC (27): The Lost Works :
The Suddhayacariya. The Siri-Pañcamikahā.
Other Works. Svayambhu's Achievements :
Svayambhū and Puşpadanta Svayambhū and Dhanapāla
Svayambhū and Hemacandra. 5. The Paümacariu and its Sources :
The Paümacariu
Sources of the Paümacariu. 6. Grammatical Peculiarities of PC. I-XX I. Orthography :
General remarks (52-53); short e (53-54); short 0 (54); the Anunāsika or nasalization (54-55); Ya-śruti and Va-śruti (55); initial n- and medial -nn- (55); b and bbh (55); nasalized -- (56); the
Vargānunāsika (56). II. Sporadic Phonetic changes :
.. Shortening of vowels (56); lengthening of vowels (56-57); stray vowel changes (57); contraction
28 - 29 28 28 28 - 29 29 - 41 31 - 36 36 - 37 37 - 41 41 - 52 41 - 46 47 - 52 52 - 74 52-56
56 - 59
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59 60 - 61
61 - 71
71 - 73 73 - 74 74 - 100 74 - 78 78 - 92
of vowels (57); preservation of intervocalic stops (57); -d- becoming -I- (57); -m- becoming nasalized -v- (57-58); -v- becoming -m- (58); elision of -V- (58); insertion of va-śruti (58); stray cases (58); simplification of the conjunct (58-59); special treatment of the conjunct (59); gemina
tion of consonants (59); sentence-sandhi (59). III. Gender. IV. Affixes.
V. Stem-formation. VI. Inflection :
Substantives (61-66); post-positions (66-67);
pronouns (68); verbal flexion (68-71). VII. Some Syntactical Remarks. .. VIII. Idiomatic Expressions and Usages. 7. Metres of Paümacariu I-XX. ..
The commencing piece at the head of the Kadavaka Metres employed in the Ghattā: .. .. ..
General observations (78); value of the end-syllable in the Ghattā (78-83); absence of Dvipadī Ghattā (83-85); Antarasamă Catuspadīs (85-89); Sarvasamā Catușpadis (89); Şaţpadis
(89-92). Metres employed in the main body of the Kadavaka :
The Standard metres.
The Variation metres. Conspectus of the metres of PC. I-XX. 8. Synopsis of the Contents of PC. I-XX Appendices : Appendix I. Introductory, Colophon and Prasasti
Stanzas from PC and RC. . Appendix II. Citations in SC. Identified from
Svayambhū's Epics. Appendix III. Parallel Passages of the Paümacariu
(I-XX), Ravişena's Padmacarita and
Vimalasūri's Paümacariya Additions and Corrections पउमचरिउ १-२०
(Text of the Vijjāharakanda, Variants, Gloss) Index Verborum :
Main Index Personal Names Place Names Botanical Names Vidyās Numerals
92 - 99 92 - 97 97-99 99-100 100 - 120
121 -127
1-32 33 - 38
9-88C 1 - 75 1 - 65 66 - 70 70 - 72 72 - 73 73 - 74 74 - 75
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Today I am placing in the hands of scholars the first part of Svayambhūdeva's great Apabhrarśa epic Paümacariu as the Thirtyfourth Volume of the Singhi Jain Series, and it is but natural for me to feel a sense of joy at seeing my long-cherished hope fulfilled at last in this form.
It is commonly known among earnest scholars of Apabhramsa that among the very few precious jewels preserved to us from the vast literary treasures of Apabhramśa language, the present epic of Svayambhū occupies the foremost place. My attention was drawn to the existence of this poem for the first time in 1919-1920 A.D. when, during my stay at Poona, I got the most pleasant opportunity of examining the rich Bombay Government collection of ancient MSS. which was formerly kept at the Deccan College and was shifted afterwards to the famous Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute. At that time late Dr. P. D. Gune, who was among the chief founder-members of the Institute and who eventually became one of my most affectionate friends, was working as a very enthusiastic secretary of the B.O.R.I. He was also a keen student of Indian philology and hence one of the results of our contact was that his interest in the study and investigation of Apabhranía became greatly sharpened. Once he read with me a few Sandhis from the beginning and end of the Paümacariu and also took down some notes with a view to prepare a short article on the subject, for the Annals of the B.O.R.I. During those days at Poona my learned Digambar Jain friend Pandit Nathuram Premi also used to visit me now and then and give me the pleasure of his company for several days, during which I received his enthusiastic co-operation in the research and publication of Jain literature. I drew his attention also to the important Apabhramsa work of Svayambhū and he wrote a few informative lines on the Paümacariu too in his article 'Mahākavi Puşpadanta aur un-kā Mahāpurāna which was published in the Jain Sahitya Samsodhak (July, 1923), then freshly started by me from Poona as a quarterly for bringing to light researches on Jain literature.
In my Gujarati Foreword to the Paumasiricariu of Dhāhila Kavi, jointly edited by Professors M. C. Modi and H. C. Bhayani and published as the Twenty-fourth Volume of the present series, I have already outlined in short the course of progress achieved so far in the field of Apabhramsa studies, and it need not be repeated here. During the course of last forty years hundreds of Apabhramsa works, big and small, have been traced and many of them either have been or are being edited and made known to the public by various scholars, Indian as well as foreign.
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Among them the compositions of three Jain poets enjoy prominence because of their great extent and their epic form. These three poets are Svayambhū, Puşpadanta and Haribhadra. Of these, Svayambhū belonged most probably to the Yāpaniya Jain sect (a sect which though existing at present only in name, once enjoyed a status parallel to the Svetāmbara and Digambara sects) and Puşpadanta was a Digambara, and their literary activity flourished in the Mahārāştra-Karņāțaka region. Haribhadra, on the other hand, was a Svetāmbara Jain and his literary activity was carried on in the Rājasthāna-Gujarāta region. Chronologically Syavambhū comes first, Puşpadanta next and after him appears Haribhadra. Svayambhū's date is not fixed with definiteness, but as shown in the Introduction by Dr. Bhayani we can reasonably place him between the beginning of the eighth and end of the nineth century. Puşpadanta's date is fixed as his Mahāpurāņa was composed between 959 and 965 A.D. Similarly Haribhadra's date is supplied to us by his own work which was completed in 1159 A.D. Talking of the compositions of these great poets of Apabhramsa letters, Svayambhū's two extensive works are the Paümacariu and the Ritthanemicariu, Puşpadanta's big work is Tisațțhimahāpurisaguņālamkāra or Mahāpurāna, while Ņemiņāhacariu is the corresponding epic of Haribhadra. Of these Mahāpurāna has been already properly edited by Dr. P. L. Vaidya and published in three parts in the Manikyacandra Digambar Jain Granthamālā. A portion of that poem dealing with the narrative of Harivamsa has been also separately published by that eminent German scholar Dr. L. Alsdorf and published by the Hamburg University.
As suggested at the outset, the idea of publishing the works of Svayambhū as also the Ņemiņāhacariu of Haribhadra was with me since quite long. When I was working as the Director of Gujarāt Purātattva Mandir (Gujarat Oriental Research Institute) which functioned as the Postgraduate and Research Department of Gujarāt Rāştriya Vidyāpīth (Gujarat National University) founded in Ahmedabad with the great efforts of Mahatma Gandhi, I had prepared a scheme for that Institute for publishing ancient Indian literature and in the Series that was consequently started under the name 'Purātattva Granthāvali' I had intended to include, along with many Sanskrit, Pāli, Prakrit, Apabhramsa and Old Gujarati works, the Harivamsapurāņa of Puşpadanta and the present work of Svayambhü. With that end in view I had also got them copied from the MSS. But due to lack of favourable circumstances the idea could not be carried out. Afterwards in A.D. 1930, when I undertook to work as the general editor of the Singhi Jain Series, my old temptation of bringing to light those two works revived with fresh force. In the meanwhile, through the admirable efforts of my learned friend
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Pandit Nathuram Premi, the Mahāpurāņa of Puşpadanta was, as said above, edited by Dr. P. L. Vaidya and published in the Māņikyacandra Digambar Jain Granthmālā. The remaining work, the Paümacariu of Svayambhū has been taken up for editing by my learned pupil Dr. Bhayani and its first part comprising the first Kānda (the Vidyādhara-kāņda) is happily published herewith.
When Prof. Bhayani requested me to allow him to work under my guidance for the Ph.D. degree of the University of Bombay, I advised him to take up some Apabhramśa text for that purpose and accepting that advise whole-heartedly, he started in all earnestness to study Apabhraíśa literature.
Already Prof. (now Dr.) Bhayani had acquired sound knowledge of Sanskrit. He held an M.A. degree of the Bombay University with the first class in that subject. But I found him more attracted towards linguistic studies and therefore I asked him to familiarize himself with Prakrit and especially with Apabhramsa literature. Later on at my suggestion he undertook to study several aspects of that unique Apabhramśa poem, Sandeśarāsaka of Abdala Rahamāna, then being edited by me. This study along with my edition of that poem has been published as the Twenty-second Volume of the Singhi Jain Series. After that in collaboration with Prof. M. C. Modi he edited the Paumasiricariu of Dhāhila Kavi which has appeared as the Twenty-fourth Volume of the same series.
Finding him now well-equipped I induced him to take up for his Ph.D. thesis the work of editing Svayambhū's Paümacariu, which, as stated above, occupied first place among all the works of Apabhramsa literature available to us and hence to bring it out was my persistently cherished desire. In view of the great extent of the work it was decided that in the first instance he should prepare a critical edition of the first Kānda only of that work and should confine his textual and general studies to that portion. It hardly needs to be told that the present volume is the result of these studies of Prof. Bhayani. In view of its merits, the University of Bombay has accepted this thesis and its editor has been awarded a doctorate. This success of my beloved pupil was naturally a matter of great pleasure to me and I also take this opportunity to offer him my cordial congratulations for that.
Though, in this way, Dr. Bhayani had completed his task so far as his immediate purpose of preparing a doctorate dissertation was concerned, in view of his intense interest in Apabhramsa studies, I urged him to edit whole of the Paümacariu. He accepted the task gladly and continued his work on that text. And in this connection I am very glad to note here that the printing of the second and third Kānda of the Paümacariu is nearing completion
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and, along with the first part, I hope to place them in the form of the second part of that work in the hands of the learned readers of the Singhi Jain Series.
The present work of Svayambhū has already attracted attention of several scholars and critics in Hindi and Gujarati. For instance in his Apabhramsa selections called 'Apabhramsa-pāțhāvali' the Gujaratī scholar Prof. M. C. Modi has included a few Sandhis from both the epics of Svayambhū. Similarly the famous Buddhist scholar and Hindi author Pandit Rahula Samkrityayana has given a prominent place to the Paümacariu of Svayambhū and has included several Sandhis from it in the first volume of his anthology of Hindi poetry called Hindi Kavya Dhārā. In 1943 during his halt at Bombay prior to his departure to Russia, Pandit Samkrityayana stayed with me at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan for about a couple of months and at that time he had an occasion to examine the good collection of Apabhramsa literature that was with me. He was quite impressed with it and took down numerous excerpts, notes, etc., which material he utilized in preparing the first volume of Hindi Kavya Dhārā (Hindi Poetic Anthology) intended to serve as a sort of convenient Apabhramsa reader for the Hindi students. In his introductory remarks to that work my learned friend Rahula Samkrityayana has made certain observations which are worthy of note for all students of this subject. He says: " ET Trafaret कविताके पाँचों युगोंके जितने कवियोंको हमने यहाँ संग्रहीत किया है, उनमें यह निस्संकोच कहा जा सकता है, कि स्वयंभू सब से बडा कवि है। वस्तुतः वह भारतके एक दर्जन अमर कवियोंमेंसे एक था। आश्चर्य और क्रोध दोनों होता है कि लोगोंने कैसे ऐसे महान कवि को भुला देना चाहा। (It can be said without hesitation that not only among the poets of this-i.e. the first-period, but among those of all the five periods of Hindi poetry represented in the present anthology, Svayambhū was the greatest. In fact he was one of the dozen immortal poets of India. It is a matter of wonder and indignation that people could forget such a great poet.)
As Mahästhavira Pandit Rahula Samkrityayana has prepared his selections with a view to unfold rise and development of Hindi, we can quite understand why he regards Svayambhū as the leading pioneer among Hindi poets. Really speaking Svayambhū was the chief literary ancestor of Apabhramśa poets. Apabhramśa being the source of early as well as modern forms of New Indo-Aryan languages like Marathi, Hindi, Gujarati, Rajasthani, Bengali, Oriya, Assamese, Panjabi, etc., Svayambhu's poetry can be looked upon with equal propriety as the forerunner of Hindi poetry as that of the poetry of other vernaculars like Gujarati, Marathi, Rajasthani, Bengali, etc. Accordingly Svayambhu's work would prove very much useful to all students of New Indo-Aryan languages also.
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I also earnestly hope to bring out, circumstances favouring, in near future, the remaining two Kāndas also they are under preparation) as the third part of the Paümacariu, so that a highly valuable and pioneer source for the study of Apabhrarśa language and literature becomes available in full to scholars, to shed fresh light on the problems under their investigation.
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 15th July, 1953
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When, in about 1942, I was encouraged by Muni Sri Jinavijayaji to take up study of some Apabhramsa work for my doctorate dissertation, I had little imagined he would suggest to me to select with that purpose such an important work as Svayambhu's Paümacariu, which was known to be the earliest Purāņic epic in Apabhraṁsa, available till then only in the MS. form. Considering myself fortunate for getting, through Muniji's kindness, such a singular opportunity, I started, under his instruction and guidance, collecting materials with a view to prepare a critical edition of the Vidyadharakānda (and eventually, of the whole text) of the Paümacariu. It is now--after a lapse of eleven years that I have been able to complete and put before the public the critical edition of the first Kanda of that work. Having had to shoulder various other duties, it was not possible for me to devote to that task sufficient time and attention at a stretch. I could work on it only at intervals. This would explain the long time taken to complete it.
I had two Mss. of the Paümacariu to begin with. At that time the information regarding a third Ms. of the work was quite indefinite and the chances of acquiring it, very remote. Hence I had prepared the text of the whole of the Vidyadhara-kānda running over some 2700 distichs by collating the two Mss. then at my disposal. But later on I came to know of the whereabouts of the third Ms. and when I could get and examine it, I found it superior to both the other Mss. that were with me. As a consequence I had to reconstitute the whole of the text of the Vidyadhara-kānda. This fact also was responsible for considerable delay.
Although with the publication of this edition I have completed my work on the Vidyādhara-kāņda for the present, I feel dissatisfied with it in more than one ways. Especially in the critical studies connected with the Vidyadhara-kānda I have not been able to touch some interesting aspects, like the form of the Apabhrarśa epic, Svayambhū's style, his poetry, etc., and even the aspects that are studied still leave scope for further investigation. The only genuine satisfaction I can derive from the present effort is in hoping that this might induce some research workers interested in bringing to light Apabhramśa literature, to devote more attention to the external aspects of the texts like language, metre, form, style, etc., which are found neglected in general. Of course all the while I was engaged in the present study, the highly prized pleasure of being mentally in the intimate company of a poet of lasting glory like Svayambhū was mine own, and needs no express mention.
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There have been already several valuable efforts to present systematically the facts of Apabhramsa grammar taking some particular text as the basis. One such attempt has been made from a comparative view-point also. Hence for the Apabhramba of the text edited here I have thought it enough to point out only those grammatical facts which in some way or other appeared striking or which were found to specially corroborate facts known from other sources. Similarly in preparing the Index Verborum the aim has been rather to give a glossary of select words than to register all the words exhaustively. Still all the verbal forms have been included along with their analysis, and care has been taken not to leave out any word of note.
Svayambhū would naturally invite comparison with his successor Puşpadanta, the only Apabhramśa epic poet whose works are published so far. And to anyone making a casual comparison it will be obvious that Svayambhū's style as compared with that of Puspadanta is simpler, direct, less elaborate and ornate and less weighed down with the burden of learning. His language is also comparatively simpler. Of course a correct appraisal of Svayambhū's poetic genius could not be made till all his works are published. In this connection I may state that so far as the Paümacariu is concerned further thirty-six Sandhis have been already printed and it is intended to publish the rest of the text as early as possible.
As the present edition was prepared by way of a thesis for the Ph.D. degree of the University of Bombay and as a particular time limit was fixed for its submission, the Introduction had to be rushed through the press within the short period of one month. Without much difficulty one can spot a few signs of hurry in the printing etc., of this work. For these I crave the indulgence of the scholars.
In the end there remains for me the pleasant duty of acknowledging my obligations to various persons and institutions who have been in some way or other helpful to me in the task that was undertaken by me. In the first place I have to express my deep sense of obligation to my Guru Acharya Jinavijaya Muni. I owe to him so much right from the selection of the subject and acquiring and deciphering of Mss. down to the taking up of the work for publishing in the Singhi Jain Series that it would be very difficult to mention everything in detail. This last fact of becoming once again associated with the Singhi Jain Series, which has been accepted by the world of scholars as a highly illustrious achievement of its all-dedicating general editor, I regard as a valuable privilege. Without Muniji's help and guidance and especially without his personal and affectionate interest in my studies, I could not have undertaken or brought out the present work.
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I also express my sincere gratitudes to the generous patrons of the Singhi Jain Series. Though Babu Bahadur Singhji Singhi, the noble founder of the Singhi Jain Series is no more with us, his pious wishes for furthering the cause of our ancient heritage of literature has been quite willingly carried out by his two worthy sons, Babu Rajendra Singh Singhi and Babu Narendra Singh Singhi, and lovers of learning cannot but appreciate this contribution of theirs towards bringing to light priceless riches of our literary past.
My thanks are also due to Prof. Dr. Hiralal Jain, to Pandit Nathucam Premi, the General Secretary of the Manikyacandra Digambar Jain Granthamālā, to Prof. P. K. Gode, Curator, Bhandarkar, Oriental Institute, Poona, to Pandit Ambalal P. Shah, to Pandit Chainsukhdasji Nyāyatirtha, Adhyakşa, Sri Digambar Jain Sanskrit College, Jaipur, and to the Secretary, Sri Digamar Atiśay Kşetr Sri Mahāvirji Prabandhkāriņi Committee, Jaipur, for getting the information and loan of the various Mss. of the Paümacriu; to the Manager, Nirnayasagar Press and to late Shri Dhirubhai Dalal, Secretary, Akhil Bharat Printers Ltd., for their co-operation while the work was under print. Without the special attention given by the latter, whose unexpected early demise will be greatly regretted, the Introduction could not have been printed so promptly.
I also avail this opportunity to thank the University of Bombay for having awarded to me a research scholarship for three years during the initial stage of my occupation with the present study.
I would be failing in my duty if I do not give here expression to my feeling of obligation to the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan which has provided me all the facilities for carrying on this research work in Apabhramśa language and literature.
Bombay. 1st July, 1953
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Alsdorf, L.,
Altekar, A.S., Bannerji, M.,
Bhattacharya, R.,
Bhayani, H. C.,
Dalal, C. D.,
Gai, G. S.,
Ghosh, C. M., Godbole, Parab, Hemachandra,
Der Kumārapālapratibodha, Hamburg, 1928. Harivaņģapurāņa, Hamburg, 1936. Apabhramsa-Studien, Leipzig, 1937. The Râştrakūtas and their times, Poona, 1934. The Dešināmamālā of Hemacandra, Calcutta,
1931. Chandomañjari, Calcutta Sanskrit Series, 14,
Calcutta, 1935. "Svavambhi and the Prakrit Metres'. B. V..
n.s., 8, 9-10, 1946, 137-138. Paumasiricariu, SJS. 24, Bombay, 1948. Bhavisayattakahả by Dhanapāla, GOS. XX,
Baroda, 1923. Historical Grammar of Old Kannada, Poona,
1946. Prāksta-Paingalam, Bibliotheca Indica, 1902. Abhijñānaśākuntala, Bombay, 1884. Chandonuśāsana, Bombay, 1912. Trișașțiśalākāpuruşacarita, Bhavnagar, 1906
1913. (Gujarati Translation of Parva 7, Jain Dharma
Prasārak Sabhā, 1933). A Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prakrit MSS. in
C. P. and Berar, Nagpur, 1926. Paumaçariya of Vimalasūri, Bhavnagar, 1914. Bhavisattakaha von Dhaņavāla, Müchen, 1918. Sanatkumāracaritam, München, 1921. Sāvayadhammadohā (in Hindi), Karanja, 1932. Pahudadohā (in Hindi), Karanja, 1933. Ņāyakumāracariu of Puşpadanta, Karanja,
1933. Karakanducariu of Kanakāmara. 'Svayambhu and his two Poems in Apa
bhraíśa', Nagpur University Journal I,
December 1935, 79-84. 'Apabhramśa Bhāṣā aur Sahitya', (in Hindi),
Nägari Praçāriņi Patrikā, (N.S.) 50, 1-2, Vaisakh-Śrāvan, V. S. 2002, (= 1946 A.D.) 1-8, 50, 3-4, Kārtik-Māgh, V. S. 2002 (= 1946 A.D.) 100-121,
Hiralal, R. B.,
Jacobi, H.,
Jain, H.,
Page #27
Jinavijaya Muní & Sandeśarāsaka of Abdala Rahamāna, SJS. 22,
Bhayani, H. C., Bombay, 1945. Kar, K.,
Review of Vañmayaviveka of Cintamani Miśra,
AIOC XII, Report, 2, 299. Kaslival, K., Praśasti-Samgrah (Amer Šāstra Bhandār,
Jaipur ke...... Granthõki.... Praśastiyo
kā.... Samgrah) (in Hindi), Jaipur, 1950. Kedarnath and Chandas-śāstra of Şri Pingalanāga, Kavya
Dhupkar, A. Y., mālā, 91, third edition, Bombay, 1938. Kittel, F.,
A Kannada English Dictionary, Mangalore,
1894. Modi, M. C., Apabhramśa-pāthāvali (in Gujarati), Ahmeda
bad, 1935. 'Apabhramsa Kavio: Caturmukha Svayambhū
ane Tribhuvana Svayambhū' (in Gujarati), BV. (Hindi-Gujarati), 1, 2, March 1940, 157
178; 1, 3, August 1940, 253-294. Monier-Williams, M., Sanskrit-English Dictionary, Oxford, 1899. Narasimhachar, R., Epigraphia Carnatica, II, Bangalore, 1923. Parab, K. P., Vrttaratnākara, śrutabodha and Chando
Mañjarī, Nirnayasagar Press, Bombay, 1902. Pillai, Svamikannu, An Indian Ephemeris. Pischel, R.,
Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen, Stassburg,
1900. Premi, N.,
Jain Sāhitya aur Itihās (in Hindi), Bombay,
1942. Ravişeņa,
Padmacarita, MDJG. 29-31, Bombay, 1928
1929. (ed. Pandit Darbarilal). Sankrityayan, R., Hindi Kavyadhārā (in Hindi), Allahabad, 1945. Shahidullah, M., Les Chants Mystiques de Kānha et de Saraha,
Paris, 1928 Sheth,
Hargovinddas, Päiasaddamahaņņavo, Calcutta, 1928. Tagare, G. V., Historical Grammar of Apabhramśa, Poona,
1948. Upadhye, A. N., 'Yāpanīya Sangha-A Jain Sect', JUB, 1, 6,
May 1933, 224-231. 'Harişeņa's Dharmaparîkşā in Apabhraṁsa',
Report of the Eleventh All India Oriental
Conference, Ardhamāgadhi Section, 1941. Vaidya, P. L., Hemachandra's Prakrit Grammar ( = VIII
of the Siddhahema), Poona, 1928.
Page #28
Vaidya, P. L.,
Velankar, H. D.,
Jasaharacariu of Puşpadanta, Karanja, 1931. Mahāpurāņa of Puşpadanta, MDJG. 37, 41, 42,
Bombay, 1937-1941. *Vịttajātisamuccaya of Virahānka', JBBRAS,
N. S., 5, 1931. "Gāthālakṣana of Nanditādhya, 1-2, 1929,
ABORI, 14, 1-2, 1931, 1933, 1-38. 'Chandahkośa of Ratnasekharasūri' (=Appen
dix I to 'Apabhraría Metres'), JUB. 2, 3, November 1933, 54-61. Kavidarpana', ABORI, 15. 1-2, 1934-1935,
44-89; 17, 1, 1935-1936, 37-60. 'Svayambhūcchandas by Svayambhū', Chh. I
III in JBBRAS, N. S., 11, 1-2, 1935, 18-58; Chh. IV-VIII (=Appendix to 'Apabhramśa Metres II') in JUB, 5, 3, Nov. 1936, 69-93. 'Chandonuśāsana of Hemacandra', JBBRAS, n.
S., 19, 1943, 27-74. Jinaratnakośa, Vol. I, Poona, 1944. 'Chandaśśekhara of Rājasekhara Kavi',
JBBRAS, n.s., 22, 1946, 1-14. JBBRAS, n.s., 22, 1946, 1-14.
n.s., 22, 1946, 15-32. Jayadāman, Bombay, 1949. A History of Indian Literature, Vol. II,
Calcutta, 1933.
Winternitz, M.,
Page #29
[The abbreviations of grammatical terms etc., are given in the
beginning of the Index Verborum]
Bhavisattakaha of Dhanapāla.
Chandonuśāsana of Hemacandra. L. Alsdorf's edition of the Harivarśapurāna.
HP -
Jasaharacariu of Puşpadanta.
Mahāpurāna of Puşpadanta.
Nāyakumaracariu of Pușpadanta.
Paümacariyu of Svayambhū.
Chandassekhara of Rājasekhara Kavi.
Ritthanemicariu of Svayambhū.
Padmacarita of Ravişeņa.
Svayambhūcchandas of Svayambhū.
Paumacariya of Vimalasūri.
For want of requisite types, nasalized e and o have been represented by em and om and short e and short o have been indicated by contrasting Roman and italic characters.
Page #30
Page #31
Page #32
सिंघी जैन ग्रन्थमाला ] A: Amer. MS. (see Intro. pp. 2–3)
PANA है तक सक
वो निणयनुषा यो म चरिय से से पुलिस मेगातियापराये लुधवलस्य को गुणे वलिउजप 'तरवाल एवासक घला रास मुंब्रेटी वायर रकमे ग्रागमप्रगोयमाणवियड पजाति ऊयण राय नुधवेली जिगति वेव देई कह तरंग चमुदयपणे वाणिक माणतिय सयनुरयापदनितरियं महल रिय॥ स विमुयाय जरस्यच व दिग्ररक राइति स्कतिकश्रायस्ममु पुसुयव सुइग सेल अतिप्रणमयं तु जग होइन पदो सिरियनुदेवस्स । कां कलंकवित्ते तोप बाँकी समुह र ॥ जगाउछेद डॉम लिस्सा तिङयाप संयं तुल ताण 3 | तो पडूडिया क ई मि रिपेचनिको समाज ॥ मनो विजो। गिएहु इणियताय विदत्तदब सत्ता । तियापमयं पुपुग हि टांक इत्तत्रागातिय सामर्य तुमेव मोनू सर्य लुकच मय रह रे।।को तर इंगडमेत मेलिस्स सीमाएं चारुपोमचरियं सुवे परश्यं स मन्त्री तिरुयण सूर्य तुगात स्ममा नियपरिक्षन मिग वे तिम्यरितंकर दारिन मित्य मायनाद्या पेया या रामो युग मित्युक्तं ते न वेष्टितेरामस्थबोधप् निशृणोतिजनन स्पा युद्धर्द्धि माया पुण्यवाश्रलङ्ग दस्ता विपुर विणकरोति र सुप समेति ॥मो विरमुधसिविकवायत पयव, यपोमचरियाव से सो संपुष्प बंद लडस पुगोई दमयनसूय ऐतविरइयां वेदश्पमत पयस्ववदा पनिया सयं सुरश्यामहण ये। वेदश्यणागसि "विद्यालय हुइल द्वय समूहस्सा बारो गतस सिद्धी सेति सुह हो सबस्स ||सन्न महासंगंगा तिरयण
रामकायाणमयेनुज तियापरि उवेदश्य माल पडता रात दाट का६० विहलोलराज्य
[ पउमचरिउ
Last folio (No. 357), recto and verso: see Intro. pp. 124 and 3.
Page #33
Page #34
Page #35
सिंघी जैन ग्रन्थमाला]
P: Poona MS. ( see Intro. p. 2)
उसकीले स्थHINEPJaमाधीनमायाणितहाविकोमलकोमलमपरसरबदलकतिसोहिल्लाउसटाणायकमाल
बादसिरसादादरममासनालंसदलंबछयायविधा दमघरमीयरसमय
जयठाजियगलसूणवायरुपरमेडिनवपिछवियरामकदापारिमुडा FINIमाणिषुधाइनडोदा संसारसमलारादोiumujप्रडियजिसरहामुजाकद
साहरायणपिएसंतवसामिय होतलाकसिदरपुरगामियदmarnाद दशदिकम्मरमहरिउणि दोपविधिसमतिकरावयवमदा
I nपउमाजिगतो सोसियसवलकारकरिंगणापपिाणसुरवरसारा दानवदामुपाससडाराहायला मिणचंदयाक्षरावयागमणकप्परतापराव * शिलघुश्ययातमुपदारलवालियादि वलिदेगिसीधलगवाकलापमा
aumaणियमादिवाळतमदतन्त्रविदो पतिवाजामुन्दिा विमान नडामादपणवेधिष्ठविभलमहाभिविन्द दरिमिप्रारमशनदिसिहनिमni दो सालदोधARरादागिणवेनिगुमावत: अबहीनिमितिकशासारदीयणविमान
Opening page ( Folio No. 1 verso): see Text, pp. १-३.
Page #36
सिंघी जैन ग्रन्थमाला ] P : Poona MS. ( see Intro. p. 2 )
[ पउमचरिउ
Concluding page (Folio No. 226 recto ) : see pp. 124 and 2.
फरायो।उमरिया करायचाविज मैसे सिताधिकार से medigmanरिय से सेलियन सोनिजतराने एव सर्यक गोमाशविडोवालकिचन पर्यव कार्तिक पंचतिरियमरविरखरामिलं शिकायन्स सुसूत आइ.एड एण्दरमा सिरिस देव स्याक मंत्रमुहाउद डापटूडियाकसिमको समारे मोबि बटालियनायसिनता तय अतिजरा। सतु ईमो समय रहको सीमानाम विज्ञातिसर्यातं समाधिरि नमनिष्टितमगरकर पचारित्रमितीय
तेनचेष्टि रामसराबावयति
तिज्ञनंतीयतोपु रुखद वैदिक
जानर सुसिरियन यक दातासामयोदश्यामसिरियाल पहल बटर लग श्रीसंविसस्यमतमदासगी विद्यणस्सा सुनामक हक पातित्रण सनु अधिरापि समा॥ ॥ संवत १५ (जिष्टमासेसुदि १० संबलाकार गणेनारवतीगचे। श्रीनं दिसंघात हार कभी ऊंद ऊंदा वार्याची साले वाप देवश्री चंद्रदेव तत्य हुआ। जिनचंद्रदेव ॥श्रझनं दिविष्य श्री मदन की शदिवा) तपश्रीनेत्रदा डलवाये। जुहायगोचे मंगदीका मातमी धन श्रीवत्रावात हाताश्रमाची सधीतय: वोह घनरासिवनी जिन्यान्यवयकीय शिक्ष्यापितं ॥ ज्ञानवाज्ञानदा नानिनीद्यालय दोन
Page #37
Page #38
Page #39
सिंघी जैन ग्रन्थमाला ]
S: Sågäner MS. (see Intro. p. 2)
[ पउमचरिउ
राणमधीतगायन मदनवकमलको मलमादग्वग्वहलकीत सोडिला सहरमा पाय कमलेससुरासुरदिवे दिसलपायोधक निमकर लोनमा हातपात तृषिता: जितेंदरुसदाददी मला महततीहसूलधर ससारक रवि दारी जिनं दमसदा वेदे ॥ यं विमलमत्तिचंद रेषां । विगत सितम्बहलाव कपालामाल सलान लिया जिनंडरुम दावंदे ॥ ३॥ गुणगणार सिर माला दशजोडूतविदितागतका ला विवरेतो जिनं इरु सदानंद || सप्तमा मनव सपरिकरोजिनेंद्रकइंसदाब कुटकृत शोताका रलयविनाश। जिनां
डामदमरुक वांद्यननदरतकरसदा। नवरत सत्यवाचा विका इरुइंसदावेदाघ ईशानायन रचिताजन रुद्राष्टकं ललितमे पंचायत तिलावश्व स्त्रस्यनवेजगति संसिधिगावनमुदमुहम्म मह। दंती महमणहरो को विपिविमनुको। किंकी रश्क दा सेसा।।शान मुहण्यस्म सह।। मलुएव स महराजी हा सहा समगों गड विकोण पार्वति ॥ शीजल की लाग सर्वभूतनमुपवदगामाटक हामसवधवा
कियावत । शतावज्जिदार
Opening page ( Folio No. 1 verso): see Text, p. : footnote.
Page #40
सिंघी जैन ग्रन्थमाला]
S: Saginer )[S. (see Intro. p. 2)
ममिति मुझममधम्मासिसनमहामुमोगानिस्मसासुरामकलकणनित्ययामा
रापाबंदश्यमानण रामायणपुरागांसमासाचनमालमिया मदनम:मिहन्यायाविधिपरमसामाजिणेमहाकलिमत्ववादिगुणला। नामम्कयकारणागश्यालयसमुहलतारिमाणुवंदिविनणवठयहमाणावरले maa यदरियजमवहाणामुरणासवादरसेविमा लामबमादकसायरणियमाणातवयाका कोमल मुथनणमयमाणालयसनाधिनवाणीरुदा किसाणाजमुसमवसरणजायणपमा। मासोश्यारहाणहरमधिमाणावसुमयावमुक
वसुयणदताधासासिमककण शमायनाति जीवाणविणणवमिनारक्षिषयार माधवरळंदविजोदयाजालनकिविणा,
शास्त्र यामिडमयाशस्यमिकचुतश्नाटाफा सानिमाविमचमकादिवाना बनाया। मोजानार निविसरामाणिणासशकवणतासिविविह्माकश्यणनेत्रायशिफखानेपान्या
प्रमोद पियासदिकनकदाणुकसंघपुरकरगणदिमायुरसंघलनकोवाणदिनवियण कामअवत्रादिणेदएशिमलप्रमगामयंदाहिमायणनग्राहिणहिासविभिनविसर सायसिनमालिनकिनिंगणायरुपयामिचिदिविषयमायासितसपाहिविजा 345
Last pige (folio No. 358 verso): see Intro. pp. 124 (st, 55, 56 ) and 2.
Page #41
Page #42
1. INTRODUCTORY The Jainas and especially the Digambaras deserve great credit for continuing the Sanskrit and Prakrit Epic, Puranic and Mahākāvya traditions in their highly precious contributions to Apabhraṁsa literature. Along with Caturmukha, Puşpadanta and several others, Svayambhū's name stands in the front rank of Apabhraíša poets and scholars. His poetical works, and especially his two voluminous epics dealing with the narrative of Rāma and of the Pandavas and Krsna had earned him the cherished titles of Mahākavi and Kavirāja. His manual of Pk. and Ap. metres is invaluable for us for the light it throws on the pre-ninth century literary activity in Pk. and Ap. Held in high respect by Puşpadanta and many others, his position cannot be overestimated.
These facts would serve as sufficient inducement for any one interested in bringing to light MIA. materials and sources for the study of Indian literature and culture, to undertake publishing the works of Svayambhū. Of his two Ap. epics the Paümacariu (Pc.), Sk. Padmacaritam, containing the Rāma-story in accordance with the Jain tradition is proposed to be published in the first instance.
The Paümacariu has ninety Sandhis and is divided into five Kāndas or Books. For the purpose of the present thesis I have critically edited and studied the first of the five Kāndas, called the Vijjāhara-Kanda, Sk. Vidyadhara Kānda, which comprises the first twenty Sandhis of PC. The general studies contained in Introduction and Index in the present work are confined to the Vidyadhara-Kānda alone.
Critical Apparatus. The Jinaratnakośa' records only one Ms. of Svayambhū's Paümacariu. It gives the following information under the entry Rāmāyanapurana:
by Caturmukha Svayambhudeva. It is written in the Apabhramśa language. It was begun by Caturmukha Svayambhū and was completed by his son, Tribhuvana Svayambhū. It contains 90 Sandhis.... (Bhandarkar)
V Report No. 1120. Since the Jinaratnakośa is compiled from the published Mss. catalogues only and since the Mss. collections of many Jain Bhandārs have not been catalogued, the possibility of tracing other Ms. or Mss. of PC. was quite obvious. And through the efforts of my guide Ācārya Jina Vijaya Muni and others I succeeded in securing another and later on a third manuscript of PC. The source
(1) Velankar, 1944. (2) This is an error. Due to an incorrect interpretation of certain references
from PC., scholars were led to confuse Caturmukha and Svayambhū, who are quite different poets. See Premi, 1942, 370-373.
Page #43
and description of these three Mss. utilized in constituting the text of the Vidyādharakānda are as follows:
1. Ms. P. From the Government Mss. collection deposited
at the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona. This Ms. is No. 1120 from the Collection of 1884-87 described in the 'Fifth Report of a Tour in Search of Sanskrit Manuscripts by Dr. R. G. Bhandarkar'. Paper Ms. size 111" X 4Y". 226 folios, of which folios No. 19, 24, 34, 164-172, 189-192 (16 in all) are missing. About 13 to 16 lines per side. About 46 to 56 letters per line. Begins on folio 1 verso, ends on folio 226 recto. Jain Devanāgari script. Corrected at several places in a different hand, which casually notes variant readings also. Occasional marginal glosses in vulgar Sanskrit, which also appear to have been copied from an earlier Ms. On folio 1 recto is noted TATUTETTI (TIESIOPATH). Colophon of P.113|| at 843? ao (added marginally) BOCHTET E so gerill MTENT 214 za 2011
कारगणे शरश्वतीगच्छे। श्रीनंदिसंघ। भ० ट्टारक श्रीकुंदकूदाचार्यान्वये। भ०। श्रीप्रभाचंद्रदेवा। तत्पट्टे । श्रीपद्मनंदिदेवा। तत्पट्टे श्रीशभचंद्रदेवा । तत्प? श्री. feria I T sittaaf-face-2114 Greifacati 7-f5c2F-Planifcali तन्निमित्ते षंडेलवालान्वये। लहाड्यागोत्रे। सं० गही धामा तदभार्या धनश्री तयो पूत्रौ सं० ईल्हा-वीझा तत्र सं०ईल्हा-भार्या साध्वी सवीरी तयो पुत्रा: सं० वोहिथ-भरहा । सं० ईस्वर-पूत्री सवा। एतनिज-न्यान्यावरणीय कर्म-ष्यवार्थ इदं पुस्तकं लिष्या fri 11 TTTT TEHT TOTSTTGA: 1 3T (the rest is illegible,
as the edge of the folio is damaged). Thus the Ms. is dated 1521 V.S. or 1464-5 A.D. and was copied at Gopācala-durga, i.e., Gwalior Fort. The anonymous marginal gloss is earlier to this date at least by several years, as it also seems to have been copied from an earlier model. Its Sanskrit is careless, incorrect and considerably vulgarized. At a few places the gloss gives vernacular equivalents of the terms occurring in the text,
2. Ms. s. This Ms. belongs to the Mss. collection of the Jain Bhandār at the Godikā temple in Sāmgāner situated in Jaipur State. Paper Ms. size 12" X 5-2,5". 358 folios, of which Nos. 149 and 150 are missing. About 13 lines per side. About 40 letters per line. Begins on folio 1 verso, ends on folio 358 verso. Jain Devanagari script. Bold hand.
Colophon of S.: 11TTTTET TIL A T HET Marginally in a different and obviously later hand: संवत १७७५ आसौज illegible) fa (illegible) to TUTTH-VRTATOTT T ETT STEA मांगारिमध्ये गोदीका के देहरै सास्त्रं धृतं ।।१।।.
Thus 1775 V.S. is the date of presenting the Ms. to the Bhandār. The date of copying may be much earlier. On account of greater proportion of gum in the ink used for writing this Ms., many folios had got stuck with one another and hence the writing on several pages has been blurred or illegibly damaged.
3. Ms. A. This Ms. is from the Mss. collection in the Bhandar at Arner, Jaipur in the management of Sri Digambar Jain Atiśay Ksetr Sri Mahāvirji Prabandh-Kāriņi Committee, Jaipur. Paper Ms. size 111" X 4.1". 357 folios. About 13 lines per side. About 39 letters per line. Begins on folio 1 verso, ends on
Page #44
Lolio 357. Jain Devanagari script.Colophon of A:115|| 9 848 av att19 y 24 1791973TITTEITTHÌ GREAT & o gram- 12-275. (marginally: J.O SPETT??0741)
Thus the copying date of A. is 1541 V.S. i.e. 1484-45 A.D.
Text-Constitution. At the time I started preparing a critical edition of the Vidyadhara-Kānda of PC., I could secure only two Mss., viz, P. and S. The information relating to the Jaipur Ms. was of an indefinite character. Of the two Mss. the Poona Ms. was earlier, more carefully copied and possessing the advantages of corrections and marginal gloss. Compared with it, the Ms. from Sāmgāner indicated some carelessness on the part of its scribe, as occasionally some letters or lines of the text which, on other grounds could be shown to be genuine, were missing in it. Considered from the point of view of orthography also, P. in many points appeared to preserve faithfully the original spelling, while S. exhibited a strong tendency to modernize it. In the light of this comparison, I accepted P. as the basis and edited the first twenty Sandhis by collating P. and S.
In the meanwhile, the information regarding the Jaipur Ms. became definite, and, with some effort, I succeeded in securing it. On examining that Ms. it was found that though its copying date was twenty years later than that of P., in many places it preserved the text of the original more faithfully than did any other Ms. and thus the conclusion became inevitable that A. was based on an original which was older than the original of either P. or S. The consequence of this finding also was quite apparent. I should constitute the text taking A., and not P., as the basis. Accordingly I reconstituted the text of the first twenty Sandhis. This fact would explain why the variant readings in the text portion in the present edition are recorded in the order P., S., A., though A. is accepted as the basis.
A study of the variants makes it clear that, whenever the difference of reading is real (and not merely orthographical), P. and S. mostly agree against A., that in a very few cases there is agreement between S. and A., and that the variants recorded by the marginal gloss in P. agree for the most part with the readings of A. As to the orthography, the agreement obtains between A. and P., they being earlier than S. The scribe of A. appears to have been careless in the latter portion of the text edited here, as in several places A. drops one or more letters or lines.
The superiority of A. over P. and S. can be established on the following grounds :
1. In many a case A. preservese (short), o (short),
Anunāsika and other such spelling features comparatively free from modernizing influence.
(1) Kaslival, 1950, 282 describes this Ms. as follows:
पउमचरिय----रचयिता महाकवि स्वयंभ, त्रिभवन-स्वयंभ । भाषा अपभ्रश पत्र-संख्या ३७५. साइज ११४४॥ इञ्च । प्रत्येक पृष्ठ पर १३ पंक्तियां तथा प्रति पंकिा ३८-४२ I fofo 19 2449 autre ját
at 241 Then follows the colophon 24Then follows the
reproduced above.
Page #45
A very significant fact may be noted in this connection. stated above, in the beginning I had constituted the text with the help of the Mss. P. and S. only, as Ms. A. was not available at that time. The text so constituted had numerous lines which were metrically defective. I had noted down all such cases and after due consideration suggested probable emendations for most of these cases. Later on when I could secure the Ms. A. I found that in almost all cases in which P. and S. had a reading which spoiled the metre, A. had a corresponding reading that preserved the metre, and some ninety per cent of the emendations suggested by me were actually supported by A. The table below gives such readings of P. and S. which disturb the metre and the corresponding readings of A. which keep the metre intact and which are adopted in the constituted text. In several of these cases A.'s reading is found superior to that of P. and S. on other grounds also.
1 16
2. In numerous cases where the text in P. and S. is found grammatically incorrect or metrically defective, A. has a corresponding better reading, which removes these defects.
3. At times a word or letter omitted in P. and S. is found intact in A.
4. Occasionally when the reading in P. and S. does not make good or any sense, A. presents a variant which removes this textual obscurity.
9. d
1 1 с 1 d
10 e 8 b 9 f
10 d hontena
4 b
d heṭṭhāmuhaim
9 α 3 b
tahim tam paṭṭaņu -vammiyahim
C -vammiyahim
b b
sapparivārim bhava-bhava
pavahanteṇā mahappena kulavahu mahiharāsu
pavaṇuddhuu Toyadavāhaņu deva Rayanauraho
sa(u?) pavaṇahau jieväho
P. S. jana
tahi paṭṭanu ṇāmeṁ -vimahiena
nam saim (P.), nam sai (S.) tuhu annaho
nam heṭṭhāmuhaim (P.). nam heṭṭhāmuhai (S.) saparivārem
huntaeņa (P.), hontaena (S.) pavahantaena
kulavahua mahiharāsu
-vammiyahim pavaṇadhuu Toyadavāhaṇu Rahaneuraho (P.), Rahaneuraho (S.) tam nisunevi (P.), tam nisuņivi (S.) pavanahau jivevaho
(1) Short e and short o in open syllables, the Vargānunāsika and the Anunäsika are indicated in the readings transcribed here in Roman, though they are not graphically distinguished in the original.
Page #46
12 11
13 7
13 10
14 4
14 1
14 11
14 13 15
15 11
bjabbaa jabcja
17 17
17 7
17 9
17 10 17 16
b -paritthiyaim b orumbhevi
b 1 b
1 b
taju Viñjhavāsārattu
suņevi Toyadavāhanasamuṭṭhiyaim
visälaim jiņāläim
majjhu viyaṭṭāho abbhiṭṭāho
b -dhūsaraim
Suggiuttamasu paisarivi
paithu -maragaya
-sayacāmiyarapāyaim pahavantena
vaḍdhiu -mottiyaim nārattiyaim bhanantena vindhanteņa jasu
Dasāsena Dullanghadusiddhahum bhuñjāviu
utthallantaim suravaim
pāḍio padhavio bhiudi
veḍhio surehim viruddhenam sama-uttharanta ikkaṁ piva tam marusejjahi
tajju Viñjhairi
Toyadavahanaho samuṭṭhiyāim -pariṭṭhiyāim ruñjivi visālaem (P.), visālaim (S.) jiņālaim
vāla mahu
abhiṭṭaho (P.), abbhiṭṭaho (S.) kaiddhayaVähuvali
Suggīvasahoyarāsu paisārevi
pavahantaena (P.). evahantaeņa (S.)
-mottiyāim hārattiyāim bhanantaena viddhantaena
nam jasu
Dasāṇaņeṇa Dasāṇanena Dullanghanadusiddhahum
bhuñjāviyau cautthau
-pahāru raṇabhoyaṇau
pāḍiu padhäiu
vedhiu suravarehim
tam mmärůsejjahe (P.), tam mmärusejjahe (S.)
Page #47
ings were otes the selethography atat
a parihaņaum
parihānaum düre varantarena dūravantarena 19 8 10 c ihu
jai yaho 19 108 b attillu
atillu 19 13 10 c -pura
-puravara20 4 9f tau
taiahã (P.),
taiyaha (S.) When, therefore, the readings were of equal merits, A.'s reading is accepted in the text. In other cases the selection is made with the criteria of metre, grammar, context, orthography etc. Principles of selection from orthographic variants are explained at length under "Orthography in Section 6 below.
A glance at the variants of the first few Sandhis would make it clear that genuine variants are considerably few. For the most part the difference relates to the spelling of the same word in different Mss. In other words the variation in readings is ortho-- graphical, not textual in the strict sense of the word. This orthographical variation in one and the same Ms. or between different Mss. of the same text is valuable in so far as it throws light on the original spelling and in so far as it is indicative of actual change that had crept in later pronunciation--in one word, of modernization. But once we discern and fix up the orthographic tendencies and spelling mannerisms of each Ms., the value of the orthographic variants is exhausted. If these considerations are kept in view, it will be easily granted that there was no sense in going on recording the spelling variations for the whole of PC. with the extent of twelve thousand Granthāgras. It would have greatly inflated the critical notes without having added anything of corresponding value to text-criticism. Keeping these facts in view, the spelling variants have been recorded exhaustively for only a limited portion of the text. Thus for the portion from the beginning upto the third Kadavaka of the 7. Sandhi all the variants are noted. For the following portion upto the end of the 11. Sandhi a limited number of orthographie variants is noted. For the rest of the text mere spelling variants are not recorded, unless they have some significance from text-critical or linguistic point of view. But in all such cases where the spelling adopted in the constituted text difiered from that found in all the three Mss., the readings of the Mss., are recorded without fail and the corresponding letter or letters in the constituted text are indicated with a wavy underline. For such cases as also for nasalized extended forms, see under "Orthogrophy' in Section 6.
Where text was found uncertain or obscure, it has been indicated by a query placed besides the doubtful word or line as required. Emendations and metrically redundant portions are enclosed in parenthesis, while additions unsupported by the Mss. are indicated by square brackets. All the lines are metrically tested and the short e, o and the Anunāsika are indicated as a rule, except where e and o are short by position. The Anusvāra is given as the class-nasal. The gloss found in the Ms. P. is given at the foot of the page below the variants and the corresponding words in the text are marked with Devanagari numerals. As stated above (p. 2) the Sanskrit of the gloss is incorrect and vulgarized. To give the idea of the vernacular influence, little attempt is made to correct it, unless there was some likelihood of misunderstanding In places the gloss is obscure or positively wrong in interpretation. Such places are indicated by a query.
correct it, unless the vernacular inis incorrect and as stated above
Page #48
S va y am bh ū's Date.
Nowhere in his three available works Svayambhū has made a statement giving us the definite and exact date of composition of any one of them. Nor has he referred to any ruler or political event of his times, which can help us in fixing his date with some certainty. Thrice he has recorded the day and the nakşatra of completing a particular portion of his epics, but unfortunately at none of these places, he mentions the year and hence, as will be shown below, these chronological data loose all significance. Under the circumstances we have to fall back upon the usual method of gleaning bits of information from Svayambhu's writings and from later references to him and trying to squeeze something out of them.
Svayambhū has mentioned some of his distinguished predecessors in the domain of literature. In the Svayambhücchandas he quotes from no less than fifty-eight poets. But most of them become known to us for the first time. These are mere names to us and therefore practically of little use in determining Svayambhu's date. But the writers mentioned by Svayambhū in the introductions' to PC. and RC. are important for this purpose. Wellknown names like those of Bāna, Šri-Harsa, Bhāmaha, Dandin, Ravişeņa figure there. Of these Ravişena, who is respectfully called ācārya by Svayambhū and whose Padmacarita served as the basis for his PC. is the latest. Ravisena completed his work in the 1204th year after Mahāvīra i.e. in 677-678 A.D.". This gives us the earlier limit of Svayambhu's time.
On the other hand, of the numerous authors that know and refer to Svayambhu or his works, Puşpadanta is the earliest. In his Mahāpurāna he has mentioned Svayambhū twice. Firstly he appears in the company of Bhäravi, Bhāsa, Vyāsa, Kalidasa, Caturmukha, Drona, iśāna, Bāņa---all of them distinguished predecessors of Puspadanta and considered at those times standard authors to be studied by those who wanted to be adepts in literature or aspired to be good poets. Second time he is aptly remembered" (as an illustrious author of a Rāma epic in Apabhramsa) in the beginning of the section on Rāmāyana (MP, 69-79). The Mahapunand was begun in 959-960 A.D.
Thus we get 677-960 A.D. as the limits within which Svayambhū flourished.
Let us see if this interval of about three centuries can be shortened.
First of all it should be undecstood that when Svayambhū talks of his having tackled the theme of Rāmāyana through the favour of Ācārya Ravişeņa this does not necessarily mean that he was actually a disciple of the latter or that they were contemporaries. It may mean simply this that Ravişeņa's work supplied so far as the subject-matter was concerned the basis, plan and pattern for
(1) See PC. 1, 2-3, Appendix I, 37. (2) Premi, 1942, 386. (3) MP. 1 9 4-5. (4) MP. 69 1 7.
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Svayambhu's PC. This is acknowledged by the latter? It should be also remembered that Ravişeņa was a staunch Digambara while Svayambhủ was a Yāpaniya.
In this connection Premi emhasizes the fact that Svayambhū does not refer to Jinasena, the author of the Harivanía (784. A.D.) though he mentions many non-Jain authors. He considers it likely that the Harivamsa might have been composed later than PC. On this view Svayambhū can be assigned to the middle of the eighth century. But the value of argumentum ex silentio is mostly doubtful. So long as no fresh, decisive evidence is forthcoming to support this, Premi's suggestion remains just a likely inference.
The Yuddhakānda of PC. is complete with the 77. Sandhi and the Uttarakānda begins with the 78. Sandhi. But due to some confusion we find at the end of the 78. Sandhi also a statement saying that the Yuddhakānda was completed on Monday the first day of the dark half of JyeșthaSimilarly at the end of the 92. Sandhi of RC. that completes the Yuddhakānda, the date of completion is given as Wednesday, the third day', Phālguna Nakşatra, Šiva Yoga. We are also informed that it took Svayambhū six years, three months and eleven days to compose the 92 Sandhis of RC. And then the date of beginning the Uttarakānda is given as Sunday the tenth day, Mula Nakşatra and 'the eleventh moon'. It should be noted that the year is not given at any of these three places. Now from a stanza' at the beginning of the 100. Sandhi of RC. (written, according to our interpretation, by Svayambhū) we gather that Svayambhū wrote PC. and another work Suddhayacariu before RC. Further, as shall be shown in Section 4, RC. was Svayambhu's last work and therefore the Siri-pañcamikaha and the Svayambhūcchandas also were written before RC. Therefore the date given in PC. should precede both the dates given in RC. and there should be a gap of several years between the date in PC. and the first date in RC. There might have intervened a few months or more between the two dates in RC., for in the case of PC., we know that the composition was twice interrupted".
A reference to Pillai's Ephemeris has given the following dates between 700 A.D. and 850 A.D., that can prove suitable within the limits of the above data.
Of the numerous dates corresponding to Wednesday, the third day, Phālguna Nakşatra, and Sunday, the tenth day, Mñla Nakşatra, which are given respectively for the completion of the Yuddhakānda of RC. and the beginning of its Uttarakānda, only some five are such as have an interval of less than six years between them. The rest give a very high interval which does not appear reasonable.
esponding the tenth dan of the
theme five are such c. and the spectively for the tenth dathe third
(1) Cf. the words: puņu ārambhiya Rāma-kaha, Arisu joeppinu, PC. 1, 16. (2) The first half of the Prasasti stanza at the end of the 20. Sandhi (Appendix I,
13) is quite corrupt and obscure and yet on the strength of its first word dhuarāya Sankrityayan (1945, 23) thinks that Svayambhū flourished in 780_ 794 A.D. during the reign of the Rāstrakūta king Dhruva Dhārävarsa. But
this is a mere guess. (3) Appendix I, 18. (4) Appendix I, 60.
(7) Appendix 1, 65. (5) Appendix I, 61.
(8) See Section 5. (6) Appendix I, 62.
Page #50
Yuddhakanda of Yuddhakānda of RC. com- Uttarakanda of PC. completed on pleted on Wednesday 3, RC. begun on Monday 1, dark Phālguna Nakşatra, which Sunday 10, Mula half of Jyestha.
fell on
Nakşatra, which which fell on
fell on 1) May 31, 717 (i) Jan. 15, 727 (3rd and Jan. 27, 732
4th, Uttarā P., Māgha, (Māgha, Bahula)
Bahula). (ii) July 14, 728 (Pūrvā
P., Śrāvana, sukla). 2) May 27, 720 July 27, 735 (Uttarā P., August 7, 740 Nija Śrāvana, sukla). Bhadrapada,
Sūkla) 3) May 29, 747 July 28, 762 (Uttarā P., (i) Feb. 9, 766
Adhika Bhadrao, Su- (Mūla & Pūrvākla).
şadhā, Māgha, Bahula) (ii) August 9, 767 (Bhādrapada,
Sūkla) 4) (i) May 21, 764 Jan. 17, 781 (Pūrvā P. August 1, 784 (1st & 2nd) Māgha, Bahula).
(Śrāvana, Sūkla) (ii) June 6, 768
(Adhika) (iii) June 12, 771.
But all these considerations cannot lead us any further so long as more definite data do not become available to narrow down the range between 677 A.D. and 960 A.D.
Personal account of Sva y am bh ūdeva'.
The trait of self-consciousness in some of the Apabhraíba poets has made them somewhat communicative, though in view of the general tradition of the ancient Indian writers to maintain as it were a religious taciturnity concerning themselves, it is to be expected that this communicativeness of theirs is far remote from supplying materials sufficient for sketching their life and literary activity. From the few details that lie scattered in the opening portions of PC. and RC., in the Sandhi-endings of these two works and in their colophons composed by Svayambhu's son Tribhuvana” we can gather a few facts relating to Svayambhū and his family. Māüraeva (or Māruyaëva)" and Paümiņi (Padmini) were the parents of Svayambhū. One Māüradeva quoted at Sc. IV 9 was possibly none else than Svayambhu's father and in that case Svayambhū's family can rightly feel proud of maintaining the literary tradition for three successive generations: Māüradeva followed and excelled by his son Svayambhū, who in his turn followed by his younger son Tribhuvana. This latter, out of fond(1) Partial or fuller accounts of Svayambhū and his literary activity based on
the same original sources that are utilized here will be found in Modi, 1935, Tippaņi, 3-4, 15, 23-24, 35-38; 1940, 157-178; Jain, 1935; Velankar, 1935, 18-29; 1936, 69-71; 1946, 2-4; Premi, 1942, 370-395; Sankrityayan, 1945, 22-23, Premi's account is fuller and more connected than any other and it takes into consideration most of the previous writings.
The stanzas are collected in Appendix I. (3) In PC. 1 2 10 we have Mārūeëva (P.), Mārüyayeva (S.), Mārueëva (A.),
but the metre requires something like Maruyaeva. One of the colophon stanzas (Appendix I, 53) has Maira (A. Movara). SC. IV 9 is given under the caption taha a Māüradevasa, Māruya can wellbe a metathetical sub. stitute for the comparatively unfamiliar Māüra.
at the pa possibles family three sn Svay his latte
ohtly sive shu, wh out
Page #51
ness, repeatedly tells us that acquiring proficiency in grammar and scriptures, he alone among the sons and numerous pupils of Svaymbhū came forth, even though still young, to shoulder the burden of continuing and completing Svayambhu's literary work.' Tribhuvana holds his father in the highest regard, refers to him as Svayambhudeva, Kaviraja, Kaviraja-Cakravartin, Vidvan and Chandaścūdāmaņi ('crest-jewel of metrics' means?) and makes it a point not to mention his own name alone-unaccompanied by the patronymic. He calls himself Tribhuvana Svayambhū and not merely Tribhuvana. From his reference to himself as Svayambhu's younger son (lahu-tanao, lahu-angajāya, lahua-jāya)' it follows that Svayambhū must have more than one sons. He had at least two wives who were educated and cultured enough to be inspiring and helpful in his literary labours. Of them Amiavvā (Sk. Amrtāmba) dictated to Svayambhū the Vidyadhara-kānda, while Aiccamvia (a diminutive of Aiccamvā, Sk. Adityāmba)', dictated Ayodhya-kõnda, the second book of PC. And though in describing himself Svayambhu gives us, perhaps of set purpose and in confirmation with the convention, a funny picture-extremely slim frame, flat nose, sparse teeth and elongated limbs", when he makes an appreciative record of these services of his wives, he is far from sparing in compliments. Āiccamviã was a veritable image of Ratnādevi, the consort of the Sun God and correspondingly what were the accomplishments and excellences of high-spirited Amiavvā remains for us shrouded in mystery owing to the tantalizing corruptness and obscurity of the relevant stanza,
We have some ground to suspect that Svayambhū had also a third wife. In one of the colophon stanzas of PC. Tribhuvana in order to emphasize his originality declares: All sons (sua) in general, like caged parrots (sua) learn just to repeat what is taught; the son of Kavirāja (i.e. Svayambhū's son Tribhuvana) on the other hand, was born of the pure womb of Suyavva (or Suyamva), just as the Śruta (sacred knowledge) is produced from within the Śruti (scriptures). This meaning can be got out of the expressions Suyavva sui-gabbha-sambhūo if taken as paranomastically applying to Tribhuvana and Śruta. Suyamva would be more appropriate instead of Suyavva and when applying to Tribhuvana the words are to be taken as one single compound, suyamva-sui-gabbha-sambhuo. On this interpretation Suyavva or Suyamvā would be Svayambhū's third wife and Tribhuvana's mother. Premi favours" this interpretation. But the evidence appears rather slender for making that suggestion an established fact.
s the namhich suggests să + Amicread Aiccam
(1) Tribhuvana completed Svayambhu's three works PC., RC. and the Siri.
Pancami, and himself composed a Pancamicariu. He also enjoys the title
Mahakavi. (See Appendix I, 19, 37, 50, 66, 47, 45). (2) Appendix I, 19, 21, 31, 33, 47, 84. (3) Appendix ], 25, 33, 27. (4) Appendix I, 13-14, 15. (5) Premi. 1942. 374 understands the name as Samiavva. But Ms. P. inserts &
half danda between sã and niavvā which suggests sā+- Amiavva. (6) The line containing this name is metrically defective. Mss. read Aiccam
vimäe which is to be emended as Aiccamvi(ya-nā)mõe. (8) Appendix I, 13.
(7) P.C. 1 2 11. (9) Appendix I, 45. (10) Another colophon stanza (Appendix I, 45) too brings out this fondness of
Tribhuvana. Therein he tells us of his having composed a highly wonderful Pañcamicariu quite independently of the works of Caturmukha and
Svayambhū. (11) Premi, 1942, 374.
Page #52
ns and pupily draws ou give us a simpoint he reaction
Unlike Puşpadanta who was a highly sensitive and lonely spirit reminding us of Bhavabhūti, Svayambhū appears to have fully basked in the colourful sunshine of the family happiness, the affection of relatives, the adoration of pupils, the patronage of leading Jain magnates of his time and the appreciative admiration of the contemporary literary circles and in this point he recalls to our mind Kālidāsa whose writings give us a similar impression. But Tribhuvana repeatedly draws our attention to the fact that none of the sons and pupils of Svayambhū came forth to continue his literary tradition. As he puts it, others accept wealth as their paternal inheritance; he, on the other hand, inherited the poetic faculty and carried on the great literary traditions of his family.
PC. was composed at the request and under the patronage of one Dhanañjaya', while during the composition of RC., Svayambhū was patronized by Dhavalaïya'. Tribhuvana wrote his supplement to PC. under the patronage of Vandaïya. Who was his patron when he completed RC. is not stated, but it is probable that Dhavalaïya extended his patronage to Tribhuvana also for that purpose. Whether there was any relationship between these Dhanañjaya, Dhavalarya and Vandaïya we simply do not know. From the similarity of the phonetic pattern of the last two of these names with that of the names like Ammaïya, Dangaïya, Santaïya and Silażya mentioned by Puşpadanta and from the -avvaending feminine proper names mentioned by Svayambhů (Amiavvā, Svayambhu's wife) and Puşpadanta' (Kundavvą, the mother of Puşpadanta's patron Nanna) we can safely infer that these two flourished in the same region. Further in view of the fact that avve, abbe are Kannada words meaning 'mother' 'woman', that masculine proper names ending in -aïya and feminine proper names ending in -abbe, -avva were common in old Kannada, and that Puspadanta lived and wrote at Manyakheta modern Mālkhed in Hyderabad State, we can assume that Svayambhū carried on his literary activity staying in a Kannadaspeaking territory. It is true that we have no direct statement from the poet relating to his domicile. But the above inference finds indirect support from the following facts:
(1) In a simile in RC. the five Pāndavas, Draupadi and
from the follcile. But the direct statema
(1) Appendix I, 1-5, 13-15, 49; Puşpadanta refers to Svayambhú as 'surrounded by
thousands of friends and relatives' (Mahapurana, 69/1/7). At PC. 1 3 96, according to the reading rayadavuttu in P., S. and the gloss thereon in P. Svayambhū undertook to compose PC. at the instance of some merchant
prince (rājaśreşthi). (2) Appendix I, 46, 48, 49, 68, 84.
(3) Appendix I, 7, 8, 9 etc. Appendix I, 58, 66, 68 etc.
(5) Appendix I, 20, 25 etc. Mahapurāna, 1 4 7a, 102 13 7; Nayakumaracariu 1 3 12; from the Kannada inscriptions of the 8th-10th cent. cf. Atavarmmayyam, Kannayam. Kolgalivarayya, Govannayyam, Govindayyam, Cathayya, Devayyam etc. (Gai, 1946, 230) and Charengayya, Chavundayya, Viddepayya etc. (Narasimhachar, 1923,
Inscription Nos. 4, 39, 42). (7) Ņayakumaracariu, 112, stanza 2. (8) Kittel gives avve 'A mother, used also as a title of respect and love, 2. a
grandmother; 3. any elderly woman' and abbe 'mother'. Kal-abbe, Kanci-abbe, Nāgiabbe are attested from the Kannada inscriptions of the 8th-10th century (Gai, 1946, 24) and Gunamati-avve (C. 700 A.D.), Saviyabbe, Vaijabbe (C. 950 A.D.) and numerous others from old Kannada inscriptions (Narasimhachar, 1923, inscriptions Nos. 112, 139, 68). -abbe is a latter development of avve; the change of v to b was in a transitional stage in the 9th century A.D. (Gai, 1946, 16).
Page #53
Kuntā are significantly compared to the seven mouths of the Godavari.
Samcallai satta-i puravaraho
Goyāvari-muhaim va sāyaraho. RC. 21 18 5. "All the seven started towards the best of the cities, like the seven mouths of the Godavari going towards the ocean." This simile cannot easily strike one who is not a South
erner, (2) At PC. 78 4 6 the months of the year are referred
to as Phagguna-avasāna caitta-pamuha. 'Beginning with Caitra and ending with Phālguna'. This suggests a region where the Caitrādi year was cur
Lennivalged Regionion of
(3) Yāpaniya Samgha, the Jain schism to which Svayam
bhū belonged flourished in the South and especially in
the Karņāțaka region. (4) The graphic description of the Godavari and the Nar
madā in Svayambhū's epics bear an unmistakable stamp
of the first-hand observation. But then how to account for the adoption of Ap. as a literary medium in the Kannada-speaking area? "It appears that Svayambhū might be only an immigrant into Karnataka from some northern region like Berar. From the history of the Rāştrakūtas, we gather that from the seventh century onwards there was a close political and cultural intercourse between Berar and Karnāțaka. The main line of the Rastrakūtas ruled at Manyakheta, modern Mālkhed in Hyderabad. But the ancestors of Dantidurga, the first Rāştrakūta king of note were ruling somewhere in Berar and are supposed to be connected with the Rāştrakūta king Nannarāja Yudhasura, who was ruling at Elichpur in Berar in the middie of the 7th Century A.D. But Altekar thinks, 'Dantidurga and his ancestors were not natives of Berar. Canarese was their mothertongue'. Hence he conjectures that 'there may, quite possibly, have been a Rathi family holding local sway at Lătur (=Lattalúra) in Bidar District of Hyderabad State. This family may have later migrated to Elichpur or some other place nearby in Berar, where Nannarāja was ruling in 631-632 A.D.".
This clearly shows close political relations between Berar and the Kannada territory continuing for centuries.
Similarly close cultural ties between the two regions can be surmised from what we know about Puşpadanta, another great Apabhramśa poet. Puşpadanta composed his Apabhrarśa Purāņa at Manyakheta under the patronage of the Râştrakūța minister Bharata in 959-965. It is very likely that Svayambhu's case also was analogous. He and his patrons, though residing in a Kannada-speaking region might have originally hailed from Berar. Only some such assumption can explain the apparent incongruity of a western literary dialect being employed by persons residing in Southern India where Dravidian tongues were current.
We know it full well that apart from possessing inborn talent (pratibhā) the poet in ancient India was required to study hard (vyutpatti) and undergo a rigorous course of training (amanda
(1) Altekar, 1934, 11. (2) Ibid., 11, 23.
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abhiyoga). Real poets were required to be miniature pundits. Hence it is no wonder to find a good amount of learning and erudition in a poet of Svayambhu's eminence. His works and reputation both show that he occupied a lofty position as a poet as well as a scholar. Attention has been already drawn to the big titles like Kaviraja, Chandaścüdāmani etc., enjoyed by Svayambhū. His reference to "five spics', to Bāņa and Harsa, to Bhāmaha and Dandin, to Bharata, Pingala and Indragomin is indicative of his familiarity with various disciplines like Rhetorics, Merics, Dramaturgy, Music and Grammar as also with the Sk. Kāvya and Nätaka. Citations from about three scores of Pk. and Ap. poets in his Svayambhūcchandas provide a concrete evidence of his comprehensive and critical knowledge of both these literatures. It is therefore quite natural that numerous later poets and authors have paid glowing tributes to Svayambhū.
The Tippana on MP. 1 9 5 gives a note on Svayambhū aspămthadi-baddha-Rāmāyana- kartā Apalisarghiyah. From this reference we understand that Svayambhū belonged to the Yāpaniya sect. Premi' and Upadhye have collected together various literary and inscriptional references to the Yāpaniya sect and have brought forth its importance, mostly in the South in and about the Karņāțaka region, as a Jain schism worthy of being mentioned alongside the “vetāmbara and the Digambara sects. It shared some tenets and beliefs characteristic of either.
In this case also we do not have any direct or indirect statement from Svayambhū. But in one point, I think, this can be supported from his voluminous epics. The Yapanīya sect was comparatively tolerant of other religious beliefs and held that not absolutely giving up all possessions (sagrantha) and allegiance to a non-Jain denomination did not disqualify one from attaining salvation'. Such a catholic outlook on religious matters is found to be characteristic of Svayambhū from what we gather from several passages occurring in his three extant works.
The following passage is taken from the Ritthanemicariu, the occasion being the last moments of Abhimanyu on the battlegrounds'.
सउहण एम चवन्तऍण, सो सुमरिउ देउ मरन्तऍण॥ जो सव्वहँ देवहँ अग्गलउ, तइलोक्क-सिहरे जसु थावल। जें अटठ वि कम्मइँ णिज्जिय', जे पञ्चेन्दियइँ परज्जिय।। जं धरिवि महारिसि मोक्खु गय, जसु तणएँ धम्मे थिय जीव-दय ।। f of 773-57T-
FI, Hani faqet TUTTI जो वहइ णिरजण परम छवि, जसु सोउ (वि)ओउ विणासु णवि ।। जो णा इव णउँसउ णइव तिय, , पय ट एक्क-वि जासु किय॥ जो णिक्कल सन्तू पराहिपरु ।। णारायणु दिणयरु वइसवणु, सिउ वरुणु हुवासणु ससि पवणु। जो होउ सु होउ थुणन्तु थिउ, एक्कन्तें करेप्पिणु काल किउ ॥
-Riţthanemicariu 55 30 1-10 "While speaking thus, Abhimanyu, who was dying called to his mind that deity, who is foremost among all, whose abode is on the (1) Premi, 1942, 41-60. (2) Upadhye, 1933, 224-231. (3) para-sasane sa-granthānām mokşam cà. (4) cf. Sagara's prayer to Ajita in Vimalasūri's Paumacariya!
näha! tumaṁ Bambhāņo, Tiloyano, Sarkaro, Sayambuddho. Nārāyano, Ananto, Tiloya-pujjăriho Aruhá. V. 122.
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top of the three worlds, who has conquered all the eight (types of) Karmas, who has conquered all the five senses, relying on whom as the support great sages attained salvation, in whose religion kindness towards the living has (the chief) place, who has done away with birth, old age and death, who is the refuge of all the three worlds, who possesses the highest spotless lustre, who is free from sorrow and destruction, who is neither male, nor eunuch, nor female (?) who does not partake in any activity, who is indivisible, continually existing and the highest of the high, who is Nārāyana, Sun, Vaisravana, Siva, Varuna, Fire, Moon, Wind; whoever he may be, Abhimanyu was there praying to that deity, and concentrating (on him) (?), he succumbed to death.'
Here it is clear that once we are agreed upon the real nature of the Supreme Deity, Svayambhū has no partiality for giving it any specific name, call it Nārāyaṇa or Śiva or Wind or whatever you like.
A passage similar in spirit to the above can be cited from PC.:
किय वन्दण सुहनाइ-गामियहों, भावें चन्दप्पह-सामियहो। 'जय तुहुँ मइ तुहुँ गइ तुहुँ सरणु, तुहुँ माय बापु नहुँ वन्धु-जणु ॥ तुहुँ परम-पक्खु परमत्ति-हरु, तुहुँ सव्वहुँ पर पराहिपरु ॥ तुहँ दंसणे" णाणे चरित्तै थिउ, तुहुँ सयल-सुरासुरेहिँ णमिउ ॥ सिद्धन्ते' मन्ते तुहुँ वायरणे, सज्झाएँ झाणे तुहुँ तक्चरणे ।
1 STT अरहन्तु वुद्ध तुहुँ हरि हरु वि, तुहुँ अण्णाण-तमोह-रिउ । तुहुँ सुहुमु णिरञ्जणु परम-पउ, तुहुँ रवि वम्भु सयम्भु सिउ ।
PC. 43 19 4-9 "(Rāma) bowed down with devotion to Lord Candraprabha who helps others attain the blessed state (and recited a hymn)
You are the thought-principle; you are the goal and the refuge; you are mother, father, kinsmen (to me), you are the highest partisan; you are the destroyer of the greatest grief; you are the highest of the high; it is you who are found in Darśana, Jñana and Caritra; you are bowed down to by all the gods and demons, you are in the scriptures, in Mantras and in grammar, in religious studies and meditation, and in the practice of austerities; you are the Arhat, the Buddha, Hari, as also Hara; you are the enemy of the mass of darkness in the form of ignorance; you are subtle, passionless and the highest abode; you are the Sun, Brahman, Svayambhu and Siva'."
The third passage is in the Svayambhūcchandas. It is given there anonymously as an illustration of the Adillā that can begin a Sandhi. As shown later on it is very likely that the passage is from Svayambhu's pen. It is as follows:
अक्क-पलास-विल्ल अडरूसउ, TfFH31(5) (*?) ESTE TSI बुद्धाइच्च बम्ह हरि संकर, o #
fcieli SC. VIII 39. 'Let the pious feel satisfaction in the same manner as a bee (going in search of flower juice indifferently to all the trees alike) the Arka, Palāśa, Bilva and Atarūsa. Let the Buddha, Aditya, Brahman, Hari and Sankara, causing delight give..........(?)' (the last line is a bit obscure).
These three passages breathe an air of toleration which pre
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sents a welcome contrast to narrow sectarianism that is otherwise characteristic of religious writers.
From another direction too we can demonstrate this attitude of Svayambhū to regard as one the Supreme Deity conceived in different religious systems, it being attributable to the broad outlook characteristic of the Yāpaniya belief.
As is shown in Section 5 below, Svayambhů, while composing the Paümacariu had closely followed Ravişena's Padmacarita. It is quite natural and obvious that for various reasons he had to make numerous alterations additions, omissions, expansions and abridgements. In this connection it is very significant that all the purposely and bitterly anti-Brahmanical passages that are found in Ravişena's work (and ultimately, most of them, in some form or other, in Vimalasūri's Paümaçariya) are either completely omitted by Svayambhū or skipped over with a passing reference. The first of such conspicuous omissions is the disparaging topic of the origin of the Brahman caste (Ravisena, IV 85-131: dvijatinan samudbhavaḥ'; Vimalasūri, IV 64-87, 'mahanihiyāro'). Svayambhū is quite silent about it. Secondly in the Upākhyāna (side-episode) of Harişena the dispute relating to the processions of the Brahma-ratha and the Jina-ratha, calculated to convey the superiority of Jainism over Brahmanism (Ravişena, VIII 286-293; 397-398; Vimalasūri, VIII 147-151; 207-208) is vaguely referred to in PC. by just a single line mahā-raha-kärane, jänevi janani-dukkhu (PC. 11 2 2). The third such omission is the topic of the destruction of Marutta's sacrifice and origin of sacrifice (Marutta-yajñadhvamsana) which occupies the whole of Canto XI in Ravişena and Vimalasūri. This is summarily and colourlessly dismissed by Svayambhū in barely eight words: jigu panāsevi, riu tasevi 15 8 9 b and Ņārau dhirevi, Maru vasi-karevi 15 9 1 a.
It is true that Svayambhu's main interest lies in directly relating the narrative and hence he is generally inclined to omit, drastically abridge or make just a passing reference to all those topics and side-episodes which have little direct bearing on the principal narrative or which have an utterly didactic, descriptive or digressive aim. Yet any one who considers the respective attitudes of Ravişena and Svayambhū in this matter as reflected in the Padmacarita and the Paümacariu would not fail to see the glaring contrast presented by the staunchly denouncing, refuting and dogmatic spirit of some of the passages of the former work and regular eschewing of all such references in the latter, and consequently attach to it particular significance, as is done here.
Vimalasura, which occupies and originon is the compete janani-dukkehtinen
4. SVAYAMBHU'S LITERARY ACTIVITY Several works—some of them preserved, others known in name only have been ascribed to Svayambhū.
The Extant Works At present only three works of Svayambhú are extant in the Ms. or printed form: Two Purāņas, viz., Paimacariu or Rāmāyangpurāna and Ritthanemicariu or Harivarśapurāna and a manual of Prakrit and Apabhramsa metres called Svayambhūcchandas.
(1) For previous accounts of Svayambhu's literary activity see the sources men.
tioned in n. 1; p. 9.
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The Pau macariu.
This is described in Section 5. The Ritthane micariu
The Ritthanemicariu (Aristanemi-caritam) or Harivaṁsa purāna is the most voluminous of Svayambhu's works. Its extent is given as 18,000 Granthāgras. It has 1,937 Kadavakas'. Its 112 Sandhis are distributed over four Books or Kändas as follows": Jāyava-kanda (Yadava-kānda); 13 Sandhis; Kuru-Kanda, 19 Sandhis; Jujjha-kanda (Yuddha-kaņda), 60 Sandhis; Uttara-kaņda, 20 Sandhis. Its external form and structure closely resemble those of PC. As the latter is a Rāma-epic, the Riţthanemi-cariu is a Krsna-epic. It deals with the life-story of the twenty-second Tīrthankara Ariştanemi and the narrative of Krşņa and the Pandavas in its Jain version. The life-story of Rama and that of Krsna along with the Pandavas appear to have been very popular religious themes, and besides Svayambhū several Sanskrit, Prakrit and Apabhramsa poets, before and during his times, became interested in them, employing their literary talent in composing epics on one or both of the sacred themes. This is to be largely inferred from literary allusions and citations in other works, since only a few of such epics have survived to our days. The available information on this point can be tabulated as under:
Author Vimalasūri (1'sť or 3rd
Work Rāmāyaṇa Paümacariya"
Language Prakrit
Prakrit or Apabhramsa
Kittihara (Kirtidhara) Anuttaravāya
or Anuttaravágmin Ravişena (677-8 A.D.)
Padmacarita Sanskrit
(1) Jain, 1935, 70.
(2) Appendix I, st. 59 (3) Jacobi, 1914, (4) Uddyotanasūri in his Kuvalayamála (778-779) refers paranomastically to Vimalasůri as the first author of Harivamsa:
buhayana-sahassa-daiyar Harivansuppatti-karayan padhaman
vandāmi vandiyam pi hu Harivamsam ceva Vimalapayam !! See Premi, 1942, 571-572. (5) See PC. í 2 8, which is taken from Ravişena. The latter in the introduc
tion to his Padmacarita, while giving the tradition says that the sacred theme of the Räma-narrative was handed down to Kirti and from Kirti, to Anuttaravăgmin; the written work of the latter was seen by Ravişeņa and hence his present attempt (viz. Padmaccrita):
Prabhavan kramatah kartiriz tato'nuttaravágminam likhitan tasya samprāpya Raver yetno'yam udyatah 11
Padmacarita I 42. Now we know that Ravişena's Padmacarita is hardly anything more than
an elaborated Sanskrit recast of Vimalasūri's Paümacariya (cf. Premi, 'Padmacarita Aur Paümacariya' (1942, 272-292). On this account can we identify Anuttaravägmin with Vimalasūri? But the latter does not say that he has inherited the tradition from any Kirti or Kirtidhara He seems to be the pioneer in composing a Rama epic, as well as a Krsna. epic; for the latter we have got the above quoted authority of Uddyotana.
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Viaddha (Vidagdha)
Bhadda (Bhadra)"
and/or Dantibhadda (Dan
tibhadra) and/or Bhaddāsa (Bhad.
Goinda (Govinda)
Caümuha (Catur
(1) See Svayambhūcchandas III 17:
Vattañ Viaddhassa savva-viggaha-neārā, patta Kand'?nh') Ajjuna Kannañ 1
dharia tena te devi eam tammanań jäņam 11 Here b mentions Arjuna, Karna and possibly Krşņa. (2) See Appendix I, st. 1, 2 and 3, wherein the Go-grahaņa and Matsya-vedha
episodes are mentioned. (3) Svayambhücchandas IV 23, 24, 26 cited under Goinda's name relate to the
loves of Krsna, Rädhă and Gopis. The poem must have been composed
throughout in the Matrā or Raddă metre like Haribhadra's Neminahacariu. (4) Svayambhūcchandas I 34 cites an illustration under the name of Nāgaha,
where d reads: dhaiam pavargamāņa rakkhasenda-sennam 'the army of
the Lord of the Räkşasas rushed on to the Monkeys'. 5) Premi, op. cit. p. 372, footnote 2, thinks that Svayambhucchandas IV 2, VI 83,
86 and 112, cited under the name of Caümuha pertain to the theme of Ramayana and hence they establish Caümuha as the author of a Paümdcariu also. But the passages have no unquestionable reference to the Ramayana narrative. IV 2 (a) pertains to the Harivamśa-narrative; 2 (b) is ko mahu jivatahum nei dhanu 'who, while I am alive, can take away the bow?' 2 (c) is nia-nama-paāsaha suraha saasahā 'from Gods announcing their own names'; VI 86 is sasi uggau tāma, jena raha-angana mandian nań rai-raha-cakka, disai arunelm) chaddiau ll "Then rose the moon, whereby the expanse of the sky was adorned. (She appeared) as if Aruna had left behind, a wheel of the Sun-chariot'; VI 112 is doha na kiya ahisesau vivihasamubbhia-cinh(ndh) aim vaddhiasamarāvesaim, valaim ve-vi sannaddhai (a is obscure-but has no reference to a Rāma-story: the rest of the stanza means) 'Both the armies, with various ensigns raised and with (their) martial spirit enhanced, became equipped': these passages contain no such details as would assign them to a work on the theme of the Rāmāyana. The remaining passage VI 83 is given by the editor of the Svayambhūcchandas with an emendation. It reads: nam pavaru palāsu, vana-sarcărima phullia
te coddaha lakkhani (ri)misaddher sara-sallia. Velankar has not advanced any reasons for adding ni before misaddheň. "The emendation is unacceptable as it violates the metre and as such defeats the very purpose for which the stanza was cited. For it is cited to illustrate the metre Koilariñcholi having the measure 10/13 (SC. VI 82). But the stanza as emended by Velankar scans 11/13 in its latter half. This shows that the emendation by bringing in an additional mora spoils the metre. The latter half therefore should be read as in the original, te coddaha lakkha, nimisaddhem sara-sallia || The stanza in its present form presents grammatical difficulties. But the general sense and especially the sense of the latter half is quite clear, "Those fourteen lakhs were within a trice pierced
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Caumuha Harivamsa
Apabhramsa Jinasenia (783-84)
Harivarsa Harivansa- Sanskrit
Rāmāyana purana Gunabhadra (c, 850) and
Harivamsa Among the Apabhramśa poets there was a general practice of inserting their namamudra in the concluding stanza of each section of their poems. Svayambhū too follows it. But in the Ritthanemicariu we find not one but three different such namamudrās: those of Svayambhū, Tribhuvana Svayambhū and Yaśahkirti (Jasakitti). Upto 99. Sandhi we regularly find the name of Svayambhu inserted in the closing Ghattā of the last Kadavaka of each Sandhi. Even some valuable details relating to the composition of the Riţthaņemicariu are given in the colophon of the 92. Sandhi'. Over and above stating the extent in Sandhis of each of the three Kändas composed so far, the date of completing the Yuddhakāņda and that of beginning the Uttarakānda, we are told that it took Svayambhu six years, three months and eleven days in all in composing the ninety-two Sandhis of the Ritthanemicariu. The colophon of the 99. Sandhi states' 'Finished Sandhi ninety-ninth, called “The Description of the Samavasaraņa" in the Ritthanemicariu composed by Svayambhū, the best among Poetlaureates'. On the other hard colophon of the 100. Sandhi says": Finished Sandhi hundredth, called “Samavasarana," in the Ritthanemicariu (in the portion) that escaped Svayambhū and that was completed by Mahakavi Tribhuvana Svayambhu'. And similarly we find the name of Tribhuvana Svayambhū along with that of Svayambhū at the end of Sandhis 101-104. Further, in the Ghattās of the last Kadavaka of 105. and 106. Sandhis we find the namamudrās of Svayambhū and one Jasakitti or Jasukitti (Yasah
with arrow's. They appeared (with their bloody wounds) like Palāśas blooming in a forest'.
Thus none of the stanzas mentioned by Premi, has any definite reference to the Rāma-story. But on the grounds (1) that Puspadanta at the beginning of the episode of Rāma in his Mahāpurāna significantly pays tributes to Caturmukha and Svayambhu and (2) that the Prasasti stanzas found in the beginning of Svayambhu's Paūmacariu praise Caümuha, it is plausible to ascribe a Paümacariu to Caturmukha. 1. This is to be assumed on the following grounds : (a) Dhavala (c. 11th cent.) in his Harivaméa-purana refers to a narra
tive of Hari and the Pandavas composed by Caümuha: Hari-Pandavāna kahá Caümuha-vāsehim bhāsiyam jamha taha virayami loya-piyā jena na nasei dansanan paüram !!
(quoted by Premi. 1942, 372, note 2). (b) Appendix I, st. 3 praises the Gograhana episode of Caturmukha.
which is obviously the cattle-lifting attempted by Duryodhana and
party, when the Pandavas were completing their stay at Virata. (c) Svayambhúcchandas IV 2 (a)cited as from Caümuha mentions
Arjuna. (2) MDJG, 32, 33. (3) Appendix I, st. 59-62. Stanza 63 is a Sanskrit subhāşita and it is not clear
how it got in here. But similar out of place Sanskrit stanzas are found elsewhere too in the Praśasti stanzas found in Svayambhu's works. Cf. the Rudrāştaka of iśānaśayana interpolated in the opening Prasasti stanzas of PC. and two Sanskrit stanzas (Appendix I, st. 51, 52) from Ravişeņa's Padma
carita found in the colophon of PC. (4) Appendix I, st. 64.
(5) Appendix I, st. 66. (6) Appendix I, st. 69, 71.
Premi, 1942, 379 and Jain, 1935, 72, do not give 105. They missed it apnarently because the namamudra occurs in the first half of the Ghatta of the last Kadavaka of 205. Sandhi.
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kirti) together in one stanza. In the colophons' of these Sandhis Svayambhū alone is mentioned; Tribhuvana Svayambhū is not included. Lastly Sandhis 107-112 contain', somewhere in the body of the last Kadavaka, in the Ghattā of the last Kadavaka or in the colophon-in one or several of these places--the namamudrāsor names of all the three: Svayambhū, Tribhuvana Svayambhū and Yaśaḥkirti. These facts suggest that Tribhuvana Svayambhu and Yaśahkirti also had their hands in the composition of Sandhis 100-112. This is made clear by the colophons of Sandhis 100-104, 107-112 and by the colophon of the whole work". Tribhuvana Svayambhū* and Yaśahkīrti' both praise the effort of 'rescuing' the incomplete or partly lost literary works of others as a magnanimous effort. In the colophon after the 112. Sandhi the following information is given : This well-known Bhārata-puräna containing Harivaṁsa and the life history of Nemi was composed in the Paddhadiā metre by Svayambhū. Whatever gap (sunnam) was left in his work was filled up after the poet's death by his son Tribhuvana Svayambhū. Whatever was left out even after Tribhuvana's supplementation was "rescued' (uddhariu) i.e. made good by Yaśaḥkirti in accordance with the tradition of the Harivamsa and at the instance of his Guru Sri-Gunakirti. At the invitation (?) of Sarahasena (?) Śreşthi, Yasahkirti came to Kumara-nayari (Kumāra-nagari) and recited (this Purāņa) before the Srāvakas in the Paniyāra Jain temple near Gopagiri (Gwalior).
The requisite information regarding this Yaśaḥkirti can be gathered from the beginning portions and colophons of his two works'. Yaśaḥkirti Bhattāraka belonged to the Kasthā Samgha, Mathura Anvaya and Puskara Gana. He to the Kāşthā Samgha, Māthura Anvaya and Puşkara Gaņa. He was a pontiff at Gwalior. He flourished in the first half of the 15th century during the reign of the Tomara king Kirtisimha. His successors were Malayakirti and Guņabhadra. Pandita Raidhu, who composed numerous Apabhramsa works like Padmapurāna (or Balabhadrapurāņa), Nemipurāna, Pārsvacarita, Vardhamānacarita, Dhanakumaracarita, etc. was a contemporary and a co-disciple of Yaśahkirti. Mss. of two Apabhramsa works of Yaśahkirti are known to exist. The Pandavapurāna', a fairly extensive work in 34 sargas was composed by him in 1440 A.D. for a layman called Hemarāja, while the Candappahacariu in 11 Sandhis was written at the request of a pious Jain called Siddhapāla.
Now two questions arise. First, what were the contributions
(1) Appendix I, st. 70, 72. Premi, 1942, 379 is not correct when he says that all
the Sandhis from 100-112 mention Tribhuvana in their colophons'. (2) Appendix I, st. 73-88. Premi and Jain again do not include here the 107.
Sandhi because they missed the namamudrã that occurs in the 2. line before
the Ghatta of the last Kadavaka. (3) Appendix I, passage No. 87, lines 6-20. (4) Appendix I, st. 68, 84. (5) Appendix I, st. 81. (6) This colophon is considered below. 17 Kaslival, 1950, 98-99, 122-127; Premi, 1942, 380, footnote 6. (8) Kaslival, 1950, 105-116. (9) iya Pāndupurane siri Gunakitti-sisu-muni-Jasakitla viraiya(e) stihu-Vitha.
putta-Hemarāja-nāmankie caütisamo saggo samatto iti Pandavapuranam samāptam!
Kaslival, 1950, 125. (10) vikkama rāyaho vavagaya(e) kalae mahi-sayara-gaha-rasa-ankälael
Kaslival, 1950, 125.
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of Tribhuvana Svayambhu and Yaśahkirti in the composition of those Sandhis of the Ritthanemicariu which bear their namamudrās? Second, why it was found necessary, not by one, but by two authors after Svayambhü-one of them was no other than his own sonto supplement the work written by him?
It appears that Svayambhu had nothing to do with the composition of 100-112 Sandhis. And what were the respective shares of Tribhuvana and Yasahkirti can be decided only by a close study of the text and other relevant sources. But this much is certain that the last Kadavaka of the 112. Sandhi of RC. giving the colophon of the complete work was written by Yaśaḥkirti. Several of its lines are found word for word in his Pāndavapurāna'.
The question as to why others felt it necessary to supplement Svayambhu's Ritthaņemicariu is taken up below under Section 5, because the question of multiple authorship is connected with the Paümacariu also.
The work is generally called Ritthaņemi-cariu. In the colophon of 109. Sandhi it is called Ritthanemi-purāna. In the colophon of the whole work (written by Yaśaḥkirti) the work is referred to in view of its theme, as Bhāraha-purāņa, Ņemicariya and HarivamsaSvayambhū himself refers to the theme of RC. as Harivaría'.
The Svay am bhūcchandas
The Svayambhūcchandas (SC.) has been published by Velankar from the only known Ms. in the Baroda Oriental Institute. It is a comparatively modest manual of Prakrit and Apabhramsa metres. The work is planned in eight chapters, the first three dealing with the Pk. section, the remaining comprising the Ap. section. The first twenty-two folios of the Ms. of Sc. are lost. Thus the text of SC. that is available to us is incomplete.
Its Authorship
Svayambhu's authorship of this work is settled by the title Svayambhücchandas", "Svayambhu's metrics' mentioned in the concluding stanza of each chapter. That this Svayambhū is identical with the author of PC. is clear from the numerous citations from the latter work found in SC. It is Svayambhū's practice to cite illustrations from the Ap. literature known to him and in all the cases he gives such illustrations, the name of the original author is also mentioned. But besides these, there are many illustrations cited without any name. Several of these anonymous illustra
(1) Lines 1-7 are the same as given from the last portion of the Pandavapurāņa,
Kaslival, 1950, 124. Only instead of viuse sayambhir mahi-vitthāriu there is muni-Jasakitti(1) mahihi vitthariu. Further line 16 repeats the same thing partly in other words, while lines 17-19 and 21 are identical with those in the Pandavapurana (ibid, 123). At least three Mss. of the Ritthanemicariu have been reported by Premi (1942, 376 footnotes 2-3): One from the Government MS, collection at the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona (No. 1117 of 1891-1895), another from the Ailak Pannālal Sarasvatibhavan, Bombay and the third from the Godika
temple collection at Sämgäner. (3) Appendix I, passage 87, line 1 (4) Appendix I, passage 57, line 2, 13. (5) Velankar, 1935, 1936. (6) The title appears to have been coined by Svayambhu on the model of the
Jayadevacchandas of Jayadeva (Velankar, 1949, 1-40). cf. also the Chandassekhara of Rajasekhara Kavi.
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can be traces illustratithe source hing his nating the
tions can be traced' to PC. The conclusion is obvious that probably all the anonymous illustrations in SC. are taken from Svayambhu's own works. In their case, the source being quite obviously understood, he saw no propriety in attaching his name. This clearly proves common authorship for SC. and PC. Citing the stanza
Śri-Harso nipunah kavih etc. in SC. (I 144 a) and the reference to Śri-Harsa in RC. as making a present of nipunatva to Svayambhū supports the same conclusion. This invalidates several inferences of Velankar regarding Svayambhū and SC.
SC. is not very ambitious. Its expressed aim is to give in a nutshell the essential features of Pk. and Ap. prosody. In the closing stanza of each chapter the work is described as pañcaṁsasāra-hua 'the substance of the five Ganas'. The concluding stanza of Ch. III states: pāua-sāro parisamatto the choice matter of the Prakrit prosody has been treated.' The same remark is repeated at the opening of Ch. V.
they we Aksara atraganası urt
Its Prakrit Section
The Prakrit section of SC. presents several surprises for us. Though it is called Präkrtasára it does not treat in its available portion any of the genuine Pk. Mātrāvșttas . What is given in the Pk. section are the well-known Aksaravșttas of the Sanskrit prosody with their Sama (from the Uktā to the Utkrti class, the Sesa-vittas and the Daņdakas), Ardhasama and Vişama divisions. In the fragment of SC. preserved to us there is nothing corresponding to the fourth chapter of Hemacandra's Chandonusasana describing the Āryā, Galitaka, Khañjaka and Sīrşaka class of Pk. metres. What is still stranger, these so-called Pk. metres are defined as if they were Mātrāvsttas. They are defined, not by using the wellknown Akşaraganas (ya, ra, ta, etc.), but by using a special terminology of Mātrāgaņas, such as ta, taara, etc., for a Tri-mātra, ca, cagana, carsa for a Caturmätra and so on, with the particularization of the type of the Gana as required.
Moreover, as noted previously, Svayambhū, unlike Hemacandra, does not compose his own illustrations to support the metrical rules and definitions in Sc. He prefers to illustrate from the then available Pk. and Ap. literatures and in many a case the name of the author also is prefixed to the stanza cited. Thereby we come to know of a large number of Pk. and Ap. poets almost all of whom were so far quite unknown to us. It also gives us a gilmpse of the riches of Pk. and Ap. literature cultivated in and before Svayambhu's time.
Its Apa bhram is a Section
The Ap. section of SC. is important from several viewpoints. The sources for the study of Ap. prosody are considerably few and their usefulness is further diminished by their sketchy, incomplete or indiscriminately eclectic character. So far Hemacandra's
(1) Modi, 1940, 172, Prern, 1942, 383-384. This matter is dealt with further below. (2) 'Siri-Harisern niya-niunattanau'. Appendix I, passage 57, line 9 a.
Premi, 1942, 384. Summary of the contents, importance and other information concerning SC. will be found in the abovementioned articles of Velankar and in Premi, 1942. Velankar reproduces some of this information in the introduction to his edition of Rajasekhara's Chandassekhara, 1946, 1-14.
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Chandonusāsana was the only work to which we glanced with some hope of getting light on all sorts of metrical problems of Ap. And we know well how often it failed ust. Under the circumstances, a pre-Hemacandra work on Ap. metres from the pen, not of a mere theoretician, but of an epic poet recognised as Kavirāja and Mahakavi, deserves, in spite of its briefness, to be welcomed. And in view of its value as an early authentic source, a short analysis of the Ap. section of SC. will not be here out of place.
c. The Janaka with3-42) of the name you Dhavala 42) D. Miscoother applica Hrdayne conclu
Analysis of the contents of SC. IV-VIII Ch. IV. Utsähādi (Treatment of the Utsäha and other Metres): A. Introductory (1-4).
Introductory stanza (1); metrical value of the Bindu
and of e and o in certain positions (2-4). B. The Mātrā-prakarana (5-28).
Utsäha (5-6); Duvahaa (Dvipathaka i.e., Dohā) with
its varieties (7-13); Mātrā with its varieties (14-28). C. The Vadanaka-prakarana (29-32).
Vadanaka with its varieties (29-32). D. Miscellaneous (33-42).
Another application of the name Vadanaka (33); Prahe
likā (34); Hrdayālikā (35); Dhavala (36-39);
Mangala (40-41); the concluding stanza (42). Ch. V The Șatpada-jāti.
Three varieties of the Dhruvaka (1); quantity of the
pāda-ending syllable (2); definition of the Satpada Dhruvaka (3); its varieties: Şațpada Jāti (4-5), S. Upajāti (6-7) and S. Avajāti (8-9); total of these
varieties (10); the concluding stanza (11). Ch. V. Catușpadīs and Dvipadīs. A. The Antarasamā Catuspadi (1-148).
Types of the Catuşpadi (1); 110 Antarasamā Catuspadis beginning with the Campakakusumā and end
ing with the Saśibimbaka described (2-148). B. The mixed type of the Catușpadi (149-150). C. The Ardhasamă Catuspadi (151-152). D. The Sarvasamă Catuspadi (153-161). E. The Dvipadi (162-203).
The concluding stanza (204). Ch. VII. The Shorter Dvipadīs.
Their province and general character (1-2); 10 such
Dvipadis defined (3-12); the concluding stanza (13). Ch. VIII. The Sandhi-bandha and the Rāsa-bandha. A. Some common Ap. metres (1-6).
Utthakka (1-2); Madanávatāra (3-4); Dhruvaka (5-6). B. The Sandhi-bandha (7-45).
The Chhaddania and other structural units (7); seven Chhaddaņias (8-23); three Ghattās (24-29). The terms Paddhadiā, Pada, Yamaka, Kadavaka, Sandhi, etc. explained (30-35) and illustrated (36-45).
(1) In the past few years Velankar has brought to light several works of Pk.
prosody like the Vrttajätisamuccaya of Virahanka, Kavidarpana, Gäthälaksana of Nanditädhya, Chandah kośa of Ratnasekhara and Chandassekhara of Räjasekhara. But none of these works even comes near to doing full justice to their subject.
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C. The varieties of Tala (46-47). D. Some structural terms (48). E. The Rāsā-bandha (49-52). The concluding stanza (53).
Citations in SC.
As stated above, to illustrate the metres defined Svayambhū has given more than 213 citations-most of them consist of a single stanza-from the current Pkand Ap. poetry. Of these 132 are found in the preserved portion of the Pk. section, 81 in the Ap. section. Most of the citations are given under their author's name and in this manner fifty-eight writers are quoted: forty-eight for the Pk. section, seven for the Ap. section and three for both. Caturmukha, Dhūrta, Māüradeva, Dhanadeva, Āryadeva, Chailla, Govinda, Suddhasila, Jinadāsa and Vidagdha appear in the Ap. section.
But besides the illustrations cited along with their author's name, there are fifty citations, all in the Ap. section, which are given without any author's name prefaced to them. The problem of these anonymous citations has been solved by Modi' and Premi by identifying several of them from Svayambhū's PC. They have shown that.
SC. V 9 = PC. 14 7 9 VI 42 =
65 1 1 . VI 71 - 77 1 1 VI 74 =
77 13 13 VIII 27 =
5 1 1 A further examination of has enabled me to make the following identifications:
SC. V 5 = PC. 3 3 11 VIII =
24 2 1-2 6 =
33 3 9 =
3 1 1
31 1 25 =
, 41 i 1 From this it follows that whenever Svayambhū has selected the illustrations from his own works, he has given them anonymously. Hence it is reasonable to conclude that most of the nameless illustrative stanzas in SC. belong to Svayambhu-most of them, and not possibly all, because the text of SC. is based on a single defective Ms. that is unreliable in several matters. For instance the ascriptions of SC. I 6 to Vijjā and of SC. I 78 to Suddhakai are disputed by the marginal gloss to SC. which gives instead the names of Divāara and Niüņa respectively. Still more significant is the fact that at least in one case we are in a position to prove that the Ms. of SC. makes a wrong ascription. SC. VI 71 is reproduced from PC. (77 1 1). But that illustration is given in SC. under the name of Caümuha. Hence so long as we have not got a satisfactory text of SC. based on sufficient Ms. material we should be cautious in drawing conclusions from the available text of SC. Nevertheless, we are within reasonable limits when we say that most of the anonymous citations in SC. are taken from Svayambhu's own works. It is likely that some of them did not belong to any particular work, but were composed by Svayambhū just to illustrate his definitions.
sufficient ®mas we have notin sc. undeduced fron Dus citations sonable limirailable text should be callery text
(1) Modi, 1940, 172. (2) Premi, 1942, 383. (3) Caümmuha is a recurrent misprint in the printed text of SC.
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All the citations in SC. that could be identified have been traced to PC. alone. Several of the anonymous stanzas have reference to the Mahābhārata theme and therefore, taking for guidance the context and the metre of these Harivarśa citations in SC., I casually examined RC., but could not identify a single citation. And that is natural because it is quite probable that RC. was Svayambhū's last work (see the next section). This also creates one more problem for us; what must have been the source of these anonymous citations having reference to the Harivamśa theme?
The Pk. section of SC. in this matter presents a contrast to its Ap. section. Therein all the illustrations are taken from other poets. There is not one anonymous citation. Svayambhu's literary activity seems to have been exclusively confined to Ap.
The lost portion of sc.
Velankar thinks that the lost portion of SC. consisting of folios 1 to 22 just dealt with the metres containing from 1 to 13 syllables in each line. The Prakrit metres proper are left, according to him, untouched by Svayambhū. He observes". Another strange thing about Svayambhū is that not only does he treat the ordinary Samskrta metres as the Prākrta ones, regarding them as the Mātrāvịttas and defining them as such, but he totally neglects the proper Prākṣta metres discussed at great length by Hemacandra in his Chandonusāsana, p. 28b and the following, and by Virahānka in his Vșttajātisamuccaya Chs. III-IV”. Again in his introductory remarks to the edition of Rajasekhara Kavi's Chandaśćekhara he says, 'unlike Svayambhū, however, they (Prūkyta Paingala and Chandahkosa) define the Gātha and its derivatives from the Prāksta meires.
Now it would be strange that though SC. claimed to contain all that was important in Pk. and Ap. prosody, it did not treat the genuine Pk. metres. And in that case the imposing title Chandascūdāmani 'the crest-jewel (?) of metrics' attached to Svayambhū by Tribhuvana would appear more of an expression of filial affection than a proper appraisal of Svayambhu's achievements in the field of Pk. metrics. It would be, moreover, inexplicable why Svayambhū did not treat those popular and well-known Pk. metres (commonly used in Ap. also) when he admiringly mentions by their names some of them', when he actually employs in his epics some of them and when he himself has written a work on Pk, and Ap. prosody.
The question, therefore, naturally arises: Is the assumption
(1) See for example, SC. VI 45, 58, 98, 102, 152; VIII 2, 9. Premi, 1942, 383
adumbrates the possibility of tracing some of these to RC. (2) Velankar, 1935, 23. (3) Velankar, 1946. 4.
Cakkalaehim Kulaehim Khandhaehim,
Pavanuddhua-Rāsaluddhaehim Manjariya-Vilāsiņi-Nakkudehim, suha-chandehim saddehim Khadahadehim | PC. 23 1 6-7.
Of these Cakkalaa and Kulaa are defined at SC. VIII 48, Khandhaya (Skandhaka) at Ch. IV 5, Pavanoddhuta at Ch. IV 64, Khadahadaya at Vrttajātisamuccaya (Velankar, 1929, IV 73-74). Hela-dvipadi is used in PC 17. and 25. Sandhis, Mañjari in PC. 19, and 45. Sandhis, Dvipadi in PC. 13. Sandhi, Salabhanjikā in PC. 46. Sandhi and Vilāsini ini PC. 17, 12; 46, 2. Most of these are used as Kadayaka-commencing stanzas. For their use in MP. see Section 7.
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plausible that the lost portion of SC. contained only the wanting Varnavšttas from the Uktā to Atijagati division along with some introductory matter and nothing else? Let us examine it.
As unfortunately the stanzas are not numbered in the Ms., we have to take resort to inference. Each side of the folios of the Ms. of SC. contains about 8 lines with 42 letters to each line on an average. This gives us a round figure of 330 to 340 letters per side. Now the first few folios contain on an average four metres of the length of the Atijagati or Sakvarī class with their definitions and illustrations. On the basis of these data we can form a rough estimate as to how many metres on an average were contained by each side of the folios. Some calculation done with the help of the above data shows that about six metres having from 8 to 12 syllables per line along with their definitions and illustrations can be contained by each side of the folio. To form an idea as to how many folios could possibly have been occupied by the treatment of these metres, we should know their number according to Svayambhū.
The extant portion of the Varnavșttas treated by Svayambhū can favourably compare in its extent with the corresponding portion of the Kavidarpana' or the Vrttaratnākara. The latter of these two works treats a slightly smaller number of metres. On the other hand, Hemacandra's Chandonuśasana is elaborate. Thus Svayambhucchandas in this matter stands midway between the Kavidarpana and the Chandonusasana, somewhat nearer to the former than the latter.
Now among the missing Varnavrttas those having from 1 to 7 letters per line could not have occupied more than one side altogether, Corresponding to the remaining classes upto to the Rucirā variety of the Atijagati class, the Kavidarpana has 47 metres, the Vșttaratnākara has 59. Accordingly SC. could not have treated more than 90 or 100 metres at the most. Counting six metres per side, the space occupied by these metres would come to about 16 sides or 8 folios. Taking into consideration the space devoted to the introductory matter and to the treatment of the metres containing from 1 to 7 letters per line, we can quite reasonably conclude that the treatment of the missing Varnavrttas from the Uktä to the Praharşiņi or the Mattamayūra variety of the Atijagati class, could not have occupied a space of more than nine or ten folios of SC.
This conclusion is supported by another consideration too. In any treatment of the Varņavsttas the space occupied by the first 13 classes of metres cannot be possibly more than about half of the space occupied by the rest of the classes down to the Utkřti, along with the Dandakas, the Ardhasama Vrttas and the Vişama Vrttas. Now this latter portion in SC. occupies 22 folios (from 23 to 44). Hence the missing Varnavrttas could not have occupied 10 or 11 folios at the most.
If the missing Varnavșttas were contained in ten of the missing folios only, what were the remaining twelve folios devoted to? Let us consider the matter. The Aryā, Galitaka and Khañjaka Prakaraņas of the fourth chapter of the Chandonuśäsana deal with some 85 different metres. Making allowance for the greater elaboration and the compilatory character of the Chandonuśasana, we can assume that the corresponding number of the metres of these classes, if treated by Svayambhū, would be in the vicinity of 70. Counting even as three metres per side on an average, these 70 metres can
(1) Velankar, 1935-1936, 51-60.
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udástea. Atravam. tad umilahu' itlabhasta.
occupy a space of some 24 sides or 12 folios. Thus of the missing 22 folios of SC., about 10 dealt with from the Uktā to the Jagats and part of the Atijagati classes of the Varņavrttas, while the twelve folios preceding them could have well contained the metres of the Āryā, Galitaka and Khãnjaka classes.
Fortunately there are some positive indications' to believe that Svayambhū did treat the genuine Pk. metres. In the commentary on the fourth stanza (īsīsi cumbiaim etc.) Act I of the Abhijñānasākuntala, Rāghavabhatta, while explaining the metre of the stanza makes the following remarks:
iyam ca Gītiḥ. Tallakṣaṇam Sambhau- 'caccaravadha-addhe
udāsthaddhammi na visame masta guru sattaddha Giiaddhe'. Atra pūrvārdhe pūrvayor imkāra-hiņkārayor laghutvam jñeyam. tad uktar tatraiva- 'iha ārābindu
juāe osuddhā- paā vasāņaṁ milahu' iti, Here two quotations are given by Rāghavabhatta. The first is hopelessly corrupt. Ercepting the last two syllables Gii all the rest. of the text of that quotation is printed in one mass without any word division in the original. It is not possible to make out from this the original wording or sense, but it is given with the express statement that this is a definition of the metre Gīti quoted from one Sambhu. The second quotation too is somewhat corrupt. Its correct form is as under:
iha(i)-ārā bindu-juā, e-o suddhā paāvasāņammi lahu.
In the commentary on śākuntala V 16 also occurs, 'e-o suddhā paāvasānammi lahu'. These latter two quotations are given to support the metrically short character of final in and hiṁ in a Pk. metre. It is clearly stated that the second quotation in the commentary on Sākuntala I 4 is taken from the same source (tatraiva) as the first i.e., from Sambhu according to the text as we have it. Now this second citation is obviously taken from the Svayambhūcchandas of Svayambhū wherein IV 2 reads:
i-hi-ārā bindu-juā paāvasanammi jaha huvanti lahu
taha kattha-vi chanda-vasā käavvă u-hu-ārā i and further IV 3 reads:
binni-vi e-o suddhā paāvasānammi jaha huvanti lahu ll etc. Rāghavabhatta has apparently combined SC. IV 2 and 3 in his citation. But there does not appear any reasonable doubt as to Rāghavabhatta's source. Two results follow from this: first, although the name of the authority is given as Sambhu, it is but a corruption of the correct name Svayambhū; second, Svayambhū had also to his credit the treatment of at least the Aryā class of Prakrit metres.
Svayambhū and Svayambhūcchandas have been quoted by two other late metricians also in the incorrect forms sambhu and sambhucchandas. Nārāyanabhatta in his commentary (1544 A.D.) on Kedārabhatta's Vrttaratnākara' mentions Sambhucchandas along with the Prākṣtapaingala and Cūdāmani as his sources for the information he supplies regarding Prakrit metres*. His words are: Prākstādişu prāyaḥ paridrstäni chandamsi Prak’tapaingala
binni hatta has appanot appearllow from this but a cor also
(1) Bhayani, H.C., 'Svayambhú and the Prakrit Metres', BV, n.s. 8, 9-10, Sept.
Oct. 1946. 137-138. The view expressed in that note has been revised here
on discovering fresh evidence. (2) Published along with Godbole and Parab's edition of the "Sakuntala', Bombay
1889. (3) Parab, 1902 68. (4) Though he states that he had examined the above three works, in the por
tion that follows all the quotations are from the Prákrta-paingala.
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Sambhucchandas- Cūdamanyādi-grantha- paryālocanayā vyutpitsuvyutpatty-artham asmābhir ucyante.
Similarly the Chandomanjarī of Gangādāsa Kavi thrice quotes Sambhu: The metres Bhujagaśiśubhrtā, Mañjubhāşini and Rsabhagajavilasita are given by Sambhu, according to Gangādāsa Kavi, under the respective names of Bhujagaśiśusstā, Sunandini and Gajaturagavilasita. If we refer to SC., we find that the first of these three metres could have been in that portion of SC. which is lost and hence we are not in a position to ascertain what was the name given by Svayambhū to the Bhujagaśiśubhịtā. The Manjubhāşiņi is given as Ņandiņi by Svayambhū (S.C. I. 3-4). which designation is very near to Sunandini, and the Rsabhagajavilasita is given as Gaavaravilasiaa (i.e. Gajavaravilasitaka) át C. I. 47-48, which is comparable to Gajaturagavilasita cited by Gangādāsa Kayi. This makes it probable that the authority quoted by the latter under the name sambhu is nobody else than Svayambhū, the author of SC. It is like that both Nārāyanabhatta and Gangādāsa Kavi knew SC. at second hand. Moreover by their time the names of ancient metrical authorities like Svayambhū had become halflegendary and nobody bothered much about their correct form. Under the circumstances, Svayambhu is transformed into Sambhu and Sevala or Saitava (whose opinion on Yati is quoted by Svayambhū, who is known as an ancient metrical authority to Hemacandra and the Kavidarpana and whose opinion on the name of the metre commonly known as Vasantatilakā is quoted by most of the Sanskrit metricians) undergoes metamorphosis as sveta". Hence it is not difficult to explain how Svayambhū was cited as Sambhu by Rāghavabhatta, Nārāyanabhatta and Gangādāsa Kavi.
All these considertions lead us to believe that the lost portion of SC. contained a section on pure Prakrit metres dealing with the Āryā, Galitaka, Khañjaka etc. that preceded the section on the Varņavrttas.
bien asiomis very as Nandinto thesition tot portionhat the tits and
de touteGasing, and the res.c. 1. The Manjhe
The Chanda išsekhara and SC.
Velankar has published" the fifth chapter of the Chandašsekharo. of Rājasekhara Kavi, who most probably flourished in the first quarter of the eleventh century. This is the only available portion of the text, the portion of the Ms. dealing with the Sk. and Pk. metres being at present untraceable. If we compare this fifth chapter of the Chandassekhara with SC. IV-VIII, we can see at the first glance that the former is little more than a Sk. translation of SC. IV-VIII. The slight difference in the arrangement, order of treatment and names of the metres indicates that Rajasekhara Kavi had occasionally consulted other sources also. The earlier portion being lost, we do not know if Rājasekhara Kavi admitted his debt to Svayambhū. That portion could have aslo thrown some indirect light on the real Pk. metres of SC.
The minor details with regards to which Chandaśśekhara deviates from SC. are shared by the Chandonusāsana also. This shows that Hemacandra has used both, SC. as well as the Chandašsekhara.
(1) Parab, 1902, 108, 114, 119. (2) See the following quotation from the Chandogovinda of his Guru Bhatta Puru
sottama given by Gangadasa Kavi: Sveta-Mandavya-mukhyāstu, necchanti
munayo yatim: Chandomañjarī, p. 105. (3) Velankar, 1946, 1-14.
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The Lost Works The Suddha ya cariya,
The colophon stanza' at the beginning of the 100. Sandhi of RC. is, according to our interpretation, from Svayambhū's pen. It mentions Suddhayacariya and Paümacariya as the two works written by Svayambhu before the Ritthanemicariu. Premi suggests that Suddhayacariu is a scribal error for Suvvayacariu and this latter is nothing but a qualification of Paüimacariu mentioned just before in the same line, because Padma and Laksmana according to the Jain mythology flourished during the Tirtha of Mumi Suvrata. But the force of ca in the words suddhayacariyam ca of the stanza in question makes this interpretation untenable. Two, not one, works are clearly intended. Now we actually know, of course in name only, of a later composition, possibly in Apabhramśa, called Suậdhaya-vira-kahā written by one Mahakavi Devadatta', who is significantly compared by his son Vira with Svayambhū and Puşpadanta. Thus there is nothing against our believing that Svayambhū composed the poem called Suddhayacariya. This poem was probably in Apabhahmía, since we do not know of any Pk. work by Svayambhū and the absence in SC. of quotations from his own works is not without some meaning
The Siri-Pañcam ik a hā.
În one of the Prasasti stanzas discussed below Tribhuvana declares that he had composed the highly wonderful Pañcamīcariu without having tasted (ie, independently of) the matter or style of Caturmukha or Svayambhū. In another place* he says: Had Tribhuvana Svayambhū not been the younger son of the crestjewel of metrics' (? i.e. Svayambhū) who would have 'repaired (samāreu, i.e., redacted) Siri-Pañcami the poem composed in the Paddhadia?
These remarks imply that not only Tribhuvana hímself had written a Pancamicariu, but Svayambhū also had composed a poem in the Paddhadiā metres called Siri-pañcami-kaha, dealing with the māhātmya of the Jñananañcami or Śrutapañcami similar to, say, the Bhavisattakana of Dhanapāla.
Due to reasons unknown to us this poem was considered incomplete or defective in some way by Tribhuvana and hence he worked it over.
Other works.
In the very beginning of PC., while introducing himself, Svayambhū calls himself Kavirēja'. This shows that at the time
(1) Appendix II, stanza 65, For its discussion see Section 5. (2) Premi, 1942. 378 footnote. (3) "(वीर) कविने अपने पिता महाकवि देवदत्तकी चार कृतियोंका उल्लेख किया है।
5772 Taier3 Tafsta FT IT, T TTTT FET', (?) तिचच्चरिया' और 'अंबादेवीरास' भी अपभ्रशकी रचनाएं हो सकती हैं। एक संधिके आदिपद्यमें कविने कहा है कि जब स्वयंभका जन्म हुआ तब एक कवि हए,
909an eta ET 317 acaeta " Jain, 1946, 120. (4) Appendix I, stanza 45. (5) Appendix 1 stanza 47. (6) buddhie avegahiya sairacın PC 1 2 96.
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of composing PC. Svayambhū had already earned the title of Kavirāja. Such an eminent literary status could be won only when one has got several important poetical works to his credit. So before PC., Svayambhū must have composed at least two, possibly more, poetical works. Were the Siri-pañcami-kaha and The Suddhaya cariya written before PC.? We have no means to ascertain this or to decide whether there was any other work or works of Svayambhū over and above these two written before PC.
The Prasasti stanza 4 given in Appendix I, tells us that the intoxicated elephant in the form of Apabhraṁsa roams at will only so long as the goad in the form of Svayambhū's grammar does not strike on its head. Further stanza 5 given there states: Victerious be the Svayambhū-lion, having correct words as his terrible fangs, fierce to look at on account of claws in the form of metres and figures, and having grammar as his wealth of main. On the strength of these stanzas Jain and Premi suppose that Svayambhū had also written a grammar, possibly an Apabhrmsa grammar. Jain is even inclined to credit him with the authorship of a work on rhetorics and another on lexicography. But the references are too general and vague to permit even any tentative conclusions in this matter. They may be nothing more than tributes paid to Svayambhū for his proficiency in various sästras like Vyakarana, Alamkāra, Koša etc., that is evident from his poetic works. Tribhuvana describes himself also metaphorically as a choice bull (dhavala) having grammar as his strong shoulders, scriptures as limbs, logic as his terrible feet and carrying the load of poetry to the Jina-Tirtha.
The other references to Svayambhu's grammar and rhetorics pointed out by Jain are admittedly of a mythological or doubtful character and hence without any probative value.
strength written 73 credit hexicograpang tentat
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t from his Sastras like ributes paid fusions in this
Sva y a mbhū's achievements.
Svayambhū should be counted among those fortunate writers who achieved during their life-time recognition and literary fame that was amplified by subsequent generations. He was well-known as Kaviraja during his times and his son Tribhuvana never tires of speaking in glowing terms about his father. The Praśasti stanzas found in the beginning and end of some MSS. of PC., are most probably by Tribhuvana and they obviously give expression to the contemporary literary appraisal of Svayambhū. His name was spoken along with Caturmukha and Bhadra (or Dantibhandra). celebrated names in the field of Apabhramsa letters. He is even said to have excelled them. Especially Svayambhu's description of watersports (ialakrida) in PC. (Sandhi 14) was acknowledged as a masterpiece worth mentioning along side the Gograha-kathā of Caturmukha and the Matsyavedha of Bhadra. Whether you talk of the beauty of ideas or of expressions, whether you weigh knowledge of rhetorics, proficiency in Ap. grammar or skill in handling varied metres, Svayambhū is recognised as an all-round mater.
That the encomiums showered upon his father by Tribhuvana were not merely an expression of filial affection is borne out by the appreciations of many later poets and authors who are never sparing in their praise of Svayambhū. Puşpadanta, who along with Caturmukha and Svayambhū constitutes the big trio of Apabhraíśa
(1) Jain, 1936, 74-75; 1946, 113; Premi, 1912, 385-86. (2) Appendix I, stanza 34. (3) Appendix I, stanzas 1-6.
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poetry, mentions' him besides Caturmukha, Harsa and Bāņa and speaks reverently of him as a great Acārya surrounded by thousands of friends and relatives Harişeņa in his Dhammaparikkhā (A.D 987) raises Svayambhū to the pedestal of a god and praises his knowledge of mundane and supramundane narratives. Kanakāmara, the author of Karakanducariu (11th century) remembers him as one possessing a comprehensive mind (visālacittu). Hemacandra (1089-1172) considers him as an important metrical authority like Bharata, Kāśyapa, Pingala, Saitava and Jayadeva and borrows several passages verbatim from the Svayambhucchandas. Several other poets and writers who refer to Svayambhū as a great poet and an authority are mentioned below: Author
Date Nayanandi
Sayalavihivihāna (in Ap.) 11th Cent. Vira'
Jambūsämicariu ( „ ) 1020 A.D. Sricandra Rayaņakarandu (
1064 A.D. Kavidarpanachandovrtti 13th Cent. Dhanapāla
Bāhubalicariu (in Ap.) 1398 A.D. Simhasena alias
Raïdhu" Mehesaracariu ( , ) 15th Cent. Nārāyaṇabhatta
Com. on Vrttaratnākara 1544 A.D. Cintamanimiśra Vāñmayaviveka"
16th Cent. Rāghavabhatta
Com. on Śākuntala Gangādāsakavi
Among the later writers, Rajasekhara Kavi appears to be the most indebted to Svayambhū. For, as pointed out earlier (pp. 4647) the Ap. section of his Chandassekhara is but a Sanskrit recast
(1) Caumuhu Sayambhu Siri-Harisu Doņu.
n'aloiu kai īsānu Vānu/ Mahāpurāņa 1 1 5. (2) Kairāu sayambhu mahāyariu.
So sayana-sahāsahim pariyariu./Mahapurana 69 1 7. Is this an echo of Svayambhu's own words
kai atthi aneya bheya-bhariya je suyana-sahāsehim-ayariya/ (PC. 23 1 5)? In the gloss on the word Sayambhu in the above line cited from the Mahậpurāna is quoted dihara-samasa-ņālam, etc., the second introductory stanza of PC. Tribuvana too gives us to understand that Svayam
bhũ had numerous pupils. (3) Caumuhu kavva-virayani Savambhu vi,
Pupphayantu annānu nisumbhivi/ jo sayambhu so deu pähānau, aha kaha-loyaloya-viyānau/.
Kaslival, 1950, 108; Premi, 1942, 371, n. 4. (4) Jain, Karakanducariu, 1934. (5) Chandonuśasana, p. 14 a, 16: Rambheti Svayambhuh. For the borrowings
see further below. (6) Bhammaha Bhārahi Bharahu vi mahantu,
Caümuhu Sayambhu kai Pupphayantu Kaslival, 1950. 287. rasa-bhavahim ranjiya viusa-janu,
so muyavi Sayambhu annu kavanu/Jain, 1935, 75; Kaslival, 1950, 100. (8) Caümuhu caümuhu va pasiddhu bhāi,
kairāya-Sayambhu sayambhu ņāi/ taha Pupphayantu nimmukka-dāsu,
vannijjai kim suyaeva-kosu//Kaslival, 1950, 165. (9) Velankar, Kavidarpaņam, 61; it quotes SC I 144. (10) vara Paümacariu kiu sukai-sedhi,
iya avara jāya dhara-valaya-vidhi/ Caumuhu Donu Sayambhu-kai,
Pupphayantu punu Vīru bhanu//Kaslival. 1950, 142. (11) Jain. 1935, 75.
(12) Parab, 1902, 68. (13) Kar, 2, 299.
(14) Parab, 1902, 108, 114, 119.
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of the first four out of the five chapters in SC. dealing with the Apabhrarnsa metres. Puşpadanta, " Dhanapāla, Rājasekhara and Hemacandra are typical of the poets and writers that are more or less influenced by Svayambhu's works.
And because of his high achievements in the domain of Apabhramśa literature, it was but natural that Svayambhū exercised considerable influence over the subsequent literary efforts in Apabhrarsa. Especially for the epic poets coming after Svayambhū, it was not quite easy to compose with a mind freed completely from the impressions of Svayambhu's voluminous epics. These considerations are clearly borne out by the close similarity of several passages from the Paümacariu on one hand and the Mahāpurāna of Puşpadanta and the Bhavisattakaha of Dhanapāla on the other.
Sva y am bhū and Puşpadanta
For a poet of Puspadanta's literary talent and learning h would not require much effort to shake off the influence of his renowned predecessors in Apabhramsa poetry. The form, however, of the Apabhramsa epic, appears to have become by his time considerably stereotyped and the Purānic material which served for the subject-matter of the religious Apabhramśa epics hardly ever permitted variation of even small details'. The picture was completed by the fact that Apabhramsa poetic diction was becoming increasingly conventionalized. This tended to fix up a somewhat rigid norm for language and style, though sporadic influx from the spoken vernaculars exerted to some extent a rejuvenating influence. These considerations would account for numerous verbal borrowings on the part of Puspadanta from Svayambhu's Paümacariu. These are found mostly in the beginning portion of the Mahāpurāna since that portion along with the section dealing with the Rāmāyana (Sandhis 69-79) share common subject-matter with the Paümacariu. Of course I have not examined the whole of the Mahápurāna from this point of view and we cannot rule out the probability of finding traces of Svayambhu's influence in other parts also of that work. Nevertheless, it is likely to be negligible on account of difference in subject-matters.
The parallelisms in wording, matter, rhyming, etc., between PC. (and other works of Svayambhū) and the Mahapurāna are given below: PC.
MP. १. तिहुअण-लग्गण-खम्भु ।१ १ १
१. जग-लग्गण-खम्भु ।३ ६ १४
लग्गण-खम्भु। ५ १९ ६ २. जहिँ दक्खा-मण्डव परियलन्ति,
२. जहिँ दक्खा-मण्डव-यलि सुयन्ति, पूणु पन्थिय रस-सलिलइँ पियन्ति ॥ १ ४ ८ पहि पन्थिय दक्सा-रसु पियन्ति ।
८ १२ १२ ३. तहिँ तं पट्टण रायगिहु,
3. af. ... 045 refire FRECJI 90T-FUTU-AHEJI
कुलमहिहर-थणहारिऍ, वसुम इ-णारिएँ, णं पिहिविएँ णव-जोव्वणएँ,
भूसणु णं आइद्धउ ॥ १ १२ १२-१३ सिरे सेहरु आइद्धउ ।। १४ ९
(1) Compare Vaidya's remarks on this point in Mahāpurāna of puşpadanta, Vol.
II, 1940, Introduction, 11, 21.
Page #73
४. हसइ व मुत्ताहल-धवल-दन्तु । १ ५ १ ४. णं मुत्तावलि-दन्तहिँ हसन्ति। etc. ___etc.
२०६८ ५. अणुहरइ पुणु वि जइ सो ज्जे तासु । १ ६ ८ ५. तासु सरिच्छउ त जि भणिज्जइ।
२८ १३ ५ ६.. चउसट्ठि-चामरुद्धअमाणु । १ ७
५ ६.चउसट्ठि-चमर-विज्जिज्जमाणु। १०७४ ७. देवाविय लहु आणन्द-भैरि। १८३ ७. देवाविय लहु आणन्द-भेरि ।१० ६ १६ ८. दिठ्ठ भडारउ वीर-जिणु,
८. संठिउ मन्दर-सिङिग। किह आसण-संठिउ।
जिणु सासय-सोक्खु, तिहुअण-मत्थएँ सुह-णिलएँ
जावई मोक्ख, थिउ तेलोक्कहु सीसे। णं मोक्खु परिट्ठि॥ १ ८ १३
३ १३ ९-१० ९. माणववेसें आइउ देविउ,
९. छण-ससि महि। ससिवयणउ कन्दोटट-दलच्छिउ,
इन्दीवर-दीहर-णेनियउ। ३ १ १० सप्परिवारउ ढुक्कउ तेत्तहे,
एयउ अण्णाउ, सुर-कण्णाउ, · सा मरुएकि भडारी जैत्तहे ।
धरिवि णि-कामिणि-वेसु ॥ आयाउ, सिरिमरुए विहिं पासु ।।
१०. का वि विोउ कि पि उप्पायइ,
पाइ प्रणच्चाइ गायइ वायइ॥११४ ४ ११. समुज्जलु दप्पणु ढोवइ । १ १४
६ १२. का वि किं फि अक्खाणउ अक्खइ।
१०, कवि णच्चइ गायइ महर-सरु,
क विपारम्भइ विणोउ अवरु।। ३ ४ ३ ११. चेलिउ उज्जलु ढोयइ । ३ ४ ७ १२. अक्खाणउँ का वि किं पि कहइ। ३ ४ ,
१३. पहु-पङगणऍ वसु-हार वरिट्टी।।
१३. घर-प्रकाणि वसु-हार वरिट्टी।
१४. जिण-सूरु समुठिउ नेय-पिण्ड, १४. खर-किरणु, वोहन्तु भव्व-जण-कमल-सण्डु ।।
तं मोहन्धार-विणास-यरु, मोहन्धार-विणास-यरु,
भव्व-यण-णलिण-वण-दिवसयरु ।। केवल-किरणायरु ।
३६६-७ उइउ भडारउ रिसह-जिणु
जण-तम णिण्णासु। ३ ८ ९ । सइँ भुवण-दिवाय ।। ११६८-९ उइउ जिणाहिव-चन्दु । ३८ १० १५. कण्ण-चमर-उड्डाविय-छपएँ। २ १७ १५. कष्ण-चमर-विणिवारिय-भिल्गो॥
कण्ण-चमर-हय-महुयरउ। ३ ६१ १६. . लहु सक्केय-णयरि किय जक्खें, १६. अउज्झ, परियञ्चेवि ति-वार,
परियञ्चिय ति-वार सहसक्खें ॥ २ २ ५ भगइ सुरिन्दु ॥ ३ १० १७-१८ १७. थोत्तइँ पारद्धइँ। २ ४ ६
१७. थोत्तइँ पारद्धाइँ। ३ १८ ४ १८. कुण्डल-जुअल झत्ति आइज्झइ। . १८. कण्णहिं कुण्डलाइँ आइद्ध। सेहरु सीसे हारु वच्छत्थलें,
करि कङकणु गलि हारु विलम्विउ. करे कङकण कडिसुत्तउ कडि-यले । सिरि सेहरु, २६ ३-४
कडियलि, वद्धउ कडिसुत्तउ ।
७ २१ १४-१६ १९. अरुह वुत्तु पुणु कहो उवमिज्जहि ।२६९ १९. कन्दप्पु जि पुणु कहु उवमिज्जइ ।५ १७ ३ ___मिच्चु वुत्तु पुणु कहों उवमिज्जइ। ११ १०८ २०. दुव्वल ढोरइँ पङके व खुत्तई। २७ ३ २०. जर कसरा इव कद्दवि खुत्तई। व्वल-होरिव पडके,
७ २०३ पडिय ण उछिवि सक्कइ । RC. 1 7 Ghatta
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२१. भुक्खा-मारें। २८२
२१. भुक्खा -मारहु । २२. पुण्णाउस कोक्किय णीलजण ।२९५ २२. पुण्णाउस णीलंजस णडइ। ६ ४ ११ २३. तं जि हउ वइरायहीं कारण । २ १०३ २३. ता होइ विरायहु कारणउँ। ६ ४ १२ २४. चारु देव जं सई उम्मोहिउ । २ १०४ २४. चारु चार जं सई पडिबुद्धउ। ७ १९ १४ २५. उवहिहिँ णव-णव-कोडाकोडिउ, २५. सर-णिहि-समाह पयडियउ, णठ्ठउ घम्मु सत्थु परिवाडिउ ॥
अट्ठारह कोडाकोडियउ॥ णट्ठ. दंसण-णाण-चरित्तई,
णलाई धम्म-कम्मन्तरइँ, दाण-झाण-संजम-सम्मत्तई।।
दसण-णाण चरियई वरई॥ पञ्च महव्वय पञ्चाणव्वय,
आयारइँ पञ्च महव्वयइँ, तिण्णि गुणव्वय चउ सिक्खावय ।।
अणुवय-गुणवय-सिक्खावयइँ॥ २१० ५-७ २६. घोर-वीर-तव-चरणे। २१२ ५ २६. घोर-वीर-तव-चरणें। ७ १४ ११ २७. हो हो केण दिट्ठ परमप्पउ। २ १२६ २७. पर-लोय-कहाणी केण दिट्ठ । ८३ ११ २८. जलइँ म डोहहों फलइँ म तोडहो। २८. मा लुणह तरुं मा धुणह मरुं ।
८४ २७-२९ २९. अण्णहुँ देसु विहजे वि दिण्णउ, २९. णिय-सुयह विहजिवि पुहइ देव,
अम्हहु किं पहु णिहाखिण्णउ ।। २ १४ २ दिण्णी, अम्हहुँ दिण्णउ ण किंपि ॥८५११-१२ ३०. तहिँ अवसरे,
३०. एत्तहि महि-विहरन्तु जिणेसरु । ९ १२ ३ महिविहरन्तहो तिहुअण-णाहहो । २ १६ १ ३१. 'थाहु' भणन्तु। २ १६ ११
३१. ठाह (ठाहु) भणिवि ९८७
ठा भणिउ। ९ ९ ९ . ३२. अक्खय-दाणु भणे वि सेयं सहो, ३२. अक्खय-दाणु भणिउँ परमेसें, ____ अक्खय-तझ्य णाउँ किउ दिवसहो ॥ २ १७ ८ वहु दिवसहु अत्थेण समायउ,
अक्खय-तइय णार्ड संजायउ॥ ९११ ८-९ ३३. अइपसण्ण-मुहयन्दहों। ३ २ ११ ३३. अइपसण्ण-मुहु । ९५ १३ ३४. दह घय पउम-मोर-पञ्चाणण,
३४. दह धय, गण्ड-मराल वसह-वरधारण ।।
माला-वत्थ-मोर-कमलङकहिँ एक्केक्कएँधएँ अहिणव-छायहँ,
हंस-गरुड-हरि-विस-करि-चक्कहि । सउ अट्ठोत्तरु चित्त-पडायहुँ ।। ३ ४ ५-७ भूसिय-पडिधय-पह-पइरिक्कहु
अट्ठोत्तर-सउ सउ एक्केक्कहु ९ २४ १०-१२ ३५. तं समसरणु परिठिउ जावहिँ, ३५. एम देव संचल्लिय जावहिँ,
अमर-राउ संचल्लिउ तावहि ॥ ३ ४ ८ धणएं समवसरणु किउ तावहिँ ।। ९ २० १४ अमर-राउ संचल्लिउ जावे हिँ, धणएं किउ कञ्चणमउ ताहिँ,
पट्टणु ॥ २ २ १-२ ३६. परिवढिउ । ३ ६ १
३६. परियडिओ। ९ १७ १३ ३७ वीयउ मन्दरु णाई समुठिउ। ३ ६ ३७ णं आयउ वीयउ मन्दरु। ९ १७ १६ ३८. ताव विणिग्गय दिव्व झुणि। ३ ११ १ ३८. ता पिग्गन्त-धीर-दिव्व-झुणि । १० ९१ ३९. जो जं मग्गइ तं तहों देइ। ३ १२ ५ ३९. जो जं मग्गइ तं तासु दिण्णु। ४ १९ १२ ४०. सठिहि वरिस-सहासहिँ,
४०. उज्झहि भरहाहिउ पइसरइ,, भरहु अउज्झ पईसरइ।
सठिहिँ बरिस-सहासहिँ॥ णव-णिसियर-धारउ,
पउ पइसरइ पुरवरे। १६ १ १९ चक्करयणु ण पईसरइ ॥ ४ १ णिसिय-धारयं राइणो रहङगं ॥ १६ २ १-२ ४१. पइसरइ ण पट्टणे चक्करयणु, ४१. थक्कउ चक्कु ण पुरि पंरिसक्कइ,
जिह अवुहन्भन्तरें सुकइ-वयणु ।। ४१२ कुकइहि कव्वु व णउ चिम्मक्कइ ।। १६ २३
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४२. जइ सो कह वि वियट्टइ,
४२. जइ रणि कह वि वियम्भइ, तो सहुँ खन्धावारें, एक्क-पहारें।
तो सहुँ चक्कै सहुँ साहणे ण, पइ मि देव दलवट्टइ॥ ४२९
पइँ मिणरिन्द णिसुम्भइ ॥१६५ १२-१३ ४३. को तुहुँ को भरहु ण भेउ को वि।४३ ६ ४३. को तुहुँ भरहु कवणु किर
वुच्चइ। १६१६ ४ ४४. (a) परम-जिणेसरेण, जं कि पि ४४. (a) जंदिण्णं महेसिणा....णयर-देसविहजे वि दिण्णु। ४ ४ १
___ मेत्तं । १६ १९.१ (B) इमु मण्डलु,
(b) तहु मेइणि महु पोयणणयरु आसि समप्पिउ वप्पें। ४ ४ ९
आइजिणिन्हें दिण्णउँ। १६ १९ ११ ४५. किं वहिएण वराएं, भडसंघाएं। ४८९. ४५. कि किङकर-णियरें मारिएण,
किर काइँ वराएं दण्डिएण ।१७ ९९-१०, ४६. उवरिल्लियएँ, हेट्ठिम दिट्ठि परज्जिय। ४६. हेट्ठिल दिट्ठि उवरिल्लियाइ, णिज्जिय ४७. उज्झहें दणु-दुग्गेज्झहे। ४ १४ ९ ४७. अउज्झहि वइरि-दुसज्झहि
( v. I.। दुर्गेज्झहि) ७ २६ २५ अउज्झ परम ( v. 1. पर-) दुःगेज्म ।
३ १० १७ ४८. सो पहु मुअउ अवारें णिज्जइ ४८. सो मुउ घर-दारेण ण णिज्जइ जिह सञ्झाएँ एउ पङकय-वणु,
तणु लायण्णु वण्णु खणि खिज्जइ, तिह जराऍ घाइज्जइ जोव्वणु ।
कालालिं मयरन्दु व पिज्जइ ॥१९१२ जीविउ जमेण सरीरु हुआसें,
सत्तइँ कालें रिद्धि विणासें ॥ ५२५-७ ४९. आयएँ लच्छिएँ वहु जुज्झाविय ४९. एयइ वसुमइ-धुत्तियइ, पाहुणया इव वहु बोलाविय । ५ १३८ वोलाविय के के णउ णिवइ ।१५ ६ ३-४
म. पइ जेहा बहु वहाविय,
पुहइइ पुहइ-पाल वोलाविय ॥ १८२२ ५० जो जो को-इ जवाण. तास तास कुल-उत्ती॥ ५० ताएं भत्त चिरु, पूतें सहँ सहँ अच्छइ। मेइणि छेञ्छइ जेम, कवणे णरेण भुत्ती॥ वसुमइ-झेन्दुलिय, जगि केण-वि
समउ ण गच्छइ। १५६ १४-१५ महि-पुण्णालि व केण ण भुत्ती।
१८१७ ५१. पुव्व-भवन्तर-णेहें। ५ ७ ११ ५१. पुव्व-भवन्तर-णेह ९ ५ १४ ५२. (a) महु-पिङगल-लोयणु। ११ ४ ४ ५२. (a)णयणेहि महु-पिङगलो। ९ १७ ६ (8) चाववंसु। ११४८
(B) चाववंसो।९१७ १० ५३. जे जल-हत्थि-कुम्भ सोहिल्ला, ५३. काहि वि दिटठउ पयडु थणत्थलु, ते जि णाईं थणं अद्धम्मिल्ला ॥१४ ३ ६ णाई णिरङग-कुम्भि-कुम्भत्थलु ॥
२१ १४ ५४. णउ वइसणउ ण वड्डउ जीवणु, ५४. पहु-अग्गइ सेवा-दूसणउँ, ण करेवउ कयावि पिट्ठीवणु ॥
णिट्ठीवणु जिम्भणु पहसणउँ।। पाय-पसारणु हत्थप्फालणु,
कम-कम्पणु अद्द णिहालणउ, उच्चालवणु समुच्च-णिहालणु ।।
हिक्कारसु भउँहा-चालणउँ॥ हसणु भसणु पर-आसण-पेल्लणु,
खासणु घम्मिल्लामेल्लणउँ, गत्त-भङगु मुह-जम्भा-मेल्लणु ॥
कर-मोडि परासण-पेल्लणउँ॥ णउ णियडेण दूरे वइसेवउ,
अवट्ठम्भणु दप्पण-दसणउँ, रत्त-विरत्त-चित्तु जाणेवउ ॥
अइजम्पणु सगुण-पसंसणउँ ।।
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अग्गल-पच्छल परिहरिएवी,
सवियासु काय-णियच्छणउँ, 'जिह तूसइ तिह सेव करेवी ।।
इट्ठागम-देव-दुगुञ्छणउँ॥ ८१ ११ ५-९ संकेय-वयण-अवयारणउँ, आयइँ लहुयाइँ ण कारण,
पर-णिन्दणु पाय-पसारणउँ । टिीवण-पायपसारण।।
अवरु वि जं विणएं विरहियउँ, कहर-मोडण-जिम्भामेल्लण:।।
सं म करह गुरुयण-गरहियउँ ।। कन्तेकहण-परासण-पेल्लण।। अवहउर-रूप-णिहालण,
उायसियहित्थुप्फालण। __ अइँ सव्वइँ वञ्चेवाइँ, इन्दियई पञ्च खञ्चेवाइँ ॥
RC. २८ १ ७-१० ५५. मे हरिअम्माहीप (र)ऍण,
२५. परियन्दइ अम्माहीरएण । परिय दइ हल्लह णाह ।
हो हल्लरु जो जो सुहुँ सुअहि, गोउलें पइँ अवइण्णऍण
पइँ पणवन्तउ भूयगणु ॥ हउँ हुइय जि सणाह॥ RC. 51 Ghatta
४ ४ १३-१४ Besides there are several passages which have common contents and descriptive patterns in PC. and MP. For instance..
(1) The passage describing various services rendered to
Marudevi by Śrī, Hri, etc., in PC. gives the details in a sequence of lines each beginning with kā vi (1 14 5-8). The corresponding passage in MP. (3 4 1-7) also gives similar details with a sequence of lines each be
ginning with ka vi. (2) The passage in PC. describing the activities of the gods
celebrating the ceremonial bath of newly-born Rsabha has a sequence of lines each beginning with kehi mi (PC. 2 4 2-8). The corresponding passage in MP. has similar details and a sequence of lines mostly begin
ning with kena vi (MP. 3 18 1-6). (3) The contents and pattern of PC. 41 and MP. 16 3 des
cribing how the triumphant Cakra did not enter
Ayodhyā are closely similar. The sentences in PC giving the similes begin with jiha and those in MP. end
with va. (4) Compare the following passages from the Svayambhū
chandas and the Mahăpurāņa: जिण-णामें मअगल मुअइ दप्पु,
तुह णामें जउ भक्खइ अहि वि।। केसरि वस होइ ण डसइ सप्पु ।। तुह णामें णासइ मत्त-करि, जिण-णामें ण डहइ धअधअन्त,
कम देंतु वि थक्कइ णरह हरि ।। हुअवह जाला-सअ-पज्जलन्त ।। तुह णामें हुयवहु णउ डहद, जिण गामें जलणिहि देह थाहु,
पर-वलु गय-पहरणु भउ पहइ ।। आरण्णे वण्णु ण वधइ वाहु ।
तुह णामें संतोसिय-खलउ जिण-णामें भव-सअ-संखलाईं,
_तुझेवि जंति पय-संखलउ ।। टुटन्ति होन्ति खणे मोक्कलाई ।। तुह णामें सायरि तरइ णरु, जिण-णामें पीडइ गहु ण को वि,
ओसरइ कोह-कंदप्प-जरु॥ दुम्मइ-पिसाउ ओसरइ सो-वि
तह णामें केवल-किरण-रवि
णीरोय होति रोयाउर वि॥ जिण-णाम-पवित्तें, दिवसुबन्ते
पूरंति मणोरह, गह साणुग्गह,
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पाउ असेसु वि छज्जइ॥
होति देव पई दिइ ।। जंज मणे भावह तं सह पावड
दीणु ण कासु वि किज्जइ ।।
(स्व. छं. ८-४१, ४२, ४३, ४५) म. पृ. १९ ८ ७-१२, १४). Lastly, we find several rhymes common between PC. and MP. used in the same context. With the common mythological subject-matter allowing little variation even in details, and with the style and diction becoming increasingly standardized it is natural that we find numerous rhymes (over and above ideas, phrases and stylistic devices) common between such epics as PC. and MP. The following few examples have been gleaned from the two works. PC.
MP. देवाहिदेव।
१. कय-सुर-णर-खयर-सेव किय-णाग-णरिन्द-सुरिन्द-सेव ॥ १ ९ २. . . . . . . . देव ।। ४८ ३. २. सुविणावलि. . . .. मरुदेविएँ दीसइ २. मुद्ध. . . . सिविणइ जं. ...दिट्ठ
णराहिवहों. . . . . .सीसइ ॥ १ १५ ९. पच्चूहे.. रायहु तं. सिछु।३ ५ ३३-३४ ३. जसु मेरु महागिरि ण्हवण-वीद
३. जो सुरगिरि सो तहु ण्हवण-वीदु ..... महिहर-खम्भ-गीढु ।। १ १६ २. जं महिमण्डलु तं तेण गीढु ॥४ ३ ५. ४. ०सारउ ---- भडारउ॥२६ १. ४. सारियहे---भडारियहे ॥३६ १. ५. मङगलगारउ -- भडारउ ॥२१. ५. संपयगारउ -- भडारउ ॥६ १. ६. पेक्खणाइँ पारद्धइँ ।
६. थोत्तइँ पारद्धाइँ ___ तोरण णिवद्धइँ ॥ ३ ६ ३. तोरण' णिवद्धाइँ॥ ३ १८ ४. ७. तं णिसुणेवि भय-भीसें । ७. तं णिसुणेप्पिण बाहबलीसें। वाहुवलीसें ॥ ४ ३ ९.
भू-भङग-भीसें।।१६ १८ १४. ८. मण्डलु-चिन्तिय-फलु।।४ ४ ९. ८. मण्डलु--चिन्तिय-फलु॥५ १२ ७.
Sva y am bhū and Dhana pāla
The beginning of the Bhavisattakaha of Dhanapāla (probably 10th Cent. A.D. Ed. Jacobi, 1918, Dalal-Gune, 1923) also appears clearly to have been modelled after the beginning of Svayambhū's Paümacariu, as can be established from the following verbal correspondences collected from the relevant portions of these two works.
Pau macariu
Bhavisatta k a ha १. पणवेप्पिणु १ १ २
१. पणविप्पिणु १ १ ३ २. संसारसमुद्दत्ताराहों १ १ २ २. संसारसमुत्तरणसेउ १ १ ७ ३. दुज्जयकंदप्पदप्पहरहों १ १ ३ । ३. कन्दप्पदप्पदलणेक्कमल्ल ११६ ४. परमेटाठि १ १ १
४. परमिछि १ १ १० । ५. भवियायणसउणकप्पतरुहो १ १ ९ ५. भव्वयणवयणपंकयपयंगु १ १ ४ ६. तइलोक्कमहारिसिकुलहरहों १ १ १७ ६. पवरमहासिरिकुलहरहों १ १ ११ ७. इय चउवीस विपरम जिणा पणवेप्पिणु भावें।। ७. सोहियइधरेवि। परममहासिरिकुलहरहो।। पुणु अप्पाणउ पायडमि। रामायण-कावें॥ वित्थारमि लोइ। कित्तणु भविसणराहि
वहीं॥ १ १ १२ ८. णिम्मलपुण्णपवित्तकह १२ १२८. णिम्मल पुण्ण पवित्त कह १ ४ ९ ९. ०पवित्तकहकित्तणु १ २ १२ ९. कित्तणु भविसणराहिवहाँ १ १ १२ १०. वुहयण १ ३ १
१०. बुहयण १ २ २
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११. एहू सज्जणलोयहो किउ विणउ १३ १२ ११. इहु सज्जणलोयहाँ विणउ सिठ्ठ १ ३ १२. अवहत्थेवि खलयणु १ ४ १
१२. अच्छउ खलयणु १४ १ १३. गणहरदेवहिं दिट्ठ १ २६ १३. गणहरिण दिट्ठ १४ २ १४. थिउ विउलमहीहरे वद्धमाणु १ ७ ६ १४. विउलइरि परिठिउ वद्धमाणु १ ४६ १५. समसरणु वि जसु जोयणपमाणु १ ७ ६ १५. जसु समवसरणु जोयणपमाणु १४६ १६. जहिँ पक्ककलमे १ ४ २
१६. परिपक्वकलमि १ ५ ३ १७. The story begins with the १७. The story begins with the
description of the मगधदेश, description of the कुरुजाङगलदेश, most of the lines beginning
most of the lines beginning with जहिँ, १ ४
with जहिँ, १ ५. १८. पुणु पंथिय रससलिलइँ पियंति १ ४ ८ १८. पुडुच्छरसइँ लीलइँ पियंति १ ५ १० १९. तहितं पट्टणु रायगिहु, धणकणयसमिद्धउ॥ १९. तहिं गयउरुणाउँ । पट्टणु जणजणियच्छ
रिउ ॥ ___णं पुइहएँ १४ ९
णं गमणु १ ५ ११-१२ २०. णं सग्गखण्डु अवयरे वि थिउ ९ १३ ६ २०. गं गयणु मुएवि । सग्गखण्डु महि अवयरिउ
जहि १ ५ १२ २१. णं पिहिविएँ णवजोंव्वणएँ। सिरे सेहरु आइद्धउ।।२१ जं पुहइहि मंडणु णं पसत्थु १ ६ १
२२. The patterns of PC. 1 14
4-8 and Bh. 1 10 9-13 are
quite similar. २३. जक्खकद्दमे ण १ १४ ८
२३. जक्खकद्दमथवक्कु १ १० १३ २४. णउ सामण्णु णरु ९५ ५
२४. सावन्नु एह णउ दीसइ २३ ५
एहु कोवि सामन्नु न दीसइ २१४२ २५. आलावेण वि संसउ १ १४ ४ २५. आलावणि संसउ २४ ६ २६. उप्पाइउ भंतिउ १ १०१
२६. उप्पाइय केण वि भंति २ ७१० २७. णीसद्दउ हूयउ किनकिणीउ
२७. सोहइ रणझणन्तु किङकिणिरउ । घग्घरहि घवघव-घोसु चत्तु १३ १६-७ घवघवन्तु घग्घरयमहारउ ९ ४ ३
These correspondences are sufficiently striking to warrant the conclusion that at the time of composing the first few Kadavakas of his Bhavisattakaha Dhanapāla had before him the beginning portion of Svayambhū's Paümacariu.
Svy a m bhū and Hemacandra
In the field of Apabhramsa prosody also Svayambhū had exerted considerable influence. Hemacandra has naturally profited much by Svayambhu's work on Pk. and Ap. metres. More than sufficient proofs are there to show the eclectic and exhaustive character of Hemacandra's treatise on prosody, the Chandonuśāsana. It is therefore quite reasonable to expect Hemacandra to have made generous use of the works of such eminent metrical authorities as Bharata, Kasyapa, Pingala, Saitava and Jayadeva, and we actually find these names cited several times in Ch, Svayambhū is also found quoted along with these great names. This indicates that by the times of Hemacandra, Svayambhū had come to be recognised as an eminent metrician.
We have seen that Rājasekhara Kavi had made a Sk. rendering of at least the Ap. section of SC. Hemacandra appears to have utilised SC. directly as also through the Chandassekhara of Răjasekhara.
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Firstly, when there obtains a difference of names regarding any of the metres treated, Hemacandra records it, at times along with the name of the authority. In this manner at the end of the definition and illustration stanza of the Meghavisphūrjitā, we read: Rambheti Svayambhūh (Ch. 14 a, 1. 16). If we refer to SC. we find that it defines at I 102 under the name Rambha that very metre which is called Meghavisphūrjitā. Similarly after treating the Vasanta (na-na-ta-ta-ga-ga; Ch. II 224 ), Hemacandra remarks Nandimukhity eke. SC. 1 11-12 define and illustrate this metre under the designation Nandimuhi. Ch. II 288 deals with the Vamsapatrapatita (bha-ra-na-bha-na-la-ga) and at the end it is observed: Vamsadalam ity anye. SC. I 61-62 define and illustrate the metre Vamsaala and at the end there is a note: ko vi a Vamsavattalalian ti pabhanai, while in the next stanza (164) which is given to illustrate this, there occurs the world Vamsavattavaḍiam in the fourth line.
Secondly, at several places Hemacandra has borrowed, verbally or with modifications or in its Sk. garb metrical rules and definitions from SC. without quoting the source or at times even without giving any indication that the statement in question is not original.
Compare the following:
(1 ) छव्वीसक्खर अहिअं जं दीसइ किंपि रूवअं दीहं । तं दण्डअंतिभइ पिपीडिआई पमोत्तूण | यत्किञ्चित् दृश्यते छन्दः शेषजात्यादिकं मुक्त्वा
( 2 ) घवलणिण अ पुरिसो धवलो वि होइ तिविहो
Ch. V 32 (1), preceded supuriso and so dhavalo. ( 3 ) गुरुओ च्चिअ एक्कलहू जमललहू लहुओ चिअ
विरामविसअम्मि विसमसंखाए ।
समसंखासंट्ठिओ होइ ॥ SC. v 2.
Ch. 16, 1. 11, preceded by yadāha and with some corrupt variants ( 4 ) विण्णवण संविहाणअ
मंगलसीहावलोइअत्थम्मि ।
तत्थ बिज्झइ धुव सिंहावलोकितार्थेषु मङगले च ध्रुवा प्रोक्ता
( 5 ) दोप्पा असंजुआओ
ताओ च्चि दुवईओ चतुर्मात्रादिकं त्रिशत् एकानेकैरन्तवर्णे
preceded by yadāha.
षडविंशत्यक्षराधिकम् ।
तत्सर्वं दण्डकं विदुः ॥ Ch. 18a, 1. 17. वणिज्जइ जेण तेण सा धवला ।
अट्ठपओ छप्पओ चउप्पाओ ॥ SC IV 36.
by yadāha and with the better variants,
तस्सोवरि सव्वदुवईओ ॥ SC. VII 1. विज्ञप्तौ संविधानके ।
द्विपदान्यत्र कीर्त्यते ॥ Ch. VII 57 (1) आअक्खरन्तजमिआओ ।
चन्ह तीसह मज्झम्मि | SC. VI 2. प्रान्तरंहा युगैः पुनः ।
मके द्विपदीं विदुः ॥ Ch. VII 72 (1),
Lastly, Ch. borrows from SC. several illustrative stanzas also in their original, Sanskritized or modified form. SC. itself has got most of them from other sources;
(1) अचलदिहि अङ्गारगणस्स-
विलुलिअचिउरमहरअलकअवणमविरलपुलअभरिअथणजुअमवि । रइरससणिअमणिअमुहलिअमिह
सहइ सुरअमविरअमइ सहि तुह ॥ SC. I53.
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विलुलितचिकुरमधरनिहितदशन-- मविरलपुलकनिचितकुचयुगमयि । रतिरसरभसमणितमुखरितमिह
विलसति तव सखि सुरतमचलधृति ॥ Ch. 11b, 1. 11-12. ( 2 ) भमरप सुद्धकइस्स (किंवा णिउणस्स)--
मेघकआहिसेअजलपसमिअरअणिअरा णच्चिरचञ्चरीअरवमुहलिअकुमुअसरा। उग्गअचन्दबिम्बकरधवलिअसअलदिसा कस्स दिहि ण देइ भण मणहरसरअणिसा n sc. I 78. वारिदमुक्तवारिभरपरिशमितघनरजा उद्गतरोहिणीशकरधवलितसकलककुप् । कस्य धृति ददाति न हि शरदृतुरजनिरियं
चुम्बनलालसभ्रमरपदविदलितकुमुदा | Ch. p. 13b, 1. 5-7. Here the order of the lines of the original stanza is changed and some of the words are paraphrased. (3) पणवो सुद्धसहावस्स
सन्दो रुन्दो कुन्दच्छाओ सरअघणतुहिणकमलवणकुमुअहरहसिअसिअतणू ससङककरुज्जलो तारो पारावारप्पारो धवलिअजलथलगअणजणसअभुअणअलपरिसरप्पसाहिअदिम्मुहो। लोआलोअच्छेअं गन्तुं दढकढिणविअडकलअलघडणपडिवडणवलइओ नरेन्द तुहं जसो। उत्तुङगो सेअप्पाआरो उअ हरइ परमतिहुअणसिरिमणहरविरइअरइमन्दिरस्सव।
__ संठिओ।।
Sc. I 138. रुन्दोऽमन्दः कुन्दच्छायः शरदमलघनतुहिनविकचकुमुदवनहरहसितसितः शशाङक
__ करोज्ज्व ल:। तार: पारावारापारः स्थलजलगगनतलसकलभुवनपथधवलनपरिचितः प्रसाधित
दिङमुखः ।। लोकालोकच्छेदं गत्या दृढकठिनविकटदिगवधितटघटनविवलनचलयितो विशुद्धयशश्चयः । प्रोत्तुङगः श्वेतप्राकारो ध्वनितगुणपणव तव जयति नृपवर नवललितवसतेर्जगत्रित
Ch. p. 18b, 1. 10-13. ___ अण्णवो तस्सेव (सुद्धसीलस्स)-- पसरिअखरमारुअन्दोलिआसत्थझिज्जन्तपत्तोहसद्दालवाआरिपूरिज्जमाणम्वरे। दिणअरकरतत्ततत्तोल्लचिक्खिल्ललोलन्तकोलालिदाहुक्खअक्खोणिमुत्थाकसाइल्लए। घणवणदवदाहडज्झन्तवप्पच्छभल्लुब्भडोरल्लिसन्तत्थणासन्तमाअङगजूहाउले। पिअअम इअ एरिसे गिम्हआलंमि मा वच्च माणेसु थोरत्थणालिङगणुद्दामसोक्खाई मे॥
SC. I 148. प्रसृतनिबिडमारतान्दोलिताश्वत्थसंशीर्णपण घविस्फारवातोलिकापूर्यमाणम्बरे। धनवनदवदह्यमानाखिलक्रूरशार्दूलपोतोद्भटोन्नादसंत्रस्तमातङगयूथाकुले॥ दिनकरकरतप्तकोलावलीश्रीयमाणातल्ले लसल्लोलकल्लोलवाचालमाद्यन्महा-। र्णवपयसि ननु प्रिय ग्रीष्मकालेऽधुना मा स्म गा मानय त्वं हि पीनस्तना
श्लेषसौख्यानि मे ॥ Ch. p. 18b, 1. 4-6. (5) अणङगसेहरो सुद्धसीलस्स
विसालभालघोलमाणकज्जलुज्जलालआलिमालिआकुलोवसोहिए। विउद्धमुद्धदुद्धणिद्धपमसामलब्भमन्ततारदीहरच्छिरत्तकन्तए। विसट्टसन्दकुन्दगोच्छसच्छकोमलुल्लसन्तदित्तिदन्तकन्तिकेसरालए। इमंमि एरिसे मुहारविन्दए पिएइ जो पिआहरं महु व्व सो सउण्णओ ॥ SC. I 167.
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विशालभाललोलपूर्णमानकज्जलोज्ज्वलालकतिरेफमालिकोपशोभिते। विबुद्धहावमुद्धचारुपक्ष्मलालसभ्रमत्सुतारदीर्घनेत्रपत्रसुन्दरे ॥ अमन्दकुन्दकुडमलानकोमलोल्लसद्युतीद्धशुद्धदन्तपडितकेसरालये। प्रियामुखाम्बुजेऽधरं चिराय मध्विवापिबन्ननारतं भवेदनङगशेखरः ।।
Ch. p. 19b, I. 12-13. (6) भुअङगविलासो तस्सेअ (सुद्धसहावस्स)
वासहरम्मि वरे कसणाअरुडड्ढिअधूवसुअंधमणोहरए कमणीए। पीणघणुण्णअचक्कलथोरथणीअ स परिपेल्लिअवच्छअलो रमणीए । कोमलबाहुकलआदढवेंढिअओ पडिवट्टसुणेत्तविअंसिअए सअणीए। पावइ णिद्दिअअं हिअइच्छिअअं सहि जो चिअ पुण्णजुओ स णरो रअणीए ।।
SC. I 173. पीनघनोन्नतवृत्तविशालतरस्तनमण्डलगाढनिपीडनकण्टकिताङगः ।। कोमलषड्जमृणाललतादृढवेष्टितकण्ठतट: परिचुम्बनविभ्रमपात्रम् ।। वासगृहे बहलोच्चलितागुरुधूमलतानिचिते शयने मृदुनि क्षणदायां । यो दयितां रमयत्यतिसंभ्रममानजुषं स भुजङगविलासधुरामिह धत्ते ।।
Ch. p. 20b, I. 1-3. (7) Echoes from Sc. I 29 are found in Ch. p. 21b, st. 31. (8) अवदुवहउ अज्जदेवस्स
काइं करउं हउं माए। पिउ ण गणइ लग्गी पाए । मण्णु धरन्ते हो जाइ। कढिण उत्तरङग भणाइ॥ SC. IV 13. एत्थु करिमि भणि काइं। प्रिउ न गणइ लग्गी पाइ ॥
छड्डे विणु हउं मुक्की । अवदोहय जिम्व किर गावि ॥ Ch. VI 19, 45. (9) बीअचलणे मत्तबालिआ गोइन्दस्स--
कमलकुमुअह एक्क उप्पत्ति। ससि तो वि कुमआअरह । देइ सोक्ख कमलह दिवाअर ॥ पाविज्जइ अवस फलु । जेण जस्स पासे ठवेइउ॥ SC. IV 17. कुमुअकमलहं एक्क उप्पत्ति मउलेइ तु वि कमलवणु । कुमुअसंडु निच्चु वि विआसइ ।'
सच्छन्दविआरिणिय । चंदजोण्ह कि मत्तवालिआ॥ Ch. V 18, 18. The last two lines of the stanza in Ch. are different. ( 10 ) वाआला फरुसा विन्धणा । गुणेहिं विमुक्का पाणहरा ॥
जिह दूज्जण सज्जणउवरि । तिह पसरु ण लहन्ति सरा॥ Sc. VI 150. वायाला फरुसा विधणा
प्राणहर ॥ जह दुज्जण सज्जणजणउवरि । तेम्व पसरु न लहंति सर ॥ Ch. VI 21, 118. (11) किर कण्णकलिङग परिज्जिआ। ठिअ णवर माणविवज्जिआ ॥
गहुँ कोवि अहिट्ठइ मुणिअवहे । कहिं धरइ जअद्दह कण्ह कहे ॥ SC. VI 152. कृवकण्णकलिङग परज्जिआ। ठिअ नरवइ माणविवज्जिआ॥
नहु कोइ अभिट्टइ अणिअवहि । कहिं वइरि जयद्दहु कण्ह कहि ॥ Ch. VI 20, 116. (12) मत्तकरिणी जहा तसेअ (गोइन्दस्स)--
सव्व गोविउ जइबि जोस्एइ हरि सुठुवि आअरेण । देइ दिक्ठि जहिं कहिं वि राही ।। को सक्कइ संवरेवि । डढ्ढणअण णेहें पलोट्टउ। एक्कमेक्कउ जइबि जोएदि। हरि दुठ्ठ सव्वाअरेण । तो वि रोहिं जहि कहि वि राही।। को सक्कइ संवरेवि । दढ्ढणअण णेहें पलुट्टा ॥
Hemacandra's Prakrit Grammar IV 422 (6).
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13) With afru o furade 1 Svayambhu's Paümacariu 80, 4, 2a and a fount for 75 175 187 FTZ (F) 7 far TETE(97) Svayambhū's Ritthanemicariu 24, 7, 4 cf.
fc3 33 ( v.l.
y... af R33 37 o 3 Hemacandra's Prakrit Grammar 4 360 (2).
It is not unlikely that for some of these illustrations which Svayambhū himself has taken from others, Hemacandra may have used directly the original sources. It should be noted that the citations as found in Hemacandra's works appear to preserve the language of the original as contrasted with their comparatively modernized language in the published text of the Svayambhūcchandas.
The narrative of Rāma, who is also known as Padma (Pk. Paüma) in Jain mythology and who along with Laksmana and Rāvana makes up the eighth trio of Baladeva, Väsudeva and Prativāsudeva' respectively was related by many Jain poets. Svayarnbhū's Paümacariu is such a Rāma-epic in Apabhramśa.
In most of the colophons of various Sandhis of PC. the title appears alternatively as Paümacariu or Pomacariu equivalent to Sk. Padmacaritam. At the end of the work it is called Ramayanapurāņa. The donor's colophon at the end of MS. S. refers to the work as "the Šāstra called Rāmayana." The Jinaratnakośa describes the work under the name of Rāmāyanapurana and in the colophon stanzas of Sandhis 88, 89 of PC. it is called simply Rāmāyaṇa. In the upper corner of the margin of folio 222 verso of MS. S. we find FTOHT TTTO PR? In the colophon stanza of the 18. and the 84. Sandhi (the latter written by Tribhuvana) the poem is called Rāmaevacariya, Sk. Rāmadevacarita, and once, in the colophon of the 86. Sandhi it is referred to as Rāmacariya, Sk. Rāmacarita. In the body of the work Svayambhū mentions it as Rāmāyanakava (1 1 19) "The Rāmāyana Poem', Rāmāyana (23 1b) or Rahavacariya (23 1 95, 40 ), Sk. Raghava-carita, while the subject-matter is generally called Rāma-kaha (1 1, 1 2 1), Sk. Rama-katha. Of these titles Paümacariu is the most frequent and evidently one intended by the poet.
PC. has a roundly estimated extent of 12,000 Granthāgras. It contains a total of 1,269 Kadavakas, distributed among 90 Sandhis which are divided into five books (called Kanda, Sk. Kānda) in the following manner":
1. Vijjāhara-Kanda (Vidyadhara-Kānda): 20 Sandhis. 2. Ujjhā-Ko (Ayodhya-K°): 22 Sandhis. 3. Sundara-Ko: 14 Sandhis. 4. Jujjha-Ko (Yuddha-K°): 21 Sandhis.
5. Uttara-Ko: 13 Sandhis.
According to this account and also according to the actual contents, the Yuddha Kānda is finished with the 77. Sandhi and indeed at the end of that Sandhi we find a statement to this effect
(1) According to Jain mythology there flourished in past sixty-three great per
sons, Salakápuruşa, which included twenty-four Tirthankaras, twelve Cakrins, nine Vasudevas, nine Baladevas and nine Prativasudevas. Krsna, Balarama
and Jarāsandha make up the ninth group. (2) The extent in Kandas is given in the colophon stanzas 37-38 (Appendix I).
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telling us that the Yuddha Kanda is finished and that the Uttara Kānda is now begun. But immediately after this the MSS. read: Siri-muni-suvvaya-tittham namāmi, Jujjha-Kaņdam nisameha. "I bow down to the Tirtha of Muni Suvrata. Listen to the Yuddha Kanda'. Further at the end of the next, i.e., 78. Sandhi, it is stated: Jujjha-kandar samattam Jyestha Vadi 1 Some: 'Finished the Yuddha Kānda, on Monday the first, dark half, Jyeștha'. This is clearly an error. The words Sirimunisuvayya etc. should be found in the beginning of the 57. Sandhi, while the statement at the end of the 78. Sandhi has its legitimate place at the end of the 77. Sandhi,
Similarly at the end of the 13. Sandhi the MSS. read: Prathamam Parva. Its significance is not clear. The first Kanda is completed with the 20. Sandhi. The 13. Sandhi does not seem to markedly round off the foregoing matter so that the first 13. Sandhis can form a definite unit.
Puşpadanta has regularly given separate titles to the individual Sandhis of his Mahăpurāņa. Svayambhū only casually assigns a title to individual Sandhis. Thus in the VidyadharaKānda, Sandhis I, 2, 13, 17 and 18 are found with special titles. On the other hand for Sandhis 83-90, which were not written by Svayambhū, we regularly find the Sandhi titles.
In the colophon of the Vidyadhara Kanda at the end of the 20. Sandhi Svayambhū records that his high-spirited wife Amiavvā' (=Amrtāmbā) dictated to him (obviously when he was preparing a copy of his epic, finished partly or wholly) the Vidyādhara Kānda. Similarly we gather from the colophon of the 42. Sandhi' that his second wife named Aiccamvā (Adityambā) dictated to him the Ayodhyā Kända.
Onwards from the 83. Sandhi we find a statement at the end of each Sandhi saying: 'Finished the Sarga number so and so entitled so and so in the supplement to the Paümacariu (Paimaca+ riya-sesa) that was somehow left out by (or that escaped, uvvariya) Svayambhū and that was composed, after the latter's passing away, by his younger son Tribhuvana Svayambhủ under the patronage of Vandarya'. This means that Sandhis 83-90 of PC. were written by Tribhuvana.
In the previous Section we saw that Svayambhu's Ritthanemicariu was felt to be incomplete by Tribhuvana and the wanting portions were supplied by him and later by Yaśaḥkirti. Here in the PC. too we find a similar state of things. Some portions of the narrative were somehow not covered up by Svayambhú and
(1) That the name is Amiavvā and not Sámiavva has been shown on p. 10. (2) Appendix I, Stanza 15. The end of the first half is metrically defective.
Aiccamvi(ya-na)mãe is the most probable emendation. Premi, 1942, 377, thinks that Sandhis 84-90 were Tribhuvana's work and that the 83. Sandhi, excepting possibly some closing Kadavakas, must be attributed (in spite of the colophon!) to Svayambhū, because Tribhuvana's reference to the Rāma-Story as satta-maha-sagg'-angi (Appendix I, stanza 56) having the seven great Sargas as limbs' imply seven Sandhis as his contribution to PC. But this is a mistake. The seven Sargas referred to by Tribhuvana have nothing to do with Tribhuvana's part in the composition of PC. These seven Sargas are just the seven traditionally laid down Adhikaras or topics of the Rāmāyana mentioned by both Vimalasuri: thii-varsa-samuppatti, patthāna-raņam Lavankusuppatti/ nivvänam-aneyabhavā, satta purānettha ahigärä/ / (Paiimacariya I 31) and Ravisena sthitir vamsa-samutpattih prasthānam samyugam tatah/ Lavanāňkusa-sambhitir bhavoktiḥ parinirostih/ Yuktąh sapta Purānesininnadhikară ime smrtāḥ/ (Padmacarita I 43-44).
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Tribhuvana deemed it necessary to supply them. This naturally poses a problem for us: How is it that both the epics of Svayambhū stood in need of supplementation? Was Svayambhū forced to leave them incomplete in spite of his original design or was it that these portions-i.e, the subject-matter thereof-added by others being unacceptable to Svayambhū, were left out by him intentionally and hence the two epics, in their original unextended form were complete from his point of view?
Opposite opinions on this point have been expressed by scholars. Jain' thinks that PC. was complete from Svayambhū's viewpoint, so that the portion added by Tribhuvana has no more value than that of interpolation. On the other hand he considers RC. in its original form to have remained incomplete possibly because of Svayambhu's unexpected death, so that the performance of Tribhuvana regarding RC. was necessary to bring the work to completion. The additions, on the other hand, made to RC. by Yasahkirti are considered by Jain as interpolations.
Premi, on the other hand, takes the view that both the epics in their unextended form were complete according to Svayambhū's plan. The additions made by Tribhuvana to PC. as well as RC. were not desired by Svayambhū to be included in them. The additions made by Yasahkirti might have been designed, according to Premi, to make good the passages that were possibly found missing or damaged in the MS. of RC. in his possession.
For judging the plausibility of these views it is essential to critically evaluate whatever scanty evidence is available to us mostly from the Praśasti and colophon stanzas.
In this connection the Stanza given in the beginning of the 100. Sandhi (or it may be considered to be at the end of the 99. Sandhi) of RC. is very important. It has not been interpreted correctly either by Jain or by Premi. Jain just gives the purport of the stanza. He says", "At the end of Sandhi 99 of the Harivarśapurāna, we have a verse telling us that the poet proceeded to compose the Harivansapurāna after having finished the Paümocariu and yet another work of great merit Suddhayacaria. This information precludes us from imagining that his Paümacariu was interrupted by any calamity like death'.
According to Premi the Stanza in question was written by Tribhuvana and not by Svayambhū as Jain is inclined to think. He says", "इस (९९ वी ) सन्धिके अन्तमें एक पद्य है जिसमें कहा है कि पउमचरिउ या सुव्वयचरिउ बनाकर अब मैं हरिवंशकी रचनामें प्रवृत्त होता हूँ, सरस्वतीदेवी मुझे सुस्थिरता देवें । निश्चय ही यह पद्य त्रिभुवन स्वयंभुका लिखा हुआ हैं और इसमें वे कहते हैं कि पउमचरिउ की अर्थात् उसके शेष भागकी रचना तो में कर चुका हूँ, उसके बाद अब मैं हरिवंशमें अर्थात उसके भी शेषमें हाथ लगाता हूँ। यदि इस पद्य को हम त्रिभुवनका न मानें तो फिर इस स्थानमें इसकी कोई सार्थकता ही नहीं रह जाती । हरिवंशकी ९९ सन्धियाँ बना चुकने पर स्वयंभुदेव यह कैसे कह सकते हैं कि पउमचरिउ बनाकर अब में हरिवंश ब
Both these scholars have failed to understand the words
(1) Jain, 1935, 71-72. (2) Premi. 1942, 376-377, 380-382. (3) Appendix I, 65. It reads:
Kāüņa Pomacariyaṁ, Suddhayacariyam ca guna-gan' agghaviyam 1
Harivamsa-moha-haine Sarassai sudhiya-deha vya (4) Jain, 1935, 71. (5) Premi. 1942, 378.
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moha and sudhiya-deha in the stanza correctly. Works on Padmacarita and Harivamsa in Jain literature usually have a beginning in which it is declared that the accounts of Rāma and Krşņa given in non-Jain traditions are false and misleading and SO Sreņika requests Gautama to narrate these Caritas in their correct version--that is known to the Jain tradition. Thus we find in Svayambhu's Paümacariu:
paramesara para-sāsaņehim, suvvai vivareri kahi jiņa-sāsane kema thiya, kaha Rāhava-keri | jage loehim dhakkarivantaehim, uppãiu bhantiu
(1 9 9-1 10 1) "The narrative of Rāghava, O Great Lord, is heard in other faiths in a topsy-turvy form. (Hence) tell (us) how is it found in the Jain faith. Deluded people in the world have fabricated (many) delusions (regarding this narrative)."
Similarly Svayambhū describes his Harivamśa narrative as sa-samaya-parasamaya-viyāra-sahā "capable of considering (the accounts current in my own faith and (those current in) others'." The word used in PC. is bhanti, Sk. Bhrānti. It is synonymous with moha in the expression Harivansa-moha-harane occurring in the stanza under discussion. Accordingly it means 'in removing the deluded notions (or erroneous views) regarding the Harivamsa (narrative)'.
Agrain, sudhiya means brānta (Dešināmamālā VIII 36), thaka huā (PSM.) 'exhausted'. So sudhiya-deha means 'exhausted in body'. The whole stanza can be rendered as, "Having composed the Paümacariu and the Suddhyacariu replete with merits, (my) Muse (Sarassaī) in removing the deluded view about the Harivamsa narrative, has become as it were exhausted in body". In the sense in which the stanza is understood by Jain we fail to see how Svayambhu can say, when most of RC. was actually composed, that he proceeds to compose the Harivamśa. Similarly Premi's interpretation too has to contend with serious difficulties. Firstly we have to understand Paümacariu in the sense of 'Supplement to the Paümacariu' even though Tribhuvana makes it a point to refer to his contribution to PC. with the special name of Paümacariyasesa'. Secondly, it would be inconceivable that Tribhuvana who holds his father in great respect and who is never tired in showering emcomiums on him, would describe his proposed additions to RC. as 'designed to remove wrong notions about the Harivaṁsa', for it would imply indirect censure of his father's performance. Lastly Tribhuvana's confession of his inspiration waning when he undertook to supplement the Harivamśapurāņa would be something unusual for him in the face of his pronounced tendency to emphasize his nobility in shouldering the highly responsible task of bringing to completion his father's work and in continuing the poetic tradition of his family. Therefore it is more natural and sensible to take the stanza to have been written by Svayambhū himself. After completing 99 Sandhis of RC. Svayambhū says that with the blessings of Sarasvati he has already completed the two works, the Paümacariu and the Suddhayacariu. But as he proceeded with the composition of the Harivassa that was intended to dispel false versions, his poetic inspiration did not remain sustained. Already in the introduction to RC. Svayambhū talks of his (1) Appendix I. Stanzas 19-22, 24-25, 27-28, 30-33, 31-36, 38-39, 53.
Premi's we have to wariu' even thousith the special that Tril
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feeling highly diffident in handling such a vast and difficult theme as the Harivamsa. But then Sarasvati reassures him: "Here I bestow on you keenness of mental faculties. Proceed with the composition. Hence it is very probable that after the composition of RC. up to 99 Sandhis Svayambhū felt tired in spirit and his literary activity thus interrupted was never resumed by him any more. It would follow from this that the Paümacariu and the Suddhayacariu were written before RC. and that the poet's life was cut short before he could complete the latter. The remaining portion of RC, was written by Tribhuvana after Svayambhu's death'. In later times some new details and episodes came to be considered essential in the concluding portion of the Harivamsa narrative and their absence in RC. of Svayambhū and Tribhuvana induced Yaśahkīrti to make requisite interpolations. We have an interesting parallel for this in the interpolations made by Gandharva in Puspadanta's Jasaharacariu.
Now let us take up the case of PC. Jain and Premi both suppose that from Svayambhū's point of view PC. was complete at 82. Sandhi and the additions of Tribhuvana were not desired by Svayambhū as the parts of his PC. For, they argue, in the case of PC. no calamity like death interrupted the poet's activity and that would leave unexplained why Svayambhū left PC. incomplete. Secondly, PC. and RC. were composed under the patronage of two different persons. If PC. was composed before RC., how can Svayambhū start writing another work under a different patronage without completing the work more than eight-ninths of which were already finished under the earlier patronage? Thirdly Tribhuvana calls his contribution to the Paümacariu by a special name, Paümacariya-sesa 'Supplement to the Paümacariya'. No such special name is given to his additions to RC. Fourthly the parts added by him are described by Tribhuvana as 'Sayambhuevassa kahavi uvvariya', which, according to Premi, means 'that which was somehow considered undesired (onipsita) or extra (adhika) by Svayambhūdeva'. This implies that the matter added by Tribhuvana was unacceptable to Svayambhū. Fifthly the subject-matter of the Sandhis written by Tribhuvana appears to be disgressive and unessential for the main narrative of the Rāmāyana. Lastly it would appear quite singular that not one, not two, but altogether three works could have been left incomplete by Svayambhū.
Now there is nothing inherently improbable in an author leaving more than one works incomplete behind him. Of the three works improved upon or completed by Tribhuvana, we do not know in which way did he 'repair the Siri-pañcamākahā. Tribhuvana's statement does not necessarily imply the incomplete character of that work. As to RC., Svayambhū most probably passed away before he could finish it. And if we can establish on other grounds that PC. was left incomplete by Svayambhū, the other objections can be easily met with. It is not so unusual for an author to begin and continue to work on two works at a time or to embark upon another before the first is completed. We can assume that Svayambhū accepted the patronage of Dhavalaïya before completing PC. under the patronage of Dhananjaya for reasons unknown to us. He might have intended to complete PC. later on. And the meanings anīpsita
(1) Appendix I, passage 57, lines 2-3, 5. (2) Appendix I, Stanza 68, 84 wherein Tribhuvana talks of 'rescuing the poem and
poetry of Svayambhū, and of carrying the paternal burden, piu-bharanivvahana.
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and adhika recorded for uvvariya in the Dešināmamālā are rather special. For in literature 'left behind', 'escaped' is the most common meaning and in PC. itself uvvariya (5 11 3, 14 7 5) and samuvvariya (15 5 3) are used in the senses 'escaped' 'saved', 'left as a remainder". We need not, therefore, understand by Tribhuvana's use of that word that the matter contained in his supplement to PC. was unacceptable to or rejected by Svayambhū.
The argument that Tribhuvana gives a special name Sesa or Paümacariya-sesa to his supplement to PC. appears to have some weight. Except in the second colophon stanza of the 84. Sandhi" where the general title Rämaevacariya is used, in all the Sandhis composed by him, Tribhuvana invariably calls his contribution by the special name, Paümacariyasesa and in the colophons of Sandhis 83-90 this title is mentioned no less than eighteen times. As contasted with this his additions to RC. are not given any special name. Again it is significant that this Paümacariya-sesa is described by Tribhuvana as 'the crest-jewel of the Paümacariya" while in another stanza' it is stated: “Thus is finished (samatta) the charming Paümacariya; the same, when completed by Tribhuvana, is now thoroughly finished (parisamatta)' where the contrast between samatta and parisamatta appears to be intentional.
But there are very weighty arguments for believing that PC. could not have been considered by Svayambhū also as complete with the 82. Sandhi. Ravişena's Padmacarita was the main source for Svayambhū's PC. The latter borrows ideas and expressions from the former and the general plan and pattern of PC., so far as its subject matter or contents are concerned, are cast after those of the Padmacarita. As noted previously, the Padmacarita mentions seven broad topics (adhikāras) of the Rāmāyaṇa narrative as recognised and handed down by the Jain tradition. They are Sthiti, Vamśasamutpatti, Prasthāna, Samyuga, Lavanankuša-sambhūti, Bhavokti, Parinirvști. These are enumerated by Vimalasūri," and Tribhuvana too refers to this fact. And the Rāma-story as narrated by Ravişeņa and Vimalasūri actually bears this out. But the 82 Sandhis of PC.--the portion composed by Svayambhu-covers up only the first five out of the seven topics. The last two topics cannot be said to be unessential or digressive as is suggested by Premi because they are recognised by tradition and are actually found in the source-work of PC. No reason is forthcoming for their omission by Svayambhu. Secondly, if PC. was according to Svayambhú complete with 82. Sandhi, where is its colophon that ought to have been written by Svayambhū? So long as we cannot find any satisfactory explanation for these facts, it would be quite unsafe to assume that PC. was complete as it was left by Svayambhū.
From the fresh mangala stanzas found in the beginning of the 23. and the 43. Sandhi it follows that the composition of PC. was twice interrupted. The fresh mangala is indicative of some lapse of time preceding the resumption.
(1) In two colophon stanzas of RC. (Appendix I, 66-67) samāniya 'compieted' and
not something like işta or adyta is used as a complement to uvariya. (2) Appendix I, 23. (3) Appendix I, 31. (4) Appendix 1, 50. (5) Padmacarita, I 43. (6) Paümacariya, I 32. (7) Appendix I, 56.
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Sources of the Paümacariu.
In the very opening stanza of the first Sandhi of PC. Svayambhu declares that he has taken on hand to narrate the Rama-tory after keeping in view the Arsa. The colophons of all the Parvans of Ravişena's Padmacarita begins with iti Arṣe Ravişenācārya-prokte Padmacarite. This makes it clear that Svayambhu's reference pertains to that work. And this is endorsed by PC. 1 2 9 where we are told that Kaviraja Svayambhu has embarked upon such a vast theme through the favour of Acarya Ravişeņa. In the same Kadavaka Svayambhu also gives, following Ravişena, the tradition through which the Rama-story that was being narrated by him was handed down: from Vardhamana to Indrabhūti, Dharma and Prabhava down to Kirtidhara, to Anuttaravac and thence to Ravişena. Ravişena gives also the name of Jambu and the last two are given by him as Kirti and Anuttaravāgmin. Ravişena, while giving his tradition says that his present effort of composing a Rama-epic was made consequent upon the written (likhitam) work of Anuttaravagmin. Now to any one who even casually compares Vimalasūri's Paümacariya with Ravisena's Padmacarita it is as plain as the day-light that one of them is simply a recast of the other and there is no difficulty in granting the claim of originality, as is done by Premi, to Vimalasuri. Ravişena's Sanskrit work is but an enlarged recast of the Prakrit Paümacariya, some of the alterations being necessitated due to the difference of medium and to the fact that Vimalasūri was a Śvetāmbara, but Ravişena, a Digambara. The enlargements chiefly centre round the descriptive and dogmaticdidactic portions. In extent Vimalasuri's epic is 10,000 Granthāgras, that of Ravisena 18,000 granthagras. It requires no elaborate comparison to show that the enlargements apart, Ravisena's work is but a slavish imitation of that of Vimalasuri. Indeed very few cases from the field of our ancient literature can be cited as a parallel to such thorough and continuous verbatim borrowing, when we make necessary allowance for the difference in the linguistic and metrical mediums. Does this mean that Vimalasuri and Anuttaravägmin were one?
On the other hand though Svayambhu expressly states to have followed Ravisena and even though we keep out of consideration the alterations forced by the difference in religious belief and literary medium, a close and critical comparison of the Padmacarita and the Paümacariu leaves us very favourably impressed as to Svayambhu's originality and poetic powers. As a rule he holds to the thread of the narrative as found in the Padmacarita, but otherwise also the theme even in its very minor details was fixed by tradition and permitted no significant variation. But many a time he parts company with Ravişena, summarily treats or altogether rejects or rehandles certain topics or waxes eloquent over others that were barely touched in his model, according as it suits his artistic sense. Parallel passages of PC., RP. and VP. are given in Appendix III.
One broad tendency that is clearly discernible in Svayambhu's handling of his material is that he is primarily interested in recounting the narrative in an attractive manner. This aim is responsible for applying scissors to everything that is flagrantly digressive and for giving only passing attention to the side-episodes. Of course, these observations are to be assessed keeping the diffuse and accom
(1) Premi, 1942, 272-292.
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(RP. XIII 54-6343-359), (4) of virathi (RP. V 280.o.cana (RP.
modating nature of the epic-form in view. Svayambhū seems to have a sure eye for all such points in the narrative which would give full scope to the play of his poetic fancy. The 18,000 granthāgras of the Padmacarita have been brought down to 12,000 in the Paimacariu and thus it has become comparable in extent to Vimalasüri's epic.
First we take up the omissions and a bridgements. Part of RP. IV (topic, sūtrakanthānām utpattih), the whole of RP. XI (Marutta-yajña-dhvamsana-padānugābhidhānam) and the long sermon covering the whole of RP. XIV. are totally cut out by Svayambhū, excepting the two lines (PC. 15 5 9 b and 15 9 1), passingly referring to the topic of RP. XI and one Kadavaka (PC. 17 18) summing up RP. XIII. Svayambhū has also omitted the table of contents given in RP. I and has treated the topics of Kșetravarnana and Käla-varṇana (RP. II) quite briefly. Similarly the Harisena episode, running over 130 stanzas in RP. (VIII 272-401) is ruthlessly compressed by him in two Kadavakas (PC. 11 1-2) and almost everywhere the topic of pūrva-bhava-kathana is skipped over: The account of the previous existences (1) of Toyadavāhana and Sahasrākṣa and their father Purņaghana and Sulocana (RP. V 96-141), (2) of Bhima and Bhagirathi (RP. V 286-294), (3) of Mahāraksas (RP. V 343-359), (4) of Madhu (RP. XII 22-69), (5) of Indra (RP. XIII 54-66). Only in two cases (PC. 6 15=RP. VI 314328 and P.C. 19 4-5=RP. XVII 140-198) Svayambhū chooses to relate the pūrvabhavas.
In the same manner it can be shown that many of the lengthy descriptions in RP. have been considerably shortened by Svayambhū and most of the sermons omitted.
We shall now point out the additions and enlargements affected by Svayambhū which slightly make up the big losses in bulk detailed above. It is quite obvious that the purpose in coming Paimacariu being primarily religious, there was no question of taking any sort of liberty with the traditional story. As such there was no scope for invention or artistic designing and variation as far as the subject-matter was concerned. The poet -njoyed freedom regarding stylistic embellishments, descriptions and depiction of various sentiments and he could expatiate on particular incidents he took fancy for. The whole of PC. XVI dealing with the topics of Arthaśāstra is not found in the same context in the RP. and is thus an innovation. But most of the cases pertain not to innovation but to alteration. Many a time only the suggestion or bare facts are availed of from Ravişena, but the development and the presentation are quite original. Of course as the table of correspondences (see Appendix III) demonstrate Ravişena's work forms the basis for Svayumbhū's work and cases of borrowing ideas and expressions are numerous, but this dependence is out of choice and not out of necessity, as we can judge from the high artistic worth of those passages where Svayambhu's poetic fancy chose to fly with its own wings, and even when the suggestion is taken from Ravişeņa, its working over exhibits the hand of a great poet. Part of the descriptions of nature and water-sport in PC. XIV, description of battles at various places (especially the portion PC. VIII 4-8), depiction of some incidents of tense emotion in the Añjanā episode (in PC. XVIII-XIX), the duels between Bharata and Bāhubali (in PC. V) etc. can be cited as illustrations. In short it can be said that of the high poetic merits
found ile of pe patiate options
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and literary charm only a fraction is such as for which Svayambhu is indebted to Ravisena. For the rest the credit goes to his own poetic powers.
From what is said above it should not be understood that Ravişeņa was the one and only source of Svayambhu far as the composition of PC. was concerned. For we find that the facts and incidents at several places in PC. are at variance with those in corresponding contexts in RP. This clearly suggests that Svayambhu had access to other sources. Thus (I) the episode of Bharatesvara and Bahubali: (1) In RP. (IV 70) and VP. (IV 430) it is Bahubali who proposes to decide their quarrel by personal combat instead of involving their whole armies, but in PC. (4 8 9c) the proposal is put forth by ministers. (2) Over and above the glance duel and the wrestling duel (RP. IV 72, VP. IV 43-47), PC. (4 10) gives also water duel'. (3) In RP. and VP. there is no mention of the obstacle to Bahubali's attainment of Kevala and how it was removed by Bharata (PC. 4 13-14).
(II) The battle with Väli: According to RP. IX 73-90 and VP. IX 39-46) Väli went to the battle-field but at the instance of his minister was disgusted with the imminent slaughter and immediately renounced the world. But PC. 12 10-11 describe the combat between Vali and Ravana in which ultimately Vāli lifts up Ravana together with his sword and aerial car and thereafter renounces the world.
Again when Ravana was out to uproot Mount Kailasa with Vāli over it and throw it in the ocean, it is Vāli himself, according to RP. (IX 145-158) and VP. (IX 74-81), who, in order to save the Jina shrines from destruction, presses down the mountain with his toe and thereafter at the request of Mandodari to spare Rāvana's life, removes the pressure. But the account in PC. is different. There (XIII) Dharanendra, coming to know of the upasarga caused to Vali by Ravana appears before Vali and as he bows the mountain is pressed down with his weight, it being pulled up afterwards at Mandodari's request. In the RP. (IX 191-193) and VP. (IX 96) Dharanendra appears after Ravana comes out shattered and prays to Väli. But from PC. XV 9 10 it is clear that Ravana believed it was Vali's foot that had pressed down the mountain.
(III) The Dynastic and other Lists. PC. gives between Sandhis V and VI names of sixty-four successive kings in the Rakṣasa dynasty. Strangely enough they are given in Sanskrit. All Mss. of PC. have them. But we find several divergences when we compare this dynastic list with those given at RP. V 378-398 and VP. V 251-266 PC. has Mrgavega) (v. 1. Mrgaveṣa) for Amṛtavega; omits Cintagati (RP. V 393, but not in VP.); gives Simha
(1) In the Vasudevahindi (1-187) also only the ditthi-jujjha and the mutthijujjha are given. There the account of the obstacle to Bahubali's attainment of Kevala and removal thereof at Rsabha's suggestion is narrated but the details are different from what is found in PC.
(2) There are discrepancies between RP. and VP. also on this point. Some of the above noted divergences in names can be explained on assuming_that they represent different attempts at reproducing the Prakrit original. Thus, from an original Sihadavamma or Mayaridavamna we get (1) directly Mṛgāridamana and (2) by metathesis of va and da, Simhavadana. Similarly the first portions of Mrgavega or (Mrgavesa) and Amṛtavega can be derived from maya or miya. In Puranic lists also we find similar corruptions and transformations.
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vadana for Mrgāridamana, Indraviţu for Indrajit; adds Mahabhima after Bhima, has Bhātaka for Māraņa (though both have the same metrical value), Dvipavāhu for Dvipavāha (VP. Bhayavaha), Gatyuttama for Gatabhūma (VP. Gaiuttamo, wrongly divided in the text as Pavaņuttaragaī, uttamo).
In the list of Islands given at PC. 6 4 5-9 we find several names which are not represented either in RP. (V 371-373; VI 67-69) or in VP. (V 246-248; VI 31-33). The same is the case with the list of Vidyās (PC. 9 12, RP. VII 324-332; VP. VII 135-142).
IV. There are some minor details which we find in PC., but which are either absent or in a different form in RP. (1) When Sagara's sons visit Kailasa, PC. (5 10 6-7) mentions the fact that the Jina-shrines there had been erected by Bharata. Bhagirathi proposes to make some arrangements for the protection of those shrines. RP. does not give these details, but VP. (V 107) mentions them, though there the proposal comes from the minister. (2) Again the moat dug round the Kailāsa is styled Ganga in PC. (5 10 8a) (cf. VP, V 172) but there is nothing corresponding to it in RP. (3) When all the sons of Sagara except two are burnt to death RP. (V 254 b) says that Bhima and Bhagiratha went to Sagara, but PC. (5 11 45) says that forthwith they came to Saketa city and the wording here roughly corresponds' with VP. V 1751. (4) When the news of his sons' death are broken to Sagara, he swoons, according to PC. 5 13 4h (tam nisuņevi rāu mucchamgau) and VP. V 192 b (rāyā tam ciya soūna niyaya-suyamaranam mucchāvasa-vembhalo padio). RP. does not mention this. (5) The bewailing king says in PC. 'what is the use of enjoyments and (this) army' (kin so(bho? Jer kim khandhavārem 5 13 7 a) as in VP. (kim majjha
asumaie, navahi nihihi va rayana-sahiehiń, V 199 a). (6) The adjective 'long-tailed' (diha-langūla) is given to the monkeys in PC. 6 9 2a) and VP. (diha-nangule, VI 706, not in RP, in the corresponding context (VI 167-169). (7) They are called kula-devayaim in PC. (6 9 8b) and devabbhūyā in VP. (VI 755). RP. does not use any equivalent expression. (8) The magic horde of the monkeys is described in PC, as producing terrifying and rumbling shrieks (vukkāra-ghora-ghagghara-saraim 6 11 5b) and as not being contained by the earth, the ocean or the sky jale thale āyāse na mõiyaim, 6 11 66). The wordings correspond to VP. VI 107 b (mahā-ghore) and 108 b (bukkāravam karentā and pavangame jala-thalāyāse). In the same context in RP. (VI 246) the wording is different. (9) In PC Taditkeśa and the Udadhikumāra god going to the monk request him to expound religion (puņu pucchiu maharisi 'dhammu kahe' 6 13 7a); VP. also says like this (sāhun pucchanti jina-dhammań, VI 112b). RP. does not mention this. (10) PC. gives Harikesi as the name of Indra's commander-in-chief (8 1 46), RP. gives Harinakešin (VII 29b), VP. Hariņigamesi (VII 11b). (11) The name of Dhanada's father is Visāvasu in PC. (96 3a), Viśravas in RP. (VII 127), Visasena in VP. (VII 55a). (12) In the description of various obstacles created by Anāvștta Yakşa to test the steadfastness in austerities of Rāvana and his brothers, PC. includes elephants, ghosts, goblins and demons (gaya-bhūya-pisāehim rakkhasehim 9 9 8a) also, as is done by VP. (veyala-vanamantara-gahabhuubbhada-karāla-muha-danta, VII 117a). There is nothing cor
Hariņakešins father is Visayas (VII 55a). (12
(1) lahu sakkeya-rayari sampatta. PC. 5 11 46.
Bhaïrahi-Bhimena saman Saeyapurim samanupatto. VP. V. 1756.
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responding to this in RP. (VII 287-290). (13) Some of the names of the Vidyās acquired by Rāvaņa are common between PC. and VP. only. (14) According to PC. 9 13 7 Ravana having found Svayamprabha city, got constructed a beautiful shrine called Sahasasihara. RP. or VP knows nothing of this. (15) In PC. Khara and Dūşana are two different persons as in the Rāmāyana of Valmiki (see PC. 12 3 3, 13 11 7, where Khara-Düşaņa appear in the plural; 12 4 9b, where appears only Khara, 17 11 4, where Khara is said to be fighting against Citta and Düşaņa against Cittanga), but RP. (see X 30) and VP. (see IX 10, 12, X 17) know Kharadūşana as one person. (16) The name of the princess from Nityaloka city married by Rāvana was Rayaņāvali according to PC. (13 1 la) and VP. (IX 52b), but Rambhāvali according to RP. (IX 1026). (17) Vāli engaged in meditation is described in PC. as Meru va akampu (13 2 8a); so also in VP. (IX 62b) as Merum piva niccalan. But RP. simply says suniścalam (IX 128a). (18) According to PC. (13 11 5-11) Rāvana while on march against Indra comes to Pātāla-lankā and reminded of the misbehaviour of Khara and Dūşana flares up and wants to punish them. But Maya pacifies him. RP. and VP. have nothing corresponding to this. They simply say that as Rāvana reached Pātäla-lanka, Kharadūşaņa and Ravaņa greeted each other cordially. (RP. X 31-32; VP. X 17-18). (19) Sahasrakirana's city is called Māhesara in PC. (14 4 9c) and VP. (X 34a) but Māhismati in RP. (X 65a). (20) In PC. the incident of Uparambha is narrated considerably differently from RP. and VP. (21) The beginning portion of the episode of Añjanāsundari in PC. (17 1 5) and RP. (XV 6-82) is somewhat different from each other. (22) According to PC. 19 4 6 Pavana takes a vow that if no intelligence of Añjanā reaches him, he would become a recluse, while according to PC. 19 18 16 Pavana writes a stanza to the effect that if Añjana is dead, he will not live. In RP. and VP. there is no mention of becoming a recluse. There Pavana says that if he does not get back his beloved, he will die (RP. XVIII 54, VP. XVIII 27).
The differences between PC. and RP. detailed above reveal two facts. Firstly the division IV above makes it probable that Svayambhū had casually consulted Vimalasuri's work also. Of course we cannot be quite definite on this point because we have no knowledge of the Rāmāyana literature available to Svayambhū. Secondly in certain cases Svayambhū disagrees with both Ravişena and Vimalasuri and we cannot explain all such cases as innovations. This means that Svayambhū had consulted other sources also.
One of these sources was probably Caturmukha's Paümacariu, quotations from which are found in SC. Of course no Ms. of this work has yet come to light. But Svayambhū has admitted that he was indebted to Caturmukha for the structure and metrical form of his epics. For in the beginning of his Ritthanemicariu, where he mentions some of the previous poets and scholars from whose works he derived some sort of help or benefit, we are told that Caturmukha bestowed on him the Paddhadiyā 'studded' with the Chaddaniya, Dvipadi and Dhruvaka'. In view of this it is not also unlikely that Svayambhu's poetical works contain echoes from Caturmukha's works, and especially because three works of both the poets treated commonly the themes of Rāmāyana, Hariyamsa and Pañcamīcarita. This is confirmed by one accidental identifi
(1) See Section 4. (2) Appendix I, passage 57, line 10.
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cation. SC. quotes the following lines 'under the name of Caturmukha to illustrate the non-position making character of an Anusvāra appearing on the end syllable of a word:
haum Ajjuņu, tumha, eum raņu/SC. IV 2 (a).
Compare with this the second Pada in the following Ghatta found in the 11. Kadavaka of the 67. Sandhi (Jayadrathavadha) of RC.: kuru paccāriu Ajjuņeņa te tumhaim, so haum, eu ranu.
rakkaho sisu Jayaddahaho, lai dharahu savvu maim ekku khaņu.
The resemblance of b in the above with the line cited in SC. is unmistakable. A close study of the two epics of Svayambhū may reveal some more such resemblances.
I. Orthogrphy $1. Manuscripts of Apabhramsa texts are notorious for their erratic orthography. Not only different Mss. of a particular text spell a particular word differently but one and the same Ms. is disconcertingly inconsistent with regard to the spelling of one and the same word. Five factors are responsible for most of these vagaries of Apabhramśa orthography: defective alphabet, defective calligraphy, dialectal variation, modernization and scribal ignorance. Short e and o, the Anunāsika, nasalized vand yasruti and vaśruti are characteristic of the Apabhramsa sound system, while they are unknown to the phonetic system of Sanskrit. No new characters, however, are developed to represent them. They are expressed by the characters for their phonetic near-equivalents. Short e and o are represented either by ē and õ thus sacrificing the quantity, or by i and u, thus sacrificing the quality, of the original sounds. The Anunāsika is written either as an Anusvāra, or is omitted altogether. m, mv and v with or without the nasilization of the preceding vowel alternatively stand for the nasalized v, Y and v serve to express ya-śruti and va-sruti or the latter are not expressed at all.
$2. Secondly, we can well understand what a fruitful source of confusion can hurried, careless or obscure handwriting prove, when textual transmission was solely dependent upon copying on the part of successive generations. This applies to the copyists who were ignorant of the language of their Mss. On the other hand an educated copyist is also liable to alter the text, if he claims some literary interest. The potentiality of the copyist for altering the original text assumes greater significance if we remember the fact that the language of these texts was in certain particulars not far removed from the spoken language of the day, which was constantly but subtly changing from generation to generation and hence it was quite easy and natural for an ordinary scribe to substitute for the the original form, a developed or dialectical form which but slightly varied from the original. This substitution was hardly a conscious process, so that the modernization worked in a random fashion, and as in most cases we possess the MSS. whose copying date is removed by several centuries from the date of composition
copyist is also likes of their to the copyists on the part
(1) Critical description and studies of the grammatical facts of Ap. will be found
in Jacobi, 1918, 1921; Alsdorf, 1928, 1936, 1937; Bhayani, 1945; Tagare, 1948.
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of the text, we find, in the language of one and the same text, an admixture of old and developed features. And with regard to some features like the ya-śruti and the cerebralization of an initial n or a medial nn, different, practices prevailed since the 'Prakrit stage'.
§3. These factors in short are responsible for the great divergence and inconsistency of spelling in the Apabhramsa MSS. raises knotty problems for the editor of Apabhraṁśa texts. His difficulties are multiplied by the fact that the manuscript material at his disposal is as a rule meagre and of a considerably late date. Under these circumstances, in some cases the original spelling can be determined with the help of metre (if such help is forthcoming) and by a consideration of the prevalent orthographic tendencies of particular MSS. (the value whereof will depend upon the age and tradition of the MSS.). But with all this help, he cannot succeed in determining the original spelling with precision. At the best he can hope to point out probabilities consequent upon a critical examination of the orthographic data before him.
With these general remarks, we take up for consideration the chief orthographic peculiaries of the three Mss. utilized for constituting the text of the Paumacariu.
$4. Confusion between the following characters is usual in Apa. Mss and च्छ, पandख ; ज्जुandज्ञ; त, न्तandन्न ; डand ढ; ड्ड, डढ and टूठ य, पandए S. has a strong tendency to consider the Danda marking the end of a Pada as a part of the final syllable and hence words in this position which end in -a in other Mss. are found in S. ending in -ā. Casually writing for is another tendency of S. Writing single consonants for the conjuncts ज्झ, त्त, ण्ण, ट्ठ, वख or vice versa, writing for metathesis, repetition of a word or longer portion of the text, omission of a portion of text (haplographic or otherwise), tagging the -u of the Nom. sing. to a prior member of a compound, omission of Anusvāra are the results of scribal carelessness. On the other hand confusing medial and य, उ and व, or ए and has a phonetic basis and rare omission of the -u of the Nom. sing., substitution of -hu, hi and-hã in P., S. for the Gen. Loc. endings -ho, him and hum are the traits that reveal the modernizing influence. The oft-recurring spellings पुप्फ and सिंहासन are explicable under the influence of Sanskrit.
Apart from these stray features there are some more prevalent and significant tendencies of Ap. orthography:
1. Short e
a) in ope n syllables.
$5. Short e is evidenced in the following forms and vocables: 1 I. sing. of masc./neut. A stems in -em, ena. 2. I.L. plur. masc. neut. A stems in -ehim. 3. L. sing. in short e. 4. I. sing. of fem. A, I and U stems in -ae, -ie, ue. 5. All G. sings. of all I, U stems and of fem. A. stems, and L. sing. of fem. A, I and U stems in -ihe, uhe, ahe. 6. V. sing. of fem. A stems in short -e. 7. The pronominal forms amhe, tumhe, te, ehu, e, ee, ke, je. 8. Imper 2. sing. in short e. 9. Abs. in evi 10. Indeclinables je, jje, jema, tema, ema, kema, jettahe etc., annettahe. None of our three Mss. has either e alone or only i instead in these forms consistently throughout. They occur in all the Mss. now with e, now with i. But in all the Mss. the spelling
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with e prevails, and if arranged according to the number of forms in e, A., P. and S. would be the order of the Mss. In other words: A. has the strongest tendency to spell the abovementioned forms with e as compared with P. or S., while S. has the greatest number of forms in i when compared with P. or S. Regarding -e of L. sing. and -he of Abl. G., Ms. A. and to a lesser degree P. tend to preserve the original spelling as contrasted with the modernized -į and-hi of S. In all the above cases short e is given in the constituted text. Even in those few places where all the three Mss. have -i, I have giverr -e in the constituted text but with a wavy underline to indicate its hypohetical character so to speak. Only in the case of the emphatic particle (i)je and jema, etc., the alternative forms (j)ji and jima, etc., are accepted in the text when none of the Mss. had the former. Regarding all the cases cited in the beginning of this article evidence supplied by the Mss. is sufficiently strong for concluding that e is original, i its later development
$6. These remarks relating to the orthography of short e apply also to the orthography of short o and Anunāsika. In the constituted text the short e in open syllables has been throughout marked.
b) in closed syllables.
$7. In closed syllables, e and o are invariably short according to the rules of MIA. phonetics. Hence they have not been expressly indicated in the constituted text. Regarding closed e and o appearing in the seam of a compound, the general tendency of the Mss. is to write them as i and u (gainda- =gajendra-, Manusuttara
Manusyottara-). I have followed this practice unless my best Mss. spell otherwise.
2. Short 0. a) in open syllables.
$8. Short o is evidenced in the following forms and vocables: 1. G. sing. of masc./neut. A and U stems in -aho, -uho. 2. V. pl. of masc. neut. A stems in -aho. 3. Imper. 2. pl. in -aho. 4. The pronominal forms so, ko, ohu. 5. Indeclinables: ho, aho, tatthaho, etc.
$9. What is said in connection with short e holds good for short o also. In the constituted text the Genitive and Vocative forms have been spelt with short o. The Imperative forms are spelt with u also when none of the Mss. has o. The short o in open syllables has been throughout marked.
3. The Anunâsika or Nasalization $10. The Anunāsika is found in the following forms and vocacles: 1. N. Sing. of enlarged neut. A stems in -aum. 2. N.A. plur. of neut. A stems in -aim. 3. I. plur. and L. plur, of all stems and L. sing. of fem. A stems and all I and U stems with the ending -him. 4. G. plur. of A stems in -ahum, -ahā. 5. G. plur. of I stems and feminine stems with the ending -him. 6. -ahum of the first person plural. 7. Pronominal forms haun, amhaim, maim, tuhum, tumhaim, paim, kāim. 8. Indeclinables: naim, ņāim, saim, sahum, nahim, nāhim, ghaim, jahim, etc., jaiyahum, etc., jāvehim, etc., evahim.
$11. The remarks made while considering the orthography of short e hold good here also. P. more than S. and A. more than P:
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are careful in marking the Anunāsika. In naim, ņāim, sahum, nahim and ņāhim the nasalisation is inorganic. Nevertheless both the good Mss. of the Paümacariu have it and hence I have standardized the spelling of these words.
$12. Hemacandra takes note of the enlarged A. stems being nasalized at the end in the Nominative singular (HC. IV 354). Regarding this feature none of the three Mss. shows any pronounced tendency. They are indescriminate in nasalizing the final vowel of the vocables. Many extended neuter Nominatives are not nasalized. On the other hand we find numerous corresponding masculine forms nasalized on the final at random. But there are other indications to show that the Mss. are quite indifferent in nasalizing the ending syllable. -hi forming a part of stem is at times nasalized, as if it were the Instrumental Locative ending. So also -hu of the forms from stems ending in -ha. Similarly -ai at the end of pres. 3. person sing. forms or at the end of stems is confused with neuter plural Nominative/accusative in aim. By way of examples can be cited piyāmahum, vammahum, muhum, bhaim from P., and dunduhim, unnaim, dharaim, haraim from S. Even the Instr. sing, form of masc./neut. A stems which has an Anusvāra on the final syllable, is casually written without the sign of nasalization (niurumbe, bimbe, āe, nivisaddhe, samudde).. Because of this state of affairs, I have not admitted the neut. forms in -aum as authentic. But they have been recorded in the critical notes throughout
4. Ya-śruti and Va-śruti $13. Apabhrarnsa Mss. like Prakrit Mss. are quite careless in writing the ya-śruti. Our Mss. P. and S. have a tendency not to insert y betwees a or u and a following vowel. In these cases I have accepted the spelling without the ya-śruti if it is supported by even one Ms. If all the Mss. have y, I have accepted the spelling with the ya-śruti. In one or two stray stems like pari-añcapari-atta-, I have followed the practice of the Mss. For the rest, ya-śruti is consistently shown as filling an intervocalic hiatus.
$14. Va-śruti appears to be characteristic of Apabhramśa. With regard to it also the Mss. have the least claim to regularity or consistency. It appears at random between u and a or even between any two vowels. Whenever any one Ms. spells a vocable with the va-śruti, I have accepted, that spelling in the constituted text. For examples see $31.
5. Initial n- and Medial -nn$15. Some Prakrit Mss. follow the practice of using n in the ini. tial position, nn in the medial position and n for the rest. But many Apabhramba Mss. do not known at all. They have n or nn under all conditions. Among our three Mss. P. (and A. to a lesser degree) exhibits a slight tendency of spelling with an n- or medial -non-. In the constituted text dental n is strictly eschewed.
6. b and b bh. $16. Many Apabhramśa Mss. use v for both v and b, and as a corollary to this practice they always write vbh for bbh. The Mss. of PC. have b only once in a thousand. Hence the former practice is adopted in the constituted text, but vbh being a phonetic absurdity, it has been given as bbh throughout.
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7. Nasalized -V$17. According to Hemacandra intervocalic-m in Apabhramśa was pronounced by some as nasalized v. Some Ap. Mss. also give some indications to this effect. Words like karami, jema are casually written as karavm, jeva, jemva, jeva or jerva. Barring a few stray words our Mss. preserve m-. Only twice the pres. 1. sing. is found ending in -vi in all the three Mss. and P. and S. as contrasted with A. have a tendency to write jeva, teva, etc. for jema, tema. In the latter case I have retained m whenever I found it even in a single Ms. When all the three Mss. agreed in writing v, I have not changed it to m.
$18. Quite casually -V- is found nasalized under the influence of a following nasal, e.g., Rāmaņu, Rāmvaņu written for Rāvanu. In such cases, unless there is the support of A. and P. I have not accepted such a nasalized v as authentic.
$19. More interesting is the case of the particle vi following an Anunāsika or a syllable containing a nasal. In this case A. and P. have a definite tendency of nasalizing vi to mi and omitting the preceding Anunāsika. This spelling has been accepted as standard in the constituted text. For examples, see $29. Personally I believe it to be a comparatively later trait and as such unknown to early Apabhramsa, but in this point I could not ignore the testimony of the Mss. Alsdorf also has accepted this practice in his edition of the Harivaṁsapurāņa.
8. The Vargānu nāsika. $20. The nasal preceding a consonant is given in the Mss. always as an Anusvāra. I have followed the practice of Alsdorf and Jacobi (the only two scholars so far to study the problems of Apabhramba linguistics and textual criticism in a critical, systematic manner) and have reproduced the Anunāsika as the Vargánunāsika before the stops. The only exception has been made in the case of the compounds with the preposition sam- which are retained with sam.
$21. The Mss. of Puspadanta's Mahapurana, represent two distinct groups-one optionally preserving r in groups of conjuncts having r as a latter member, the other group assimilating it. Contrasted with this, the Mss. of the Paümacariu assimilate such groups without exception.
II. Sporadic phonetic changes. $22. Shortening of vowels: a) General tendency to shorten the final syllable. Hence fem. A stems of the earlier stage occur in Apa, as A stems. See also $23 b. b) At times binding i of the cvi-forms is shortened as in vasikiya- (vašīksta-) 4 5 3, kannuppalikarevi (karnotpalīkrtya) 181, etc. c) Shortening in stray cases: aliyaya- (alīka- enl.) 8 3 6, gahira- (gabhira-) 1 53, câmiyara- (cāmikara-) 7 2 2, 14 6 9,-pidha- (pitha-) 4 5 9, Bhairahi- (Bhagirathi-) 5 13 3,5 14 3 as against Bhairahi 5 10 7,5 11 3, paripālaniya- (paripalaniya-) 6 16 7.
23. Lengthening of vowels: a) compensatory lengthening of a preceding vowel consequent upon the simplification of a conjunct. This tendency has become one of the chief characteristics of the New Indo-Aryan Stage. For instances see $33. b) The quantity
palanzy. Lengowel consome on
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of i and u as stem-finals is somewhat indifferent. Hence irrespective of the original character of the stem-final, it is lengthened or shortened in accordance with the metrical requirement. Thus Vähyvali4 7 7, 4 8, nalini- 6 36, kodżyau and payadiyau 3 11 6, Sayambhu131. c) Lengthening in stray cases: paisai (pravisati) 4 1 8,5 92, paisarai (connected with pravis-) 4 1 as against païsarai 4 1 1,
paīsarai Ayautişika-) ve changes: 4 4,7 10 3, 10 apra-) 15 5 3 a kuta-) joisiyoz 4. stray ve appunu and khuruption, while mot dissimila Note
$24. Stray vowel changes: Instead of the usual appaņu (ātmanah) we have appunu at 5 14 4, 7 10 3, 10 12 8 etc. nirurumva (nikuramba-) 4 10 6, 4 11 9 and khuruppa- (kșurapra-) 15 5 3 against khurappa- 11 11 7 are due to assimilation, while maüda- (mukuta-) 3 5 1 and maüla- (mukula-) 3 7 7 are the results of dissimilation; iya (iti) 1 1 19 is an instance of a final -i changing to yd. Note also līna- 17 7 8 and liha- 15 12 7 from lekhā- and riha- 11 4 5 from rekhā.
$25. Contraction of vowels in contact: a) contraction of the -aya- at the end of enlarged stems to -ā- e.g. bhadārā 1 1 1 etc., -sarā-11 7, bhaviyā- 1 1 8, mahisa- 1 10 8, kusumā- 14 2 5, davaņa14 2 5, pahárā- 16 13 9, padīvā, 5 6 8, 5 12 5, 5 12 9 etc., Pavananjaya- 19 10 4, Suloyaņā- 5 4 7. b) Contraction of -aya- resulting from the -aka- of the agentive to -ā as in gavesā 14 10 10, pasāhā 10 12 7, -uttară 1 1 i, -hakkarā 2 10 9, muhavekkhā 10 27, bhunjā (?) 14 2 7, -gārā- (kāraka-) 11 14, 2 6 10 etc. c) Contraction of the criginal -aya- at the end of a stem to cū as in jinālajinālaya- 6 2 5. d) Contraction of two, medial vowels in contact as in andhāraya- (andhakāra- enl.) 10 1 9, akkhādaya- (akşavāțaka-) 4.11 2, vama- (vyāyānia-) 4 11 5, thera- (sthavira-) 1 4 2, jaņera(jana-kara-) 4 13 2, mora- (mayūra-) 3 4 5, Ujjha- (Ayodhyā-) 4 14 against Aujjha- 4 1, pādihera- (prätihārya-) 3 3 10, -keraya(-kārya- enl.); various cases of contraction of the preposition avato o
$26. Preservation of intervocalic stops (instead of elision) either unchanged or by voicing or by geminating: Kumbhi-paka11 97, Kaïkasi- 9 2 5, Kažkaseu (kaikaseyah) 10 10 7, Kaüsiki (Kausiki) 9 6 2, Kamuka- 5 8 3, Ikkhukka- (*Ikşvuka-?) 51 2, Sakkeya- (Säketa-) 5 11 4,2 2 5 (all proper names), lakkudi- (lakuți-) 11 6 4. -gāraua (-kāraka-) 5 1 5 against -käri- 4 5 9 and -yāri- 6 96; Bhigu (Bhrgu) 16 6 6, naga-192, agara- (akara-) 4 2 3, maragaya(marakata-) 1 4 3, mayagala- (mada-kala-) 1 15 1, vaiyagaraņa- (vaiyakarana-) 7 14 4, Payāga- (Prayāga-) 2 11 4, jogesara (yogeśvara-) 5 15 2, nakkha. (nakha-) 14 5 7. Maricca- (Marica-) 10 1 2, Vtay- (Vtya;-) 7 12 3, Kaütilla- (Kautilya-) 16 6 3, Važtarani 11 93, 9, 11 10 15, -atisaya- (atiśaya-) 1 7 3, Gottama- (Gautama-) 1 9 8, 51, nitti- (nīti-) 7 12 1, 16 2 1, -sotta(srotas-) 2 1 8, Jimutta- (Jimūta-) 20 67, 17 11 8, Toyadavāhana5 7 7,5 9 11, ubhaya- 1 2 4.
$27. Most of the following instances of -d becoming -l are known to Prakrit also: -phaliha- (sphatika-) 6 5 2, pilana- (pādana-). 1 4 4, niyalaya (nigada enl.) 1 5 6, .talāya- (tadäga-) 2 2 3, -kala(krīdā-) 5 1 7, 14 11, 4, palitta- (pradidpta-) 7 11 9, 13 3 2, solaha(sodaśa-) 2 4 4.
$28. Occasionally intervocalic -m- is changed to nasalized -- which is as a rule written as -1- in the Mss, davanā- (damanaka-) 14 4 5, Haridavana- (Haridamana-) 15 10 5, V panava- (pra+nam-) 11 1, nāvālaya- (=nāmavat-) 6 16 4, ravaņņaya- (*ramanyaka-) 2 2 2, nikkhavaņa- (niskramana-) 2 11 4, ņēsāvanna- (niņsāmānya-) 4 5 4,
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nivisa- (nimiṣa-) 8 6 6 etc., atthavana- (from Vatthava astamaya-) 15 6 2, aśava- (asrama-) 9 1 9, dharevi (dhārayāmi) 18 8 9, pariharevim (pariharāmi) 18 8 9. For dropping of an intervocalic -msee §30 d.
$29. A reverse tendency of changing v- to -m- under the influence of a nasal sound in proximity, or even without such a condition is revealed by a) mi resulting from the particle vi following a word with the nasalized final syllable, as in kehi-mi 2 4 6, tinni-mi 4 9 2, suraha-mi 3 9 10, etc. (See Index Verborum under vi); b) stray instances like pungama- (pungava-) 1 1 10, pihimi(pṛthvi-) 2 15 3, parimiya- (parivṛta-) 2 11 8, 3 5 9, simira- (sivira-) 11 8 1.
$30. There are numerous cases of eliding an intervocalic v original or secondary mostly before u but occasionally also before i and a: a) -v- is mostly, though not always, dropped before the -uof the Nom. sing., sahau 1 7 4 (but payāvu- 7 7 4); sau 1 11 2 (and savu 7 7 4); b) casually it is dropped before i as in kukai (kukavi-) 1 3 1, paraiya- (prapta-) 1 6 1, paisai- (pravisati) 4 1 8, thera(sthavira-) 1 4 2, -adai- (aṭavi-) 3 8 5; c) before a it is omitted in payaṭṭa- (pravṛtta-) 5 15 9, bhuana- (bhuvana-) 6 1, tihuana- (tribhuvana-) 1 1 15, diyaha- (divasa-) 5 12 5, pariyattanti (= paravartante) 5 12 6, rua- (rupa-) 3 7 7 (against ruva 1 2 10), niyatthi(from ni + Vvas-) 14 10 4, suai (from Vsua-, Vsuva == Vsvap-) 1 10 8, layanna- (lavanya-) 1 13 6, akkhaḍaya- (akṣavāṭaka-) 4 11 2; -va- disappears in samasarana- 1 8 6, 3 4 8 (against samosarana 3 4 10); d) in a few cases such a -v- has resulted from an intervocalic -m-: Jauna-(Yamuna-) 12 4 3, sumsuara- (sumsumāra-) 3 5 6, ranauha- (ranamukha-) 20 1; in naum (nama) 2 17 8 and bhaumha 10 2 9 (as against bhauha- 14 3 10 and bhamuha 14 12 8) the disappearing -m- nasalizes the succeeding vowel.
§31. A reverse tendency is to insert a va-śruti between two contiguous vowels to fill up the hiatus created by the elision of a stop, as Mandovari- (Mandodari-) 1 10 9, thovaya- (stoka- enl.) 16 8 7, uvara- (udara-) 1 10 3, 15 7 9, uvahi- (udadhi-) 3 3 7, 6 10 9 etc., juvala- (yugala-) 2 17 9, dhenuva- (dhenu- enl.) 3 3 5, dhuva(dhūta-) 7 14 8, duva- (duta-) 10 8 10, huvasana- (hutāśana-) 20 4 9, vuvvuva- (budbuda-) 17 3 3, bhuva- (bhuja-) 1 10 7, 2 17 9, murava- (muraja-) 1 5 7, sivāla- (śṛgāla-) 9 11 2, malliva- (mallikā-) 14 10 6.
Vimalasuri's Paümacariya has several instances of vaśruti: juvā- (yukā-) 6 44, avalovani- (avalokani) 7 139, murava- (muraja-) 7 156 etc.
§32. Some stray cases: Tilakesa- (Tilakakeśā-) 5 6 1; muhala(mukhara-) 1 15 7, somala- (sukumāra-) 7 1 5, kalunaya- (karuna- ) enl.) 9 10 2, calana- (carana-) 1 7 9; diyaha- (divasa-) 5 12 5, pāhāṇa- (pāṣāna-) 7 14 1. pahiya (pasiya- from paśya-) 2 16 7. Loss of -va- in nisiyara- (nisitatara-) 4 1 is haplological.
§33. We have several instances of the simplification of the conjunct with or without the compensatory lengthening of the preceding vowels: a) vairāya- (vairagya-) 2 9 2, 2 10 3, kaosāya(kayotsarga-) 2 11 8, dhai (dhātrī) 7 3 3, dahina- (dakṣina-) 1 11 8, payahina- (pradakṣinā-) 1 1 17, 6 13 3, niddakhinnaya- (nirdāksinya- enl.) 2 14 2, cayara (catvaraḥ) 6 1 7 samali- (salmali-) 3 1 9, sava- (sarva-) 1 8 10, 1 11 2, 7 7 4 navai (from navvai) 2 2 9, kāva (kāvya) 1 1 19, savaḍau (from V sampaḍa-) 1 3 10, nīyasana(niyamsana-) 6 14 4; soma- (saumyā-) 2 2 6 paseya- (prasveda-) 1 13
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7; b) caüthaya- (caturtha-enl.) 1 8 8 kaniyāri (karnikāri) 3 1 9, paija(pratijña-) 57 7 (but paijja- 12 75), paitha- (praviştha-) 4 10 2, 14 2 1, 14 4 9, pahilaya- (for pahillaya-) 1 41, 16 2 1, -ālasa (alasya-) 2 12 3, rayasala- (rajasvalā-) 19 i 2, Vaivasa- (Vaivasvat-) 15 13 7, Vaisavana- (Vaiśravana-) 9 6 3, samuha- (sammukha-) 6 9 2; akkhohani (akşauhini-) 12 8 1; c) words compounded with nir-/nis-, dur-/dus-, ud- etc. have their initial vowel treated indifferently as simple or conjunct according to metrical convenience. This is a general tendency and no particular instances need be noted.
$34. The treatment of the conjunct in the following cases, is noteworthy: vimbhaya- (vismaya-) 1 12 4, Jasumbhaya- (Yaśasvatenl.) 1 13 1, Cakkhubhaya- (Caksusmat- enl.) 1 12 4; jhuni(dhvani-) 3 11 1, but dhaya- (dhvaja-) 1 5 2; suviņa- (svapna-) 1 14 9, duvara- (dvāra-) 6 7 7 (against vara- 5 8 6), duväraha (dvadaśa) 11 7 1 (against väraha 3 4 1), vintara-(vyantara-) 1 8 9, 10, -abbhintara- (abhyantara-) 1 16 6; assimilation is at the basis of bhimbhala- (vihvala-) 1 5 4 and phopphala- (pūgaphala-) 1 5 9, 31 8.
$35. Gemination of consonants mostly for metrical reasons: pammukka- (pramukta-) 12 10 1, khammaviyaya (for khamar viyaya-) 19 6 8, nimmantio (nimantritah) 16 13 5, nimmitti(nimittin-) 16 3 9, papphulla- (praphulla-) 5 5 6, ujjuya- (rju- enl.) 5 15 9, acceyaņā- (acetanā-) 19 15 1, sapparivära- (saparivara-) 2 2 8, 2 7 7, 2 14 6 3 8 1, tillokka'- (trailokya-) 12 11 2, koühalla(kautūhala-) 1 12 6, 10 2 2, vaulla- (bakula-) 14 7 3, sannavai (sanavati) 2 3 3, vannara- (vānara-) 7 4 6; the Gen. postposition taniya appears as -ttaniya at 8 4 9..(kaho- ttaniya, and taho- ttaniya), 9 6 2 (mahu- ttaņiya) and perhaps at 6 3 9 (A. kahi- ttanau).
$36. Sandhi in a sentence has been effected between the continuous syllables of two words under metrical stress in following cases:
pāņuppanņu (for nāņu uppa°) 3 2 11, annuppannu (for
annu uppa°) 3 3 2, kappayaruchanņā (for kappayaru ucchao) 1 11 9, Vimalavāhanucchaliya(for Vimalavähanu ucchao) 1 13 1, mohuppāiu (formohu uppao) 14 3 12, vamsuddhāriu (for vansu uddo) 89 6, vālāvani (for vā alāvani) 1 5 8, suravaiņāruņa" (for suravaiņa aruna") 2 3 2, padahāmarao (for padaha amara°) 2 4 1, dhammeņaharanao (for dhammeņa āharanao) 6 14 4, nisunuttara (for nisuņu uttara°) 6 15 2, vināsaņāim (for vinā āsaņāim) 5 12 3, gamaņāņeya (for 'gamaņā aneya) 14 10 1. The Sandhi in the compound cautīsaïsayao (for cautisaaisaya") 3 3 1 is peculiar.
III. Gender.
$37. a) The following words masculine in Sk, are found with the n. pl. ending -aim in PC.: kumbha- 9 2 9b, kirana- 11 14 5, thūha- (stūpa-) 3 4 4, vidruma 13 5 9, sāhāmiya- (sākhāmrga6 11 4, jana- (jana- person) 12 12 10b, jiva- (used with n. pl. adjectives) 11 g 6, tada (tata-) 14 9 7, kalahamsa- 11 1 6 and many more. The Bhavisattakaha also manifests this tendency.
b) Jhuni. (dhvani) 3 11 1. nihiva- (nidhi- enl.) 3 13 7 4 6 6. kallola- 14 12 6, kallolā- 1 2 5 are treated as feminine.
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IV. Affixes. Several noteworthy affixes are listed below: $38. Agentives:
a) kāraya-, garaya, -yaraya- (Sk. -kāraka-) and -kara-, yara, (Sk. -kara-) form compounds with an agentive sense as in khayakari (kşaya-kārikā) 4 5 9, khaya-garaya- 5 1 5 and similarly at 2 6 10, 21, -gāriya- 19 4 8,19 5 5, -gāri- 8 4 6, -yari 6 96, -yara- 1 16 9.
b) -aņa-: kandāvana- 96 9, bhayāvana- 8 1 4, jūravana12 5 1, suhāvana- 12 3 9, kampāvana- 15 1.
$39. Possessive suffixes:
itta-: jovvanaitti- (yauvanavati-) 4 9 9 and similarly atthaitta(from artha-) 14 13 5, dumaitta- (?) (from druma-) 20 8 9.
$40. Adjectival suffixes:
a) -ima- forming adjectives from verbal bases as in phādima(from V -phada-) 1 4 6, samcārima- (from sam V cara-) 4 10 8; from adverbs as in hetthima (from heţtha- below) 4 9 9;
b) -ira- forming adjectives from verbal bases as in panaccira- (from paņacca pra+ V nộtya-) 4 8 4, 17 2 7 and similarly paribhamira- 7 2 3, paribhāsira- 18 8 1;
c) -illa- forming adjectives from substantives etc. as in gāmilla (from grāma-) 1 3 11, uvarilliya (fem. enl. from uvari= upari) 4 9 9a;
d) -ikka- equivalent to -illa- as in vappikki- from vappa4 3 9.
$41. a)-ttana- and b)-tta- forming abstract nouns from substantives as in -hiyattana- (from hita-) 2 9 3, bhicattana- (from bhȚtya-) 2 10 3, Surindattaņaya- (from Surindaā-) 81 7, Indatta(Indratva-) 3 11 9, suratta- (from sura-) 3 11 8.
b) -ima- forming abstract nouns from adjectives as in podhima (from poďha=praudha-) 4 4 1.
$42. Comparatives in -a(ă)ra(ya) (from -tara(ka)-) as in guruyāra- (from guru-) 15 9 10, vaddāraya- (from vadda-) 16 4 8, piyāraya- (from priya-) 2 91 , pahilāraya- (from pahila-) 9 3 3, nisiyara- (nisitatara-) 4 1, viruāriya- (fem. from virua-) 19 4 8.
$43. Pleonastic suffixes: a) -ika- in dhānükkiya- 6 15 3 against dhānukka- 6 15 7; b)-akka in gurukki- (from guru-) 2 10 1, 39; c) -alla- in navalla- (from nava-) 11 5 9; d) -ullaya- in kadaullā(from kadaya-) 14 5 7. This solitary instance of -ullaya- presents a contrast with the numerous instances of -ulla- extension in Puşpadanta.
$44. -adaya- and -udaya- in later Av. are used as diminutive and pleonastic suffixes, but in our text they are strictly used in a pejorative sense as in the only instances sarīradaya- (from sarira-) 6 13 5, vankudaya- (from vakra-) 6 16 5.
$45. Amelioratives: a) -vara- developed a pleonastic sense in Ap. as can be seen from ku-murivara- 7 3 9, gayavara- 2 14 3, suravara- 11 7, jinavara- 1 1 7, kavivara- 1 10 5, girivara- 1 10 6, rahavara- 4 8 7, taruvara 6 3 5, kaivara- 6 11 2, hayavara- 3 13 4, asivara- 7 5 9, puravara- 8 12 1, harivara- 19 18 6, etc.; b) the same remark applies to the prefix su- which is used to fill up a metrical gap as in sualaňkāra-12 2, supariţthiya- 1 4 3, sumanitthaya-31 13, sunisalia- 4 12 7, sumanohara-537, sudāruna- 7 7 6, su-Mallavanta7 11 3, supariyana- 9 5 1, sukulīnavahu- 12 6 2, supūyaphala- 14 7 3, supahutta 14 7 9, su-Tanūyari- '16 4 7, suvihámaya- 1 5 9, susārani 17 9 6, su-pariţthavevi 19 1 4, su-Pasannakitti- 10 10 6.
$46. In sa-kiyattha (krtārtha) 10 7 2, sa is mildly emphatic.
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It becomes frequent in early vernaculars and develops a pleonastic function.
$47. In anavasa- 12 6 9, ana- is a negative prefix. ku- and du(=dur-, dus-) have the same function as in Sanskrit.
V. Stem-formation $48. As the final consonant of the stems disappeared since the Prakrit stage, all the Ap. stems end in a vowel. The quantity of the final vowel is indifferent. The general tendency of Ap. is to shorten the final syllable and hence Pk. fem. stems in -a, -and -ü appear as A, I andų stems in Ap. as a rule. But due to liberal use of Prakritisms, due to the later development -iya-into-i and -uya- into az and due to lengthening and shortening affected to suit metre, we have Ap. stems ending in -a, -i, -u as well as -ā, -7, -ū. The stems with a short final predominate. The other ones are used often to satisfy exigencies of metre.
$49. Enlargement of the stem by adding -ya- (from 'svārthe kah) is quite common. Final -aya, -iya and -uya of the enlarged stems are liable to become -a, -7, and -u respectively through concontraction and hence in A-declension (mas. and neut.) we have two parallel stems, one ending in -a (or -aya), the other ending in -2. The latter has later on considerably contributed to the evolution of the oblique form of the NIA. languages.
$50. The tendency of normalization in nominal and verbal fiexion developed in Prakrit has gained considerable strength in Ap. The other types are gradually brought in line with the A-type. bahava- (bahu-) 5 91, pasava- (pasu-) 14 11 8, illustrating the change of U-stems to A-stems and the Ins. sing. forms in -em from I-stems (883) are indicative of this tendency. Similarly in the case of Fem. A-stem, instrumentals in -ehim (875), Gen. forms in -hum (880) and Loc. forms in -him (976) illustrate the influence of the masculine.
$51. In the case of the fem. bases, the general tendency in Ap. is to turn l-bases into A-bases by enlarging them with the addition of the pleonatic suffix -iya.
VI. Inflexion 3) Substantive.
$52. The flexion system of Ap. is in a process of disintegration. Merging of Nom, and Acc., of Abl. and Gen., partial merging of Ins. and Loc., confusion of masc. and neut., domination of A declension, and increasing employment of post-positions to convey various case relations are the characteristic indications of this state of affairs.
$53. The Ap. used in the Varnavrttas and some of the Mâtrāv. rttas is more or less Prakritized. Many Pk. forms are found in the passages composed in those meters.
Stems in -a (mas. and neut.). $54. For the influence of this type over other types see $$50, 80, 83.
$55. -u (enl. -au) is the only termination in the Nom. and Acc. sing., there being no form in -a or ā. Nom. sing. forms in -o occur sporadically as Prakritisms before the indeclinable vi (1 7 9, 2 13 9, 4 5 8, 4 13 3 etc.) and under metrical stress (17 6 1, 17 10 1 etc.). Metre is also responsible for occasional Prakrit Acc. in -am.
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$56. For the enlarged neut. sing forms in -aum see $12.
$57. Stem-enlargement with pleonastic -da-(-daya-) is not known to our text. -daya- is used in a pejorative sense only (944).
$58. Voc. sing. uses the bare stem, which has its final -a occasionally lengthened (through contraction of -aya- from enlargement). Note, sārā 1 12 6, paīvā 5 12 5, mudha 5 12 6, Pahanjanā 9 8 1a, all at the end of a Pāda. In forms like bhadārā 2 6 106, -ā has resulted from the contraction of the stem-final -aya. On most of these points PC. agrees with MP.
$59. The bare stem or the stem with its ending vowel lengthened (the result of vowel contraction in the stem enlarged with pleonastic -ya-from-ka-) is used as the Nom. Acc. Masc. pl. form. These as well as forms with the termination -aim are employed in the Neut. pl.: sahāsa (sahasra-) 2 11 7, pavvaiyā (pravrajita-) 2 11 7, and sahásaim 2 10 8 are all neut. pl. In forms like gavesā 14 10 1, the final -aya of the pl. form gavesaya is contracted as ā.
• $60. As remarked above (837), occasionally mas. stems also take this neut. termination -aim.
$61. er, eņa (-ēņa), are the terminations of Ins. sing. Short -e and -em are unknown to our text, while -im is found as an orthographic variant of -em. A roughly made sample analysis gives 2:1 as the proportion of forms in -em and ena respectively. This agrees with the figures for HP. given by Alsdorf. Metre accounts for most of the forms in -ēna. The same remark applies to a few Prakritisms in -enam (eg. 17 3 1, 17 71, 17 8 1, 17 15 1, 13 4 1).
$62. In the termination -em, the vowel is probably short, as shown by Alsdorf on the ground that its alternative form is -in in the Mss. (cf. Loc. sing. termination in its two forms short -e and -2 in the Mss.).
$63. Regarding -ena Tagare observes that it was less popular in Southern Ap. It is frequent in MP. because in it 'Puşpadanta deliberately tried to initiate the high-flown ornate style of Sk. and Pk. classics. One has simply to turn to Jc. (i.e. Jasaharacariu) (which is a work of a more popular nature), and one finds the popularity of -im, -em termination.'
But these observations are not correct. The frequency of the forms in -ena in PC. proves that free occurrence of these forms in MP. is not just a vagary of Puşpadanta. And in a casual survey of the Jasaharacariu I have been able to spot two hundred and odd forms in -ena which shows it to be in no way different from MP. on this point.
$64. Further, following Grierson, Tagare derives -em of Inst. sing. from Loc. sing. -ahim. He believes that the Inst. and Loc. merged into one case in Apa. and the desinences of Loc. came to be substituted for those of Inst. He finds support for this view in the Inst. sing. forms in --į (from Loc. sing. short -e) found in Bh. and Kp. He thinks, "the use of -i for Inst. sg. was well established in S(outhern) Ap. of the 10th Cent. A.D. e.g., kāli from kāla-, suhi from sukha-, dansani from darśana- in J(asahara) clariu)'. Hence he finds it 'surprising that Alsdorf's edition of Hari) V (amsapurāna) should contain no -i forms'. He comes to the conclusion that "-e
(1) Stray cases like ujjaliya (qualifying asivaru) 18 8 2, kaya (qualifying maranu)
12 3, 5, jujjha 7 5 2 are modernizations, while voc. sing. forms in -u occurring
at quite a few places are counted as scribal slips. (2) Tagare, 1948, 118. (3) Tagare, 1948, 118-120.
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all their me Index Verborumt of kalem) as showsuhi is not found)
is a regular term(ination) of the Ins. sg. in Ap., though it was originally of the Loc. sg."
Now these views are not borne out by facts. Ins. sing. forms in -į are not found in MP. as also in our text. From just three instances of such forms from the Jasaharacariu Tagare generalizes that i was well-established as an Ins. sing. termination in the Southern Apa. of the 10th Cent. But even these three forms loose all their meagre evidential value on examination. kāli is found as kālim in the index Verborum to the Hist. Gram. of Apa. and actually it is kālim (i.e. the variant of kalem) as shown by the metre of Jasaharacariu 2 15. The second form in -i, viz., suhi is not found in the Index, but the latter quotes suha (equated with śrrā 'a dog') from Jasaharacariu 2 35 10, and if we consult the original passage' we find that the actual word is surahu and not suhu. The remaining third form dañsani is correctly quoted, but it occurs in a passage which is plainly a fourteenth century interpolation in the Jasaharacariu. This is one out of many instances of the uncritical use of the sources on the part of the author of the Hist. Gram. of Apa. which has unfortunately vitiated several of his conclusions.
Thus it still remains to be demonstrated that the works of Puş. padanta contain Instruments in -i and unless this is done, it cannot be accepted that Loc. sing. in short -e was used in an Instrumental sense'. This fact would go against the derivation of -em from -ahim, which otherwise on phonetic grounds also appears unconvincing. Loss of -h-, change of the final nasalization to an Anusvāra and the contraction of -a- and -i into -e- (in the face of their preservation in the neut. pl. termination -aim) which are presupposed by the proposed evolution -ahim into -eñ remain unexplained. Hence the derivation accepted by Bloch and Turner (ena becoming em) is to be preferred. Turner's suggestion that in Ap. -ena, -n- probably represented Anusvāra is unacceptable, because reading the twomoraic -er in place of the three-moraic -ena would spoil the metre.
$65. bhamantaena 1 13 9a, uttinndena 3 8 la, ubbhinndena 3 8 1a, punnaeņa 3 1 2a, samānijjantaena 1 2 12b (all at the end of a Pada) are instances of the enlarged Ins. sing. forms.
$66. For Instrumental forms used for the Locative see the next article.
$67. Short -e (orthographic variant -i) is the only termination of the Loc. sing. -ahim is not found for A stems in PC. Occasionally Ins. forms are used for Loc., e.g. āsaņņem 15 5 8 and especially in Loc. absolute constructions as at 1 2 12b, 3 8 10b, etc. In annehim kiya nivitti annekkahim 3 12 4 'others abstained (piously) from many other thing', annekkahim presents a case of using Ins. for Abl. khira-mahannave khāru bhareppinu 2 5 8 can be rendered as 'having collected milk at the Milky Ocean.
868. -ehim and -ahim are found in Ins. and Loc. pl. -ihim appears as an orthographic variant of -ehim. Of these terminations, -ehim predominates. A comparison of the Mss. indicates that a gradual process of substituting -ahim for -ihim (-ehim) was at work,
(1) hā! Jasaharu rünaü ajju muu, ha! daïva ! käim maim sunahu har (2) Vaidya, 1931, Introduction, 17. (3) It would appear prima facie that in vijau Dasanane ghutthau PC. 10 11 9a.
Dasänane is a Loc. form used in an Ins. sense. But vijau ghutthu amarāhivasähane PC. 8 10 1b ("Victory was proclaimed in the ranks of the Lord of Gods') and several such passages show that this was an idiomatic expression and the form in short -e has a Loc. sense. So also in samā sae 5 13 la samasena 'in short' and kare 6 13 2a, 6 16 8a.
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for the Ms, which is comparatively careful in preserving the language of the original has at many places forms in -ehim corresponding to the forms in -ahim found in the Mss. handing down a comparatively later text-tradition. The proportion of -ehim forms to -ahim forms in PC, is roughly estimated as 3 : 1.
$69. -aho (orthographically -ahu) is the normal termination of Abl. Gen. sing. -ă()ha is never used in PC' but Prakritic -äsu is found. Most of the forms in -asu occur at the end of the trochaically closing Pādas (e.g. 1 85, 1 13 3, 4 10 4. 4 11 7).
$70. Both -ă(ā)hum and ă(a)hã are used for Gen. pl. Forms in -=(ā)hum are fairly numerous“. It should be admitted that such cases are rare when all the three Mss. of PC. read -=(a)hum at relevant places. As a rule forms in -a(a)hum are found in only one of the Mss. at a time (mostly in either A. or P.). In a lesser number of cases two Ms. agree in reading -ă(a)hum. Corresponding to -ě(ā)hum in one Ms. we find -=()hu or -(a)hã (and occasionally -ắ(ā)ha in other Mss. As the Mss which are found more authentic contain numerous cases of -a(a)hum, I have accepted it in the constituted text if it is attested by even one Ms. and I have reconstructed it when the Mss. read varyingly -hu and hã. But when both P. and A. read -ha (with S. reading -hu) that has been accepted in the constituted text.
$71. Puspadanta occasionally used this form as we can gather from the cases noted by Alsdorf and from occurrences like piniyabhavvahum (38 18 7), puvvahum (38 18 7 so to be read for the textual puvvahã in view of the rhyme), tasa-thāvarajīvahum (39 8 6), devahum (39 11 106), ari-bandhavahum (48 20 4), varisahum (49 13 11) in MP. This upholds the Prakrit grammarians to some extent in their sanction for -hum as a Gen. termination'.
$72. Prakrit termination -āņa is rarely found in PC. I-XX.
Feminine Stems In ă(a) $73. Besides zero, -u is the termination of Nom. Acc. plur. be. fore which the stem vowel is optionally lengthened. uppāiu (from uppāya-) 1 10 1 and seviu (from seviya-) 2 8 7 are peculiar in that they stand for uppäiyau and seviyau respectively. Probably these forms are instances of contraction under metrical stress as is also seen in another form from vaïmāņihe for vaïmāniyano (from raïmāniya-) 15 15 5.
$74. Short -e (orthographic variant -i) is the only termination of Inst. sing. No form in -aim or -aim is attested from PC.
$75. Forms in I. plur. end in -ahim. In āehim vara-vijjenim 9 12 9, guhehim (I. for Abl.) 13 5 6, viţțiehim 10 6 6, koilehim 6 6 6 Masc. ending ehim is employed.
$76. he is the termination of G. L. sing. In later orthography it is spelt as hi and the Mss. often confuse it with -him. In the case of Loc., Mss. clearly show this hesita
(1) The same is the case with MP. though maranaha kerau (38 19 6a) appears to
be an exception. (2) e.g. see PC. 349, 3 4 10 3 10 5 3 13 3. 3 13 4, 3 13 6 4 2 3 4 6 10.
4 78, 4 7 9, 281, 286, 288, 2 14 2 2 14 3, 2 14 4,5 73, 57 581, etc. There is overwhelming evidence to show that the language of the Apabhramsa texts has undergone continuous revision and modernization so far as its of. Tagare, 1948, 147 orthography was concerned. Hence the picture of the language of the same text would vary in accordance with the age of the Ms. of that text. To quote one instance only at PC. 19 12 16 PS. read Anjanaho, A. Anjanahe equivalent
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tion between -he, -hi and -him, where him can be as welf genuine. Hence besides Aujjhahe 2 7 5, Ujjhahe 4 1 8 we have Aujjhahim (S. hi, A. he) 5 1 1, Ujjhahim (A. °he) 5 12 9b, guhahim 19 9 4, silahim (A. °ha) 13 8 6.
$77. Here as elsewhere, the short e of the earlier orthography is spelt as i in the later orthography and hence the earlier form of the G.L. termination is -he and not -hi or him as held by Tagore'. Hence Alsdorf is right in considering the terminations of G. and L. of Fem. A stems as identical and we need not try to connect it with -asmin or -adhi.
$78. In later Apabhramsa -ahim is quite frequently used for the Loc. sing. of masc. A-stems.
$79. Besides -he and -him, thrice -hã is attested in L. sing. of the fem. A-stems: silahã and ilaha 12 19 gb, dikkhaha (P.S. °ha) 3 10 2; The Sanatkumaracarita has piyahã and niyahã and Savayadhammadoha 95 uses dalahã in the Loc. sing. sense. narayahã at Pahuḍadoha 5 is a similar instance of L. Sing. of masc. A stem. All these forms cannot be possibly just scribal errors.
$80. In G. plur. we find -hum and -hã, obviously extended from the masc. Thus chayahum and padayahum 3 4 7, muahum 19 2 8, cavantiyahum and acchantiyahum 19 9 4, sunhahum (P.S.) 19 4 9, sua-sariyahum 17 5 2, vijjahum (S. °he, A. hu) 12 9 7, vijjahu 9 11 9b; pivara-thanaha and varanganaha 3 13 2, dheņuvaha 3 13 5, kannahã (P.S. him) 10 7 1.
§81. sāsuāņa and sunhana 19 5 1 are Prakritisms.
Masc. I and U Stems
$82. The final vowel of the bare stem used in the Nom. Acc. sing. and plur. is optionally lengthened.
$83. -na and Anusvara are the terminations of I. sing. suravaiņā 2 3 2, pahuna 13 2 1a, Sumalim (S. Sumalem) and Malim (S. Mälem) 8 6 8, Välim 12 9 10, Sumalim 8 9 6, vairim 15 14 1, Harikesim 16 13 7, Sirimalim and alim 17 5 6; once the form ends in -em, Malem (rhyming with dalem) which betrays the influence of A declension.
To the derivation of this Anusvara of I. sing from -na (alina becoming alina becoming alim) Tagare" prefers
to Añjanāyāḥ. A. is in many points more reliable than P. and S. so far as the metre, language and orthography of PC. are concerned. Had I only P. and S. at my disposal and constituted that text on their basis, I would have quoted Anjanaho as an instance of the extension of masc. -ho termination to the fem. A. stems. Similarly there are several instances in PC. of P. and S. giving the Nom. Acc. sing. of masc. A stems as ending in a while the corresponding reading in A. ends in u. Paying little heed to this sort of variable, defective and unreliable orthography of the Ap. Mss., the uncritical character of some Ap. texts and their indiscriminating use have marred many conclusions in Tagare's Historical Grammar of Apabhramsa which otherwise so far as the method of treatment is concerned, makes a valuable contribution to Apabhramsa linguistics.
(1) Tagare, 1948, §92.
(2) Over and above these terminations, Tagare gives a supposed instance of 'zero' termination in L. sing. of fem. A stems (Hist. Gram. of Apa. 92A and 93B and p. 160). The form in question according to Tagare is akhaini 'of a perpetual nature' qualifying ramaim supposed to be I. sing. from rāma = rāmā in Pahuḍadoha 42. This is a clear case of misinterpretation based on misdivision. The line actually reads jasu akhai nirämaim gayau manu i.e. yasya aksaye niramaye gatam manaḥ. Thus akhaini and ramai are ghost words and there is no instance of zero termination in I.
(3) Tagare, 1948, 168.
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explain it as a result of the influence of masc. A declension. He parallels aggi (agginā) with sappir (sarpena). But this is unacceptable as in the A declension the genuine early form ends in -em and not in -im and as such aggim cannot be explained with the help of sappem. Only those I. sing. forms of the masc. I, U declensions which end in -em are formed under the influence of masc. A declension
$84. -he and -ho are found in G. sing. munihe (S.A. "ho-) and jhuņihe 1 1 9, disihe (S.A. "ho) 1 1 13, Nāhine (P.S. "hi) 1 13 3, samdhihe (P.S. samdhie) 1 3 3, sihihe 2'li 9b, Vähuvalihe 4 10 5. guruhe 2 9 6, Meruhe 12 1 196, muniho (S. him) and cüdāmaniho 11 12, guruho and kappataruho 118. vaihu (rhyming with Vijayasihu) 745 is obscure.
$85. Corresponding to the singular terminations, -him and hum are the terminations of the plur. Instances are atthāņavaihim bhaihi 4 2 6, bhäihim 9 11 4, vaärihim (P.S. "him) 7 91, guruhum 7 12 5, vairihum (P.S. hi) 7 11 6, sāhuhum and vāhuhum 5 3 5.
$86. Loc. sing. ends in -him: Meruhim 2 1, 5 1 6, (P. Che), Pirihim 11 3 1.
Fem. į and u stems. $87. -he is used in Abl. and G. sing, -him in plur. Paramesarihim and sarihim 91 9, seddhihim' 2 15 5, kamalinihim 19 4 9a.
$88. Loc. Sing. has he and whim. Instances are vihattihe (S. -him) 4 1 8, vāvihe 5 14 7; 6 10 6, kariņihe (P.S. hi-) 7 3 1 ganiyārihe 7 3 3, uccolihe (P.S. "hi) 9 3 1, seddhihim 2 15 9, 6 2 2, 712, 811 (Aohe), mahihim 48 9, 4 12 2,10 10 3. purihim (P.S. Che) 11 14 11b, rayaņihiin 18 6 6, uccolihim 20 3 3.
$89. -him is also employed in L. plur. e.g. paolihim 16 14 8.
b) Post-positions. $90. The following post-positions in a compounded or uncompounded form, are found in PC. In the case of those which are declinable, the base is also given.
$91. samau (Sk. samam enl.( 2 12 2, samāņa- (sk. samāna-) 2 11 7, 4 2 2, 3 10 2 and sarisau (Sk. sadssakam, Guj. sarsum) 14 4 9 govern Ins. and are used in an instrumental sense conveying the idea 'with', 'along with'.
892. kārane 4 12 3, 10 6 6, 01 10 5,09 1 2 and kajje (*kārye =krte) 6 12 7, 12 5 5 or "kajjena (*karyena=kyte) 10 4 3, governing Gen. are used in a dative sense to convey the idea 'for' 'for the sake of'.
393. laggevi (abs. of Vlagg- 'stick'; = ārabhya) 1 16 4, 6 9 8, 12 2 8 governing Gen. is used in an Abl. sense to convey the idea 'beginning from'.
$94. keraya- and tanaya- (HC. IV 422) the early ancestors of Guj. kerum and taņum are used frequently as Gen. post-positions.
They govern Gen. They are found at 6 13 5,983, (kerau), 4 3 8, 53 3 (keri), 1 9 9b (keri), 6 11 9 (kerāim), 9 11 7 (tāna mi kerāim, where mi (api) intervenes) etc., and 4 5 2, 4 5 5 (tanau), 3 7 1
(1) This can also be interpreted as L. plur.
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(tanai), 3 6 10a, 4 37, 4 14 2, 9 6 2 luniya), 8 4 9 ab," 9 6 2 (ttaniya), 1 16 5 (tanaya) etc.
$95. Tagare has misunderstood the function of tanaya-. It is a declinable adjective (like sambandhin with which it is rendered by Hemacandra), qualifying the following substantive and as such quite normally is in number, gender and case concord with the latter. tanaya- can be declined in all cases and numbers depending upon the substantive qualified by it. Hence there is nothing like a double genitive in taho tanayaho námaho (Bh. 96 7) as is held by Tagare'. Again he understands that tana was also popular as an Instr. post-position in Western Apabhrarśa. This conclusion is arrived at from mahu tanai (Paramappapayāsu, 2 186) =madīyena, sukaihim tanāim (MP. 1 12 8) 'pertaining to good poets' and vaddattaņaho taneņa (HC. 1 12 8) 'for the sake of greatness' which is comparable to siddhattaņaho taneņa (Pāhudadohā, 88). But by no stretch of imagination these cases can be made to yield the conclusion that therein tana is used as an Inst. post-position. In the first case it qualifies a substantive in Inst. sing. The second case has neither any Inst. ending nor any instrumental sense. In the remaining two instances karanena is to be understood after tanena (i.e. vaddattanaho tanena käranena and siddhattanaho taneņa kāranena) and then it is clearly seen to be a gen. postposition.
Thus there is no justification for holding that tana was used as an Inst. post-position also.
$96. uvari (upari) 2 3 8,6 6.2 etc. uvarim 17 8 10b, uppari 1 3 3, 2 3 4 governs Gen. and are used in a Loc. sense conveying the idea 'on' above'. So also matthae (mastakē; Guj. māthe) 1 8 13, 999.
$97. bhanevi (abs. of V bhan- 'speak”) 2 7 8, 2 17 8, 14 5 8 governs Acc. and has the sense of Sk. iti krtvā, iti matvā. From mahi-vallahu bhanevi jo thuvvai 3 9 6, 'who is praised by being spoken of as the lord of the earth-by being looked upon as the lord of the earth', we can see the semantic evolution which further changes the meaning to uddiśya, prati or 'towards' as exemplified at 6 7 5 and 2 4 9 (bhaņevi), thus bringing it not only morphologically, but semantically too in harmony with its Guj. representative bhani 'towards'.
$98. Neither hontau' nor thiu are found in PC. pāsu and päsehim governing genitive are used in the sense of near. See Index s.v. pasiu governing genitive is used in the sense of 'because of as in eyaho pasiu 10 8 2, 3 'because of him'. But at 45 4, 10 9 6, 9 5 6, 7, 8, it appears to have been used in a genitive sense conveying the idea 'belonging to'.
(1) Tagare, 1948, 197. (2) Tagare says that hontau in the Abl. sense is unknown to Southern Apa
bhramsa (Hist. Gram. Apa., 192). But Alsdorf quotes four instances, three from Hp. (89 18 13, 92 17 12,92 19 2) and one from Nayakumaracariu (6 7 9) of the post-positional use of hontau. I have come across the following instance from Svayambhu's RC.: ayau kundina-nayaraho hontau 9 2 7b, and one more from the Jasaharacarit: haum vivaraho hontau nisariu 3 3 17. There is, therefore, no ground to believe that this post-positional use of hontau was of a late Western Apabhrarsa origin.
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c) Pronouns. $99. First Person Pronoun: Sing.
Plur. N. haum 4 4 3 4 4 5 4 14 8.
amhe 2 15 7,2 8 3. amhe 7 4 9.
amhai 10 4 3.. Acc. I. L. maim 15 6 2, 1 31, 2 16 8, amhehim 2 13 9b. 3 9 5 4 5 3, 5 9 8.
(I.L.) Abl. G. mahu 1 12 6, 8, 4 1 9b, amhahum 2 4 2, 3, 4, 4 3 3, 4 5 2.
2 6 10. majjhu 11 5 9b.
amhahã 2 15 3,
10 6 6. $100. Second Person Pronoun. Sing.
Plur. N. tuhum 4 3 6, 8, 4 12 6.
tumhe 7 4 9. tumhain
6 12 5. Acc. I.L. paim 1 3 1, 4 2 96, 4 5 8; 2 10 8 2 10 9.
tumhem 5 9 4. (I.L.). Abl. Gen. tuha 4 2 6, 3 8 10;
tumahaim 10 7 9a. tau 1 16 1,4 12 2;
tumhahum 10 8 5 tuva 19 15 9;
tumhaha 5 5 3, 10 8 2 tujihu 4 4 9a.
tumha 4 14 2. $101. Other Pronouns: Their declension follows mostly that of the nouns. So only the peculiar forms are noted.
a) Third Person Pronoun: Nom. sing. masc. Su 8 8 9, fem. sa 10 2 3; I. sing. tena 3 9 10a, fem, tie 7 3 4; G. sing. masc. tāsu 4 9 2, 1 6 1, 8, 1 11 3, 4 3 2, 4 13 8, 4 14 2 (all at the end of a Pāda); 1 11 7, 1 12 4, 39 7, 4 3 2, 4 4 4, 4 9 2, 5 1 3, 4; fem. tähe 5 1 5 as well as tahe 1 13 6.
b) Relative Pronoun: G. sing. jasu 1 3 14a, 1 7 6,1 16 2, 3,3 3 11a; jäsu 1 6 8,1 11 3.
c) Interrogative and Indefinite Pronoun: N. sing. masc. ko vi 4 6 9, 10, 13 2 4, 18 1 9a; kavana- 1 6 1, 444, 8 6 9a; 2 14 9; neut. kāim 2 12 7, 2 12 9b, 2 14 3, 4 3 5; N. plur. ke vi 7 13 3; G. sing. käsu 3 9 4.
d) Proximate Demonstrative Pronoun: N. Sing. masc. ehu 1 3 12, 6 13 4, ehau 2 3 9b; neut. eu 5 5 5; iu 10 1 8; N. plur. masc. e (short) 15 3 4; I. sing. em. 3 9 10b. N. sing. fem. ima 19 10 2; N. sing. neut. imu 4 4 9a, 9 1 5 12 2 7, 15 11 9a, 19 1 10, 19 15 9; I. sing. masc. ayaehim 10 6 7.
d) Verbal Flexion. $102. Present Indicative. It is also used to indicate shades of indefiniteness-subjunctive, immediate future etc.
a) First person singular. -mi is the only termination. -um is absent with the solitary exception of visahaum 18 6 2, which therefore invites suspicion. -mi appears as -vi (-vi) in dharevi, pariharevi 18 8 9b.
b) -ahum serves for the First Person Plural as in janahum 2 13 9b, 5 5 2, pāvahum and avahum 2 15 2. jahum 2 12 8,
(1) Tagare (1948, 222) observes, 'Neut. direct sing. tau from tako from ta-ka-h is
an extended form of ta- in Pähudadohā 11." This is an error. Hiralal Jain has corrected his interpretation of this Dohā in the Tippani, equating rightly tare with tapah, but Tagare has failed to consult it and has followed the incorrect translation.
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3 4 10, vandhahum 3 4 10, lehum 2 15 8. paribhamahum 6 13 7, pekkhahum 12 9 7, parisujjhahum 19 1 106 (in the last seven cases the sense has different shades of indefiniteness).
c) -hi is the only termination for the Second Person Singular and -hu or -ho (acchahu 3 4 10, gavesaho 12 8 96, jánahu 4 5 2) for the Plural.
d) Besides the normal -ai, -ei appears in the Third Person Singular mostly in metrically conditioned cases (khañcei 3 12 5, karei 4 12 6).
e) -ahim is not found in the Third Person Plural.
$103. The desinences of the Future are the same as those of the Present Indicative; only the special base is formed by adding -(e)sa. Instances: 1. plur. karesahum 3 6 11a; 2. plur. kareşaho 12 8 9b; 3. sing. hosai 4 5 4, vahesai 6 11 3; 3. plur. hosanti 5 9 10.
The -ha type of future is not found in our text. $104. Imperative.
a) Imper. 1. pl. (These cases can be also regarded as present Ind. 1. plur. forms used in an indefinite sense) jahum 2 12 8, 3 4 106; vandahum 3 4 10b, karahum 5 10 7, bhamādahum 5 10 8, paisahum 6 13 9, paisarahum 7 9 1.
b) Imper. 2. Sing.
i) -ahi: padarisahi 2 9 6, genhahi 6 4 9b, lahahi 19 15 8, bhuñjahi 12 115, jāhi 2 9 6, jajjāhi (intensive) 15 5 6, jivahi 7 12 1, vollahi 18 8 3, dakkhavahi 19 15 2, ehi 7 91;
ii) -u: jiu 4 3 8, nisaru 4 7 2, maru 5 7 2, hasu, bhuñju 7 12 3, taju, jujjhu 7 12 3, cau; samcaru 7 12 4, suņu 7 12 5, cadu, āu, padu 19 15 3, bhamu, ramu 19 15 5, utthutthu (intensive) 10 4 4;
iii) short -e: kare 4 3 2,9 26, (rhyme-secure at) 6 16 8, 15 5 6, bhuñje, 4 12 6, kahe (rhyme-secure) 6 13 7, 8 6 9, pāle 7 12 6, anuhunje 12 5 13, anubhuñje 12 10 9b, nihāle 12 5 14a, mue 15 7 2, jotte 19 2 5, dhare 19 15 6.
iv)-i: volli 2 14 1, suni 5 1 1, kahi 1 9 6, parini 10 5 8.
$105. The forms in short -el--i as also in -u are commonly used. There are several forms in short -e. The Ms. which leads in preserying original orthographic features, is also leading in attesting the imper. forms in short -e. It is quite naturally explained by Jacobi and Alsdorf as a development of the Sk. opt. 2. sing. in -en. The -i forms represent a phonetically later stage. Tagare's suggestion to explain it as due to passive + zero or to the loss of -h in -(a)hi is quite unattractive.
The term -u is also to be explained in accordance with the Ap. tendency to turn final -a into -u. It has nothing to do with the -u of the 3. sing.
$106. Imper. 2 pl. ends in -aho or -ahu: todaho, dohaho, chandaho 2 13 4, bhindaho 5 11 5 (rhyme-secure), joyaho 2 3 9b (rhyme-secure), takekhaho 5 5 1 (rhyme-secure), bhanaho, mandaho 4 8 9, nitthavaho, patthavaho 6 2 8, hanaho, khanaho 747, dharaho 7 7 2;
āgacchahu (rhyme-secure) 3 4 10b, āmellahu 3 7 4, karahu 4 3 3, 4 5 2, thāhu 2 16 11, kahahu 4 1 9b.
(1) Tagare, 1948, 298.
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$107. Optative.
2. sing. dejja 2 6 106, jujjhejjahi 15 5 6, khamejjahi 19 14 4, lajjijjahi 18 8 3.
$108. Passive.
a) Pres. 2 sing. panavijjahi, uvamijjahi 2 6 9; b) 3. sing. 2 6 9, uvamijjai 1 6 1, ghaijjai 1 10 5, laijjai 2 5 5,
jijjai 7 11 96. $109. Causative. a) uddāva- 2 1 7, cadāva, 231, cintāva- 2 92, khamāva 4 14 3,
devāva- 1 83, darisäva- 2 3 9, nhāva- 2 5 9a. b) vinnava- 1 31, 1 7 9, dakkhava- 2 8 5, nhava 2 6 1, thava
2 2 7 2 6 5; c) bhamada- 5 10 9; d) paisāra (from paisa-) 5 5 8, 13 10 10a etc.; vaisāra (from
vaisa-) 5 14 3,20 3 3. $110. Denominative: a) simple: pāyada- 1 1 19, dhavala- 3 3 6, uppallāna- 5 4 5,
nhāna- 5 4 5, maila- 14 7 8, dhūma- 17 14 7; b) compound: känekkha- (from krāna- + Vikkha-) 2 12 8,
mambhisa- (from ma + bhīşa-) 10 2 1, kannāra- (from
karņa + āra-) 19 14 2. $111. -cvi- forms: a) āsannāhūu 1 8 5, muhalāhūyau 1 13 9, vilakkhi-hūu 4 11 8,
dūrī-hoi 6 4 3, dhillāhontāim 8 5 11a, niratthi-kiu 20 4 7. b) kannuppali-karevi 1 8 1, vasi-kiu 4 5 3, duvvali-huyau
18 5 9. $112. Infinitives. a) -aņahä: vandanahā 1 91, pariņaņaha 5 15 9b, kampanahã
10 1 8; b) -ehum: niehum 10 2 4;
c) -evi: dharevi 9 13 8.
At 2 12 5 the infinitive of purpose is conveyed by using the Loc. sing. of the Gerundive: pievae lagga 'began to drink'.
8113. Absolutives: There are several terminations for the absolutive: evi, ēvi -avi -eppinu, -eviņu, -(e)ppi. Of these -evi is the commonest.
a) evi: pekkhevi 41 9a, nisuņevi 4 2 1. vāvarevi 12 9 8,
hoevi 2 15 8; b) -ēvi: panavevi 1 1 16, bhanevi 6 4 1, pariañcevi 12 10 16
etc. c) -avi: parisesavi 3 10 8, ņiyavi 6 2 6, muyavi (rhyme
secure) 15 13 5; d) -eppinu: ņaveppiņu, joeppiņu 1 1, panaveppinu 1 1 1,
gampiņu 1 15 9, 7 13 9b, todeppiņu 2 12 8, deppiņu
2 2 7, 2 14 8, thaveppinu 2 2 7: e) -ppi: gampi 2 7 5, 4 3 6,5 5 1, 5 7 9a;
f) -evinu: vihaseviņu 1 16 1, nisuņeviņu 11 11 6. $114. Potential Participle: Termination -evau: jīvevau 5 16 4; jujjhevau 4 9 1, ghāevau 4 12 3, païsevau 10 8 3, paharevau, jāevau, 11 13 5, karevī (f.) 9 6 96, 2017, harevi (f.)
pause5 16 4;
20@yau, 11 13'3.
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$115. Gerundives: jīvevae 2 8 4, parihevae 2 8 4, pievae 2 12 5, jievāho
ruevāho 7 8 8. $116. Compound verbs:
There are several instances of compounding a participal with a verbal form to express tense-variation. Thus past passive participle is combined either with asi 'was' to express a past perfect sense or with 'si to express a present perfect sense.
kahiu āsi 'had been told' 1 12 8. kiu āsi 'had been committed' 2 13 9b. pesiya asi ‘had been sent 2 15 1. samappiu asi 'had been made over' 4 4 9a. vuttau asi 'had been said' 5 5 5. jão asi 'had been born' 6 15 2. giliya ūsi 'would have been swallowed' 19 8 10b. nimmantio 'si 'you have been invited' 16 13 5.
dhukko 'si 'you have approached' 10 10 8. $117. The order of the members of a compound is altered according to metrical convenience. Note the following instances:
kammatthao- 1 1 4, vaya-pañcao. 1 1 5, accanta-mahanta
patta-siva- 11 11, puccha-paihara- 6 11 5, langūla-paihara6 11 8, bhava-saṁsāra-mahannava-ņāsiya- 5 16 3, pavarabhuva-phaliha-dīha 7 5 1.
nukko 'si*? you he
VII Some Syntactical Remark s. $118. In Bharahesara-Vahuvali vi te vi, asannaim dhukkaim valaim ve vi 4 4 7 the common predicate of the compound subject takes the gender of the following member.
Case usages. $119. Instrumental: a) Inst. instead of Loc.: dāhina-bhāem Bharahu thakku 1 11 8a..
Bharata was situated in the Southern division.' b) Inst. absolute for Loc. absolute: paim hontena, havantu asesaim 2 10 8; dhammeň
hontaena, deva vi seva karanti 6 14 9a; nīsarień pura
paramesarena, nisariya vīra 12 7 8. $120. Genitive: The Ap. Gen. has a very wide province. It has usurped the
functions of several other cases. a) As Dat. is lost as a rule in MIA., verbs of giving govern
Gen.: tujjhu āsi samappiu 4 4 9a; tam taho dei 3 12 5; samappevi nandanaho 6 8 5; mālau naraho uvasoha denti
6 3 4 Another Dat. usage: haum punu jāmi, thāmi niya-kajjaho
5 14 1. b) Verbs of motion govern Gen. of goal:
Risahu gau nivvanaho 4 14 9a, Ajiya-bhadārau gau nivvāņaho 5 10 2, gau ņiya-pattanaho 6 8 5, turangamu gayau pacchima-bhāyaho 5 4 1, Kikkapuresaraho lehu gau 6 16 3, sariyau dhoyanti salilu rayanāyaraho 6 3 3, jasu dhukkai, so so lei nāsu 7 5 7.
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This holds good even when the motion is figurative:
ghai-kamma gaya khayaho 4 14 3, jai visāyaho 5 15 1,
ma khayaho nehu 12 9 2. c) Further, words denoting movement require Gen. of goal
as in: mayaraharu āyāsaho utthalliyau 11 8 9b, Suke
sena Magahahã mukku payānau 15 8 9b. In such cases the Genitive has the force of prati. In naliņiu divāyaraho viyasanti 6 3 6 also the Gen. has the
same sense. d) But we also occasionally come across instances of verbs of motion governing accusative of goal:
naravai gau uvavaņu 5 14 6, . (te) Kikkupurakkhu patta 7 6 3,
Bharahu nivvui pattau 4 14 9a. e) Other verbs governing Gen.: i) Verbs meaning tell' 'say' etc.:
heriehim kanitthaho kahiu 4 7 1, manti Sirikanthaho kahai 6 5 1, suvināvali Marudevie
Nahi-narāhivaho sīsai 1 15 9b; ii) Vgaraha-: garahanti jinindaho 2 14 5; iii) Vbhama-: bhamiu Mandaraho jema tārāyanu 2 16 116; iv) Vabbhida-: Nigghāu Malihe abbhidiu 7 13 9b, Rāvanu
Indaho abbhidai 1 7 16. It governs Loc. also:
Rāvanu Sahasakirane abbhiţtau 1 5 1b. Note also the construction abbhittu jujjhu Vijjaharāhā
7 5 2. 'A battle ensued among the Vidyadharas'. The construction is familiar in the Paümacariya of Vimala
sūri. See 4 42,5 69 etc. v) V samāvada-: matta-gaindu pañcānanaho samāvadiu
7 13 9a. f) In marai to-vi mahu Toyadavāhanu 5 7 7 Gen. conveys
cause. g) In the absolute construction Gen. does not convey, unlike
Sanskrit, the sense of anādara. Mostly it is found with present participles and has been inherited by Gujarati. Instances: (taho) rajju karantaho, puvvahã lakkha tisaţthi gaya 2 8 9a 'As he ruled, sixty-three lakhs of Pūrvas passed'; rajju karantaho taho Maharakkhaho, Devarakkhu
uppannau nandanu 5 14 5-6 'As that Maharakkha ruled,
a son Devarakkha was born to him'; taho Lankāhiva-duhiya parinantaho pangane kena vi kai
lihiya 6 9 1.' "When he was marrying the daughter of the Lord of Lankā somebody drew monkeys in (his)
courtyard'. h) Genitive of contents (Instr. sense): ikkhu-rasaho bhariyañjali 2 16 9, 2 17 5 "The palm
cavity was filled with the sugar-cane juice'. $121. Locative: a) V paisa- governs Loc. or Acc.: i) jale paiţha 4 10 2; paisarai na pattane cakka-rayaņu
4 1 1, ņa paisai ujjhahe cakku 4 1 8, samasaraņe paitthau 5 9 92:
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ii) paisai saranu 5 7 3, 4, 5, so samasaraņu paiţthau
5 7 9, Nandisarakkhu paisarami 68 4, paisahum
jinālau 6 13 9, paitthu vanu 12 12 9. b) Instead of Acc. or Gen., Loc is used with visajjiya 'sent'
in Nala-ķīla visajjiya Kikkapure 12 12 2; Khira-mahannave khīru bhareppinu 2 5 8 is not a case of the use of Loc. for Abl. It is a different construction,
stressing the source. Loc. is used similarly in Gujarati; d) Loc. Absolute is quite common. Kale galantae, nähu
niya-deha-riddhi pariyaddhai 2 7 9a, kiye khae vandha
vāhum, kena sahum rajju karesaho? 12 8 9b etc. $122. Some verbs of saying like pahāsa-, cava-, pacava- are used intransitively. Their preterite participles take a nominative and not an instrumental subject, like gataḥ etc. in Sk. The instances are:
so pahāsiu 3 9 3 'he said', pamaya-nivahu caviu 6 12 6 "The
monkey-hoard said', sa pacaviya 10 2 3 'she said', sura
pavaru caviu 15 3 3 "The best among gods said'. Thus the distinction between the constructions required by Hindi bolana and kahanā or Guj. bolavum and kahevum has its roots stretching back as far as the ninth century A.D.
jima 'dine' is used intransitively in bhadārau. jimiu 2 17 9. $123. Impersonal use of the preterite participle is common:
tena hatthutthalliu 2 15 9a 'He made a gesture with hand'.
Vähuvalīsarena gajjiu 4 4 7 'Lord Bāhubali roared'.
$124. Some of the idioms, expressions and usages peculiar to Ap. are noted below:
1) Kikkupurakkhu 7 6 3, Ņandisarakkhu 6 8 4 etc. Proper
names are at times given in this manner--compounded
with -akkha, Sk. ākhya- See HP., Introduction. 2) avattiu Jama-muhe 7 6 6 and vagalāmuhe avatpantau
17 3 4 show that the expression avattiu has the sense of
be thrown as a victim into the jaws of Death)'. 3) olagga- with pāņehim means 'serve with one's life'
'sacrifice one's life while serving as in alaggai pāņehim
Vijayasīhu' 7 6 5. 4) kam divu 3 6 11 'when?'. 5) kavanu gahanu 'counts for how much?' as in tasu viyaţt
āho abbhittāho kavanu gahanu kira Rāvaņu 12 6 9b, 'for how much does Rāvaņa count before him who has turned hostile and attacked (him)? dhou with Vdā- signifies allow to approach' as in dhou na dintehim 3 6 9 'not allowing to approach'. Similarly dhou laha- = 'be able to approach'. cf. the use of
dhaukam with V da- in Jain Sanskrit. 7) nam nam 1 6 2, 3 is used in the sense of nanu to express
objection or doubt to a previous statement. 8) tudihim with Vcada- has generally the sense of samsaya
dolām áruh-. In kannā dāņu kahim tanau, jai na dinnu to tudihim cadāvai 6 3 9a. 'If the daughter is not given away (in marriage) to somebody, she would put one on the horns of a dilemma', its sense is slightly different. thottuggiriya 'laudatory and supplicant' generally qualifying speech as in Dasasirena thottuggiriya-girena vuccai “Rāvana said in supplicant words and thottuggiriya gurupurau 'having sung a hymn of praise before the Master'.
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10) pesanu cukkau is a euphemism for 'he died'. e.g. te mahre
kerau pesant cukkā 5 13 2 "they failed to fulfil their mission entrusted by me' i.e. they died', (Andhau)
pesaņa-cukku 'Andhraka died'. 11) gavanarmanau 3 6 16, gamanamaņu 6 4 2, "wishing to
go, jujjhanamana 12 8 9 'wishing to fight'.
vattai 18 3 7, 19 8 10b, 'to be sure' 'indeed'. 13) There are various forms of swearing expressions used at
the time of taking a vow e.g.: i) tava na jiņavaru jaya bhanami, jāva na rane
vivakkhu sara-siriu 6 1 10 'I will not say "be victorious" to the Jina, till I pierce the enemy with arrows in the battle'. jai kallae tāya! Lankánayari na paisarami, to niyaya-janeri Indāni kara-yale dharami 7 12 9, 'O Papa, if I fail to enter the city of Lankā tomorrow,
I would hold my mother Indrāni in my hand'. iii) jai tan bhudda-hatthi ņau sähami, to jaņanovari
asivaru vāhami 11 5 2 'If I fail to subdue that Bhadra elephant, I would brandish (my) best sword
over (my) father'. iv) jai ranamuhe mānu na malami taho, to chitta pāya
rayanāsavaho 12 7 4 'If I do not crush his pride in the
battle front, the feet of Ratnāśrava are touched'.
7. METRES OF PAUMACARIU I—XX. The present study of the metres employed in PC. I-XX is divided into three sections in accordance with the three structural units of the Kadavaka'. At times each Kadavaka of a particular Sandhi has a beginning piece made up of one stanza having two or four rhyming Padas. This unit is an occasional feature of the Kadavaka. As contrasted with this commencing piece the main body and the concluding piece (which is also found invariably in the beginning of the Sandhi) called Ghattā are the permanent features of the Kadavaka. Every Kadavaka has got them. The metres employed in these three Kadavaka units, viz. the commencing piece, the main body and the concluding piece or Ghattă are different from one another. Hence they are described separately. The metres of the commencing piece are taken up first. Next follows a description of the metres of the Ghattā. Lastly is given an account of the metres employed in the body of the Kadavaka. A. The Commencing Piece at the
Head of the Kada va ka. We have no definite knowledge as to whether the commencing piece of the Kadavaka was known by any general name. SC. VIII 31a while explaining the term Kadavaka declares, äihim punu ghatta samamananti, jamaavasana(i) chaddani bhananti. 'In the beginning (of the Kadavaka), they prescribe Ghattā and at the end of the Yamakas, they say Chaddani'. This means, that the Kadavakacommencing piece is to be called Ghattā, while the concluding piece (1) For the earlier contributions to the critical study of Apabhramsa metres see
Jacobi, 1918, 1921; Alsdorf, 1928, 1936, 1937 Shahidullah, 1928; Bhayani, 1945, 1948. (2) (a) Kadavaa(u) atthahim Jamaahim raanti !
äihim punu Ghatta samamananti il
Jamaavasāna(i) chaddani bhanantil SC. VIII 30-31. (b) Sandhyādau Kadavakante ca dhruvan syāditi Dhruvā,
Dhruvakam, Ghatta ya Ch. 5 1.
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is to be known as Chaddani. But the Ap. Mss. consistently follow the practice of calling the closing piece Ghatta, while the commencing stanza is not given any class name. Hence Svayambhu's account requires further support from other authorities, before it is accepted.
Only Sandhis 3, 13, 17 and 19 have the Kadavaka commencing stanza'. It appears in the beginning of each Kadavaka of these Sandhis. In Puspadanta's Mahapurana Jambhețția (IV), Racită (V), Malayavilasita (VI), Khandaka (VII), Avali (VIII), Dvipadi (X, XIV etc.), Hela (IX, LXXVII) Aranāla (XVI) and Malaya-mañjarī (LXXVI) have been used for this purpose. The Ap. texts or their Mss. have not got any uniform practice of mentioning the name of these metres. Usually Duvai, Jambheṭṭia, Doha and Helā or (Heläduvai) are mentioned by name, the others are left unnamed. we find little consistency in this matter. Thus only one Ms. of PC. prefixes the term Duvai to the Kadavaka-commencing stanzas of 3. Sandhi, other Mss. are silent about it. On the other hand MP. is in the habit of mentioning the name in every case.
The value of the end syllable is discussed below under the description of the Ghatta.
(1) The Kadavaka-commencing stanza of the 3. Sandhi
(Gandhodakadhārā). Scheme-No. of lines: 4.
No. of moras per line: 13 (or 14; if the end syllable is scanned as long). Gaṇa-scheme: 6+ 4 + 3 (or 4). Rhyme-scheme: a with b, c with d.
The six-moraic Gana has, except in four cases, twomoraic grouping. For its two middlemost moras the form UU is preferred. The second Gana has the following forms:
10 3
21 UUUU 10
This means that Jagana is permitted.
The last Gana is invariably constituted of three shorts. It will be seen that the structure of the Padas of this metre is identical with that of the odd Pädas of the Duvahaya or Dohä metre. Technically this is a Sarvasamā Catuspadi. If the final syllable is given its natural value, the line is 13-moraic; if it is scanned as long, it becomes 14-moraic. Among the Saravasama group of the Catuspadis, the Accharovilasia or Apsarovilasita" has 13 moras, the Gandhoaadhārā or Gandhodakadhara has 14. SC. VI 157 gives
(1) In
the rest of PC. Sandhis 25, 59, 85 (all Heladuvais), 40, 51, 66, 75 (all Duvais), 48, 81 (Jambhetția), 49, 77 (Gandhodakadhārā), 50 (Paranaka), 52, 53 (Aranala), 54 (Doha), 63 and 74 (Mātrā-+Mañjari) have got the mencing piece.
(2) Most of these metres employed in the commencing piece are treated together in the Khañjaka section of the Chando'nusāsana. (3) (a) Calane teraha-mattaam, pa-pa-ta-ganehim vihattayam ahava ca-ca-pa-vihusiam, tam-iņam Accharavilasiaṁ ! (b) Apsaravilasitam bhavet, şa-ca-tair dvi-ca(pa)-ganais tu vā Chandaśśekhara, 168.
SC. VI 157.
(c) sa-ca-täh ca-pau pa-tau va Apsarovilasitam Ch. 43a 3-4. (4) (a) Calane coddaha-mattão (?) annam ahuṭṭha caara SC. VI 158. (b) syur Gandhodakadhārāyam, pa-dvicakārās tri-ca-dā vā (c) sa-caḥ ci dau vå Gandhodakadhārā Ch. 43a 5-6.
Chandaśśekhara. 169.
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5 + 5 + 3 or 4 + 4 + 5 as the Gana scheme of the Apsarovilasita'. None of these schemes applies to 31 la (dihara-kalacakka-haena i.e. --UU-U-UUUU),
71 c (jiņavara-punna vāya-hayaim i.e. UUUU—U-UUUU), 3 12 1 d (uvasamu jāu savva-janaho i.e. UUUU-UUUUU),
etc. On the other hand the scheme 6 + 4 + 4 given for the Gandhodakadhārā (SC. VI 158 c) is satisfied by all the lines. Of course the theory as usual requires
the end syllable to be counted as heavy. The rhyme-scheme seen in the definition stanza of the
Gandhodakadhāra in SC. and in the illustrative stanza given in Ch. is: b rhyming with d i.e. the usual rhymescheme of the Antarasamā Catușpadi, while in our stanzas a rhymes with b and c with d. But this has little significance, because in their treatment and statement Prakrit metricians were far from being precise or exhaustive and they have hardly ever paid due attention to rhyme even though it was a very important feature of the Apabhramsa prosody. The Gandhodakadhārā itself is a good instance of this state of affairs. For earlier in Ch. while defining the Jhambataka, Hemacandra has observed that the Gandhodakadhārā itself that will be defined later on is called Jhambataka when sung. Thus from a metrical point of view according to Hemacandra himself the Jhambataka and the Gandhodakadhārā' are identical. Now if we glance at the illustrative stanza of the Jhambațaka we find that it has got the rhyme-scheme a/b, c/d (i.e, the same as found in our stanzas) and not that found in the illustra
tive stanza of the Gandhodakadhārā, viz., b/d! Irregularities: In 3 3 16 the Mss. read cauti
säisayao (P.), cautīsāisayam (A.) and cautisą aisai (S.). Acceptance of any one of these readings yields one or more moras too many for the line. Hence the text has
been emended as cautīs'aisayao. (2) The Kadavaka-commencing stanza of the 13. Sandhi
(Dvipadi). Scheme: 6+U--u (or UUUU)+4+4+4+U--u (or UUUU +
sporadic caesura after the 16. mora. This is Duvai or Dvipadi. For a detailed discussion on this metre see HP. 195, Sr, 60. The results obtained by Alsdorf hold good in all particulars for our Dvipadis also, except in one important point. Against Alsdorf, the 4. Gana is twice Jagaņa: 13 4 1 a is-UU-U-UUUUU U UUU-UU- and 13 5 1 b is-UU-U-U-UU U- U- - U- UThese cases clearly show that the form U(UUUU) was not forbidden for the 4. Gana.
(1) Hemacandra and Rajasekhara give 6+4+3 also. This would deprive our test
of its validity. But in examining the metres of Svayambhu's works, his own
metrical work above all else should be given due consideration. (2) vaksyamāna Gandhoddakadhāraiveyam gāna-vasad Jhambațaka-sañjñam labhate
Ch. 380/10-11. (3) Its illustration:
pahu tuha veri araņņi gaya, nichhu vi nivasahim jimva sasaya- ghana-kantaya-dūsamcarani, tahi jhambadai karira-vanill
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77 The Duvai is used as the commencing stanza in MP. 10,
14, 73 etc., Jas. 3, 4; Nay. 3, 4. (3) The Kadavaka-commencing stanza of the 17. (and 25.) Sandhi.
(Helā-dvipadī). Scheme: 6+0-u(or v, UUU) FF U Or U, UUU) +----- Trochaic rhythm is not permitted in the 1. Gana. Jagana
is forbidden in the 3. Gaņa. The last Gana has the form - - excepting three cases of UU- The 2. and the 4. Gana are more frequently U-U. A weak
caesura is felt after the 10. or 12. mora. Helā is defined by Hemacandra in the Khanjaka section
of Ch. Its illustration is a four-lined stanza. But as the Kadavaka-commencing stanza it appears in PC. as also in MP. (9, 74, 77) in the two-lined form and hence some Ap. Mss. designate it as Helä-duvai, not merely
Helā. Irregularities: Though the end syllable in a line
of the Helā-duvai is required to be long, it is at times given as short in the Mss. This is due to incorrect orthography. Most of such cases can be easily emended by reading -u of the Nominative as -0, -ēna of the
Instrumental as -ēņam, final -a as ā, -him as him etc. 17 3 1 b: one mora too few. Scansion:
UUUU - -- U - - U --- U -- -- The 2. Gana is defective. Hence the text is corrected by reading kuddhaeņa for kuddhena. cf. the identical expression amarisa-kuddhaena at 25 13 1 a. This emendation will also give the requisite form of Jagana
to the 2. Gana. 17 12 1: The end syllables are to be scanned as long. (25 3 la: Proper rhythm requires to be read Vajjayannenam hasevi with A.
25 6 1: The end syllables are to be counted as long. Even then a is short by two moras. The 1. Gana is defective. Adding one more haņu to hanu
hanu would rectify the metre. 25 14 1 6: Three moras two few. Scansion: UUUUU -U - - U-U -- -- The 4. Gana appears to be defective. Emendation: Perhaps haņu hanu hanu bbhananto to be read for hanu
hanu bhananto). (4) The Kadavaka-commencing stanza of the 19, Sandhi.
(Manjari)'. Scheme: -U (UUU) --U(UUU) + 4+4 +4 +U -. -U is preferred for the three-moraic Gaņas, more so in the
2. Gana. Jagana is found in the 4. Gana only. The 5. Gana generally ends in a heavy syllable. A weak cae
sura is felt after the 12. or 11. mora. Excepting the commencing stanzas of 1., 6., 8., 13 and 15.,
Kadavakas, all the remaining commencing stanzas end in a short syllable, but it should be considered as long.
(1) (a) cho cau cā, samesu ura-desu tattha Helā | SC. IV 41 (6).
(6) şah chiḥ yug jo līr vá Helā! Ch. 32 a/1. (2) tau ci-tau Mañjari. Ch. 32 a/9.
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The Tarangaka' with its forms (1) 6+u-U(UUUU)+4+--
(UU )+u-and (2) 6+U-U+UU-+UU - u - and the Plavangama (6 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 3, beginning with and ending in a heavy syllable) are fundamentally the same as the Mañjari and these together with the Māgadhanarkuți, Narkutaka and Samanarkutaka (in its Sanskrit and Prakrit forms) appear to be but variations of one
basic type. Irregularities: 19 12 1 6: Two moras too few.
Seanion: UUU UU UUUU - V -- The 2. Gana is defective.
B. Metres employed in the Ghatta.
General Observations: The closing piece of the Kadavaka is variously called Dhruvā, Dhruvaka, Ghattā' or Chaddania', though Mss. always have only Ghattā. Every Sandhi as a rule opens with a stanza, generally but not invariably, in the same metre in which the Ghattās of that Sandhi are composed. Occasionally the Mss. call this Sandhi-commencing stanza Dhruvaka. The metre employed in the Ghattās of a Sandhi is different from one used in the main body of its Kadavakas, the purpose being the indication, while reciting, of the end of the Kadavaka and the topic. According as the metre is two-lined, four-lined or six-lined, it comes under the respective categories of Dvipadi, Catușpadī, Satpadi. Catușpadis again fall under any of the divisions Sarva-samā (all the four Padas of equal measure), Ardhasamā (the first Pada equal to the second, the third equal to the fourth), Antarasamā or Ardhasamā (the first equal to the third, the second equal to the fourth) and Samkirņā (mixture of the above .varieties).
All the Ghattās of a particular Sandhi are composed, generally but not invariably, in the same metre. This also appears to be the significance of the designations Dhruva and Dhruvaka, though Hemacandra' takes them to mean 'unfailingly occurring (at the beginning of the Sandhi and end of Kadavakas)'. But compare the term Dhruvapada 'refrain' occurring in Early Gujarati and Early Hindi poetry. Structurally the Ghattă corresponds to Valan or Uthlo found in the Early Gujarati Akhyānakāvyas.
Value of the end syllable in the Ghatta
Thanks to the disappointing insufficiency of the original sources and to the loose treatment of the subject by the ancient writers, Ap. prosody presents several perplexing problems. But of these the problem of properly determining the metre of the Ghattās is the
(1) trişu api Māgadhanarkuți-Narkuțaka-Samanarkuțakeșu
antyasya caturmätrasya sthåne trimătrah ced bhayati
tadā Tarangakam Ch. 32 b/third and second line from end. (2) sa-ladala-ca-dagad gau Magadhanarkuti:
sah ced Narkutakam; na-la-ga-ja-säh sa-sau yadi
tada Samanarkutakami Ch. 32b 11-18. (3) (a) Sandhyādau Kadavakānte ca dhruvam syād iti Dhruvā,
Dhruvakam, Ghatta va Ch. V 1. (b) Sandhi-muhe Kadavante Dhuvā ca Dhuvayam ca Ghatta vä
Chandahkandali as quoted at KD., 39; see also KD. 38. (4) For Chaddanikā see below. (5) tasyante (Kadavakasyānte) dhruvam niscitaṁ syād
iti Dhruva, Dhruvakam, Ghatta veti samjñāntaram Ch. V 1 Cor.
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most ticklish. The varieties of the different types of the Ghattās are distinguished from one another by the number of moras their Pādas are required to contain. But addition or removal of even one mora makes a difference in metre. Coupled with this narrow margin of difference in the continguous varieties of the Ghattās is the fact that the nature of the orthography of the Ap. Mss. being in various points confusing, the text preserved by them is far removed from having a mora-perfect correctness. This state of affairs many a time obscures the exact number of moras contained in a particular Ghattā-päda and as a result it becomes considerably difficult to identify with precision the Ghattā-metres. Apart from this, the main cause of obscurity lies in the anceps value of the end syllable of a Pāda. This always causes a difference of one mora and the consequent dubiety.
The treatment of this point by ancient metricians does not contribute much to the clarification. Hemacandra offers the following remarks:
Vánte G V a kraḥ Pādānte vartamāno hrasvo g samjño bhavati. Sa ca prastāre takraḥ sthāpyate. 'vā' iti vyavasthita-vibhāsä. Tena yatra -apavādaḥ tatra g samjño na bhavati. Dhruvāsu vivaksā-vaśād gurutvam laghutarn ca. yad aha: Oja-sarkhyā yadā'bhiştā, dhruvāsu viratau tada/go lata, yugma-samkhye tu, viratau gurutā laghoặ//Tathā: gurua(o) cchiya ekka-lahu-virāma-visayammi visama samkhāe/jamala-lahu lahua(o) cchiya, sama-samkhā-samthio hoi// Ch. 15 with Com.
For the last stanza in the above citation Hemacandra is indebted to Svayambhū, since that very Gathā is found at SC. V 2 with the correct readings guruo and lahuo. The passage means:
(1) The short end syllable of a metrical Pāda is to be treated
as long as a general rule. (2) To this rule there are fixed exceptions. In these excep
tional cases the final short is to have its natural value. (3) In the case of the Dhruvā or Ghattā, the value of the end
syllable depends upon the number of moras the Dhruvā. pāda is desired to contain. After counting the moras of a Ghattā-pāda exculsive of the final syllable, if the Pāda is short by one mora, then the remaining end syllable should be counted as of one mora and accordingly even if in such cases the end syllable is actually long, it should be considered short. On the other hand, if the Pada is short by two moras, then the end syllable should be given the value of two moras and accordingly even if the end syllable is actually short
it should be considered long. This rule works well in those cases wherein we know beforehand the metre, but in those cases in which we have to decide the metre by scanning a specimen, we would be faced with as many as, four alternatives regarding the Antarasamă Catuspadis. A Ghatta with the actual mora count of 13/10, in its odd and even Pädas and wih short end syllables, for instance, can be regarded as containing 13/10, 14/10, 13/11 or 14/11, moras and these are four different metres called Marakatamālā, Abhinavavasantabrī, Kusumākulamadhukara and Bhramaravilāsa! The form of the metre has nothing
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can protions from PC. Si consider first.ct all) of the cases the long
in it to decide in favour of any particular alternative. Of course Svayambhů and Hemacandra lay down the Gana-schemes for all the Pādas containing from seven to seventeen moras, but there are several and overlapping schemes for each Päda and in several cases there is disagreement between the two metricians. Hence this does not help us in making the choice out of the four possible alternatives as pointed out above.
A reference to the illustrations adduced by Hemcandra and Svayambhu for different kinds of Ghattās only helps to bring the complicated nature of our problem into relief. The text of the Svayambhūcchandas is considerably corrupt in its Ap. section. Hence it can prove of limited help only in so far as we are able to check the illustrations from PC. So some of the Ghattā illustrations from the Chando'nuśāsana we shall consider first.
In an overwhelming majority (but not all) of the cases the end syllable in the Ghattā illustrations of Ch. is to be regarded as long irrespective of its natural value, but in several cases (VI 19 4, 11 bd; 21a, 44; 20 78, 115; 23; 30; 14 1 cf.; 15 2, etc.) it is to be given its natural value, i.e. if it is short, it is to be counted one-moraic; if long, two-moraic. Further, in two Pādas of the same metrical value, the final short is to have its actual value at one place, is to be counted as long at another. Thus in the following illustration of the Campakakusumā (7+8)
anga-cangima, jai gorangihim/
campaya-kusuma, tä kaha agghahim// (Ch. VI 19 4) the end syllables of the 7-moraic Padas (i.e., a, c) are to be counted as short, but in the following illustration of the very next variety Sámudgaka (7-7-9)
jai bollai, ghana ukkanthia/
så muddau, muhu kalayanthia) (Ch. VI 19 5) the end syllables of the 7-moraic Pādas are to be regarded as long. Thus the Pādas which are theoretically equivalent turn out to be actually different. Similarly though the even Pädas of the abovequoted illustrations of the Campakakusumā and the Sämudgaka have to all appearance the same mora-contents, yet their end syllables are to be regarded as short in one case, long in the other. Thus the Padas that are actually equivalent turn out to be theoretically different.
Now let us glance at the Svayambhücchandas. Svayambhu's general practice also in SC. appears to be to consider the end syllable as long. But here too some Şatpadis (e.g. VIII 20-21, V 7) and Catuspadis (e.g. Kāmiņihāsaa VI 112 a c, Chabbhania VIII 15 etc.) are treated as ending in a short.
One illustration from the actual practice of another epic poet will be illuminating on this point. The commencing stanza of the 6. Sandhi of Puspadanta's Mahāpurāna is called Malayavilasiyā in in the text itself. Ch. VII 66 and Chandassekhara, 234 define a Dvipadi called Madanavilasitā, but its scheme is given as 5+3, which does not apply to the Malayavilasiyâs of MP. But SC. VII 10 describes a Dvipadi called Malaaviasiã which has the scheme 6+2, which is satisfied by the MP. stanzas in question. Now on examining these stanzas, we find that in three cases(MP. 61, 63, 6 7) all the four Padas end in UU. In the rest, the end is a long. In the sixmoraic Gaņa a heavy syllable is avoided in the place of eventodd
(1) SC. VI 28, 53, 76, 85, 110, 124, 134, 141 144, 146, 147;
Ch. VÌ 4-14,
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moras and hence only the following eight
forms are permitted:
-.-UUUU, UU. UUCU, σU —
This means that all the Padas of the stanzas in question are also divisible as 4+4. Now on the strength of the convention of counting the end syllable long, we can regard those Pādas which end in u, as containing 9 moras divisible as 4+5. And the Dvipadi Jambhetția (SC. VII 11, Raj, 235, Ch. VII 67) has the scheme 4+5. Consequently, if we come across the commencing stanzas of MP. 6 1. 6 3 and 6 7 isolated from their context and without the name of the metre prefixed to them, it would not be possible for us to tell whether the metre is Malaavilasiya or Jambheṭṭiā.
But SC. can help us in quite a different way to solve this problem. Svayambhu has taken several stanzas from his PC. to illustrate some of the metres in SC. In the case of these stanzas we possess an unusual means: their metre is named and their structure is defined by their author himself. There can be nothing more definite than this. And the considerably corrupt character of the text of these illustrations in SC. need not hinder our investigation because we have an access to their correct text from PC. Moreover, the Ghattas of any one Sandhi being normally in one and the same metre, we can use additional data also, to check up the observations of SC. The table below indicates the common stanzas between SC. and PC. along with the names and schemes of their metres.
2. V
8. VIII 17
9. VIII 21
11. VIII 27
74 Raanavali Maaṇāvaāra Dhuvaa
4th Satpada-jāti
6th Satpada-avajāti
Vammahatilao Candujjuo
5th Chadḍaniā
7th Chadḍaniā
1st Ghatta
2nd Ghattä
Scheme 7+7+13
5 X 4
7+7+-13(?) 10+8+-13 9--14
in PC.
3 3
14 7
65 1
77 13 13
24 2
33 3
31 1 41 1 5 1
11 9
Of these Nos. 1, 2, 8 and 9 are Satpadis, Nos. 6, 7 and 11 are Samaçatuspadis and Nos. 3, 4, 5 and 10 are Antarasama Catuşpadis. Excepting No. 6 all the stanzas are Ghattas appearing either at the beginning of a Sandhi or at the end of a Kadavaka. The text of SC. VIII 17 is corrupt and the meaning is obscure. Therefore No. 8 is to be left out from consideration. Now SC. V 5, V 9 and VIII 20 tell us that the Satpadis employed in PC. 3 3 11, 14 7 9 and 31 1 have the respective schemes 7+7+13, 9+9+15 and 10+8+13. If we examine the text of these stanzas in PC. we find that actually their schemes are 6+6+12, 8+8+14 and 10+-8--13 respectively. This means that in the first two cases the end syllable in all the Pādas is to be regarded as long, but in the last case it is to have its actual value. The basis of this discrimination is not clear. The normal expectation is either to assign uniformly its actual value to the end syllable or alternatively to regard it uniformly long. And in the structure of the stanzas themselves there is nothing to account for this discrimination, so that we could take their measures to be either 66-12, 8+8+14 and 10+8+13 or 7+7+13, 9+9+15 and 11+9+14. If we look up the other Ghattas of these Sandhis we find that in the case of the Ghatta of 14 2, the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th
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Pādas actually end in a long syllable and in their case there is no possibility of getting 15, 9, 9 and 15 moras respectively. If the metre of PC. 14 7 9, having the actual scheme of 8+8+14, is to be regarded according to SC. VIII 20 as having the scheme 9+9+15, then it follows that the Sandhi- commencing stanza and all the other Ghattās of PC. 14 are to be considered as having the scheme 9+9+15, and yet one Ghattā of PC. 14, viz. PC. 14 2 9 has the scheme 8+8+14. Does this mean that in the last case a slightly different Şaţpadi is employed? But there appears no reason for this variation. The long vowel at the end of the four Pādas of PC 14 2 9 is the feminine suffix î and taking into consideration Apabhramsa development -iya into -7, it is very likely that the end syllable of PC. 14 2 9 cdef was originally -iya. In that case the irregularity would be removed.
Of the Samacatuspadīs No. 6 is not a Ghattā. It is used in the main body of the Kadavaka and hence useless for our present purpose. For No. 7 (Dhruvaka) the scheme given by SC. VIII 5 is moras for each Pada PC. 33 39 and the other Ghattās of 33. Sandhi actually contain 9 moras in each of their Padas. Thus in their case the end syllable is not to be counted as a long. But though all the Pādas of these Ghattās contain 9 moras, there is a positive difference between the odd and even Pādas. The odd Pādas of the Ghattās of PC. 33 end in -U, while the even Padas end in yl This important difference possessing a definite rhythmic effect is not at all noticed by Svayambhū in his description of the Dhruvaka. The case of the remaining Samacatuşpadi is quite peculiar. It is de. fined at SC. VIII 26 as the second type of Ghatta, but the definition stanza' appears to be somewhat corrupt, as it fails to satify the schem given by itself. Its odd Pādas actually contain 13 moras, the even Padas, 11. If we examine PC. 51 and the Ghattās of that Sandhi. we find that in all the cases, except 5 2 9a, 5 7 11c and 5 12 9c, the odd Pädas actually contain 11 moras and end in - U, while the even Pādas actually contain 12 moras and end in UU. This means that if all the Pādas are to contain 12 moras, in one and the same stanza, the end syllable of the odd Pädas, actually short, is to be regarded as long, while the end syllable of the even Pādas also actually short, is to be regarded as short! And inspite of the marked rhythmic difference in the construction of the end portions of the odd and even Pādas, the definition does not take any note thereof, but on the contrary the even Pādas of the definition stanza actually contain 11 moras and end in ---U, being thus equivalent to the odd Padas of the illustrative stanza (as also of the Ghattās of PC. 5)!
There remain now No. 3, 4, 5 and 10, the Antarasamācatuspadīs. In their case also the inconsistency of now regarding the end syllables as long, now assigning them their actual value is patent. PC. 65 1 has actually the scheme 7+13, but SC. VI 41 considers 8+14 to be its scheme. Similarly FC. 77 1 and 77 13 having the artual schemes of 8+-15 and 8+16 respectively are considered by SC. Vi 70, 73 as having the respective measures of 9+16 and 9-+17. On the other hand in the case of 41 1, both the actual measure as well as the scheme given by SC. VIII 24 are 9-+14. There is no discrepancy here in theory and practice. But the fact that the open
(1) savvanahom pi payānam, ti-nava-kalão huvanti
Ghatta-lakkhana erisau, govāla vilavanti! This reads as a regular Doha !
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odd and ewiformly obserädas of a ble to be contrength of
to (4) Odd and even them are liable ton the strengti
ing stanza of PC. 77 and the Ghatta of the 13. Kadavaka of the same Sandhi are said by SC. (VI 70-71, 73-74) to be constructed in two diferent metres (Candujjuo, 9+16 and Raaņāvali, 9+17) is very significant' This is a positive evidence of two different though allied metres with the difference of only one mora being employed in one and the same Sandhi.
The above discussion has given us the following results:
(1) There is no uniformity in fixing the value of the end syllables in the Ghattā-pādas. They may be regarded short or long as desired.
(2) In the case of those Ghattā-pādas in which the total number of moras is to be increased by one by assigning the value of two moras to the short end syllable, it is not always possible to do this because there is no rule that Ghattās should invariably end in a short. Some of these Ghattās may have a long end syllable and in their case one cannot increase by one their actual mora. count.
(3) Even in one and the same Ghattā the short end syllables of odd and even Pädas can be given different values. Of course this is to be uniformly observed for the whole Sandhi.
(4) Odd and even Pădas of a Ghattä having an actual difference of one mora between them are liable to be considered by metricians as equivalent in their mora-contents on the strength of counting a short end syllable long.
Thus our examination of the valuable evidence supplied by SC. does not solve the problem of the value of the end syllable of the Ghattā. Both the practices of assigning the face value as well as counting a short end syllable long are in evidence, and hence it is not always possible to give one definite name to any Ghattā.
Failing to get unequivocal guidance from the indigenous authorities on Apabhraíša metre, Alsdorf in his edition of the Harivamśapurāņa (=-Mahāpurāņa 81-92 Sandhis) takes recourse to giving two schemes for the Ghattās occurring in his text. First is given the 'theoretical' scheme which gives the number of moras contained in a Ghattā-pāda computing one more than what is found actually. The second scheme gives the 'actual' number. But there is one obvious objection to following this practise mechanically. Only a short end syllable can be regarded as long and thus give us an extra mora. In the case of a long end syllable there is no possibility of raising the actual number of moras. And still in such cases also Alsdorf has mechanically counted" one mora more than what is actually found.
es of the chose up to 10 svay anem a lettere
Absence of Dvipadi Ghattas
Of the three classes of the Ghattās, Dvipadis present a problem. They are said to contain from 28 upto 40 (or 41 or 42) moras per Päda and have some sixty-four varieties. Svayambhū (SC. VI 163-203) and Hemacandra (Ch. VII 1-57) both treat them at length, Now I have failed to spot even a single Dvipadi in any of the three voluminous Ap. epics, viz., the Paümacariu and the Righanemicariu
(1) An examination of the Ghattās of 77. Sandhi shows that some have the mea
sure 8+15 (or 9+16) and others have the measure 8+16 (or 9+17). (-) e.g. HP. 192, no. 22, theoretical scheme: 6+4/4+4+4+3, which does not apply
to MP. 85 2 15, 16; 85 9 37, 38; etc.
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of Svayambhū and the Mahāpurāna of Puşpadanta. There are only Şagpadis and Antarasama and Sarvasama Catuspadis. This is inexplicable in view of the mention of the Dvipadi as a class of Ghattās along with the Şatpadi and the Catuşpadi.
In some cases it may not be so easy to distinguish between the Dvipadi on one hand and the Catuspadī and the Satpadi on the other. The Kuñjaravilasitā (SC. VI 129; Ch. VI 20, 106) for instance with the scheme 15+13 finds a parallel in the first Dvipadi called Karpūra (Ch. VII 1), having 28 moras per line with a caesura, after the 15. mora. Those Dvipadis, again, which have two caesuras, the first after the 10. or 12. mora and the second removed by eight moras from the first, closely correspond to the Satpadis many of which have the 1. and the 4. Pādas containing 10 or 12 moras and the 2. and the 5. Pādas containing 8 moras'. But even if we do not pay much heed to the difference in the rhyme-schemes of the Dvipadi and the Şagpadi, it is plain that only a few of the Dvipadīs are liable to be confused in this manner with some Catuspadis and Satpadīs. What of the rest? Why they are not found employed in any of the available Ap. epics? Perhaps there is some clue to explain this mystery. Svayambhū defines Dhuvaa (Dhruvaka) as that which is sung again and again in the beginning of all poetic compositions'. He does not give Chaddaņikā or Ghattā as its synonyms. At another place he mentions 'taking a retrospect' as one of the functions of the Bhuvaa'. A metre named Dhuvaa, seven types of Chaddaniās and three types of Ghattās are separately defined in the eighth chapter of SC., where it is also stated that Ghattā is used in the beginning and Chaddani at the end of the group of rhyming lines that constituted the main body of a Kadavaka; that there are also other types of Ghattās and Chaddaniās and that Ghattā and Chaddaņiä along with some other metres are employed in the beginning of a Sandhi and in the construction of a Rāsā". Rajasekhara Kavi too deals with Dhruvā, Ghattā and Chaddanikā, but in view of the text of the passage being corrupt, we fail to make out the precise sense. Hemacandra clearly says that Dhruvā, Dhruvaka and Ghattā are synonymous and he further adds that when the Catuspadi and the Satpadi, and not the Dvipadi, are employed at the end of a Kadavaka to sum up the topic of the Kadavaka they are also termed Chaddanikā". This view is echoed in the Kavidarnaņa and its commentary: Ghattā esā Kadavavaya-nihane chaddaniya/ Com.: Dhruvā, Dhruvakam iti samjñā-dvayāpi eşā (Ghattā)
tamed Dhuvaa peat' as one of thy ms. At anothe does not gir
ining and is alstely defined chaddations of this place or give an in
out the a Chattā are synonymound not the Dvipadi, are solet
(1) Over and above deaning the Satpadi, Catuspadi and! Dvipadi Dhruvās, SC.
treats in the eighth Chapter, that deals with Ap. poetic forms, some other metres called Chaddanias and Ghattās, which seem to have figured in some special way in the structure of the Ap. epic. But their proper function is obscure and as such they are indistinguishable from the various types of Dhruvās. In most of them the end syllable appears to have its actual value Two of the illustrations given for them occur in PC. as shown in the table given on p. 81. But so long as the function of these Chaddaniās and Ghattās is not clear, we cannot get any guidance from then. Ch: VII 17 defines a Dvipadi with the scheme 10, 8, 13 and actually calls it
Chaddanikā. (3) Jar gijjai puvvaddhe puno puno savva-kavva-bandhesu
dhuvaa-tti(mti) tam-iha tiviham chappaa-cauppaarn duvaarii SC. V I.
Here puvvaddhe seems to be a corrupt reading, (4) SC. VII 1. (5) SC. VIII 5, 7ff, 31, 32, 35, 49. (6) Chandaśćekhara 29, 33-34. (7) Ch. V 1 commentary. (8) Velankar 1935-1936, p. 38.
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Kadavakante prakrāntarthasya bhangyantareņābhidhāne chad(d)aņiketi turya-nāmā'pi.
The commentary also quotes the following from a work called Chandahkandalā:
Sandhi-muhe Kadavante Dhuvā, ca Dhuvayam ca Ghattā vā! sā tivihā Chapai, Caupai ya Dupai ya tāsu puņa dunni/ cha-cau-ppaiu kadavaya-nihane chaddaṇīya-nāmā’vi//
From the statements of these metrical authorities we gather that some definite distinction was made between the functions of Dvipadis on one hand and Catuspadis on the other. But what was the basis and scope of this distinction cannot be made out by us so ong as more informative sources do not come to light.
1) Antara sa mā Catus padis
The rhyme scheme in the Antarasamā is: b rhyming with d. (5). Scheme 9+13 (theoretically 10+14).
Occurrence. 7. (42, 54.) Sandhis.
The odd Pädas are divisible as 4+4+1 or 6+3. In the former grouping, Jagana is avoided in the four-moraic Gaņas. The second four-moraic Gana is frequently UU-. The end is trochaic except in 7 14 9a which ends in DTU.
The even Pādas are divisible as 6+4+3. They are identical in construction with the odd Pādas of the Dohā. Jagana is avoided in the 2. Gana. The last Gana is always UR... This Ghattā is found in RC. 7, 34, 44, 57, 76, 82, 87, 93 and in MP. 11, 48, 91. If the end syllables are counted as long, the scheme would be 10-+-14, which is the measure of Mahuravanda or Madhukaravrnda'. The odd Pādas in the illustration in SC. end in a trochee. 16). Scheme 10+13.
Occurrence. 16. Sandhi. 4 9a, 6 9c, 11 9a and 12 9a end in a long. Hence the odd Pädas cannot be made to contain more than 10 moras. Therefore the measure is either 10+13 or 10+14. Now SC. VIII 10 defines Chaddania II with the scheme 10-13 and the illustrative stanza in the case of all its Pādas and the definition stanza in the case of its even Pädas show that the end syllables are not to be regarded as long. Hence I think we are amply justified in taking the metre of the Ghattās of the 16. Sandhi to be the same as the Chaddania II. Otherwise with the scheme 11-+-14 it would be Vanaphullandhua (SC.) or Navaphullandhaya (Ch.) as defined and illustrated at SC. VI 101, 102; Raj. 117; Ch. VỊ 19, 40,
The odd Padas are divisible as 4+4+2 or 6+4. This means that if the former scheme is adopted, the 2. Gana is never u-U. That form is avoided in the 1. Gaņa also. uu - finds preference in the 1. Gana, and is the most pervalent form in the 2. Gaņa. The end is generally ur, rarely -
The even Pādas have the scheme 6+4+3 and are identical in construction with the odd Pädas of the Dohā. The end is always UUU.
(1) SC. VI 85, 86. The illustration is:
sasi uggau tama, jeņa naha-anganu(nahangaņu)mandiau// nam rai-raha-cakka(u), disai Arune(m) chaddiau/l;
Raj. 103; Ch. VI 34. (2) dasa-teraha-mattā, padhama-vidia-paa jamaa-vara/
Chaddania vidia punu-vi ganā iya bhana avara// (3) jei nivvudi pāvia, dul(1) aha(u) lahevi niappanau/
thiu kamini-rajjai(?) jer na karahim hia(u) appanau//
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(7). Scheme. 11714 (theoretically 12+14). Occurence. 2. (55., 70.) Sandhis.
2 9b, d, 6 10b, d, 10 9b, d, 14 96, d end in a long and it is not possible to make them contain more than 14 moras. 13 9 b, d actually contain 13 moras. All the other Ghattās of the 2. Sandhi have actually 14 moras in their even Pädas. So on the assumption that all these Ghattās are composed in the same metre, the even Pada has got to be uniformly of 14 moras. If the short end syllable of the Pādas is counted long, the measure would be 12+14. This is the scheme of Avaduvahaa as described at SC. VI 115', Rāj. 128, Ch. VI 19, 45,
The odd Pädas (6.4+U) are identical in structure with the even Pāda of the Dohā. The four-moraic Gaņa is most frequently UU-, the last two moras having only once the form UU. Hence its characteristic end is -- U.
The 14 moras of the even Padas are divisible as 4 + 4 + 4 + 2. It is not possible to constitute the first Gana with 6 or 5 moras. The end is generally --UU, thrice U U U U. Jagana is found in the 2. four-moraic Gana only. The form UU is preferred by all the four-moraic Gaņas, it being most frequent in the 3. Gaņa. The form - UU is not found in the 2. and 3. Gaņas. This suggests a dactylic rhythm.
The odd Pādas of this metre are structurally different from the odd Pādas of the previous two Ghattā metres. It is quite possible to suggest that excepting the Ghattās of Kadavakas 2, 6, 10 and 14, the others have the scheme 12 + 15 and hence the metre is Premavilāsa (SC. 118; Rāj. 129; Ch. VI 19, 46). This Ghatta is used also in RC. 12, 22, 59, 102; MP. 86 has its Ghattās in a metre which has the scheme 11 + 14. But the scheme of the even Pādas there appears to be 6 + 4 + 4.
In PC. 2 13 9 bd the last words are read by all the Mss. as nähu and avarāhu. They are emended as ņāho and avarāho to make the requisite number of 14 moras.
(8). Scheme 11 (or 12) + 12.
Occurrence. 5. (23, 24, 62.) Sandhis. SC. VII defines in the beginning certain special Ap. metres, connected possibly in some way with the construction of the Ap. epic, which is described just next in the same chapter. SC. VIII 7 states that there are seven types of Chaddanias and three types of Ghattās" and SC. VIII 8-29 define and illustrate them. SC. VIII 26 describes Ghatta II as follows:
savvāņahon pi paāņam, ti-nava-kalão huvanti
ghattā-lakkhana erisa, govālä vilavanti! 'All the Pādas have three plus nine (i.e. twelve) moras; such definition of the Ghattā (of the second type.) is stated by Abhiras (lit. cowherds)'.
described me waginning ceris,
(1) SC. treats Duvaha and its varieties Avaduvahaya and Uvaduvahaya at two
different places (SC. IV 7-13; VI 113-117). First they are treated as independent metres. Afterwards they are described as varieties of Ghattās.
These are to be distinguished from each other. (2) Here the designations Chaddania and Ghattă are given to some definite me
tres. They are not here generic names synonymous with Dhruva, Dhruvaka and Ghatta. Further SC. VIII 35 mentions Ghatta and Chaddania among the metres used in the beginning of a Sandhi and the structures of these Ghatta and
Chaddania are different from the ones given in the beginning of Ch. VIII. (3) The text is corrupt. paana, kalau, lakkhanu and erisu can be suggested as
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ing 12 moras. lumped together portant feature. And yet
And for this the commencing stanza of PC. Sandhi 5 is given at SC. VIII 27 by way of an illustration. From this we can presume that this is the scheme of all the Ghattās of the 5. Sandhi. Actually there is marked difference in the structures of the odd and even Pādas of the Ghattās in question. The odd Pādas have for the most part 11 moras, divisible as 6 +4 + vand end in a trochee. To all purposes they are identical with the even Päda of the Dohā. 2 9 a, 7 11 c, 12 9 c have 12 moras with a final long, and 10 9 a has 12 moras closing with u U. Hence all these Padas, with 11 moras and ending in a v are to be counted as ending in a long and thus containing 12 moras. The even Pädas on the other hand mostly have 12 moras divisible as 6 + 4 + UU. A long appears for the final two shorts in 3 9 b, d, 12 9 b, d, 13 9 b, d, 15 9 b, d. Thus excepting final two shorts for one, the even Padas and the odd Pādas are identically built up. But the small difference in their ends produces remarkably different effects. And yet metricians have not cared to notice this important feature. Svayambhū has in his definition lumped together the odd and even Pādas as containing 12 moras.
The same Ghatta is employed in Sandhis 23. and 24. 23 4 11 c, 24 7 9 a and 24 15 9 a contain 12 moras, closing with a long and 23 5 12 c has 12 moras ending in v u. 23 3 9b, d, 23 5 12 b, d, 23 8 9 b, d, 23 9 12 b, d, 23 14 9 b, d, 24 7 9 b, d, 24 8 9 b, d end in a long, while 23 7 9 b, d and 24 4 11 b, d have 11 moras ending in a trochee. In the last cases the structures of all the Pādas are exactly similar. 24 1 11 b has 13 moras, and hence requires to be emended. RC, has got this Ghatta in 1, 25, 75, 86. MP. employs it in 9., 33., 50., 69., 83., 87. and 98. Sandhis, and Nay. has it in 7.
(9). Scheme 13 + 10.
Occurrence. 1. (80.) Sandhis. It is not possible to make out more than 10 moras from 1 19 b, d, 5 9 b, d, 9 9 b, d, 11 9 b, d, 13 9 b, d, 14 9 b, d, because they end in a long, and from 7 9 b, d, because they actually contain 9 moras. Hence on the assumption that the even Padas of all the Ghattās of the 1. Sandhi have the same measure it cannot be other than 10-moraic, and this gives for the metre two alternative schemes 13 + 10 or 14 + 10, according as the short end syllable of the odd Pādas is treated as short or long.
The odd Pādas invariably end in UUU. None of the three Gaņa schemes (5 + 6+ 2,5 + 5 + 3, 4 + 4 + 5) given by SC. VI 134 for a 13-moraic Pāda is uniformly applicable to the odd Pädas of the 1. Sandhi. On the other hand taking the Pādas as 14-moraic we find them divisible according to the scheme 6 + 5 + 3, which is given among others for a 14-moraic Pāda at SC. VI 141. But the scheme 6 + 4 + 4 is also applicable to these Pādas. This fact combined with the characteristic ending in three shorts makes it highly probable that these Pädas are identical in structure with the odd Pāda of the Dohā. 14 + 10 is Ahinavavasanatasiri or Abhinavavasantasri (SC. VI 87; Rāj. 105; Ch. VI 20, 89). Once (12 9 c) the middle Gana is Jagana.
· The even Pādas are divisible as 6 + 4 or 4 + 4 + 2. A long is eschewed for the 2. + 3. moras and the 6. + 7. moras. If the scheme 4 + 4 + 2 is adopted, the second four-moraic Gaņa always ends
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in a long except once (10 96). The end is either two shorts or a long.
This Ghattā is also found in RC. 43.
Irregularities: 1 4 9d. Two moras too many. Perhaps sire is superfluous.
(10). Scheme. 13 + 15, Occurrence. &., 11., 19. (21., 50., 79.) Sandhis.
In 212 cases out of 232, the Pādas end in v. UU. which show a strong tendency to be preceded by a long, especially in the odd Padas. These are identical in structure with the odd Pādas of the Dohā. 1 a, c, 1 9c, 2 9c, 5.11 a, c in the 8. Sandhi (and 12 9 a b in the 21. Sandhi) have a trochaic end.
The even Pādas are identical in structure with a Pāranakapada (SC. VII 59, Raj., 170; Ch, VI 29) divisible as 4 + 4 + 4 + 3. The alternative scheme 6 + 4 + 5 is violated by 11 5 9d, 19 1 10d, 19 7 11 b, d, 19 8 10 b, d. Jagana is rare in the 1. and 3. Gana. The end is.--U, in 11 1 b, d, 11 1 96, d. RC. 24., 67. have this Ghattā. The Ghattās of MP. 49 have the scheme 13 - 15 but there the even Pādas are different. They end in --- U.
Irregularities: 11 4 9 d. One mora too few. Emendation. Read sayāim for sayaimn. 13 3 10 с. Two moras too many. jaya- in the opening appears to be redundant.
(11). Scheme. 13 + 16. Occurrence. 6. (28., 51., 57., 76., 86.) Sandhi.
6 15 9 b, d (28 2 9 b, d, 28 4 9 b, d, 28 8 9 b, d, 28 8 11 b,.d) end in a long and hence they cannot yield more than 16 moras 6 14 9 b, d (28 3 9 b, d, 28 9 11 b, d) have actually 15 moras and so even after counting the short end syllable as long, they cannot be made to contain more than 16 moras.
The odd Padas are built up like the odd Pādas of the Dohā and have the same structure as the 13-moraic Pāda in Nos. 9 and 10. The even Pādas have the scheme 6 + 4 + 4 + 2. Jagana is permitted in the 2. Gaña, eschewed in the 3. Gana which as a rule ends in a long. The last Gana is mostly TU. casually ---. Thus the Pādas are identical in structure with a Vadanaka-pāda (SC. IV 29; Rāj. 16; Ch. V 28) or a Samkulaka-páda (SC. VI 160', Räj. 172; Ch. V. 28 Com). The Ghattās of RC. 14., 19., 29., 32., 35., 39., 41., 48., 58., 79.; MP, 13., 17., 20., 22., 26., and of Nāy. 9. are composed in this metre.
In 6 4 9 b, d, 6 6 9 b, d, 6 14 9 b, d (28 3 9 b, d, 28 9 11 b, d), the end syllables should be regarded as long.
(12). Scheme. 14 + 13. Occurrence. 13. (44., 49., 56., 61., 67., 83., 84., 90.) Sandhis.
The odd Pädas have the same structure as the 14-moraic Pādas in No. 7, i.e., 14 moras, divisible at 4 + 4 + 4 + 2, Jagana permissible in the 2. Gana, but eschewed in the 1. and the 4., the last Gana having generally the form ut, which is mostly preceded by a long. The even Pādas have the structure of the odd Pādas of the Dohā. 1 10 b, d, 12 10 b, d end in - ( instead of the usual UUU. RC. 9., 15, 42., 47., 49., 69., 72., 84., 91 have this Ghattā.
If the measure is taken to be theoretically as 15 + 14 the metre would be Anangalalità (SC. VI 136; Rāj. 148; Ch. VI 20,
(1) The text is a bit corrupt.
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209). The illustration in Ch, is similar in structure to our stanzas.
Irregularities. In 13 6 10 a one mora is too many. while in 13 8 10 c one mora is too few.
(13). Scheme. 14 + 12. Occurrence. 10. Sandhi.
The odd Pādas have the same structure as the 15-moraic Pada in No. 10. It is not different from a Pāraṇakapāda. The Gana scheme is 4 + 4 + 4+ 3. Jagana is absent in the 1. Gana, rare in the 3., permitted in the 2. The end is generally vuu, once (5 5 8c) - U.
The even Padas are constructed on the scheme 6 + 4 + 2 i.e. the scheme of the odd Pādas of the Dohā less by the final short. The end is always u U. The form UU -- is preferred in the 2. Gaña.
If the end syllables are regarded as long, the scheme would be 16 + 13, which is called Rāaharsa or Rājaharsa (SC. VI 131; Rāj. 143; Ch. VI 20, 107). This is one of the favourite Ghattās of Mp. It occurs in 6., 16., 18., 23., 28., 30., 35., 37., 38., 41., 43., 46., 54., 70., 73., 90., 92., 100. and 102. Sandhis.
10 4 9 d one mora too many. Emendation vayanu should be emended as vaņu which also improves the sense.
2) Sarvasa mā Catuspadis. The usual rhyme scheme in the Sarvasamā is: a rhyming with
b, c with d. (14). Scheme. 15 moras per Pāda.
Occurrence. 9. 18. (27., 48., 74.) Sandhis.
This is Pāranaka treated at SC. VI 159; Rāj. 170; Ch. VI 29. The illustrative stanza in Ch. shows that the end syllables need not be counted as long. This is the same as the third principal metre employed to build up the main body of the Kadavaka. For its detailed treatment see below. 9 3 9a, 9 5 8d, 9 13 9c, 9 14 9 c, 18 2 9c, and 18 7 9d have a long in the place of the 10. and the 11. mora together and hence they violate the scheme 6 + 4+ 5. The alternative scheme of 4 + 4 + 4 + 3 is satisfied by all the Padas. This Ghattā is also found in RC. 26., 98., MP. 32., 88. and Ņāy. 5
1 91 a, b and 18 12 9 end in a trochee.
3) Satpadis.
The rhyme scheme in the Şațpadi is: a rhyming with b, d with e, c with f.
(15) Scheme. 6 + 6 + 12 ) theoretically 7 + 7 + 13).
Occurrence. 3. Sandhi.
The opening stanza of the 3. Sandhi is found in a corrupt form at SC. VIII 17 as an illustration of Chaddania V. Its definition given by SC. VIII 16" is not clear, because of the corrupt and confused character of the text. The rhyme-scheme shows it to be a Şagpadi, while the stanza appears to refer to four Pädas only. The 3. and the 6. Pādas also are of unequal length. Hence the reference is of little value for us.
Again SC. V 5 cites in a corrupt form the Ghattā of the 3. Kadavaka of the same Sandhi as an illustration of the fourth variety of the Satpada-jāti Dhruvaka, whose measure is to be (1) tihuanaguru tam gaa guru, mellavi jhinakasāaum/
gau samtataviraham tau, purima tāņu sampaiau// padhama-pae, vidia-pae, taia-pae, a tehim thia/ ekkakkau, cha-ganu kau, vennim saala turie samthiā/
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and the Ghattás of the same Sandhi are composed in the same 7 + 7 + 13. Now normally the commencing stanza of a Sandhi metre and if we examine these in the case of the 3. Sandhi, we find the same thing. Still according to SC. we have to understand that the metre of the opening stanza of the 3. Sandhi is Chandania V, while the metre of the Ghattā of the 3. Kadavaka (and hence possibly of all the Ghattās) of the same Sandhi is the fourth variety of the Sagpada-jāti. The reason for such difference in nomenclatures is not clear.
Actually the 1., 2., 4. and 5. Pādas in the Ghattās of the 3. Sandhi contain 6 moras. But from the treatment of the Ap. prosody by Svayambhū and others, we gather that in the case of the Dvipadis, Catușpadis and Şațpadīs, the shortest Pāda cannot contain less than 7 moras. Hence we have to take the short end syllables of all the Padas of the Ghattās in the 3. Sandhi as long.
All the Pādas actually end in v U. The form u- U is not found for the first four moras of the six-moraic Pādas. The 3. and the 6. Padas have the scheme 6 + 4 + ul. Jagana is not used in the four-moraic Gaņa. The 1. Gana does not show preference for any particular form.
This Satpadi occurs also in the Ghattās of MP. 5., 32., Jas. 2. (16). Scheme. 8 + 8 + 14 (theoretically 9 + 9 + 15).
Occurrence. 14. Sandhi.
SC. V 9 cites in a somewhat corrupt form the Ghattā of the 7, Kadavaka of this Sandhi as an illustration of the sixth variety of the Şaţpada Avajāti, having the scheme 9 + 9 + 15. The Avajātis are required by definition' to contain nine moras in their 1.. 2., 4. and 5. Pādas. Hence in the present Ghattās the short end syllables are to be regarded as long. But in the case of 14 2 c, d, e, f this arrangement does not work, since all these Pādas end in a long and have 14, 8, 8 and 14 moras respectively. Here we have to suppose that either their final long -7's have resulted from original -iya's through modernization of the text or that in this one Ghattā an allied metre-5th variety of Şațpada Avajāti is employed.
The 8-moraic Padas are divisible as 4 + 4 except in 6 95 which has the form -- U - UUU. Jagana is not used in these fourmoraic Ganas. The form of the second Gana is --(or UUUU, The 14moraid Pädas have the scheme 4 + 4 + 4 + UU. Only the 2. Gana can be Jagaņa. The 3. Gaņa prefers the form uu -
Irregularities. 79 d one mora too many. Emendation. SC. V 9 reads vegge for veggeņa (P.S.) or vegeņa (A) If vegge is adopted the metre is rectified. (17)., (18). Scheme.
8 + 6 + 12 (theoretically 9 + 7 + 13)
8 + 8 + 12 (theoretically 9 + 9 + 13) (for Kadavakas 2, 3 and 4 only)
Occurrence. 15. Sandhi.
Svayambhū and Hemacandra while describing the Şatpadī Ghattā treat only their three types, viz. Jāti, Upajāti and Avajāti with the respective schemes 7 + 7 + 10 to 17, 8 + 8 10 to 17 and 9 + 9 + 10 to 17. But as Hemacandra makes it clear", many
(1) padhama-cautthae, pañcama-viae, jai nava mattau honti/
sese pāae, tarn-cia lakkhanar, Avajai tam bhananti// SC V 8. mattão and Avajaim of the printed text have been emended. evam ca saptādi-saptadaśānta-kalaughebhyah tribhih tribhih tulyaih tulyatulyaiḥ tulyaih vā ardhe padāh yatra bhavanti să vidagdha-gosthi-garisthă şaţpadi dhruvā/Ch. 38b/8-9.
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other varieties of the Şaţpadi Dhruva having all equal, partly equal or all unequal Padas containing from seven to seventeen moras were employed. The commentary of the Kavidarpaņa too echoes these words The Kavidarpaņa specially mentions the varieties 10 +8+13, 12 + 8 + 13, 8 + 8 + 11, 10 + 8 + 11, 12 + 8 + 11 and 12 + 8 + 12. Svayambhū also gives 10 + 8 + 13 as the measure of the Chaddaniä VII and gives 12 + 8 + 13 and 12 + 8 + 11 as its variations".
In most of the Ghattās of the 15. Sandhi the Şatpadi that is employed has actually the scheme 8+6+12, but as the theory does not recognize a Pāda of less than seven moras, the scheme is to be regarded as being 9+7+13, by counting the short end syllables as long. Such a Şațpadi is to be considered like those mentioned above.
The Ghattās of the 1., 2. and 3. Kadavakas have the scheme 8+8+12, theoretically 9+9+13. This is fourth variety of the Şagpada Avajāti (SC. V 8).
The 8-moraic Pada has the scheme 4+- (or uy)uw. The form - UU is preferred in the first Gana. The 6-moraic Pada shows preference for the form UU – UU. The end is always U U. The 12-moraic Pāda is divisible as 6+4+ UU, wherein in the 2. Gana is never U-U RC. 70 has 8+6+12 for its Ghattās.
Irregularities. 2 9e. Two moras too few in the opening. If the scheme is 8+6--12. then 2 9b is to be regarded as having two moras too many and the irregularity can be removed by dropping tam. 6 8h and 11 9b have two moras too many Dropping so sets the metre right. (19). Scheme.
9+7+12. Occurrence. 12. Sandhi.
If the short end syllables are regarded as long the scheme would be 10+8+13. But No. 20 below with the actual scheme 10 +8+13 is regarded so by Svayambhū himself, and the difference between the structures of No. 19. and 20. is patent. 5 14d with the opening -:- U would not allow us to constitute the 1. Gana with four moras. Therefore the scheme of the Ghattās of the 12. Sandhi should be 9+7+12. Hence the scheme of the 9-moraic Pāda is 6 +UUU. Only once, in 6 9d, the end is - U. The 7-moraic Pada is divisible as 4 + UUU. The 1. Gana avoids the form V-U. It has a tendency to end in a long. 6 9e exceptionally has --U for the end. The 12-moraic Pāda has the grouping 6+4 UU. The 2. Gana avoids U-U. UU- is its usual form. This Ghatta occurs also in MP. 25., 52., 55. and in Nāy. 2.
Irregularities. 2 ge. One mora too many. Emendation. jjhada should be read as -jhada. (20). Scheme.
10+8+13. Occurrence 17., 20. (31., 37., 40., 52., 58.) Sandhis. This is Chaddania VII defined at SC. VIII 20 as dasa-kala-pari-vaddhahe, attha-nivaddhahe, teraha-kala
sambhāviahe padhama-vidia-paa kara(u), taia(u) punu viuņu,
chaddaņiā chappāiahe ||
(1) Velankar, 1935-1936, p. 39, on V 29-31. (2) Ibid, V 29-31. (3) SC. VIII 20-23, cf. the metres treated in the Präkrtapaingala at I, 97, 99, 102,
131, 144, 156, 179, 189, 194, 196, 202, 205, 208 and in the Clandaḥkośa at I, 25, 26.
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To illustrate this, SC. VIII 21 cites the opening stanza of the 31. Sandhi of PC. Thus in the present case the theory also does not require to count the short end syllables as long.
This particular variety of the Șatpadī seems to have become very popular. Poems in Late Apabhramśa have this Şațpadi as their standard Ghatta metre and hence it is understandable why it has received the designation Ghattaa (the Ghattā metre par excellence) in some late works on Ap. prosody'. The Kavidarpana mentions' this first among the six Şatpadis treated. Compare also the Dvipadi called Chaddaņikā (incorrect for Chaddanikā) treated at Ch. VII 17 having 31 moras per Pada with caesura after the 10. and the 18. mora.
The Gana schemes of these Pādas are 4+4+uu or 6+UUUU (=10), 4+-(or UU)UU(=8), 6+4+UUU (313). In general the same remarks apply to the structures of these Pādas as have been made regarding equivalent Pādas in Nos. 6, 17 and 18. In 17 1 10d, e, 17 5 10d, e, 17 14 9a, b, 17 16 9a, b, d, e, 20 7 9a, b, d, e, 20 9 9a, b, d, e, 20 11 9a, the end syllable is actually long. Jagana casually appears in the 2. Gana of the 13-moraic Pāda, which four times (17 10 10 c, f, 20.89 c, f) ends in - t. This Ghattā appears also in RC. 30. 52., 53., 74., 89., MP. 40., 44., 71., 78.; Jas. 1, 4; Ņāy. 8. (21). Scheme.
12+8+-12. Occurrence. 4. Sandhi.
In 2 9 d, e, 39 a, b, d, e, 4 9 c, f, 5 9 a, b, 8 9 d, e, 9 9 d, e, 11 9 d, e the end syllable is long. This would present a strong obstacle against taking the scheme to be 13+8+13 in theory.
This Satpadi appears to be a variation of the Chaddaņia VII. Though SC. does not know of any Satpadi with the measure 12+8+12, we can infer it from the other two variations of the Chaddani, VII, viz. 12+8+13 and 12+8+11, given at SC. VIII 22, 23. Kavidarpana II 30 includes the present variety.
The 1., 3., 4. and 6. Pādas have the same structure and the remarks made in connection with the 12-moraic Pāda in Nos. 15, 17, 18 and 19 are equally applicable here. Similarly for the structure of the 8-moraic Pada refer to its description in Nos. 17, 18 and 20.
This Ghattā is also met with in RC. 3, 33, 50, 71; MP. 1.
C. Metres employed in the main body of
the Kada vaka They fall in two main divisions: (1) The Principal or Standard Metres employed throughout the epic, and (2) variation metres, employed in individual Kadavakas or some time throughout a Sandhi to break the monotony.
1) The Standard Metres.
Jacobi" and Alsdorf' on the strength of a statement in Ch. hold that only four metres were recognised by Ap. prosodists as the principal metres of the Apabhramśa epic and accordingly Alsdorf attempts to support this view from the actual practice in Ap. literature
(1) See the Chandahkośa (Velankar, 1923), 43, and Prūkyta-paingala, I 99. (2) Velankar, 1935-1936, II 29-30. (3) Jaiobi, 1918, *44. (4) Alsdorf, 1936, 184-185.
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onusa the various fifth chapterreads thus:
Let us examine Hemacandra's remarks in question. Having dealt with the Apabhraíśa' metres in general in the fifth Chapter of his Chandonusa sana, Hemacandra devotes the next two chapters to the treatment of the various metres used in constructing the Ap. epic. The opening Sutra of the fifth chapter defines the Dhruvā or Ghattā. That Sūtra with its commentary reads thus:
Sandhyādau Kadavakānte ca dhruvam syād iti Dhruvā
Dhruvakam Ghattā vā. Com. Kadavaka-samūhātmakah Sandhis tasyādau, caturbhih Paddhadikādyais chandobhih Kadavakam, tasyānte dhruvam niścitam syād iti Dhruvā, Dhruvakar, Ghattā veti samjñāntaram.
Here in the commentary first the term Sandhi is defined. It is followed by the definition of the term Kadavaka. In this the word caturbhih can be taken as applying to Paddhadikādyaiḥ, or alternatively Paddhadikādyaiḥ and caturbhiḥ both can be taken as qualifying chandobhiḥ. Jacobi and Alsdorf have understood the definition in the first sense and hence they take it to mean that a Kadavaka is composed in any one of those four metres, one of which is the Paddhadikā. In other words according to these eminent scholars the above-quoted definition of the Kadavaka lays down that only four (Paddhadikā and some other three) metres are to be employed in composing a Kadavaka. Thus the purpose of the statement caturbhiḥ etc. is, they think, to prescribe which metres are to be used in a Kadavaka. This interpretation of the sentence in question makes Alsdorf, inspite of some dificulties, to set up the Paddhadikā, Adillā, Pādākulaka and a Pāranaka-like metre as the four principal metres of the Ap. epic.
There are, however, several prima facie considerations which go against such an interpretation of the words in Ch. In explaining the other terms Sandhi and Dhruvā, Hemacandra has given particulars that are peculiar from the point of view of structure or position and there is no reference to metrical form. Thus Sandhi is defined as made up of a group of Kadavakas, and Dhruvā as that which appears without fail at the end of a Kadavaka. Accordingly it would lead us to expect that the explanation of Kadavaka also would concern itself with pointing out something that is peculiar to its structure or position and not to its metrical form. Moreover it would be rather strange that in such an important point Hemcandra considered the cryptic mention Paddhadikádyaiḥ sufficient. The ground of familiarity can hardly account for such brevity, because the other terms Sandhi and Kadavaka were far more familiar and yet they have been expressly defined.
It is from two other works on Ap. prosody that these first considerations get a decisive support in favour of the alternative interpretation, suggested above, according to which the expressions caturbhiḥ and Paddhadikidyaiḥ both qualify Chandobhih and the whole definition means that a Kadavaka is made up of four stanzas of the Paddhadikā or other such metres. The Svayambhücchandas, which, as we have already seen, served as a source for Ch. has the following lines on the structure of the Ap. epic.
Paddhadiā punu je-i karenti, te soda(la)ha-mattau Pau dharenti vihi Paahim jamau te nimmaanti, Kadavaa(u) ațshahim
jamaahim raanti/
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aihim puņu Ghatta samāmañanti, Jamaāvasāņa(e) Chaddani
bḥamanti sarkhả-nivaddha-kadavehim Sardhi, iha vivaha-paārahi tuhum
vi vandhi/SC. VIII 30-31.
"Those that compose in the Paddhadikā, bring forth a Pada (i.e. Päda) of sixteen moras. They construct a Yamaka with two Padas (i.e. Pädas) and a Kadavaka with eight Yamakas. For the beginning they lay down Ghattā and say Chaddani at the end of the Yamakas. A Sandhi is (composed) with a limited number of Kadavakas. So you compose it in a variety of modes'. Here a Kadavaka is said to consist of eight Yamakas, i.e. sixteen Pādas, equivalent to four four-lined stanzas.
The Kavidarpana' says the same thing in words that would remind us of Hemacandra's definition. It observes:
Pajjhadiyāi-caukkam Kadavam, tānam Gano Sandhi. Com. Pajjhaţikādi-chandāmsi catvāri Kadavamo. Adi sabdad Vadanādi-parigrahah. Teşāṁ Kadavakānāṁ gaṇaḥ Sardhi-samjñaḥ.
Here Pajjhadiai-caukkaṁ is predicted of Kadavam and this leaves no doubt as to the meaning. Here as also in Hemacandra's definition chandas means 'a stanza', 'a unit of four lines' and not 'a metre'. In the first chapter of Ch, while dealing with terminology, Hemacandra has used this term in this technical sense.
turyāṁśaḥ pādo 'višese/ Com. Chandasaś caturtho bhāgah pāda-samjñaḥ, aviseșe sămânyabhidhāne.
Chandas here clearly means 'a stanza' of four lines.
And this definition of the Kadavaka is born out by the practice of early Ap. epic poets like Svayambhū in whose works the normal length of a Kadavaka does not exceed eight couplets. But after Svayambhū this convention has become slack and in the compositions of Puşpadanta and other poets, the Kadavaka tends to become longer than 16 lines
Thus Hemacandra does not say anything as to how many metres are permitted to be used in the body of the Kadavaka.
There are three metres which principally appear in the Kadavakas of PC. I-XX, viz., Paddhadikā, Vadanaka and Paranaka. The first two are 16-moraic, the last one 15-moraic.
(22). Paddhad ikā.
The Tippana on the word Sayambhū in Mahapurāna 1 9 5 describes him as Pamthaời (corrupt for Paddhadis Paddhadia)-baddha-Rāmāyaṇa-kartā, Apalisamghīyaḥ. Thus Svayambhu's Rāmayana or Paümacariu was known as a poem composed in the Paddh
(1) Velankar, 1935-1936, 49, 51. (2) The Chandahkandali quoted by the Com. of the Kavidarpana (p. 39) has the
following: Paddhadiyaihim cauhim puna kadava” (3) The difference in the definitions of the Kadavaka as given by Svayambhu on
one hand and Hemacandra and others on the other is significant. The former takes a rhyming distich as a unit and hence gives eight distichs as the measure oi the Kaçavaka, while the latter take a stanza of four lines as the unit and accordingly lay down four stanzas as the standard length of the Kadavaka. But the rhyme scheine in the Kadavaka bears out Svayambhu's view. Only in some late Ap. works, wherein all restrictions as to the length of the Kadavaka appear to have been given up, it is divided in our lined stanzas. But even then the rhyming being confined to two successive lines, no organic connection obtains between the pairs constituting a stanza. Only when fresh material comes to light the difference can be explained.
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diä metre. Svayambhū himself says in the beginning of his Ritthanemicariu that Caturmukha gave him the Paddhadia 'studded' with the Chaddani, Duvaa and Dhuvaa. Thus Paddhadiā appears to be the outstanding metre in Svayambhū's epics.
Not only that, for the Ap. epic in general too the Paddhadiä has an importance second to none and comparable to that of the Anuştubh in the Sk. epics. Nevertheless, not a single Ap. metrician has described it in any systematic or thorough manner on the other hand there prevails considerable confusion regarding the meaning, structure and function of Paddhadiā. All that we gather from what is said on this point by Svayambhū, the earliest authority, directly or as obiter dicta is collected below:
In the eight chapter of SC. dealing mainly with the form and structure of the Ap. Sandhibandha and Rāsābandha, first we are informed that there are seven types of the Chaddania, three types of the Ghattā, many types of the Paddhadiā and different types of the Gīti. From this it is clear that here the term Paddhadiā stands not for one particular metre, but a class of metres. In the succeeding portion of the same chapter of SC. these varieties of the Chaddania etc. are described. SC. VIII 30-34 are devoted to the description of the Paddhadiā. But the information we gather from that passage rather gives an idea of the structure of a Kadavaka. It does little to enlighten us on the anekavidhatva of the Paddhadiā. It states: if one undertakes to compose in the Paddhadia, he should construct a Kadavaka with eight Yamakas (rhyming distichs), each of which is made up of two Pādas of 16 moras each. There should be the Ghattā and the Chaddania in the beginning and end respectively of the group of the Yamakas. A Sandhi is to consist of a limited number of such Kadavakas. Various other Ghattās, Chaddanis, Vidārikās and Dhavalas also can be employed. This gives us an idea of where and how the Paddhadiā is employed. It also suggests that a Paddhadiā-pāda is 16-moraic. But nothing is said regarding the structure of these 16 moras or the different varieties of the Paddhadiā. But we get some results by examining the structures of the lines in these definition stanzas (SC. VIII 3033) which are also intended to illustrate the Paddhadia, evidently in one of its varieties. The 16 moras are divisible into four groups of four moras each, the form of the last four-moraic Gaņa being
– U without fail. This is supported by SC. VIII 41-44 given to illustrate the Paddhadiā which is said by SC. VIII 35 to appear along with some other metres in the beginning of a Sandhi. At another place in SC. VIII 47, the Paddhadia" is included among the metres that are preferentially employed in the Rāsābandha. Lastły Paddhadiâ occurs at SC. VII 160 cd as the name of a Sarvasamā Catuspadi Dhruvā having 16 moras per Pāda which are divisible as 4+4+4+4. The lines containing this definition end in uv-.
From these pieces of information we can gather that like the terms Chaddania, Ghattā, Dhruvaka, Vastuka, the term Paddhadia also had two applications. It was the name given to the group of
(1) Chandania-Duvai-Dhuvaehim jadiya, Cauinuhena samappiya Paddhadiya/
RC. 1 i 10. (2) satta-viha Chaddania, ti-vihão honti taha a Ghattao/
Paddhadia 'nea-vihā, Giio honti vivihão//SC. VIII 7. The text of the stanza is defective. If the emendation Paddhadiahin for Paddhadia suggested by Velankar is accepted, this would be one more instance of the use of the term Paddhadia in the plural.
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metres containing 16 moras per Pada and employed in the Ap. epic called in all probability the Sandhibandha". Besides it was the name of a particular metre having the form 4+4+4+- U-U. It is likely that as in the case of the other terms mentioned above, the development of the application may have been from the general to the particular. In other words because the metre with the form 4+4+4+U --U was fondly employed in the Sandhibandha that alone came to be called the Paddhadikā. From the remarks ādi sabdad Vadanādi parigrahaḥ of the com. of the Kavidarpana", we know that over and above the Paddhadikā, Vadanaka and some other metre or metres were used for the main body of the Ap. epic, and this finds support from the actual practice as evidenced by the works of Svayambhū, Tribhuvana, Puşpadanta and others. Occurrence 1 (4-11, 13., 15.-16. Kadavakas), 3. (13. Kadavaka)
4., 7., 10., 13., 16., 18. Sandhis. Seven out of the twenty Sandhis or, on a different count, 91 out of a total of 285 Kadavakas are composed in this metre. Its normal form is +4+4+4 U – U, Jagana being permitted in the 1., 3. For a systematic treatment of this metre see Alsdorf, 1928, 73; 1936, 190; Jacobi, 1918,* 48; Bhayani, 1945, 56-57. The 1. Gana enjoys great freedom of form, though - UC finds a preference (about 60 p.c.). As contrasted with this the 3. Gana has the form UU - (or UUUU) in about 70 p.c. of the cases. Accordingly in the case of the Paddhadiās of PC., Alsdorf's results that the Paddhadia is a metre of anapaestic basic character and that its 3. Gana is built up similarly to the first shall have to be modified. In the 2. Gaņa the form - UU is the least preferred (about 12 p.c.), while tu- has a relative majority. This presents a contrast with the 1. Gana. The end is rarely U UVV (about 5 p.c.) (23). Va dan aka. Occurrence. 1. (2., 12., 14. Kadavakas), 2., 3. (2., 12. Kadavakas), 5. (1-5., 7-16. Kadavakas) 8., 11., 14., 17. (1., 7., 9., 11., 13., 15., 18. Kadavakas), 20. Sandhis.
This metre is found in eight whole Sandhis out of a total of twenty, or in 112 Kadavakas out of 285 in all. It is defined by most of the Pk. metricians". For its discussion, see Jacobi 1918, * 47 Alsdorf, 1928, 76; 1936, 191; Shahidullah, 1928, 63; Bhayani 1945, 50.
Though Hemacandra has expressly given the designation Vadanaka, and though Adila is the name given to a special form of the Vadanaka, yet Jacobi and Alsdorf, following perhaps the ‘Bardic group of metricians accept the name Adila for our metre. But from SC. IV 32 and the Kavidarpaņa II 21 it is quite clear that the metre should be named Vadanaka, it being called Adila only when it has got Yamakas.
6+4+4+2 is the general scheme of the Vadanaka. A sample analysis indicates that in the 1. Gana froms-UU- and UUUU - occur more frequently, and generally the forms with two shorts in the middle are preferred. -U-U and ---- have the smallest frequency. In the 2. Gaņa one third of the total number of cases (1) cf. the term Rāsábandha at SC. VIII 49 and the description of the Sk. Mahā
kavya as Sargabandha. (2) Velankar, 1935-1936, 49, 51. (3) SC. IV 29, Raj. 16, Ch. V 28, Kavidarpana II 21; compare also Vrttajättsa
muccaya IV 33-34, Chandaḥkośa 41-42, Prakrtapaingala I 127.
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are u.ou v. The form UU UU enjoys the preference (about 42 p.c.). - UV is the least preferred form. The commonest form of the 3. Gana is vo- (about 69 p.c.). Next comes -- (about 25 p.c.). UU UU occurs rarely. The 4. Gāna is usually vu, only about 18 p.c. cases are -
These results are in agreement with those obtained in the case of the Samdeśarāsaka stanzas, while they are at divergence with Alsdorf's findings concerning the Vadanaka stanzas in the Harivarsapurāna, wherein UU U-U is frequent in the 1. Gana. The Samkulaka described as a Samacatuşpadi (scheme 6 + 4 + 4 + 2) ät SC., VI 160; Rāj. 172; Ch. V. 28 Com. It seems to be the same as the Vadanaķa, except that it ends in , not in UU. The famous Hindi epic Ramacaritamanasa of Tulsidas is composed in this metre; the last two shorts of our metre appear there contracted as a rule into a long. It has come to be known as Copāī or Caupäż in the early vernacular literature.
(24). Pāra na ka.
Occurrence. 1. (1., 3. Kadavakas), 5. (6. Kadavaka), 6., 9.
(1., 11., 13.-14. Kadavakas), 12., 15., 19. Sandhis. It is employed in five whole out of twenty Sandhis, or in 77 out of 285 Kadavakas. It is a 15-moraic metre. Its structure is identical with that of the Paddhadikā except that the last Gana has the form uuu instead of U UVU. In other words omitting the first short and preferring for the middle of the last Gana of the Paddhaạikā gives the Paranaka. Everything else said in connection with the structure of the Paddhadikā applies in principle to the Pāranaka. The form -v in the last Gana is very rare.
The Paranaka is described among the Samacatuşpadi Dhruvās along with the Pādākulaka, Saṁkulaka and Paddhadikā by SC. VI 159 (Aranda is a blunder for Paranaka); Rāj. 170, Ch. VI 29. Though it is described here as a Catuspadi, like the Paddhadikä it is used as a Dvipadi in the Kadavaka. Svayambhu gives two Gaņa-schemes for the Pāranaka: 4 + 4 + 4 + 3 or 6 + 4 + 5. The latter is not applicable to our lines.
The use of a 15-moraic metre in constructing the Kadavakas may appear as going against the above-quoted general statement of Svayambhū (SC. VIII 30) that a 16-moraic metre is to be employed for building up the Kadavaka. But difference between the Paddhadia and the Paranaka is slight and the latter can be well looked upon as a modified form or variation of the former. It is characteristic of the Apabhrañša prosodists that such an important metre is not described independently. It is noticed along with a host of other metres among the Samacatuspadi Dhruvās.
2. The Variation Metres. For the sake of variation, a Kadavaka here and there is composed in a non-Paddhadika type of metre, or occasionally through
(1) savve pannāraha-mattaa, ta(i)ca-taara-samjuttaa'hava/
cha-ca-pa-ganehim sambaddhaā, [P]āranaassa ime pāaa// (2) In old Gujarati verse literature a 15-moraic metre is very popularly used for
building up the frame of the narrative. But it is devised from the Vadanaka by omitting its last mora, and hence is different from the Paranaka. It is known as copai and is described by the Chandahkosu (40; cf. also 20) under the name Laghucopai.
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out a whole Sandhi different fancy metres are used to break the monotony of the narrative frame. Many Varnavrttas of the Sk. prosody especially those characterized by a recurrent structural unitare employed for this purpose. The language of all such passages in the Varņavsttas is more or less Prakritized. This practice of the Ap. epic poets is obviously based upon the similar practice found in Sk. Mahākävyas.
Four such variation metres are found in PC. L-XX.
(25). Ma da navatāra.
Scheme. 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 (= 20).
Occurrence. III 1, IX 12. Technically it is a Samacatuşpadi. Of course in the Kadavaka it appears in couplets. The last Gaņa always ends in a long. All the Gaņas show a pronounced amphimacer (-x-) tendency. This means that the forms x X X X X X and xxx are normally avoided. SC. VIII (3) treats this metre in a general way and illustrates it by citing PC. 24 2 1-2.
For other metrical authorities see Bhayani, 1945, 58-59.
The Madanāvatāra is several times used in MP. and appears to be a favourite of the post-tenth century Ap. poets. It is found in Devacandrasūri's Sulasakkhánu (2. Kadavaka), Jayadevamuni's Bhāvanāsandhi (2., 4., 6. Kadavaka), Nemināthadvatrimśika (almost throughout) etc. (26). Scheme. a. 4 tu-(or UUU (= 8).
b. 4 + 4 + 4 + U — (or uu) u (= 16). Occurrence. XVII 8.
Technically the metre is of the Antarasamă Catușpadi type. But a rhymed distich being the unit of the Kadavaka it appears in a two lined form with the rhyme scheme a/b that is usual in the Kadavaka.
The first Gaņa of the 8-moraic Pāda avoids V-U. Hence the odd Pāda corresponds with the Pādas of the Dvipadi Candralekhā' (4 + U-(or Uu) u ) described by Hemacandra.
The even Päda is that of the Paddhadiā. It can be easily seen that the odd Päda is identical in structure with the last eight moras of the Paddhadia-pāda. Looked at in this way the metre in question is just a combination of a truncated and a full Paddhadia-pāda. The metre of MP. 13 10 is just the reverse of ours. There a is equivalent to our b and vice versa.
(27) Vilasini.
Scheme. 3 + 3 + 4 + 3 + (= 16).
Occurrence. XVII 12 (XLVI 2).
All the lines satisfy the schemes of Vilāsini' and Bhúşana Galitaka (5 + 5 + 3 + 0-). So the structure cannot tell us which of the two is the metre employed in the present case. But in RC. 71 2 it is called Vilasini-chanda and Vilāsini belongs to that group
(1) ca-la-da-lāh Candralekha/ Ch. VII 65. (2) tau cah tau Vilāsini/ Ch. IV 60. (3) pau tau Bhūşaņā/ Ch. IV 37.
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of Ap. metres including the Helā, Āvali, Mañjari, Dvipadī, Racita etc. which is treated together at Ch. IV 57-66. This decides in favour of the Vilāsini.
A caesura is definitely felt after the 8. mora. This fact as also the general swing of the metre makes it closely allied to that metre which is used in the famous Gopikā-Gita of the Bhagavata-purana and which is known as Lalita in the Gujarati prosody. The general pattern of our metre is --U-U-1-U-U-, wherein all the heavy syllables except the last one are replaceable by two light syllables. This metre is similarly used in RC. 71. 2; MP. 28 27, 34 10, 40 12, 42 12, 45 9, 48 1, 86 8, 88 11. Alsdorf fails to identify it and hence thinks' it to be Parktikā (Ch. II 108).
(28) Pramāņi.
Scheme. 0- X 4.
Occurrence. XVII 16.
This is a quite familiar metre of the Sk. prosody. It is defined at Chandaḥśāstra V 7, Jayadevacchandas y 4, Vrttaratnākara III 18, Chandonuśasana II 82 etc. Here it is used in the two-lined form. It is found several times in MP.
CONSPECTUS OF THE METRES OF PC. I-XX. I. Metres employed in the Kadavaka-commencing stanza. Name.
Measure. Place of occur
rence (Sandhi) (1) Gandhodakadhāra. (6 + 4 + 3 =) III
13 X 4
(a/b, c/d) (2) Dvipadī.
(6+U - (or UU) U +4 XIII +4+4+U-(or UU) U
+ - 5) 28 x 2 (3) Helā-dvipadi. (6+U — (or UU)U + 4 + XVII
U-(or UU) +--=)
22 X 2 (4) Mañjari.
--(or Uu) +-(oruu)U XIX + 4 + 4 + 4 +11 )
21 X 2 II. Metres employed in the Ghattā. Measure.
Place of occurrence (Sandhi). (5) 9 + 13.
VII (6) 10 + 13.
XVI (7) 11 + 14.
II (8) 11 (or 12) + 12
) (9) 13 + 10.
1 (10) 13 * 15.
VIII, XI, XIX (11) 13 | 16.
VI 112) 14 + 13.
XIII 113) 15 + 12.
X (14) 15.
IX, XVIII (15) 6 + 6 + 12.
III (16) 8 + 8 + 14.
XIV (17) 8 + 6 + 12.
ху (18) 8 + 8 + 12. (1) Alsdorf. 1936, 193.
0 0.
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(19) 9 + 1 + 12. (20) 10 + 8 + 13.
XVII, XX (21) 12 + 8 + 12.
IV III. Metres employed in the main body of the Kadavaka. Name. Measure. Place of occurrence
(Sandhi). (22) Paddhadia, (4 + 4 + 4 I (4.-11., 13., 15. 16.
#U U =) Kadavakas), III (13. 16.
Kada vaka), IV, VII, X, XIII, XVI,
XVIII. (6 + 4 + 4 I (2., 12., 14. Kada+UU =) 16. vakas), II, III, (2.
12. Kada v akas), VIII, XI, XIV, XVII, (1., 7. 9.11., 13.-15., 17.-18. Ka
davakas), XX. (24) Paranaka. (4 + 4 + 4 I (1., 3. Kadavakas),
+ UUU =) 15. V (6. Kadavaka).
VI, IX (1.-11., 13., 14. Kadavakas) XII,
XV, XIX. (25) Madanāva- (5 + 5 + 5 + 5 III (1. Kadavaka). tāra.
IX (12. Kadavaka). (26) . a. (4 + U - (or UU) XVII (8. Kadavaka).
b. (4 + 4 + 4 + U --
(or UU) U =) 16. (27) Vilāsini. (3 + 3 + 4 + XVII (12. Kadavaka).
3 +U- =) 16. (28) Pramāņi. U-- four times. XVII (16. Kadavaka). 8. SYNOPSIS OF THE CONTENTS.
I Sandhi. Introducton: the birth of Rşa bha Homage to the twenty-four Tirthankaras (1). Metaphorical description of the Rāma story as a river-Tradition through which it was handed down-The poet introduces himself-His resolve to recount the sacred theme of the Rāma story (2). Following the convention, the poet modestly declares his ignorance regarding various branches of learning and literature (3). The Magadha country described (4). Its capital Rājagrha described (5). Śrenika, the king of Magadha described (6). Mahāvīra's audience-hall on mount Vipula- A messenger informed the king of Mahāvīra's arrival (7). Going through the prescribed ceremony of homage, Śrenika set out to the audience-hall-The twelve compartments of the audience-hall with their respective occupants, various types of gods, men and beasts described (8). Śrenika prayed to Mahāvīra (9). Śreņika wanted to know the Rama story as known to the Jain faith. He pointed out various inconsistencies in that story as narrated in the traditions of other faiths (10). Accordingly Apostle Gautama began to narrate the Rāma story.
Narrated. He wa
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Situation of the Bharata country in the cosmography--Successive births of the fourteen Kulakaras (11). Their names-Marudevi, the consort of the last Kulakara Nābhi, described (12-13). The six goddesses Kirti, Buddhi, Śrī, Hrī, Dhști, and Lakşmi approached Marudevi in human form and rendered services to her -Marudevī saw a series of fourteen dreams-riches were showered from heavens for thirty fortnights (14). The feteen dreams described-Marudevi conveyed these to her husband (15). He interpreted them as prognosticating the birth of a son destined to be a Tirthankara. In due course Rşabhadeva was born (16).
II Sandhi. . Rşa bha's life-story-upto practising
penances. The birth of the Jina was solemnised by the four classes of gods—Indra's throne shook and hence he started forth on the Airāvana elephant (1). Kubera decorated the city of Saketa—Indra's queen with the help of the sleep-inducing charm substituted a magic child for Rşabha, who was made over to Indra (2). He took the child to Mount Mandara beyond the regions of constellations and seated him on a throne placed on a white slab (3). At the commencement of the ablution ceremony various gods honoured Rşabha by displaying their skill in music, dance, drama, etc. (4). Various gods emptied water-jars over Rşabha's head and his ceremonial bath was completed (5). Indra then adorned him with a variety of ornaments. A devotional hymn followed (6). Indra injected nectar in Rşabha's left thumb. The child was taken back to Ayodhyā. He was named Rşabha.
He grew up rapidly (7). Once his subjects complained to him of being deprived of the means of subsistence because the Kalpavşkşas disappeared. Consequently he taught them various professions and arts. He got married to Nandā, Sunanda and others. He begot one hundred sons. Bharata and Bahubali were chief among them (8). Seeing Rşabha immersed in wordly pleasures, Indra, with a view to awaken love of renunciation which would be beneficial for the flourish and spread of Dharma sent Nilāñjanā with her span of life nearing its end, to dance before Rsabha. While dancing, she fell dead (9). Seeing Nilāñjana become suddenly lifeless, Rşabha was struck with the ephemeral nature of the mundane glory and he resolved to renounce the world. The Lokān. tika gods also exhorted him to that end, since the rebirth of religious beliefs and practices that had fallen into abeyance was eagerly awaited (10). Bharata was installed on the throne and Rşabha went to Prayāga, where together with four thousand kings he took to the Order.
He practised all sorts of austerities (11). The other kings with him unable to endure the rigours of austerities violated their vows (12). The Heavenly Voice remonstrated with them for their unceoming conduct. But lacking fortitude for practising mortifications, they gave up austerities and founded new faiths. At this juncture there arrived Nami and Vinami, sons of Kaccha and Mahakaccha (13). They asked from Rşabha their share in the kingdom. Coming to know of this disturbance to Rşabha, Dharanendra appeared there. He questioned Nami and Vinami (14). They said 'when we were abroad, the kingdom was portioned off between all the sons of
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Rşabha, but we were kept out of consideration'. As they were bent upon receiving their due at Rşabha's own hands, Indra assumed Rşabha's form and gave them the rulership of the northern and southern slopes of the mount Vijayārdha together with some miraculous powers (15).
While wandering on earth with raised hands, rich presents were offered to Rşabha but he did not accept them. In Hastinagara, king Sreyamsa invited him to end his fast (16). Bringing him to his residence, he worshipped him and offered sugarcane juice. As Rşabha broke his fast, gods showered gold and jewels. On account of the exhaustless gifts then bestowed on Śreyārsa, the day became known as Akşayatştīyā (17).
III Sandhi. Rşa bha's life-story-upto his
attaining Kevala. Leaving Hastināgapura, Rşabha arrived at Purimatala. There he came to the Sakatamukha garden rich in all sorts of flower plants and trees. In their midst stood a huge banyan tree (1). There Rşabha practised all the vows and austerities-these recounted in the numerical order of one to eighteen-and eventually he attained Kevala (2). He came to possess thirty-four Atisayas and eight Prātihāryas and became the supreme deity of all the three worlds (3).
Gods constructed a golden audience-hall for the Jina. The seats of various Indras shook. The lord of gods called upon all to go and pay homage to the Jina. All classes of gods with their most diverse vehicles started, as did Išānendra mounting upon the Airāvana elephant in enviable pomp and glory (4-5-6). Hordes of various gods and demons arrived to the audience-hall and humbly presented themselves to the Jina (7). Indra with his retinue recited a hymn to the Jina (8). Observing the gods coming down in their aerial cars, Rşabhasena, the ruler of Purimatāla made inquiries. He was told that Bharata's father had attained Kevala. On learning this the king went to the audience-hall and paid homage to the Jina (9). He was so much moved by the scene that he and eightyfour thousand from the rank and file, together with eighty-four born aristocrats too took to monkhood, while lacs of others made up the laity. Even gods were purified and animals forgot their inborn mutual enmity (10).
Then the Jina preached all the basic principles and tenets of the Jaina faith. Nothing in the three worlds could be unknown to him (11). The sermon had a pacifying effect on all. Before dispersing many of them committed themselves to practising various vows and austerities. The Jina left that place and went to Gangasagara (12). Here Bharata became the paramount lord of the whole earth and attained all-round prosperity. As his father attained Kevala, he, by the strength of his arm established his sovereignty over the whole earth (13).
IV Sandhi. Combat between Bharata and Bahubaliattainment of Nirvana by Bahubali
and ķşa bha. After completion of the round of world-conquest, when Bharata returned to his capital, the victorious discus (Cakraratna) did not
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enter the city, whereupon Bharata asked his ministers whether any king still remained unconquered (1). The ministers submitted: 'All are subdued except your younger brother Bahubali, king of Potanapura, who is mighty enough to overthrow you and your army single-handed' (2). Learning this Bharata ordered his ministers: 'So arrange that either Bahubali accepts my sovereignty or offers a battle'. The ministers went to Bahubali and told him to serve Bharata as a feudatory. Bāhubali denounced them saying: 'As our father gave each of us his due share of territory, I am in no way indebted to Bharata. Why then should I go to him?' The ministers replied angrily: 'Even if your territory is given to you by your father, you cannot have even an inch without paying tributes to Bharata' (3-4). Bahubali said haughtily: 'Being puffed up by world-conquest let him do his worst. As to the tributes, I will pay them tomorrow in the form of shafts, lances and javelins which would cure him of his arrogance'. Thereupon the ministers departed and told Bharata: 'Bahubali cares a straw for you. He stands prepared for giving a fight' (5).
Bharata made enormous preparations for a march. As he started, spies informed Bāhubali, who also gave orders for a countermarch. The two armies confronted each other on the battle field (6-7). The field became a scene of reckless turmoil and destruction. Seeing this the ministers cried halt and said to Bharata and Bāhubali: 'What is the use of massacring the poor soldiers? Rather you two alone fight out, first a glance-duel, then a water-duel and lastly a bodily combat. He who is victorious in all the three duels, is to be the lord of the earth and treasures'.
The advice was accepted and Bharata and Bāhubali became engaged first in a glance-duel, in which Bharata was defeated (8-9). They started the water-duel. In this also Bharata got a defeat (10), Finally they set themselves to the bodily combat. While both were trying various moves and techniques Bahubali lifted up Bharata and his army roared for triumph. Bharata, thus rebuffed, released his cakraratna on Bāhubali but the latter being a caramadehin (i.e. destined to attain salvation during this life) it by-passed him (11). But this incident moved Bahubali and he pondered: 'What is the use of a kingdom for the sake of which one has to kill one's brother, father or son. Better strive for salvation, which can earn eternal bliss for me'. He made over his territories to Bharata, accepted the Jina as the Master and having picked out five handfuls of hair stood with raised hands, immovable as a rock, for one year, during which creepers grew over him and he was turned into an abode of snakes and scorpions (12).
At this juncture Rşabha haited on Kailāsa. Bharata went there to pay obeisance. He asked Rşabha: 'Why Bahubali does not still attain Kevala?' 'Rşabha said: "Even still he cherishes the irşā-kaşaya, thinking, "even though I have made over the earth to Bharata, why am I placing my feet thereon." Hence he fails to attain Kevala' (13). Learning this Bharata went to Bāhubali and falling at his feet said: “This earth is really yours. I am only your slave'. And immediately the four Ghātikarmans of Bāhubali were destroyed and he attained Kevala. Eight Prätihāryas appeared and the gods poured in saying: "The son of the Tirthakara has become a Kevalin.' In the end he went to the abode of the Siddhas; so also did Rşabha, and Bharata ruled as a sovereign in the invincible Ayodhyā (14).
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of the Accountd Sagara
V Sandhi. The origin of the line of Demons
(up to Devarak şas): Account of Ajita (the second Tirthan kara) and Sagara
(the second Cakravartin).
Gautama then told Sreņika to listen to the origin of the lines of the Demons and Monkeys that he set out to narrate: Long after this there was born in Ayodhyā venerable Ajita as a son to Vijayā and Jitasatru of the Iksvāku line. His birth, marriage etc. were celebrated exactly as in the case of Rşabha. Once while going to the Nandana park he saw a lake fanned by the breezes and with blooming lotuses (1). Seeing the same lake in the evening with its lotuses faded and lustreless, sombre thoughts of the evanascent character of life and worldly glory and pleasures possessed him. That very moment the Lokāntika gods exhorted him and together with ten thousand other persons he renounced the world (2). He broke his fast at the house of Brahmadatta, moved preaching over the earth for fourteen years, practised sukla Dhyāna and attained Kevala. He had nine apostles and one lakh monks.
His cousin brother Sagara was at that time the Universal Monarch. Once Sagara was led away by his restive horse into a great wilderness, where at dusk, while he was removing his fatigue in a bower on the shores of a beautiful lake he was seen by Tilakakeśa, daughter of Sulocana and sister of Sahasrākşa. She at once fell in love with Sagara (3-4). Somebody informed Sahasrākşa, who, delighted because the forecast of the soothsayers thus proved true, went personally to invite him, gave him his sister in marriage along with the gift of the Northern and Southern Ranges (of Mount Vijayārdha) (5). Along with Tilakakeśa, Sagara returned to Ayodhya
Here Sahasrākṣa in order to wreak revenge on Purnaghana who had killed his father, marched to the city of Rathanūpurucakravāla and destroyed him in battle. Purnaghana's son Toyadavāhana, escaping somehow. took shelter in the audience-hall of Jina Ajita (6). There he was comforted by Indra to whom he related his story. His enemy also pursuing him with the vow that he would kill Toyadavāhana, even if all the great gods offered him protection, entered the audience-hall. The Jina related to both of them the incidents of their previous births, whereupon they gave up their enmity.
Bhima and Subhima (the Demon chiefs who were present there) embraced Toyadavāhana (7) and Bhima said: 'As you were my son in the previous birth, even now you are dear to me. Accept from me the aerial car Kamuka, the Demoniaccharm (rākşasi vidyā), a necklace and the impregnable and sea-girded city of Lankā together with the Underground Lańkā (Pātāla Lankā), six-yojana in extent and having only one door. Toyadavāhana accepting these gifts entered Lankā in the company of his ministers and feudatories and founded a new line of Demons (8). Long after this he again went to the audience-hall of Jina Ajita, who by way of reply to Sagara's question said: "Only one Tirthankara, Rşabha and one Universal Monarch, Bharata had appeared previously, while twentytwo Tirthankaras and ten Universal Monarchs as also nine Baladevas, nine Vasudevas, nine Prativasudevas and eleven Haras will appear in future. Besides, there will be fifty-nine Purāņas in the Jain religion. Then Toyadavāhana, filled with religious fervour
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renounced the world together with one hunderd and ten Vidyadhars (9). Lankā was given to his son Mahāraksas. Ajita attained Nirvāņa.
Once Sagara's sixty thousand sons went to Kailāsa and bowed down to the twenty-four Jina shrines there, constructed by Bharata with gold and jewels. On Bhagirathi's suggestion to dig out the Ganga and encircle therewith the holy places as a protective measure, they employed the Daņda-ratna to excavate the earth round the Kailasa (10). This produced such an upheaval in the region of the serpents that their lord Dharanendra threw his venomous glance on Sagara's sons and all were reduced to ashes, except two Bhima and Bhagirathi, who with heaving hearts and downcast looks returned to Säketa city. The ministers advised them to break the sad news to the king in such a manner as would not shock him to death. At the time of holding the Darbar (assembly) Sagara was pained to see not a single son present out of the sixty thousand (11). Then entered Bhima and Bhagirathi, and the king asked them the whereabouts of their brothers. The ministers in reply stressed the transitory nature of everything in the world (12). The king caught the hint and afterwards, choosing a fitting moment, Bhima and Bhagirathi related all that happened, whereupon the king swooned. Recovering he lost all taste in kingship and thought of immediately renouncing (13). As Bhima refused to occupy the throne, Bhagirathi was crowned king.
Here, Mahāraksas, who had got a son Devaraksas, once went out for water-sports surrounded by his queens, when he chanced to see a dead bee in the interior of a lotus and he reflected: 'all who are given to passion meet a similar fate' (14). While he was in such a dejected mood, there arrived a company of monks, all of whom were shining with great asceticism, learning and character and destined to attain salvation in this life (15). Delighted at this, the king requested them to introduce him into the holy Order. The monks said: "There remain only eight days for you to live, so do what you like.' Thereupon, the king spent those eight days in penance, worship, scriptural recitation and charity and attained salvation. His son Devarakşas ruled over Lankā (16).
VI Sandhi. The origin of the line of Monkeys (up to Praticandra ) ---The account of Taditkeśa.
After a succession of sixty-four kings, the throne came to be occupied by Kirtidhavala (the names of these kings are recounted in Sanskrit prose). Once Kirtidhavala's brother-in-law Srikantha came to Lankā with his wife and retinue. He received him with great honour. That very moment the news reached him that hostile forces had surrounded his city. Thereupon Srikantha took a vow to overpower the enemy (1). Śrikantha's wife Kamalā explained to Kirtidhavala: 'I am daughter of Puspottara, the king of Meghapura. Once I saw passing through the sky the aerial car of Srikantha who was returning after bowing to the Jina shrines at Meru and immediately I was smitten with love. There and then we married. There is now no meaning in fighting and destroying each other's armies. So you send envoys to my father'. 'Accordingly messengers were sent to Puspottara (2). They said, 'All
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girls are for being given away in marriage and your daughter herself has made this choice, how then Śrikantha is at fault?' Hearing these words Puspottara had no face to save. Saying: 'Girls, if not married away are a source of infamy' he returned. Thus Śrīkantha married Kamalāvati.
After many days, seeing Śrīkaņtha eager to leave, Kirtidhavala, with a view to avert separation from him, said: "Why do you not. stay near me? Choose for yourself any one of my numerous islands (3-4). (Kīrtidhavala's) minister advised Srikantha to select Monkey Island (Vānaradvipa) which he describes. Srikantha made up his mind and started on the first day of Caitra(5). Śrīkantha's army entered Monkey Island, which is described (6). Sporting with monkeys and taking some with him, Srikantha went to the mountain Kisku, where he founded the city Kiskupura, which is described. Once seeing gods proceeding towards Nandīśvara Island, he also started in order to pay homage to the Jina (7). With his retinue he reached Mountain Manušottara, but his further movement was checked. Resolving to practise severe austerities so that he can get qualified to enter Nandīśvara, he returned to his city, handed over the reins of his kingdom to his son, and became a recluse. Successively eight kings in his line took the same course.
Amaraprabha, the ninth king, flourished during the interval between the Jinas Vāsupūjya and śreyāṁsa (8). On the occasion of his marriage with the princess of Lankā, somebody executed drawings of monkeys in his courtyard, seeing which the bride swooned through fear. The angry king ordered to execute those who drew monkeys. The ministers pacified him by telling, 'Since Srikantha's time they are our family deities, cause of prosperity and the emblem for our Monkey Dynasty. The remorseful king gave orders to mark the royal crown, the royal umbrella, banners etc., with the monkey insignia (9). Since then his line became famous as the Monkey Dynasty, which held overlordship of both the Ranges. Amarprabha's son was Kapidhvaja, Kapidhvaja's Pratibala, Pratibala's Gaganānanda, Gaganānanda's Khacarānanda, Khacarānanda's Girinandana, Girinandana's Udadhirava.
Udadhirava's friend was Taditkeśa, the king of Lankā, whose queen was once injured on breasts while they were bathing in the garden tank, whereupon he pierced the monkey with an arrow. The monkey went to a monk nearby. He heard the namokkāra from him, died, was reborn as an Udadhikumāra god and recalling his previous birth descended near Taditkeśa (10). As Taditkeśa was still revengefully killing monkeys whenever he came across one, the Udadhikumāra god created a magic army of innumerable monkeys, as huge as mountains, carrying trees fire and other weapons (11). Some of them challenged the king, who, in view of their human speech and arms, regarded them as unusual phenomena and trembling with freight humbly enquired: 'Who are you? Did I offend you? Why are you armed?' The god told him everything asking in the end either to meet the challenge or fall at his feet (12). The king bowed down to the god, who led him to the monk and showed him his dead body of the previous life. When that monk was requested to preach religion he took them to his Guru in a Jain shrine (13). On being requested to preach religion his Guru expounded the great merits of Dharma (14). Being asked by Taditkeśa, the Guru narrated, 'In your previous birth you were a monk
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and this god, a hunter, who laughted at you. Thereupon as you bore ill-will towards him, you attained the Jyotis heaven, instead of the Kapiṣṭha. Thence you were reborn as the king of Lankā, while that hunter wandering in the labyrinth of transmigrations, was reborn as a monkey, who being killed by you was again born as an Udadhikumāra god.' Thereupon Taḍitkeśa installed his son Sukeša on the throne of Lanka and renounced the world (15). The god also adopted the Jain faith. Now message was sent to Udadhirava that Taditkeśa took to practising austerities, whereupon he handed over the reins of his kingdom to his son Praticandra entered the Order (16).
VII Sandhi.
Srimala's Svayamvara: Lost Lanka won back by Sukesa's sons
On receiving the news that in Adityanagara on the Southern Range was to be held the Svayamvara of Srimālā, the beautiful daughter of Vidyamandara and Vegavati, Praticandra's sons Kiskindha and Andhraka went there (1). Description of the Svayamvara hall (2). Śrīmālā entered mounted on a cow-elephant. due course she came to Kişkindha (3). She placed the garland round his neck, when Vijayasimha flared up: 'Who permitted the Monkeys to seat in the midst of the Vidyadharas? Snatch away the bride from the bridegroom and kill him.' Thereupon Andhraka challenged Vijayasimha to a fight (4), and there ensued a battle between the two parties. Sukeśa, the king of Lanka, also arrived on the scene. Vijayasimha was decapitated by Andhraka in the battle (5). The hostile forces being discomfited, Sukeša told his ally to return to Kişkupura with Śrīmālā.
Somebody informed Asanivega of his son's death. He surrounded Kiskupura and along with his son Vidyudvāhana challeng ed Kiśkindha and Andhraka to a fight. A terrible battle ensued wherein Asanivega with a sword struck Andhraka on the throat and the latter went the way of Vijayasimha (6-7). Here Kişkindha who had swooned owing to a javelin blow was brought back to his camp by Sukeśa. Recovering, he enquired about Andhraka and being informed of his death again swooned. On recovery, he lamented grievously for his brother but Sukeśa told him: "There is no room for crying, with the sword hanging over the head' (8). On his advice he began to fly towards Pātālalanka. Asanivega stopped Vidyudvahana from pursuing the escaping foe, saying that it was against the code of honour and that they had avenged the death of Vijayasimha. Lanka was placed in charge of one Nirghata and other conquered cities also were entrusted to others (9). Thus usurping the cities of Kişkindha and Sukeśa and bringing all other Vidyadharas also under his control Asanivega once recalled the grief of Vijayasimha's death. He gave the reins of his kingdom to Sahasrara, and devoted himself to other-wordly activities.
After a big lapse of time, Kişkindha went for pilgrimage to Mount Meru. On his way back he saw the beautiful mountain Madhu. He called his subjects there and founded a city called Kişkindhapura (10). Madhu mountain also was renamed Kiskindha. Kişkindha got two sons: Ikṣurava and Suryarava. Sukesa's sons were Malin, Sumalin and Malyavat. They once proposed: 'Let us go to see king Kişkindha'. Their father said: 'All around
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there is danger from the enemies. How can we leave Pātālalanka. Lankā which belonged to us since Toyadavāhana, was usurped from me.' Thereupon flaring up Mālin said: "With our kingdom lost, how can we live even for a moment? (11). One should be satisfied only when whatever he has or does is of the highest order. I take a vow to triumphantly enter Lankā tomorrow' (12). The march was ordered in the morning. With a tumultous uproar Lankä was besieged. Nirghāta, the governor of Lankā, confronted Malin in the battle (13). In that formidable encounter Mālin killed Nirghāta with a sword, Sukeśa, Mālin, Sumälin and Mālyavat entered Lankā and paid their homage at the shrine of Sānti-Jina (14).
VIII Sandhi. Malin's battle with Indra: Malin's fall.
Mālin's sway spread over all the Vidyadhara states. At that time in the Rathanūpura city on the Southern Range, Indra, the son of Sahasrāra and Mānasasundari established all his retinue and paraphernalia in a thorough imitation of the insignia of the celestial Indra, declaring himself to be the terrestrial Indra (1). As Mālin's feudatories left him and joined Indra, he ordered a march against the latter. Seeing ill-omens when they were setting out, Sumälin grasped Malin's hand and drew his attention to them (2). Mālin replied that only one's fate and steadfastness were all-powerful and not the omens. And they started on their march (3). The kings on both the Ranges took refuge with Indra. Mālin's messengers asked Indra to pay tributes and avert the struggle with Mālin, the invincible, whereupon Indra said in rage: 'You are left alive because you are a messenger. Who is that king of Lankā and what is this talk of treaty? He among us who survives will become the sole lord of the earth' (4).
The messengers returned. All the generals and warriors on Indra's side got armed (5). Description of the battle (6). Fight between Mālin and Indra in which ultimately Malin's head was severed by Indra with the discus (7-9). Thereupon seeing the Monkey and Demon forces fleeing in stampede, somebody suggested to Indra to pursue them, when Saśin requested to entrust that task to him. Being permitted he ran shouting after the escaping enemies. But Mālyavat confronted him and ridiculing him as an empty braggart struck him with a javelin. Saśin swooned and when he recovered, the enemies had cleared away (10-11). Indra entered Rathanüpura in great triumph and fell at the feet of Sahasrara. He put Lanka in Dhanada's charge and Kişku in that of Yama and honoured others also with the gift of territory (12).
IX Sandhi. Birth of Rāvana, Bhanuka rņa, Vibhisa na:
They acquire Vidyās Long after this Sumálin in Pātālalankā got a son Ratnāśrava, who, when grown up, went to Puspavana for mastering Vidyās (magic charms). At this juncture there arrived Vyomabindu, who seeing Ratnāśrava there as was forecast by his Guru, told his daughter Kaikasi that that person was destined to be her husband. Stationing her there, he retired to his hermitage. Here Ratnāśrava
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succeeded in mastering the Vidyās (1). Being asked by Ratnaárava that charming damsel said: 'I am Vyomabindu's daughter
aikasi, as yet unmarried. He has brought me here in accordance with his Guru's words. I am offered to you in marriage. Thereupon Ratnāśrava founded there a city, called his relatives and married her.
Long after this she dreamt that a lion, after tearing open the temples of an elephant entered into her womb (2), and that the sun and the moon sat in her lap. Ratnaiśrava interpreted these dreams: 'You will give birth to three sons, the eldest of whom will be a Universal Monarch of formidable prowess.' In due course were born Rāvana, Bhānukarņa, Candranakhi and Vibhisana. Child Rāvana was precociously adventurous (3). Once while playing he entered the treasure-house and got hold of the necklace, which was handed down in the family since Toyadavāhana, which had nine gems shaped after the nine planets and which was guarded by poisonous serpents against ordinary persons. As he put it on, there appeared nine reflections of his face in the nine gems. Thenceforth Rāvana came to be known as Ten-headed (Dasa-mukha) (4). His parents as also Ikşurava, Kiskindha, Suryarava and others were overjoyed by this feat of Rävana and they saw in him the highest hope and promise of their lines.
Once Rāvana hearing a roaring noise and seeing Vaiśravana pass across the sky asked his mother about him (5). She replied with down-cast looks: 'He is your cousin-brother Vaiśravana, the son of Visvävasu and my elder sister Kauśiki. He brought infamy to us by going over to our enemies and usurped our ancestral home Lanka. When shall we regain it from him? Vibhişana turning red with anger replied: "What is this talk of Vaiśravana's fortune? Within a few days you will see even these so-called gods Yama, Kubera, Varuņa, Indra and others as our servants' (6).
Once being permitted by their father, the three brothers went to the terrible forest Bhimavana for mastering magic charms. The eight-syllable charm known as Sarvakāmānnarūpā ('yielding all desired foods') was mastered within two Praharas. Then they concentrated upon the sixteen-syllable charm to be mastered after ten thousand crore repeated recitations. At that juncture, the three brothers were seen by a Yakşa woman (7). Smitten with love, she offered herself to Rāvana but getting no response, she struck him on the chest with the ear-lotus. Another lady said, 'Know that man to be fashioned from wood'. Failing in their intent, they informed Anāvštta Yakşa that three men having cared a straw for him were engaged in mastering magic charms (8). Full of rage he went to them and asked as to which deity was the object of their meditation. Not receiving any reply, he created numberless disturbances like serpents, lions, ghosts, fire etc. but to no avail (9). Then with the help of his magic powers he produced such an illusion that Ratnāśrava, Kaikasi, Candranakhi and other relatives, being merci. lessly lashed by Mlecchas, were crying piteously for rescue and making heart-rending appeals to their sense of filial duty (10). As even then none of the three brothers was disturbed in the least, the magic forms of Ratnāśrava, Kaikasi and Candranakhi were killed and before their very eyes served to jackals and hounds. As still they were unmoved, he threw a blood-stained magic head of Rävaņa in front of Bhānukarna and Vibhişana. Thereupon the latter two were slightly perturbed. When their magic heads were
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thrown in front of Rāvana, he remained quite undisturbed. The gods cried bravo and Rāvana got the mastery over one thousand magic charms (11). The names of some of the magic charms recounted (12). Bhānukarna was the master of five charms and Vibhişana of four. Rāvana founded a city called Svayamprabha and got constructed a shrine called Sahasraśikhara. Hearing the news of Rāvana's prosperity, hoards of Monkeys and Demons poured in (13). Informed by the Avalokani charm that the on-coming hoards consisted of his friends and relatives, Rāvana, surrounded by his one thousand charms as also Bhānukarna and Vibhisana went forth to receive them. Ratnāírava with his kinsmen came to the royal palace and embraced his sons with love and joy (14).
X Sandhi. Rāvana's marriages: Lanka is won back.
Rāvana came to possess the magic sword Candrahāsa through five-meal fasts. Once when he had been on a pilgrimage to Meru, Maya and Marica along with the beautiful princess Mandodari came to Rāvana's palace and being informed, on inquiry, by Candranakhi that after mastering Candrahāsa he had gone to Meru, and that he was to return shortly, they waited, when towards the dusk the earth began to shake, darkness and light appeared to play or at once it would rain, thanks to the Vidyās of Rāvana, who was approaching (1). Candranakhi explained these unusual phenomena as being due to Rāvana's wondrous powers.
On arriving Ravaņa saw Maya's tent and he was informed that two Vidyādharas, Maya and Mārica, were waiting for an interview with him. Then he performed worship at the shrine and of a sudden he and Mandodari happened to see each other. Seeing faultless beauty pervading every of her limbs, he felt unable to withdraw his glance from her (2-3). Divining Rāvana's mind, Mārica introduced himself and Maya as two brothers coming from their Devasamgita City on the Southern Range and requested to immediately accept Mandodarī in marriage, it being the most auspicious moment. Rāvana consenting, the marriage was celebrated and the bride and bridegroom entered the Svayamprabha city (4).
Once while he was passing by the Gandharva Tank on mount Meghadhara he was seen by the six thousand Gandharva princesses bathing there surrounded by guards. They declared their resolve not to accept as their husband any one else except Rāvana (5). The guards informed Gandharva Surasundara, who together with Kamaka and Budha hastened in great rage to the scene. Seeing the huge army, the princesses dispaired. But Rāvana with a smile used the sleep-inducing charm and fettered them with serpent bonds (6). Thus marrying the six thousand girls, he returned. Long after this Mandodarī gave birth to two sons, Indrajit and Ghanavāhana.
In Kumbhapura Bhanukarna also was married. Day and night he would make trespasses in the Lankā territory. As the subjects complained, messenger Vacanälankāra was sent to warn Sumālin. He threatened: 'In spite of your hundreds of faults Vaiśravana keeps calm. But if you will not check your grandson's mischief you shall have to reenter Pātālalańkā. You remember Mālin's fate and the same course of events appears to be repeating. So better hand over your grandson to us as a prisoner' (7). Full of rage at this Rāvana
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drew his Candrahása sword to finish the messenger on the spot, when Vibhīşana checked him saying it was unbecoming (8). The messenger escaped with his life. Rāvana and others became equipped and marched. Here on the report of the messenger the Yaksa also made preparation and flew to Mount Guñja. The Demon forces arrived and the opposite armies closed in battle (9). Description of the battle: Vaiśravana challenged Rāvana (10). Their battle described. Ultimately Rāvana struck Vaiśravana who, as he swooned, was removed by his lieutenants. The Demons declared victory but Kumbhakarna wanted to pursue the enemy (11). Vibhişaņa disuaded him. Vaiśravan's aerial car Puspavimāna was captured. Recalcitrant elements were punished. Rāvana established himself as the overlord of hundreds of states (12).
XI Sandhi. Acquisition of a wonder elephant:
defeat of Yama. From the Puşpavimāna Rāvana saw the white Jina shrines, which, Sumálin told him, were erected by Harişeņa (1). Sumálin related the episode of Harişena-how for eight successive days Harişeņa performed great exploits till in the end he came to possess the whole earth with its precious .treasures (2). When Rāvaņa halted on Mount Sammeta, a terrific noise was heard. They were roars of a marvellous elephant, which is described (3-4). Rāvana undertook to tame that gigantic elephant, as to him the task was a child's play (5). With wonderful skill, strength and knowledge of the elephant lore, the elephant was tamed. One and all of Rāvana's kinsmen danced for joy (6-7).
He was full with the talk of the elephant, which was named Tribhuvanālankāra, when a wounded warrior arriving there gave him the news of the crushing defeat of Kiskindha's sons in a battle with Yama. Immediately Rāvana marched to Yama's city (8). There he saw numerous inhuman instruments of torture and their wretched victims. Rāvana released the convicts, threw Yama's guards in their place and destroyed the instruments of torture. The news reached Yama (9), who, veritably the death incarnate, came forth with his terror-striking and most destructive weapons (10). Fight between Yama and Rāvana. Yama was worsted in the battle. He ran to Indra and declared his decision to resign his post (11-12). Thereupon Indra wanted to march on Rävana, but his minister advised him first to dispatch a messenger to him and give Surasangita city to Yama. Rāvana gave Yamapuri to Ikşurava and Kiskindhapuri to Sūryarava and started towards Lankā (13). Rāvana reached Lankā where his installation ceremony was performed (14).
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XII Sandhi. Abduction of Candran akhi by Khara and
Dūşana: Rāvan a's reversal at väli's hand; Vāli renounces the world.
On enquiry from Rāvana as to which of the kings were hostile to him, someone told him of the mighty Vāli, the son of Suryarava, who excelled in strength and speed all the persons in the
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setting outana Marica were deodara's queen
PAUMACARIU three worlds (1), who had accepted Samyaktva and had vowed not to bend his head to anyone except the Jina. Hence his father Süryarava fearing conflict with Rāvana had renounced the world. Another person said: "The Monkeys are friends with us since Srikantha's days. Moreover, all are heroes only so long as they have not experienced onslaught of Rāvana's arms' (2).
Once when Rävaņa had gone to marry Tanūdari, Khara and Düşana abducted Candranakhi and killing Candrodara occupied Pātālalankā. The pursuing Demon forces, not finding the entrance to Pātālalankä returned. When Rāvaņa returned, he found his household wrapped in gloom (3). On receiving the news, as he was setting out to punish Khara and Düşana, Mandodrī dissuaded him and Maya and Marica were sent to celebrate Candranakshi's marriage. Khara was crowned. Candrodara's queen Anurādhā gave bith to a son Virādhita in the forest (4).
Rāvana sent a messenger to Vāli. He recounted to Vāli the history of their family friendship and advised him to go to Rāvana to pay regards (5). But Väli turned away his face and did not even listen to the messenger's words. The latter thus rebuffed rudely said: 'Either you come and salute Rāvaņa or offer battle.' Thereupon Vāli's minister gave the messenger an idea of Vāli's strength (6). Returning, the messenger gave report to Rāvaņa, who taking a vow to cure Vāli of his arrogance, marched against him (7). Vāli also came out. The armies were on the verge of closing in battle, when minister Vipulamati advised them to stop the vast scale destruction that was imminent and decide the issue by a personal combat. Both consenting, the combat began (8-9). Eventually Vāli with his right hand lifted up Rāvana along with his aerial car. The Monkeys roared with victory. Thus curing Rãvaņa of his pride, crowning Sugriva and advising him to serve Rāvana, Vāli went to Muni Gaganacandra, practised austerities and acquired divine powers. Later on he went to Mount Aştāpada and continued his austerities there (10-11). Sugriva married his sister Sriprabhā to Rāvana. Nala and Nila, sons of Ikşurava were sent to Kiskupura. One half of Sugiva's kingdom was given to Saśikirana, the son of Dhruva and Vāli. To Sugriva was married Sutārā, daughter of Jvalanaśikha, the king of the Northern Range, because though her hand was sued by Sahasragati, Jvalanaśikha's Guru was against that match. Sahasragati consumed by the fire of separation went to a forest to acquire a magic charm. Sugrīva got two sons Anga and Angada (12).
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XII Sandhi. Lifting of Kailāsa: Rāvaņa marches
against Indra. Having married Ratnāvali, while Rāvana was returning his aerial car stopped mid-way. Though urged on, the car did not proceed owing to venerable Vāli's presence down there (1). Angrily Råvaņa descended, as Mārīca informed him that below on Kailasa was a sage practising austerities and that his ascetic power was the cause of stopping the car (2). He descended on Kailāsa, whose description follows. Seeing Vāli there, Rāvaņa burned with jealous anger and to take revenge of his past defeat prepared to throw Vali together with Kailasa into the ocean (3). With the help of the excavating charm, he raised the mountain from its roots, starting
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cataclysmic changes all around (4-5). Thereupon Dharanendra's seat in the nether world shook and he appeared before Väli. As he bowed to the sage, Kailāsa was pressed downwards upon Rāvana. His body was contorted like that of a tortoise. He began to vomit blood (6). He ejaculated a terrible scream. Hearing that his queens burst into cries and Mandodari begged Vāli for her husband's life. Thereupon Dharanendra raised the mountain (7). Maimed and crippled Rāvana came out, paid obeisance to Vali, denounced his own thoughtlessness and praised Vāli's piety (8). Thence he went to worship the Jina shrines erected by Bharata. Description of the worship. Rāvana sang (9). Pleased by Rāvana's exquisite song Dharanendra presented him with a weapon called Amoghavijayā. After a month Rāvana returned to his city. Vāli attained Kevala and eventually Nirvāņa.
Thoughts of wreaking revenge on Indra rankled in Rāvana's heart (10). He set out with his army. Coming to Pätālalankā he was reminded of his past enmity and wanted to punish Khara and Düşaņa. But being dissuaded by Maya, sent Indrajit with presents to call them (11). On their arriving, all went to Kiskindha city. Reinforcing the forces, they marched on. As they reached the intervening region between the Narmadā and the Vindhyas, the sun set. Description of the sun-set (12).
XIV Sandhi. Description of the spring season: Sahasra.
kirana's water-sports: Description of
nature in the month of Phālguna.
Spring set in (1). Description of the advent of spring season represented as a king. The Narmadā is invested with charm (2). The Narmadā described as a lady, youthful and adorned, going to meet her lover. Her beauty attracted the attention of Rāvana and of Sahasrakirana, the king of Māheśvara (3). The latter's heart was fascinated by the irresistible charms of spring, and he went with his harem to the Narmadā for water-sports, the riverstream being dammed up by mechanical contrivances (4). Description of their water-sports (5). Description of the water rendered multi-coloured and variegated (6). Description of the bathing queens (7). Seeing these water-sports even gods in heaven praised the blessedness of Sahasrakirana (8).
Rävaņa also enjoying water-sports, worshipped the idol of the Jina on the bank and as he was singing chants, the blocked up waters of the Narmadā that were now released rushed forth washing away everythig on the banks. Rāvana catching hold of the idol came out in great flurry and forthwith ordered his men to find out the perpetrator of such wickedness (9). Description of the Narmada after the waters were released (10). The searching party returned full of praises for Sahasrakirana's water-sports (11). Somebody talked only of the great beauty of his harem (12). Another one was much impressed by the various mechanical contrivances employed by Sahasrakirana to block the river-stream and explained that this water released from their check washed away Rāvana's worship. Hearing all this Rāvana drew his sword (13).
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XV Sandhi. Defeat of Sahasra kirana and Nal a kübara
He marched against Sahasrakirana. As Sahasrakirana was coming out from water, guards informed him of the onset of some hostile king. He took his bow and stood ready to face the army (1). He comforted his highly frightened queens by telling them to fully trust the strength of his thousand arms (2). Seeing the whole army of Demons fighting from the sky with magic weapons on one side and Sahasrakiraņa alone fighting from the earth on the other, gods denounced it as immoral. Thus shamed, the Demons came down to earth and forsook the use of magic weapons. Sahasrakiraņa fought bravely (3). Hearing that Sahasrakirana, though single-handed had kept the whole army at bay, Rāvana went forth mounted upon his elephant and destroyed Sahasrakiranas chariot (4). Sahasrakirana mounting on an elephant destroyed Ravana's armour and laughed at him as a novice in archery. Enraged thereby, Rāvana struck him with a lance and with a jump captured him (5). Rāvana brought him as a captive to his residence.
Some Janghācārana sages informed Śatakara, Sahasrakirana's father, who was a recluse. He came to Rävaņa (6). He asked Rāvana to release Sahasrakirana, as he was a caramdehin (destined to get slvation during the current existence). Rāvaņa obeyed and offered Sahasrakirana his kingdom back. But the latter said: 'After enjoying such water-sports and such a fight with you, I find kingship tasteless. I prefer to strive for emancipation' (7). He installed his son in his place and renounced the world. As these news were communicated to Anaranya, the king of Ayodhyā, he too with his son Anantaratha renounced the world, putting the reins of the kingdom in Daśaratha's charge.
Rāvaņa proceeded onwards and destroying the sacrifice (of King Marutta) marched towards Magadha (8). Comforting Nārada, subduing Marut and marrying his daughter he stayed there for nine years and thence went to Magadha. He married his daughter to Madhu, the King of Mathurā, to whom Camarendra had presented Śūlāyudha. Thence he went to Kailāsa. Paying obeisance to the shrines of the Jinas, Rāvana showed to his people places where Bharata and Bāhubali had attained Nirvāņa and where being pressed down by Vālin's foot. his body was contorted (9).
Hearing the news that Rāvana was nearby Nalakūbara, the governor of Durlanghya City of Surendra, on the advice of his minister, planted machines for defence and put the Aśāli charm round the City, which was thus rendered impregnable. Rāvana's forces besieged the city (10). But they informed Rāvana that such machines were planted that nobody moving within one Yojana of their range would escape alive. Ravana was very much worried by this. Here Nalakūbara's wife Uparambhā fell in love with Rāvana and unable to bear separation, told her friend that only in meeting Rāvaņa lay the fulfilment of her youth and life (11). Her friend Vicitramālā undertook to arrange the meeting. Uparambhă told her: 'In case he shows unwillingness to accept me, tempt him with the offer of the secret of the Asali charm and promise the Sudarśana Cakra. Vicitramālā went to Rāvana and
ing obeisance Where Bharata and Palin's foot, his
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told him that through his separation, Uparambhā was on the verge of death (12). If he accepted Uparambhà he would be the master of Asāli, Sudarśana Cakra and Nalakūbara. At this Rävaņa looked at Vibhişaņa. The messenger went to take her bath. Vibhisana observed, "This is the occasion for employing strategem (13). If you are bent on success, somehow acquire Āśäli and you can still manage not to touch Uparambhā. Agreeing with this, Rāvana presented garments and ornaments to the messenger and then asking for the Aśālī charm got it (14). Now the two hostile armies fell upon each other. Vibhişaņa soon captured Nalakūbara. The city as well as the Sudarśana were also captured. Uparambhā was not accepted by Rāvana. Nalakūbara was thus subdued, and the kingdom was given back to him (15).
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XVI Sandhi. Indra's consultation with his ministers:
Failure of the negotations: Rāvana and Indra prepare for war.
Indra's spies gave him an idea of Rāvana's policy and the strength of his army (1), of how he spent his day and night according to a fixed schedule, which made provision for doing justice to all the state and private duties (2-3). As Indra did not avail any of the previous opportunities of extirpating the enemy, who had grown from strength to strength, now he had become very mighty. But Indra said: "To have killed a boy was below my dignity (4). Indra then proceeding to the consultation hall, where extreme secrecy was maintained, asked his ministers: 'As the enemy now appears almost invincible, what course of policy is to be followed?' Bharadvāja said: 'You act according to your best lights without consulting the counsellors. Thereupon Visalacakşu said: "Even in chess the king does not move without the help of the minister' (5). Parāśara, Piśuna, Kautilya, Manu and others stressed the necessity of an increasingly greater number of ministers for the successful running of the state. Eventually all expressed their opinion in favour of maintaining friendly relations with Rāvana (6). So long as the expedients of conciliation, dissension or gift worked why should anybody resort to war? They pointed out various malcontents among Rāvana's feudatories who provided a fruitful soil for sowing dissension. They advised, With this end in view the messenger Citrānga should be sent to Rāvana's court' (7). Accordingly Citrānga was called and while Indra was giving him instructions, Nārada informed Rāvana of the impending arrival of extremely clever Citrānga, and of the political design underlying it. He strongly advised him to reject the offer of friendship as at that moment Indra was weaker of the two. This good turn was done to him by Nārada remembering Rāvaņa's help at the time of Marutta's sacrifice (8). Nárada left and Rāvaņa gave instructions to his commander-in-chief to guard the forces against spies.
Citrānga came to Märīca's palace and thence was brought to Rāvana, who, after due ceremony inquired about the strength of Indra's forces. Citrānga said, 'Indra is all powerful' (9). Rāvana praised him as a very clever messenger and asked the purpose of
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his visit. Citrānga said, 'Let friendly relations be established between Indra and you. He offers to you his daughter Rüpavati' (10). Rāvana replied, "You hand over to me all the cities on the Vijayārdha and we are friends, or prepare tomorrow for war.' Thereupon Citränga gave him an idea of the strength of the various constituents and divisions of Indra's army and of his fortifications. Rāvana said, 'If I fail to vanquish him in battle, I would throw myself in blazing fire' (11-12). These words were echoed by Indrajit. Citrānga while leaving invited them all to the feast of battle (13). Indra was informed. He made preparations for war and came forth on Airāvata (14). Strategic arrangement of Indra's forces (15).
XVII Sandhi. War between Ravana and Indra: Indra's
On Rāvana's arrival both the armies fell upon each other (1). Description of the battle (2). Seeing his army retreat under pressure from the enemies Mahendra's son Prasannakirti rushed through the ranks of Indra's forces (3). As he was engulfed in a volley of arrows from the Gods, Śrīmālin first confronted Candra, who retreated. Yama took his place. He also beat a retreat and Kubera too after him met the same fate. Nobody could give him a stand (4). Then Kesarin, Kanaka and Agni together confronted him. But they also turned their back. When Indra's sons faced him he severed their heads. Thereupon as Indra himself was moving, Jayanta offered to go (5). Jayanta challenged Srimālin, who forthwith broke Jayanta's bow and destroyed his chariot. Jayanta, saved by a hair's breadth swooned, but coming to himself destroyed śrīmālin's chariot. Śrīmālin fell unconscious but recovering fell upon Jayanta who struck him on the chest with a bolt. Srimālin fell dead (6-7).
cription of the Description point and again fed Indra (16), vantage.
Now Indrajit rushed forth with a challenge and in the duel destoryed Jayanta's armour. Before he can jump and catch hold of him Indra intervened (8). Several stalwarts gathered and surrounded lonely Indrajit. But he displayed the highest heroism. On being informed of this Rávaņa rushed forth in his chariot (9). At Rāvana's order, the charioteer brought him near Indra and the battle raged at its cliniax (10). Every one sought out his match and got engaged with him in a deadly struggle (11). Description of the fighting warriors (12). Description of the battleground (13). Description of the fight between Rāvana and Indra. Řāvana mounted his elephant and again fell upon Indra (14-15). Description of the elephants of Rāvana and Indra (16). Young Råvana's agility put aged Indra at a considerable disadvantage. Rāvana took a jump and bound his opponent with a garment. The Demons declared victory and all the generals of Rāvana's army captured their opponents. Thus taking with him hundreds of captives Rāvaņa returned to Lańkā (17). Sahasrāra, Indra's father begged for his son's life. Rāvaņa released Indra along with his vassals on their agreeing to perform the menial services allotted to each. But Indra gave up his kingdom and renounced the world (18).
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XVIII Sandhi. Rāvana takes vow not to commit rape:
Marriage of Pavan añjaya and Añjanā: Repudiation and re-acceptance of Añjanā
After Indra's defeat, while Rāvana was returning from a pilgrimage to the summits of Mandara, he heard a great hubbub which was explained by Marica as being due to gods proceeding to pay homage to Anantaratha, who had attained Kevala. Rāvana went to the Kevalin and saw there all people taking some one or other of the religious vows (1). Sage Dharmaratha urged Rāvana to take a vow. Rāvana replied, 'I can accomplish all the feats of physical strength considered impossible, but cannot observe a vow' (2). Still thinking hard he took a vow, not to accept any woman against her wish. After this, he returned to Lankā.
Mahendra, the king of Mahendra city, seeing her daughter Añjanä coming of age, went to seek for a suitable husband for her to Mount Aştāpada where hundreds of Vidyādharas were assembling on the Aştähikā festival (3). There he became friends with Prahlada, the king of Ravipura, to whose son, Pavanañjaya, Añjanā was betrothed and the marriage cere mony was fixed to take place after two days (4). In the meanwhile Pavanañjaya became so love-lorn that his friend Prahasita noticed his sudden emaciation and asked the cause (5). He said, 'If I do not see the face of my beloved today, I will die.' Thereupon both went at night to Añjana's sleeping quarters and saw her from the window. Prahasita congratulated his friend for getting such a matchless beauty (6). Añjana's friend Vasantamālā was congratulating her for getting a husband like Pavanan
jaya. But another friend Miśrakeśī said, 'Before Vidyutprabha, Pavanañjaya counted for nothing.' Hearing these words Pavanañjaya raised his sword in indignation and was going to sever the heads of both the girls, when Prahasita checked him from doing anything rash. Grievous, he returned to his residence. Spending somehow that endless night, he started with his retinue in the morning. When other kings with great difficulty pursaded him, he decided that having accepted her hand, he would desert her for twelve years (7-8).
Through this long unbearable grief Añjanā became complete ly worn out. In the meanwwhile as his messenger returned without collecting tributes from Varuņa, Rāvana had declared war on him (9). In the battle that ensued Varuņa's son Rājiva and Pundarika took Khara and Düşana captive and they retired with Varuņa to their watery castle. Lest his brothers-in-law be killed Rāvana removed the siege and sent directives to the Vidyādharas of all islands. One such came to Pavananjaya and he started forthwith with his army, when crying Anjana came out to give him a sendoff. But he spurned her. She said, 'With your going away life too will depart from me, since it was sustained by your presence only (10). Though struck with these words, Pavanañjaya went away disregarding her.
Encamping on the banks of Mānasa lake, Pavanañjaya saw there the female Cakravāka pathetically bewailing for her dear companion from whom she was separated because of the nighttime. This sight moved Pavanañjaya to imagine the plight of poor Añjanā for all these years and he resolved to shower his love on
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her immediately. Thereupon Prahasita and Pavanañjaya flew across the sky (11). In a moment they arrived at Anjana's quarters. Pavana hid himself and Prahasita informed her of Pavana's arrival. Vasantamālā did not believe it, but Pavana himself appeared and smothered Añjana in a passionate embrace (12).
XIX Sandhi. Añj a nā accused of unchastity and a ba ndoned: Birth of Hanumat: Pavan a's Search:
Their Reunion In the last part of the night Pavana prepared to leave when Añjanā asked for some token for convincing others in case she conceived. Pavana gave his armlet and left. In course of time seeing Añjanā big with child her mother-in-law accused her of unchastity; Vasantamālā showed Pavana's armlet and girdle as evidences of his visit and offered to pass any other ordeal (1). But Ketumati was unconvinced. She got them lashed and on her orders a fierce soldier drove them away from the city and left there (2). They spent a frightful night in that wilderness. Then she went to her father's city and as the news of her arrival reached him he gave orders to decorate the city and arrange for her reception (3). But coming to know that Añjanā was pregnant and had come crying with Vasantamālā alone, without any escort or paraphernalia, the king suspected some blot on her character and ordered to drive her out forthwith from the city. His minister advised him to make enquiries before taking any steps, for discord between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law was proverbial. But the king was firm in his conviction and so Añjanā and Vasantamālā were driven out of the city.
They entered a frightful forest, crying bitterly and blaming Fate for its cruelty (4-5). Añjana's lament. Completely exhausted, they arrived near the Paryanka cave where sage Amitagati practised austerities. Añjanā paying obeisance to the sage asked about the wicked deeds committed by her in her previous lives on account of which she had been suffering (6). Vasantamālā attributed her sufferings to the unlucky child in her womb. But the sage said: "That child is destined to become a hero and get emancipation during this very existence. But Añjana in her previous existence threw away the Jina idol worshipped by her cowife out of ill-will, hence her present suffering. Henceforth she will enjoy all blessings. With these words, the sage left.
At this juncture a terrible lion appeared before them. Añjanā fell unconscious and Vasantamāla flew up in the sky and began to scream and lamentingly appeal for rescue. Hearing this Manicūda, a benevolent Gandharva-chief, assumed the form of Aştāpada and chased the lion. Vasantamālā came down to Añjanā (7-8). The Gandharva sang a charming song. They became conscious of some benevolent being residing there, who gave them protection and comfort. While they stayed there in the Paryanka cave, Añjanā gave birth to a son bearing all auspicious marks.
Pratisūrya passing across the sky saw them and coming down enquired about them (9). Vasantamāla introduced Añjanā and related their tale of woe. With tears in his eyes, the Vidyādhara introduced himself as Añjana's maternal uncle and king of Hanuruha. Shedding tears of joy they embraced each other (10). Pra
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tisurya comforted them, took them in his car and started. The mischievous child fell out of the flying car down on the earth. The Vidyādharas brought him back to Añjanā. Coming to the city Pratisurya celebrated the child's birth. He was named Sundara, being very beautiful, Srisaila, because by his fall he pounded the mountain to dust, and Hanumat, as he was reared up in the Hanuruha Island (11).
Here securing the release of Khara and Düşana and successfully negotiating friendly treaty between Varuna and Rāvana, Pavana returned. Seeing the apartments of his wife empty, he made inquiries and coming to know what happened went with his friend to his father-in-law. Not finding Añjanā there, he went away somewhere, sending back his friends with the message to his mother that Pavana was consumed up by the fire of separation (12). His grievous friends returned. Pavana entered a wild wood and enquired the animals and birds there about his beloved. While thus roving, he saw a huge banyan (13). There he begged his elephant Kālamegha to excuse him for his past illtreatment and took before him the vow of becoming a recluse in case no tidings of his beloved reached him. Thenceforth he observed complete silence. The elephant guarded him.
Prahasita informed Pavana's mother (14). She broke down with grief and lament. Prahlada comforted her and made inquiries with the Vidyadharas of both the Ranges. Messages were despatched to all (15) including Pratisūrya. Hearing the bad news, Añjana swooned. Pratisūrya comforted her and assured her of finding out Pavana (16). He went to King Prahlāda and thence wandering in search of Pavana, they came to Bhutaravā forest. There Kālamegha elephant attacked the party. He was tamed with the help of cow-elephants. Then the searching party found out Pavana. The Vidyadharas surrounded him but he was reticent and motionless (17). Then he wrote a verse on the ground, 'If Añjanā is no more, I will put an end to my life. If she is living, I would open my mouth. Thereupon Pratisūrya related everything upto the naming of Añjanā's son. Hearing these words Pavana got up. Pratisūrya brought him to his city. Pavana and Añjana were reunited. They talked of their tales of joys and sorrows (18)..
X X Sandhi. Rālvana's war with Varuna: Varuna's Defeat
Hanumat came of age, when Rāvana declared war on Varuņa. Messengers were sent to his allies and feudatories. Hanumat urged his elders to send himself to assist Rāvana (1). He submitted that though he was young, he was second to none in valour. Eventually permitted, he went with his forces to Lankā. Rāvana saw Hanumat coming (2). He received him with due honour and at once he marched against Varuna and encamped on Mount Velandhara (3). Spies informed Varuna. He was advised to submit to mighty Rāvana. Wrathfully Varuņa told them, "What could Rāvana do at the time of the captivity of Khara and Dūşaņa?' (4). Varuna armed himself. His numerous sons appeared on the battle front. The two armies fell upon each other (5). Description of the battle: Rāvana was surrrounded by Varuna's son (6). Here Varuņa was surrounded by
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Ravana's sons and generals. Ravana's chariot and armour were destroyed. But Hanumat went to his succour and dispersed the siege (7). He was on the point of binding all the enemy forces with his magic tail, when Varuna challenged him. While they were fighting, Rāvana intervened and threatened Varuna to send the way of Yama, Indra and others (8). Varuna retorted and both fell upon each other. At this juncture Hanumat bound Varuna's sons. Receiving these sad news, Varuņa lost heart and Ravana captured him. Bhanukarna brought there the whole of Varuna's harem crying piteously. Ravana denounced his action as unbecoming (11). Ravana married Varuna's daughter and returned to Lanka in great triumph. He honoured Hanumat. Sugrīva and many others offered their daughters to Hanumat. Thus marrying eight thousand girls, he returned to his city. All other kings also were honoured.
Here, Sambukumāra went to a forest to acquire the Suryahasa sword (12).
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Introductory, colophon and prasasti stanzas, from PC. and RC.
From the Pau macariu:
I. Stanzas found in the beginning Section of Ms. S of the
Paumacariu: 1. चउमुह-मुहम्मि सद्दो दन्तीभई (द्दे) च मणहरो अत्थो।
विण्णि वि सयम्भु-कव्वे किं कीरइ कइयणो सेसो॥ 2. चउमुहएवस्स सद्दो सयम्भुएवस्स मणहरा जीहा।
भद्दासय-गोग्गहणं अज्ज वि कइणो ण पावन्ति ।। ३५. जलकीलाएँ सयम्भू (म्भु) चउमुहएवं च गोग्गह-कहाए। __ भदं च मच्छवेहे अज्ज वि कइणो ण पावन्ति ॥ 4. तावच्चिय सच्छन्दो भमइ अवभंस-मच्च (?त्त)-मायङगो।
जाव ण सयम्भु-वायरण-अङकुसो [तच्छिरे?] पडइ ॥ 5. सच्छन्द (६)-वियड-दाढो छन्द (न्दो) लङकार-णहर-दुप्पिच्छो ।।
वायरण-केसरड्ढो सयम्भ-पञ्चाणणो जयउ॥ II. One stanza given in the opening of the constituted text of the
Paumacariu: 6. दीहर-समास-णालं सद्द-दलं अत्थ-केसरुग्धवियं ।
वुह-महुयर-पीय-रसं सयम्भु-कव्वुप्पलं जयउ॥
III. Colophons of some of the Sandhis of the Paümacariu : Colophon of the 1. Sandhi: । 7. इय एत्थ पउमचरिए धणजयासिय-सयम्भुएव-कए।
'जिण-जम्मुप्पत्ति' इमं पढम चिय साहियं पव्वं ।। Colophon of the 2. Sandhi: 8. Same as '7, except जिणवर-णिक्खमणं and वीयं. Colophon of the 13. Sandhi: 9. इय इत्थ पउमचरिए धणजयासिय-सयम्भुएव-कए।
'कइलासुद्धरण'मिणं तेरसमं साहियं पव्वं ।। प्रथमं पर्व।
(1) See critical notes on p. 1 of the constituted text. (2) This stanza is found again at the end of 14 Sandhi of PC in all the three Miss
bhattan and atthavohe are variants respectively for bhaddam and maechavehe in 2. line.
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Colophon of the 17. Sandhi: 10. इय चारु-पउमचरिए, धणजयासिय-सयम्भुएव-कए।
जाणह 'रावणविजयं' . सत्तारहम इमं पव्वं ।। Colophon of the 18. Sandhi: 11. इय रामएवचरिए
धणजयासिय-सयम्भुएव-कए। 'पवणञ्जणाविवाहो' अट्ठारहम इमं पव्वं ।।
Colophon of the 20. Sandhi: 12. इय 'विज्जाहरकण्ड वीसहिँ आसासएहि मे सिटें।
एण्हि ‘उज्झाकण्डं' साहिज्जन्तं णिसामेह ॥ 13. धुअरायधोव तइलुअ पणत्ति णत्ती सुयाणु पाढेण (?) ।
णामेण साऽमिअव्वा सयम्भु-घरिणी महासत्ता॥ 14. तीए लिहावियमिणं वीसहिं आसासएहि पडिवद्धं ।
'सिरि-विज्जाहर-कण्डं' कण्डं पिव कामएवस्स।।
Colophon of the 42. Sandhi: 15. अउज्झा-कण्डं समत्तं।
आइच्चुएवि-पडिमोवमाएँ आइच्चम्वि (य णा)माए। वीअमउज्झा-कण्ड
सयम्भु-धरिणीऍ लेहवियं ॥
Colophon of the 56. Sandhi:
16. सुन्दर-कण्डं समत्तं । Colophon of the 77. Sandhi: 17. जज्झकण्डं समाप्तं॥
उत्तरकाण्डं आरभ्यते॥ सिरि-मुणि सुव्वय-तित्थं णमामि ॥ जुज्झकण्डं णिसामेह ।।
Colophon of the 78. Sandhi:
18. जुज्झकण्डं समत्तं । ज्येष्ठ वदि १ सोमे ।। Colophon of the 83. Sandhi: 19. इय पउमचरिय-सेसे सयम्भुएवस्स कह-वि उव्वरिए ।
तिहुवण-सयम्भु-रइयं समाणियं सीय-दीव-पव्वमिणं ।। 20. वन्दइआसिय-तिहुअण-सयम्भु-कइ-कहिय-पोमचरियस्स।
सेसे भुवण-पगासे तेआसीमो इमो सग्गो॥ 21. कइरायस्स विजय-सेसियस्स वित्थारिओ जसो भवणे ।
तिहुअण-सयम्भुणा पोमचरिय-सेसेण णिस्सेसो । Colophon of the 84. Sandhi: 22. इय पउमचरिय-सेसे सयम्भुएवस्स कह-वि उव्वरिए।
तिहुअण-सयम्भु-रइए स-परियण-हलीस-भव-कहणं ।। 28. इय रामएव-चरिए वन्दइ-आसिय-सयम्भु-सुअ-रइए ।
बुहयण-मण-सुह-जणणो चउरासीमो इमो सम्गो॥
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Colophon of the 85. Sandhi: 24. इय पोमचरिय-सेसे सयम्भुएवस्स कह वि उव्वरिए।
तिहुयण-सयम्भु-रइयं सीया-सण्णास-पव्वमिणं ॥ 25. वन्दइआसिय-महकइ-सयम्भु-लहु-अङगजाय-विणिवद्धो॥
सिरि-पोमचरिय-सेसे पञ्चासीमो इमो सग्गो॥
Colophon of the 86. Sandhi: 26. Same as 17.
27. Same as 19, except d मारुइ-णिव्वाण-पव्वमिणं । 28. वन्दइआसिय-तिहुअण-सयम्भु-परिरइय-रामचरियस्स ।
सेसम्मि जग-पसिद्धे छायासीमो इमो सग्गो।।
Colophon of the 87. Sandhi: 29. Same as 19, except d हरि-मरणं नाम पव्वमिणं। 30. वन्दइआसिय-कइराय-तणय-तिहुअण-सयम्भु-णिम्मविय
पोमचरियस्स सेसे सत्तासीमो इमो सग्गो।।
Beginning of the 88. Sandhi: 31. तिहुअण-सयम्भु णवरं एक्को कइराय-चक्किणप्पण्णो।
पउमचरियस्स चुलामणि व्व सेसं कयं जेण ॥ Colophon of the 88. Sandhi: 32. Same as 19, except d राहव-णिक्खमण-पव्वमिणे ।। 38. वन्दइआसिय-कइराय-चक्कवइ-लहुअ-जाय-बज्जरिए ।
रामायणस्स सेसे अट्ठासीमो इमो सग्गो॥
Beginning of the 89. Sandhi: 34. वायरण-दढ-क्खन्धो आगम-अङगो पमाण-वियड-पओ।
तिहुअण-सयम्भु-धवलो जिण-तित्थे वह कव्व-भरं ।।
Colophon of the 89. Sandhi: 35. Same as 19 except d वल-णाणुप्पत्ति-पव्वमिणं । 36. इय एत्थ महाकव्वे वन्दआसिय-सयम्भु-तणय-कए।
रामायणस्स सेसे एसो सग्गो णवासीमो।।।
Beginning of the 90. Sandhi: 37. तिहुअण-सयम्भु-धवलस्स को गुणो वण्णिउं जए तरह।
वोलीण (वालेण) वि जेण सयम्भु-कव्व-भारो समुव्बूढो ।
Colophon of the 90, Sandhi: 38. Same as 19, except d राहव-णिन्वाण-पव्वमिणं ॥ 39. वन्दइआसिय-तिहुअण-सयम्भु-परिविरइयम्मि महकव्वे ।
__पोमचरियस्स सेसे संपुण्णो णवइमो सग्गो।
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IV. Colophon at the end of the Paumacariu: 40. सिरि-विज्जाहर-कण्डे सन्धीओ होन्ति वीस-परिमाणां ।
उज्झा-कण्डम्मि तहा वावीस मुणेह गणणाए । 41. चउदह सुन्दरकण्डे एक्काहिय-वीस जुज्झ-कण्डे य ।
उत्तर-कण्डे तेरह सन्धीओ णवइ सव्वाउ।
42. Same as 28.
43. Same as 34, with trifling variants. 44. Same as 31, with trifling variants. 45. चउमुह-सयम्भुएवाण वाणियत्थं अचक्खमाणेण।
तिहुअण-सयम्भु-रइयं पञ्चमिचरियं महच्छरियं ।। 46. सव्वे वि सुआ पञ्जर-सुअ व्व पढियक्खराइँ सिक्खन्ति ।
कइरायस्स सुओ पुण सुय व्व सुइ-गब्भ-संभूओ। 47. जइ ण हुउ छन्दचूडामणिस्स तिहुअण-सयम्भु लहुतणओ।
तो पद्धडिया-कव्वं सिरि-पञ्चमि को समारेउ ।। 48. सव्वो-वि जणो गेण्हइ णिय-ताय-विढत्त-दब्व-सन्ताणं ।
तिहुअण-सयम्भुणा पुणु गहियं सुकइत्त-सन्ताणं ॥ तिहुअण-सयम्भुमेक्कं मोत्तूण सयम्भु-कव्व-मयरहरो।
को तरइ गन्तुमन्तं मझे णिस्सेस-सीसाणं ।। 50. इय चारु पोमचरियं सयम्भुएवेण रइयं समत्तं ।
तिहुअण-सयम्भुणा तं समाणियं परिसमत्तमिणं ॥
चेष्टितमयनं चरितं करणं चारित्रमित्यमी यच्छब्दाः। . पर्याया रामायणमित्युक्तं तेन चेष्टितं रामस्य ॥ 52. वाचयति श्रुणोति जनस्तस्यायुर्वृद्धिमीयते पुण्यं च ।
आकृष्ट-खड्ग-हस्तो रिपुरपि न करोति वैरमुपश (म) मेति ।। 58. माउर-सुअ-सिरिकइराय-तणय-कय-पोमचरिय-अवसेसं ।
संपुण्णं संपुण्णं वन्दइओ लहइ संपुण्णं ॥ गोइन्द-मयण-सुअणन्त (? त्त)-विरइयं वन्दइ-पढम-तणयस्स ।
वच्छल्लदाएँ तिहुअण-सयम्भुणा रइयं (?) महप्पयं ॥ 55. वन्दइय-णाग-सिरिपाल-पहुइ-भव्वयण-गण-समूहस्स।
आरोगत्त-समिद्धी-सन्ति-सुहं होउ सव्वस्स ॥
56. सत्त-महा-सग्गङगी ति-रयण-भूसा सु-रामकह-कण्णा।
तिहअण-सयम्भ-जणिया परिणउ वन्दव्य-मण-तणयं ।। इति रामायणपुराणं समाप्तम् ॥
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From the Rig thane micariu. 1. The opening Kadavaka of tħe Rițşhanemicariu. 37. सिरि-परमागम-णालु सयल-कला-कोमल-दलु।
करहु विहूसणु कण्णे जायव-कुरुव-कुलुप्पलु॥ चिन्तवइ सयम्भ काइँकरम्मि हरिवंस-महण्णउ के तरम्मि ।। २ . गुरु-बयण-तरण्डउ लद्ध णवि जम्महोविण जोइउ को वि कवि ॥ ३ णउ णाइउ वाहत्तरि कलाउ एक्कू वि ण गन्थु परिमोक्कलाउ॥४ तहि अवसरे सरसइ धीरवइ करि कव्वु दिण्ण मइ विमल मइ॥५ इन्देण समप्पिउ वायरण रसु भरहें वासें वित्थरणु ॥६ पिङगले ण छन्द-पय-पत्थारु भम्मह-दण्डिणे हिं अलङकारु ।। ७ वाणेण समप्पिउ घणघणउ तं अक्खर-डम्वरु अप्पणउ ॥८ सिरि-हरिसें णिय-णिउणसणउ अवरेहि मि कइहिं कइत्तणउ ।। ९ छड्डणिय-दुवइ-धुवऍहिं जडिय चउमुहेण समर्मा पय पद्धडिया ॥१० जण-णयणाणन्द-जणेरियएँ आसीसऍ सब्वहुँ केरियएँ । ११ पारम्भिय पुणु हरिवंस-कहा स-समय-पर-समय-वियार-सहा ।। १२
॥घत्ता । पुच्छइ मागह-णाहु भव-जर-मरण-वियारा । थिउ जिण-सासणे केम कहि हरिवंसु भडारा ॥ १३ Colophons of some of the Sandhis of the Ritthanemicariu.
Colophon of the 1. Sandhi: 58. इय रिट्ठणेमिचरिए धवलइयासिय-सयम्भुएव-कए।
पढमो समुद्दविजयाहिसेय-णामो इमो संग्गो॥ Colophon of the 92. Sandhi: 59. तेरह जाइवकण्डे कुरुकण्डेकूणवीस सन्धीओ।
तह सठि जुज्झकण्डे एवं वाणउदि सन्धीओ। 60. सोमसुयस्स य वारे तइया-दियहम्मि फग्गुणे रिक्खे।
सिउ-णामेण य जोए समाणियं जुज्झ-कण्ड व (?) । 61. छठवरिसाइँ तिमासा एयारस वासरा सयम्भुस्स ।
वाणवइ-सन्धि-करणे वोलीणो इत्तिओ कालो।। 62. दियहाहिवस्स वारे दसवी-दियहम्मि मूलणक्खत्ते।
एयारसम्मि चन्दे उत्तरकण्डं समाढतं ।। 13. वरं तेजस्विनो मृत्युर्न मान-परिखण्डमं । ___मृत्युस्तत्क्षणकं दुःखं मान-भङगो दिने दिने । Colophon of the 99. Sandhi: 64. इय रिट्ठणेमिचरिए धवलइयासिय-सयम्भु-कए
कविराज-धवल-विनिर्मिते श्री समवसरणकथनं
नाम निन्याणवो सन्धिः॥ Beginning of the 100. Sandhi: 65. काऊण पोमचरियं सुद्धयचरियं च गुण-गणग्घवियं ।
हरिवंस-मोह-हरणे सरस्सई सुढिय-देह व्व ॥
(1) These passages are taken from Premi, 'Mahākavi Svayambhú aur Tribhuvana
Svayambhu', 1942, 392-395, excepting 66, which is taken from the Poona Ms. of the Ritthanemicariu.
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Colophon of the 100. Sandhi:
66. इय रिट्ठणेमिचरिए धवलइयासिय सयम्भुएव-उव्वरिए । तिहुवण-सयम्भु -महाकइ समाणिए समवसरणं णाम सउमो सग्गो ॥
Colophon of the 102. Sandhi:
67. इय रिट्ठणेमिचरिए धवलइयासिय सयम्भु-उव्वरिए । तिहुवण-सयम्भु - महकइ- समाणिए कण्ह - महिल-भवगहणमिणं ॥
68. तिहुवणो जइ विण होन्तु णन्दणो सिरि-सयम्भुवस्स । कव्वं कुलं कवित्तं तो पच्छा को समुद्धरई ।।
105. Sandhi, 16 (last) Kadavaka, Ghattā and Colophon : 69. इउ जाणिवि जिण-मउ मणि धरह", जिम जस कि त पवित्थरहो । संसारु महण्णवु अइ-विसमु, सइँभुएण हेलइ तरउ (हीँ ) ॥
70. इय रिट्ठणेमिचरिए सयम्भुएव - कए दारावइदाह - पव्वमिणं ।। संधि १०५ ॥ Ghattā and Colophon : पालिय- संजम फेडिय - दुम्मइ । हुन्ति सयम्भुवणाहिवइ ॥
72. इय रिट्ठणेमि चरिए-सयम्भु विरइए णारायणमरण-पव्वमिणं ।।
106. Sandhi, last Kadavaka,
71. ते धण्णा सउण्णा के वि णरा इह भवे किति पवित्थरिवि
107. Sandhi, last Kadavaka, 2 line before the Ghatta.
73. जसुकिति अणुसरइ म कहि-मि ण धरइ ॥
107. Sandhi, last Kadavaka, Ghatta. 74. सइम्भुयएण विढत्तु धणु जिम विलसिज्जइ सन्त । तेम सुहासुह-कम्मडा भुञ्जिज्जहि भिन्त ॥
107. Sandhi, Colophon:
76. इय रिट्ठणेमिचरिए धवलइयासिय सयम्भुएव उव्वरिए । तिहुवण- सयम्भु र समाणियं सोय-वलहद्दं ॥
108. Sandhi, last Kadavaka, Ghattā and colophon.
76. पिय- मायरिहि विराइय महि विक्खाइय भूसिय णिय जस कति जणि । जि - दिक्ख कारणे दुक्ख निवारणं देउ सयम्भुय धवि मणि । इय रिट्ठणेमिचरिए धवलइयासिय सयम्भुएव उव्वरिए । तिहुवण - सयम्भु रइए हलहर - दिक्खासमं कहियं ॥
28. जरकुमर-लम्भो पण्डवघरवास - मोहपरिचायं । सय-अट्ठाहिय-सन्धी समाणियं एत्थ वर कइणा ॥
109. Sandhi, Colophon.
79. इय रिट्ठणेमि पुराण संग धवलइयासिय कइ सयम्भुएव उव्वरिए । तिहुयण- सयम्भु - रइए समाणियं पण्डुसुयहो भवं । णवाहिय सयं संधी |
80. इह जसकित्ति - करणं पव्व समुद्धरण-राय-एक्कमणं । कइरायस्सुव्वरियं पयडत्थं अक्खियं जइणा ||
81. ते जीवन्ति य भुवणे सज्जण-गुण- गणहरा य भावत्था । पर-कव्व- कुलं वित्तं विडियं पि जे समुद्धरहिं ||
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110. Sandhi, last Kadavaka, Ghatta and colophon. 82. सव्वु सुयङगु णाणु जिण-अक्खिउ, भव्व-सह रि किं-पि ण रक्खिउ।
णिय-जसुकित्ति तिलोएँ पयासिउ जिह सयम्भु-जिणे चिरु आहासिउ॥ 83. इय रिट्ठणेमिचरिए धवलइयासिय-सयम्भुएव-उव्वरिए।
तिहुवण-सयम्भु-कइणा समाणियं दहसयं सग्गं । 84. एक्को सयम्भु-विउसो तहो पुत्तो णाम तिहुयण-सयम्भू ।
को वण्णिउं समत्थो पिउ-भर-णिव्वहण-एक्कमणो।।
111. Sandhi, last Kadavaka, Ghattā & colophon. 85. तेतीस-सहस-वरिसे असणं गिण्हन्ति माणसे सुच्छं।
तेत्तिय पक्खुस्सासं जसफित्ति-विहूसिय-सरीरे । 86. इय रिट्ठणेमिचरिए धवलइयासिय-सयम्भुएव-उव्वरिए। .
तिहुवण-सयम्भु-रइए णेमिणिव्वाणं पण्डसुयतिण्णं ।।। 112. Sandhi, last Kadavaka, and the colophon of the work 87. इह भारह-पुराणु सुपसिद्धउ मिचरिय-हरिवंसाइद्धउ ॥१
वीर-जिणेसें भवियहो अक्खिउ पच्छइँ गोयमसामिण रक्खिउ ॥ २ सोहम्में पुणु जम्बूसामें विण्हुकुमार दिगय-गामें ॥ ३ णन्दिमित्त-अवरज्जियणाहें गोवद्धणेण सु-भद्दह (?) वाहें ।। ४ एम परम्पराइँ (इ) अणुलग्गउ आयरियह मुहाउ आवग्गउ ॥ ५ सुणि संखेव-सुत्तु अवहारिउ विउसे सयम्भ महि-वित्थारिउ ॥ ६ पद्धडिया-छन्दै सु-मणोहरु भवियण-जण-मण-सवण-सुहङकरु ॥ ७ जस-परिसेसि-कविहिं जं सुण्णउ तं तिहुवण-सयम्भु-किउ पुण्णउ ॥८ तासु पुत्ते पिउ-भर णिवाहिउ पिय-जसु णिय-जसु भुवणे पसाहिउ ॥९ गय तिहुयण-सयम्भु सुर-ठाणहो जं उव्वरिउ किं-पि सुणियाणहो । १० तं जसकित्ति-मुणिहि उद्धरियउ णिऍवि सुत्तु हरिवंसच्छरियउ॥ ११ णिय-गुरु-सिरि-गुणकित्ति-पसाएं किउ परिपुण्णु मणहों अणुराएं ॥१२ सरहसेणेदं (?)-सेठि-आएसें कुमर-णयरि आविउ स-विसेसें ॥१३ गोवगिरिहें समीवेविसालएँ पणियारहें जिणवर-चेयालएँ।१४ सावय-जणहों पुरउ वक्खाणिउ दिदु मिच्छत्तु मोहु अवमाणिउ ॥ १५ जं अ-मुणन्तें इह मइँ साहिउ तं सुयदेवि खमउ अवराहउ ॥ १६ णन्दउ सासणु सम्मइ-णाहहों गन्दउ भवियण कय-उच्छाहहों ।। १७ णन्दण (उ) णरवइ पय पालन्तहोणन्दउ दय-धम्मु वि अरहन्तहों ॥ १८ कालम्वि (णि) य णिच्च परिसक्कउ कासु वि धणु कणु दिन्तु ण थक्कउ॥ १९ भद्दव-मासि विणासिय-भवकलि हुउ परिपुण्णु चउद्दसि णिम्मलि ॥२०
॥घत्ता ॥ इय चउविह-सङ्घहँ विहणिय-विग्घहुँ
णिण्णासिय-भव-जर-मरण ॥ २१ जसकित्ति-पयासणु अखलिय-सासणु पयडउ सन्ति सयम्भु जिणु ।। २२ 88. इय रिट्ठणेमिचरिए धवलइयासिय-सयम्भुएव-उव्वरिए।
तिहुवण-सयम्भु रइए समाणियं कण्ह-कित्ति-हरिवंसं ।। गुरु-पव्व-वास भयं सुय-णाणाणुक्क जहा-जायं ।
सयमिक्क-दुद्दह-अहियं संधीओ परिसमत्ताओ ।। संधि ११२ ॥ 89. इति हरिवंशपुराणं समाप्तं।
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Citations in SC. identified from Svayambhu's
1. Said to be Caumuhassa :
हउँ अज्जुणु तुम्हए उरणु। Sc. IV 3a. कुरु पच्चारिउ अज्जुणेण, ते तुम्हइँ सो हउँ एउ रणु। रखिहाँ सीसु जयद्दहहों, लइ धरहु सव्व मइँ एक्कु खणु ॥ RC. 67 11 Ghatta
". गअविन्धइ, जपु सिद्धई. परसमाणु जसु अप्पओ।
पहु एक्कहो तइलोक्कहो, सोज्ज देव परमप्पओ॥ sc. v 5. इय चिन्धइँ जसु सिद्धइँ पर-समाणु जसु अप्पउ।
गह-चक्कहो तइलोक्कहो सो जे देउ परमप्पउ ॥ PC. 3 3 11. 3. कहवि सरुहिर, णहरइं, थणसिहरोपरि सुपउत्ताई।
वेग्गं वलग्गहो. मअणतरंगहो. णं पइ छइछइदावत्ताई॥ SC. V9. कहें वि स-रुहिर . दिट्ठइँ महरई थण-सिहरोवरि सु-पहुत्तई। वेगण वलग्गहो मयण-तुरङगहो णं पाय छुडुछुडु खत्तइँ॥ PC. 14 7 9.
णवफग्गुणे. गिरिसिहोवरि फुल्लपलासु ॥ को डढ्ढु मे, को ण डढ्छु जोअइ व हुआसु ॥ Sc. VI 24. कत्थइ अंङगारय-संकासउ रेहइ तम्विरु फुल्ल-पलासा॥ णं दावाणलु आउ गवेसळ को मइँ दड्डु ण दड्तु पएसउ॥ PC. 71 1 1-2 फग्गुणे फुल्लपलासु जिह, लविखज्जइ गिरिवरे। PC. 80 11 Ghattā b.
5. ध (ह) णुमंत्त रणे. परिवेढिज्जइ णिसिअरहिं॥
णं गअणे, बालदिवाअरु जलहरहिं ।। SC. VI 42. हणुवन्तु रणे
परिवेढिज्जइ णिसियरे हिं। णं गयणयले वाल-दिवायरु जलहहिं ।। PC. 65 1.
भाइविओअए तिह तिह दुक्खेण भाइ-विओएं तिह तिह दुक्खे ण
जिह जिह करइ विहीसणु सोओ ___रुअइ सह विवइ वाणर-लोओ॥ SC. VI 71. जिह जिह करइ विहीसणु सोउ। रुवइ स-हरि-वल-वाणर-लोउ ॥ PC. 71 1.
सुरवरतासअरु, रावण द जासु जग कंपइ ।। अणुकहिं मग्गई चक्कइ पवणो इसिहि जंपइ ॥ SC. VI 74. सुरवर-डामरु, रावणु दड्डु जासु जगु कम्पइ । 'अण्णु कहिं महु, चुक्कइ' एव णाइँ सिहि जम्पइ ॥ Pg. 77 13 13.
बाआला फरुसा विन्धणा गुणेहिं विमुक्का पाणहरा ॥ जिह दुज्जणु सज्जणउवरि, तिह पसरु ण लहन्ति सरा॥ SC. VI 50. दुम्मुह सलोह वष्णुज्जला, विन्धण-सीला पाणहरा । गुण-मक्का धम्म-विवज्जिय, तो वि मोक्ख पावन्ति सरा|| RC. 64 11 Ghatta
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9. ताव पडुपडहपडिपहअपहपङाणे।
णाइँ सुरदुन्दुही दिण्ण गअणङगणे ॥ रसिअ सअसंख गाअन्ति वरमङ्गलं। तिवलि ढढ्ढन्त घुम्मन्तवरमद्दलम् ॥ SC. VIII 4. ताम पडु पडह पडिपहय पहु-पङगणे, णाइँ सुर-दुन्दुही दिण्ण गयणङगणे ।। रसिय सय सङख जायं महा-गोन्दलं, टिविल-टेण्टन्त-घुम्मन्त-वर-मन्दलं ।। PC. 24 2 1-2.
वारणहोमज्झ उम्मगिम करेवि॥ सीहकिसोर ठिउ, वणे पइसरेवि ॥ SC. VIII 6. वारन्तहों मज्झु, उम्मग्गिम करें वि । रिसि-सीह-किसोर (व), थिय वणे पइसरवि ॥ PC. 33 8 9.
11. तिहुअणगुरु तं गअ गुरु मेल्लवि झीणकसाअउं ।
गउ संततविरहं तउ, पुरिम ताणु संपाइअउ | SC. VIII 17. तिहुअण-गुरु, तं गयउरु, मेल्लेवि खीण-कसाइउ ॥
गय-सन्तउ, विहरन्तउ, पुरिमतालु संपाइउ ॥ PC. 3 1. 12. धणधण्णुसमिद्धहों, पुहविसिद्धहो जणमणणअणाणन्दणहो ।
रणवासहो एन्तहिं, रामाणेन्तेहिं किउ उम्माह पट्टणहो ॥ SC. VIII 21. धण-धण्ण-समिद्धहों पहइ-पसिद्धहों जण-मण-णयणाणन्दणहों। वण-वासहाँ जन्तेहि रामाणन्ते हि किउ उम्माहउ पट्टणहों ॥ PC. 31 1 1.
18. खरदूसण लिलेवि । रणेवि ते त्तिण जाइआ॥
णं खअकाले इह । रावणहो पडवी धाइआ|| SC. VIII 25. खर-दूसण गिले वि चन्दणहिहे तित्ति ण जाइय। णं खय-काल-छुह रावणहों पड़ीवी धाइय॥ PC. 41 1.
14. अक्खइ गउतमसामि । तिहुअणें लद्धपसंसहो ।
सुण सेणिअ उप्पत्ति । रक्खसवाणरवंसहो । SC. VIII 27. अवखइ गोत्तम-सामि, तिहुअण-लद्ध-पसंसहुँ। सूणि सेणिय उप्पत्ति, रक्खस-वाणर-वंसहुँ ।। PC. 5 1.
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Parallel Passages
of the
Paumacariu (I-XX), Ravisena's Padmacarita and Vimalasuri's Paumacariya (pp. 1-32)
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Parallel Passages of the Paumacariu (I-XX), Ravişena's
Padmacarita and Vimalasūri’s Paumacariya. PC.
RP.1 (and/or VP.) 1(a) वद्धमाण-मुह-कुहर-विणिग्गय, 1 वर्धमान-जिनेन्द्रोक्तः सोऽयमोंगणेश्वरम् ।
रामकहा-णइ एह कमागय ॥ 12 1. इन्द्रभूतिं परिप्राप्तः सुधर्म धारिणी-भत्रम् ॥ (:) एह रामकह-सरि सोहन्ती,
प्रभवं क्रमतः कीर्ति ततोऽनुत्तरवाग्मिनम् । गणहर-देवहि दिट्ट वहन्ती ॥
लिखितं तस्य संप्राप्य रवेर्यनोऽयमुद्गतः ॥ पच्छइ इन्दभूइ-आयरिएं,
141-42. पुणु धम्मेण गुणालङ्करिएं। पुणु पहवें संसाराराएं, कित्तिहरेण अणुत्तरवाएं। पुणु रविसेणायरिय-पसाएं
वुद्धिऍ अवगाहिय कइराए ॥ 1 2 6-9. . 2 जहि फाडिम-वयणई दाडिमाई,
तथा शाखामृगाननैः। णजन्ति ताई णं कइ-मुहाई ॥ 1 4 6. संदिग्ध-कुसुमैर्युक्तः पृथुभिर्दाडिमीवनैः ॥
2 16. 3 जाहि दक्खा-मण्डव परियलन्ति,
3 फलस्वाद-पयःपान-सुखसंसुप्त मार्गगाः । पुणु पन्थिय रस-सलिलई पियन्ति ॥ 1 48.
वनदेवी-प्रपाकारा द्राक्षाणां यत्र मण्डपाः॥
2 18. 4 तर्हि तं पट्टणु रायगिहु,
4 तत्रास्ति सर्वतः कान्तं नाम्ना राजगृहं पुरम् ।
कुसुमामोद-सुभगं भुवनस्यैव यौवनम् ॥ णं पिहिविऍ णव-जोवणएँ
233. सिर सेहरु भाइद्धउ ॥ 14 9. 5 घुम्मइ व गऍहिँ मय-भिम्भलेटिं। 5 (a) हसद्भिरिव शुक्लानां पङ्कजानां कदम्बकैः । उड्डइ व तुरङ्गहि चञ्चलेहि ॥ etc.
etc. 2 216-22. 154-8. (b) नमतीव सदा या(?वा)त-घूर्णितादर.
पादपैः ॥ etc. 2 104-106al 6 तर्हि ओसप्पिणि-काले गएँ,
6 अथ कालान्तरोत्पत्त्या हानि यातेष्वनुक्रमात् । कप्पयरुच्छण्णा ॥
कल्पपादप-खण्डेषु श्रुणु कोलकरी स्थितिम् ॥ चउदह रयण-विसेस जिह,
374. __ कुलयर उप्पण्णा ॥ 1119. 7 चन्दहाँ रोहिणि व। 113 4a. 7 रोहिणीव कलावतः । 1 3 91. 8 1 13 5-9. .
3100-110. (a) माहरण-रिद्धि पर भार-मेत्त । 1 13 56. (a) असितोत्पल-दामानि केवलं भारमात्रकम् ।
3 1000.
. 1. The passages in the right hand column are taken from RP. unless in dicated otherwise,
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(b) तहें णिय-लायण्णु जै दिण्ण-सोहु, (b) निर्गुणः कौङ्कुमः पको मलु केवलु पर कुङम-रसोहु ॥ 1 13 6.
लावण्यस्य कलङ्कजम् । 3 106b. (c) पासेय-फुलिङ्गावलि जें चारु,
(c) मण्डनं खेत(?द)बिन्दवः । पर गरुयउ मोत्तिय-हारु भारु ॥ 1 13 7. ___ कुचयोः हार-भारस्तु वृथव परिकल्पितः ॥ (d) लोयण जि सहावें दल-विसाल,
3 108. आडम्बर पर कन्दोह-माल ॥ 1 13 8. (d) मण्डनं मुण्डमालाया(?) यस्याश्चक्षुरभूद् वरम् (e) कमलासाएँ भमन्तऍण, अलिवलएं मन्दें। असितोत्पल-दामानि केवलं भारमात्रकम् 3 100 मुहलीहूयउ कम-जुयलु किं णेउर-सवें ॥ (e) भूषणं भ्रमरा एव निलीनाः कमलाशया।
113 9. पादयोरेन्द्रनीले च नूपुरे निष्प्रयोजने ॥3 110 9 1 14 4-8.
3 114-120. (a) का-वि x x गायइ वायइ ॥ 1 14 4. (a) काश्चित् ४४ उपगायन्ति वीणया। 3 114 (b) का-विदेह तम्बोलु सहत्थें। 1 14 5a. (b) ताम्बलदायिनी काचित । 3 116a (c) सन्चाहरणु का-वि सहुँ वत्थें । 1 1450.
(c) आनेत्री वाससां काचिद् (d) पाडइ का-वि चमरु। 1 14 6a..
भूषणानां ततः परा। 3 118b. (e) उक्खय-खग्ग का-वि पडिरक्खइ 1 147a. (d) चामरग्राहिणी काचित् । 3 118a. (f) का-विजक्खकद्दमण पसाहइ। 1 14 8a.
(e) मण्डलामकरा काचित्
सततं पालनोद्यता। 3 116 6. (f) काचिद् गन्धानुलेपने। 3 119b.
10 वर-पलकें पसुत्तियऍ सुविणावलि दिट्ठी। 10 (a) शयनीये खे सुप्ता साऽत्यन्त-कोमले। 1149a.
(b) अद्राक्षीत् xx स्वप्नान् । 3 123b. 11 एम वुत्तु, तउ होसइ तिहुअण-तिल पुत्तु। 11 जगाद 'त्वयि संभूतस्त्रलोक्यस्य गुरुः शुमे 116 16.
3 153b. 12 (a) जिण-सूरु समुट्ठिउ । 1 16 8a. 12 उदितस्त्वं दिवाकरः । 32026.
(b) उइउ xxx दिवायरु। 116 96. 13 वोहन्तु भव-जण-कमल-सण्डु । 1 16 86 13 प्रबोधं यास्थतीदानी भव्यसत्त्वकुमुद्रती ।
3 203b. VP. जिणिन्दभाणू वोहिन्तो भविय-कमलाई
2 36b. 14 केवल-किरणायरु। 1 16 9a 14 VP. केवल-किरण-दिवायर। 2 43b 15 मोहन्धार-विणासयरु। 1 16 9a. 15 अज्ञान-तमसावृते। 3 202a.
VP. मोहन्धयार-तिमिरे। 2 43a. 16 लहु सक्केय-गयरि किय जक्खें । 16 (a) ततः साकेतनगरं धनदेन, विनिर्मितम्। परियञ्चिय ति-वार सहसक्खें ॥ 22 5.
(b) पुरं प्रदक्षिणीकृत्य त्रिः शक्रः। 3 172a. 17 भग्गएँ माया-वालु थवेप्पिणु। 227b. 17 मायाबालम् ।
3173a. VP. मायाबालं ठविय पाले। 376a.
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18 अङ्के चडाविउ तिहुमण-णाहउ । 2 3 16. 18 तं अङ्कमारोप्य ।
3 175a. 19 पण्ड-सिलोवरि सुरवर-सारउ,
19 पाण्डुकम्बलसंज्ञायां शिलायां सिंहविष्टरे। लहु सिंहासणे ठविउ भडारउ ॥ 2 3 8. ततो जिनः सुरेशेन स्थापितः ॥ 3 177.
VP.ठविऊण पण्डुकम्बल-सिलाए सीहासणे।
215a. 20 ण्हवणारम्भ-भेरि अप्फालिय। 24 la. 20 ततः समाहि(ह)ता मेर्यः । 3 1780. 21 2 4 1-8.
21. 3 166-168; 178-181.
VP. 3 87-91. 22 वहु-मङ्गल-कलसेंहि जिणवरु । 22 महीध्रमिव तं नार्थ कुम्भैर्जलधरैरिव । णं णव-पाउस-कालें,
अभिषिच्य । 3 187. मेहहिँ भहिसित्तु महीहरु ॥ 2 5 9. 23 गेण्हेंवि वज-सूइ सहसक्खें ।
23 कर्णयोः कुण्डले कृते। कण्ण-जुअलु जग-णाहहाँ विमइ,
तत्क्षणं सुरनाथेन वज्रसूची-विभिन्नयोः ॥ कुण्डल-जुभलु शत्ति भाइज्झइ ।। 26 2-3.
3 188. 24 तिहुमण-तिलयहाँ तिलउ थवन्तें, 24 (a) तिलकेन भ्रुवोर्मध्यं xx विभूषितं । मणे भासकिउ दससयणेत्ते ॥ 26 5. तिलकत्वं त्रिलोकस्य बिभ्रतः ॥ 3 200.
(b) त्रैलोक्य-मण्डनस्यास्य .
कुतोऽन्यन्मण्डनं परम् । 3 196. 25 रूवालोयणे स्वासत्तई,
25 रूपं पश्यन् जिनस्यासो सहस्रनयनोऽपि सन् । तित्ति ण जन्ति पुरन्दर-णेत्तई ॥ 2 7 2. - तृप्तिरिन्द्रो न संप्राप ॥ 3 174.
___VP. पुलय-तो य न तिप्पड़
अच्छीण सहस्समेत्तेणं । 3 77b. 26 वामकरगुटउ णिहारॅवि,
26 कराहुछे ततो न्यस्तममृतं वज्रपाणिना। वालहाँ तेत्थु अमिउ संचारैवि ॥ 2 7 4.
VP. अजय-अमय-लेहण-वलेण। 3 107a. 27 जणणिऍ जं जि दिट्ठ महिसित्तउ, 27 सुरेन्द्र-पूजया प्राप्तः प्रधानत्वं जिनो यतः । रिसहु भणेवि पुणु रिसहु जैं वुत्तउ॥ ततः तमृषभाभिख्यां निन्यतुः पितरौ सुतं ॥ 278.
3 219. 28 कालें गलन्तऍ णाहु,
28 कनीयसैव कालेन परां वृद्धिमवाप सः॥ णिय-देह-रिद्धि परियड्डइ । 27 9a.
3 224a. VP. (a) अणुदियह परिवड्डद। 3 107a.
(b) पत्तो सरीरविद्धिं कालेण अप्पेण । 3 108a. 29 अमर-कुमाहिँ सहुँ कीलन्तहों। 2 8 la. 29 कुमार कैर्युक्तो वयस्यैरिन्द्रनोदितेः(१तैः)।
चकारासौ क्रीडां ॥ 3 222.
VP. सुरदारयपरिकिण्णोxxकीलन्तो। 3 107. 30 देवदेव मुम भुक्खा-मारें। 28 26. 30 क्षुधा-संतापितान् । 3 237b. 31 ते कप्पयरु सव्व उच्छण्णा। 28 la. 31 नाथ याताः समस्तास्ते
प्रक्षयं कल्पपादपाः। 3237a. 32 धिद्धि गत्थु संसारु भसारउ। 2 10 2a. 32 एवं धिगस्तु संसारम् । 3 266a.
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PAUMAMARIU 33 अण्णहाँ अण्णु करइ मिश्चत्तणु, 33 (a) अत्र कश्चित् पराधीनो तं जि हड वहरायही कारणु ॥2 103b.. लोके भृत्यत्वमागतः। 3 2650.
(b) इयं तस्य समुत्पन्ना
बुद्धिर्वैराग्य कारणम् । 3 2636. 34 चारु देव ज सई उम्मोहिउ । 2 10 4b. 34 (a) साधु नाथावबुद्धं ते । 3 269a.
(b) तस्य प्रबुद्धस्य स्वयमेव । 3 272a. 35 सिविया-जाणे सुरवर-सारउ,
35 सुरनाथापितस्कन्धा xxx xxx चडिउ भडारउ ॥
आरुह्य शिबिकां नाथः ॥ 3 278. देवेंहि खन्धु देवि उच्चाइड ॥ 2 11 1-2. 36 'णमह परम-सिद्धाण' भणन्तें। 2 11 4a. 36 नमः सिद्धेभ्य इत्युक्त्वा। 3 282a.
____VP. सिद्धाण नमुक्कार काऊण। 3 136a. 37 चामीयर-पडलोवरै थवियउ ।
37 रत्नपटे केशान् प्रतिपद्य सुराधिपः गेण्हेंवि जण-मण-णयणाणन्दें,
चिक्षेप xx क्षौरकूपारवारिणि ॥ 3 284. चित्तउ खीर-समुद्दे सुरिन्दें ॥211 56-6. VP. वज्जा उहो xx केसे मणिपडलयम्मि घेत्तूणं
xx खीरसमुद्दम्मि पक्खिवइ ॥ 3 137. 38 तेण समाणु सणेहें लइया,
38 सहस्राणि च चत्वारि नृपाणां स्वामिभक्तितः । रायहँ चउ सहास पन्वया ॥ 2 11 7. xxxxx प्रतिपन्नानि नग्नतां ॥ 3286.
VP. चउहि सहस्सेहि सम पत्ता जइणं
परमदिक्खं। 31366. 39 भद्ध वरिसु थिउ काऊसाएं। 2 11 80. 39 वर्षार्धमात्रं स कायोत्सगण निश्चलः ।
3287a. 40 पवणुदुयउ जडाउ,रिसहहाँ रेहन्ति विसालउ, 40 वातोद्भूता जटास्तस्य रेजुराकुलमूर्तयः। -सिहि वलन्तहाँ णाई, धूमाउल-जालामालउ॥ धूमाल्यः इव सद्ध्यानवहिश(स)क्तस्य कर्मणः ॥ 2 119.
3 288. 41 अचलु। 212 1a. 41 निश्चलः।
3287a. 42 दारुण-दुम्वाएं लइया। 2 12 26. 42 दुःखानिलसमाहताः। 3290a. 43 केण-वि महियलें घत्तिउ अप्पर। 2 12 6b. 43 केचिन्निपतिता भूमौ।।
3290a. 44 को-वि फलई तोडेप्पिणुभक्खइ। 2 128a. 44 गताः केचित् फलाशनं ।। 3291a. 45 'जाहुँ' भणेवि। 2 12 8b. 45 (a) उक्तं 'व्रजामः' ।
3 302a. (b) व्रजामः ।
3301a. 46 दइवी वाणी समुट्ठिय अम्बरे। 2 13 16. 46 विचेहर्गगने वाचो xxx सुधाभुजाम् ।
VP. अम्बरतलम्मि घुटुं। 3 142b. 47 तहिँ अवसर णमि-विणमि पराइय। 47 VP. ताव य संपत्ता णमि-विणमि। 3 143a.
2 13 6b. 48 पुच्छिय धरणिधरेण, विण्णि वि xxxi 48 VP. अह भणइ नागराया भो भो तुम्हेत्थ थिय कजें क्वणेण, उक्खय-करवाल-विहत्था किं निमित्तेणं असिलटिगहियहत्था xx ठिया 2149.
3147. 49 (a) 2 16 2-5a. . 49 (a) 4 8-9. (b) ढोयहुँ ।
2 165a. कतवान् ।
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50 पट्टणु हथिणयह संपत्तउ। 2 16 66. 50 हास्तिनपुरं xxx स समागतः। 46a.
- VP. गयपुरनयर कमेण संपत्तो। 42a. 51 सयडामुह-उज्जाण-वणु। 3 1 1b. 51 VP. सयडामुह उजाणे। 4 16b. 52 वीयउ मन्दरु णाई समुटिउ। 3 6 2b. 52 कैलासमिव जङ्गमम् । 2 115a.
___VP. हिमगिरिसिहरस्स संकासं । 2 38b. 53 केण वि पञ्चाणुव्वय लइया ।
53 अणुव्रतानि संप्राप्ताः केचित् । etc. etc. 3122-4.
2 196-197. 54 छण्णवइ सहास वरङ्गणाहै ।
54 अक्षया निधयस्तस्य नव xx। तहाँ दह-पञ्चासउ णन्दणाहुँ ।
त्रयं सुरभिकोटीनां हलकोटिस्तथोदिताः। चउरासी लक्खइँ गयवराहुँ,
चतुर्भिरधिकाशीतिर्लक्षाणां वरदन्तिनाम् ॥ अट्ठारह कोडिउ हयवराहुँ ॥
कोट्यश्चाष्टौ दशोद्दिष्टा वाजिनांxx। कोडीउ तिण्णि वर-धेणुवाह,
द्वात्रिंशच सहस्राणि पार्थिवानांxx॥ वत्तीस सहास णराहिवाह ॥
तावन्त्येव सहस्राणि देशानांxxl वत्तीस सहासइँ मण्डलाहुँ,
चतुर्दश च रत्नानि xxx॥ कम्मन्ते कोडि पवहइ हलाहुँ ॥
पुरंध्रीणां सहस्राणि नवतिः षड्भिरन्विताः । णव णिहियउ रयणई सत्त सत्त ।
4 62-66a. 3 13 2-7a. VP.(a) मत्तवारणाणं चउरासीई च सयसहस्साई।
तावइया परिसंखा रहाण xx॥ 4 59.
(b) पुत्ता य पञ्चसया। 4 62b. 55 णवणवइ सहास महागराहुँ। 4 2 30. 55 आकराणां सहस्राणि नवतिर्नवसंयुताः 4 62. 56 किं वहिएण वराएं, भड-संघाएं, 56 (a) किं वराकेन लोकेन निहतेनामुनावयोः । दिट्ठि-जुज्झु वरि मण्डहाँ। 4 8 8b.
4706. (b) दृष्टियुद्धे प्रवर्त्यताम् । 4 716.
VP. किं वहेण लोयस्स । 4 43a. 57 वेडिउ xxx, वेल्ली-जालेहि 57 वाल्मीक-विवरोधात(?)रत्युप्रैः समहोरगैः
महिविच्छिय-वम्मीयहि। 4 12 9a. xxx वल्लीभिः वेष्टितःxx। 4 76. 58 (a) कइलासें परिटिउ रिसहणाहु। 58 कैलासशिखरे प्राप निवृति नाभिनन्दनः । 4 13 1a.
4 180b. (b) भरहु वि णिव्वुइ पत्तउ। 4 14 9b. 59 उच्छपणे णरवर-तरु-जालें।
59 अथेक्ष्वाकुकुलोत्थेषु तेष्वतीतेषु राजसुः । __ विमलेक्खुक्क बसे उप्पण्णउ,
xx समुत्पन्नो धरणीधरनामतः ॥ 5 59. धरणीधरु सुरुव-संपण्णउ ॥ 5 1 26-3. 60 दसहि सहासहि सहियउ। 52 96. 60 सहस्राणि दशानेन सम। 569a. 61 थिउ छटोववासें सुरसारउ,
61 षष्ठोपवासयुक्ताय तस्मै नाथाय पारणं । वम्हयत्त-घर थक्कु भडारउ ॥
ब्रह्मदत्तो ददौ xxx चतुर्दशखतातेष्वस्य ॥ xxx पारणउ करेप्पिणु,
570-7la. चउदह संवच्छर विहरेप्पिणु ॥ 5 3 1-2. 62. पुणु उप्पण्णु णाणु तहों केवल । 5 3 3b. 62 ततोऽभवत् केवलज्ञानं । 571. 63. अट्ट वि पाडिहेर।
5 3 4a. 63 अष्टौ च प्रातिहार्याणि । 572b.
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64 गणहर गवह लक्ख वर-साहुहुँ 5 3 5a. 64 नवतिः ४ गणेशाःx साधूनांx लक्षं। 5 73. 65 (a) पेक्खेंवि माणथम्भु जिणिन्द हाँ, 65 प्रभामण्डलमेवासौ दृष्ट्वा दूरे जिनोद्भवं । मच्छरु माणु वि गलिउ परिन्दों
सर्व गर्व परित्यज्य प्रणनाम xx॥ 594. (b) सो वि गम्पि समसरणु पइट्ठउ, VP पेच्छइ तमतिमिरहर जिणस्स भामण्डलं जिणु पणवेप्पिणु पुरउ णिविट्ठउ ॥ 578-9. दिव्वं । मोतूण निययगव्वं xx॥
तत्थेव संनिविट्ठो नच्चासन्ने समोसरणे॥5 796-80. 66 विहि-मिxxवइरह परिहरियई। 57 10b. 66 मुक्तवेरौ।
5 95a. 67 भीम-सुभीमहि। 57 11a. 67 भीम-सुभीमौ।
5149a. 68 (a) पुष्व-भवन्तर-णेहें। 57 116. 68 जन्मान्तरसुतप्रीत्या। 5162a. (b) तुहुँ महु अण्ण-भवन्तर गन्दणु। 5 8 1b. 69 कामुकविमाणु।
58 3a. 69 विमानं कामगं नाम। 51670. 70 लइ रक्खसिय विज सहुँ हारें। 5 8 3b. 70 (a) राक्षसी विद्यां । 5167a.
(b) ददावस्मै हारम् । 5 161a. 71 दुप्पइसार।
5 8 4b. 71 अत्यन्तदुष्प्रवेशः।। 5155b. 72 तीस परम-जोयण-वित्थिण्णी,
72 त्रिंशद्योजन-मानाधः सर्वतः xxx लङ्काणयरि तुझु मई दिण्णी ॥ 58 5.
लङ्केति नगरी ॥ 5 158. 73 अण्णु-वि एक-वार छ जोयण,
73 षड्योजनीगतंxxx अलङ्कारोदयामिख्यम् ॥ लह पायाललक घणवाहण ॥ 58 6.
5 163a.-164. VP. पायालङ्कारपुर xxx से।
दिन्नं छज्जोयणमवगाढं ॥5 132.. 74 विमलकित्ति-विमलामल-मन्तिहिँ परिमिउ। 74 विमलामलकान्त्यायाःxx। वेष्टितोसौ ॥ 588.
5 169a; 170a 75 छकाउरिहें पहट्ट। 5 8 9a. 75 प्रविष्टो नगरी लङ्काम् ॥ 5 177a. 76 वह काले xxx,
___76 वन्दनायान्यदा यातोऽजितं तोयदवाहनः । अजियजिणहाँ गउ वन्दणहत्तिऍ॥ 5 9 1.
5184a. 77 (a) कह होसन्ति भवन्तें कालें। 77 भवद्विधजिनेश्वराःxx भविष्यन्त्यपरे कति ।
तुम्हें जेहा । 59 36-4. कति वा समतिक्रान्ताः ॥5 186-187c6. (b) कह तित्थयर देव अइकन्ता। 59 4b. 78 मागहभासऍ कहइ भडार। 59 56. 78 भाषाऽर्धमागधी तस्य भाषमाणस्य 5 190a. 79 पई जेहउ छक्खण्ड-पहाणउ,
79 (a) एकस्त्वत्सदृशोऽतीतश्चक्रचिवश्रियः पतिः। भरह-राहिउ एकु जि राणउ॥
भवानेको x जानेष्यन्ति दशापरे॥5221. प. विणु दस होसन्ति गरेसर,
(b) वासुदेवा भविष्यन्ति नव साधं प्रतीश्वरैः । णव वलएव णव जि णारायण,
बलदेवाश्च तावन्तः॥ 5225. xxxx णव जि दसाणण ॥ 597-9. 80 दस-उत्तरेंण सएण, भरहु जेम णिक्खन्तउ॥ 80 (a) प्राव्रजत् सः। 52390
59 11. (b) दशाधिकं शतं तेन साकं खेचरभोगिनां xxxनिष्क्रान्तं ।
5240. 81 सटि सहास हूय वर-पुत्तहुँ। 5 10 4a. 81 पुत्राणां बिभ्रतां शक्तिमुत्तमां
जाताः षष्टिसहस्राणां । 5248.
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82 एक-दिवसें x xx
82 ते कदाचिदयो याताः कैलास वन्दनार्थिनः। .. वन्दणहत्तिएँ गय कइलासहाँ ॥ 5 10 5.
5249a. 83 भरह-कियई।
5 10 6a. 83 VP. कारियाइ भरहेणं। 5 17la. 84 करहुँ किम्पि जिण-भवणहाँ रक्खणु। 84 VP. रक्खणत्थं किंचि उवार्य लहुं कुणह। ___5 107b.
5 171b. 85 दण्डरयणु xx भमाडिउ। 5 10 9a. 85 दण्डरत्नेन परिक्षेपं प्रचकिरे। 5 250b. 86 सयल वि छारहों पुञ्ज पवसिय । 5 11 2b. 86 भस्मसाभावमायाताः सुतास्ते। 5 252b. 87 कहवि कह वि। 5 11 3&. 87 कथमपि ।
5253a. 88 दुम्मण दीण-वयण xxx
88 (a) दुःखितौ।
5254b. सकेय-णयरि संपत्ता। 5 11 4. (b) दीनवदनौ। 5278b.
VP. साएयपुरि समणुपत्तो। 5 175b. 89 उड्डन्ति ण पाण गरिन्दहों। 5 11 5b. 89 नायं प्राणांस्त्याक्षीत् क्षणाद। 5 255a. 90 घण-घट्टियई विजु-विप्फुरियई,
90 फेनोर्मीन्द्रधनुःखनविद्युबुद्दसंनिभाः। सुविणय xxxx॥
52700. जलवुव्वुव-तरङ्ग-सुर-चावई। 5 12 8. VP. इन्दधणु-फेण-सुविणय-विजलया
कुसुम-बुब्बुय-सारिच्छा। 5 185. 91 तं णिसुणेवि राउ मुच्छंगउ पडिउ। 5 13 4. 91 VP. राया त चिय सोऊण xx
मुच्छावसवेम्भलो पडिओ। . 5 192. 92 किं सोएं कि खन्धावारें। 5 13 7. 92 VP. कि मज्झ वसुमईए । 5 199a. 93 णिवडिय तासु दिट्टि xxx,..
93 (a) राजीव-सम्पुटेऽपश्यद् जहिँ मुठ महुयरु कमलभन्तरें। 5 14 8.
द्विरेफ स निपीडितम् । 5 305b. (b) मृति मधुकरः प्राप्तः। 5 307b.
VP. पेच्छइ भमर पउम-मझे। 52186. 94 जिह धुभगाउ, रस-लम्पडु अच्छन्तउ। 94 (8) मकरन्दरसासक्तः। 5307a. तिह कामाउरु सव्वु, कामिणि-वयणासत्तउ॥ (b) यथाऽयमत्र संश(स)क्तःप्राप्तो मृत्यु मधुव्रतः।
5 14 9. प्राप्स्यामो वयमप्येवं सकाःस्त्री-मुख-पङ्कजे॥5 308. VP. जह पउमगन्धलुद्धो नट्ठो चिय महुयरो
अविभाणो। तह जुवइ-वयण-कमले, आसत्तो चेव नट्ठो है॥
5219. 95 सब्वउ कण्णउ पर-भायणउ। 63 2b. 95 खभाव एष कन्यानां यत्परागार-सेवनम् ।
6 44a.
VP. होही पर-सोवत्थाxxवर-कना।620a, 96645-9a. ( Names of Islands) 96 6 67-698.
VP. 631-33. 97 माहव-मासहाँ पढम-दिणे,
97 चैत्रस्य दिवसे प्रथमे xx ययौxx तहि सिरिकण्ठे दिण्णु पयाणउ। 6 59b. असौ द्वीपं वानर-लाञ्छितम् ॥ 686.
VP. चेत्तस्स पढमदिवसे सिरिकण्ठो निग्गओ।
6 36a.
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PAUMACARIU 98 इहु तेण समाणु खेड्डु करेंवि । 6 7 la. 98 (a) ततस्तैर्महती रन्तु प्रीतिरस्य समुत्थिता।
.611la. (b) तैरसौ साकं रन्तुं प्रवते नृपः। 6 114a.
Vp. कीलणहेउं नरिन्देण। 6 43b. 99 अवरेहि मि धरावेवि सइँ धरैवि। 67 18. 99 ग्राहयित्वा च तान् । 6121a.
VP. घेत्तूण ताण। 6435. 100 गड किक-महीहर-गिरि-सिहरु, 100 (A) किष्कुमारोहत्.। 6 123. बउदह-जोयग-पमाणु णयरु ।
(b) पुरं तत्र xx ख्यातं कि कुपुराख्यया ॥ किउ सहसा सव्वु सुवण्णमउ,
6123a. णामेण किक्कपुरु भण्णमउ ॥ 6 7 2-3. (c) प्रमाण योजनान्यस्य चतुर्दशसमन्ततः
6124a. VP. किक्किन्धि पव्वओवरि सुवण्णपाया।
चोद्दसजोयण-विउलं किक्किन्धिपुर कयं तेण 6 49. 101 जहिँ चन्दकन्तमणि-चन्दियउ, 101 (a) शशाङ्क-सदृशाकारैर्मणिभिः xxxx ससि भणेवि भ-दिभहें जें वन्दियउ । 67 4. रजनीष्वपि कुर्वाणा सन्देहं रजनीकरे ॥ 6 129.
(b) चन्द्रकान्तमणिच्छायाकल्पितोदारचन्द्रिका ।
6 130a. 102.67 6-7.
102. 6 126-128. 103 भवरोप्पर विहसन्ति व घरई। 677b. 103 हसन्त्य इव शेषाणां भवनानां सुरूपताम् ।
104 एक-दिवस देवागमणु,
104 (a) कदाचिदथ xx वजन्तं वन्दना (ना) शियवि जन्तु णन्दीसरदीवहाँ।
भक्या द्वीपं नन्दीश्वरश्रुतिम् ।। वन्दणहत्तिएँ सो वि गउ ॥ 679. पाकशासनमैक्षिष्ट सत्रा देवैः ॥ 6 137-1386.
(b) अकरोद् गमने मतिम् । 6 142a. 105 स-पसाहणु सपरिवारु सधउ, 105 (a) खेचरैश्च समं सर्वैः। 6142b.
मणुसुत्तर महिहरु जाम गउ ॥ (b) सहाजनः मानुषोत्तरशैलेन । पटिकूलिङ ताम गमणु णरहों।
निवारितगतिः कृतः। 6143.
68 1-28. 106 मई अण्ण-भवन्तरें काई किड,
106. (a) अतिक्रान्तांस्ततो दृष्ट्वा xx में सुर गय महु जि विमाणु थिउ ॥ गीर्वाणनिवहान् xx परिदेवमथो चके। वरि घोर वीर-तउ हउँ करमि,
6144-145a. णन्दीसरक्खु जें पइसरमि ॥
(b) मनोरथाः कथं ते कर्मभिर्भमा गउ एम भणेवि णिय-पट्टणहाँ,
अशुभैः पूर्वसंचितैः ॥ 6 148. संताणु समप्पेंवि गन्दणहाँ॥
(c) तस्मात् करोमि कर्माणि तानि यैरन्यजन्मनि । णीसख जाउ णिविसन्तरण,
यातुं नन्दीश्वरं द्वीपं गतिर्मे न विहन्यते ॥ जिह वजकण्टु कालन्तरण ॥
इति निश्चित्य मनसा न्यस्य राज्यभर सुते । तिह इन्दाउहु तिह इन्दमइ,
अभूत् महामुनिर्धारस्त्यक्तसर्वपरिग्रहः ।। तिह मेरु स-मन्दरु पवणगइ ॥
वज्रकण्ठस्ततः ॥ 6 151-153a. तिह रविपहु xx॥
(d) इन्द्रायुधप्रभोप्येवं xx। पवमह णामें अमरपहु,
तत इन्द्रमतो जातो मेरुस्तस्माच्च मन्दरः।
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समीरणगतिः तस्मात्तस्मादपि रविप्रभः ॥ अन्तर विहि मि परिट्टियउ ॥ 6 8 3-9. ततोऽमरप्रभो जातः। 6 161a-1638.
(e) श्रेयसो देवदेवस्य वासुपूज्यस्य चान्तरे। अमरप्रभसंज्ञेन ॥ 6 216. VP.सेयंस-भअवओजणन्तरे तर य
वासुपुज्जस्स अमरपहेणं ॥ 690. 107 तहों पङ्गण केण वि कइ लिहिय। 107. VP. तेहि तत्थ आलिहिए
दीहरलल ॥ 69 16-2a. xxx पवङ्गमे दीहणले। 670. 108 एत्थन्तरें कुविउ णराहिवइ,
108 केन विवाहे मम चित्रिताः । कपयःxx॥ 'ते मारहु लिहिया जेण कइ' ॥ 6 9 4 xxx करोम्यस्य बंधं खयम् ॥ 6 173.
VP. कुमारो रुहो जेणेऍ धरणीपिट्ठम्मि लिहिआ वाणर-अहमा ॥ 674a. तस्स फुडं निग्गहं काहं ॥
672. 109 कुल-देवयाँ। 698b. 109 VP. देवभूया।
675. 110 मउ चिन्धेधए छत्तै लिहाविय। 699b. 110 मौलिकोटिषु ।
ध्वजेषु गुहशृङ्गेषु तोरणानां च मूर्धसु । विरस्सु चातपत्राणामेतानाशु प्रयच्छत ॥
61906-191. VP. छत्तेसु तोरणेसु य धएसु पासाय-सिहरे
काऊण रयणघडिए ठावेह पवङ्गमे सिग्धं ॥ 6 80. 111 विणि वि सेढिउ वसे करेंवि थिउ । 111 श्रेणिद्वयं विजित्वा(त्या?)ऽसौ xxx
___6 10 1b. आस्थापयद् वशे राजा । 6 195. 112 उप्पण्णु कइद्धउ तासु सुर। xxx 112 (a) तस्य सुतो जातः कपिकेतुः। 6 199a.
पडिवलहों वि णयणाणन्दु पुणु, (b) सुतः प्रतिबालस्यापि गगनानन्दसंज्ञितः । पुणु खयराणन्दु विसालगुणु ॥ तस्यापि खेचरानन्दस्तस्यापि गिरिनन्दनः ॥6 206.
पुणु गिरिणन्दणु। 6 10 2-4ā 113 एकहि दिणें उववणु णीसरिउ। 6 10 6. 113 अन्यदाऽथ xx निष्क्रान्तो रन्तुमुद्यानं ।
6228. 114 महएवि ताम तहाँ तक्खणेण,
114 देव्यास्तस्य पयोधरौxx कपिना थणसिहरहिँ फाडिय मक्कडेण ॥ 6 107. नखकोटिभिः विपाटितौ ॥ 6 237-238a.
VP. पवंगमो xx नहेहि फाडेइ थणकलसे ।
6102. 115 तेण-वि नारायहिँ विदु कह। 6 10 8a. 115 निहतो बाणमाकृष्य तडित्केशेन वानरः ।
6 239b. VP. राया वि हु तडिकेसो वाणेण पवंगमं हणइ ।
6103. 116 उयहि कुमारु देउ उप्पण्णउ । 6 10 9a. 116 महोदधिकुमारोऽभूत्। 6243b.
VP. समुप्पन्नो उयहिकुमारो। 6 109.
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117 वुक्कार-घोर-घग्घर-सरहैं। 6 11 5b. 117 कृतभीषणनिःखनैः । 62466.
___VP. (a) महाघोरे। 6107b.
(b) बुक्कारवं करेन्ता। 6 1086. 118 जलें थले मायासें ण माइयई 6 11 6b. 118 VP. जलथलायासे। 119 अण्णई उम्मूलिय-तरुवरई,
119 उत्क्षिप्य पर्वतान् केचित् अण्णई संचालिय-महिहरई॥ 6 11 7.
केचिदुन्मूल्य पादपान् । 6 247a. VP. के एत्थ सिलाहत्था अवरे
गिरि-विविह-रुक्ख-हत्या य ॥ 6 108a. 120 तिह पहरूपाउ जिह णिहउ कइ। 6 12 16. 120 निहत्य वानरं पाप तवाद्य शरणं कुतः।
6249b. 121 चिन्तेवि । 6 12 4a. 121 व्यचिन्तयत्।
6251a. 122 के तुम्हई। 6 12 5a. 122 के यूयं ।
6253a. 123 महएवि-कजें कइ घाइयउ। 6 12 7b. 123 अपराधः खजायायां हतो योऽसौ प्लवंगमः।
62556. 124 रिसि-पञ्चणमोकारहुँ वलेंण, । 124 साधुप्रसादेन संप्राप्तो देवतामिमां 6 256a. सुरवर उप्पण्णु तेण फलण ॥ 6 128. VP. साहु-पभावेण उदहिकुमार। अहं जाओ।
6110b. 125 णिउ वि केसु xxx तहि, 125 तेन xxअसौ गुर्वन्तिकमुपाहृतः। 6 260.
शिवसइ महरिसिxxx जहिं 6 13 2. 126 पुणु पुच्छिउ महरिसि 'धम्मु कहें। 126 पप्रच्छत्तर्मुनि धर्मम् । 6 273a
613 7. VP. साहं पुच्छन्ति जिणधम्म। 61126 127 जामो सि भासि कासीविसऍ। 6 15 2b. 127 अभत्xx विषये काशीनामनि । 6 318
VP. वाणारसीऍ एको जाओ। 6 135a 128 भोंवि कावित्थ-सग्ग-गमणु,
128 कापिष्ठगमनं xx अस्य xx भस्ममुपागपत्तो सि णवर जोइस-भवणु ॥ . तम् । ततोसौ xx ज्योतिःसुरोऽभवत् । तत्यहाँ वि चवेप्पिणु सुद्धमइ,
ततः प्रच्युत्य जातस्त्वं विद्युत्केशो नभश्चरः ॥ हुओ सि एत्थ लाहिवह ॥
व्याधोऽपि सुचिरं भ्रान्त्वा भवद्रुममहावने । घाणुक्किउ हिण्डेंवि भव-गहणे,
लङ्कायां प्रमदोद्याने शाखामृगगतिं गतः ॥ उप्पण्णु पवङ्गमु पमय-वणें ॥
ततोऽसौ निहतः ख्यर्थ त्वया बाणेन चापलात् । पइ हउ समाहि-मरणेण मुउ,
प्राप्य पञ्च-नमस्कार जातोऽयं सागरामरः ॥ पुणु गम्पिणु उवहिकुमारु हुउ॥6 15 5-7
6 325-328 VP. जोइसवासित्तणं पत्ते। तओ चुओ समाणो इहतडिकेसो तुम समुप्पन्नो। वाहो वि परिभमित्ता संसारे वाणरो जाओ ॥
61426-143 129 रजें सुकेसु थवेवि। 6 15 9b. 129 सुकेश-संज्ञके पुत्रे संक्रमय्य निजं पदम् ।
6334a 130 अगाई मोडन्ति वलन्ति हत्थ । 7 2 8b. 130 चके देहस्य वलनं स्फुटत्सन्धिकृतस्वनम् ।
6367a 131 (a) पुर उजोवन्तिय दीवि जेम, पच्छह 131 ततोऽसौ चन्द्रलेखेव व्यतीयाय नभश्चरान् ।
अन्धारु करन्ति तेम ॥ 7 3 8 पर्वता इव ते प्राप्ताः श्यामतां शोकवाहिनः ॥ (b) ससि-ओण्हऍ विणुण महिहरिन्द। 7 4 3b.
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132 गणियारिऍ वाल, णिय किक्किन्धहाँ पासु 132 अभाषयदिमा बालां ततोऽन्य व्योमचारिणम्।
किह । सरि-सलिल-रहलऍ कलहंसहाँ कल- धात्री सदःसरस्यब्ज हंसीमुत्कलिका यथा॥ 6 415 हसि जिह ॥
7 3 10 133 भान्ति स्वम्भ विहडन्ति म। 7 9 4a. 133 मञ्चस्य स्तम्भमादाय बभजांसे परः कपिः ।
6 441a 134 लकाहिउ पत्तु सुकेसु ताम। 7 5 6b. 134 सुकेशो राक्षसाधिपःxxx आयातः।
VP. सुकेसिराया समणुपत्तो। 6 18 36 135 किऍ पाराउट्टएँ वल-समुहै। 7 6 10. 135 तेनैकेन विना सैन्यमित्तश्चेतश्च तद्गतम् ।
6454a 136 में विजयसीहु हउ भुय विसाल, 186 निहतश्च तव भ्राता येन पापेन वैरिणा
सो जिउ कियन्त-दन्तन्तरालु ॥ 797 प्रापितोऽसौ महानिद्रां ॥ 6 498 137 घण-पडलई णिए वि। 7 10 2a. 137 दृष्टा शरदि तोयदम्। 6503a. 138 सहसारकुमारहों देवि रज्जु । '7 10 3a. 138 सहस्रार सुतं राज्ये स्थापयित्वा । 6 505a. 139 किकिन्धाहिवो वि।
139 गतो मेरुं किष्किन्धो वन्दितुं जिनम् । 6 508 गउ वन्दणहत्तिएँ मेरु सो-वि॥7 10 40. 140 जोवइ व पईहिय-लोयणेहिँ, 140 (a) निर्झरैईसतीवायमट्टहासेन भासुरः। हसह व कमलायर-आणणेहिँ ॥
6513b. गायह व भमर-महुअरि-सरेहि,
(b) अभ्युत्थानं करोतीव नमनं च नमत्तः । पहाइ व णिम्मल-जल-णिज्झरेटिं।
65156. वीसमइ व ललिय-लयाहरेहि, पणवह व फुल्ल-फल-गुरुभरेहि ॥
710 1-8 141 महु महिहरो वि किक्किन्धु वुत्तु । 141 पर्वतोऽपि स किष्किन्धः प्रख्यातः xx
7 11 1a. . पूर्व तु मधुरित्यासीत् ॥ 6522 142 पइट लङ्क।
7 14 85. 142 प्रविष्टास्ते ततोलकाम्। 6565a. 143 छब्बीस वि सहसई पेक्खणयहुँ। 143 षडविंशति सहस्राणि च योषिताम् । 7 256
8166. 144 अट्ठायाल-सहस-परजुवइहि। 8 1 8b. 144 चत्वारिंशत्सहाष्टाभिः सहस्राणि च योशितां
724b. 145 तं मालि सुमालि करें धरह । 82 9b. 145 अथ मालिन मित्यूचे सुमाली। 7 41a. 146 मोकल-केस णारि। 8 3 1b. 146 वनिताः xx मुक्तकेश्यः। 747b. 147 विद्ध णिडाले मालि णाराएं। 8 9 10. 147 मालिनो भालदेशेऽथ x शरं - निचखान ।
785 148 रुहिरायम्विरु। 8 9 8a. 148 रक्ताहणितदेहम् ।
7860. 149 वाम-पाणि वणे देवि अखन्तिऍ, 149 संस्तम्भ्य वेदनां क्रोधान्मालिनाऽप्यमरोत्तमः
भिण्णु पिडाले सुराहिउ सत्तिएँ। 8 9 4 ललाटस्य तटे शक्या हतः ॥ 786 150 तं णिसुनेंवि गउ चोइउ जाहि, 150 तद् वधार्थ गतं शक्र अनुमार्गेण गत्वरं ।
• ससहरु पुरउ परिटिड तावहिं॥ 8 10 6. उवाच प्रणतः सोमः॥ 791 151 महु मादेसु देहि परमेसर । 8 10 78. 151 स्वयं मे यच्छ शासनम्। 792b. 152 इन्दीवरच्छि पङ्कय-वयणि । 922b. 152 नीलोत्पलेक्षणां पद्मवक्त्राम् । 7 1500.
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153 कसु केरीxxx तुहुँ। 92 3a. 153 कस्याऽसि दुहिता बाले। 7 159a. 154 वोमविन्दु णिवइ ।
154 व्योमविन्दोरहे सुता । कैकसीति भवत्सेवा हउँ तासु धूय xxxकइकसि णामेंxxu कतु पित्रा निरूपिता ॥ 7162 गुरु-वयणेहि माणिय एउ वणु। . तउ दिण्णी ॥
946-6 155 भट्टङ्गणणिमित्तइँ जाणऍण,
155 ततोऽष्टाङ्गनिमित्तज्ञःxx रमश्रवाः वुश्चइ रयणासव-राणऍण ॥ 932 x xxव्यवृणोत् ।
7 185
VP. अहङ्गानिमित्तधरोxx नेमित्तिओ ॥780 156 होसन्ति पुत्त तउ तिणि । 93 3a. 156 उत्पत्स्यन्ते त्रयः पुत्राः। .7 186a.
VP. होहिन्ति तिणि पुत्ता। 78la. 1.57 जो परिपालिजइ पण्णऍहिँ। 9 4 3a. 157 नागेन्द्रकृतरक्षण। 7219a.
VP. नागसहस्सेणं चिय जो सो रक्खिजइ।
795. 158 दहमुहु दहसिरु जणेण किउ । 94 9b. 158 यातोऽसौ तद्दशाननसं ताम्। 7 222b.
VP. कयं दहमुहो नाम। 796. 159 आणन्दें कहि मि ण माइयई। 9 5 2b. 159 VP. न मायइ नियगेसु अङ्गेसु 17 154. 160 परिचिन्तिउ णउ सामण्णु गरु । 9 5 5a. 160 महानेष नरः कोऽपि भवितेति व्यचिन्तयत् ।
7218b. VP. चिन्तेइ तो मणेणं होहिइ एसो महापुरिसो।
794. 161 णहें जन्तउ पेक्छेवि वइसवणु, ___161 (a) वैश्रवणं वीक्ष्यांचवे। 7233b.. पुणु पुच्छिय जणणि 'एहु कवणु'1958b. (b)xx पप्रच्छेति स मातरम्। 7 234.
(c) अम्ब कोऽयम् ॥ 7235a. 162 (a) त णिसुर्णेवि xx वजरित। 162 ततः साऽकथयत्तस्य मातृखत्रीय एष ते। xx1961
72364. (b) इहु भाइ तुहारउ वइसवणु। 9 63b. 163 कमागय।
96 4b. 163 कुलकमायाताम् । 7238a 164 कइयहुँ माणेसहुँ राय-सिय। 9 6 50. 164 लक्ष्मी कदा तु त्वं प्राप्स्यसि ॥ 7 241a. 165 गय विणि वि भीसणु भीम-वणु। 9 7 16. 165 (a) प्राप्त xx भीमं नाम महावनम् ।
(b) सुभीषणम् । .7259b. 166 जाहिँ णीसामन्तेहिं अययरहि, 166 सुप्ताजगरनिःश्वासप्रेसितोदारपादपैः । डोल्लन्ति डाल सहुँ तस्वेरेंहि । 97 38.
7 258a. 167 जा भटक्स्वहिं पसिद्धि गय। 97 6a. 167 विद्याश्चाष्टाक्षरी।
7264a. 168 सम्व-कामण्ण-रूय। 97 66. 168 सर्वकामानदा ।
VP. सव्वकामा। 7 107b. 169 पुणु झाइय सोलह-अक्खरिय,
169 ततो जपितुमारब्धाः सुचिताः षोडषाक्षरम्। जय (?) कोडि-सहास-दहोत्तरिय ॥ मन्त्र-कोटि-सहस्राणि यस्यावृत्तिर्दशोदिताः 7266
VP.जविऊण समाढत्ता विजा वि हु सोलसक्खर
निबद्धा। दह-काडि-सहस्साई जीसे मन्ताण परिवारो॥
7 108.
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170 वच्छत्थले पहउ सुकोमण, 170 विशाले हृदये चक्रुरवतंसेन ताडनम् । ____कण्णावयंसणीलुप्पलेण ॥ 985
7279b. 171 ऍहु जरु......कट्टम। 987 171 काष्ठमया इमे।
727800. 172 जक्खहाँ बजरिउ अणड्डियों। 98 80. 172 यक्षःxx अनावृत्त इति ख्यातः। 7 267.
VP. जक्खो आणाढिओ नाम। 7 109. 173 कं झायहाँ कवणु देउ थुणहाँ। 9 9 4b. 173 आराधयत वा देवं कतरम्। 7282b
VP. कयरं देवं विचिन्तेह । 7 115b. 174 उवसग्गु घोरु पारम्भियउ। 99 6a. 174 VP. घोरुवसग्गं कुणइ तेसि । 7 116b. 175 बहुरूवेहि। 9960. 175 नानारूपधराः।
____VP. विविहेहि स्वेहि। 7 117b. 176 भासीविस-विसहर अजयरहि, सहल-सीह- 176 RP.7 287-289 mention सर्प, कुअर वर हिँ ॥
केशरिन् , दंश, हस्तिन् , मरुत् , दाव, स, गय-भूय-पिसाऍहि रक्खसँहि, गिरि-पवण मुद्र, and VP. 7 118-120 meहुभासण-पाउसाह ॥ 99 7-8 ntion वेयाल, वाणमन्तर, गह, भूया
विसहर, सीह. 177 सयलु वि वन्धु-जणु कलुणउ कन्दन्तु। 177 अन्तःपुरं च कुर्वाणं विप्रलापं मनच्छिदम् । 9 102.
7293a. VP. अन्तेउर विलावं कुणमाणं बन्धव
य। 7 123a. 178 मेच्छहिँ पिट्टिजन्ताई। 9 10 8a. 178 ताज्यमाना च चाण्डालैः। 7 295a. 179 सिर-कमलहैं ताह मि केराई,
179 पुरो दशाननस्यापि मूर्धा भ्रात्रोनिपातितः रावणहों गम्पि दरिसावियई 1911 7-80.
7 3085. 180 सिरु भग्गएँ घत्तिउxxxx भाइहि। 180 तयोरपि पुरो मूर्घा दशग्रीवस्य पातितः। 911 30-4
7309a 181 तें झाणों चलिय मणामणउ19 115a 181 येन तो...प्राप्तावीषद् ध्यान-विकम्पनम् । 182 विजहुँ सहासु उप्पण्णु। 9 11 9a. 182 VP.सहस्सं विजाणंxx सिद्ध 17 130 183 PC.9 121-8. RP. 7 324332 andVP.7 135142enumer-ate the Vidyās several names are common. 184. Similarly cf. PC. 9 13 1, RP.7 333 and VP. 7 144 and PC.9 133. RP.7334 VP.and VP.7 145. 185 णामेण सयपहु णयह किउ । 9 13 64_185 स्वयंप्रभमिति ख्यातं नगरं च निवेषितम् ।
7 337a. 186 त रिद्धि सुणेवि दसाणणहाँ, 186 तं रत्नश्रवज श्रुत्वा विद्यालिङ्गितवक्षसम् । ____ भायहँ कइ-जाउहाण-वलइ। 9 13 96 4. सर्वतो रक्षसां संघाः प्राप्ताः॥ 7 347. 187 साहेप्पिणु चन्दहासु,
187 संसाध्य चंन्द्रहासं शैलराज गतो भ्राता, गउ अहिमुहु मेरु महीहरासु । 01 16 वन्दितुं जिनपुङ्गवान् ॥ 4 36. 188 एत्तिएँ भावइ वइसरहु ताम । 10 1 78. 188 क्षणमात्रं ततोऽत्रैव स्थानं कुर्वन्तु सजनाः।
8 386.
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189 दीसह सुणासु
xxx 189 नेत्र-कान्ति-नदी-सेतु-बन्ध-सन्निभ-नासिकाम् गयण-जलहाँ किउ सेउ-वन्धु ॥
8 62b. 1037 190 दहगीव-कुमारहॉलहेंचि चित्तु। 10 4 1a. 190 cf. अभिप्राय-कोविदः। 878a. 191 तं बहुवरxxx विसह सयंपहु पट्टणु। 191 समं तया ततो यातः स्वयंप्रभुपुरं कृती। 1049a.
VP. पत्तो सयपहपुरं तीऍ समं दहमुहो।8 22a. 192 जलहरधर जामें गिरि विसालु। 192 नाना मेघरवं गिरिम् । 890a.
105 20. VP. मेहवर पव्वयं पत्तो। 8296. 193 कुमारिहि छह सहास। 1053a. 193 षटू सहस्राणि कन्यानाम्। 895b. 194 रयणासव-णन्दणु
xxxi 194 ता युगपद् दृष्ट्वा कन्या रत्नश्रवःसूतम् । सहसत्ति दिल परमेसरीहि ॥ 10 5 5a-500.
8 99a. 195 तउ मम्ह कारणे दुछु मरणु। 10 6 6a. 195 अस्मत् प्रयोजनान्नाथ प्राप्तोऽस्यत्यन्त-संशयम्
8122a. 196 किर काई सियालहिँ घाइएहि 10 6 7a 196 cf. VP. गरुडस्स कि य कीरइ वहुएसु
वि वायसेसु मिलिएसु। 8 45a. 197 वद्धा विसहर-पासहैिं। 10 6 80. 197 नागपाशैः xxx बवा। 8 135b.
____VP. अह बन्धइ नागपासेहिं । 8 516 198 आमेल्लेंवि पुजेवि। 107 1 4. 198 मोचितास्ते ततस्ताभिः पूजां च परि
8 1364. 199 ऍत्तहे वि कुम्भपुरै कुम्भयण्णु। 107 4. 199 (a) अथ कुम्भपुरे। 8142a.
(b) भास्करश्रवणः। 8 143a.
VP. तत्थेव कुम्भनयरे। 8 57a. 200 वयणालङ्कार-दूडः। 107 6a. 200 दूतो वाक्यालङ्कारसंज्ञितः। 8165a.
VP. वयणालङ्कारदूयं । 8 67a. 201 पइट्ट गम्पि।
201 प्रविवेश ततो दूतःxxx तेहि मि किउ अब्भुत्थाणु किं पि। 1077 उपचारं च संप्राप्तः कृतकं लोकमार्गतः ।
8 164 202 पोत्तड णिवारि इउ कुम्भयण्णु। 202 तेऽयुक्त xx प्रमत्तचेतसं पौत्रं णिवारयितु1078a. मात्मनः ।
8 1680. 203 एयहाँ पासिउ पायाल-लक,
203 अलङ्कारोदयं xxx तदेव विवरं भूयः पइवेसउ पुणु-वि करेवि सक॥ 108 3 प्रवेष्टुमभिवाञ्छसि ॥ 8 176
VP. पुणरवि धरिणीविवर xxकिं पविसिउं महसि ॥
875b. 204 कहाँ तणउ धणउ कहाँ तणउ इन्दुः। 204 कोऽसौ वैश्रवणो नाम को वेन्द्रः परिभा
1087a. ष्यते।
8181a. VP. को वेसमणो नाम को वा वि हु भण्णइ इन्दो।
877a. 205 पड़ें पढमु करेप्पिणु वलि-विहाणु। 205 शिरस्तावत् पातयामि रुषे बलिम्।8 183b
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15 206 विणिवाएण दूएण एण।
206 अकीर्तिरुद्र्वत्युची लोके क्षुद्रवधे कृते। परिभमइ अयसु परमण्डलेंहि ॥
8 1896. 10 8 10a 11a. VP. दूएण मारिएण-वि सुहडाण जसो न
निम्पड। 207 णीसारिउ दूर। 1091a. 207 दूतःxx क्षिप्रं निष्कासितो। 8 192b.
VP. दूओxx निच्छूढो । 8 84b. 208 गिरि-गुञ्जक्खें। 1098a. 208 गुजाख्यस्य xxx पर्वतस्य । 8 201a.
VP. गुन(अ)-वरपव्वयं। 8886. 209 सर-मण्डउ किउ तहिं दस सिरेण। 209 ततः वाणर्दशाननः मण्डपं च वनं चक्रे । 10 11 16.
8 235b. VP. दहमुहो गयणे सरमण्डवं कुणइ ।
8 117b. 210 धणु पाडिडxxx,
210 दशास्यस्याच्छिनच्चापं चके तं रथच्युतम् । दहमुह-रहु किउ सय-खण्ड-खण्डु। VP. चावं दुहा विणकं रहो य संचुण्णिओ। 10 11 6.
8118b. 211 इउ धणड मिडिवालेण उरसें। 211 हृदये xx भिण्डिमालेन xx जघान 10118a कैकसेयस्तम् ।
8239. VP. भिण्डिमालेण वच्छत्यलम्मि पहओ धणओ।
- 8 120. 1212 णिउणिय-सामन्तेहिं वइसवणु। 212 मृत्यैः xxx नीतो धनदः। 82416. 10 11 9a. VP. भिच्चेहि रणे वेसमणो गेण्हिऊण हक्खुत्तो।
8 122. 213 घण-विन्दई।
111b. 213 सुमहान्तः पयोमुचः। 8 274b.
VP. मेहा इव। 8 186b. 214 °जिणालाई। 11 16. 214 जिनालयाः ।
8 276b.
VP. जिणालया। 81386. 215 पुग्छिउ पुणु सुमालि दहगी। 11115. 215 अथासावन्यदाऽपृच्छत् सुमालिनम् ।
8 272a VP. पुच्छइ दसाणणो xx य सुमालि।
8 135b. 216 (a) कहइ सुमालि दसाणणहाँ। 11190. 216 सुमाली तमथाऽगदत् !xx अमृनि xxx (b) जिणभवण.xxx
विराजन्ते जिणालयाः कारिता हरिषेणेन ॥ एयर हरिसेणहाँ केराहै। 11 1 9b.
8275-277a. VP. भणइ सुमाली दसाणणं । तेण इमे
xx जिणालया करिया ॥ 8 137 217 एयई तेण वि णिम्मिय.
217 तेनामी कारिताः। 8399a xxx °कुन्दुजलई। 11 2 9a. VP. तेण इमेxx कारिया धवलतुझा।
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218 गउ सुणन्तु हरिसेण-कहाणउ, 218 (a) हरिषेणस्य चरितं श्रुत्वा सम्मेय-इरिहि मुकूपयाणउ। 11 3 1. xxx प्रस्थितः पुनः। 8 401.
(b) सम्मेदभूधरस्यान्ते xxx चकार शिबिरम्।
8405 VP. (0) हरिसेण-कहं सोऊण xxx पत्थिओ सहसा । 8211. (b) अवइण्णोxxx
सम्मेय-पव्वय नियम्बं। 8212a. 219 इन्दु वि चडेंवि सकियउ 219 (a) इन्द्रेणाप्युज्झितो धर्तुमसमर्थेन वारणः। खन्धासणें एयहाँ वारणहाँ। 11 3 9a.
(b) मन्ये पुरन्दर स्यापि दुर्घहोऽयम् । 8 413a. 220 सम्वनिय-सुन्दरु। 11 4 28. 220 VP. सुपइट्ठिय-सव्व। 8 2150. 221 (8) सत्त समुत्तुङ्गाउ णव दीहरु। 221 (a) हस्तानां सप्तकं तुझं दशक परिणाहतः। 1143a.
84180. (b) महु-पिङ्गल-लोयणु। 11 4 4a. VP. सत्तुस्सेहं नव-हत्थं भाययं । 8 215a. (6) वह xx कुम्भस्थलु । 11 4 6a. (b) मधुपिङ्गललोचनः। 8 418b. (d) गलिय-गण्डस्थल। 11 4 6b. VP. महुपिङ्गललोयणं । 82156.
(c) वृत्तं 'महाकुम्भम् । 8 420a.
(d) गलद्गण्ड। 8421a. 222 (a) विञ्जल-विलसिय-करणे,
222 (a) विद्युद्विलसितेन xx करु(१२)णेन . ताहि पच्छले चडिउ । 11 6 5-6.
ततो xx उत्पत्य xxx (b) अप्फालि। 11 6 6b.
आरुक्षन् मतङ्गजम। 8339. VP. विजुलविलसिएण xx चडिओ ।
8 1760. (c) आस्फालनैः। 8343a.
VP. अप्फालणेहिं । 8 177b. 223 मेलिउ कुसुम-वासु सुर-विन्दें 11 76b. 223 सकुसुमा मुक्ताः साधुवादाः ४४ सुरैः ।
8431a. 224 तिजगविहूसणु णामु पगासिड 11 8 1a. 224 त्रिलोकमण्डनाभिख्यां प्रापायं दशवक्रतः।
VP. भुवणालङ्कारनामधेय। 8 225. 225 थिउसहसा-करि-कह-अणुराइउ,
अणराउ, 225 स्थिते दशमुखे दन्तिकथया xxx सहसा तर्हि भवसर भडु एकु पराइड 118 2 xx प्राप्तः पुरुषः । 8 436b-437a.
VP. गयकहासत्तो ताव य समागओ खेयरो॥
82266-227a. .226 पहर-विहुरु । 11 8 3a. 226 संप्रहारव्रणः ४ ४ दर्शयज्ज(अ)रा तर्नु ।
8 438
VP. पहरणजजरियतणू । 8 227b. 227 णिविसेंxxx पराइड। 119 1b. VP. गओ सिग्छ। 82366. 228 बिसिड भसिपत्तवणु। 119 , 228 VP. विद्धंसिया य नरया। 8237a,
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229 एम भणेंविणीसरिउ ससाहणु 11 106b. 229 VP. निग्गओ जमो xx
रहगयतुरङ्गसहिओ। 8238. 230 तं णिसुवि xxx
230 इति श्रुत्वा सुराधीशः संग्रामाय कृतोद्यतिः किर णिग्गइ सण्णहेंवि पुरन्दर,
निरुद्धो मन्त्रिवर्गेण । 8 487. भग्गऍ ताम मन्ति थिउ 11 13 1-200. VP. एयं जमस्स वयणं सुणिऊण रणारम्भ
कुन्वन्तो xx मन्तीहि निवारिओ। 8 252, 231 सुरसंगीयणयरु जमरायहाँ। 11 13 6b. 231 प्राप्य वा सुरसंगीतपुरस्य पतितां यमः ।
8494a. 232 दहमुहो वि जमउरि उच्छुत्यहाँ 232 नगरे सूर्यरजसे ददौ किष्किन्धसंज्ञकं किक्किन्धउरि देवि सूररयहाँ। 11 13 8. तथरजसे किष्कुपुरम् । 8 4976-4986.
VP. अह रावणो-वि पत्तो आइच्चरयस्स देइ किक्विन्धी । रिक्खरयस्स वि दिन्नं रिक्खपुरं ।
___8 255. 233 गउ लङ्कह सवर्डमुहउ
233 आरुह्य पुष्पकं चारुविमानम् । 8 502b. णहें लग्ग विमाणे मणोहरउ। 11 13 9. त्रिकूटशिखरं xxx प्रस्थितः। 8 503.
VP. पुप्फविमाणारूढो उप्पइओ दहमुहो गयणं,
वञ्चइ लङ्काभिमुहो। 8 256b-257a. 234 भीसण। 11 14 1a. 234 °भीषणम् ।
8 509a. 235 किं तमालतरु-पन्तिउ। 11 14 3a. 235 तमालवनसंकाशम् । .85086. दणील।
11143b. 236 नाना-रत्न-कर-बातम् । 85096. (b) मरगय ।
11144b. (c) सूरकन्ति-मणि। 11 14 56. 237 "जल-कल्लोल। 11 14 6b. 237 °ऊर्मिसंहतिम् ।
85086. 238 परिभमन्ति xxxजलयर। 11 14 7b. 238 महाग्राहसमाकुलम् । 8508a.. 239 जणु णीसरिउ सव्वु परिओसें। 239 सर्वे पौराः समागत्य xxx आनर्तुः । __11 14 9a.
8521. VP. सव्वे वि नायर-जणो विणिग्गओ अहिमुहो।
82716. 240 णन्द-बद्ध-जय-सह-पउत्तिहि11 14 10a. 240 जय नन्द चिरंजीव वर्धखो देहि संततम् ।
इति मङ्गलवाक्यानि प्रयुञ्जानाः। 8 505. 241 अग्घपत्ता 11 14 10. 241 गृहीताम्।
8519. 242 (a) लङ्काहिवइ पइट्ट पुर।
242 (a) प्रविवेश निजामीशो लङ्काम् । 1114 11a.
85186. (b) जिह सुरवइ । 11 14 11b. VP. लङ्कापुरी पविट्ठो दहवयणो। 8 2016.
(b) त्रिदशेश इव । 8 518b.
VP. इन्द-सम-विभवो। 8 2016. : 243 ता मेरुहें भवि, जिणवरु णवेवि, 243 VP. जम्बुद्दीवं पयाहिणं काउं नमिऊण
तहिँ जें पडीवउ भावइ । 12 1 9b. जिणहराई xxx पुणो एइ। 93. 244 गउ एक-दिघमें सुर-सुन्दरिहै ॥ 244 कन्यां निम्ना तनूदरीं गतस्ते नयितुं यावदू जा भवहरणेण तणूयरिहैं ।
निप्रभिस्तावद्xx चन्द्रनखां जहे ॥9 24-25.
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ता xxx चन्दणहि हरिय खर-दूसहि ॥ VP. जावञ्चिय दहवयणो विवरोक्खो xxx
____12 3 2-3. तणुकच्चु कारणत्थं ताव खरदूसणेणं xxx हरिया
चन्दणही। 911-12. 245 जिह कण्ण तेघ पर-भायणिय। 245 कन्या नाम xx देया परस्मायेव निश्चयात्। 12 4 4.
VP. अन्नस्स होइ xxx कना। 9 15. 246 चउदह सहास विजाहरहुँ। 12 4 5. 246 VP. विजाहराण xxx चोदस सहस्सा।
.. 9 16. 247 वणे णिवसन्तियहें xxx
247 असूत च सुतं xxx विपिनवासया। सुउ उप्पण्णु विराहिड। 12 4 9. xx विराधिताभिख्यां प्राप्तः । 9 42-44.
VP. सा दारयं पसूया नामेण विराहियकुमारं ।
921. 248 एत्थन्तरें जम-जूरावणेण xxx रावणेण ॥ 248 (a) यमस्य परिमर्दकः । पटविउ महामह दूड तहि
(b) दशास्येन ततो दूतः xxx वालि जहि ॥ 12 5 1-2. प्रेषितोऽसौ महामतिः। 951a.
VP. अह रावणेण तइया
वालि-नरिन्दस्स पेसिओ दूओ। 924. पुणु सूररउ,
249 यमारातिं समुद्रास्य xxx जमुभवि तहों पइसारु कर। 125 12.
अर्करजाः स्थापितः। 954. VP. रिक्खरयाइच्चरया xxx निय-रजे
ठविया मए xx जिणिऊण जमं।9 27. 250 भाउ xxx णमहि तुहुँ। 12 5 14a. 250 एहि प्रणामं मे कुरु। 956.
VP. (a) लहुं एहि। 926.
(6) कुणह पणाम। 928. 251 वलेंवि थिउ अण्णमणु। 12 6 1. 251 विमुखं ज्ञात्वा ।
958. 252 सीहविलम्बिऍण। . 126 6. 252 नाना व्याघ्रविलम्बीति । 964.
VP. वग्घविलम्बी।
931. 253 अरें वालि देउ किं पहुँ ण सुट xxx॥ 253 चतुःसमुद्रपर्यन्तं जम्बूद्वीपं क्षणेन यः। जो णिविसद्धेण पिहिवि कमइ,
त्रिः परीत्य xxx पुनरागमत् ॥ 9 6. चत्तारि वि सायर परिभमइ ॥ 12 68. VP. (a) रे दूय किं न-याणसि वालि। 9 32. (b) चउसागरपेरन्तं जम्बुद्दीवं पयाहिणं काउं।
93. 254 पणवेप्पिणु तिल्लोकाहिवइ,
254 अन्यं न प्रणमामीति जिनपादाब्जयुग्मतः। सामण्णहाँ अण्णहाँ णउ णवह 12 112.
984. VP. मोत्तण जिणवरिन्दं
न पडइ चलणेसु अन्नस्स। 929. 256 गुरु गयणचन्दु णामेण जहिं। 12 116. 255 गगनचन्द्रस्य गुरोः।
990. VP. मुणिगयणचन्दस्स।
बन्दस्स। 946. 256 अत्तावण-सिलहें। 12 11 9b. 256 VP. आयावन्तं सिलाव।। 961.
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257 सिरिप्पह भइणि तहाँ,
सुग्गीवें दिग्ण दसाणणहाँ । 12 12 1
258 विजाहरु णामें जलणसिहु । तहाँ घीय सुतार-णाम गण, मग्गज्जइ दससयगइ-वरेंण ॥ गुरुवणें तासु ण पट्ठविय, सुग्गीव जवर परिट्ठविय ॥ परिणेवि कण्ण णिय नियय-पुरु, eters वि विरहग्गि गुरु ॥ पज्जलइ ॥
259 विज्जाहर- कुमारि रयणावलि चालोयपुरवरे ।
12 12 46-8a.
परिर्णेवि वलइ जाम ता थम्भिउ पुष्पविमाणु अम्बरे ॥
260 णं कचण-सेलें पवण-गमणु ।
261 णीसह यउ किङ्किणीउ । 262 मारिचें वुञ्च देव देव,
13 1 1.
13 1 5.
स- भुअङ्गमु चन्दण-रुक्खु जेम ॥ लम्विय-थिर-थोर - पलम्व-वाहु, अच्छइ कइलासह उवरि साहु ॥ मेरु व अकम्पु ॥
13 1 6.
257 दशग्रीवाय सुग्रीवो वितीर्य श्रीप्रभाम् । 9 100.
VP. सुग्गीवो विहु कन्नं सिरिप्पभ्रं देइ रक्खसिन्दस्स ।
9 50.
258 (a) हुताशन शिखस्यासीत् सुता × × × । सुतारेति गता ख्यातिं x x तां साहसगतिर्नाम्ना xx दूतैरयाचत ॥
10 2-6.
(b) ततो मुनिगिरं ज्ञात्वा xxx सुग्रीवाय सुता दत्ता ××× । कृत्वा पाणिगृहीतां तां सुग्रीवः पुण्यसंचयः । इयाय ॥ 10 10-11.
(c) चक्राङ्कस्य शरीरजः × × × कामाग्निदग्धः ॥
VP. (a) जलणसिह - खेयर - सुया x x x तारा नामेण ।
साहसगई xx अहिलसइ परिणेउं ॥ 102-3.
259 (8) विद्याधरकुमार्यः ।
10 13-14.
(b) सुग्गीवस्स वर तणू दत्ता |
परिणेऊण सुतारा सुग्गीवो ॥ 108-9.
9 101.
(b) नित्यालोकेऽथ नगरे Xx रम्भावलीं सुतां । उपयम्य पुरीं यातो निजां X x नभसा ×××।
सहसा पुष्पकं स्तम्भमार ॥ 9102-104 VP. निच्चालोए नयरे x x रयणावलिति दुहिया x x x 1
ती विवाहउं पुप्फविमाणद्वियस्स गयणयले वश्चन्तस्स निरुद्धं जाणं ॥ 9 52-53. 260 मेरोरिव तटं प्राप्य सुमहद् वायुमण्डलम् । 9 104. 9 105.
261 शब्दभमें घण्टादिजम्ननि । 262 (a) मारीचस्तृत आचक्षौ Xxx 'श्रुणु देवैष कैलाशे स्थितः प्रतिमया मुनिः ॥ 9 107.
9 128
(b) आशकारिकराकार प्रलम्बितभुजद्वयं । पन्नगाभ्यामिवाश्लिष्टं महाचन्दनपादपम् ॥ 9127. (c) सुनिश्चलम् । VP. साहिउं पयतो मारीई । (b) पलम्बभुयजुयलं । (c) मेरुं पिव निश्चलं ।
9 55.
9 62α.
9 626.
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PAUNACARIU 263 ओसारि विमाणु दवत्ति देव, 263 निवर्तयाम्यतो देशाद् विमानं निर्विलम्बितम्। फुइ ण जाव।
13 2 9. xxx यावन्नायाति खण्डशः ।। 9 110. 264 तं माम-वयणु णिसुणेप्पिणु । 13 2 10. 264 श्रुत्वा मारीच-वचनम्। 9 111. 265 किं थम्भिउ विमाणु। 13 39. 265 विमानं स्तम्भ्यते मम। 9 131. 266 उम्मूलेंवि कइलासु जै सायर घिवमि। 266 कैलासनगमुन्मूल्य क्षिपाम्यब्धौ। 9 133.
13 3 10b. VP. एयं चिय पव्वयं xxx उम्मूलि
ऊण सयलं घत्तामि लहुं सलिलनाहे। 9 66. 267 तलु मिन्देवि पइट्ठ। 13 4 1b. 267 प्रविष्टो धरणी भित्वा। 9 135.
VP. भूमी भेत्तुं पविट्ठो। 967. 268 भासण-कम्पु जाउ पायालयले
268 चलित नागराजस्य विष्टर धरणश्रुतेः। धरणिन्दरायहौं। 13 6 1b.
9 191. 269 रेहह फणालि मणि-विप्फुरन्ति ॥ 269 स्फुरत्फणामणि । 9 192.
1369. 270 दहमुहु कुम्मागारु किउ । 13 6 10b. 270 बभूव संकुचद्गात्रो कूर्माकारो दशाननः ।
9151. 271 घोराराउ मेल्लिओ। 13 7 16. 271 रवं च सर्वयत्नेन कृत्वा रावितवान् जगत् ।
.VP. रवो कओ जेण तत्थ अइधोरो। 9 78. 272 भत्तार-भिक्ख महु देहि । 1379. 272 भर्तृभिक्षं मे प्रयन्छ। 9 157. 273 भच्छइ भत्तावण-सिलहिँ वालि 13 8 6. 273 आतापन-शिलापीठ-मस्तकस्थम् । 9 128. 274 परिअजेवि वन्दिउ दससिरेण, 274 प्रणम्य त्रिःप्रदक्षिणं । नितान्तं खं च
पुणु किय गरहण गग्गर-गिरेण। 13 87. निन्दित्वा सूत्कारमुखराननः ॥ 9 172. 275 जं तिहुवण-णाहु मुएप्पिणु,
275 जिनेन्द्र-चरणौ मुक्त्वा करोमि न नमस्कृति । अण्णहाँ णमिउ ण सिरकमलु। अन्यस्येति त्वयोक्तं यत् सामथ्र्यस्यास्य तत्फलम् । तं सम्मत्त-महदुमहाँ,
9160. लखु देव पइँ परम-फलु ॥ 13 8 10. VP. मोत्तण जिणवरिन्दं अन्नस्स न पणमिओ
तुमं जं से तस्सेय फलमउलं। 98. 276 कय पुज जिणिन्दहाँ। 1392.276 चक्रे जिनवरार्चनम्। 9 174.
VP. रएइ पूयं । 987b. 277 सत्ति अमोहविजय । 13 10 4. 277 अमोघविजयानाम शक्तिम् । 9 209.
VP. सत्ती अमोह विजया। 9101. 278 अथवणहों दुक्कु पयङ्गु ताम । 13 12 5. 278 ततोxxx जगामास्तं दिवाकरः। 10 52
VP. कमेण अत्थं चिय दिणयरो समल्लीणो 10 27. 279. 1433-10.
279 ददर्श नर्मदां फेनपटलैः सस्मितामिव शुद्ध
स्फटिकसंकाशसलिलां द्विपभूषितां ॥ तरंगभ्रूविलासाख्यामावर्तोत्तमनाभिकां विस्फुरच्छफरीनेत्रां पुलिनोरुकलत्रिकां ॥ नानापुष्पसमाकीर्णा विमलोदकवाससम् ।
1060-6200. VP.
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280 मोहुप्पाइउ। 14 3 12b. 280 महाप्रीतिमुपागतः।
1062. 281 जलु जन्तिऍहिँ णिरुद्धउ णिम्मलु। 281 यंत्रसंवाहनामज्ञःxxx जले यंत्रप्रयोगेण
14 48. क्षणेन विधूते सति। 1068-69. VP. विविह-जलजन्त-विरइय-निरुद्धजल ।
1036. 282 माहेसरपुर-परमेसरु। 14 4 9a. 282 माहिष्मतीपुरेशः। 10 65. 283 कहि मि xxx धवलिउ जलु ete. 283 काचिच्चंदनलेपेन चकार धवलं जलम् ।
1462-8. अन्या कुंकुमपंकेन द्रुतचामीकरप्रभम् ॥
धौतताम्बूलरागाणामधराणां सुयोषिताम् । चक्षुषां व्यंजनानां च लक्ष्मीरभवदुत्तमा ॥
10 81-82. 284 पहणइ कोमल-कुवलय-धाएं। 147 1. 284 VP. घेत्तुं इन्दीवर हणइ अन्ना। 10 39. 285 दिट्टई णहरई थण-सिहरोवरि सुपहत्तईं। 285 कुचौ नखपदाहिती। 10 71.
14 7 9a. VP. उरे नहक्खयं दहण । 10 40. 286 तिहुअणे सहसकिरणु पर धण्णउ। 286 प्रथितो भुवि xxx सहस्ररश्मिरैवैष सत्यं जुवइ-सहासु जासु ॥ 14 8 2-3.. परमसुन्दरः ॥ सहस्त्रं यस्य दाराणाम् ॥
1065-66. 287 रावणो वि जल-कील करेप्पिणु, 287 (a) रावणोऽपि सुखं स्नात्वा । 10 85.
सुन्दर सियय-वेह विरएप्पिणु ॥ (b) सिकता-रचितात्तुज-पीठबन्ध। 10 87. उप्परि जिणवर-पडिम चडावि,
(c) प्रतिमाहेतः ।
1086. विविह-विताण-णिवहु वन्धाववि ॥
(d) स्थापयित्वा।
1089. xxx xxx xxx
(e) वितानके।
1088. णाणाविहहिं विलेवण-भैऍहि,
(f) धूपैरालेपनैः पुष्पैर्मनोहर्बहुभकिभिः । दीव-धूव-वलि-पुष्फ-णिवेऍहि ॥
विधाय महती पूजाम् ॥ 10 89-90. पुज करवि किर गायइ जाहि ॥
VP. (a) वरवालुया पुलीणे। 10 47. 1491-5a. (b) कणयपीढ़े ठावेइ पडिमाओ जिणवरिन्दाणं ।
1046. (c) धरिय-वियाण। 10 47. (d) काऊण महापूयं संथुणइ xxx
तस्स संथुणन्तस्स तओ ॥ 10 47-48. 288 दहमुहु पडिम लेवि विहडप्पडु। 288 दशाननः क्षिप्रं गृहीत्वा प्रतियातनाम् । 14 98..
10 92. 289 सुरिट गयेसहों। 14 9 9a. 289 विज्ञायतामरम् ।
10 92. VP. गवेसेह।
1049. 290 'लेहु' भणेप्पिणु। 14 13 9a. 290 आज्ञापयत् ४ ४ । त्वरितं गृह्यतामेषः ।
1099. 291 सलिलहों णीसरिउ। 15 1 6. 291 निर्जगाम जलाशयात् । 10 102. 292 थिउ समुहाणणु । 15 1 9b. 292 VP. अहिमुहं ।
10 59. 293 मम्भीसित। 15 2 2 298 दत्वाऽभयम् ।
10 102.
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294 चविउ परोप्परु सुर-पवरु ॥ 'अह अह अणी रक्खेहि किय, एक ऍ वहु अणु विगय थिय । ॥ XXX xxx X X X
तं णिसुर्णेवि णिसियर लजियहूँ, थिय महिलें ॥ 295 परिहारें भक्खिड रावणहाँ, परमेसर x x x 1541
296 तिजगविस भारुहिउ | 15 4 6
297 माहेर- पुरवइ विरहु किउ,
297 सहस्रकिरणं चक्रे विरथं x x x ततः सहस्रकिरणः समारुह्य द्विपोत्तमम् । 10 123-124. VP. विरहो सहस्सकिरणो कओ खणद्वेण संगमे । x x x आरूढो गयवरं ॥ 298 मुक्ता बाणा निर्भिद्य कङ्कटम् । VP. मुञ्चइ सुनिसियबाणे दहमुह सन्नहणमेय करे । 10 64. 299 कुतस्तव उपदेशोऽयमायातः x x x 1 तावद्धनुर्वेदमधीश्व कुरु च श्रमं ततो मया समं युद्धं करिष्यसि ॥ 10 127-128. VP. सिक्खाहि ताव रावण धणुवेयं x ताहे मए समाणं जुज्झसु । 1065. 300 बिमेद x x तं कुन्तेनालिकपट्टके 10 129. 301 तावदुत्पत्य x x x तमष्टापदकम्पनः । xxx गृहीतवान् । 10 131. 302 नीतः खनिलयं बद्ध्वा । 10 132. VP. बन्धिऊण नीओ निययावासं । 1068. 303 इव नी ( भी ) तिमुपागतः सहस्ररश्मिरैदस्तम् ।
10 133. 304 शतबाहुरथ श्रुखा x x x जङ्घाचारणलब्धीशः । 10 139. 305 प्रणामं च चक्रे । वरासनोपविष्टे यतौ ॥
10 142-143. VP. कयपणामी x x दिण्णासण° । 10 72. 1572 306 सहस्रकिरणं ततो मुञ्च | 10 147.
306 मुऍ सहसकिरणु ।
VP. मुच इमं सुयं मे ।
307 पणवेष्पिण वाह रावणेण । 1574 307 उवाच कैकसीपुत्रः प्रणतः ।
15 3 3-6.
विसमत - इन्हें थिउ ॥ 155 1.
299 कहिँ धणु सिक्खियउ ॥
298 सण्णाहु खुरुप्पें कप्परिङ । 15 5 3
जाहि ताम अभास करें, पच्छले जुज्झेज्जहि पुणु समरें ॥ 1555-6
300 णरवह पिडा कोन्तेण हउ । 15 5 8. 301 ताम दसाण भ्रायासैंण, उप्परवि पहु धरियउ । 15 5 96. 302 णिउ यि - णिलयहाँ x x x णियलियउ । 1561. 303 र्ण भइयऍ रवि गउ अत्थवणु । 156 2
304 जङ्घचारण- रिसिहें xxx सयकरहेँ। × × × गय वत्त। 1566-7 305 गुरु वन्दिय दिण्णइँ आसणइँ 1571
294 (a) विचेरुरंबरे वाचः सुराणाम् x x x अहो महानयं वीरैरन्यायः कर्तुमीप्सितः । 10 108-109. (b) बहवश्च नभश्वराः । 10 110. (c) इति श्रुत्वा x x x त्रपायुक्ताः भुवं याताः खेचराः । 10 111. 295 प्रतीहारेण चाख्यातमिति कैलासकम्पिने । "देव × × × । 10 120. VP. पडिहारेणक्खाए । 10 6. 296 भारु त्रिजगभूषनामानं मत्तवारणम् । 10 122. VP. आढो xxx भुवणालङ्कारमत्तगयं ।
10 61.
10 63. 10 125.
10 76.
10 148.
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308 णिय-णन्दणु णियय-थाणे थवेंवि 1582. 308 VP. ठविऊण निययरजे पुत्तं। 10 83. 309 चमरें अमरें दिण्णु वरु सूलाउहु 159 4. 309 असुरेन्द्रण यहत्तं शूलरत्नं महागुणम् ।।
12 12.
VP. एयस्स मूलरयणं दिलं असुरेण। 12 6. 310 थिउ णवर गम्पि कहलास-धरें 15 9 5. 310 चिरेण xx प्रापाष्टापदभूधरम् । 12 72.
___VP. अट्ठावयपव्वयं पत्तो। 12 36. 311 वन्देप्पिणु जिणवर-भवणाई। 15 9 8. 311 नमस्कृतजिनालयः। 12 78. 312 जलकुम्वरहॉ दुल्लङ्घ-णयर-परमेसरहाँ। 312 नलकूबरःxx पुरे दुर्लक्यसंज्ञके 12 79. 15 10 2. VP. नलकुव्वरो त्ति नामं दुल्लापुरे परिवसइ ।
1238. 313 वलवन्तई जन्तई। 15 10 6. 313 उदारय पणि ।
1292. 314 मई होन्तिएँ। 15 12 1. 314 मयि सत्याम् ।
12 104. 315 तहि तुमुले जुझ xxx,
315 ततो महति संग्रामे xx विभीषणेन वेगेन जिह सहसकिरणु रणे रावणेण ॥
xxx नलकूबरः गृहीतःxxx। तक्खणेण, जलकुम्वरु धरिउ विहीसणण ॥ सहस्रकिरणे कर्म दशव केण यत्कृतं । 15 15 6-7. विभीषणेन xx तत्कृतं नलकूबरे ॥
12 142-144. VP. गहिओ विहीसणेणं नलकुवरपत्थिवो समरे।
. 1268 316 वाणर-चिन्धु xxx महिन्दहाँ णन्दणु। 316 सूनुर्महेन्द्रस्य कपिकेतोः। 12 205
17 39 VP. कइद्धओ महिन्दसुओ। 1296 317 मई ताय जियन्ते। 17 5 10. 317 सत्येव मयि देवेन्द्र। 12 225 318 सिरिमालि पहरिसिउ। 17 6 8. 318 श्रीमाली xxx तुष्टः। 12 231
VP. सिरिमालीण सहरिस। 12 103 319 दहमुह-पित्तिएणxxx।
319 कनकेन ततो भित्वा जयन्तो विरथीकृतः। मुसुमूरिउ महारहो कणय-पहरणेणं 17 7 1
12234 VP. सिरिमालीण xxx कणएणं
विरहो कओ जयन्तो। 12 103 320 मुच्छा-विहलबलु उहिट। 177 3. 320 मूर्छायाश्च परित्यागादुत्थिते । 12 235
VP. मुच्छावस-वेम्भलो जाओ। 12 103 321 भीसण-मिण्डिवाल-पहरण-धरु, 321 आहत्य भिण्डिमालेन जयन्तेन ततः कृतः
जाउहाण-रहु किउ सय-सकरु। 177 4 श्रीमालिविरथो रोषात् प्रहरणेन । 12 236 322 सुरवइ-णन्दणेण xxx गय भामवि ॥ 322 सुरराजस्य सूनुना स्तनान्तरे हतो गाढं भाहउ वच्छत्थले, पडिउ रसायलें ॥ गदया पतितो भुवि। 12 240 1779-10
VP. जयन्तेण xxx पहओ थणन्त
रोवरि सिरिमालि गयप्पहारेणं । 12 104 323 सन्दण सन्दणेण संचूरइ,
323 हन्यते वाजिना वाजी वारणेन मताजः । गयवर गयवरेण मुसुमूरइ ।
तत्रस्थेन च तत्रस्थो रथेन ध्वस्यते रथः ॥ तुरउ तुरङ्गमेण विणिवायइ,
12264 णरवर परवर-घाएं घायह ॥ 1794-5,
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324 सारहि वाहि वाहि रहु तेत्त है xxx 324 उवाच सारथि xxx तस्यैव शक्रसंशस्य जेत्तहँ सुरवइ। 17 10 1-3. संमुखो वाह्यतां रथः ॥ 12 305-306
VP. वाहेहि रहवर मे तुरियं इन्दस्स अहिमुहं ।
| 12 120 325 सरु अग्गेउ मुकु सहसक्खें। 17 146. 325 निक्षिप्तमस्त्रमानेयं नाथेन वर्गवासिनाम् ।
12 322 VP. अग्गेयं पहरणं सुरिन्देण xx विसज्जियं ।
12 126 326 सरवरग्गि उल्हाविउ xxx धूमलगत्तउ। 326 धूमलक्ष्मांस (? मास्त्रं ) विध्यापितम् । 17 149.
12327 327 वहल-तमोह-पहरण पेसियं सुरेणं ॥ 327 सुरेन्द्रेण ततोऽसर्जि तामसात्रं समन्ततः। किड अन्धारउ तेण रणङ्गणु ॥ 17 15 1-2. तेनान्धकारिता चके ककुभाम्। 12 328.
VP. इन्देण पुणरवि लहुँ
विसज्जियं तामसं महासत्थं। 12 128. 328 पेक्खेंवि णिय-बलु भोणल्लन्तउ। 328 ततो निज-बलं मूढं दृष्ट्वा रत्नश्रवः सुतः ।
मेल्लिड दिणयरथु पजलन्तउ॥17 154, प्रभास्त्रममुचत् ॥ 12 330. 329 णागपास सर मुबह दसाणणु ॥ 17 15 5. 329 यमविमर्दैन xxx नागास्त्रमुज्झितम् ।
12 332. VP. नाय-सरा xxx लङ्काहिवेण मुक्का
____12 129. 330 गारुडत्थु वासवेंण विसजिउI7 15 7. 330 गारुडास्त्रं ततो दध्यौ सुरेन्द्रः। 12 336. 331 खगउड-पवणन्दोलिय मेइणि,
331 पक्षवातेन तस्याभूतxxx डोलारूढी गं वरकामिणी। 17 15 8. दोलारूढमिवाशेषंxxx बलम्। 12337. 332 तिजगविहूसणे गऍ चडिउ। 17 15 10a. 332 आरूढस्त्रिजगभूषम्। 12 340
VP. आरुहइ xxx भुवणालङ्कार-मत्तगयं ।
___12 131. 333 सम्म देवि असुऍण णिवखुड। 17 17 4. 333 तत उत्पत्य xxx बद्धवांशुकेन देवेन्द्रम् ।
VP. दिव्वंसुएण बद्धो। 12 137. 334 ताव जयन्तु दसाणण-जाएं
334 राक्षसाधिपपुत्रोऽपि गृहीत्वा वासवात्मजम्। आणिउ वन्धेवि। 17 17 6.
12 348. 335 त पडिवण्णु सम्वु सहसारें। 17 18 9. 335 VP. सहस्सारो इच्छइ सव्वमेयं तु ।
12137. 336 गड पम्ववि। 17 18 10a. 336 दीक्षां जैनेश्वरी प्राप। 13 106.
VP.गिहइxxx पव्वजं । 13 51. 337 रणे माणु मलेवि पुरन्दरहों
337 असौ देवाधिपग्राहो यातो मन्दि(?न्द)रमपरियवि सिहरई मन्दरहों।
न्यदा । जिनेन्द्रवन्दनां कृत्वा प्रत्यागच्छत् ॥ मावइ पडीवड जाव पहु॥ 18 1.
143. VP. सोxxx मेरुं गन्तुण चेइयहराइ थोऊण पडिनियत्तो आगच्छद। 14 1.
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338 मारिश्चि पपुच्छिउ रावणेण। 18 1 2. 338 पप्रच्छ xxx मारीचम्। 14 5.
___VP. परिपुच्छइ मारीई। 14 3. 339 उहु कलयलु सुम्मइ काई माम। 339 अयि मारीच मारीच कुतोऽयं निनदो महान्। 18 13.
14 6.
VP. कस्सेसो मेघसरिस निग्घोसो। 14 3. 340 जइ णामेण अणन्तवीरु। 18 1 4. 340 अनन्तबल-संज्ञया कथितो मुनिः। 14 10. 341 देवागमु। 18 16. 341 देवागमः ।
___147. 342 परियाविणवैवि थुणेवि णिविटु 18 1 8. 342 नमस्कृत्य स्तुत्वा xxx
स्थितः समुचितावनौ। 14 14. 343 महवयह को वि कों विअणुवयई xxx। 343 सम्यग्दर्शनमायाताः केचित् केचिदणुव्रतं ।
कों वि सम्मत्तु लएवि थिउ ॥ 18 19. महाव्रतधराः केचिजाताः। 14 354. 344 धम्मरहु महारिसि भणइ तेत्थु xxx 344 अथ धर्मरथाख्येन मुनिनाऽभाषि xxx xx रयणायरें रयणु ण लेहि 18 2 1-2.
द्वीपोऽयं धर्मरत्नानां xxx गृह्यतामेकमप्यस्माद्रत्नम् ॥ 14 355-356. VP. भणिओ धम्मरवणं मुणिणा
xxx रयणद्दीवे जहा रयणं । 14 151. 345. 1825-7.
345 of हुताशनशिखा पेया बद्धव्यो वायुरशुके ।
उत्क्षेप्तव्यो धराधीशः। 14 363. 346 णउ सक्कमि वउ धरॅवि। 18 2 9b. 346 न समर्थोऽहं सेवितुं यत्तपोव्रतं । 14 364.
__VP. असमत्थोहं। 14 152. 347 परिचिन्तेंवि । 18 3 1. 347 अवधार्य ।
14370. 348 5 मई ण समिच्छइ चारुगत्तु, 348 न मया नारी, परस्येच्छा विवर्जिता। तं मण्ड' लएमिण पर-कलत्तु। 18 3 2 गृहीतच्या ॥
14 371 349 महिन्दु महिन्द-णामें पुरवरें। 18 3 4 349 महेन्द्राख्यः xxx महेन्द्रनगरं तच्च पुरम्।
VP.महिन्दनयर कयं महिन्देणं। 15 10 350 तहों हिययवेय णामेण भज,
350 (a) नार्या हृदयवेगायाम्। 15 15 तहाँ दुहियाणसुन्दरि मणोज । 18 3 5
__(b) अञ्जनासुन्दरी त्रैलोक्यसुन्दरी 15 16 VP. (a) हिययसुन्दरीए महिन्द-भजाएँ 15 11
(b) वरअञ्जणसुन्दरि। 15 12 351 झिन्दुएण रमन्तिहें। 18 36 351 क दुकेनासौ रममाणा। 15 21
___VP. कीलन्ती ते(गे)न्दुएण। 15 13 352 उप्पण्ण चिन्त।
18 37 352 चिन्तातिदुःखितः। 15 22 353 गड xxx जिणु-अट्टाहिएँ अट्ठावयहाँ। 353 फाल्गुनाष्टदिनोत्सवे जग्मुरष्टापदे । 1839
1874-75 354 एत्तवि ताव पल्हाय-राउxxx भाउ। 354 पलादोऽपि तदाऽयासीत्। 1878
___ 18 4 1 VP. पल्हाओ वि नरवई xx गन्तूण। 15 33 355 मयणाउरु पवणञ्जय-कुमार।
355 दिवसानां त्रयं सेहे न प्राङ्गादिः प्रतीक्षितुम् । णउ विसहइ तइयउ दिवसु एन्तु ॥ मन्मथसंभवैः पूरितो xx बाणै. ॥ 15 94-95.
1851-2 VP. न सहइ पवणंजओ गमिङ
मयणोरगावरद्धो। 15 43-44,
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356 णड विसहर्ड तयउ दिवसु । 18 6 2. 356 अतिवाहयितुं नाहं प्रभवामि दिनत्रयम् ।
___- 15 125 357 जइ अजु ण लक्खिउ पियह बयणु, 357 VP. जइ तं महिन्दतणयं अज । तो कल्लएँ महु णित्तुलउ मरणु॥ 18 63. न पेच्छामि xxx तो विगयजी विओ
हं होहामि न एत्थ संदेहो॥ 1554. 358 तं णिसुणे व वुश्चइ पहसिएण,
358 एवमुक्तस्ततोऽवोचदाशु प्रहसितो हसन् । xxx वयणें पहसिएण। 18 6 4
15128. 359 थिय जाल-गवक्खऍ दिट्ट वाल । 18 67 359 वातायन स्थिती मुक्काजालतिरोधानावङ्गनां
तामपश्यताम् । ___15 139. 360 एत्थन्तरें xxx चवइ वसन्तमाल । 360 अत्रान्तरे xxx वसन्ततिलकाभिधा। 1871 अभाषत ॥
15 147. VP. एयन्तरम्मि सहिया वसन्ततिलयत्ति नामओ भण।
15 65. 361 सहलउ तउ माणुस-जम्मु माएँ 361 अहो परमधन्यत्वं सुरूपे भर्तृदारिके। भत्तारु पहअणु लद्ध जाएँ ॥ 1872 पित्रा वायुकुमाराय यद् दत्तासि। 15 148.
VP. धनासि तुमं बाले जा दिन्ना पवणवेगस्स ।
15 65. 362 सिरु विहुणेवि भणइ वि मीसकेस । 362 भिश्रकेशीति xxx अवदत् xxx धूतसोदामणिपहु पहु परिहरेवि,
धम्मिल्लपल्लवम् । विद्युत्प्रभं परित्यज्य वायोथिउ पवणु कवणु गुणु संभरेवि ॥
गुहासि यदू गुणान् ॥ 15 155. 1873-4 VP. विजुप्पभं पमोत्तुं पवर्णजयं
पसंससि xxx परममूढे। 15 68363 (a) अन्तरु गोपय-सायराहुँ 18 75 363 भेदो वायोर्विद्युत्प्रभस्य च xxx
(b) तं विजुप्पह-पवणञ्जयाहुँ। 18 7 8 गोष्पदस्याम्बुधेश्च यः। 15 160. 364 भाऍहिँ मालावेहि कुविउ णरु। 364 (a) इत्युक्ते क्रोधानलविदीपितः। थिउ xxx उक्खय-खग्ग-करु ॥
15 163. 'रिउ रक्खड विहि-मि लेमि सिरहै। (b) समाकर्षन् सायकः। 15 164.
18 79. (c) लुनाम्यतोऽनयोः xxx मूर्धानमुभयोरपि । विद्युत्प्रभोऽधुना रक्षां करोतु ॥
15 166. VP. सोऊण वयणमेयं पवणगई रोसपसरियामरिसो आयड्डइ असिवरं। 15 71. (b) सिराइ छिन्दामि दोह्न वि जणीणं
xxx करेउ विजुष्पहो इहई। 15 73. 365 करि-सिर-रयणुजलिय। 18 8 2. 365 मत्तेभकुम्भदारणकारिणः। 15 173
VP. गय कुम्भदा[]णसमत्थं। 15 75. 366 णिय-आवासहों। 1883. 366 वसतिमात्मनः ।
15 177. VP. निययावासं ।
1577. 367 गय रयणि तासु । 1884. 367 आगता क्षयं विभावरी । 15 185.
VP. रयणी वोलीणा। 1580.
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7 368 रवि उग्गउ ।
188 4. 368 उदियाय च तिग्मांशुः। 15 181.
VP. दिवसयरो उदिओ। 15 83. 369 उम्माहट लाइउ जन्तएण। 18 8 6. 369 तेन नितान्तं दुःखिताऽभवत् । 15 193.
VP.सोऊण गमणं तिस्स बाला चिन्तेइ
15 85. 370 कर-चरण धरेप्पिणु राणऍहिँ । 18 8 8. 370 श्वसुरेण धृतः पाणौ जनके च । 15 215. 371 परिचिन्तियउ। 188 9a. 371 दध्यो।
15216. 372 एक-चार करयलें धरेंyि
372 समुह्य शातयाम्येनां दुःखेनासङ्गजन्मना । पुणु xxx परिहरेंवि। 18 8 9b.
15217. 373 दूउ विसजियउ। 18 9 9. 373 दूतः प्रेषितः ।
1635. 374 वरुणहाँ णन्दणेहिँ ।
374 (a) राजीवपौण्डरीकाद्याःxxx xx राजीव-पुण्डरीएहिँ xx खरदूसण वरुणनन्दनाः।
1643. xx धरिय गवर ॥ 18 10 1-2. (b) गृहीतः खरदूषणः।
16 51. VP. (a) राईवपुण्डरीया पुत्ता। 16 19.
(b) वरुणसुएहि गहिओ खरदूसगो। 16 24. 375 सालयहुँ म होसइ कहि-मि घाउ। 375 खरदूषणभद्रस्य xxx मा भून्मरणसंप्राप्तिः 18 104.
16 53. 376 ओसरु दुटु-दारें। 18 10 8. 376 अवसाशु xxx दुरीक्षणे। 16 87. 377 अच्छिउ अच्छन्ते जीउ महु, 377 (a) तिष्ठताऽपि त्वया xxxजीवितास्मि । जन्हें जाएसइ पइँ जि सहुँ । 18 109. जीविष्याम्यधुना स्वामिन् कथं दूरंगते त्वयि ॥
___16 91-92. (b) मरणं भवेत् ।
16 95. VP.जीयं मरणं वि तुमे आयत्तं मजा ।
16 43. 378 माणस-सरवरें आवासु मुकु,
378 संप्राप्तो मानसं सरः । आवासयत्तटे तस्य ॥ भत्थवणहाँ ताम पयङ्गु ढुक्कु ॥ 18 11 2.
1698. VP. उवढिओ माणससरम्मि xxx रइओ तत्थ णिवेसो । ताव चिय अत्थगिरि
कमेण सूरो समल्लीणो। 16 44-45 379 चक्की वि दिट्ट विणु चक्कएण,
379 (a) एकाकिनीमेकामाकुलां चक्रवाकिका वाहिजमाण मयरद्धएण॥ 18 114.
वियोगानलसंतप्ताम् । 16 107. (b) ददर्श।
16 113. VP. तत्थेका चक्काई दिट्ठा
xx विरहग्गितवियगी। 16 51. 380 पङ्खाहणन्ति xx पकन्दन्ति धन्ति ॥ 380 (a) धुन्वानां पक्षती वेगात् । 16 109.
18 11 5.
(b) नानाचेष्टितकारिणीम्। 16 107. VP. विहुणइ पक्खावलि
उद्धाइ चलइ वेवइ। 16 52. 881 जाउ तहाँ कलुण-भाउ,
381 (a) कृपादृतः।
16 113. मह सरिसु भण्णु ण को वि पाउ 18 11 6. (b) पापचेतसः।
16 122.
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382 उप्पएवि णहङ्गणें वे वि गय। 18 119. 382 पुरः प्रहसितं कृत्वा वायुर्गगनमुद्ययौ।
16 148.
VP. दोण्णि वि गयणगणेश वच्चन्ता । 16 63. 383 पत्त अक्षणहें भवणु
383 (a) प्राप्तश्चाजनसुन्दर्या गृहे प्रग्रीवकोदरे । पच्छण्णु होवि थिउ कहि-मि पवणु ॥ __ वायुरस्थात्प्रविष्टस्तु तस्याः प्रह सितोऽन्तिकं। गउ पहसिउ अब्भन्तरें पइटु,
16 151. xxx आगमणु सिद्ध ॥ 18 12 1-2. (b) अकथयत्तस्यै पवनञ्जयमागतम्। 16 154.
VP. पहसिओxxx अन्भिन्तरं पविट्ठो।
16 64. 384 एवड्ड पुण्णु जइ। 18 12 5. 384 अपुण्याम् ।
16 156. 385 पलक्के चडिउ करें लेवि देवि। 18 128. 385 गृहीत्वा दयितः पाणौ शयने समुपाविशत् ।
16 171. 386 तं मरुसेजहि मिगणयणि। 19 16. 386 देवि मा काषीरुद्वेग त्वम् । 16 229.
VP.मा उव्वेयस्स देहि अत्ताणं। 1684. 387 कर मउलिकरेप्पिणु विण्णवइ, 387 कृत्वा करयुगाम्भोजं जगादाजनसुन्दरी रयसलहें गब्भु जइ संभवइ ।
xxऋतुमती xxx ततस्त्वविरहे तो उत्तर काइँ देमि जणहाँ॥ 19 1 2-3. गर्भो ममावाच्यो भविष्यति ॥ 16 231-232.
VP.अजं चिय उदुसमओxxx गब्भो कयाइ
उयरम्मि होही वणिजयरो। 16 86. 388 ककणु xxx समल्लāवि। 19 1 4. 388 वलयं दत्वा ।
16238 389 एउ काई कम्मु पइँ भायरिउ । 19 1 7. 389 तव केनेदं कृतं कर्म । ___ 174 390 °भयाउरउ संजायउ वे विणिरुत्तरउ। 390 भीत्या निरुत्तरीभूताम्। 17 16
1924. 391 हकारेंवि पणिउ कूर-भडु ।
391 क्रूरनामानं क्रूरमाहूय किङ्कर xxx 'एयउ xxx माहेन्दपुरहाँ दूरन्तरण। इत्यूचे । xxx नीत्वमा महेन्द्रपुरगोचर यानेन परिधिववि आउ सहुँ रहवरेण ॥ सहितां सख्या निक्षिप्यैहि। 17 12-13.
192 5-7. 392 गड वे वि चडावि। . 19 2 9. 392 सख्या समं समारोप्य यानम् । 17 18.
VP. समयं सहियाऍ अक्षणा
xxx जाणम्मि समारूढा। 17 8. 393 अक्षण xxx ओआरिया। 192 10. 393 अवतार्यताम् ।
17 21. 394 रवि मत्थन्तओ, अक्षणाएँ केरउ 394 ततोऽञ्जनां समालोक्य दुःखभारादिवोत्तमा दुक्खु वि असहन्तओ। 19 3 1. xxx रविरस्तमुपागमत् । 17 22.
VP. ताव य अत्थंगओ सूरो। 17 9. 395 सादुक्खु दुक्खु परियलिय णिसि 19 35. 395 निशा निन्ये कृच्छ्रेणासौ। 17 29. 396 पट्टणे हट्ट-सोह करहों। 19 3 8. 396 पुरस्य क्रियतां शोभा। 17 36. 397 f xxx सिर वजेण हड। 19 4 5. 397 वज्रेणेवाहते श्रुती। 17 39. 398 दुस्सील दुट्टxxx विणु खेवें 398 निर्वास्यतां पुरादस्मादरं सा पापकारिणी । णयरहों णीसरउ । 19 4 6. .
17 39. VP. (a) धाडेह पावकम्मा बाला xx एसा ।
17 20. (b) धाडेह लहुं पुरवराओ। 17 24.
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399 पभणइ आणन्दु मन्ति सुचवि। 19 4 7. 399 ततो नाना महोत्साहः सामन्तोऽस्याति
वल्लभः जगाद ।
VP. नामेण महुच्छाहो सामन्तो भणइ। 17 21. 400 वणु गम्पि पइट। 1958. 400 समं सख्या xx प्राविशद् वनम्। 17 65. 401 धाहाविउ ।
19 5 8. 401 सा चक्र परिदेवनम् । 17 66
VP. करेइ परिदेवणं बाला ॥ 17 30. 402 विहि मि कलुषु कन्दन्तियहिँ 19 5 10. 402 अत्यन्तदीनमेतस्यां रुदन्त्याम् । 17 79. 403 हरिणेहि वि दोवउ मेल्लियउ । 19 5 10. 403 मृगीभिरपि निर्मुक्ताः सुस्थूला बाष्पविन्दवः।
1779. दर्भानुपात्तान् विजहुर्हरिण्यः।
Raghuvams'a 14 37. 404 पलिया-गुह। 19 6 6. 404 पर्यगृहाख्याम् । 17213.
VP. पलियङ्कगुहा। 1775. 405 णामेण भटारउ अमियगइ। 19 6 7. 405 अमितगत्याख्यः । - 17 139.
VP. अमियगई। 17 47. 406 जिण-पडिम सवत्तिहें मच्छरेण, 406 (a) सपव्यै क्रुद्धया तया चक्रे बाह्यावपरिचित्त पत्त तं एहु दुहु । 197 4-5 काशासौ जिनेन्द्रप्रतियातना ॥ 17 168.
(b) तेनातिदुःख समागमत् । 17 198. VP.(a) °सवत्तीए xx रुवाए
सिद्धपडिमा ठविया घरबाहिरुइसे। 1762.
(b) तं एस-महादुक्खं अणुहूयं । 17 70.. 407 एवहिँ पावेसहि सयल-सुहु। 19 7 5. 407 अल्पैरेव च तेऽहोभिः । प्रियसङ्गो भविष्यति।
17 210. 408 कीलाल-सित्त-केसर-पसरु। 19 7 8. 408 °कीलालशोणकेसरसश्चय। 17 224.
___VP. केसरारुणिओ। 1777. 409 °गुञ्ज-सरिस-णयणु। 1979 409 गुञ्जाक्षः।
7235. 410 उप्पऍवि भायासें वसन्तमाल । 19 7 11 410 उत्पत्य त्वरिता व्योम्नि सख्यस्याः ।
17 240. 411, 19 8 1-6
17255-257. 412 रक्खहाँ सहिय। 19 8 6. 412 कुरुत त्राणमस्याः । 17 257.
VP. रक्खसु।
1781. 413 गन्धवाहिवह xxx पर-उवयार-मइ । 413 गन्धर्वः xxx कारुण्याश्लेषमीयिवान् । 1987
17 242. 414 मणिचूडु रयणचूडहें दइउ।
414 मणिचूलाख्यं रनचूला निजागना 17 243. 415 गीउ गीतxxx मणोहरु। 1991 415 गीतं केनाप्येतन्मनोहरम्। 17 284.
VP गाइउं पवत्तोxxx मणहरं । 17 85. 416 को वि सुहि वसइ वणे। 19 9 2 416 (a) कोऽप्यनुकम्पकः। 17 285.
(b) महारण्येऽपि x x सुहृदो जनः 17 287. 417 कहाँ धीयउ कहाँ कुलउत्तियउ, 417 इयं का दुहिता कस्य वा शुभा। कसु केरउ एवड दुहु,
पत्नी वा कस्य कस्माद् वा वणे अच्छहों जेण। 19910. महारण्यमिदं श्रिता। 17 328. 418 माहवमासहाँ बहुलट्टमिएँ। 1995. 418 चैत्रस्य बहुलाष्टमी। - 17 364.
VP. बहुलट्ठमी य चेत्तस्स। 7 107
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419 गक्खस सवणे। 1996. 419 नक्षत्र श्रवणः ।
___VP. समणो चिय नक्खत्तं । 17 107 420 रयणिहें पच्छिम-पहरद्धे . 420 अर्धयामावशेषायां रजन्यामद्य थिएँ xxx उप्पण्णु सुत। 1995-6.
17 361 VP. रयणीए अजपच्छिमे
जामे वरदारयं पसूया। 17 101 421 अक्षणसुन्दरि णामेण इमxxx 421 सुता महेन्द्रराजस्य नामतः प्रथिताजना। महिन्दु नेण जणिय। 19 102-3.
17 335 VP. महिन्दनिवधूया नामेण अक्षणा ।
. 1797 422 पवणायहाँ परिणि । 19 10 4. 422 पत्नी पवनवेगस्य । 17 336
____VP. महिला पवणञ्जयभडस्स 17 97 423 पभणइ वाहम्भ-भरिय-णयणु। 19 10 5. 423 पतबाष्पनयनस्तमवादयत् । 17 347 424 पडिसूरु हणूरुह-राउलउ। 19 10 7. 424 प्रतिसूर्योऽहं द्वीपे हनूरुहाभिधे । 17 346 425 णं गह पडीवउ लगु णिहि । 19 11 6. 425 प्रदर्य रत्नसंपूर्ण निधानं हरता। 17 389 426 णिय-पुरु पइसारेंवि णरवरण,
426 (a) प्रतिसूर्यो निजं स्थानम्। 17 399 जम्मोच्छउ किउ पडिदिणयरेण ॥ 19 11 7. (b) स विवेश पुरम् । 17 400
(c) तत्र जन्मोत्सवस्तस्य xxx विद्याधरैः कृतः। 17 401 VP. पवेसिओ हणुरुहं नयर। 17 118 (d) जम्मूमवो तस्स महन्तो कओ खेयरेहिं ।
17 119 427 सिरिसइलु सिलायलु चुण्णु णिउ। 427 शैलं चाचूर्णयत्ततः श्रीशैल इति। 17 402
19 11 8. VP. सेलो आचुण्णिओ xxx तेणं चिय
सिरिसेलो नाम xxx कयं । 17 120 428 हणुरुह-दीवें पवडियउ,
428 (a)पुरे हनूरुहे यस्माज्जातः संस्कारमाप्तवान् हणुवन्तु णामु ते तासु किउ । 19 118
हनुमानिति तेनागात् प्रसिद्धिम् । 17 403
(b) नामास्य चके। 17 402 VP. (c) हणरुहनयरम्मि जहा सकारो पाविओ
xxx हणुओत्ति तेण नाम 17 121 (c) हणुरुहपुरे जेणं संवडिओ
xxx हणुओ त्ति त्तेण नाम। 18 51 429 खर-दूसण मेल्लावेप्पिणु,
429 (a) प्रविष्टश्च पुरम् ।
186 वरुणही रावणहाँ वि सन्धि कोप्पिणु।
(b) गृहमेतत्तया शुन्यम। 18 13 19 121
VP. पविसरइ निययनयर। 185 430 णिय-णयह पईसइ ।
430 समं मित्रेण ।
18 15 णीसुण्णु ताम मिय-धरिणि-घरू। 19 122 431 वयसेंहि परियरिउ ।
431 भूतरवाभिख्यं वनं प्राप्य। 18 48
VP. भूयरवं नाम वणं संपत्तो। 18 20 432 काणणु पइसरह पिसायरउ । 19 13 2 432 गजेन्द्र त्वं xx क्षमस्व च पराभवम् 18 51
VP. तं खमसु मज्झ गयवर । 18 22 433 से सयलु खमेजहि कुम्भि महु। 433 सुकृतज्ञोऽसौ खामिवात्सल्यदक्षिणः 19 14 4. नमुमोचान्तिकम् ।
18 53.
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484 सामिय-सम्माणु ण वीसरह। ___434 रावणस्यापि सन्धिर्येन रणे कृतः। 18 68 xxxपासु ण मुअइ॥ 19 148-9 VP. कारेइ सन्धिसमयं
xx दूसणं मुयइ।
18 3 435 हा पुत्त पुत्त कहिं गयउँ तुहु । 19 153 435 हा वत्स xxx क्कासि गतः। 18 69 436 पल्हाऍ धीरिय । 19 158. 436 सान्वयन्वनितांxxx प्रहादः। 18 71.
VP.संठाविऊण महिलं पहाओ। 18 31. 437 उभय-सेढि-विणिवासियहुँ। 19 15 10. 437 द्विश्रेणिवासिनः।
18 73.
VP. उभयसेढि वत्थब्वा। 18 32. 438 विधीरिय माउलेण। 19 16 10. 438 प्रतिसूर्यः समाश्वास्य । 18 85.
VP. पडिसुज्जओ आसासेऊण अक्षणा।18 36. 439 णिय-विमाणे आरूढु। 19 17 1. 439 समास (2)ह्य खगयानम् । 19 86. 440 (a) भूअरवाडइ ढुक्का। 19 17 4. 440 (a) भूतरवाटव्यां ददृशे ते महाद्विपम् ।। (b) सो कालभेहु वणे दिट्ट गउ । 19 17 5.
888. (b) कालमेघाख्यपवनद्विपः। 18 89. VP. भूयारणं वर्ण समणुपत्ता
पच्छन्ति तत्थ हथि । 18 37. 441 गणियारिउ ढोइय वसिकियउ। 19 17 8. 441 करिणीभिरथावृत्य द्विपं
xxx वशीकृत्य ।
VP. काऊण वसे हत्यि। 18 41. 442 मउणु लएवि परिट्ठियड xxx 442 पुस्तकर्मसमाकारं वाचंयमतया स्थितम् । कटुमउ किण्ण णिम्मविउ णरु । 19 17 11.
18 10.
VP. कयमोणं । 18 43. 443 णहैं णिजन्तु पडिउ सिल हे
443 (a) विमाने स्थाप्यमानः सन् सिरिसइलु गाउँ हणुवन्तु जिह।
पतितः शैलगहरे। 18 118. 19 187-8.
(b) श्रीशैल इति xx स्तुतः। 18 122. (c) हनूमानिति तेनास्य द्वितीयं नाम निर्मितम् । 18 124. VP. (a) विमारूढो निजन्तो महियले पडिओ।
18 47. (b) सिरिसेलो नाम से कयं। 18 49.
(c) हणुओ त्ति तेण नाम। 18 51. 444 पडिदिणयर-पवणहुँ। 20 1 4. 444 पवनवेगस्य प्रतिसूर्यस्य । 19 4.
VP. पडिसूरपवणाणं । 19 3. 445 वच्छ वच्छ परिपालहि मेइणि। 445 राज्यं हनूरुहद्वीपे वत्स त्वं पालय xxx अम्हेंहि रावण-आण करेवी । 2016-7. तस्य कर्तव्यं प्रीत्यावाभ्यां यथोचितम् । 197-8.
VP. अम्हेहि सामिकजं xx कायव्वं। 197. 446 चलण णवेप्पिणु पभणइ पावणि, 446 हनूमान् xxx विनयेनेदमब्रवीत्।। किंxxx अप्पुणु जुज्झ हों,
मयि स्थिते न युक्तं वां गन्तुमायोधनम् । 19 10. म. हणुवन्ते हुन्तऍण। 20 1 9-10. VP. हणुमन्तो भणइ विणयनमिअङ्गो
सन्तेण मए तुझं न य जुत्तं रणमुहे गन्तुं। 19 9. 447 भज वि पुत्त ण पेक्खिउभाउ। 20 2 1 447 अविज्ञातरणास्वादो वत्स त्वम् । 19 11.
VP. भडाण तुम अज-वि वयणं न पच्छाहि ।
19 10. 448 वाल सीहु किं करिण विहाडइ । 20 2 4. 448 VP. बालो वि हु पञ्चमुहो
मत्तगइन्दे खयं नेइ। 19 11.
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449 सामीरणि आलिनि। 203 2. 449 परिष्वज्य हनूमन्तम्। 19 24. 450 ताव दसाणणु वरुणहाँ पुत्तेहि, 450 ततोऽसौ युगपत् पुत्रः वरुणस्य समावृतः। वेदिउ चन्दु जेम जीमुत्तेहि ॥ 20 6 7. आदित्य इव गर्जद्भिः प्रावृषेण्यबलाहकैः। 19 47.
VP. दहवयणो वरुणस्स सुएहि वेढिओ
मेहेहि व दिवसयरो पाउसकाले। 19 24 451 दुन्याएं रवि मेहहुँ मेलावियउ। 2079. 451 महारयसमीरेण धनसङ्घा इव। 19 53. 452 संवेवि विजा-लालें। 20 8 1-2 452 कञ्चिल्लाङ्कलपाशेन विद्यारचितमूर्तिना
आकर्षत् ।
1955. 453 ताम पधाइउ वरुणु। 20 8 2 458 तं दृष्ट्वा xx अभ्याजगाम वरुणः। 19 57. 454 तर्हि अवसर पवणञ्जय-सारे xxx
454 तावत पुत्रशतं तस्य बद्धं पवनसनना। xxxणिय-लङ्गले वेढेंवि धरिय कुमार ।
19 60. 2098-9 VP. गिण्हइ वरुणस्स नन्दणा हणुओ। 19 28. 455 णिय-णन्दण-वन् गेण स-करुणहाँ,
455 श्रुत्वा पुत्रशतं बद्धं वरुणः शोकविह्वलः । पहरणु हत्थे ण लग्गइ वरुणहाँ,
विद्यास्मरणनिर्मुक्तो बभूव श्लथविक्रमःxx रावणेण xxx धरिउ रणगणें।
रावणःxxइमं क्षिप्रं जग्राहरणकोविदः। 1962. 20101-2
VP. रावणो वि बन्धइ वरुणं। 1928. 456 कोकावेप्पिणु वरुणु दसासें । 26 11 3 456 आनाय्य वरुणोऽवाचि रावणेन । 19 89. 457 मरणु गहणु जउ सव्वहाँ वीरहों। 457 द्वयमेव रणे वीरैः प्राप्यते xxx। णवर पलायणेण लजिजह। 2011 4-5 ग्रहणं मरणं वाऽपि कातरैश्च पलायितुम्। 1991. 458 तासु मिडइ जो सो जि भयाणउ ।। 458 तवात्र लोके मूढो जनो तिष्ठति वैरभावे। 20118
1993. 459 तुहुँ महु राणउ।
459 स्वामी स्वमस्माकम् ।
1997. 460 महु सुय णामें सञ्चवइ,
460 गृहाण तन्मे सुता xxx करि ताऍ समाणड पाणिग्गहणु। 20 119 सत्यवतीति नाना। 1999.
VP. हणुयस्स देइ कन्नं सच्चमई नाम नामेणं ।
19 32. 461 दिजइ पउमराय सुग्गीवें,
461 (a) सुग्रीवसंज्ञस्य xxx तनूजा खरॅण अणकुसुम xxx,
xxx पद्मगगा। 19 108-119. णल-णीलेहि धीय सिरिमालिणि,
विवाहःxxx विनिर्मितः । 19126. भट्ट सहास एम परिणेप्पिणु।
(c) ददौ समीरप्रभवाय कन्यो अनङ्गपुष्पेति
xxxगतां प्रसिद्धिम। 19102-103. 20 12 8-10.
(d) अनल: xxx हरिमालिनी xxx ददौ xxxहनूमते। 19 105. (e) इदि क्रमेणाम्य बभूव य षितां परं सहस्राद् गणनम् । . 19 106. VP. (a) हणुयस्स xxx दिन्ना कन्ना अणङ्ग कुसुमत्ति नामेणं । नलेण दिना कन्ना हरिमालिणि त्ति नामेणं। 1934-36. (b) दुहियं xx सुग्गीवो नामेण पउमरागं
1 37. (c) हणुएण वरतणू सा परिणीया। 19 41 (d) एवं सहस्समेगं जायं हणुयस्स पवरमहिलाणं। 19 42.
Page #206
1. 28 41
oo ooo
44 31 30
Correct -vimaddiēņa for -vammiyahim Orthography emphasizes Mūla अट्ठ पयट्टइ Kirti jivantahum omit this line. -Jasakitti also metre Apabhramsa Sirimunisuvvaya composing for coming Ghātaka for Bhātaka portions are somewhat omit 'quotations from which are found in SC
27 28
50 26
35 50
32 32
karavim Loss of yavowel bhiccattanafrom Surinda-iyaFoot-note figure 1 should be placed on 'form in
-a or -ā' and foot-note (1) on p. 62 should be
on p. 61. omit the foot-note figure from -aim'. the one-moraic -ěn. the one-moraic -ēn. foot-note (3) is misplaced here. Tagare for Tagore (-vim) put superscript 1 on 'suggestion'. Introduction, p. Gandhodakao, 'vašād, osaññām Scansion. vakrah
30 52
Page #207
94 94 94
Correct 26 Mahuaravanda 43 u u 47
Duvahaya 1–2 Transpose first and second lines. 40 6 + 4 + uu. 18 predicated 40 for Pādhadi 41 Apalisamghīyaḥ
manner. On 13 eighth 39 u — u
4 + 4 + 4 + u — (or u u) u 191., 3. Gana.
uuu - u instead of u - u/u,uuu (- u -) u - -,u - uu, -- u, uu - u + 4 + 4+ 4 + u...) unbecomfright laughed Kanaka
Bhānukarna 12 Mandodarī 13 Candranakhi's
Sugrīva destroyed he could jump.
98 99
101 106 107 110 110 112 112 112 116
41 47
Page #208
Correct favur f# (A.'s reading) कल्लोला-णिठ्ठिय
ऽ के
f. n.42
> 50M W 9 VO
20 f. n. 2 f. n.3.3
r m mmmmmm Im Von
जम्वदीउ कुलयर उप्पण्णा कन्दप्पहों -महागिरि ण्हवणवीढु एहविउ जे 27 वुत्तउ णिसुणेवि -भुक्खहिं (P.'s reading) 'आमेल्ले वि. drop the inverted coma वोल्लइ25 अम्हेंहिं भडारउ जं जे संपाइउ*॥१ जम्वीरि-जणियहे उप्परि मेल्लिवि P चउतीसाइसय -वाहणहिँ चडेप्पिणु Afeste (A.'s reading) पइठ (P.'s reading) पर थिय उरें तोय-तुसार धवल आवीलवि कच्छउ गिरि-मेरु-सरिसु रहणेउरचक्कवाल-णयरें
P दिठ्ठिहे अणुहुत्तउ (A.'s reading) रिसि-सङधु उज्वेल्लेवि (based on A.'s reading) add 'S उच्चेल्लिवि' उप्पज्जे वि छेय-काले णरेण करें वि PSA अज्जुवि 973 (A' reading) add. [१३]. १. कपिशरीरेण, मुनिना वा. वेयमइ-अग्ग
f. n. 11.8
f. n. 12
f. n. 29
End 14
Page #209
Correct -सामिसाल वण्णराहुँ मुण्डे हि drop this foot-note भण वि वोमविन्दु णिसुणे वि
कामण्ण सोयवि for सो चवेवि युएवि सीसुप्परि
5 14
असिवरु विरेल्लिय-धाएं दुवारह एक्केण -पावालोलिउ (P.'s reading) समर-झड तम्बारु for तं वारु
19 22
१०४ १०५
f. n. 12
प खयहो थिय PS वाहुवली तणेण सावेणं पहावेणं लंचिया drop the query विलसति उल्लुक्कों उप्परि करयलकडउल्ला-केसरु कामिणि भिसिणि सलिलफलिह-कप्परेंहि सुरहि-मिगमयरिञ्छोलिहि तल्लिच्छउ रयणे हि केयइ-हात्थे हि -म
११७ ११८
११९ १२०
भुवेण पकड्ढिउ गय-मय-णइ-मइलिय
Page #210
20 2
एत्तिउ 'दाहेण घुट्ठ पच्चुत्तरु सच्च वि सारवन्तु' विहि -मरु णरिन्द भो इन्द्र दलहुँ भिच्चहुँ णाहिं लीलोद्भूत सुर-वगलामुहें
last 22
१३२ १३४
f. n. fourth line
१३६ १३७ १४०
15 11
f. n. 1
१४३ १४४
कि सक्कइ
P. तेण पडित्थिर (S.'s reading) -वण्णु परत्तउ
तप्प-वेस परितोसिऍण, पहसिऍण विज्जप्पहकरयले, घरे वि, परिहरें वि, विसज्जियउ addy '४ वृथा' भन्तऍण A पहंजण drop the query पिसायरउ
26 last but one
17 f. n. 8.1
3 12
१५२ १५६ १५७ १५९
A कित
Page #211
after अडइ, heading
Correct enter 'अडयणा 13 12 5 कुलटा (D.1 18).' Index
under आण
,, आणन्तय after आराह
heading under एत्थ under खुरप्प
खुरुप्प after चन्दिणय
opponent drop आणवडीवय etc. enter 'आराहण 5 16 8(आराधना) the Bhagavati Ārādhana' Index add 'एत्थ 6 15 6' drop 1553' add 1553 enter 'चन्दुज्जय 187 8(D. 3 4) कुमुद' drop the entry चाउल. enter 'जन्ती 14 10 2 यन्त्रिता' drop '14 13 l' under it and
'enl. जन्तिय 1448' correct जिह.....तिह, यथा.....तथा drop the entry णहमणि enter "तल्लिच्छय 14 8 4 [तल्लिप्स
आसक्त (D.53) for/ परीयडढ read/ परियडढ enter /पाड [पाटय् ] pres. 3.s. पाडइ
dry. 'जन्ती
after जन्तिय under TT
after णहङगण
after पायालय
after सिरि
64 66 71
after सुम्म after अणुतरवाइ after पायाललक
enter 'faft' 14 13 7 (corrupt for सिर°?) शिरस् or शिरा' enter 'सुर° 6 6 3 सुरा' enter 'अणुराह 12 4 9a अनुराधा' enter 'पिसायरव 1913 2 पिशाचरव (वन)'
Page #212
सयम्भुएवकिउ पउमचरिउ (पढमो विजाहरकण्डो)
Page #213
Page #214
कइराय-सयम्भुएव-किउ पउ म चरिउ
णमहं णवं-कमल-कोमल-मणहर-वर-वहल-कन्ति-सोहिल्लं । उसहस्स पाय-कमलं स-सुरासुर-वन्दियं सिरसा ॥१॥ दीहर-समास-णालं सद्द-दलं अत्थ-केसरुग्धवियं । वुह-महुयर-पीय-रसं सयम्भु-कव्वुप्पलं जयउँ ॥२॥
1 P. A. begins; ० । ॐ नमो वीतरागाय; s. begins: प० । णमो वीतरागांय नमः. 2 S A नमह. 3 SA नव. 4 After this Gatha s. gives the following seven stanzas' of a Jinendra-rudrāstaka and five laudatory stanzas: पापान्धकनिणांशं मकरध्वजलोभमोहपुरदहनं । तपोभमभूषिताङ्गं जिनेन्द्ररुद्रं सदा वन्दे ॥ १॥ संयमवृषभारूढं तपउग्रमहन्त(?)तीक्ष्णशूलधरे । संसारकरिविदारं जिनेन्द्ररुद्रं सदा वन्दे ॥२॥ विमलमतिचन्द्ररेषं विरचितसिल(?)शुद्धभावकपालं।व्रताचलशैलनिलयं जिनेन्द्ररुद्रं सदा वन्दे ॥१
गुणगणनरशिर(?)मालं दशध्वजोद्भूतविदितखटाङ्ग ।
तप(?)कीर्तिगौरिरचितं (?)जिनेन्द्ररुद्रं सदा वन्दे ॥ ४ ॥ सप्तभयडाम(?)डमरुकवायं अनवरतप्रकटसंदोहं । मनबद्धसर्पपरिकरं जिनेन्द्ररुद्रं सदा वन्दे ॥५॥ अनवरतसत्यवाचाविकटजटामुकुटकृतशोभं । हुङ्कारभयविनाशं जिनेन्द्ररुद्रं सदा वन्दे ॥ ६॥
ईशानशयनरचितं जिनेन्द्ररुद्राष्टकं ललितमे(भा?)वं च ।
यः पठति भावशुद्धस्तस्य भवेजगति संसिद्धिः ॥ ७॥ चउमुह-मुहम्मि सद्दो दन्तभदं(?) च मणहरो अत्थो। विणि वि सयम्भुकव्वे किं कीरइ कइयणो सेसो ॥१॥ चउमुहएवस्स सद्दो सयम्भुएवस्स मणहरा जीहा। भदासय-गोग्गहणं अज वि कइणो ण पावन्ति ॥२॥ जलकीलाएँ सयम्भू( ) चउमुहएवं च गोग्गह-कहाए । भदं च अत्थवोहे(मच्छवेहे?) अज वि कइणो ण पावन्ति ॥३॥ तावञ्चिय सच्छन्दो भमइ अवन्भंस-मञ्च (?त्त)-मायङ्गो। जाव ण सयम्भु-वायरण-अङसो[?तच्छिरे]पडइ ॥४॥ सच्छन्द(द)-वियङ-दाढो छन्द(न्दो)लङ्कार-णहर-दुप्पिच्छो ।
वायरण-केसरड्डो सयम्भुपञ्चाणणो जयउ॥५॥ 5 PA नालं, Sणाल. 65 रुग्धवियं. 7 P जयउं.
Page #215
[पहिलड जयकारेंवि परम-मुणि झुणि जाहँ" अणिडिय रत्तिदिणु खण खणु वि जाहँ" ण विचलइ मणु
• मरणु वि कह होइ मुणीवर हँ" जिणवर जें" लीय माणे परहों (?) परियणु मणें मण्णिडें जेहिँ तिणु रि केम होइ भव-भय-रहियें
10 जे काय - चाय-मणे" णिच्छिरिये ते" एक-मणेण सयं भुऍण
पणवेपणु आइ भडाराहों पणवेष्पिणु' अजिय- जिणेसरहों
तिहुअणलग्गण-खम्भुं गुरु पुणु आरम्भिय रामक है
[ क० १-९क० १, १-२
मुणि-वर्णे" जाहँ सिद्धन्त - झुणि ॥ १ जिणु हियऍ" ण फिट्टइ एक " खणु ॥ २ मणु मग्गइ जाहँ मोक्खें-गमणु ॥ ३ गमणु वि जहिँ गर्डे जम्म मरणु ॥ ४ मुणिवर जे लग्गा जिणवरहँ ॥ ५ परु केव" ढुक्कु जें" परियणहों ॥ ६ तिण- समउ णाहिँ" लहु णरय रिर्णु ॥ ७ भव - रहिय धम्मं -संजम - सहिये ॥ ८
घत्ता ॥
[ १. पढमौ संधि ]
(जे)" काम कोह-दुण्णय-तरियै । वन्दिय गुरु परमायरियें ॥ ९ ]
परमेट्ठि" णवेष्पिणु" । आरिसु जोएपिणु ॥ १ ॥
संसार - समुत्ताराहों ॥ १ दुज्जय-कन्दप्प - दप्प-हरहों ॥ २
A वयण.
8 This whole Kadavaka is missing in P 9s A जयकारिवि. 10s वयणि, 11s जाह 12s A हियइ. 13 इक्कु. 14s जाव. 15 A सुक्ख 16 sण. 17 A जम्मण. 18s मुणी सराह 19s मुणिवर 20s A जे. 21s पाण. 22 s किंव. 23s जिं, A जे. 24 A मणिउं. 25 A नाहि. 26s णरड् विणु. 27s रद्द. 28 g रहिया. 29s सम्म 30s ° सहिया. 31s मणि 32 s णिच्छया, A णिच्छिरया. 33 Metrically redundant 34 s°तरिया 35s सं. 36s गुण. 37s परमायरिया. 38 After this Kaḍavaka, s A read the following Sanskrit stanza:
भवति किल विनाशो दुर्जनैः संगतानामिति वदति जनोऽयं सर्वमेतद्धि मिथ्या ।
उरगफणिमणीनां किं निमित्तेन राजन्न भवति विषदोषो (s विषशेषो ) निर्विषो वा भुजङ्गः ॥ 39s षंभु. 40 A परमेष्ठि 41 P नवेष्पिणु. 42Ps कहा.
1. 1P समुद्द. 2 A पणविष्पिणु.
१ आर्षे च रामायणम्.
Page #216
क० १, ३-१९] . .. पढमो संधि पणवेप्पिणु संभवसामियहों . तइलोक-सिहर-पुर-गामियों ॥३ । पणवेप्पिणु अहिणन्दण-जिणहों कम्मट्ठ-दुट्ठ-रिउ-णिजिणहों ॥४. पणवेवि सुमइ-तित्थङ्करहों वय-पञ्च-महादुद्धर-धरहों ॥५ पणवेप्पिणु पउमप्पह-जिणहों सोहिय-भव-लक्ख-दुक्ख-रिणहों ॥ ६ । पणवेप्पिणु सुरवर-साराहों जिणवरहों सुपास-भडाराहाँ ॥ ७ ॥ पणवेप्पिणु चन्दप्पह-गुरुहों भवियायण-संउण-कप्पतरूहों ॥८. पणवेप्पिणु पुप्फयन्त-मुणिहे' सुरभवणुच्छलिय-दिव-झुणिहें ॥९ पणवेप्पिणु सीयल-पुङ्गमों" कल्लाण-झौण-णाणुग्गमहों ॥ १० पणवेप्पिणु सेयंसाहिवहाँ अञ्चन्त-महन्त-पत्त-सिवहाँ ॥११ पणवेप्पिणु वासुपुज-मुणिहें विप्फुरिय-णाण-चूडामणिहे ॥ १२ ॥ पणवेप्पिणु विमल-महारिसिहे । संदरिसिय-परमागम-दिसिहे" ॥ १३ . पणवेप्पिणु मङ्गलगारांहों साणन्तहों धम्म-भडाराहों ॥ १४ पणवेप्पिणु सन्ति-कुन्थु-अरहँ" "तिण्णि मि तिहुअण-परमेसरहँ ॥ १५ पणवेवि मल्लि-तित्थङ्करहों तइलोक-महारिसि-कुलहरहों* ॥ १६ . पणवेप्पिणु मुणि-सुबय-जिणहों। देवासुर-दिण्ण-पयाहिणहों ॥ १७ पणवेप्पिणु णमि-णेमीसरहँ" पुणु पास-वीर-तित्थङ्करहँ" ॥ १८
॥ घत्ता ॥ इय चउवीस वि परम-जिण पणवेप्पिणु भावें । पुणु अप्पाणउ पायडमि रामायण-कौवें ॥ १९
3 Ps णिज्जणहो. 4 PS पणवेप्पिणु. 5 PS सोसिय. 6 A भवदुक्खलक्ख. 7 P जिणवरूहो. 8 P कप्पतरूहो. 9 P पुष्पयंतमुणिहे, s पुष्फयंतमुणिहो, A सुप्फयंतमुणिहो. 10 S ज्झुणिहे. 11 PS पुंगवहो. 12 A णाणज्झाणारमहो. 13 A भत्तंत. 14 P °मुणिहो, s °मुणिहिं, A °फणिहो corrected to मु. 15 Ps A °चूडामणिहो. 16 P °महागि रहे, 5 °महागिरिहो A °महारिसहो. 17 विसिहो A दिसिहो. 18 s साणत्तहो. 19 P सत्ति. 20 PS कुंथ. 21 A °अरुहं 22 P. marginally 'तीहिम्मि' पाठे, A तिण्ण वि. 23 Pत्तिहुअण. 24 A °कुलरहो. 25 P दि. 26 P Sणेमीसरहो. 27 PS तिथं. करहो. 28 A पुणु आरम्भिय रामकह. 29 A °काविं. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [१] १ जयनशीलस्य. २ पक्षिणाम्. ३ मार्गस्य. ४ सह-अनन्त-धर्मनाथभट्टारकस्य..५ काव्येन.
Page #217
[क० २, १-१२३, ..
वद्धमाणे-मुह-कुहर-विणिग्गय | रामकहा-णई एह कमागय ॥१ अक्खर-वास-जलोह-मणोहर सु-अलङ्कार-छन्द-मच्छोहर ॥२ दीह-समास-पवाहावकिय सक्कय-पायय-पुलिणालकिय ॥ ३ 5 देसीभासा-उभय-तडुजल क वि दुक्कर-घण-सद्द-सिलायल ॥ ४
अत्थं-वहल-कल्लोलाणिट्ठिय आसासय-समतूंह-परिट्ठिय ॥ ५ एह रामकह-सरि सोहन्ती गणहर-देवहिँ दिट्ठ वहन्ती ॥ ६ पच्छई इन्दभूई-आयरिएं पुणु धम्मेण गुणालङ्करिएं" ॥ ७
पुणु पहवें संसाराराएं कित्तिहरेण अणुत्तरवाएं ॥८ " पुणु 'रविसेणायरिय-पसाएं" । "वुद्धिऍ अवगाहिय कइराएं ॥९ पउमिणि-जणणि-गब्भ-संभूएं' मारुयएवं-रूव-अणुराएं" ॥ १० अइ-तणुएण पईहर-गत्तें छिबर-णासें पविरल-दन्ते ॥ ११
॥ धत्ता ॥ णिम्मल-पुण्ण-पवित्त-कह- कित्तणु आढप्पइ । 1. जेणसमाणिजन्तऍण थिर कित्ति विढप्पइ ॥ १२
[३] वुहयण सयम्भु पइँ विण्णवइ भइँ सरिसउँ अण्णु णाहिँ कुकइ ॥१ वायरणु कयाविण जाणियउँ ण वित्ति-सुत्तु वक्खाणियां ॥२
णउँ पच्चाहारहों तत्ति किय णउ संधिहे" उप्परि" वुद्धि थिय ॥ ३ ॥णउ णिसुअउँ सत्त विहत्तिय: छबिहउ समास-पउत्तियउ ॥४ .
2. 1 A वढमाण. 2 S णए. 3 s ऐह. 4 A पास. 5 P °मनोहर. 6 PS सुय. लंकार'.7A सहमच्छोह. 8 s °यहावा. 9 A अथ. 10 s देवह, A °देविहिं. 11s संजय. 12 P इंदभूअ. 13 s °आयरियं. 14 PS गुणालंकरियं. 15 P एव हिं, एवहि. 16 S अणुत्तरवायं. 17 5 °पसायं. 18 s बुद्धिइ णियइ जणिय कयराएं. 19 S संभूयं. 20P मारूएएव', 5 मारूययेव, A मारुएएव. 21 S A °अणुरायं. 22 A छिविर. 23 g P दत्ते, S A दंते. 24 P जइ corrected to जण, S जण.
3. 1S A पइ. 2 PS मइ. 3 A सरिसउं. 4 P पणाहिं, s जाहि, A णत्थि. 5 PS कयाइ. 6 P न.7 P जाणिअउं, A जाणियउं. 8 A नवि.9 P A वक्खाणियउं. 10A णउं. 11 PS संधिए. 12 PS उपरि. 13 P ट्ठिय, S ठिय. 14 s णिसुयड, A निसुयड, 15 P विहत्तियाउ. 16 P°पउत्तियाउ, s °यउत्तियउ.
[२] १ पर्वतात्. २ नदी. ३ निक्षेपः, व्यासः ४ प्रवाहः ५ तट. ६ तीर्थम्. ७ गौतमखामिना. ८ कविराजेन खयम्भुदेवेण संसारविषये अतीव भीरुणा(?). ९ अनुत्तरवादि(?)ना भट्टारकेण. १० रविषेणाचार्यप्रसादेन. ११ धर्मार्थकाममोक्षपदार्थैः पूर्णम्. १२ लोकमान्यतादिभिः. . [३] १ हे. २ प्रत्याहारस्य. ३ बहुव्रीहि-कर्मधारय षद.
Page #218
क० ३,५-१४, ४, १-६] पढमो संधि छक्कारय दस लेयार ण सुय" वीसोवसग्ग पँच्चय वहुय ॥५ ण वलावल धाउ णिवाय-गणु णउ लिङ्ग उणाइ वक्कु वयणु ॥ ६ णउ णिसुणिउँ पञ्च-महाय-कबु(?) णउ भरहु गेउँ लक्खणु वि सबु ॥७ णउ वुज्झिउ पिङ्गाल-पत्थारु णउ भम्मह-दण्डि-अलङ्कारु ॥८ ववसाउ तो वि णउ परिहरमि वरि रड्डावर्द्ध का करमि ॥ ९ । सामण्ण भास छुडु सावडउ छुडु आगम-जुत्ति का वि घडउ ॥ १० छुडु होन्तु सुहासिय-वयणा गामिल्ल-भास-परिहरणाइँ॥ ११ ऍहुँ सज्जण-लोयहाँ किउ विणउ जं अवुहु पदरिसिउ अप्पणउँ ॥ १२ जैई एम विरूसइ को वि खलु तहाँ हत्थुत्थल्लिउ लेउ छलु ॥ १३
॥घत्ता ॥ पिसुणे" किं अब्भत्थिऍण जसु को वि ण रुच्चइ । किं छण-चन्दु महागहेण कम्पन्तु वि मुच्चइ ॥ १४
[४] अवहत्थेवि' खलयणु णिरवसेसु पहिलउ "णिरु वण्णमि मगहदेसु ॥१ . जहिँ पक्क-कलमें कमलिणि णिसणं अलहन्त तरणि थेर व विसण्ण ॥ २ ॥ जहिँ सुय-पन्तिउ सुपरिट्टियाउ णं वणसिरि-मरगय-कण्ठिया ॥ ३ जहिँ उच्छु-वण" पवणाहयाइँ कम्पन्ति व पीलण-भय-गयाइँ॥४ जहि णन्दणवण मणोहराई णच्चन्ति व चल-पल्लव-कराइँ॥ ५ जहिँ फाडिम-वयण दाडिमा जन्ति ताइँ णं कई-मुहाइँ॥६ 17 S णया. 18 S वहुया. 19 A निसुणिउं. 20 A महा जि कावु. 21 A भरह. 22 PS ण लक्खणु छंदु. 23 A सावु, S कवु. 24 A पत्थारू. 25 P भग्गह. 26 P S °यलंकारु, A अलंकारू. 27 PS रयडावुत्तु. 28 PS सामाण, A सामण. 29 P म विहडउ, s महिविडउ. 30 PS किंपि. 31 PS होति. 32 P सुहासुह. 33 P गामेल्ल. 34 P इहु, S यहु. 35 P सजणु लोयहु, 5 सजणलोयहु. 36 P A अप्पणउं. 37 PS जं. 38 Ps एव. 39 8 तहु. 40 S लेवि. 41 s पिसुणिं. 42 के. 43 P°इंदु. 44 PS महग्गहेण.
4: 1 P A अवह स्थिवि. 2 P लइ वण्णवि, A निव्वण्णमि. 3 P S जहि. 4 PS कलमि, A °कलव. 5 PS णिसण्णु, A णिसण्ण. 65 तरुणि. 75 वि. 8 P S विसण्णु. 9 P S सुपरिटिआउ. 10 P कंठिआउ. 11 P उच्छवणइं, 5 उच्छवणइ. 12 s °वणइ. 13 3 जहि. 14 A फाडिय०. 15 P णजन्त. 16 s कई.
४ षट्कारक, षष्ठी विना. ५ लकारिसंज्ञा-परिभाषादि. ६ प्रादि. ७ वाणवस्यादयः प्रत्ययानि. ८ उदन्ता निपाताः. ९ उणादिवृत्तिः. १० वक्रोक्तिः, ११ एक-द्वि-बहु-वचनानि. १२ कुमारसंभव १, मेघदूतु २, रघु ३, किरातु ४, माघु ५. १३ प्रस्तारः. १४ ...अलङ्कारी. १५ राजश्रेष्ठिना. १६ राहुणा.
[४] १ अवगण्य, दूरीकृत्य. २ ज्ञायन्ते.
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पउमचरिउ [क० ४, ५-९,५,१-९ जहिँ" महुयर-पन्तिउ सुन्दराई केयई-केसर-रय-धूसराउ ॥ ७ जहिँ दक्खा-मण्डव परियलन्ति । पुणु पन्थिय रस-सलिलई पियन्ति ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता
तहिं तं पट्टणु रायगिहु धण-कणय-समिद्धउ । णं पिहिविऍ णव-जोवणएँ सिरे सेहरु आइद्धउँ ॥९
[५] चउ-गोउर-चउ-पायार-वन्तु हसइ व मुत्ताहल-धवल-दन्तु ॥१ णच्चइ व मरुद्धय-धय-करग्गु धरइ व णिवडन्तउ गयण-मग्गु ॥२
सूलग्ग-भिण्ण-देवउल-सिहरु कणई व पारावय-सह-गहिरु ॥ ३ 10 घुम्मई व गऍहिँ मय-भिम्भलेहिँ उड्डइ व तुरङ्गहिँ" चञ्चलेहिँ ॥ ४
पहाइ व ससिकन्त-जलोहरेहिँ पणवइ व हार-मेहल-भरेहिँ ॥५ पक्खलइ व णेउर-णियलएहिँ विप्फुरइ व कुण्डल-जुयलएहि ॥ ६ किलिकिलई व सवजणुच्छवेण" गज्जइ व मुरव-भेरी-रवेण ॥ ७ गायइ वालाविणि"-मुच्छणेहिँ पुरवई व धण-धण-कञ्चणेहिँ ॥८
णिवडिय-पण्णेहि फोप्फलेंहिँ जण-चलणग्ग-विमदिऍण
छुह-चुण्णासझें । महि रङ्गिय रङ्गे ॥९
17 P A जहि. 18 s सुंदराउं. 19 s केयई. 20s रइ. 21 P पंथिअ. 22 PS तहि पट्टणु णामें रायगिहु. 23 s °जोठवणइ. 24 P S सिरि, A सिर. 25 5 आइटउ.
5. 1 Ps चउगोउरु त्ति. 2 A °वत्तु. 3 s मरुद्धयकरग्गु. 4s धूलग्ग° 5 PS भिण्णु. GPS देउल. 7 A झुणई Corrected to क°. 8 s पाराइय. 9A घुम्मइं. 10s गएहि, A गयहिं. 11 s तुरंगहि, A तुरयहिं. 12 P S °जलोयरेहिं. 13 PS °हरेहिं. 14 s °युयलएहिं, A जुयलएहि. 15 A किलि गिलह corrected to किलिकि. 16 P s °जणोच्छवेण. 17 PS व आलावणि. 18 s °मुच्छवणेहिं. 19 P पुरइ corrected to पुरवइ, s फुरवइ. 20 P धम्मु, S धम्म. 21 s पपणेहें. 22 P पोंफलेहिं, $ फोफलिहिं, A फोप्फलिहिं. 23 s जल°. 24 PS °विमहिएण.
३ मुकटं बद्धः (?).
[५] १ [नगरस्य मुखम्. २ केलसम् (). ३ श्रेष्ठी इव.
Page #220
क०६, १-१७, १-८] .. पढमो संधि
[६] तहिँ सेणिउँ णामें जय-णिवासु उवमिजइ णरवइ कवणु तासु ॥ १ किं तिणयण णं णं विसम-चक्खु किं ससहरु णं णं एक-पक्खु ॥२ किं दिणयर णं णं दहण-सीलु किं हरि णं णं कम-मुअण-लीलु ॥३ किं कुञ्जर णं णं णिच्च-मत्तु किं गिरि णं णं ववसाय-चत्तु ॥४ किं सायरुणं णं खार-णीरु किंवम्मह णं णं हय-सरीरु॥५ किं फणिवइ णं णं कूर-भाउ किं मारुउ णं णं चल-सहाउ ॥६ किं महमहु णं णं कुडिल-वक्कु किं सुरवइ णं णं सहस-अक्खु ॥७ अणुहरइ पुणु विजइ सो जे तासु वामधु वै दाहिण-अर्द्ध जासु ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ ताव सुरासुर-वाहहिँ गयणगण छाइउँ। वीर-जिणिन्दहों" समसर] विउँलइरि पराइउ ॥ ९
[७] परमेसरु पच्छिम-जिणवरिन्दु चलणग्गे चालिय-महिहरिन्दु ॥१ णाणुजलुं चउ-कल्लाण-पिण्डु चउ-कर्म-डहणु कलि-काल-दण्डु ।। २ । चउतीसातिसय-विसुद्ध-गत्तु भुवणत्तय-वल्लहु धवल-छत्तु ॥ ३ पण्णारह-कमलायत्त-पाउ
अल्लल्ल-फुल्ल-मण्डव-सहाउ ॥४ चउसट्टि-चामरुद्धृअमाणु चउ-सुरणिकाय-संथुबमाणु ॥५ थिर्ड विउल-महीहर वद्धमाणु समसरणु वि जसु जोयण-पमाणु ॥ ६ । पायार तिण्णि चउ गोउराइँ वारह गण वारह मन्दिराइँ॥७ 20 उब्भिय चउ माणव-थम्भ जामें तुरमाणे" केण वि गरेण ताम ॥८
6. 1 P तहि. 2 P A सेणिउं. 3 P एक्कु, A इक्क. 4 A न. 5A डहण. 6 PS मुयण'.7 P°नीरु. 8 P सक्कु marginally corrected to सक्खु. 9 A सो वि सक्कु marginally corrected to सहसअखु. 10 S A जि. 11 PS अ. 12 S A छायड. 13 s °जिणिदहु, A जिणिन्द. 14 A समोसरणु, S समवसरणु. 15 s विउलयरि परायउ.
7. 1 A चलणग्गुच्चालिय'. 2 P णाणुजल. 3 A °कम. 4 P _ 'रुद्धयमाणु, A रुदुभमाणु. 5 PS transpose this hemistich' and the first hemistich of the next line. 65 °संणुत्तमाणु. 7s थिओ. 8 P विउलु, s वउल. 9A वट्ठमाणु. 10 SA missing. 11s जोयणयं. 12A परिपमाणु. 13 P s गोयराई. 14 PS जाव. 15 तुरमाणिं. 16 PS ताव.
[६] १ नीतिगृहम्. २ सिंहः .. [७] मेरुम्. २ पापम् , तस्य यमदण्डः. ३ शीघ्रम्.
Page #221
पउमचरिउ [क०७, ५, ८,१-१३
॥ घत्ता॥ चलण णवेप्पिणु विण्णविउ सेणिउ महराओ" । 'जं झायहि जं संभरहि सो जग-गुरु आओ' ॥ ९
[८] 5 जण-वयण कण्णुप्पलिकैरेवि सिंहासण-सिहरहों ओयरेवि ॥१ गउ पयइँ सत्त रोमञ्चियङ्गु पुणु महियले णाविउ उत्तमङ्गु ॥२ देवाविय लहु आणन्द-भेरि थरहरिय वसुन्धरि जग-जणेरि ॥ ३ स-कलत्तु स-पुत्तु स-पिण्डवासु स-परियणु स-साहणु सट्टहासु ॥४ गउ वन्दण-हत्तिएँ जिणवरासु आसण्णीहूउ महीहरासु ॥५ • समसरणु दिदु हरिसिय-मणेण परिवेढिउ वारह-विह-गणेण ॥ ६ पहिलऍ" कोट्टएँ रिसि-संघु दिदु वीयरें कप्पङ्गण-जणु णिवितु ॥ ७ तइयएँ" अज्जिय-गणु साणुराउ चउथऍ" जोइस-वर-अच्छराउ ॥ ८. पञ्च विन्तरि सुहासिणी छट्ठऍ" पुणु भवण-णिवासिणीउ ॥ ९
सत्तम भावण गिवाण साव अट्ठमें विन्तर संसुद्ध-भाव ॥ १० 15 णवमएँ जोइस णमिउत्तमङ्ग दहमएँ कप्पामर पुलइयङ्ग ॥ ११ एयारहमऍ णरवर णिविट्ठ वारहमएँ" तिरिय णमन्त दिट्ठ॥ १२
॥ घत्ता ॥ दिट्ठ भडारउ वीर-जिणु सिंहासण-संठिउ ।
तिहुवर्ण-मत्थएँ सुह-णिलए णं मोक्खु परिट्ठिउ ॥ १३ 17 A सेणिउं, 18 PS महराउ, A महाराउ. 19 S झायहिं. 20 संभारहि°. 21 PS A भाउ.
8. 1 PS जिण. A जिण corrected to जग. 2 PS वयणइ. 3 PS कण्णुप्पले. 4 Ps उववरेवि. 5 PSA पयइ. 6 P महिअले, 5 महियलि. 7 P नामिय,s णामिय. 8 P वंदणभत्तिए. 9 P आसण्णीहूअS आसण्णीहूय. 10s पहिलइ कोहइ. 11 PS जण.. 12 PS तइअइ. 13 P अजिअ°. 14 Ps चउथइ, A चाउस्थए, 15 A missing. 16 वेंतरेंउ, s वितरेउ. 17 Ps सुहासिणिउ. 18 - PS छट्ठमि. 19 P S भवणि. 20 P s सत्तमि. 21 P S अट्टमि. 22 PS वेंतर. 23 3 णवमइ, A णववमइं. 24 P नमिउ. 25s दहमइ, A दहमइं. 26 s एयारहमइ. 27 5 वारहमइ, A वारहमई. 28 Ps किह आसण. 29 P तिहुअण. 5 लिहुयण. 30 S°मत्थइ.
४ आराधयामि (१). [८] १ अवतीर्णः (१). २ दासीजमः. ३ सानन्दः, ४ सर्वाणि (?).
Page #222
क० ९,३-९, १०, ७-८] पढमो संधि
[९] सिर-सिहरें चडाविय-करयलग्गु मगहाहिउ पुणु वन्दणहँ लग्गु ॥.१ "जय णाह सव-देवाहिदेव किय-णाग-णरिन्द-सुरिन्द-सेव ॥२ जय तिहुवर्ण-सामिय तिविह-छत्तं अट्ठविह-परम-गुण-रिद्धि-पत्त ॥ ३ जय केवल-णाणुभिण्णं-देह वम्मह-णिम्महण पणट्ठ-णेह ॥ ४ । जय जाइ-जरा-मरणारि-छेय वत्तीस-सुरिन्द-कियाहिसेय ॥५ जय परम परम्पर वीयराय सुर-मउर्ड-कोडि-मणि-घिट्ट-पाय ॥ ६ जय सब-जीव-कारुण्ण-भाव अक्खय अणन्त णहयल-सहाव' ॥७ पणवेप्पिणु जिणु तग्गय-मणेण पुणु पुच्छिउ गोत्तमसामि तेण ॥ ८ "
॥ पत्ता ॥ 'परमेसर पर-सासणेहिँ18
सुबइ विवरेरी। कहें जिण-सासणे" केम थिय कह राहव-केरी ॥९
[१०] जगें लोऍहिँ ढंकरिवन्तएहिँ उप्पाइउ भन्तिउं भन्तएहिँ ॥१ जई कुम्में धरियउ धरणि-वीद् तो कुम्म पडन्तउ केण गीढु ॥ २ ॥ जइ रोमहों तिहुअणु उवरें' माइ तो रावणु कहिँ तिय लेवि जाई ॥३ अण्णु वि खरदूसण-समरें" देव पंहु जुज्झई सुज्झइ भिन्चु केव" ॥४ । किह "तियमई-कारणे" कविवरण घाइजइ वालि सहोयरेण ॥ ५ किह वाणर गिरिवर उवहन्ति वन्धेवि" मयरहरु समुत्तरन्ति ॥ ६, किह रावणु दह-मुहु वीस-हत्थु अमराहिव-भुव-वन्धण-समत्थु ॥ ७ ॥ वरिसङ्घ सुअंई किह कुम्भयण्णु महिसा-कोडिहि मि ण धाई अण्णु ॥८
9. 1 PS सिरि सिहरि. 2 P बंदगहि, s वंदणहिं. 3 P नाह. 4 SA तिहुयण . 5 P °छन्न. 6 P नाणुभिण्ण. 7 8 जय वम्महणिम्महणणेह. 8 PS °मउडि. 9s णहयलि. 10 PS °सभाव. 11 P गउतम, s गउतमु. 12 A सामिएण. 13 P S °सासणेहि, A सासणिहिं. 14 P SA कहि. 15 A °सासणि. 16 P. ठिा, डिआ. ___10. 1 P S जग. 2 भंतिं. 3 PS भंतिएहिं. 4 PS जय. 5 PS कुम्म. 6 SA तिहुयणु. 7 P उवरि, A उयरि. 8 PS A कहि. 9s जाई. 10 P खरुदूसण. 11 P सेषिण, s सरिस. A समरि. 12 P जुज्झुई. 13 Ps केम. 14 PS कह. 15A तीमई. 16 s कारणि. 17 A कइवरेण. 18 5 वाले. 19 S A वंधिवि. 20 P रामणु. 21 PS सुयइ. 22 S A को डिहिं मि. 23 PS चरइ.
[१०] १ हठोक्तियुक्तैः. २ भ्रान्तयः. ३ संशययुक्तचित्तैः. ४ धृतः, व्याप्तः, ५ रामावतार-विष्णोः. ६ रामः. ७ स्त्रीनिमित्ते. ८ सुग्रीवेन. ९ अभिलषणशीलः.
पउ० चरि.2
Page #223
* तं णिसुर्णेवि' वुच्चइ गणहरेण पहिलड आयासु अणन्तु साउ तइलोक्कु परिट्ठि मज्झे तासु तेथे विझल्लरि-मज्झाणुमाणु तर्हि" जम्बूदी महा- पहाणु " 'चैउ-खेत्त- चउद्द' है-सरि" - णिवासु तासु वि अन्भन्तरें" कणय-सेलु तहों" दाहिण-भाएं" भरहु थक्कु
जें" परिसेसिङ दहवयणु सो" मन्दोवरि" जणणि-सम
पउमचरिउ [क० १०, ९, ११, १ - ९, १२, १-३
॥ घन्ता ॥
पहिलउ पेहु पडिसुई सुयवन्तर तय खेमङ्करु खेमङ्करु पञ्चम सीमङ्करु दीहर- करु
पर-णारीहिं" सम ।
किह लेइ विहीसणु' ॥ ९
'[११] सुर्णे' सेणिय किं वहु - वित्थरेण ॥ १ रिवेक्खु रिञ्ज लय-भाउ ॥ २ चउदह रजय आयामु जासुं ॥ ३ थिउ तिरियं -लोड रज्जुर्य - पमाणु ॥ ४ वित्थरेण लक्खु जोयण- पमाणु ॥ ५
॥ घत्ता ॥
तहिँ" ओसप्पिणि-कालें" गएँ"
उद हैं- रयणविसेस
छबिंह- कुलपत्रय - तर्डे - पयासु ॥ ६
वणवइ उवरें" सहसेक मूल ॥ ७ छक्खण्डीलङ्किङ एकै चक्कु ॥ ८
कप्पयरुच्छण्णी । कुलयर - उप्पण्णी ॥ ९
वीय सम्मईं सम्मइवन्त ॥ १ चउथउ खेमन्धरु रणें दुद्धरु ॥ २ age सीमन्धरु धरणीधरु ॥ ३
24 PSA जं. 25 Ps °णारीहि. 26 A सणु marginally corrected to समीहणु. 27 PS सा. 28 A मंदोयरि.
11. 1s णिसुणिचि, A निसुणिवि. 2 PSA सुणि. 3s आयास. 4 Ps अनंत 5 निरवेखु 6s णिरजणु. 7A परिडिउ 8 PSA मज्झि. 9s रज्जू, A रज्जूय. 10s यासु 11 P तेत्थ, तिथ 12 P तिरिलोय, s तिरियलोय. 13s रज्जूय. 14 P SA तहि. 15 Ps जंबूदीव 16s पमाणु 17 P वित्थरिण. 18s लक्ख 19 P चउदह. 20 P सर. 21 A वि superscribed between छब्बिह फुल 22s °तलु, A तल with marks of deletion. 23s अष्भन्तर, A अष्मंतरि. 24 Ps उअरि. 25 s सहसिकु. 26s तहु. 27s भाएहिं, A भासें 28PA छखंडा 29P एकु, A एक. 30 Ps तहि 31 Ps अवछप्पिणि 32 P •कालें, S कोलं. A कालि. 33PS गय. 34 P°रुछण्णा, S°रुंच्छण्णो. 35P चउद्दह 36 Ps जिम 37 PS उप्पण्णो. 12. 1 A पडिइ पडिसुइगत्तउ; marginally 'वहु सुयवंतउ' पाठे. 2 P पडिसुंद्द. 8s सुम्मइ. 4s सम्मइअत्तउ 5 P तइभउ. 6 Ps रणि.
[११] १ सर्वगतः २ कर्तृरहितः ३ परिणामी ४ ऊर्द्ध. ५ भरतैरावतौ विदेहौ द्वौ एवं चतुः क्षेत्रस्थ.
Page #224
क० १२,४-९,१३,१-९] पढमो संधि सत्तम चारु-चक्खु चक्खुन्भर्ड तासु काले उप्पजइ विम्भउ ॥४ सहसा चन्द-दिवायर-दंसणे सयलु वि जणु आसङ्किउ णिय-मणे ॥५ 'अहों परमेसर कुलयर-सारा कोउहल्लै महु एउ भडारा' ॥६ तं णिसुणेवि णराहिउ घोसइ 'कम्म-भूमि लइ एवहिँ होसई ॥ ७ पुव-विदेहे तिलोआणन्दें" कहिउ आसि मैंहु परम-जिणिन्दें" ॥ ८ ॥
॥ घत्ता ॥ णव-सञ्झारुण-पल्लवहाँ तारायण-पुप्फहों। आयइँ चन्द-सूर-फलई अवसप्पिणि-रुक्खहों ॥ ९
[१३] पुणु जाउ जसुम्भउ अतुल-थामु पुणु विमलवाहणुच्छलिय-णा ॥१ ॥ पुणु साहिचन्दु चन्दाहि जाउ मरुएउ पसेणई णाहिराउँ ॥२ तहों णाहिहें पच्छिम-कुलयरासु मरुएवि सई व पुरन्दरासु ॥३ चन्दहाँ रोहिणि व मणोहिराम कन्दप्पहो रइ व पसण्ण-णाम ॥४ सा णिरलङ्कार जि चारु-गत्त आहरण-रिद्धि पर भार-मेत ॥ ५ तहे णिय-लायण्णु जे दिण्ण-सोहु मलु केवलु पर कुङ्कम-रसोहु ॥ ६ ॥ पासेय-फुलिङ्गावलि जे चारु पर गरुयउ मोत्तिय-हारु" भारु ॥७ लोयण जि सहावें दल-विसाल आडम्वरु" पर कन्दोह-माल ॥८
॥ घत्ता
कमलासाएँ" भमन्तऍण . मुहलीयउँ कम-जुयलु
अलि-वलएं" मन्दें।.. किं णेउर-सवें ॥९
7 P चारु. 8 PS चक्खुभउ. 9 दिवायरं दसणे. 10 PS °मणि. 11s कोओहलु, A कोउहलु. 12 A इउ काइ भडारा. 13A कंम. 14 PS एवहि. 158 घोसइ. 16s विदेहि. 17 SA तिलोया'. 18 P महं. 19 P जिणेंदें, A जिणिंदे. 20 5 नव. 21 PS पुष्फहो. 22 P °फलइ. 23 P"रुक्खहे, रुक्खहें. • 13. 1 P °थाउं. 25 °णाउं. 3 P साहिचंद. 4 P पसेणे. 5s णाहेराउ. 6 PS णाहिहि. 7 P सइ व्व. 8 P भारमत्त, s भावमित्त. 9 Ps जि. 10 P दिण्णु, s missing. 11 P पासेव. 12 A पुडिंगा° corrected marginally to पुलिंगा. 13 s जि. 14 PS °हार. 15s आडवर. 16 P कमलासाइ. 17 PS अलिउलए, A अलिवलएं, with the Anusvāra of °एं rubbed out. 18 P हुयउं. 19 P नेउर. .
[१३] १ निबिडेन.
Page #225
पउमचरिउ [क० १४, ५-९,१५, १-९
[१४] तो ऐत्थन्तर माणव-वेसें . आइउ देविउँ इन्दाएसें ॥१ ससि-वयणिउ कन्दोट्ट-दलच्छिउँ कित्ति-वुद्धि-सिरि-हिरि-दिहि-लच्छिउ ॥२
सप्परिवारउ दुक्कर तेत्तहें सा मरुएवि भडारी जेत्तहे ॥३ 25 का वि विणोउ किं पि उप्पायइ पढइ पणच्चइ गायइ वायई॥४
का वि देइ तम्बोलु स-हत्थें सबाहरणु का वि सहुँ वत्थें ॥५ · पाडइ का वि चमरु कमैं धोवई का वि समुजलु दप्पणु ढोवईं ॥ ६ उक्खय-खग्ग का वि परिरक्खई का वि किं पि अक्खाणउ अक्खइ॥७ का वि जक्खकद्दमण पसाहइ की वि सरीरु ताहे" संवाहइ ॥८
॥घत्ता ॥ . वर-पल्लङ्के पसुत्तियएँ सुविणावलि दिट्ठी । तीस पक्ख पहु-पङ्गणएँ वसुहार वरिट्ठी ॥९
[१५] दीसइ मयगलु मय-गिल्ल-गण्डु । दीसइ वसहुक्खयं-कमल-सण्डु ॥ १ 15 दीसइ पञ्चमुहुँ पईहरच्छि दीसइ णव-कमलारूढ लच्छि ॥ २
दीसइ गन्धुक्कड़-कुसुम-दामु दीसइ छण-यन्दु मणोहिरामु ॥ ३ दीसइ दिणयरु कर-पज्जलन्तु दीसइ झस-जुयलु परिब्भमन्तु ॥४ दीसइ जल-मङ्गल-कलसु वण्णु दीसइ कमलायरु कमल-छण्णुं ॥ ५
दीसइ जलणिहि गजिय-जलोहु दीसइ सिंहासणु दिण्ण-सोहु ॥ ६ 20 दीसइ विमाणु घण्टालि-मुहलु दीसइ णागालउँ सर्बु धवलु॥७ दीसइ मणि-णियरु परिप्फुरन्तु दीसइ धूमद्धउ धगधगन्तु॥८
॥पत्ता॥ इय सुविणावलि" सुन्दरिऍ मरुदेविऍ" दीसई । . गम्पिणु णाहि-णराहिवहाँ सुविहाणऍ" सीसइ ॥९
14. 1 P S इत्थंतरि. 2 S आउ. 3 s. missing. 4 P इंदाएसिं. 5 PS ससिवयणड, A ससिवयणिउं. 6 s कंदुजललच्छिउ. 7 P तेतहि, s तेत्तहिं. 8 P जेत्तहिं, s जेत्तहि. 9s रुयइ. 10 PS तंमोलु. 11 S सव्वाहरण. 12 PS सहु. 13 5 वत्थे. 14 P कय, पय. 15 P विरवइ. 16 A ढोयइ. 17 P उखय?. 18 P S पडिरक्खइ. 19 A अक्खाणउं अक्खई. 20 क. 21 PS देविहे. 22 PS °पलंक. 23 P पसुत्तियइ, S पसुत्तियइं. 24 A सुइणावलि.
15. 1 P °गिल्लु. 28 वसुहुक्खय°, A वसहु उक्खय. 3 P पंचमुहूं, A पंचमुह. 4 PS गंधकुडु. 5 P °इंदु. 6 P परिभमंतु, A प्परिभमंतु. 7 S कलस. 8 P corrected to वत्त.95 °छत्तु. 10 P नागालउं. 11 A सव्व. 12 P परिफुरंतु. 13 PS धयधयंतु. 14 A सिविणावलि. 15 PS मरुएविए. 16 A दीसइं. 17 Ps सुविहाणइ, A सुविहाणइं.
[१४] १ (P.'s reading) कच विरोलति (?).
Page #226
विईओ संधि
[१६] तेण वि विहसेविणु एम वुत्तु 'तउ होसइ तिहुअर्ण-तिलउ पुत्तु ॥ १ जसु मेरु-महागिरि-ण्हवणवी? णह-मण्डउ महिहर-खम्भ-गीढु ॥२ जसु मङ्गल कलस महा-समुद्द मजणय-कालें वत्तीस इन्द' ॥३ ताँ दिवसहों लग्गेवि अद्ध वरिसु गिवाण पवरिसिय रयण-वरिसु ॥४ लहु णाहि-णरिन्दहाँ तणयं गेहुँ अवइण्णु भडारउ णाण-देहु ॥५ थिउ गब्भन्भिन्तरें जिणवरिन्दु णव-णलिणि-पत्ते णं सलिल-विन्दु ॥६ वसुहार पवरिसिय पुणु वि ताम अण्णु वि अट्ठारह पक्ख जाम ॥ ७ जिण-सूरु समुट्ठिउ तेय-पिण्डु वोहन्तु भव-जण-कमल-सण्डु ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ मोहन्धार-विणासयरु केवल-किरणायरु । उइउ भडारउ रिसह-जिणु सइ भुवण-दिवायरु ॥९
इय एत्थं पउमचरिए "जिण-जम्मुप्पत्ति' इमं
धणञ्जयासिय-सयम्भुएव-कए । पढम चिय साहियं पवं ॥ १०
[२. विईओ संधि] जर्ग-गुरु पुण्ण-पवित्तु तइलोकहों मङ्गलगारउँ । सहसा णेवि सुरेहि मेरुहिँ अहिसित्तु भडारउ ॥ १
[१] उप्पण्णऍ तिहुअण-परमेसरें अट्ठोत्तर-सहास-लक्खण-धरें ॥
१ ० भावण-भवणेहिँ सङ्ख पवज्जिय णं णव-पाउसें ण घण गजिय ॥२ विन्तर-भवणेहिँ पडह-सहासई दस-दिसिवह-णिग्गर्य-णिग्योस ॥३
. 16. 1 PS विहसेप्पिणु. 2 PS एव. 3 SA तिहुअण. 4 P न्हवणपीढु. P SA महीहरु. 6 P कलसु. 7 P मजणए, 5 मजणइ. 8 s कालि. 9 णारेंदहु. 10 5 तणइ. 11 A गेहि corrected to गेहु. 12 A अवयगणु. 13 P गब्भभंतरे, s गब्भन्भंतरि. 14 PS A °पत्ति. 15A मोहंधारे. 16 P णं सई, Sणं सइ, A सइ. 17 S इत्थ. 18 s
missing. 19 A साहिअं.. __ 1. 15 जय. 2 s मंगलगरउ. 3 P S सुरेहि. 4 P A मेरुहि. 5A भवणिहिं. 6 P पावसे, S पाउस. 7 Pण. 8 P वेंतर.95 भवणेहि. 10 PS °सहासइ. 11 5 दश'. 125 °णिगय . 13 P णिघोसइं, 5 णिग्घोसइ.
Page #227
पउमचरिउ [क० १,४-९२,१-९ जोइस-भवणन्तरहिँ अहिट्ठियं भीसण-सीहणिणाय समुट्ठियं ॥४ कप्पामर-भवणहिँ जय-घण्टउ स जि गरुअ-टङ्कार-विसट्टउ ॥ ५ आसण-कम्पुजाउ अमरिन्दों जाणेवि जम्मुप्पत्ति जिणिन्दहों ॥६
चडिउ.तुरन्तु सक्कु अइरावऍ कण्ण-चमर-उडाविय-छप्पएँ ॥७ । मेरु-सिहरि-सण्णिह-कुम्भ-स्थले मय-सरि-सोत्त-सित्त-गण्ड-स्थलें ॥८
॥ घत्ता॥ सुरवइ दस-सय-णेत्तुं रेहइ आरूढउ गयवरें। विहसिय-कोमल-कमलु कमलायरु णा महीहरें ॥९
[२] " अमर-राउ संचल्लिउ जाहिँ धणएं किउ कञ्चणमउ ताहिँ ॥१ पट्टणु चउ-गोउर-संपुण्णउ . सत्तहिँ पायारेहिँ रवण्णउ ॥२ दीहिय-मढ-विहार-देवउलेंहिँ . सर-पोक्खरिणि -तलाऍहिँ विउलेंहिँ"३ कच्छाराम-सीम-उजाणेहिँ कञ्चण-तोरणेहिँ अपमाणहिँ ॥४
लहु सक्केय-णयरि किय जक्खें परियश्चिर्य ति-वार सहसक्खें ॥ ५ 15 पीण-पओहराएँ ससि-सोमऍ" इन्द-महाएविएँ पउलोमऍ ॥ ६ .
सब-जणहों उवसोवणि देप्पिणु अग्गएँ माया-वालु थवेप्पिणु ॥७ णिउ तिहुअण-परमेसरु तेत्तहे सप्परिवारु पुरन्दरु जेत्तहें ॥८
॥घत्ता ॥ झत्ति सुरेहिँ विमुक्त चरणोवरि दिहि विसाली। .
भत्तिएँ अञ्चण-जोग्णु णावइ णीलुप्पल-माली ॥९ . 14 SA भवणंतरिहिं. 15 PA अहिट्रिअ, S अहि छिया. 16 S भीसणि. 17 5 सिंह. 18 s समुठिया, A समुट्ठिअ. 19 S भवणहे. 20 P सइ. 21 S गरुय. 22 5 अमरेंदहाँ. 23 SA जाणिवि. 24 P जिणंदहाँ. 25 PS सिरि'. 26 P नेत्तु. 27 P विहसि. 28 A °कलु. 29 P A णाइ.
2. 1 P जावेहि, A जाविहि. 2 5 धणयं. 3 P तावेहि, s ताविहि. 4 P संपुग्णउं, . संपुन्नउं. 5 PS सत्तहि. 6 P पायरेहि, s पायारेहि. 7 P रवण्णउं, A रवंनउं. 8 PS देवउलहिं, A देवउलिहिं. 9 P पोखरिणि, S पोषरिणि. 10 P तलायहि, S तलायहि. 11 PS विउलहिं, A विउलेहि. 12 s तोरणेहि. 13 P अपमाणहि. 14 A साकेय. 15 P परिचिअ. 16 P पउहराए. 17 s °सोमइ. 18 S अग्गइ. 19 A ठवेप्पिणु. 20 SA तिहुयण. 21 P तेत्तहि. 22 P संपरिवारु, S संपरवगु. 23 P पुरंदहो. 24 s जेत्तहि. 25s सुरेहि. 26 P विसाल. 27 P अंचण. 28 A °जोग्गु corrected to °जोगु. 29 PA °माल.
[१] १ हर्षित.. [२] १ अयोध्यानगरी.
Page #228
क० ३,१-९४,१-८]
विईओ संधि
वाल-कमल-दल-कोमल-वाहउ अङ्के चडाविउँ तिहुअण-णाहउ ॥१ सुरवइणाऽरुण-वाल-दिवायरु संचालिउ तं मेरु-महीहरु ॥२ सत्तहिँ जोयण-सयहिँ तहितिउ सण्णवइहिँ तारायण-पन्तिउ ॥ ३ उप्परि दस-जोयणेहि दिवायरु पुणु असीहिँ" लक्खिजइ ससहरु ॥ ४ ॥ पुणु चऊहिँ णक्खत्तहँ पन्तिउँ वुह-मण्डलु वि चऊहिँ तहिंति ॥ ५ असुर-मन्ति तिहिँ तिहिँ संवच्छरु तिहिँ" अङ्गारउ तिहिँ जि सणिच्छरु॥६ अट्ठाणवइ सहास कमेप्पि] अण्णु वि जोयण-सउ लड्डेप्पिणु ॥ ७ पण्डु-सिलोवरि सुरवर-सारउ लहु सिंहासणे ठविउ भडारउ ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ णावई सिरेण लएवि मन्दरु दरिसावई लोयहाँ। 'एहउ तिहुअण-णाहु किं होइ ण होइ व जोयहो' ॥९
[४] ण्हवणारम्भ-भेरि अप्फालिय पडहाऽमर-किङ्कर-कर-ताडिय ॥१ पूरिये धवल सङ्ख किउ कलयलु केहि 'मि घोसिउ चउविहु मङ्गलु ॥ २ ॥ केहि मि आढत्तइँ गेयाइ मि सरगय-पयगय-तालगयाइ मि ॥ ३ केहि मि वाइउँ वजु मणोहरु वारह-तालउ सोलह-अक्खरु ॥ ४ केहि मि उबेल्लिई भरहुत्त णव-रस-अट्ठ-भाव-संजुत्तउ ॥ ५ केहि मि उब्भियाइँ धय-चिन्ध केहि मि गुरु-थोत्तइँ पारद्ध" ॥ ६ केहि मि लइयउ मालइ-मालउ परिमल-वहल भसल-वमालां ॥७ . 20 केहि मि" वेणु केहि वर-वीणउँ केहि मि 'तिसरियाउ सर-लीण ॥ ८
3. 1 A °वाहु. 2 अंकि. 3 PS चडाविवि. 4 A तिहुयणणाहु. 5A अरुणे. 6 PS 7 P सयहि, सय. 8 P S तहित्तिउ, A तहिंतउ. 9 P पुणु सणवइ, सत्तहि. S सण्णावई. 10 P ओयणहि, s जोयणिहि. 11 S असीहि. 12 P चउह, s चउदहमि. 13 P पत्तिउ. 14 P चउहुं, 5 चऊंहु. 15 PS तहतिउ, A तहिंतिउं. 16 P मत्ति. 17 PS तिहि. 18 P कम्भेप्पिणु. 19 s सिंहासणि. 20 P नावइ. 21s दरसावइ. 22 S A तिहुयण. 23 पणाहुं. . 4. 1 PS पूरिअ. 2 A घोसिउ चउपयारु जिणमंगलु. 3 A केहिं. 4 P A केहिं. 5 P अढत्तइ. 6 PS गेयाई, A गेयाई मि. 7 PS गयाई, A गयाई मि. 8 A केहि वि. 9FS A. वायउ. 10 PS वज. 11 s वारहि. 12 P सोलहि, 5 सोलहि. 13 PS उम्वेलिउ. 14 P भरहुत्तउं. 15 s °चिंधइ. 16 P S पारद्धइ. 17 A °वमालउं. 18 A वि. 19 P S केहि, A कहिं वि. 20 P वेमीरवीणउ, A वरवीणउ°. 21 P A °लीणउं.
[३] १ शुक्रः. २ बृहस्पति. ३ मङ्गल. ४ इन्द्रादीनां पूज्यः, [४] १ वीणा. २ कृतम्.
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पउमचरिउ क० ४, ,५,१-९६,१-४
॥ घत्ता ॥ जं परियाणिउँ जेहि
तं तेहिँ सईं 'विण्णासिउ । तिहुअण-सामि भणेवि णिय-णिय-विण्णाणु पयासिउ ॥ ९
[५] । पहिलउ कलसु लइउ अमरिन्दै वीयर्ड हुअवहेण साणन्दें ॥१
तइयउ सरहसेण जमराएं चउथउ णेरिय-देवें आएं ॥२ पञ्चमु वरुणें समरे समत्थें छट्ठउ मारुएण सइँ" हत्थे ॥ ३ सत्तमउ" वि" कुवेर अहिहाणे अट्ठमु कलसु लइउ ईसाणें ॥ ४ णवमउ संभाविउँ धरणिन्दे" दसमउँ कलसु लइज्जइ चन्दें ५ ॥ अण्ण कलस उच्चाइय अण्णेहि लक्ख-कोडि-अक्खोहणि-गणहिँ ॥६ सुरवर-वेल्लि अछिण्ण रएप्पिणु चत्तारि वि समुद्द लडेप्पिणु ॥ ७ खीर-महण्णवे खीरु भरेप्पिणु अण्णहों अण्णु समप्पइ लेप्पिणु ॥८
॥ घत्ता ॥ पहाविउ एम सुरेहिँ बहु-मङ्गल-कलसेंहि जिणवरु । णं णव-पाउस-कालें मेहेंहिँ अहिसित्तु महीहरु ॥९
मङ्गल-कलसेंहिँ सुरवर-सारउ जय-जय-सदें हविउ भडारउ ॥ १ तो एत्थन्तर हय-पडिवक्खें गेण्हेंवि वज-सूइ सहसक्खें ॥२
कण्ण-जुअल जग-णाहहों विज्झइ कुण्डल-जुअलु झत्ति आइज्झई ॥ ३ 20 सेहरु सीसे हारु वच्छत्थलें करें" कङ्कणु कडिसुत्तउ कडियलें ॥४
22 P परिआणिउं, A. परियाणिउं. 23 P तत्तेहि, S तत्तहि, A तं तहिं. 24 s सच. 25 S A तिहुयण. 26 P णिम. 27 °विणाणु.
5. 1 s कियड, A लयउ. 2 5 अमरेंदें, A अमरि दें. P वीअउ. 4 A हुयवहेण. 5 PS आणंदें, A साणंदे. 6 P तहअउ. 7 P सरहसेणु. 85 जमराए. 9 P चउत्थउ. 10 PS समर', A समरि. 11 SA सइ. 12 PA सत्तमउं. 13 Ps missing. 14 P कुवेरं. 15 PS A लयउ. 16 P संभासिउ. 17 S धरणेदें. 18 S दशमउ, A दसमउं. 19 P उच्चाइअ. 20 s अण्णेहि, A अन्नहिं. 21 A गणहिं. 22 PS A अच्छिण्ण. 23 P क्खीर. 24 s खीर. 25 PS सुरेहि. 26 s कलसहि, A कलसहिं. 27 5 मेहिहि. 28 S भडारउ.
6. 1 P°कलसहि, s कलसहि. 2 s °सदिहिं. 3 ण्हवि. 4 s भो. 5 P इत्थंतरि, S एत्थंतरि. 6 P गेण्हिवि, 5 गिहिवि, A गेन्हे वि. 7 SA °जुयलु. 85 °जुयलु, A°जुवलु. 9 P आइज्जइ. 10s सीसि. 11 S करि. 12 PS कंकण. 13 s करिअले.
[६] १ परिधीयते.
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क० ६,५-९,७,१-९] विईओ संघि तिहुअण-तिलयों"तिलउ थवन्तें" मणे आसकिउ दससयणेत्तें ॥५ पुणु आढत्त जिणिन्दहाँ वन्दण" "जय तिहुअणे-गुरु णयणाणन्दण ॥ ६ जय देवाहिदेव परमप्पय" जय तियसिन्द-विन्द-वन्दिय-पय ॥ ७ जय णह-मणि-किरणोह-पसारण तरुण-तरणि-कर-णियर-णिवारण ॥ ८ जय-णमिएहिँ णमिय पणविजहि अरुहुँ वुत्तु पुणु कहाँ उवमिजहि ॥९ ।
॥ घत्ता ॥ जग-गुरु पुण-पवित्तु तिहुअणहों मणोरह-गारा । भवे भवे अम्हहुँ देज जिण गुण-सम्पत्ति भडारा' ॥ १०
[७] णाय-णरामर-णयणाणन्दा वन्दण-हत्ति करन्तहाँ इन्दहाँ ॥ १ ॥ रूवालोयणे रूवासत्तइँ
तित्ति ण जन्ति पुरन्दर-णेत्तइँ ॥२ जहिं णिवडियइँ तहिँ जे पङ्गुत्त दुबल-ढोरइँ पङ्के व खुत्तइँ" ॥३ वामकरछुट्टउँ रेणिदारवि
वालहों तेत्थु अमिउ संचारवि" ॥४ पुणु वि" पडीवउ मयण-वियारउ गम्पि अउज्झहे थविउ भडारउँ ॥५ सूरें मेरु-गिरि व परियश्चिउ पुणु दस-सय कर करवि पणच्चिउ ॥ ६ ॥ सालङ्कारु स-दोरु स-णेउरु सच्छरु संप्परिवारन्तेउरु ॥७. जणणिऍ जं जि दिट्ट अहिसित्तर . रिसहु भणेवि पुणु रिसहु में वुत्तउ ॥८
॥घत्ता ॥ काले गलन्तऍ णाहुँ णिय-देह-रिद्धि परियड्डई।
विवरिजन्तु कईहि वायरणु गन्थु जिह वड्डइ" ॥ ९ 20 14 SA तिहुयणतिलयहु. 15 A हवंतें. 16 PS मणि. 17 वंदणु, 18 SA तिहुयण. 19 s परमप्पया. 20 PS तियसेंद'. 21 'विंदंवदिय°, A विंदविदिय. 22 PS णमिश्र, A नविय.28 P पणविजहिं. पणमिजई.24 PS अरुह.25s पुण.26 PSA उवमिजहिं. 27 SA जय'. 28 P पुण्ण. 29 PS Tह अण्णहो. 30 PS मणोहर.31s भविमवि. 32 PS अम्हह. 338 देजि, A दिज.
7. 1 P वंदन. 2 S Aरूवासत्तइ. 3 s जाइ. 4 P S जहि.5P णिवडिअई. 6 PS तहि. 7 s जि. 8 A पक्खुत्तइं.9 PS ढोरिव 10 A पंकि. 11s पुत्तइ. 12 P वामकरेंगुट्ठए, 5 वामकरेंगुडए. 13 SA णिद्दारिवि. 14 A अमिउं तित्थु. 15 SA संचारिवि. 16 PS पडिवारउ. 17 P°विआरउ, A °वियारउं. 18 s अउज्झहि. 19 A भडारउं. 20 PS सूरि. 21 P s मेरु जेम पडिअंचिउ. 22 A करिवि. 23 Ps सडोरु. 24 P सपरिवार अंतेउरु,s सपरिवार अंतेउरु. 25s missing. 26 5 भणि वि. 27 PS जि. 28 P S णाह. 29 s परियइइ, A आयइ. 30 s कई हि. 31 PS जिम. 32 S A वइ.
[७] १ प्रगुप्तानि. २ मुखं उद्वेलयित्वा. ३ धर्मवन्तो (?) विचार्य. पउ० चरि०3
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पउमचरिउ [क०८,१-९क० ९, १-८
[८] अमर-कुमारहिँ सहुँ कीलन्तहों पुवहुँ' वीस लक्ख लङ्घन्तहों ॥१ एक्क-दिवसें' गय पय कूवारें ___'देवदेव मुझे भुक्खा -मारें ॥२ जाहँ पसाएं अम्हे धण्णा ते कप्पयसै सब उच्छण्णा ॥ ३ एवहिँ को उवाउ जीवेवऍ भोयणे खाणे" पाणे परिहेवऍ' ॥४ तं णिसुणेवि वयणु जग-सारउ सयल-कलउ दक्खवइ भडारउ ॥५ अण्णहुँ असि मसि किसि वाणिजउ अण्णहुँ विविह-पयारउ विजउँ ॥६ काहिँ दिनुहिँ" परिणाविउ देविउ णन्द-सुणन्दाइ सिय-सेविउ ॥ ७ सउ पुत्तहुँ उप्पण्णु पहाणहँ भरह-वाहुबलि-अणुहरमाणहँ ॥ ८
॥ धत्तां ॥ पुबह लक्ख तिसढि गय रज्जु करन्तहों जाहि । चिन्ता मणे उप्पण्ण सुरवइ-महरायहाँ ताहि ॥ ९
[९] तिहुअणे-जण-मण-णयण-पियारउ भोयासत्तउँ णिऍवि भडारउ ॥ १ 15 मणे चिन्ताविउ दससयलोयणु 'करमि किं पि वइरायहाँ कारणु ॥२
जेण करइ सुहि-सत्त-हियत्तणु जेण पवत्तई तित्थ-पवत्तणु ॥३ जेण सीलु वउ णियमु ण णासइ जेण अहिंसा-धम्मु पयासंइ' ॥४ एम वियप्पवि छण-चन्दाणण पुण्णाउस कोक्किय" णीलञ्जण ॥५ 'तिहुअण-गुरुहे जाहि ओलग्गएँ णट्टारम्भु पदरिसहि अग्गऍ॥६ 20 तं आएसु लहेवि गय तेत्तहे थिउ अत्थाणे" भडारउ जेत्तहे" ॥७
पाउज्जिऍहि पंउञ्जिउ तक्खणे गेउ वज्जु जं वुत्तउ लैक्खणे ॥ ८ ____8. 1 P कुमारहिं, S कुमार.2 s कीलंतहु. 3 P पुवहु, S पुत्वह, A पुठ्वहं 4 s लंघंतहु. 5 P °दिवसि. 6 PS मुय. 7 S °वारें. 8 s जाह. 9 s पसायं, A पसाई. 10 A अम्हइं. 11A कप्पयर. 12 A उच्छिण्णा. 13 PS एवहि. 14 P जीवेवउ. 15 A खाणि पाणि. 16 SA अण्णहु. 17 S अण्णहु, A अण्णहं. 18 s वि विजउ 19 5 कइहि दिणिहि. 20 A परिणाविउं. 21 s
सुर्णदावउ' 22s पुत्तेह, A पुत्तह.23 P उप्पण्ण 24 s पहाणह.25 P °वाहवल. 26s °अणुहरमाणह. 27 5 पुव्वह. 28 s जाविहि, A जावहिं. 29 P S मणि. 30 A तावहि.
9. 1s तिहुयण'. 2 S P भोगासत्त. 3 A णियवि. 4 s मण, A मणि. 55 सुवि° 6s पवत्तद. 7 8 पगासइ. 8 P विअप्पवि. s वियप्पिव.9 s °थण'. 10 P S कोकिय. 11 P marginally corrected as णीलंजस, A नीलंजाण. 12 S A तिहुयण. 13 s उलग्गइ. 14 S लहि वि. 155 तेत्तहिं, A तेत्तहो. 16 s थविउ अथाणे. 17 s जेत्तहें. 18 P पाउजिएहिं, S पावुजिएहिं, A पाउंजिएहि. [८] १ समयेन मरणेन वा. २ ताम्बूलादिभिः. [९] १ गीत-नृत्य-वादित्र-[त्र]य-कारकैः देवैः. १ प्रयुञ्जितः(१) कृतः. ३ भरताङ्गशास्त्रे यथोक्तम्.
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क०९,९, १०, १-९, ११, १-६] विईओ संधि
॥ पत्ता ॥ रङ्गे पइट्ट तुरन्त कर -दिद्वि-भाव-रस-रञ्जिय । विन्भम-भाव-विलास दरिसन्तिऍ पाण विसज्जिय ॥ ९
[१०] जंणीलञ्जणे पाणेहिँ मुक्की जाय जिणहों तो सङ्क गुरुक्की ॥ १ ॥ 'धिद्धिगत्थु संसार असारउ अण्णहाँ अण्णु होइ कम्मारउ ॥२ अण्णहों अण्णु करइ भिच्चत्तणु' तं जि हूउँ वइरायहाँ कारणु ॥ ३ लोयन्तियहिँ ताम पडिवोहिउ 'चारु देव जं सइँ उम्मोहिउ" ॥४ उवहिहिँ णव-णव-कोडाकोडिउ णट्ठउ धम्म सत्थु परिवाडिउँ ॥५ णट्ठइँ दंसण-णाण-चरित्तइँ दाण-झाण-संजम-सम्मत्तइँ॥ ६ ॥ पञ्च महव्वय पञ्चाणुव्वय
तिणि गुणव्वय चउ सिक्खावय॥७ णियम-सील-उववास-सहासइँ पइँ होन्तेण हवन्तु असेस" ॥ ८
॥त्ता ॥ ताम विमाणारूढ
चउ-दिसु चउँ देव-णिकाया"। 'पइँ विणु सुण्णउँ मोक्खु' णं जिण-हक्कारा आया ॥९
[११] सिविया-जाणे सुरवर-सारउं . जय-जय-सद्दे चडिउ भडारउ ॥ १ देवेहि खन्धु देवि उच्चाइउ णिविसें तं सिद्धत्थु पराइउ ॥ २ तहिँ उववणे थोवन्त थाऍवि भरहहाँ राय-लच्छि करें लाऍवि ॥३ 'णमह परम-सिद्धाण' भणन्तें किउ पयागें णिक्खवणं तुरन्तें ॥४॥ मुट्ठिउ पञ्च भरेप्पिणु लइयां चामीयर-पडलोवरे थवियउ ॥५ गेण्हेंवि जण-मण-णयणाणन्दें चित्तई खीर-समुद्दे." सुरिन्दे ॥ ६ 19 s रंगि. 20 s करा. 21 s A रंजिया. 22 P दरिसत्तिए, s हरिसत्तिए. 23 s विसजिया. - 10. 1 P णीलंजस . 2 P पाणहिं, S पाण. 3s विमुक्की. 4 A तं. 5 P धिगधिगत्थु, 5 धिगधिगेत्तु. 6 A अण्णहु. 7 PS होउ. 8 5 वयरायहु. 9 PS ताव. 10 P सई, सइ. 11 PA उम्मोहिउं, 5 उम्माहिउं. 12 P उअहिउ, S उवहिउ, A उवहिं हिं. 13. S कोडिउ कोडिउ. 14 PS धम्म. 15 P पडिवाडिउ. 165 णट्टइ. 17 PS असेसइ. 18 s missing. 19 PA निकाय. 20s पइ. 21 P सुण्णउं, A सुन्नउं. 22 P A आय.
11. 1 P सिविआ. 2 P°सारलं. 3 s देविहि, A देविहिं. 4 s णिविसिं. 5 A तें. 6s सिधथु परायउ. 7 PS तहि उववणि. 8 P थोवंतरि, 8 थोवंतरे. 9 s करि लाइवि. 10 A पयागि. 11 P A निक्खवणु. 12 P लइअउ. 13 P S पडलोयरि, A पडलोवरि. 14 P A गेन्हे वि. 15A चित्तउं. 16 PS A °समुद्दि. ४ हस्तादिभिः बहुविन्यांसैः.
Page #233
पउमचरिउ [क० ११,७-९, १२, १-९, १३, १-४ तेण समाणु सणेहें" लइयाँ रायहँ चउ सहास पवइया ॥ ७ परिमिउ ससि जिह गह-संघाएं अद्ध परिसु थिउ काओसाएं ॥८
॥ घत्ता ॥ पवणुद्धयां जडाउ
रिसहहो रेहन्ति विसालउँ । 5 सिहिहे वलन्तहों णाई
धूमाउल-जाला-माल ॥९
[१२] जिणु अविउलु अविचल वीसत्थउँ थिउ छम्मासु पलम्वियं-हत्थउ ॥ १ जे णिव तेण समउ पवइया ते दारुण-दुबाएं लइया ॥२ सीउण्हेंहिँ तिस-भुक्छेहि खामिय। जिम्भण-णिद्दालसेंहिँ विणामियं ॥ ३ " चालण-कण्डुयण अलहन्ता अहि-विच्छिय-परिवेढिजन्ता ॥४ घोर-वीर-तव-चरणहिँ" भग्गा णासेवि सलिलु पिएवऍ" लग्गा ॥५ केण वि महियलें" घत्तिउ अप्पउ "हो हो केण दिदु परमप्पउ ॥ ६ . पाण जन्ति जइ एण णिओएं तो किर तेण काइँ" परलोएं ॥ ७ को वि फलइँ तोडेप्पिणु भक्खई 'जाहुँ"भणेवि को वि काणेक्खई॥८
॥ घत्ता॥ को वि णिवारइ किं पि आमेल्लेवि चलण जिणिन्दहों। 'कल्लएँ देसहुँ" काइँ पञ्चुत्तर भरह-णरिन्दहों' ॥९
[१३] तहिँ तेहएँ पडिवन्नएँ अवसरें दइवी वाणि समुट्ठिय अम्बरें ॥१ 20 'अहो अहाँ कूड-कवर्ड-णिग्गन्थहों कापुरिसहा अणार्य-परमत्यहाँ॥२
एण महारिसि-लिङ्ग-ग्गहणे जाइ-जरा-मरण-त्तय-डहणे ॥३ 'फलइँ म तोडहाँ जलु मा डोहों णं तो णीसङ्गत्तणु छण्डहों'॥४
17 PS सणेहिं. 18 P लईआ. 19 रायह. 20 P पब्वईआ. 21 P काउसाएं, S काउसायं. 22 P S पवण यउ. 23 5 विसलइ. 24 s सिहिहि, A सिहेहे. 25 Ps णाइ. 26 A मालउं. ____12. 1 P अचलु वि. 2 PS सिवसत्थउ. 3 Ps छम्मास. 4 PS विलंविय. 5 PS सीउण्ह हिं, A सीउन्हे हिं. 6 P °भुक्खहिं, भुक्खहि. 7s खामिया, A खाविय. 8s विणामिया, A विणाविय. 9 P °कुंडयणई, s कंडयणई, A °कंडुयणइ. 10s विंच्छिय. 11 PS °चरणे. 12 S णासवि सलिल पिएवय लग्गा. 13 P पिएवय. 14 PS महियलि. 15 A भो भो दिगु केण परमप्पउ. 16 P णिउंएं. 17 A काइ. 18 s परलोयं. 19 SA फलइ. 20 S तक्खइ. 21S A जाहु. 22 P S कोइ. 23 P काणेरक्खइ, S काणेक्खई. 24 PA आमेल्लिवि, S आमिल्लिवि. 25s जिणेदहो. 26s कल्लइ.27 PS देसहु, A देसमि. 28 Pकाइ.
13. 1 PS तहि. 2 तेहय. 3 s पडिवण्णइ. 4 PS कवडकूड.5 A कप्पुरिसहो. 65 अण्णाय. 7 PS जलइ म डोहहो फलइ म तोडहो. 8 A तोडहु..
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क० १३, ५ - ९, १४, १-९] विईओ संधि तं णिसुणेवि तिस-भुक्खादण्णाहिँ उद्धूलिउ अप्पाणउँ अण्णेहि ॥ ५ अण्णाह" अण्ण समय उप्पाइय' तहिं अक्सरे णमि-विर्णमि परौइय"६ कच्छ-महाकच्छाहिव-णन्दण वर-करवाल-हत्थ णीसन्दण ॥ ७ वेणि वि विहिं चलणेहिँ णिवडेप्पिणु थिय पांसेंहिँ जिणु जयकारेप्पिणु ॥८
॥ घत्ता
चिन्तिउ णमि-विणमीहिँ 'वुत्तउ वि* ण वोल्लइ णाहो । एउ ण जाणहुँ आसि किउँ अम्हहिं को अवराहो" ॥९
[१४] जइ विण किं पि देहि सुर-सारा तो वरि एकसि वोल्लि भडारा ॥१ अण्णहुँ देसु विहजेवि दिण्णउ अम्हहुँ किं पहु णिदाखिण्णउ' ॥२ ॥ अण्णहुँ दिण्ण तुरङ्गम गयवर अम्हहुँ' का कियउ परमेसर ॥ ३ "अण्णहूँ दिण्णउ उत्तिम-वेसउ अम्हहँ आलावेण वि संसर'॥४ एम जाम गरहन्ति जिणिन्दहों" आसणु चलिउ ताम धरणिन्दहाँ ॥५ । अवहि पउऑवि" सप्परिवारउ आउ खणखें जेत्थु भडारउ ॥ ६ लक्खिउ विहि मि मझें परमेसरु ससि-सूरन्तराले" णं मन्दरु ॥७ ।। तुरिउ ति-वारउ भामरि देप्पिणु जिणवर-वन्दणहत्ति करेप्पिणु ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ पुच्छिय धरणिधरेण 'विण्णि वि उण्णाविय-मत्था। थिय कजें कवणेण उक्खय-करवाल-विहत्था' ॥ ९
9 s णिसुणि वि. 10 A अप्पाणउं. 11 A अंनेहिं. 12 अण्णेहि, A अण्णहिं. 18 s उप्पाइया. 14 P तहि. 15 A अवसरि. 16 °विण्णमि. 17s पराइया. 18 Pवेषण, S विष्णि. 19 PS विहि. 20 s चलणिहि. 21 P णिवडिप्पिणु. 22 s पासेहि, A पासि हिं. 23 P °विणमीहि. A °विणमीसहि. 24 PS किं पि. 25s वोल्लैइ. 26 P SAणाहु. 27 P न, A missing. 28 P S जाणहु. 29 P कंड. 30 P अम्हे किं, S अम्हेहे, A अम्हेहिं corrected to अम्हहिं. 31 PS A अवराहु.
14. 1 P देहे, A देहि किं पि. 2s वोलि, 3 PSA अण्णह. 4 P S विहंजिवि. 5_PA दिण्णउं. 6 s अम्हहु, A अम्हहं. 7 PS निंदाखिपणउ, A णिद्दाखिण्णउं. 8 अण्णहु दिग्ण, A अण्णहं दिण्णु 9 s अम्हह, A अम्हहिं. 10 P काइ 11 A अण्णहं दिण्णउं उत्तम वेस. 12 s अम्हह, A अम्हंहं. 13 S जेम. 14 P जिणेंदहो. 15 A टलिउ. 16 s ताव. 17 PS A पउंजिवि. 18 s षणद्धे. 19 P जित्थु, s जेत्थ, A तित्थु 20 A निहिं मि. 21 5 मज्झि. 22 s A °अंतरालि. 23 s भामरे. 24 P पुच्छिउ, 25 s धरणिवरेण, A धरणिहरेण. 26 A अणामिय. 27 P उखय°.
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पउमचरिउ [क० १५, १-९, १६, १७७
[१५] तं णिसुणेवि दिण्णु पञ्चुत्तर 'पेसिय वे वि आसि देसन्तरु ॥१ दूरट्ठाणु जाम तं पावहुँ जाम वलेवि पडीवा आवहुँ ॥२ ताम पिहिमि णिय-पुत्तहँ देप्पिणु अम्हहँ थिउ अवहेरि करेप्पिणु' ॥ ३ 5 तं णिसुणेवि विहसिय-मुह-यन्हें दिण्णउँ विजउ वे धरणिन्दें ॥४ 'गिरि-वेयड्डहो होहु पहाणा उत्तर-दाहिण-सेड्डिहिँ राणा' ॥५ तं णिसुणेवि णमि-विणमिहिँ वुच्चइ 'अण्णे दिण्णी पिहिवि ने रुच्चइ ॥६ जइ णिग्गन्थु देइ सइँ हत्थे तो अम्हे" वि लेहुँ" परमत्थें ॥७ तं णिसुणेवि वे वि अवलोऍवि" थिउ अग्गऍ" सो मुणिवरु होऍवि"॥८
॥ घत्ता॥ हत्थुत्थल्लिउँ तेण गय वे" वि लएप्पिणु विजउँ । उत्तर-सेड्डिहिँ एक्कु थिउ दाहिण-सेड्डिहिं विजउ ॥ ९
तैहिँ अवसर उच्चाइय-वाहहाँ महि-विहरन्तहों तिहुअणं-णाहहाँ ॥१ Is वहु-लायण्ण-वण्ण-संपण्णउ आणई को वि पसाहवि कण्णउ ॥ २ 'चेलिउ को वि को वि हय चञ्चल रयण को वि को वि वर मयगल ॥३ को वि सुवण्ण रुप्पय-थालई को वि धण. धण्णइँ असरालइँ॥४ को वि अमुल्लाहरण. ढोयई ताइँ भडारउ" णउ अवलोयई ॥ ५
सव्वई धूलि-समइँ मण्णन्तउ पट्टणु "हत्थिणयरु संपत्तउ ॥६ 20 जहिँ सेयंसें 'दसणु पाहिउ* छुडु छुडु णिय-परिवारहों साहिउ॥७
__15. 1 P दूराठाणु जाव, S दूराठाणु जाव, A दूरज्झाणु corrected to दूरठाणु जाम. 2s पावहु. 35 आवहु. 4 PS ताव पिहिमि, A ताम पिहिवि. 5 PS णिसुणिवि. 6 A दिण्णउं. 7 P धरणिदि, s धरणेंदें. 8 P °सेटिहिं corrected to सेड्डिहिं, 5 सेढिहे, A सेटिटिहिं. 9 P विणमिहि, 5 विणमिहि, A विनामिहिं. 10 PS अण्णे, A अन्ने. 11 PS महि वि न. 12 P S सइ. 13 P अम्हि वि, A अम्हेहिं. 14 s A लेहु. 15 P अवलोयवि, s अवलोइवि. 165 अग्गइ, A अत्थक्कू corrected to अगइ सो. 17 5 होवि, A होयवि. 18 P हत्थुस्थलिउ. 19 A ते वि. 205 तेजउ. 21 PS °सेढिहि. 22. A इकु. 23 P S सेढिहिं, A सेठिहिं. ___ 16.1 P तहि. 2 P अवसरि. 3 From this point onwards upto सहिउ in line 7 several lines are partly illegible in s. 4 S A fagna. 5 sogou. 6 P °संपुण्णउं, 5 °संपुष्णउ, A °संपन्न. 7A आणइं. 8 P A कण्णउं. 9 P रयणइ, s illegible. 10 s मयगला. 11 PS सुअण्णइ. 12 5 रुप्पय', A रुप्पियं. 13 A धणइ. 14 P S अमुल्लाभरणइ, A अमोल्लाहरणई, 15 P S A ढोयई. 16 P S ताइ. 17 A भडारउं. 18 P S A अवलोयइं. 19 P सव्वइ. 20 s °समइ. 21A हस्थिणायपुरु पत्तउ, S संपत्तडइ. 22 s जहि. 23 Pसेअसें. 24 PS पाविउ, A चाहिउ corrected to पाहिउ. 25 Pछुडू छुडू. [१६] १ वस्त्र. २ खमम्.
Page #236
क० १६, ८ - ११; १७, १-९]
'अज्जु पइडु" अणङ्ग-वियाउँ इक्खु-रसों भरियअलि जं जे " तामै चउद्दिसु लोएं" छाइर
णिग्गउ" 'थाहु' भणन्तु भमिउ ति भामरि दिन्तु
विईओ संधि
जिमि भडरउ" जं जे" वन्दिउ रिसह - जिन्दु
वन्दे वि' पइसारियड णिहेलणु अण्णु वि गोमएण संमज्जणु पुइँ' अक्खयाउ वलि' दीवा कर- पक्खाणु देवि कुमारें अहिणव- इक्खुरसहों' भरियञ्जलि' साहुका देवदुन्दुहि सरु कञ्च - रयणहँ" को डिउँ वारह" अक्खय- दाणु भणेंवि" सेयंसहा
इथे पउमचरिए 'जिणवर क्खिम' इमं
मैं पारावि रिस भडारउ ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥
सच्चर जें जिणु वारें" पराइ
वसु-हार परिसियै तं जे ॥ ९
स- कलत्तु स पुत्तु स परियणु । मन्दरों जेम तारायणु ॥ ११
॥ घत्ता ॥
far चलणारविन्द पक्खालणु । १
॥ १०
दिण्ण जलेण धार पुणु चन्दणु । २ धूव-वास जेल-वास पडीवा । ३ सहर - सणहेण भिङ्गारें । ४ तावं सुरेहिं" मुक्कु कुसुमञ्जलि | ५ गन्ध-वाउ वसु-वर णिरन्तरु । ६ पडिय लैक्ख बत्तीसट्ठारह " । ७ अक्खयasa are aउ दिवसहों । ८
धञ्जयासिय सयम्भु ए व कए । वीयं चियं साहियं पद्मं ॥
सेयंसें" अप्पर भावॆवि" ।
सिरें" स इँ भु व- जुवलु चडावेंवि" ॥ ९
26s पट्ट. 27s °वियारौ 28 P मइ, s सइ. 29 P ° अंजले, s अंजलि 30 A जं जिं. 31 Ps A घरि. 32 P पवरसिय. 33 A तं जें 34 Ps ताव, 35s लोयं. 36Ps छाविउ . 37s A वारि 38s परायउ 39s णिग्गंथाहु, A निग्गर ढाहु.
17. 1Ps वंदि वि. 2 Aचरणारविंद 3Ps अण्ण. 4 P पुष्फइ, s पुष्कइ 5 P अक्खइयाउ वल, अक्खइपाउ वल, A अक्खयाउं वलि. 6 A जलवास with फ ( ? ) superscribed on ज'. '7 P S° इक्खुरसहं. 8Ps भरिअंजलि. 9 A अहिणव. 10s सुरेहि . 11 A साहुक्कार. 12 P रयणहिं. s स्यणिहिं. 13 P कोडीउ. 14 s वारहं. 15 Ps अट्ठारहं, A अट्ठारह 16s भणिवि. 17s णाउ 18 A जिमिउं. 19 A भडारउं. 20 P रंजि, A जंजि. 21 P सेअंसें. 22 SA भाविवि. 23 P रिसहु जिणेंदु. 24 SA सिरि. 25 P सह भुयजुयल, S सई भुयजुयलु. 26s चडाविवि. 27 s इत्थ. 28s °णिक्ववण. 29s चियं.
[१७] १ श्रीखंडेनार्चनं, पटकूलेन मर्दनम् . २ पुष्पाञ्जलिम् ( ? ). ३१२५०००००० (?).
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[क० १,१-१३ [३. तईओ संधि] तिहुअणे-गुरु तं गयउरु मेल्लेवि खीण-कसाइड। गंय-सन्तउ विहरन्तउ पुरिमतालु संपाइउं ॥
[१] दीहर-कालचक्क-हऍण परिस-सहासें पुण्णऍण ।
सयडामुर्ह-उज्जाण-वणु ढुक्कु भडारउ रिसह-जिणु ॥१ रम्मं महा जं च पुण्णाय-णाएहिँ कुसुमिय-लया-वेल्लि-पल्लव-णिहाएंहिँ ॥२ कप्पूर-कङ्कोल-एला-लवङ्गेहिँ महु-माहवी-माहुलिङ्गी-विडङ्गहिँ॥३
मरियल्ल-जीरुच्छे-कुङ्कम-कुडङ्गेहिँ णव-तिलय-वउलेहि चम्पय-पियङ्गेहि॥४ " णारङ्ग-णग्गोह-आसत्थ-रुक्खेहिँ . कङ्केल्लि-पउमक्ख-रुद्दक्ख-दक्खेहिँ ॥ ५
खजूरि-जैम्बिरि-घण-फैणिस-लिम्वेहिँ हरियाल-ढउँएहिँ-बहु-पुत्तजीवहिँ ॥६ सत्तच्छयाऽगत्थि-दहिवण्ण-णन्दीहिं मन्दार-कुन्दिन्दु-सिन्दूर-सिन्दीहिं ॥७ वर-पाडली-पोप्फली-णालिकेरीहिँ करमन्दि-कन्यारि-करिमर-करीरेहिँ ॥८
कणियारि-कणवीर-मालूर-तरलेहि सिरिखण्ड-सिरिसामली-साल-सरलेहि॥९ 1 हिन्ताल-तालेहिँ ताली-तमालेहिँ जम्बू-वरम्वेहिँ कञ्चण-कयम्वेहिँ ॥ १० भुव-देवदारूहिँ रिटेहिँ चारेहिँ कोसम्म-सजेहिँ कोरण्ट-को हिँ ॥११ अच्चइय-जूहीहिँ जासवण-मल्लीहिँ केयइऍ जाएहिँ अवरहि मि जाईहिँ ॥१२
॥ धत्ता ॥ तहि दिवउ सुमणिदुई वड-पायउ थिर-थोरउ । 20 वण-वणियह सुह-जणियह उप्परि धरिउ व मोरउ ॥ १३
__1. 1 SA तिहुयण'. 2 PA मेल्लिवि, व मिल्लिवि. 3 s A कसायउ. 4 P संपाइयउ, s संपायउ. 5 P°सहासई, 5 °सहासइ.6 A सयडामुहूं. 75 °णायेहिं. 8 P°वेली', sillegible. 9 P निहाएहिं. 10 A मिरियल्ल°. 11 S जीरुच्च. 12 s घउलेहि. 13 P नारंग. 14 PSA रुदक्ख. 15 s जंबीरे, A जंबीर. 16 A °फणसनीवेहिं. 17 P °ढउएहें. 18 PS पोत्तजी. वेहिं. 19 Ps for the following few lines only partly legible. 20 A कुंदेद. 21 s पुष्फली. 22 P°नालिकेरीहिं. 23 s करमंद, A करविंदि. 24 s कत्थारि. 25A जंवु. 26 रिटेहि. 27 A चारूहिं. 28 A कोसंव. 29 s कोजेहि, A कुजेहि. 30A केयइय°. 31 A जाईहिं. 32 P अवरहि मि, S A अवरहि मि. 33 PS तहि. 34 A सुनिचिट्ठउ with म and णि superscribed respectively above नि and वि. 35 PS जणियहि. 36 PS उप्परे. 37 PS बि, A व with the sign of short इ added af. terwards.
[१] १ गलश्रमः. २ दीर्घकालचक्रहते सति. ३ मधूकः. ४ अतिमुक्तलता. ५ पीपल. ६ निम्बकैः. ७ वनस्त्रियः. ८ पिच्छ.
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क०२,१-११,३,१-६] तईओ संधि
[२] तहिँ थाऍवि परमेसरण आई-पुराण-महेसरण ।
विसय-सेण्णु संचूरियउ सुक्क-झाणु आऊरियां ॥१ एक-सुक्क झाणग्गि-पलित्तहाँ । दो-गुण-धरहों दुविह-तव-तत्तहों ॥२ तियगारहों ति-सल्ल फेडन्तहाँ चउविह-कम्मिन्धण. डहन्तहों ३ । पश्चिन्दिर्य-दणु-दप्पु हरन्तहों छबिह-रस-परिचाउ करन्तहों ॥ ४ सत्त-महाभय परिसेसन्तहों अठ दुइ मय णिण्णासन्तहों ॥५ णवविहु वम्भचेरु रक्खन्तहों दसविहु परम-धम्मु पालन्तहाँ ॥६ सुइ एयारहङ्ग जाणन्तहों वारह अणुवेक्खउ चिन्तन्तहों ॥७ तेरसविहु चारित्तु चरन्तहों चउदसँविह-गुणथाणु चडन्तहों ॥ ८ ॥ पण्णारह पमाय वजन्तहों सोलहविह कसाय मुच्चन्तहों ॥ ९ सत्तारह संजम पालन्तहों अट्ठारह वि दोस णासन्तहों ॥ १०
॥ घत्ता॥ सुह-झाणहों गय-माणहों अइपसण्ण-मुहयन्दहों। धवलुजलु तं केवलु णाणुप्पण्णु जिणिन्दहों" ॥ ११ ॥
[३] साहिय-णिय-सहाव-चरिउ चउतीसऽइसय-परियरिउ ।
थिउ जिणु णिचुय-कम्म-रउ णं ससहरु णिजलहरउ ॥१ पुण्ण-पवित्तु पाव-णिण्णासणु
अण्णुप्पण्णुं धवलु सिंहासणु ॥ २ किसलय-कुसुम-रिद्धि-संपण्णउँ अण्णेत्तहे असोउ उप्पण्णां ॥ ३ 20 दिणयर-कोडि-पयाव-समुज्जलु अण्णेत्तहें पसण्णु भामण्डलु ॥४ अण्णेत्तहें ओणामिय-मत्था चामरिन्दै थिय चमर-विहत्थों ॥५ अण्णेत्तहे तिहुअणु" धवलन्तउ थिउ उद्दण्ड-धवल-छत्त-त्तउ ॥६
2. 1 PS तहि. 2 P आई, s illegible. 3 PS °सेणु. 4 P आऊरिअउ. 5 A एक. 6 P तियगारहो, s तियगारउ, A तियगावरव. 7 P°कमेंधणई, s कम्मेधणई. 8 P पंचेंदिय 9 P निवासंतहो. 10 PS णवविह. 11 A तेरहविहु. 12 A चारितु धुरंतहो. 13 s चोइस', A चउदह. 14 s चरंतहो. 15 P°पसन्नु, 8° पसण्णु, A पसंन. 16 P णाणुप्पनु, Sणाणुप्पत्तु, A नाणुप्पण्णु. 17 जिणेदहो.
3. 1. P S साहिउ. 2 जिण. 8 A चउतीसाइसय.. °सा अइसइ, A साइसयं. 4 P अण्णुपन्छ. 5 P °संपण्णउं, S संपन्नउ, A °संच्छण्णउं. 6 5 अण्णेतहे. 7 A उप्पण्णउं. 8 P A अग्नत्तहे, S अण्णेत्तहो. 9 s अण्णेत्तहि. 10 P उणामिय', 5 उन्नाविय. 11 s चामरेंद. 12 s चामरहत्था. 13 P अण्णेत्तह, S अण्णेत्तहि. 14 P तिहुअण, s तिहुयण, A तिहुमणु. 15Pउदंड.
पउ० चरि०4
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पउमचरिउ [क०३,७-११,४,१-१० अण्णेत्तहे" सुर-दुन्दुहि वज्जइ णं पक्खुहणे महोवहि गजइ ॥ ७ दिव्व भास अण्णेत्तहे भासइ अण्णेत्तहे" कम्म-रउ पणासइ ॥८
कुसुम-वासु अण्णेत्तहें वासइ ॥ ९ अट्ट वि पाडिहेर उप्पण्णा
णं थिय पुण्ण-पुञ्ज आसण्णा ॥१०
॥ घत्ता ॥ इय चिन्ध जसु सिद्धई पर-समा] जसु अप्पउ । गह-चक्कों तइलोकों सो जे देउ परमप्पउ ॥११
[४] वारह-जोयण-पोढिम मणहरु सव्वु सुवण्णमउँ ।
चउदिसु चउरुजाण-वणु सुर-णिम्मविउं समोसरण ॥१ तिविह कणय-पायारु पभाविउँ वारह कोटा सोलह वाविउ ॥ २ माणव-थम्भ चयारि परिट्ठिय कञ्चण-तोरण-णिवह समुट्ठिय ॥३ चउ गोउरइँ हेम-परियरिय णव णव थूहइँ तहिँ वित्थरियइँ ॥ ४
दह धय पउम-मोर-पश्चाणण गरुड-मराल-वसह वर-वारण ॥ ५ 13 अण्णु वि वत्थ-चक्क-छत्त-द्धय फरहरन्त अच्चन्त समुण्णय ॥६
एकेकऍ धऍ" अहिणव-छायहँ सउ अट्टोत्तर चित्त-पडाय? ॥ ७ तं समसरणु परिहिउ जावहिँ अमर-राउ संचल्लिउँ ताहिँ ॥ ८ चलियइँ आसणाइँ अहमिन्दहुँ विसहरिन्द-अमरिन्दै-णरिन्दहुँ ॥ ९
॥ घत्ता ॥ जिण-संपइ . जाणावइ सुरवइ सुरवर-विन्दहुँ ।
'किं अच्छहुँ आगच्छहुँ जाहुँ भडारउँ वन्दहुँ'॥१० 16 5 अण्णेत्तहि. 17 s देव्व. 18 P S अण्णेत्तहिं, A अण्णेतहि. 19 s अण्णेतह. 20 s पुंण. 21 PS चिंधइ. 22 Ps सिद्धह. 23 P °सम्माणु. 24 S गहचक्कहु, A गयपक्खहो with चक्क superscribed above पक्ख. 25 SA जि.
4. 1P पोहिमउं, s पोहिमउ, A पोढिमउं. 2 P सुअण्णमउं, S सब्वमुवनमउं. 3 P S णिम्मविय. 4 P पभामिउं, A पभाविउ. 5 A वारह. 6 P गोवरई, s गोउरइ, A गोयरइं. 7 °परियरियइ, A पिंजरियइं. 8 A °थूहइ. 9 P S A तहि वित्थरियइ. 10 5 पौम. 11 SA अच्चत्त. 12 P यए, s थए. 13 A चित्तवडायहु. 14 s जावहि, A जाविहिं. 15 A संचल्लइ. 16 A ताविहिं. 17 P S भासणाइ. 18 PS अहमिंदहं. 19 s अमरेंद'. 20 P S 'परिंदह, A गरिंदहु. 21 P°वंदह, s विंदहु. 22 S अच्छहो. 23 A लइ पेच्छहु. 24 PS जाहु. 25 A भडारउं. [४] १ प्रौढविस्तारः. २ चित्रपताकाः.
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क०५,१-१०;६, ६-४]
तईओ संधि
तं णिसुणेवि' परामरहिं कडय-मउर्ड-कुण्डल-धरेंहिँ ।
मणि-रयण-प्पह-रञ्जिय णिय-णिय-जाणइँ सज्जियइँ। १ केहि मि मेस महिस विस कुञ्जर। केहि मि तच्छे रिछे मिग सम्बर।।२ केहि मि करह वराह तुरङ्गम केहि मि हंस मर विहङ्गम॥३ केहि मि सस सारङ्ग पवङ्गम केहि मि रहवर णरवर जङ्गम ॥ ४ केहि मि वग्घ सिंघ गय गण्डा केहि मि गरुड कोञ्च कारण्डौं ॥ ५ केहि मि सुंसुआर मच्छोहर एम पराइय सयल वि सुरवर ॥ ६ दस-पयार वर भवण-णिवासिय विन्तर अट्ठ पञ्च जोईसिय ॥७ वहुविह कप्पामर कोकन्त ईसाणिन्दु वि आउ तुरन्तउ ॥ ८ विन्भम-हाव-भाव-संखोडिहिँ परिमिउ चंउवीसऽच्छर-कोडिहिं ॥९
॥घत्ता॥ पेक्खेंवि वलु किय-कलयलु चउविह-देव-णिकायहो । धाइय गर कट्ठिय-धर सुरवर-वल्लह-रायहीं ॥ १०
ताव गलिय-दाणोज्झर
जिण-वन्दण-गवणंमणउ जोयण-लक्ख-पमाणु परिद्विउ उप्परि पेक्खणा पारद्धइँ उन्भिय धय धूर्वन्तइँ चिन्ध
परिवहिउँ अंइरावणउँ ॥ १ वीयउ मन्दरु णाई समुट्ठिर ॥२ चामीयर-तोरण णिवद्धइँ ॥ ३ कियइँ वणइँ फल-फुल्ल-समिद्धइँ ॥४
5. 1s णिसुणित्रि. 2 S पवरा. 3 s मौड. 4 A धरि हिं. 5A केहिं मि. 6 s कुंजरा. 7P मच्छ.8ps रिच्छ.9SA केहिं मि. 10 PS मयूर. 11 8 नरउर. 12 P कारंड. 13s संसभामार. 14 PS एव. 15s णिवासिया. 16 Pउतर. 17s जोयसिया, 18 PS कोकंतर. 19 P ईसाणंदु, A ईसाणिंदु. 20 PS विभव.° 21 A परिमिउं. 22 PS °कोडिहि. 23 P पिक्खेवि, पेक्खि वि. 24 PS किउ. 25P कटिअघर, A कद्वियकर.
6. 1 PS °दाणोच्छरउ.2 P°मय'. 3 A°महुंयरउं. 4 PS परिवड्डिअ. 5 PA अइरावणउं. 6A 'माणु. 7 PS णाइ, A नाई समुहिउं. 8 P पेक्खणाइ, s पेषणेइ. 9 A पारद्धइ..10s 'तोरणइ णिवद्धइ. 11 P धूवंतहि, s धूयंतहि. 12 s चिंधइ. 13 s कियइ. 14 PS समिद्धइ.
[५] १ आधाभिः ( ? ), २ ईशानेंद्र आगतः. ३ इंद्रस्य.
[६] १ एरापतिः हस्ती १, मुख १००, मुखे मुखे दन्ताष्टाष्ट, दन्ते दन्ते सरोवरु १, सरे सरे कमलिनी २५, कमलिनी के कमल १२५, कमले कमले पत्र १०८, पत्रे पत्रे अप्सरा एकैका नृत्यं करोति अतिभक्त्या । मुख १००, दंन्त ८००, सरोवर ८००, कमलि[नी] २००००, कमल २५०००००, दल २७०००००००, अप्सरा २७०००००००,
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पउमचरिउ [क०६,५-११;७,१-९ पोक्खरिणिउँ णव पङ्कय सरवर दीहिय वावि तलाय लयाहरं ॥ ५ तहिँ" अइरावणे गलगज्जन्तऍ दीहर-कर-सिक्कार मुंअन्तऍ ॥ ६ विजिजन्तु चमर-परिवाडिहिँ सत्तावीसहिँ अच्छर-कोडिहिँ ॥ ७
चडिउ पुरन्दरु मणे परिओसें" जय-मङ्गल-दुन्दुहि-णिग्योसें ॥ ८ 5 वन्दिण-फम्फावयहिँ पढन्तेहि कट्ठियुवालेंहिँ ढोउ ण दिन्तेहिं ॥ ९ इन्दहों तणिय रिद्धि अवलोऍवि के वि विसूरिय विमुहा होऍवि ॥ १०
॥ घत्ता ॥ 'मल-धरणइँ तव-चरण के दिवु भरहें करेसहुँ । जें दुल्लहु जण-वल्लहु इन्दत्तणु पावेसहुँ' ॥११
[७] ताम सुरासुर-वाहणइँ फलइँ व सग्ग-दुमहों तण।
जिणवर-पुण्ण-वाय-हयइँ हेट्ठामुहइँ समागयइँ ॥ १ अवरोप्पलं चूरन्त महाइय गिरि-मणुसोत्तर-सिहरु पराइयं ॥ २ णिय-करें "खञ्चेवि भणई पुरन्दर 'उच्चासण-आरुहणु असुन्दरु ॥३ ॥ जाइँ विउवण-सत्तिऍ" हूय." तुरिउँ ताइँ आमेल्लहुँ रूअँ' ॥४ थिय देवासुर इन्दाएसें
सबै पडीवा तेण जि वेसें ॥५ णाणा-जाण-विमाणेहि तेत्तहें ढुक्कु समोसरणे जिणु जेत्तहें ॥ ६ सयल विदूरोणाविय-
मत्था स यल वि कर-मउलञ्जलि-हत्था ॥ ७ सयल वि जयजयकार करन्ता सयल वि" थोत्त-सयाइँ पढन्ता ॥८ 20 सयल वि अप्पाणउँ दरिसन्ताणामु गोत्तु णिय-णिलउ कहन्ता ॥ ९
15 P पोक्खरणित, A पोक्खरणिउं. 16 A मणोहर. 17 PS तहि. 18 s गजंतइ. 19 सुयंत, .A °मुयंतए. 20 P°परिवाडि हि, A परिवाडिडिं. 21s परितोसिं, A परिओसे. 22 s°दुंदुहिंणिग्धोसिं. 23 s वंदण. 24 P °फंफावेहिं, 5 °फंफावे हि. 25 s पढ़तिहि. 26 P कठियवालहि, s कंठियवालहि. A कट्ठियालि हिं. 27 P न दितहिं, Sण दिंतहिं, A न दितिहिं. 28 PS अवलोयवि. 29 P होयवि, S होइवि. 30 PS दिउ. 31 s भरहु. 32 PS करेसहु. 33 s जिं. 34 P S पावेसहु. - '7. 1 Ps ताव. 2 P S °साहणई, फलइ. 3 s °दुम्महो. 4 s हरई. 5 Pणं हेट्ठामुहई, s णं हेट्ठामुहइ. 6 अवरपरु. 7 s महाइया. 8 A °मणुसुत्तर. 9 s पराइया. 10 A करि. 11 s खंधेवि. 12 A भणइं. 13 This half is missing in s. 14 PS उच्चासणु. 15 PS जाइ. 16 P S °सत्तिय. 17 PS भूयई. 18 P तुरिअउ, s तुरियउ. 19 P अमेल्लहु, s अमिल्लहु. 20 P S रूयइ. 21 A पुणु with सव्व superscribed. 22s येसिं. 23 P°विवाणहि, s विमाणहि. 24 P तेत्तिहि, s तेत्तहिं. 25 P जेत्तहो, s जेत्तहिं 26 s दूरे. 27 8 जयजयकार. 28 missing in s. 29 P °सयाइ. 30 A अप्पाणउं. २ सौधर्मेन्द्रः. ३ कं दिवसं भविष्यति. ४ भरतक्षेत्रे.
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क०७, १०,८,१-१०,९,१
॥ पत्ता ॥ तैहि वेल' सुर-मेलऍ तेय-पिण्डु जिणु छजइ । गयणगणें तारायणे छण-मयलञ्छणु णजइ ॥१०
[८] सुर-करि-खन्धुत्तिण्णऍणे वहु-रोमञ्चुभिण्णऍणं ।
सप्परिवारें सुन्दरेण थुइ आढत्त पुरन्दरेण ॥१ 'जय अजरामर-पुर-परमेसर जय जिण आइ पुराण महेसर ॥२ जय दयं-धम्म-रयण-रयणायर । जय अण्णाण-तमोह-दिवायर ॥३ जय ससि भव-कुमुर्य-पडिवोहण जय कल्लाण-णाण-गुण-रोहण ॥ ४ जय सुरगुरु तइलोक-पियामह जय संसार-महाडइ-हुयवहं ॥ ५ जय वम्मह-णिम्महण महाउस जय कलि-कोह-हुआसणे पाउस ॥६ जय कसायघण-पलयसमीरण जय माणइरि-पुरन्दरपहरण ॥ ७ जय इन्दिय-गयउले पञ्चाणण जय तिहुअण-सिरि-रामालिङ्गण ॥८ जय कम्मारि-मडप्फर-भञ्जण जय णिकल णिरवेक्ख णिरञ्जण ॥९
॥ घत्ता॥ तुह सासणु दुह-णासणु एवहिँ उण्णइ चडियउ ।
पहवन्तेणें जगु संसार ण पडियउ' ॥१०
. [९] तं वलु तं देवागमणु सो जिणवर 'तं समसरणुं ।
पेक्खेंवि उर्ववणे अवयरिउ जाउ महन्तउ अच्छरिउ ॥१ पट्टणे पुरिमंताले जो राणउँ रिसहसेणु णामेण पहाणउँ ॥२ सो देवागमु णिऍवि 'पहासिउ को सयडामुह-वणे" आवासिउँ ॥३ कासु एउ एवड्डु पहुत्तणु जेण विमाणहिँ णवई णहङ्गणु' ॥४ 31 PS तहि. 32 P केवलए, s वेलइ. 33 Ps °मेलइ. 34 A तिय.
8. 1 P °क्खंधुतिणएण, s खंधुतिणएण, A °खंधुत्तिन्नएण. 2 Pभिन्नएण, °तिण्णएण, 3 PS सपरिवारें, A सप्परिवारि. 4 5 दढ. 5s भबकुमुय, A कुमुयभब्व. 6 sहुया वह. 7A गयउल.°8 SA °तिहुयण. 9 P निक्कल निरवेख निरंजन, 10 P S एमहि. 11 8 उण्णइं. 12 जिं. 13 P हुंतएण, S होतएण. 14 P S पवहंतएण. 15 SA संसारि.
9. 1 A तं जि. 2 A समोसरणु. 3 Pपिक्खिवि, A पेक्खिवि. 4 S उवणि.5 P अवयरिअउं, अवयरियउ.6 P अच्छरियउं, S अच्छरियड.7A पुरिमतालि. 8 P A राणउं. 9 Ps विसहसेणु. 10 P A पहाणउं. 11 s वणि. 12 A अवासिउं. 13 s त्रिमाणहि. 14 A नमइं. [८] १ महोत्कट (A gloss महाउत्कट ). २ मानपर्वतभाने वज्रः, [९] १ प्रभाषितवान्.
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पउमचरिउ [क०९,५-१०,१०,१-९ तं णिसुणेवि केणं 'अप्फालिउँ 'एम देव म. सव्वु णिहालिउ ॥५ भरहेसरहों वप्पु जो सुव्वई महि-वल्लहु भणेवि जो"थुव्वइ ॥ ६ केवल-णाणु तासु उप्पण्णउँ अदु-महागुणड्डि-संपण्णउँ' ॥७ तं णिसुणेवि मरटें मेल्लिउ स-वलु स-वन्धुवग्गु संचल्लिउ ॥ ८ । तं समसरणु पइट्ट तुरन्तउ 'जय देवाहिदेव' पभणन्तउ ॥ ९
॥ पत्ता ॥ 'तेएं तेण पइसन्तेण सुरह मि विभ, लाइ । 'एं वेसण उद्देसेण किं मयरद्धउ आइडे' ॥ १०
[१०] पेक्ववि' तं देवागमणु सो जिणु तं जि समोसरणु ।
भव-भय-संऍहिँ समल्लइउ 'रिसहसेणु पहु पव्वइउ ॥ १ तेण समाणु परम गब्भेसर दिक्खहँ ठियं चउरासी गरवर ॥२ चउ-कल्लाण-विहूई-सणाहहों गणहर ते जि हूअं जग-णाहहों ॥ ३
अवर वि जे" जे" भावें लइया चउरासी सहास पव्वइया ॥४ 1 एयारह-गुणठाण-समिद्धहुँ तिणि लक्ख सावयहुँ पसिद्धहुँ । ५
अज्जिय-गणहों सङ्घ " वुझिय देव वि दुक्किय-कम्म-मैलुज्झिय ॥ ६ थिय चउपासें परम-जिणिन्दहों णं तारा-गह पुण्णिम-चन्दहो ॥ ७ वईरे. परिसेसवि थिय वणयर महिस तुरङ्गम केसरि कुञ्जर ॥ ८
॥ पत्ता ॥ अहि णउल वि थिय सयल वि एकहिँ उवसम-भावेण । .. किय-सेवहाँ पुरऐवहाँ केवल-णाण-पहावेण ॥ ९ 15A केण वि. 16 8 अप्फालिउ. 17 A एउ. 18 मइ. 19 A सयलु. 20 PS वुचइ, A सव्वइ. 21 Sसइ थुन्वइ, P संथुन्वइ. 22 PA उप्पण्णउं. 23 P गुणद्धि', S गुणहि. 24 P A संपण्णउं. 25s देवाहदेव. 26 P तेऐं, 5 तेयं, A तेंएं. 27 पइमंतेण. 28 A सुरहंमि. 29 A विभउ. 30 P लाइयउ, S लायउ. 31 P ऐं, 32 Ps वेसें. 33 PS उद्देसि. 34 आयउ. . 10. 1s पेक्खिवि. 2 A जिणवरु. 3 PS भवभव', A भवभवभय'.4 P°सहिएहिं, Sसएहि. 5s समल्लइ, A लइउ. 6 PS दिक्खह. 7 PS ट्ठिय. 8 णरवहर. 9 °विहई. 10 हूव. 11s जे. 12 Ps जे. 13 P समिद्धई, s समिद्रइ. 14 P सावयहु, s सावयहं. 15 P पसिद्धई, s पसिद्धहं. 16 P गणह, s गणह. 17 SA किं. 18 P दुकिय. 19 P S °कलुझिव. 20 Ps ठिय. 21 A चउपासहिं. 22 ठाह corrected to गह.23 A °इंदहो. 24 P S वइरइ. 25 परिसेसिय, A परिहरेवि. 26 P थिअ. 27 s वणयरा. 28 s कुंजरा, A कुंजरः. 29 s णिउल. 30 s एक्कहि. 31 s पुरदेवहो. २ कथितः (A कहिउ ). ३ समस्तम्. ४ प्रातिहाष्टिगुणाश्च ऋद्धयश्च, ५ तस्य तेजसा. [१०] १ वृषभसेनः जिनपुत्रः.
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तईओ संधि
[११] ताम विणिग्गय दिव झुणि कहइ तिलोअहों परम-मुणि ।
वन्ध-विमोक्ख-कालवलं. धम्माहम्म-महाफलइँ ॥ १ पुग्गल-जीवाजीव-पउत्तिउ ' आसव-संवर-
णिजर-गुत्तिउ ॥२ संजम-णियम-लेस-वय-दाण. तव-सीलोववास-गुणठाण ॥ ३ सम्मइंसण-णाण-चरित्त सग्ग-मोक्ख-संसार-णिमित्त ॥४ णव पयत्थ सज्झाय-ज्झाणं. सुर-णर-उच्छेहाउँ-पमाण ॥५ सायर-पल-पुव-कोडीयउँ लोयविहाय-कम्मपयडीयउँ ॥६ कालइँ खेत्त-भाव-परदव वारह अङ्ग चउदह पुंबई ॥७ णरय-तिरय-मणुअत्त-सुरत्तइँ कुलयर-हलहर-चक्कहरत्तइँ ॥ ८ तित्थयरत्तणाइँ इन्दत्त सिद्धत्तणइ मि कहई समत्त ॥९
॥ घत्ता ॥ किं वहुवेण आलावेण तिहुअणे सयलें गविट्ठउ । । णउ एकु वि तिल-मेत्तु वि तं जि जिणेण ण दिट्ठउ ॥ १०
धम्मक्खाणु सयलु सुणेवि चञ्चलु जीविउँ मणे मुणेवि । भव-भव-भय-सय-गय-मणहों उवसमु जाउ सर्व-जणहों ॥१ . केण वि पश्चाणुव्वय लइयालो करेवि के वि पव्वइया ॥२ केहि मि गुणवयाइँ अणुसरियइँ केहि मि सिक्खावयइँ पधरियइँ॥ ३ मउणाणत्थमियइ अवरेकाह
- अण्णेहिँ किय णिवित्ति अण्णेक्वहिं॥४॥
11. 1 Pतव, S ताव.2 SA तिलोयहो. 8 A वंधइ corrected to वंधवि. 4 PS °वलइ. 55 °फलइ. 6 P पोग्गल. 7 P निजर. 8 P नियम. 9 P S °दाणइ. 10 P°गुणट्ठाणइ, S गुणट्ठाणइ. 11 P सम्मदंसण. 12 PS °चरित्तइ. 13 P °णिमित्तइ, °णिम्मित्तइ. 14 A सज्झायाझाणइं. 15 PS °उच्छेआउं. 16 P°पल्लव. 17 s °कोडीउ. 18 P °पयडीअड, A पइडीअउ. 19 P SA कालइ. 20 परदब्वइ, A वरदवइ. 21 PS A अंगइ. 22 A पुवइ. 23 SA °मणुयत्त. 24 s कुलहर. 25 PS तित्थयरत्तणाइ. 26 A इंदत्तइ. 27 s कह. 28 PS वहुएण. 29 s तिहुयणि, A तिहुयणे. 30 A सयलि. 31 s °मित्तु.
12. 1 s धम्मुक्खाणु. 2 s जीविउ मणि, A जीवलोउ. 3 P S भवभय', A HTT with the marks of deletion over the first two letters, 4 PS सव्वहो. 5A केहिं जि. 6 A केहिं मि.7 P अणुसरिअई, s अणुसरियइ. 8 P °णस्थमिअइ, S °णच्छमियइ, A °णथमियई. 9 P अण्णेकहिं, S अण्णेक्कहिं. 10 P अण्णेहि, A अन्नहिं. [११] १ त्रिलोकस्य जीवानां धर्माख्यानं कथयति. २ अवलोकितः. ३ यन्न कश्चित् तन्नास्ति. [१२] १ लोचं कृत्वा.
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पउमचरिउ [०१२,५-६,१३,१-८ जो जं मग्गइ तं तहाँ देइ हत्थु भडारउँ णउ खञ्चेइ ॥५ अमर विगय सम्मत्तु लएप्पिणु णिय णिय-लिय चाहणहिँचडेप्पिणु ॥६ जिण-धवलहों विधवलु सिंहासणु पण्णारस-विसट्ट-थेरासँणु ॥७ उब्भिय सेय छत्तै सिय-चामर दिव भास भामण्डलु सेहरु ॥ ८
॥घत्ता ॥ तिहुअण-पहु हय-चम्महु केवल-किरण-दिवायरु । तहों थाणों उज्जाणों गउ तं गङ्गा-सायरु ॥९
[१३] तहिँ अवसर भरहेसरहों सयल-पुहई-परमेसरहों। 10 पर-चक्केहि मिणविय कम जाय रिद्धि सुर-रिद्धि-सम ॥१ मालूर-पवर-पीवर-थणाहँ छण्णवइ सहास वरङ्गणाहँ ॥२ तहाँ दह-पञ्चासउ णन्दाहुँ चउरासी लर्खइँ सन्दर्णाहुँ ॥ ३ चउरासी लक्खइँ गयव हुँ अट्ठारह कोडिउ हयवराहुँ ॥४ कोडीउ तिण्णि वर-घेणुवाह वत्तीस सहास णराहिवाहँ ॥५ ॥ वत्तीस सहासँइँ मण्डलाहुँ कम्मन्ते कोडि पवहइ हलाहुँ ॥ ६ णव णिहियउँ रयणइँ सत्त सत्त छक्खैण्ड इ मेइणि एक-छत्त" ॥ ७
॥ धत्ता ॥ जिह वप्पेण माहप्पेण लइ णाणु तं केवलु। तिह पुत्तेण जुज्झन्तेण स इँ भु य-वलेण महीयलु ॥८
11 A देइं. 12 A भडारउं. 13 P खंचेइं. 14 A सम्मत्तइं. 15 A लएविण, A लेविणु. 16 A °नियवाहणहि. 17 P A चडेविणु. 18 s जिणु. 19 P S धवलो. 20 A पण्णारह. 21 P S च्छत्तु. 22 A भासु. 23 P S भामण्डल. 24 S A तिहुयण. 25 Ps °णाण.. 26 A तथहो. ____13. 1 P तहि, S तहे. 2 A °पिहिवि. 3 A पारकेहिं. 4 A दस पंचासउ तहो. 5 P गंदणहं, 5 गंदणाहं, A गंदणाहु. 6 SA लक्खइ. 7 PS रहवराहं. 8 A चउसी. 9 P S लक्खइ. 10 PS गयवराहं, A गइवराहुं. 11 PS हयवराह. 12 A °धेणुआहे. 13 P सहासइ गरवराह, S सहासई णरवराहं. 14 P सहासइ, A सहस वसि. 15 8 मंडलाहु, A मंडलाहं. 16 PS कम्मंति. 17 s A हलाहं. 18 P णिहियइ, s णिहिअइ. 19 s रयणइ. 20 A छक्खंडइं. 21 P एकच्छत्त, एकच्छत्त, A एयच्छत्त. 22 Ps महप्पेण. 23 s लयउ. 24 P सयंभुव.. 25 PS °वलिण. २ निर्गतः. ३ कमलानि. ४ पद्मासनः (?).
[१३] १ बिल्वफलवत्.
Page #246
चउत्थो संधि
[४. चउत्थो संधि] सहिहुँ वरिस-सहासहिं पुण्ण-जयासहि भरहु अउज्झ पईसरह । णव-णिसियर-धारउ कलह-पियारउ चक-रयणु ण पईसरइ॥१
[१] पइसरइ ण पट्टणे चक्क-रयणु जिह अवुहब्भन्तर सुकइ-वयणु ॥१ । जिह वम्भयारि-मुहें काम-सत्थु जिह गोढुङ्गणे मणि-रयण-वत्थु ॥२ जिह वारि-णिवन्धणे हत्थि-जूहु जिह दुजण-जणे" सज्जण-समूहु ॥३ जिह किविण-णिहेलणे पणइ-विन्दुं जिह वहुल-पक्खे खैय-दिवस-चन्दु॥४ जिह कामिणि-जणु माणुसे अदबें जिह सम्मइंसणु" दूर-भवें ॥५ जिह महुअरि-कुलु दुग्गन्धे रणे जिह गुरु-गरहिउ अण्णाण-कण्णें ॥ ६ ॥ जिह परम-सोक्खु संसार-धम्में जिह जीव-दया-वैरु पाव-कम्मे ॥ ७ पढम-विहत्तिहें तप्पुरिसु जेम ण पईसइ उज्झहें चक्कु तेम ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता
तं पेक्खेंवि थक्कन्तउँ विग्घु करन्तउ णरवइ वेहाविद्धउ । 'कहहु मन्ति-सामन्तहों जय-जस-मन्तहों किं महु को वि असिद्धउ' ॥९15
[२] तं णिसुणेवि' मन्तिहिं वुत्तु एम 'जं चिन्तहिं तं तं सिद्ध देव ॥१ छक्खण्ड वसुन्धरि णव णिहाण चउदह-विहेहिँ रयणेहिँ समाण ॥२
1. 1s सटिहु, A सटिहिं. 2 A °सहासह. 3 5 °जयासहि, A जयासह. 4 P S अवज्क्ष. 5A नवरि. 6 P णिसिअर, A निसियअसि.7 P पईसरई, A पईसई. 8 A अबुहन्भन्तरि. 9 P वंभायारि'. 10 s गोढंगणे. 11 PS मणे. 12 P °णेवंधणि, S °णिवंधणि. 13 s जणि. 14 A वेंदु. 15 P°दिवसि. 16 PS माणुस. 17 P सम्मदसणु. 18 PS दूरे. 19 5 महुयर, A महुयरि०. 20 PS दुग्गंध. 21 A सुक्खु. 22 P संसारे. 23 s धम्में. 24 P जह. 25 A जीवदयक्खरु. 26 5 °विहत्तिहिं. 27 S उज्झहि. 28 पिक्खिवि, A पेच्छेवि. 29 s थक्कउ. 30 S कहह. 31 A जयरसवंतहो.
2. Is णिसुणिवि. 2 मंतिहि. 3 P एम corrected to एव, S एव. 4 s चिंतहिं, A जोयहि. 5s विहेहि. 6 P रयणहिं, S रयणहि.
[१] १ पूर्णा यशेन (?) आशा वाञ्छा वा यस्य, येषु वा. २ याचकसमूहः सज्जनाश्च. ३ क्षयदिवसः अमावास्या तत्र. ४ कथितं धर्मोपदेशं ( A गुरुकथितः ). ५ प्रथमविभक्तौ यथा तत्पुरुषसमासः. ६ कोपातुरो जातः.
पउ. चरि.5
Page #247
वणवई सहास महागराहुँ अवराई मि सिद्ध जाई जाई पर एकू ण सिझइ साहिमाणु तित्थङ्कर-णन्दणु तुह कणि ● पोअण- परमेसरु चरम- देह gare-are-वीर कालु
सीहु जेम पक्खरियउ तो सहुँ" खन्धावारें
तं वयणु सुर्णेवि दडाहरेण पट्ठविय महन्ता तुरिय तासु जइ उ पडिवण्णु कयावि एम सिक्खवियै महन्ता गय तुरन्त पुजेवि' पुच्छि 'आगमणु काइँ 'कोतुहुँ को भरहु भेउ को" वि जिह भायर अड्डाणवइ इयर तिह तुहुँ म मडरु परिहरेवि
" तं णिसुर्णेवि" भय भीसें 'एक केर aftपक्की "
बत्तीस सहास देसन्तराहु ॥ ३
को लक्खेवि" सक्कइ ताइँ ताइँ ॥ ४ सय-पञ्च-सवाय धणु-प्यमाणु ॥ ५ अट्ठाणवइहिँ" भाइहिँ वरिड्डु ॥ ६ अखलिय-मरङ्कु जयलच्छि - गेहु ॥ ७ णामेण वाहुवल वल-विसालु ॥ ८
॥ धत्ता ॥
खन्तिऍ धरियउँ जइ सो कह विविट्टइ | पंई मि देव दलवई' ॥ ९
एक्क- पहारें [३]
[क० २,३ - ९३, १-९
भरहेण भरह - परमेसरेण ॥ १ 'gas करें' केर राहिवासु ॥ २ ता ते करहु हु भिडइ जेम' ॥ ३ णिविसद्धे पोयण-णयरु पत्त ॥ ४ तेहि" मि कहियइँ वयणाइँ ताइँ ॥ ५ पुहवीस दीसइ गम्पि तो वि ॥ ६ जीवन्ति करेंवि तहाँ " तणिय केर ॥ ७ जिउ रायों के केर लेवि " ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥
वाहवलीसें रह- दूअ भिच्छिं । पिहिमि" गुरुकी अवर केर" गं पडिच्छियें ॥ ९
7 A णववइ. 8 PS महागराहु, A महागराहं. 9PS देसन्तराहु, A देसन्तराहं. 10 P अवराइ वि, A अवराई मि. 11 Ps सिद्धइ. 12 A जाइ. 13 A लक्खिवि. 14 A इक्क. 15 s rasहि भाइहि. 16s A पोयण' 17s मरह. 18 P s 'वीरतकालु 19 P धरिअउं. 20 Ps कह व. 21 Ps सहु. 22 P पक्क. 23 P पहुं वि, s पड़ वि, 4 पई मि.
[२] १ महा- आगर - धातूत्पत्तिस्थान, २ विघटते. [३] १ भयस्यापि भीष्मेण २ न परिज्ञाता.
3. 1 PA करि. 2 A कयाइ. 3 P सिखविय 4s तुरंतु, A तुरंता 5s णिविसद्धे, A निमिसद्धि 6s पत्तु 7s पुजिवि 8P पुच्छिअ, 4 पुच्छिउ 9s आगणु. 10 A तेहिंमि. 11 P कहिअहं, S कहियइ. 12 sA वयणाद्द. 13s तुहु. 14 PAन, sत. 15 Ps किंपि. 16 A पिहवीस. 17 P तो वि गंपि, तो विं गंपि. 18s करिवि. 19s तहु. 20 PA तुहुं. 21 A मडफ. 225 करेवि. 23s णिसुणि. 24 P णिब्भच्छिभ, भिच्छिया. 25 P arपक्की. 20 A विहिंमि. 27 4 गुरुक्की. 28 A के. 29s पडिच्छिभा, P पडिच्छिभ, A परियच्छिय.
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क० ४, १-९, ५, १-७]
चउत्थो संधि
[४] पवसन्तें परम-जिणेसरेण जं कि पि विहजेवि दिण्णु तेण ॥ १ तं अम्हहुँ सासणु सुह-णिहाणु किउ विपिउ णउ केण वि समाणु ॥२
सो पिहिमिहें हउँ पोयणहाँ सामि णउ देमि ण लेमि ण पासु जामि ॥३ दिटेण तेण किर कवणु कज्जु किं तासु पसाएं करमि रज्जु ॥ ४ किं तह)" वलेण हउँ दुण्णिवारु किं तहों वलेण महुँ पुरिसयारु ॥५ किं तहों वलेण पाइक-लोउ किं तहों वलेण सम्पय-विहोउ' ॥६ जं गजिउ वाहुवलीसरेण पोयण-पुरवर-परमेसरेण ॥ ७ तं कोवाणल-पजलन्तएंहिं णिभच्छिउ" भरह-महन्तएहिं ॥ ८
॥ धत्ता ॥ 'जइ वि तुज्झु इमु मण्डलु बहु-चिन्तिय-फलु आसि समप्पिउ वप्पें । गाम सीमु खलु खेत्तु वि सरिसव-मेत्तुं वि तो वि णाहिँ 'विणु कप्पें ॥९
तं वयणु सुणेवि पलम्ब-वाहु णं चन्दाइच्चहुँ कुविउ राहु ॥ १ 'कहाँ तणउँ रज्जु कहाँ तणउ भरहुँ जं जाणहुँ तं महु मिलवि' करहु ॥ २ ॥5 सो एक्के चक्कं वहँइ गव्वु किर वसिकिउ मैइँ महिवीढु सव्वु ॥३ णउ जाणइ होसइ केम कज्जु कहाँ पासिउ 'णीसावण्णु रज्जु ॥४ परियलई जेण तहाँ तणउ दप्पु तं तेहउ कल्लएँ देमि कप्पु ॥ ५ वावल्ल-भल्ल-कण्णिय-कराल मुग्गैर-मुसुण्ढिं-पट्टिस-विसालु' ॥६ 'तं सुणवि" महन्ता गय तुरन्त णिविसद्धं भरहहाँ पासु पत्त ॥७ 20
4. 1 P पवसतें. 2 A किं वि. 3 PS विहंजिवि. 4 A दिन्न. 5 PS अम्हह, A अम्हह. 6 P सुहनिहाणु, A साहिमाणु corrected to सुहमाणु. 7 8 पिहिमिहि, A पिहि विहे. 8 PS हउ.9 PS लेमि ण देमि. 10 P किरि. 11 5 पसायं. 125 तहु. 13 हउ. 14 P महं. 15 s सापय. 16 P कोवानल'. 17 S पजलंतएहि. 18 P णिरभच्छिउ. 19 PS इसु. 20 PS चिंतिउ. 21 P S गामसीम. 22 A वलु. 23 s खेत्त. 24 P °मेतु, S °मित्तु. 25s हिं.
5. 1 PS चंदाइचहु, A चंदाच्चहं. 2 PS कहु. 3 तणुउ, A तणुउं. 4 P कहु, A कहा. 5 A भरहुं. 6 A जाणहो. 7 S लेवि. 8 5 एके. 9 A चक्क वहइ. 10 s मइ. 11 A महि. 12 A जाणइं. 13 s भीसावण्णु. 14 PS परगलइ. 15 5 करोलु. 16 P मोग्गर'. -17 PS मुसंडि°. 18 A °पट्टिम. 19 P S सुणिवि. 20 P S णिवसिद्धे, A णिविसद्धिं.
[४] १ (also A) प्रव्रजता. २ सदृशम्. ३ भरतः. ४ विना दण्डेन. [५] १ द्वितीय-प्रभु-रहितम्.
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पउमचरिउ [क ५,८-९, ६, १ - ११;७, १-२ जं जेम चविउ तं कहिउ तेम पतिण-सरिसो विणं गणइ देव ॥८
॥घत्ता ॥ ण करइ केर तुहारी रिउँ-खय-कारी णिन्भउ माणे महाइउ । "मेइणि-रवणु समुडेवि रण-पिहूँ मण्डेंवि जुज्झ-सज्जु थिउ दाई' ॥९
तं णिसुणेवि झत्ति पलित्तुं राउ णं जलणु जाल-माला-सहाउ ॥१ देवाविउ लहु सण्णाह-तूर सण्णज्झइ स-रहसु सुहड-सूरु ॥२ आऊरिउ वलु चउरङ्ग ताम अट्ठारह अक्खोहणिउँ जाम ॥ ३ परिचिन्तिय णव णिहि संचलन्ति जे सन्दण-वेसें परिभमन्ति ॥४ 1" महाकालु कालु मणिवउ पण्डु पउमक्खु सङ्घ पिङ्गल पचण्डु ॥ ५
णइसप्पु रयणु णव णिहिउ एय णं थिय वहु-भायहिँ पुण्ण-भेय ॥ ६ णव-जोयणाइँ तुङ्गत्तणेण वारह सप्पासङ्गत्तणेण ॥ ७ अट्टोयर गम्भीरत्तणेण
सह जक्ख-सहासें रक्खणेण ॥८ कों वि वत्थ को वि भोयण देइ" को वि रयण' को वि पहरणइँणेइ" ॥९ 15 को वि हयं गय को वि ओसहिउ धरई विण्णाणाहरणहुँ को वि हरई ॥१०
॥ घत्ता ॥ चम्म-चक्क-सेणावइ हय-गय-गहवइ छत्त-दण्ड-णेमित्तिय । कागणि-मणि-स्थाइ थिय खम्ग-पुरोहिय ते विचउद्दह चिन्तियं ॥ ११
20 गउ भरह पयाणउ देवि जाम हेरिऍहिँ कणिगृहों कहिउ ताम ॥ १ 'सहसा णीसरु सण्णहेवि देव दीसइ पडिवक्खु समुदु जेम' ॥२ 21 PS पइ. 22 P न. 23 A गणइं. 24 A रिरिउ. 25_PS मेयणिरयणु. 26 A. संमंडेवि 27 5 °पडु, A पिडु. 28 A मंडिवि. 29 °सजि, A °सज्झु. 30 दायउ.
6. 1s णिसुणिवि. 2 P पलित्त. 3 P आऊरइ, s आजरिइ, A आओरिउ. 4 A भक्खोहणिउं. 5 PS जं. 6 P भाणव सपंडु, S माणव सपिंडु, A माणवउ पंडु with स superscribed above उ.7 P पिंगल. 8 PS °भायहि. 9 P तुंगतूणेण. 10 वस्थइ. 11 PS भोयणइ. 12 P देवि. 18 PS पहरणइ. 14 PS देइ. 15s उसहिउ. 16 s धरई 17 PS °णाहरणहं. 18 P हरई, A भरइ. 19 णेमित्तिया. 20 Pथवइत्थिय, S थवइस्थिय A थवइ थिय. 21 P °परोहिय, S°षरोहिया. 22 s चिंतिया.
7. 1 s पयंxणे, A पयाणउं. 2 s हिरिएहि, A हेरियहिं. 3 s कपिणहो. 4 PS सपणहि वि.
२ महादृतः, मानगिरीत्यर्थः. ३ प्रगुणः.
[६] १ हतरोगाः ओषधयः. २ स्थापयति प्रयच्छति वा. ३ गृहपतिः. ४ स्थपति.
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क०७,३ - १०,८,१-५] चउत्थो संधि तं सुणेवि स-रोसु पलम्व-वाहुँ सण्णज्झइ पोयण-णयर-णाहु ॥ ३॥ पहुं पडह समाहय दिण्ण सङ्कः धयं दण्ड छत्त उब्भिय असङ्कः ॥४ किउ कलयलु लइयइँ पहरणाइँ कर-पहर-पयट्ट! वाहणाइँ ॥५ णीसरि सत्त 'सङ्खोहणीउँ एक्कएँ सेण्णऍ अक्खोहणीउ ॥ ६ भरहेसर-वाहुवली वि ते वि ____ आसण्णई ढुक्कई वलइँ वे वि ७
सवर्डमुंह धयं धयवर्डहुँ देवि ॥ ८ हय हयहुँ महा-गये गयवराहुँ भड भडहुँ महा-रह रहवैराहुँ ॥ ९
॥ घत्ता ॥ देवासुर-वल-सरिसइँ वड्डिय-हरिसइँ कञ्चय-कवय-विसट्टई। एक्कमेक्क कोकन्त रणे हकन्तइँ उभय-चलैइ अभिट्टई ॥१०॥
[८] अन्भिट्टई वड्डिय-कलयलाई भरहेसर-वाहुवली-वलाई ॥१. वाहिय-रह-चोइय-वारणा अणवरयामेल्लियं-पहरणाइँ ॥२ लुअ-'जुण्ण-जोत्त-खण्डिय-धुराइँ दारिय-णियम्व-कप्पिय-उरई ॥३ णिबट्टिय-भुअ-पाडिय-सिराइँ धुय-खन्ध-कवन्ध-पर्णच्चिराइँ ॥४ 15 गय-दन्त-छोह-भिण्णुब्भडाइँ उच्चाइय-पडिपेल्लिय-भडाइँ ॥५ पडिहय-विणिवाइय-गयघडाइँ अच्छोडिय-मोडिय-धंयवडाइँ ॥६ मुसुमूरिय-चूरिय-रहवराई दलवट्टिय-लोट्टिय-हयवराइँ ॥७
5 Ps सुणिवि. 6s पलंववाहो. 7 PS हु. 8 P दिन. 9 P संक्ख. 10 A P धयच्छत्तदंड. 11 s लइयइ, A लइंयइ. 12 s पहरणाइ. 13 A °पहय. 14 PS °पयट्टइ. 15 P साहणाई, s साणाइ. 16 P नीसरिउ, A नीसरिलं. 17 A संखोहणीहिए. 18.s एकाइसेण, A एक्काएसेण्ण. 19 P संखोहणीउ, A अक्खोहणीए. 20 PS आसपणइ. 21s दुक्कइ. 22 P S वलइ. 23 5 सवडम्मुह. 24 P घय. 25 PS धयवडहु. 26 P S हयहं. 27 s समागय. 28 P S गयवराह. 29 P भडहं, भडह, A भडहु. 30 P S रहवराहं. 31s हरिसइ. 32 PS विसदृइ. 33 P कोकंतई, S कोकंतइ, A कुकंतई.34 PS रोकंतइ. 35s 'वलइ. 36 P S अभिट्टइ.
8. 1 PS अभिट्टइ. 2 PS °वाहुवलीसराइं, A °वाहुवलीवलाइ. 3 PS °वाहणाइ. 4 8 °मिल्लिय. 5 PS लुय. 6 P जन्नु, S जण्णु. 7 8 जुत्त, 88 उराइ. 9 8 A भुय. 10 PS धुयखंध', A धयवद्ध corrected from धुय. 11 S°पणद्विराई. 12 P भिन्नुभडाई,s भिण्णुभडाइ. 13 SA °भडाइ. 14 P °घडाइ. 15 P A अयवडाइ. 16 s मुसुमुरिय'.
[७] १ सम्यक् प्रकारेण क्षोभयति. २ भरतसेण्णे. [८] १ छेदित-चरण-युगलम् (reading जन्नु ). २ आर्घतं ( ? आघातम् ). ३ प्रोत्सारितैः.
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पउमचरिउ [क०८,८-९, ९, १-९, १०, १-२ रुहिरोलई "सरहिँ विहाविया णं वे वि कुसुम्भेहिँ रावियाइँ ॥८
॥ घत्ता ॥ पेवेवि वलइँ घुलन्त मैहिहिँ पडन्तइँ मन्तिहिँ धरिय 'म भण्डहों । किं वहिएण वराएं भड-संघाएं दिद्वि-जुज्झु वरि मण्डहो॥९
[१] पहिलउ जुज्झेवउ दिट्ठि-जुन्झु जल-जुज्झु पडीवउ मल्ल-जुज्झु ॥१ जो तिणि मि जुझइँ जिणई अज्जु तहाँ णिहि तहो रयणइँ तासु रज्जु' ।। २ तं णिसुणेवि दुक्खु णिवारियाइँ साहण. वे वि ओसारियाइँ ॥ ३ लहु "दिद्वि-जुज्झु पारडु तेहिँ जिण-गन्द-सुणन्दा-णन्दणेहिँ ॥ ४ 10 अवलोइउ भरहें पढ, भाई कइलासे कञ्चण-सईलु णा ॥५
असिय-सियायम्व विहाई दिट्टि णं कुवलय-कमल-रविन्द-विहि ॥६ पुणु जोई वाहुवलीसरेण सरें कुमुय-सण्डु णं दिणयरेण ॥ ७ अवरामुह-हेट्ठामुंह-मुहाइँ णं वर-वहुँ-वयण-सरोरुहाइँ ॥८ .
॥ धत्ता ॥ उवरिल्लियऍ विसालऍ भिउडि-करालऍ हेद्विम दिट्टि परजिये । णं णव-जोवणइत्ती चञ्चल-चित्ती कुलवहु इजएँ तजिये ॥९
[१०] ज' जिणेंविण सक्किउ दिहि-जुज्झु पारद्ध खणखें सलिल-जुज्झु ॥ १ जलें पइ8 "पिहिमि-पोयण-ण रिन्द णं माणस-सरवरे सुर-गइन्द ॥२ 1775 रुहिरोल्लइ. 18 s सरिहि. 19 P विहाविआइं, S वहावियाइं. 20 " कुसुंभे, A कुसुभए. 21 P पेक्खिवि, पिक्खिवि. 22 s वलइ. 23 5 महिंहि, A महिंहिं. 24 PS पडतइ. 25s मंतिहि. 26 P धरिअ. 27 P वराई. 28 P दिट्ठ corrected to दिहि. 29 PS वर.
9. 1 P पहिलउं. 2 A पडिल्लउ. 3 A वि. 4 P S जुज्झइ. 5A जिणई. 6 P निहि. 7 P रयणइ. 8 PS णिसुणिवि, A णेवि. 9 PS जुज्झु, A दुक्खु corrected to ज्झुज्यु. 10s णिवारियाइ. 11s साहणइ. 12 5 ऊसारियाई, A असारियाई. 13 P दिट्ठ. 14 s गंदणु णंदा. 15 A पढम. 16 PA भाई. 17 PS °सेलु. 18 P A असिअ. 19 PS सिआ. 20 PS विहाए, A विहाइं. 21 वंद. 22 PS A दिदि. 23 P S जोयड. 24 P हेटासुह. 25 s मुहाइ. 26 P महुअर', gloss noting the variant वरवहु',s महुयर. 27 विसालइ. 28 S करालइ. 29 s परजिया. 30 A जोवणइत्ती. 31 P अइजुए, S अइजइ. 32s तजिया. ____10. 1 A तं. 2 PS जिणवि. 3 P पइठ, s पइटि. 4 P पिहि, s पिहिंमि°, A पिहिंवि. 5 PS A °णरिंदु. 6 A सर. 7 PSA गइंदु. ४ बाणैः खण्डितानि.
[९] १ धनुष ५००. २ प्रथमतः. ३ मरगय-वष्णु, धनु० ५२५, बाहुबली. ४ कृष्ण-श्वेत-ताम्र.
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क० १०, ३-९, ११, १-९] चउत्थो संधि एथन्तरें महि-परमेसरेण आडोहेवि सलिलु समच्छरेण ॥३ पमुक्क झलक्क सहोयरासु
णं वेल समुहें महिहरासु ॥ ४ छुडु वाहुवलिहें वच्छयलँ पत्त णिब्भच्छिय असइ पुणु णियत्त ॥ ५ परथिय(?) उरें तोय तुसार-धवले णं णहें तारा-णिउरुम्ब वहल ॥ ६ पुणु पच्छऍ वाहुवलीसरेण आमेल्लिय सलिल-झलक्क तेण ॥ ७ उद्धाइय चल-णिम्मल-तरङ्ग णं संचारिम आयास-गङ्ग ॥ ८
॥ धत्ता ॥ ओहटिउँ भरहेसरु थिउँ मुह-कायरु गरुअ-रहल्लएँ लइयउ । सुरयारुहण-वियक्कएँ" विरह-झलक्कएँ भग्गु व दुप्पवइयउ ॥९
जंजिणेविण सकिउ सलिल-जुज्झु पार पडीवउ मल्ल-जुज्झु ॥ १ आवील-विकच्छउ वल-महल्ल अक्खाडएँ णाई पइट्ठ मल्ल ॥२ ओवग्गिय पुणु किय वाहु-सद्द णं भिडियं सुवन्त-तियन्त सद्द ॥ ३ वहु-वन्धहि ढुक्कर-कत्तरीहिँ विण्णाणहिँ करणहिँ भामरीहिं ॥४ सहुँ भरहें सुइरु करेवि वामु पुणु पच्छऍ दरिसिउ णियय-थामु ॥ ५ ॥ उच्चाइउँ उभय-कहिँ णरिन्दु सक्केण वै जम्मणे जिण-वरिन्दुः ॥ ६ एत्यन्तरे वाहुवलीसरासु आमेलिउँ देवेंहि कुसुम-वासु ॥७ किउ कलयलु साहणे विजउ घुट्ट णरणाहु विलक्खीहूउ सुट्ठ ॥ ८
॥ धत्ता ॥ चक्क रयणु परिचिन्तिई उप्परि घर्तिई चरम-देहु तें वञ्चिउ। 20 पसरिय-कर-णिउरुम्वें दिणयर-विम्वें णाइँ मेरु परिअञ्चिउ ॥९ 8 P इत्थंतरे, S इत्थंतरि. 9 Ps आडोहवि. 10 PS ता मुक्क. 11 s समुद्दे, A समुदि. 12 PS महीहरासु. 13 A च्छुड वाहुवलिहि. 14 s बच्छयले. 15 PS णिब्भज्झिअ. 16PS य. 17 PS धवल. 185 पच्छप, A पच्छइ. 19s आमिल्लिय. 20 P निम्मल'. 215 °तुरंग. 225 संचारिय. 23 P ऊहट्टिा, ओहट्टिय. 24 PS थिय. 25A गरुय. 26 s रहल्लइ. 27 PS 'त्रिएक्कए. 28 P दुपव्वइअउ. __11. 1s जिणिवि. 2 A आढत्तु पडिवउ. 3 A आवीलि. 4 P बल. 5 PS A अक्खाडइ. 6s णाइ. 7 P उवग्गिय, S उव भेय. 8 PS भिडिअ. 9 P सुअंत, A सुवत्त. 10 A. तिडंत. 11 P वंधिहि, s वंद्धहि. 12 A ढउकरि. 13 s विण्णाणहि. 14 P करणिहिं, 3 करणहि. 15 PS सहु. 16s पच्छइ. 175 उच्चायउ. 185 उहय०. 198 करेहि, A कार.20 PS वि. 21 A जिणवरि. 22 P's एत्थंतरि, A इत्थंतरि. 23 s आमिलिउ. 24 p देवहिं, 5 देवहि. 25s साहणि.26 PS विजय. 27 P परिचिंतिउं, A मण्णे चिंतिउ. 28 P घित्तिउ.29 A चरिमदेहु. 30s तं. 31s सपरिय.32 5 णिउरुवे. 33s विवे. 34 PS णाइ मेरु परिचिउ, मेरु नाइं परियंचिउ.
। १०१ वेला. [११] १ सुवन्त स्यादि के (१) शब्दाः. २ तिगन्तशब्दः. ३ व्यायामः.
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पउमचरिउ [क० १२, १-९, १३, १-८
[१२] जं मुक्कु चक्कु चक्केसरेण तं चिन्तिउ वाहुवलीसरेण ॥१ 'किं पहु अप्फालमि महिहिँ अज्जु णं णं धिगत्थु परिहरमि' रज्जु ॥२
रजहों कारण किज्जइ अजुत्तुं घाएवउँ भायर वप्पु पुत्तु ॥ ३ 5 किं आएं साहमि परम-मोक्खु जहिँ लन्भई अचलु अणन्तु सोक्खु॥४
परिचिन्तेवि सुइरु मणेण एम पुणु थविउँ णराहिउ डिम्भु जेम ॥ ५ 'महु तणिय "पिहिमि तुहुँ भुले भाय सोमप्पहु केर करेइ राय' ॥ ६ सुणिसल्लु करवि जिणु गुरु भणेवि थिउ पञ्च मुहि सिरे लोउ देवि ॥ ७ ओलम्बिय-करयलु एक्कु वरिसु अविओलु अचलु गिरि-मेरु सरिसु ८॥
॥त्ता॥ वेड्डिउँ सुट्ठ विसालेंहिँ बेल्ली-जालेहिँ अहि-विच्छिय-वम्मीयहिँ"। खणु वि णे मुक्कु भडारउ मयण-वियारउ णं संसारहों भीयहिँ ॥ ९
[१३] एत्थन्तरें केवल-णाण-वाहु कइलासे परिहिउ रिसहणाहु ॥ १ । तइलोक-पियामह जग-जणेरु समसरणु विस-गणु सं-पाडिहेरु ॥ २
थोहिं दिवसेंहिँ भरहेसरो वि तहाँ वन्दण-हत्तिएँ आउ सो वि ॥ ३ थोत्तुग्गीरियं गुरु-पुरउ भाइ परलोय-मूलें इहलोउँ णाई॥४ वन्देप्पिणु दसविह-धम्म-पालु पुणु पुच्छिउ तिहुवर्ण-सामिसालु ॥ ५ 'वाहुवलि भडारा सुह-णिहाणु के कजें अज्जु ण होइ णाणु' ॥६ तं णिसुवि* परम-जिणेसरेण वज्जरिउ दिव-भासन्तरेण ॥ ७ 'अज वि ईसीसि कसाउ तासु जं" खेत्ते" तुहारऍ किउ णिवासु ॥८
12. 1 PS परहरमि. 2 P रजहो, S रजहु. 3 SA अजुत्तु. 4 A घाइजइ. 5 PS ए. 6 जहि. 7 A लक्खइ. 8 PS अणन्त. 9 सुक्खु. 10 8 परिचिंतिवि. 11 PS एव. 12 P स्थविउ, A ठविउ. 13 A पिहि वि. 14 PS तुहु. 15s सुंजि, A भुंजि. 16 PS करेय. 17 PA सुणिसल्ल. 18 PA करि वि. 19 PS सिरि. 20 P उलुंचिय. 21 A इक्क. 22 s अविउलु, A अवियउलु. 23 SA वेढिउ. 24 s विसलिहि. 25 A जालि हिं. 26 A °विंच्छिय. 27 PS वम्मियहि. 28 PA वि न मुक्क, णिम्मुकु. 29 P भीएहिं.
13. 1 A इत्थंतरि. 2 A रिसहु. 3 P °पियामहुं, A पिवामहु. 4 Missing in A. 5A सप्पाडिहेरु. 6 Ps थोवहि. '7 P दिवसहि, s दिवसहि. 8 P भत्तिए. 9 s थोतु गीरिय, A थोतु गीरिय corrected to थोतु व गीरिय. 10 A लोउं. 11 तिहुअण', s तिहुयण'. 12 Ps किं. 13 P S अज ण, A न अजु वि. 14 PS णिसुणिवि. 15 PS भासंतएण. 163 इसीसि. 17 A जे. 18 s खेत्ति. 19 5 तुहारइ. [१२] १ पृथिव्याम् (?) [१३] १ अग्रे. २ स्तोकात् स्तोकम्.
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॥ धत्ता॥ जइ भरहहों जि समप्पिउ तो किं चप्पिउ मै चलणेहिँ महि-मण्डलु। एण कसाएं लइयर्ड सो पवइयां तेण ण पावइ केवलु' ॥९
[१४] तं वयणु सुणेवि' गउ भरहु तेत्थु वाहुबलि-भडारउँ अचलु जेत्थु ॥ १ । सवङ्ग पडिउ चलणेहिँ तासु 'तउँ तणिय पिहिमि हउँ तुम्ह दासु'॥२ विण्णवइ खमावई एम जाम चउ घाई-कम्म गय खयहाँ ताम ॥ ३ उप्पण्णउ केवल-णाणु विमलु थिउ देहु खणद्धे दुद्ध-धवलु ॥४ पउमासणु भूसणु सेय-चमरु भा-मण्डलु एकु जें छत्तु पवरु ॥ ५ अत्थकऍ आइउ सुर-णिकाउ तित्थयर-पुत्तु केवलिउँ जाउ ॥६ थोहि दिवसैहिँ तिहुअण-जणारि णासियघाइय-कम्म वि चयारि ॥ ७ अट्ठविह-कम्म-वन्धण-विमुकु सिद्धउ सिद्धालउ णवर ढुक्कु ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता॥ रिसहुँ वि गउ णिवाणहों सासय-थाणहों भरहुँ वि णिव्वुइ पत्तउ । अक्ककित्ति थिउ उज्झहे दणु-दुग्गेज्झहे रज्जु सई भु अन्त ॥ ९ ॥
[५. पञ्चमो संधि अक्खइ गोत्तम-सामि तिहुअण-लद्ध-पसंसहुँ । सुणि सेणिय उप्पत्ति रक्खस-वाणर-वंसहुँ॥१
[१] तहिँ जे अउज्झहिँ वहवें कालें उच्छण्णे णरवर-तरु-जालें ॥
१ ० 20 PS मइ. 21 s चलणिहि. 22 Ps ईस. 23 s कसाए. 24 P लइउ, लइयओ. 25 P पव्वइड.
14. 15 सुणिवि. 2 Ps तित्थु. 3 s भडारा. 4 s जित्थु. 5 SA चलणेहि. 6 P तुहु. 7A पिहिवि.85 हउ. 9 P खमाइ, S षमावइ. 10 घाय?. 11 षयहु. 12 P उप्पन्नड, A उप्पण्णउं. 13 P केवलु. 14 s षणद्धे. 15 A एकु जि. 16 s चमरु. 17 PS अथक्कइ, A एत्थंतरे. 18 PA मुंड. 19 A केवलिहि. 20 Pथोविहि. 21 PS दिवसहि. 22 SA तिहुयण. 23 A जणेरि. 24 P णासियइ. 25 PS पावकम्मइ. 26 PS रिसहो, A रिसह. 27 P भरहहो. 28 PS अक्कइत्ति. 29 A दण'. 30 PS दुगेज्झहे. 31 P सयई, सयं. 325 भुजतंउ, A भुजंतउ.
1. 1A गउतम. 2 P तिहुअ, s तिहुयण, A तिहुयणे. 3 PA °पसंसहु, पसंसहो. 4 P°वंसह, S °वंसहो. 5 PS तहि. 6 PS जि. 7 8 अउज्झहि, A अउज्झहे. 85 उच्छपणे,
[१४] १ तत्कालमागतः.
पउ० चरि.6
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पउमचरिउ [क० १,२-९,२,१-८ विमलेक्खुक-वैसे उप्पण्ण धरणीधरु सुरूव-संपण्णउँ ॥२ तासु पुत्तु णामें तियसञ्जउ . पुणु जियसत्तु रणङ्गणे दुजउ ॥ ३ तासु विजय महएवि मणोहर . परिणिय थिर-मालूर-पओहर ॥ ४
ताहे" गन्भे भव-भय-खय-गारउँ "उप्पज्जइ सुउ अजिय-भडारउ ॥५ । रिसहु जेम वसुहार-णिमित्तउ रिसह जेम मेरुहिँ अहिसित्तउ ॥६
रिसहु जेम थिउ वालक्कील' रिसहु जेम परिणाविउ लीलऍ॥७ रिसहु जेम रज्जु इ भुञ्जन्तें ऐक्क-दिवसें* णन्दणवणुजन्तें ॥८
॥ घत्ता॥ पवणुछउँ सरु दिदु पप्फुल्लिय-सयवत्तउ। 10 णाइँ विलासिणि-लोउ उभिय-करु णच्चन्तउ ॥ ९
[२] सो जि महासरु 'तहिँ जें वैणालऍ दिट्ठ जिणाहिवेण वेत्तालगू ॥१ मउलिय-दल विच्छाय-सरोरुहु णं दुजण-जणु ओहुल्लिय-मुहु ॥२ तं णिएवि गड परम-विसायहाँ 'लइ एह जि गई जीवहाँ जायहों ॥३ 15 जो जीवन्तु दिट्ठ पुवण्हएँ सो अङ्गार-पुञ्जु अवरहऍ॥ ४ ।।
जो णरवर-लॅक्खहिँ पणविजइ सो पहु मुअउँ अवारें"णिजइ ॥५ जिह" सञ्झाएँ एउँ पङ्कय-वणु तिह जराऍ घाइज्जइ जोवण ॥६ जीविउ जमेण सरीरु हुआसें सत्तइँ कालें रिद्धि विणासें ॥७ चिन्तइ एम भडारउ जाहिँ लोयन्तियहिँ विवोहिउँ ताहिँ ॥८ 9 P विमलेखुक्क , A विमलिखुक्क. 10 s A उप्पण्णउं. 11 PS सुरूउ. 12 A °संपण्णउं. 13 s मणोहरा. 14 P ताहि, S ताह. 15 PS गभि. 16 PS °खयकारउ. 17 This hemistich and the whole of the next line is missing in s. 18 P अजिउ. 19 P मेरुहे. 20 P वालाकीलए, 5 वालाकीलई. 21 S लीलइं. 22 A रज इ with the mark of deletion over इ. 23 A एक्के. 24 s °दिवसि. 25 P णंदणु. 26 A जेतें. 27 PS पवणधुउ, A पवणुद्धभ. 28 P पफुल्लिय, पप्फुलिय', A पप्फल्लिय' (१). 29 PS णाइ. 30s उब्भियकर.
2. 1 PS तहि. 2 SA जि. 3 5 चेत्तालउ, A वेतालए. 4 PS °दल. 5 P S विच्छाए. 6 PS ओहल्लिय. '7 Pट्ठाइ corrected to गइ. 8 P जीवंतु हि. 9s पुवण्हइ. 10 s 'पुज्जु. 11 s अवरण्हइ. 12 P°लक्खहिं, 5 लक्खहि. 13 s पणमिजइ 14 A मुयउ. 15 5 अवारइ. 16 जिउ. 17 P एउं. 18 A जोवणु. 19 हुआसेंई, A हुयासें. 20 P सत्तइ. 21 PS विणासइ. 22 P लोएंतिएहिं. 23 s विवोहिंउ, A पवोहिंउ. 24 A तोवेहिं. .
[१] १ इक्षा(वा)कुवंशे. [२] १ उद्यानगृहे. २ अस्तमन-काले. ३ क्षुल्लक-द्वारेण, उपराडौ (१) वा.
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क० २, ९:३, १-१, ४,१-६]
पञ्चमो संधि
॥ धत्ता॥ चरविह-देव-णिकाएं आएं कलि-मल-रहियः ।। जिणु पवइउ तुरन्तु दसहि सहासहिँ सहियः ॥ ९
[३] थिउ छट्ठोववासें सुर-सारउ __ वम्हयत्त-घरे थक्कु भडारउ ॥१ ॥ रिसहु जेम पारणउँ करेप्पिणु चउदह संवच्छर विहरेप्पिणु ॥२ सुक्क-झा] आऊरिउ णिम्मलु पुणु उप्पण्णु णाणु तहाँ केवलु ॥ ३ अट्ठ वि पाडिहेर समसरणउँ जिह रिसहहों तिह देवागमणंउ ॥४ गंणहर णवइ लक्खु वर-साहुँहुँ ___वम्मह-मल्ल-णिसुम्भण-वाहुँहुँ ॥ ५ तहिँ जे कालें जियसत्तु-सहोयरु तियसञ्जयहों पुत्तु जयसायरु ॥ ६ ॥ जयसायरहों पुत्तू सुमणोहरु णामें सयरु सयल-चक्केसरु ।। ७ भरहु जेम सहुँ णवहिँ णिहाणहिँ रयणहि चउदह-विहहिँ-पहाणहिँ ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता॥ सयल-पिहिमि -परिपालु एक-दिवसें चर्दुलझें। जीउ व कम्म-वसेण
णि अवहरवि तुरङ्गे ॥९ ।।
[४] दुद्दे तुरङ्गमु चञ्चल-छायहों गयउ पणाविपच्छिम-भायहाँ ॥ १ पइसइ सुण्णारण्णु महाडइ जहिँ कलि-कालहों हियवउ पाडइ ॥२ दुक्खु दुक्खु हरि दमिउँ णरिन्दे णं मयरद्धउ परम-जिणिन्दै ॥ ३ . ताम महा-सरु दीसइ स-कमलु चल-वीईतरङ्ग-भर-जलु ॥४ तहिँ लय-मण्डवें उप्पल्लाणवि सलिलु पिएवि तुरङ्गमु पहाणेवि" ॥५ समु मेल्लइ वेत्तालहाँ जाहिँ तिलयकेस सम्पाइय ताहिँ ॥ ६ 25 PS रहिअउ. 26s इस. 27 सहसहि. 28 PS सहिउ.
3. 18 छट्टोववासि, A छट्टोववासें. 2 A वम्भयत्त०. 3 P A पारणउं. 4A °झणु. 5 Missing in s. 6 P corrected to समो', A समसरणउं. 7 P SA देवागमणउं. 8 5 °साहुहु. 9 PS मल्लु. 10 PS °वाहुहु. 11 PS तहि. 12 S A जि. 13 s A कालि. 14 A जयसायरुहो. 15 A समणोहरु. 16 P सयलु. 17 S सहु. 18 Pणवेहिं, णवहि. 19 P णिहाणेहि, s णिहाणहिं. 20 P रयणहि, S रयणेहिं. 21 P विहहें, 5 °विह हि. 22 PS पहाणेहि, A पहाणेहिं. 23 S A पिहित्रि. 24 P चडुलगें, A चडुल्लंगे. 25s जिंउ. 26 S अवहरिवि.
4. 1A दुट्ट. 2 P पणासवि, S पणासिवि. 3 A सुण्णारण. 4 PS जहि. 5 PS कालु वि. 6 A दमिउं. 7 8 भरेंदें, A नरिंदे. 8 5 °जिणेंदें. 9 PS °वीची. 10 PS तहि. 11 PS पहाएवि, A न्हाणिवि. 125 चेत्तालहो, A चेयालइ. 13 A तिलककेस. [४] १ यमः द्वौ वा. २ संध्यासमये.
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पउमचरिउ [क०४, ७-९,५, १-९,६, १-२ घीय सुलोयाहों वलवन्तहों वहिणि सहोयरि" दससयणेत्तहों ॥७ किर सहुँ सहियहिँ दुकइ सरवर दीसइ ताम सयसै पिहिमीसरु ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता
विद्धी काम-सरेहिँ गाइँ सयम्वर-माल
एक वि पउ ण पयट्टई। दिहि "णिवहों आवट्टई ॥९
केण वि कहिउ गम्पि सहसक्खहों 'कोऊहलु किं एउ ण लक्खों ॥१ एक्कु अणङ्ग-समाणु जुवाणउँ णउ जागहुँ किं पिहिमिहें राणउ ॥२ तं पेक्खेवि सस तुम्हहँ केरी काम-गहेण हू विवरेरी' ॥३ "तं णिसुणेवि राउ रोमश्चिउ अब्भन्तरे आणन्दु पणच्चिउ ॥४ 'णेमित्तियहिँ आसि जं वृत्तउ ऍई तं सयरागमणु णिरुत्तउ' ॥५ मणे परिचिन्तेवि" पप्फुल्लाणणु गउ तुरन्तु तहिँ दससयलोयणु ॥६ तें" चउसद्वि-पुरिसलक्खण-धरु जाणवि" सयरु सयल-चक्केसरु ॥७ सिरें" करयल करेवि जोकारिउ दिण्ण कण्ण पुणु पुरे पइसारिउ ॥ ८
॥घत्ता ॥ लीलऍ भवणु पइद्दु विजाहर-परिवेढिई। तूसेंवि दिण्णउँ तेण उत्तर-दाहिण-सेदिउ ॥९
तिलकेस लएप्पिणु गउ सयरु पइसरिउ अउज्झाउरि-णयरु' ॥१ 20 सहसक्खु वि जणण-वइरु सरवि विज्जाहर-साहणु मेलवेवि ॥२ 14s सुलोयणाहु. 15 s वलवंतहु. 16 A भइणि. 17 A सहोयर. 18 s सहु. 19 P सहिइं. s सहियइ. 20 P S सयल. 21 A पिहिवीसरु. 22 A इक्कु. 23 P पइइ. 24 s णाय, .25 P S परिवइ.
5. 1A कोउहलु. 2 PS लक्खहु. 35 °समाण. 4 P जुवाणउं, A जुयाणउं. 5s जाणहु, A जाणहं. 6 PS पिहि मिहि. 7 PA राणउं. 8 s पेक्खिवि. 9 s तुम्हह. 10 Ps कामग्गहेण. 11 A हूय. 12 A अभंतरि. 13 s णेमित्तियहि, A नइमित्तियहिं. 14 PS इउ. 15 P पेरेचिंतेवि, S A परिचिंतिवि. 16 S त्तहि. 17 PS जो. 18 A जाणिवि. 19 PS A सिरि. 20 PS करयलु. 21 P जोक्कारिउ corrected to जयकारिउ, A जोकारिउ. 225 कपुण्ण. 23 PS पुरि. 24 S परेवेढिउ. 25 PS तूसिवि. 26 दिण्णुउ.
6. 1 PS पइसरिय. 2 5 अवुज्झाउरि. 3 P नयरु. 4 A सरिविं. 53 °सहणु, A °सहिणु. 6 SA मेलविवि.
३ सुलोचनस्य पुत्री. ४ सगरस्य.
[५] १ हेलया.
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क०६,३-९,७,१-१०] पञ्चमो संधि गउ उप्परि तासु पुण्णघणहों में जीविउ हरिउ सुलोयणहों ॥ ३ । रहणेउरचक्कवालण-यरें विणिवाइउ पुण्णमेहुँ समरें ॥४ जो तोयदवाह] तासु सुउ सो रणमुहें कह वि" कह वि ण मुउ ॥५ गउ हंस-विमाणे तुट्ठ-मणु जहिँ अजिय-जिणिन्दै-समोसरणु ॥ ६ मम्भीस दिण्ण अमरेसरण स-वइर-वित्तन्तुं कहिउ गरेण ॥७ ॥ जे रिउ अणुपच्छऍ लग्गै तहों गय पासु पंडीवा णिय-णिवहाँ ॥८
॥ घत्ता॥ तोयदवाहणु देव
पाण लएविणै णट्ठउँ । जिम सिद्धालऍ सिद्धतिम समसैरणे पइट्ठउ ॥९
[७] तं णिसुणेवि पहु झत्ति पलित्तउ णं खंड-हारु हुआँसणे चित्तउ ॥ १ 'मरु मरु जइ वि जाईं पायालहों विसहर-भवण-मूल-घण-जालहों ॥२ पइसइ जइ वि सरणु सुर-सेवहुँ दसविह-भावणवासिय-देवहुँ ॥ ३ पइसइ जइ वि सरणु थिर-थाणहुँ अट्ट विहहुँ विन्तर-गिवाणहु ॥ ४ पइसइ जइ वि सरणु दुबारह जोइस-देवहु पञ्च-पयारहुँ ॥५ कप्पामरहुँ जइ" वि अहमिन्दहुँ वरुण-पवण-वेइसवण-सुरिन्दहुँ ॥ ६ । मरइ तो वि महु तोयदवाहणु' पइज करेंवि गउ दससयलोयणु ॥७ पेक्वेवि माणथम्भु जिणिन्दहाँ मच्छरु माणु वि गलिउ णरिन्दहों ॥८ सो वि गम्पि समसरणु पइट्ठ जिणु पणवेप्पिणु पुरउ णिविट्ठउ ॥९ विहि मि भवन्तराई वजरियइँ विहिं मिजणण-वइरइँपरिहरियइँ॥१०॥ 7 P पुण्णुषणहो. 8 s जं. 9 PS A पुण्णुमेहु. 10 s तोयदवाहण. 11 P रणउहे, S रणउहि. 12 P कहि वि कहिवि ण मउं, S कहिवि मुणउं, A कहवि न कहवि मुउ. 13 A त्तट्ठमणु. 14 PS जहि. 15 P °जिणेंद. 16 P दिन्न. 17 P °वितेत्तु. 18 S लग्गं, A लग्गु. 19 P निवहो. 20 Missing in Ps. 21 PS लेवि. 22 PS पण?उ. 23 PS सिद्धालय, A सिद्धालउ. 24 A समसरणु.
7. 1 PS णिसुणिवि. 2 A खडभार. 3 PS हुआसणि. 4 P S जाहि. 5 PS सुरसेवहो, A °सेवहु. 6 PS °भवणवासियदेवहो, A °देवहु. 7s 'थोरणहु, A °थाणहु. 8 P विहहों corrected to °विहहो, A विहहु. 9 Ps वेंतर'. 10 SA °गिव्वाणहु. 11 SA दुग्यारहु. 12 P जोइसएवढं, S जोइसएवहो. 13 °पयारहो. 14 S कप्पामरहो. 15 A अहव. 16 s अहमिदहो. 17 P°सरिंदह.सरिंदहो. 18A करिवि. 19पेक्खिवि. 20 PS जिणेदहो. 21 A वइट्टउ. 22 A विहिं वि. 23 P भवंतराइ. 24 P S बजरियइ. 25 PS °वइरइ.
[६] १ सहस्राक्ष-पितुः. २ पूर्णमेघस्य. ३ न मृतः. ४ इन्द्रेण. ५ सहस्राक्षस्य भृत्याः. ६ पार्श्वे गताः, ७ पुनः, सहस्राक्षस्य किङ्कराः.
[७] १ सहस्राक्षः. २ तृणभारम्. ३ मेघस्य. ४ धनदस्य. ५मम हस्ते. ६ सहस्राक्षः,
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[क०७, ११, १-९,९,१-५
॥ पत्ता ॥ "भीम-सुभीमहि तामै अहिणव-गहिय-पसाहणु । पुव-भवन्तर-णेहें अवरुण्डिउ घणवाहणु ॥ ११
[८] । पभणई भीमु भीम-भड-भञ्जणु 'तुहुँ महु अण्ण-भवन्तरे णन्दणु ॥१ जिह चिरु तिह एवहि मि पियारउ' चुम्बिउ पुणु वि पुणु वि सयवारउ ॥२ 'लइ कामुक-विमाणु अवियारे लइ रक्खसिय विज्ज सहुँ हारें ॥३ अण्णुं वि रयणायर-परियश्चिय दुप्पइसार सुरेहि मि वञ्चिय ॥ ४ तीस परम जोयण वित्थिण्णी" लङ्का-णयरि तुज्झु म. दिण्णी ॥ ५ .. अण्णु वि एक्क-वार छज्जोयणं लइ पायाललङ्क घणवाहण' ॥६
भीम-महाभीमहुँ आएसें दिण्णु पयाणउँ मणे" परिओसें ॥ ७ विमलकित्ति-विमलामल-मन्तिीहँ परिमिउँ अवरेहि मि सामन्तेंहि ॥८
॥ घत्ता ॥ लङ्काउरिहि पइड्छु
अविचल रज्जे परिट्ठिउ । रक्खस-वंसहों णाई पहिलउ कन्दु समुट्टिउँ ॥९
[९] वहवें कालें वल-संपत्तिएँ अजिय-जिणहाँ गउ वन्दण-हत्तिएँ ॥१ तं समसरणु पईसइ जाहिँ सयरु वि तहिँ जे पराइउ ताहिँ ॥ २ पुच्छिउ णाहु पिहिमि -परिपाले 'कइ होसन्ति भवन्तें कालें ॥३ तुम्हें जेहा वय-गुण-वन्ता कइ तित्थयर देव अइकन्ता' ॥४ तं णिसुणवि कन्दप्प-वियारउ मागह-भासऍ कहइ भडारउ ॥५
26 A भीमसुभीमहिं. 27 PS ताव. 28 A "नेहि.
8. 1 A पभणइं. 2 PS तुहु. 3 s °भवंतरि. 4 A एवहिं वि. 5 s कमुविकमाण. 6 PS सहु. 7 A अण्ण. 8s रयणायरे. 9 P परेअंचिअ, s torn. 10 PS A सुरेहिं. 11 PS विथिपणी. 12 PS मइ. 13 A इक्क. 14 P छजोयण. 15 s महाभीमहु, A °महाभीमह. 16 A पयाणउं. 17 PS मणि. 18 P विमलामल°, °विमलमल, A °विमलालय. 19 PS मंतेहिं. 20 A परिमिउं. 21 P A अवरेहिं. 22 A सामंतिहिं. 23 P लंकाउरिहे. 24 PS अविचले. 25 P राज, S रजु. 26 PS णाइ. 27 A समुट्ठिउं.
9. 1 A विहवें. 2A संपत्तिएं. 3 A जाविहिं. 4 s तहि जि परायउ ताविहिं. 5A पिहिवि. 6 A हवंतें कालि. 7 A तुम्हि, S तुम्हे. 8 P तित्थअर, तित्थर. 9 s°भासइ, A °भासई. ७ राक्षसेन्द्राभ्याम्. [८] १ नवकण्ठा-हारेण सह. २ एकद्वारो यत्र.
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क० ९,६-११,१०,१-९] पञ्चमो संधि
४७ 'मइँ जेहउ केवल-संपण्ण एक्कु जि रिसहु देउ उप्पण्णउ ॥ ६ पइँ जेहउ छक्खण्डं-पहाणउँ भरहँ-णराहिउ एकु जि राणउँ ॥ ७ पइँ विणु दस होसन्ति णरेसर मइँ विणु वावीस वि तित्थङ्कर ॥ ८ णव वलएव णव जि णारायण हर एयारह णव जि दसाणण ॥ ९ अण्णु वि एकुणसहि पुराण' जिण-सासणे होसन्ति पहाण' ॥ १० ॥
॥ धत्ता॥ तोयदवाहणु ताम
भावें पुलउ वहन्तउ। दस-उत्तरेण सएण भरहुँ जेम णिक्खन्तउ ॥ ११
[१०] णिय-णन्दणहों णिहय-पडिवक्खहों लङ्का-णयरि दिण्ण महरक्खहों ॥ १- 10 वहवें कालें सासय-थाणहाँ अजिय-भडारउ गउ णिवाणहों ॥२ सयरहों सयल पिहिमि भुञ्जन्तहों रयण-णिहाण. परिपालन्तहों ॥ ३ सट्टि सहास हूय वर-पुत्तहुँ सयल-कला-विण्णाण-णिउत्तहुँ ॥ ४ एक-दिवसे जिण-भवण-णिवासहाँ वन्दण-हत्तिएँ गय कइलासंहों ॥ ५ भरह-कियइँ मणि-कञ्चण-माण चउवीस वि वन्देप्पिणु थाण. ॥६ 15 भणइ भईरहि सु१ वियक्ख] 'करहुँ किं पि जिण-भवणहुँ रक्खणु ॥७। कडेवि गङ्ग भमाडहुँ पासेंहिँ' तं जि समत्थिउ भाइ-सहासेंहि ॥८
॥ घत्ता
दण्ड-रयणु परिचिन्तेवि पायालइरिहे णाई
खोणि खणन्तु भमाडिउ । वियड-उरत्थलु फाडिउ ॥ ९
10 PS मइ. 11_PA संपण्णउं. 12 PA उप्पण्णउं. 13 PS पइ, A तई. 14 P छखंड. 15 P A पहाणउं. 16 s भरहु. 17 PA राणउं. 18 S पइ. 19 A इक्कुणसहि. 20 P पुराणइ. 21 PS जिणसासणि. 22 PS होहंति. 23 P S भरहो.
10. 1 PS अजिउ भडारहो. 2 A पिहिवि. 3 PS °णिहाणइ. 4 P °पुत्तह, 5 पुत्तहो, A पुत्तहं. 5s णिउत्तहु, A °निउत्तहं. 6 P वंदणभत्तिए. 7 A केलासहो. 8 s°कयइ.9s माणइ. 10 P गणइ, S ठाणई. 11 A भणई. 125 विभक्खणु. 13 PS करहु. 14 P °भवणहु,s भवणहो. 15 s रक्खणो. 16 P कढिवि, A कट्टेवि. 17 P भमाडहु, s भमाडहो. 18s पासेहि. 19 समच्छिउ. 20 P सहास हिं. 21 5 परिचिंतिवि, A परिविंधेवि. 22 A खमंतु. 23 P S पायालइरिहि णाइ.
[९] १ आगामिक. २ अतिकांता. [१०] १ भागीरथि. २ पातालगिरि.
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पउमचरिउ [क० ११,१-९,१२,१-४
[११] तक्खण खोहु जाउ अहि-लोयहाँ धरणिन्दहों सहास-फड-डोयहाँ ॥१ आसीविस-दिडिएँ 'णिक्खत्तिय सयल वि छारहों पुञ्ज पवत्तिर्य ॥२ कह वि कह वि ण वि दिट्ठिहिँ पडियाँ भीम-भईरहि वे उचरिया ॥ ३ ।' 5 दुम्मण दीण-वयण परियत्ता लहु सक्केय-णयरि संपत्ता ॥ ४ .
मन्तिहिँ कहिउ 'कह वितिह भिन्दैहों जिह उड्डन्ति ण पाण णरिन्दो' ॥५ ताम सहा-मण्डउँ मण्डिज्जइ आसणु आसणेण पीडिजइ ॥ ६ मेहलुं मेहलेण आलग्गे
हारे हारु मउडु मउडग्गें ॥७ सयर-णरिन्दासण-संकास वइसणाहुँ वाणवइ सहासँइँ॥ ८
॥ धत्ता॥ णरवइ आउल-चित्तुं
सबत्थाणु विहावइ । सट्ठि-सहासहुँ मझें
एकु वि पुत्तु ण आवइ॥९
[१२] भीम-भईरहि ताम पइट्ठा "णिय-णिय-आसणे गम्पि णिविट्ठा ॥१ Is पुच्छिय पुणु परिपालिय-रजें 'इयर ण पइसरन्ति किं कजें ॥ २
तेहिं विणासाइँ विच्छायइँ तामरसाइँ व णि यगायइँ' ॥३ 'तं णिसुणेवि वयणु तहाँ मन्तिहिँ जाणाविउ पच्छण्ण-पउत्तिहिँ ॥ ४ 'हे णरवइ णिय-कुलहों पईवा गय दियहा कि एन्ति" पडीवा ॥ ५
जलवाहिणि-पवाह णिव्यूढी परियत्तन्ति काइँ ते मूढा ॥६ ० घण-घट्टिय विजु-विप्फुरियइँ सुविणर्य-बालभाव-संचरियइँ ॥७ जलवुव्वुर्व-तरङ्ग-सुरचावइँ कइ दीसन्ति विणासु ण भावइ ॥८
11. 1 s तक्खणि. 2 s धरणेदहो. 3s दिट्टिय. 4 P सयलु. 5 Ps छारपुंज. 6 Ps परियन्तिय. 7s कहि वि. 8 दिहिहे, 5 दिद्विहि. 9 A भरिया. 10 This hemistich missing in s. 11 P संकेय', A साकेय. 12 s मंतिहि. 13 A भिंदहु. 14 PS ताव. 15 P मंडवु, मंडव. 16 PS मेहल. 17 PS संकासइ. 18 PS वइसणाह. 19 P S सहासइ. 20 A आउचलचित्तु. 21 PSA °सहासहु. 22 PS मज्झे.
12. 1 P भइरहि. 2 PS ताव. 3 A णियणियणिय आसणहिं वइहा. 4 Pण पइसरंत, s किं करंति. 5 PS तेहि. 6 P A विणासणाइ. 7 SA इव. 8 Pणिद्धयवायइं, गिट्ठयवायई, A निद्भुयगावइ corrected to निद्धयवावह. 9 A तें. 10 A कुलभवणपईवा. 11 A इति. 12 A जे ऊढा. 13 s परियत्तंचि. 14 P S काइ. 15s ते. 16 P घट्टिअई. 17 PS सुविणइ. 18 A °वुन्व. 19 s °सुरचावइ. 20 P A विणास. 21 A भावई.
[११] १ क्षयं नीताः. २ कृताः. ३ सगरस्य प्रकटीक्रियते. ४६०००० आसन पुत्राणाम् । ३२००० मुकुटबद्ध-नृपाणाम्, एवं ९२०००.
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क० १२, ९, १३, १–९, १४, १-३ ]
भरह-वाहुवलि-रिसंह दीसन्ति पडीवा
जो जो को" वि जुवणु मेणि छेन्छे जेम
पञ्चमो संधि
॥ धत्ता ॥
जं 'णिहरिसु 'समास' दिण्ण 'तेण जें ' ते अत्थाणु ण दुक्का लद्धावसरेंहिं' जं अणुहुन्त तं णिसुणेवि राउ मुच्छंगउ तहि" मि कालें" सामिय-सम्मीणेंहिँ दुक्खु दुक्खु दूरुज्झिय-वेयणु 'किं सोएं " किं खन्धावारें आयऍ" लच्छिऍ बहु जुज्झाविय
भणि भीमु 'होहि दिढुं रज्जहों ते वित्तु 'णाहिँ वउ भञ्जमि तु भीमु भइरहि हक्कारिङ
काल-भुङ्गे गिलिया । उज्झहिँ एक्कहिँ" मिलिया' ॥ ९
तं चकast हियव भिण्णउं ॥ १ फुड़े महु के पेस चुक्का' ॥ २ भइरहि-भीम हिं" हिउ णिरुत्तउ ॥ ३ पडिउ महद्दु व पवणारें ॥ ४ भिञ्चहिँ" जेम ण मेल्लिउँ पाहिँ " ॥ ५ उडि सबङ्गायं चेयणु ॥ ६ वरि पावज्ज लेमि अवियारें ॥ ७ पाहुणय इव वहु बोलाविय ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥
तासु तासु कुलती ।
कवणें * णरेंण ण भुत्ती' ॥ ९
[ १४ ]
हउँ पुणु जामि धामि णिय- कज्जहों' ॥ १ 'छेञ्छई पइँ' जि कहिय णउ भुञ्जमि' ॥ २ दिण्णं पिहिमि" वइसमें वइसारिउ ॥ ३
22 Metre requires रिसहा. 23 P वीसंति. 24 4 उज्झहे. 25 Ps एक्कहि.
13. 1s णिदरसु, A णियरसणु. 2 A समाए. 3s A दिण्णउं. 4 P हिअवउ, s हिंभवउ.
5 Ps भिण्णउं, A भिन्नड 6 SA जि. 7s पडु. 8 P केरउं. 9s लद्धावसरहु . 10 P अणुहुत, A अणुहुत्तउ. 11s भैरहि भीमहि . 12s महादुम, A महद्दुमो 13 A पवणाहउं 14 A तहिं . 15 Ps कालि. 16 P समाणेहिं, s समाणे हि. 17Ps भिञ्चहि. 18s पोलिउ 19 P पाणहिं, s पाणिहिं. 20 P दुक्ख 21 P दूरज्झिय 22 P सव्वंगगय, s सव्वं गंगय° 23 s सोयं. 24 Ps लेचि. 25 P आयें, s आयइ. 26 Ps पाहुणआ. 27 P इय. 28s वोलाविया. 29PS कोह. 30 P जुआणु. 31 Missing in s 32s कुलत्ती. 33s छिच्छर, A छिच्छs. 34 P कमणें, s कमेण, A कवणिं.
[१३] १ दृष्टान्तः २ अन्य व्याजेन. ३ पुंश्चली,
[१४] १ पुंश्चली. २ त्यक्तः, पउ० चरि० 7
14. 1 A पभणिउं. 2 P रहुदिदु, S दिढ, A रहु. 3 Ps हउ. 4 Ps णाहि. 5s भुंजमि. 6 P छेछई, s छेछइ, A च्छिच्छइ. 7s पइ. 8 s चारु. 9 P s दिण्णु, 4 दिन. 10 A पुहइ.
Page #263
पउमचरिउक०१४,४-९,१५, १-९, १६, १-२ अप्पुणु भरहु जेम णिक्खन्तउ तउ करेवि पुणु णिव्वुइ पत्तउ ॥४ ता एत्तहे विणिहय-पडिवक्खों रज्जु करन्तहों तहों महरक्खहों ॥५ देवरक्खु उप्पण्णउँ णन्दणु णैरवइ एक-दिवसें" गउ उववणु ॥६ कीलण-वाविहे परिमिउँ णारिहिँ हाइ गइन्दु व सहुँ गणियारिहि ॥ ७ । णिवडिय तासु दिहि तहिँ अवसर जहिँ मुउ महुयरु कमलब्भन्तरें ॥८
॥ घत्ता॥ चिन्तिउ "जिह धुअगाउ रस-लम्पडु अच्छन्तउ । तिह कामाउरु सव्वु
कामिणि-वयणासत्तउ' ॥९
[१५] " णिय-मणे जाइ विसायहाँ जाहिँ सवण-सङ्घ संपाइउ ताहि ॥१ सयल वि रिसि तियाल-जोगेसरं 'महकइ गमयं वाइ वाईसर ॥२ सयल वि वन्धु-सत्तु-समभावा तिण-कञ्चण-परिहरण-सहावा ॥ ३ सयल वि जल्ल-मलकिय-देहा धीरत्तणेण महीहर-जेहा॥४ सयल वि णिय-तव-तेएं दिणयर । गम्भीरत्तणेण रयणायर ॥५ 15 सयल वि घोर-वीर-तव-तत्ता सयल वि सयल-सङ्ग-परिचत्ता ॥६ सयल वि कम्म-वन्ध-विद्धंसण सयल वि सयल-जीव-मम्भीसण ॥ ७ सयल वि परमागम-परियाणा काय-किलेसेकेक-पहाणी ॥८
॥ घत्ता
सयल वि चरम-सरीर" णं परिणणहँ पयर्ट
सयल वि उज्जय-चित्ता। सिद्धि-वहुय वरइत्ता ॥९
तो एत्थन्तरें पहु आणन्दिउ सो रिसि सङ्घ तुरन्तें वन्दिउ ॥१ पभणिउँ विण्णवेवि 'सुयसायर भो भो भवम्भोय-दिवायर ॥२ 11 A अप्पणु. 12 एत्तहि, A तेत्तहे. 13 s णंदणु उप्पपणउ, A उपपजइ णंदणु. 14 s A इक्की. 15 A दिवसि. 16 A कील इ, S कीलए. 17 PS परिमिहि. 18 P S गयंदु. 19 5 सहु. 20 P S गणियारिहि. 21 तहि. 22 P अवसरि. 23_P S जहि. 24 A कमलभंतरि. 25 P घियगारउ, धुयगार उ. 26 P वइणा.
15. 1 PS °मणि. 2 P ताहि, ताविहि. 3 PS तियाले. 4 s योगेसर, A जोग्गेसर. 5A गमइ वय. 6 A °परिहण.7s 'तेयं. 8 A सव्व.98 किलेसिक्के क्व. 10 A °षहाणा. 11 P S सरीरा. 12 PS उजय. 13 P परिणणहं, s परियणणहं. 14 P A पयहा. 15 SA °वहू. 165 वरयत्ता.
16. 1 P एत्थंतरि. 2 P तुरतें. 3 A पभणिउं. 4 P वेण्णवेवि, A ताम तेण, ३ महारक्षः. [१५] १ महाशब्दाः (?).
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छट्ठो संधि भव-संसार-महण्णव-णासिय करें पसाउ पवजहें सामिय' ॥ ३ जम्पइ साहु 'साहु लङ्केसर पइँ जीवेवउ अढ जे वासर ॥४ जं जाणहि तं करहि" तुरन्तउ' णिविसद्धेण सो वि णिक्खन्तः ॥ ५ अट्ठ दिवसं संल्लेहण भावेवि" अट्ट दिवस दाण" देवावि" ॥ ६ अट्ठ दिवस पुजउँ णीसारेंवि अट्ठ दिवस पडिमउ अहिसारेंवि ॥ ७ अट्ठ दिवस आराहण 'वाऍवि गउ मोक्खहाँ परमप्पउ झाऍवि ॥ ८
॥ पत्ता॥ तहों महरक्खहाँ पुत्तु
देवरक्खु वलवन्तउ । थिउ अमराहिउँ जेम लङ्क स इंभु अन्तः ॥९
[६. छट्ठो संधि] चउसहिहिं सिंहासणेहि अइकन्तहि आणन्तएँ भित्तिएँ। पुणु उप्पण्णु कित्तिधवलु धवलिउँ जेण भुअणु णिय-कित्तिएँ ॥१
*यथा प्रथमस्तोयदवाहनः । तोयदवाहनस्यापत्यं महरक्षः । महरक्षस्यापत्यं देवरक्षः । देवरक्षस्यापत्यं रक्षः । रक्षस्यापत्यमादित्यः । आदित्यस्यापत्यमा- 15 दित्यरक्षः । आदित्यरक्षस्यापत्यं भीमप्रभः । भीमप्रभस्यापत्यं पूजार्हन् । पूजाहेतोऽपत्यं जितभास्करः। जितभास्करस्यापत्यं संपरिकीर्तिः। संपरिकीर्तेरपत्यं सुग्रीवः । सुग्रीवस्यापत्यं हरिग्रीवः । हरिग्रीवस्यापत्यं श्रीग्रीवः। श्रीग्रीवस्यापत्यं सुमुखः । सुमुखस्यापत्यं सुव्यक्तः। सुव्यक्तस्यापत्यं मृगवेगः । 5 P भवण्णव, A °महंतुर (?). 6 P A करि. 7 PS पवजहे. 8 P S A पइ. 9 PS जि. 10 A जाणहिं. 11 A करहिं. 12 PS णिवसद्धेण. 13 PS णिक्खत्तर. 14 P S दिवसे. 15 P S A भावित्रि. 16 PS दागइ. 17 PA देवाविवि, देवांवि. 18 PS पूजउ. 19 P SA णीसारिवि. 20 P HA अहिसारि वि. 21s भावेवि. 225 अमरायउ. 23 P सइ, S सयं. 24 S भुंजतंउ.
1. 1 P चउसहिहि, A चउसट्ठी. 2 PS सिंहासणेहि. 3 5 अइकतिहि. 4 S आगंतपभित्तिए A अणंतएभुत्तिए. 58 पुणु पुणु. 65 धवलि. 7 A भुअणु जेण
* For the text of this dynastic list the incorrectness of the Mss. relating to sandhi, Prakritic influence etc. is ignored. Variants for the names only are recorded. 8 This name is missing in Ps. 9 PS परिकीर्तितिः. 10 PS मृगवेषः
[१६] १ वाचयित्वा. [१] १ बहुकोटिना(?)कोटिपुरुषान्वये गते सति.
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५२ पउमचरिउ
[क० १,१-६ मृगवेगस्यापत्यं भानुगतिः । भानुगतेरपत्यमिन्द्रः । इन्द्रस्यापत्यमिन्द्रप्रभः। इन्द्रप्रभस्यापत्यं मेघः । मेघस्यापत्यं सिंहवदनः । सिंहवदनस्यापत्यं पविः । पवेरपत्यमिन्द्रविटुः । इन्द्रविटोरपत्यं भानुधर्मा"। भानुधर्मणोऽपत्यं भानुः । भानोरपत्यं सुरारिः। सुरारेरपत्यं त्रिजटः । त्रिजटस्थापत्यं भीमः । भीमस्यापत्यं महाभीमः। महाभीमस्यापत्यं मोहनः। मोहनस्यापत्यमङ्गारकः । अङ्गारकस्यापत्यं रविः । रवेरपत्यं चक्रारः । चक्रारस्यापत्यं वनोदरः। वज्रोदरस्यापत्यं प्रमोदः। प्रमोदस्यापत्यं सिंहविक्रमः। सिंहविक्रमस्यापत्यं चामुण्डः। चामुण्डस्यापत्यं घातकः । घातकस्यापत्यं भीष्मः । भीष्मस्यापत्यं द्विपबाहुः । द्विपबाहोरपत्यमरिमर्दनः। अरिमर्दनस्यापत्यं निर्वाणभक्तिः । निर्वाणभक्ते10 रपत्यमुग्रश्रीः । उग्रश्रियोऽपत्यमहद्भक्तिः । अर्हद्भक्तरपत्यं अनुत्तरः। अनुत्तरस्यापत्यं गत्युत्तमः । गत्युत्तमस्यापत्यमनिलः । अनिलस्यापत्यं चण्डः । चण्डस्यापत्यं लङ्काशोकः । लङ्काशोकस्यापत्यं मयूरः। मयूरस्यापत्यं महाबाहुः । महाबाहोरपत्यं मनोरमः । मनोरमस्यापत्यं भास्करः। भास्करस्यापत्यं
बृहद्गतिः । बृहद्गतेरपत्यं बृहत्कान्तः। बृहत्कान्तस्यापत्यमरिसंत्रासः । 15 अरिसंत्रासस्यापत्यं चन्द्रावर्तः । चन्द्रावर्तस्यापत्यं महारवः । महारवस्यापत्यं
मेघध्वनिः । मेघध्वनेरपत्यं ग्रहक्षोभः । ग्रहक्षोभस्यापत्यं नक्षत्रदमनः । नक्षत्रदमनस्यापत्यं तारकः । तारकस्यापत्यं मेघनादः । मेघनादस्यापत्यं कीर्तिधवलः । इत्येतानि चतुःषष्टि सिंहासनानि ॥
सुर-कीलऍ रज्जु करन्ताहों एकहि "दिणे विजाहर-पवरु सिरिकण्ठ-णामु णिव-मेहुणउ
स-कलत्तु स-मन्ति-सामन्त-वलु 25 स-पणामु समाइच्छिउ करेंवि
एत्थन्तर हय-गय-रह-चडिउँ
[१] लङ्काउरि परिपालन्ताहों ॥ १ लच्छी-महएं विहें भाई-णरु ॥२ रयणउरहों आइउ पाहुणउँ ॥३ तहाँ अहिमुह आउ कित्तिधवलु ॥४ पुणु थिर्ड एकासणे वईसरेंवि ॥ ५ अत्थक्कएँ पारकर पडिउ ॥ ६
11 PS भानुवर्मा. 12 P मोहानः. 13 A. मनोसरः. 14 PS बृहंगतिः. 15 P एक्कहि, S पक्कहि. 16 SA दिणि. 17 S °मह एविह. 18 s भाई. 19 P S सिरिकंटु णाम. 20 P A निव. 21A मेहुणउं. 22 P रहनेउरहो, 5 रहणेउरहो. 23 PA पाहुणउं. 24 A °समंत..25 तह. 26 P A अहिमहं.27 P सयणाउ सपणाउं.28A थिय. 29 p s एक्कासणि. 30 s वइसरिवि. 31 P रथ.° 32 A °वडिउ. 33 s अस्थक्कउ.
२ लक्ष्मी महादेवी, तस्या भ्रातृ-नरः. ३ सा(स्या )लकः. ४ अप्रस्तावे. ५ शत्रोः (१).
Page #266
क० १, ७–१०; २, १-९; १-२ ]
चाया विवाइँ रुद्धाइँ णिसुयइँ रण- तूर वज्जियाँ दुबार बरि-सय- रोकियइँ
तं पेक्खे विणु वरि-वलु 'तावण जिणवरु जय भणमि
सिरिकण्ठहाँ जोऍवि' मुह-कमलु 'किं' ण मुणहि धण -कञ्चण पउरु
तहिं पुप्फोत्तर - विज्जाहिवइ
छुड छुडु उच्चेलॅवि" णीसरिय
छट्टो संधि
- चिन्धाएँ ॥ ७
दिइँ छत्त हय - हिंसिय-गयवर - गज्जियैइँ ॥ ८ पच्चारिय-खारिय-कोक्कियइँ ॥ ९
तहिँ" अवसरें" धवल-विसालाहूँ" - विमाणु तु हें नियंवि सहूँ तइयैहुँ जे " जाउ पाणिग्गहणु मणिय - यि सेण्णइँ" णिट्ठवहीं "
णिसुर्णेवि तं तेहउ वयणु उत्तर-वारें" परिट्टियउ "
विण्णाण - विणय-णयवन्तेऍहिँ 'परमेसर एत्थु अ-खन्ति कउ
॥ घत्ता ॥
कित्तिधवलु सिरिकण्ठे धीरिज । जाव ण रणें विवक्खु सर-सीरि' ॥ १० [२]
कमलाऍ पत्तु कित्तिधवलु ॥ १ विज्जाहर - सेढिहिं मेहउरु ॥ २ तहों तणिय दुहिय "हउँ कमलमई ॥ ३ ॥ चमरहरिहिं णारिहिं परियरिय " ॥ ४ वन्दे पणु मेरु-जिणालाइँ " ॥ ५ घत्तिय यप्पल - माल माँ ॥ ६ वहिँ णिक्कार की रणु ॥ ७ तहों पासुं महन्ता पट्ठवहों' ॥ ८
घता ॥
पेसिय" दूय पराइये तेत्तहें" । पुष्फोत्तरुविज्जाहरु जेत्तहें " ॥ ९
[ ३ ]
विज्जाहरु वुत्तु महन्तऍहिँ ॥ १
सउ कण पर भायण ॥ २
34 A वेयारिवि 35s A दिट्ठइ. 36P °य 37 A चिंधाइ 38s णिसुयइ. 394 रणतूरई s रयणतय. 40 Ps विज्जियाई 41s P गजियाई, गजियाइ 42Ps रोक्कियाइँ, 'सई रोकियाइ.. 43 Ps 'कोक्कियाई, A को कियाइ. 44s सरसरीरिउ,
2. 1s जोइवि. 2s कमलाइ, A कमलाएं वुत्तु. 3 P किन्न. 4 A मुणहिं. 5 P से ढिहि. 6 Ps A तहि. 7 PS पुष्पोत्तर, 4 पुप्फुत्तर. 8Ps तहु. 9A तणय 10s हउ 11 A कमलबइ. 12 P उच्चेलिवि, A उब्वेल्लिवि. 13s णीसरिया 14s परियरिया. 15 Ps तहि. 16 P अवसर 17s विसालाइ 18 P °जिनालई, s जिणालाए. 19s नहि. 20 P एवि. 21 s णयलु°. 22 s तइयहु. 23 SA जि. 24 Ps एवहि, A एव्वहिं. 25 s णिक्कारणि. 26 PSA काइ. 27 P $ सेण्णइ. 28 A निट्ठवहु. 29Ps पासि. 30 P तं णिसुणेवि, s तं णिसुणि वि. 31s पेसिउ दूयउ 32 P पराइअ s पराभ 33 P तेत्तहे. 34 P$ A वारि. 35P परिट्रिअड 36 Ps पुष्पोत्तरु, A पुष्कत्तर. 37 P ते तहे.
3. 1 P°वयंतहिं, 2 P विज्जाहर. 3s एक्कु. 4 Ps अक्खंति. 5 A कण्णउं. 6 Ps 'भायणउं.
Page #267
पउभचरिउ [क० ३,३-९,४,१-९ सरियउ णीसरेवि' महीहरहों ढोयन्ति सलिलु रयणायरहों ॥३ मोत्तिय-मालउ सिर कुञ्जरहों उवसोह देन्ति अण्णहों णरहों ॥ ४ धाराउ लेवि जल जलहरहाँ सिञ्चन्ति" अङ्गणव-तरुवरहों ॥५
उप्पजवि मझें महा-सरों णलिणिउँ वियसन्ति दिवायरहों ॥६ 3 सिरिकण्ठ-कुमारहों दोसु कउ त दुहियऍ" लइई सयम्वरउ' ॥७ तं णिसुणवि" णरवइ लज्जियउँ थिउ माण-मडप्फर-वज्जियउ॥८
॥ धत्ता॥ 'कण्णा दाणु कहिं(?) तणउ जइ ण दिण्णु तो तुडिहि चडावइ । होइ सहावें मइलणिय छेयक-ले दीवय-सिह णावई' ॥९
[४] गउ एम भणेवि णराहिवइ सिरिकण्ठे परिणिय पउमवइ ॥ १ वहु-दिवसहि उम्माहय जणणु णिय-सालउँ पेखवि गमग-मणु ॥ २ सन्भा भणइ कित्तिधवल 'जिह दूरीहोइ ण मुह-कमलु ॥ ३ तिह अच्छहुँ मजण-पाण-पिर्य किं विहिँ ण पहुच्चई एह सिय ॥४ 15 महु अस्थि" अणेय दीव पवर हरि-हणुरुह-हंस-सुवेल-धर ॥ ५
कुस-कञ्चण-कञ्चों-मणि-रयण छोहार-चीर-वाहण-जवण ॥६ ववर-वजर-गीरों वि सिरि तोयावलि-सञ्झागार-गिरि ॥ ७ वेलन्धर-सिङ्घल-चीणवर रस-रोहण-जोहण-किकुधरै ॥८
॥ घत्ता।
भार-भरक्खम-भीम-तडे णिबाडेप्पिणु धम्मु जिह
एय महारा दीव विचित्ता । जं भावइ तं गेण्हहि मित्ता' ॥९
7 P नीसारवि, SA णीसरिदि. 8 PS सिर. 9 PA दिति. 10s जल. 11 P सेंचिंति,
संचिंति. 12 P उपजइ, उपज वि. 13 8 णलिणिय, A णलिणिउं. 14 A तुह. 15 PS दुहिअए. 16 P लइयउ, S लयउ. 17 s णि सुणिवि. 18 P लजिअउ. 19 5 °मडप्फरु. 20 P °वजिअउ. 21 PS कहिं तणउं, A कहि त्तणउ. 22 P न. 23 P S दिनु. 24 PS तुडिहि.25A °कालि.
4. 1 PS दिवसें. 2 A °सालउं. 8 P S A पेक्खिवि. 4 A गवण. 55 कित्तिधवलो. 6 P S अच्छहु. 75 °पिया. 8 Ps विहि. 9A पहुप्प इ. 10 P अच्छि. 11 P दीयपवर, 3 दीहपवरा. 12 PS °हणरुह. 13 PS °सुवेलयर. 14 PS कंचुय. 15 PS °वीण. 16 PS °सीरा. 17 PS तोयायलि°, A तायावलि. 18 °किक्कुघरा. 19 P°खम, S खेम. 20s तउड. 21 PS विचित्त. 225 गिण्हहि, A गिन्हहिं. 23 PS A मित्त.
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छट्ठो संधि
सिरिकण्ठहों ताम मन्ति कहइ किं वहवें वाणर-दीउँ लइ ॥१ जहिँ किक्कु-महीहरु हेम-इलु विप्फुरिय-महामणि-फलिह-सिलु ॥२ पंवलकुरु इन्दणील-[हिल ससिकन्त-णीर-णिज्झर-वहलुं ॥ ३ मुत्ताहल-जल-तुसार-दरिसु जहिँ देसु वि तासु जे अणसरिसु ॥४ अहिणव-कुसुमइँ पक्कइँ फलइँ कर-गेज्झइँ" पण्णइँ फोप्फलइँ ॥५ जहिँ दक्ख रसालउ दीहियउ गुलियउँ अमरेहि" मि" ईहि[य] 3 ॥६ जहिँ णाणा-कुसुम-करम्बियइँ सीयलई जल अलि-चुम्वियइँ ॥ ७ जहिँ धण्णइँ फैल-संदरिसियइँ धरैणि अङ्गाइँ व हरिसियई ॥८
॥ घत्ता ॥ तं णिसुणेवि तोसिय-मणेण देवागमणहों अणुहरमाणउँ । माहव-मासहों पढम-दिणे तहिँ सिरिकण्ठे दिण्णु पयाणउँ ॥ ९
[६] लझेप्पिणु लवण-समुद्द-जलु तं वाणर-दीउ पइगु वलु ॥१ जाहिँ कुहिणिउ रविकन्त-प्पहउँ सिहि -सङ्कएँ उवरि ण देई पउ ॥ २ ॥ जहिँ वाविउ वउलामोइयर्ड सुर-सङ्कएँ गरेण ण जोइयउ ॥ ३ जहिँ जलं. हिँ विणु पङ्कऍहिँ पङ्कयइँ" णाहिँ विणु छप्पऍहि ॥४ जहिँ वणइँ णाहिँ विणु अम्बऍहिँ अम्वा वि णाहिँ विणु गोच्छऍहि ॥ ५ गोच्छा वि णाहिँ विणु कोइलेहिँ कोइलउ णाहिँ विणु कलयलेंहिँ" ॥ ६
5. 1 The portion from वहवें वाणरदीउ लइ up to साहामयणिवह (VI 9 3 a) is transposed in A after णिविसद्धे किक्कु ( VII 6 3 a). 2 A वहवे, 3 P वानरदीउ. 4 5 जहि. 5 P इंदनील°, A इंदनीलु. 6 P°हवलु, A °वहुलु. 7A
सरिसु. 8 P S जहि. 9 A जि. 10 s कुसुमइ पक्कइ फलाइ. 11 S A गेज्झइ. 125 पण्णइ. 13 PS फोफलइ. 14 S जहि. 15 This hemistich missing in s. 16 P गुलिअउ. 17 For the portion from °हिं ईहियउ up to वुक्कार घो (VI 11 5 b) P could not be used, as its folio 19 containing this portion is missing. 18 A अमरे हिं मि. 19 A ई हिउ. 20s सीयलइ. 21 जलइ. 225 घण्णइ फलसंदरिसियइ. 23 s धरणिहि. 24 S अंगाइ, A अंग्गाइ. 25 S हरिसियइ. 26 s णिसुणिवि. 27 A अणुहरमाणउं. 28 P पयाणउं.
6. 1A लवण वण. 25 तपहुउ, A°दप्पहउं. 3 A ससि. 4 A दिति. 5 5 लामोइअउ. 6s °संकहि. '7 Aणरिहि. 8 5 जहि. 9 जलए. 10 S णाहि. 11 S A पंकय इ. 12 S च्छएहिं, A च्छप्पय हिं. 13 5 वणइ. 14 S अंवइ. 15 A गोंच्छइहि. 16A कोइलि हिं. 17 A कलय. लिहिं.
[५] १ प्रवालय( क ). २ घनम्. ३ दीर्घः, धृतिकारी वा.
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पउमचरिउ [क० ६, ७-९,७,१-९,८,१-३ जहिँ फलइँ णाहिँ विणु तरुवरेंहि तरुवर वि णाहिँ विणु लयहरेंहिँ ॥ ७ लयहरइँ णाहिँ णिकुसुमियइँ जहिँ महुयर-विन्दइँण भमिय॥ ८
॥ पत्ता॥ साहउ |उ विणु वीणरेंहिँ णउ वाण जाहँ" ण वुक्कारो। 5 ती णियन्त तहिँ जे थिउँ विजालउ सिरिकण्ठ-कुमारो ॥ ९
पहुं तेहिँ समाणु खेडु करेवि अवरेहिँ धरावेंवि सइँ धरेवि ॥ १ गउ किक्कु-महीहरहो(?) सिहरु चउदह-जोयण-पमाणु णयरु ॥२ किउ सहसा सब सुवण्णमउ णामेण किक्कपुर अण्णमउँ ॥३ 1. जहिँ चन्दकन्ति-मणि-चन्दियउ ससि भणेवि अ-दियहें जे" वन्दियउ॥४
जहिँ सूरकन्ति-मणि विष्फुरिय रवि भणेवि जलाइँ मुअंन्ति दिय ॥ ५ जैहिँ णीलीउलि-भू-भगुरइँ" मोत्तियतोरण-उद्दन्तुरई ॥ ६ विदुमदुवार-रत्ताहर
अवरोप्परु विहसन्ति व घरइँ ॥७ उप्पण्णु ताम कोड्डावणउँ सिरिकण्ठहों वजकण्ठे तणउ ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ एक-दिवसें देवागमणु णिऍवि जन्तु णन्दीसर-दीवहों। वन्दण-हत्तिएँ सो वि गउ परम-जिणहों तइलोक-पईवहीं ॥ ९
स-पसाहणे स-परिवार स-धउ 20 पडिकूलिउ ताम गमणु णरहों 'मइँ अण्ण-भवन्तरें काइँ किउ
मणुसुत्तर-महिहरु जाम गउ ॥ १ सिद्धालउ णाइँ कु-मुणिवरहों ॥ २ जें सुर गयं महु जि विमाणु थिउ॥३
18 s फलइ. 19 A तरुवरेहिं repeated. 20 s णाहि, A नाहि. 21 5 लयहरइ गाइ विणु कुसुमिअई. 22 8 °विंदइ. 23 s उ. 24 S गयाइं. 25s वाणरेहि. 26 5 वाणरु. 27 s जहि. 28 SA बुक्कारु. 29 S ताइ. 30 A नियंतु. 31 तहि जि, A ताहिं. 32 A थियउ..33 A चेत्तालउ. 34 S A °कुमारु. ____7. 1 s यहु. 2 8 तेण. 3 A करिवि. 4 5 अवरेहि मि. 5 8 सइ, A ताई. 6 PS °गिरि०. 7s किक्कपुर: 8 A अन्नमउं. 9 s जहि. 10 A चंदकंत°. 11 s अदियौ, A अदियहि जे. 12 s विप्फुरिया. 13 s भणवि. 14 s जलाए, A जलाइ. 15s मुयंति. 16 A लीलावरि. 17 s भंगुरइ. 18 °उदंतुरइ. 19 s विदुम . 20 A कोडावणउं. 21 8 बजकंठ. 22 8 दिवसि. 23 s णियवि. 24 s जंत. 25 A तइलोय.
8, 1s सयवाहणु. 2 5 सधओ. 3 8 माणुसोत्तर. 4 s °महिहर. 5s सिद्धालउ गाइ. 6 5 मह. 7 SA °भवंतरि. 8 5 काइ. 9 s illegible. 10 s missing.
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क० ८,४-९,९,१-९] छट्ठो संघि वैरि घोर-वीर-त3 हउँ "करमि गन्दीसरक्खु जें पइसरमि' ॥४ गउ एम" भणेवि णिय-पट्टणहों ____ संताणु समप्पॅवि णन्दणहों ॥५ णीसङ्गु जाउ णिविसन्तरण जिह" वजकण्ठु कालन्तरेण ॥ ६ तिह इन्दाउहु तिह इन्दमइ” तिह मेरु स-मन्दरु पवणगइ ॥ ७ तिह रविपहु एम सुहासण' "ववगयइँ अट्ट सीहासणइँ ॥८ ।
॥ घत्ता ॥ णवमउ णामें अमरपंहु वासुपुज-सेयंस-जिणिन्दैहुँ । अन्तरें विहि मि परिट्ठयउ छण-पुवण्हुँ जेम रवि-चन्दहुँ ॥ ९
[९] परिणन्तहों लङ्काहिव-दुहियं तहों पङ्गणे केण वि कइ लिहियं ॥१॥ दीहर-लङ्गलारत्त-मुह
कमु दिन्ति व धावन्ति व समुह ॥ २ तं पेक्वेवि' साहामय-णिवढे भइयएँ मुच्छाविय राय-वहुँ ॥ ३ एत्यन्तरें" कुविउ णराहिवइ 'तं मारहु लिहिया जेण कई' ॥४ पणवेप्पिणु मन्तिहिँ उवसमिउँ 'कइ-णिवहुँ ण केण वि अइकमि ॥५ एयहुँ" जि पसाएं राय-सिय | तउ पेसणयारी जेम तिये ॥ ६ ॥ एयहुँ जे पसाएं रणे अजउ जगें वाणर-वंसु पसिद्धि-गउँ ॥७ सिरिकण्ठहों लैंग्गॅवि कइ-सय एयइँ जे तुम्ह कुल-देवयइँ' ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता
तं णिसुणेवि परितुट्ठऍण अइकमिय(?) णमिय मरिसाविय । णिम्मल-कुलहों कलङ्क जिह मउडे चिन्धे धऍ छत्ते लिहौविय ॥९०
11 s वर. 12 s missing. 13 s हउ करमि. 14 A नंदीसरदीवि पईसरमि. 15 s भणिवि एम. 16 s समप्पिवि. 17 s तिह. 18 A इंदमइं. 19 % समंदिरु, A missing. 20 s सुहासणइ. 21 s missing. 22 A अमरपहुं. 23 s जिणिदहु. 24 A विहिं मि. 25 s च्छणु, A च्छण. 26 s पुव्वण्ह, A °पुव्वन्दु. 27 s रविचंदहो.
9. 1 s damaged, A लंका. 2 5 °दुहिया, A °हिय. 3 5 पंगणि. 4 s लिहिया. 5s गंगूलारत्तमुहा. 6 5 समुहा. 75 पेक्खिवि, A पेक्खि . 8 5 णिवहो. 9 भइअइ. 10 S रायवहो. 11 S एस्थेत्तरि. 12 5 लिया. 13 s मंतिहि. 14 A उवसमिउं. 15 s °णिवहो. 16 s अविकमिउ, A अइकमिउं. 17s येयहु. 18 S पसायं. 19 A पेसणियारी. 20 A एह. 21 s तिया. 22 S आयहु. 23 s जि पसायं रणि. 24 A जणे, s जगि. 25 8 °गओ. 26 A सि रिकंठाहो लग्गिवि. 27 3 कयसयई. 28 s येयह जि. 29 A णिसुणिवि. 30 A परितुट्ठमण. 31 s मरिसाविया. 32 A °कुलहु. 33 s छत्ते धयचिंधहि, A चिंधि धइ छत्ते. 34 P लिहाविया.
पउ० चरि०8
Page #271
पउमचरिउ [क० १०, १- ९, ११, १-६
[१०] तें' वाणर-वंसु पसिद्धि-गउ विणि वि सेढिउँ वसिकरेंवि थिउ ॥१ उप्पण्णु कइद्धउँ तासु सुर्ड कइधयहाँ वि पडिवलु पवर-भुउ ॥ २ पडिवलहों वि णयणाणन्दु पुणु पुणु खयराणन्दु विसाल-गुणु ॥ ३ पुणु गिरिणन्दणु पुणु उवहिरउँ तहाँ परम-मित्तु पडिपक्ख-खउ ॥४ 5 तंडिकेसि-णा, लङ्काहिवइ विजाहर-सामिउ गयणगई ॥५
एक्कहिँ दिणे उववणु णीसरिउ पुणु वुड्डण-वाविहें पइसरिउ ॥ ६ महएवि तामै तहाँ तक्खण थण-सिहरहिँ" फाडिय मक्कण ॥७ तेण वि णारायहिँ विद्धु कइ गउ तउ जउ तरुवर-मूलें जइ ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ लद्ध-णमोकारहाँ फलेंण उवहिकुमार देउ उप्पण्णउ । णियय-भवन्तर संभरेवि विजुकेसु जउ तउ अवइण्णउ ॥ ९
[११] तडिकेसु णिएवि विहाइयउ 'हउँ एण हयासें घाइयां ॥१
अज्जुवि मणे सल्लु समुबहइ जउँ पेक्खइ तउ कइवर वहइ ॥२ 15 केत्तडउँ वहेसइ खुडु खलु . उप्पायमि माया-पमय-वलु' ॥३
सो एम भणेवि साहामियइँ गिरिवर-संकासइँ णिम्मियइँ ॥४ रत्तमुहइँ पुच्छ-पईहर वुक्कार-घोर-घग्घर-सरई ॥५ 'आणत्त उप्परि* धाइयइँ जलें थलें आयासे" ण माइयइँ" ॥ ६
10. 15 तं. 2 A सेणिउ. 3 SA वसिकरि वि. 4 s कयद्धउ. 5s सुओ. 6 5 उयहिरउ. 75 °खओ. 8 A तहो केसि.98 °णाउ लंकाहिवई. 10 A °सामिउं. 115 गयणगई. 128 इक्कहि दिणि उवचणु णीसरइ. 13 A वुट्टण. 14 s °वाविहि. 15 s ताव. 168 तक्खडेण, 17 °सिहरह, A सिहरहि. 18A मडक्केडण. 19s णारायं. 20 A विज्झु. 21 A जं.22 PS लद्ध. 23 s णमोकारु, A नमोकारहो. 24 8 महाफलेण, A फलिण.25 8 उयहि. 26 A संभरिवि. 27 A सो वि सुकेसु जेत्थु अवइण्णउं. 28 5 तइ.
11. 1s विहाइअउ, A चेहावियउ. 2 S A हउ. 3 5 घाइआउ. 4 SA मणि. 5A जह. 6s केतडउ.7A. ता.88 भणिवि साहामयइ. 9 SA °संकासइ. 10s रत्तमहइ, A रत्तामुह. 11 P °घघर. 12 S °सरइ. 13 PS आणंत्तई. 14 P उप्परे. 15 PS धाइअइं. 16 A आयासि. 17 P माइअइं, 5 माइयइ.
[१२] १ आज्ञाऽनन्तरम् , अनन्तानि वा.
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क०५१,७ - ९, १२, १-९] छटो संधि अण्ण उम्मूलिय-तरुवर अण्ण" संचालिय-महिहरइँ ॥७ अण्णइँ उग्गामिय-पहरण अण्णइँ लैङ्गल-पईहरइँ ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ अण्णइँ हुयवह-हत्था अण्ण पुणु अण्णहिँ" उप्पाऍहि । रूंवई कालहों केरौइँ आवि थियइँ णाई वहुँ-भाऍहि ॥ ९ ।
[१२] अण्णहिँ कोक्किउँ लङ्काहिवइ 'तिह पहरु पावं जिह णिहउ कई' ॥ १ तं णिसुर्णेवि णरवइ कम्पियर्ड किं कहि मि पवङ्ग जम्पियउ॥ २ किं" कहि मि कइन्दहों पहरणइँ आयइँ लहुआ ण कारणइँ' ॥३ चिन्तेवि महाभय-पत्थऍण वोल्लाविय पणविय-मत्थऍण ॥४ 'के" तुम्हई काइँ अ-खंन्ति किय कजेण केण सण्णहेवि थिय' ॥५ तं णिसुणेवि चविउँ पमय-णिवहु 'किं पुत्र-वइरु वीसरिउ पहु॥६ जइयहुँ जल-कीलऍ आइयउ महएवि-कजे कइ घाइयउ ॥७ रिसि-पञ्चणमोकारहुँ" वलॅण सुरवरु उप्पण्णु तेण फलेण ॥८
॥घत्ता ॥ वइरु तुहारउ संभेरवि सो हउँ एक्कु जि थिउ वेहु-भाऍहि । सेरेउ अच्छहि काइँ रणे जिम अन्भिहुँ जिमै पडु महु पीऍहिँ' ॥९
18s अण्णइ, A अंनइ. 19 A निम्मूलिय. 20 P तरुवराई, S तरुवराइ. 21 PS अण्णइ. 22 5 अण्णइ. 23 P S पहरणाइ.24 P लंगूलपईहराई, S गंगूलपईहाराई, A लंगूल पहरई हरई. 25 P S हुयपहु. 26 P अण्णइ, S अण्णे. 27 P S अण्णेहि, A अन्नहिं. 28 P S उप्पाइहिं. 29 P तूवई ?, S रूवइ. 30 s केराइ. 31 s आइवि, A आविवि. 32 P थिअई, s थिअइ. 33 A बहु°. 34 P S भावहि, ___ 12. 1 SA अण्णहि. 2 P कोकिउ. 3 A तह. 4 A पाउ. 5 S A कई. 6s णिसुणिवि. 7 P कंपिअउ. 8 This hennistich missing in s. 9 P कह वि, A कहिं मि. 10 P पवंगउ जंपिअउ. 11 A वहि. 12 Ps कह मि, A कहिं मि. 13 P A कईदहु. 14 PS आयहु. 15 P S लहुआइ, A लहुयाई. 16 A पणमिय'. 17 A के. 18 P S तुम्हइ, A तुम्हेहिं. 19 P S अक्खंति. 20 P सण्णह वि. 21 s illegible. 22 5 पमय णि. 23 5 वीसरि. 24 S जइयहु. 25s °कीलइ. 26 P कजि, sillegible. 27 PS णमोकारहो. 28 P सुरवर, s illegible 29 P S उप्पणउ तं. 30 P हउ, s illegible. 31 A °भायहिं. 32 S A अच्छहिं. 33 P काइ, S कांई. 34 P S अभिटु. 35 P S जेम. 36 P S पाय हिं.
[१२] १ अक्षमा. २ मन्दोद्यमः.
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[१३] तं णिसुर्णेवि' णमिउँ णराहिवइ अमरेण वि दरिसिय अमर-गइ ॥१ णिउ विजुकेसु करें धरेंवि तहिँ णिवसइ महरिसि चउ-णाणि जहि ॥ २
पयाहिण करवि गुरु-भत्ति किय वन्देप्पिणु विणि मि पुरउ थिय ॥ ३ 5 सबङ्गिाउ सुरवर हरिसियउँ 'एहुँ जम्मु एणं महु दरिसियउँ ॥४
अजु वि लक्खिजइ पायडउ महु केरउ एउ सरीरडउ' ॥५ तं पेक्खेंवि" तडिकेसु वि डरिउ णं पवण-छित्तुं तरु थरहरिउ ॥ ६ पुणु पुच्छिउ महरिसि 'धम्मु कहें परिभमहुँ जेण णउ णरय-पहें ॥७
तं णिसुणेवि चवइ चारु-चरिउ 'महु अस्थि अण्णु परमायरिउँ ॥८ 10 सो कहइ धम्मु सबत्तिहरु पइसहुँ जि जिणालउ सन्तिहरु' ॥९
परिओसें तिण्णि वि उच्चलिय वाहुवलि-भरह-रिसह व मिलिय ॥ १०
॥ घत्ता
दिट्ठ महारिसि ई-हरे परम-जिणिन्दु समोसरणे
पणवेप्पिणु पुच्छिउ परम-रिसि परमेसरु जम्पइ जइ-पवरु। 'धम्मेण जाण-जम्पाण-धये
धम्मेणाहरण-विलेवण १० धम्मेण कलत्तइँ मणहर.
धम्मेण पिण्ड-पीण-त्थणउँ
परवइ-उवहिकुमार-मुणिन्देहि ।
णं धरणिन्दै-सुरिन्द-णैरिन्देहिँ ॥ ११ [१४]
'दरिसावि भडारा धम्म-दिसि ॥ १ तइ-काल-वुद्धि चउ-णाण-धरु ॥ २ धम्मेण भिच्च-रह-तुरय-गयं ॥ ३ धम्मेण णियासण-भोयण ॥४ धम्मेण छुहा-पण्डुर-घरइँ ॥५ चमर पाडन्ति वरङ्गणउँ ॥ ६
____13. 1 PS णिसुणिवि. 2 A नमिउं. 3 PS व. 4 SA विजकेसु. 5s धरे, A करि. 6 A धरि वि.7 P तियपाहिण, S तिपयाहिण, A पयाहिण corrected to तिपया . 8 P S करे। 9 A वि. 10 A थिउ. 11 A सुरवइ. 12 P हरिसिअउ, S हरिसियाउ. 13 P इहु, S यहु. 14 A एहिं. 15 दरिसिअर्ड. 16s येउ. 17s पिक्खिवि. 18 P 5 °छित्त. 19 A कहि. 20 PS परिभमउ. 21 A जेण. 22 s णिसुणि वि. 23 P S परमाइरिउ. 24 S सव्वत्तिहरो. 25 S पइसहु, A लइ जाहु. 26 5 उच्चलिया. 27 PS रिसहु. 28 8 मिलिया. 29 s चेयहरे, A चेइहरि. 30 °उअहिकुमार, A उवहिकुमारु. 31 s मुणिंदहो. 32 s जिणिंद. 33 P धरणेद'. 84 P नरें देहि, S णरिदिहिं.
14. 15 °धया. 2 5 गया. 3 P विलेवणाई, s°विलेवणाइ. 4 Ps भोयणाइ.5 rs मणहराइं. 6 PS °घराइं. 7 PS पीणपिंड. 8 P °थणउ, SA स्थणउं. 9 PS चमरह. 10 P S A वरंगणउं,
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क० १४, ७-९, १५, १-९; १६, १-४] छट्ठो संधि धम्मेण मणुय-देवत्तण
वलएव-वासुएवत्तणइँ ॥७ धम्मेण अरुहँ-सिद्धत्तण तित्थङ्कर-चक्कहरत्तण ॥८
॥घत्ता ॥ एकें धम्में होन्तऍण इन्दा देव वि सेव करन्ति । धम्म-विहूणों माणुसहों चण्डाल वि पैङ्गणऍण ठन्ति ॥९ ।
[१५] तडिकेसें' पुच्छिउ पुणु वि गुरु 'अण्णहिँ भवे को हउँ को वै सुरु' ॥१ जइ जम्पइ 'णिसुणुत्तर-दिसऍ जाओ' सि आसि कासी-विसऍ ॥२ तुहुँ साहु एहु धाणुक्कु तहिँ आइउ तरु-मूले वि थिओ सि जहि ॥३ णिग्गन्थु णिऍवि उवहासु कउँ ईसीसुप्पण्णु कसाउ तउ ॥ ४ भजेंवि कौवित्थ-सग्ग-गमणु पत्तो सि णवर जोइस-भवणु ॥५ तत्थहों वि चवेप्पिणु सुद्धमई हूओ सि एत्थं लङ्काहिवइ ॥६ धाणुकिउ हिण्डेवि भव-गहणे उप्पण्णु पवङ्गमु पमय-चणे ॥ ७ पइँ हउ समाहि-मरणेण मुउ पुणु गम्पिणु उवहि-कुमार हुउ' ॥ ८ ॥ घत्ता ॥
15. तं णिसुणेवि लकेसरण रजें सुकेर्स थवेवि परमत्थें । मुऍवि कु-वेस व राय-सियं तव-सिय-वहुय लइय सइँ हत्थें ॥ ९
[१६] जं विजुकेसु णिग्गन्थु थिउ पञ्चेहि मुट्ठिहिँ सिरे लोउ किउ ॥ १ तं कडय-मउड-कुण्डल-धरण सम्मत्तु लइ दिद सुरवरेण ॥२ 20 एत्थन्तरें किक-पुरेसरहो गउ लेहु कइद्धय-सेहरहों ॥ ३ महि-मण्डलें घत्तिउ दिट्ट किह णावालउँ गङ्गा-वाहु जिह ॥ ४ 11s देवत्तणइ. 12 A परम. 13 s सिद्धत्तणाई. 14 s °चक्कहरत्तणाई. 15 A धम्मे, 16A इंदाएव. 17 पंगण म हवंति, ___15. 1 S तडिकेसि, A तहिं केसें. 2 P S अण्णहि, A अन्नहि. 3 s के. 4 P S है उ. 5 P S अ. 6 P जंपइं. 7 P जाउं. 8 s तुहु. 9 P साहुं. 10 P धाणुक. 11 S तहि. 12 S A आयउ. 13 A तरुमूलि हिं थियउ. 14 S जहि. 15 The portion up to उवहा° missing in s. 16 A किउ, 17 PS ईसीसुपण्णु, A इसीसिप्पण्णु. 18 PS भंजिवि कापित्थ. 19 PS सुद्धमई, A सच्छमइ. 20 A इत्थु. 21 5 धाणुकिउ. 22 A हिंडिवि. 23 Ps पइ. 24 P s उयहि कुमारु. 25 णिसुणि वि. 26 A सुके उ. 27 P परमथे. 28 s मुयवि. 29 s सिया. 30 P S A सइ. ___16. 1 Ps विजकेसु. 2s पंचहि, A पंचहिं. 3 P मुट्टि, S मुट्ठिहि. 4 P सिर, S A सिरि. 55 लयउ. GPS इत्थंतरि, A एस्थंतरि. 7 P किक्कि. 85 मंडलि. 9s किहा. 10 Pणामालउ, णामूल उ.
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६,५-९१,१-९ वन्धण-विमुक्कु णं 'णिरयउलु वकडउ सहावें" जेम खलु ॥ ५ जुवई जणु वण्णु समुबहइ आयरिउँ व चरिउ कहउँ कहई ॥ ६ णं अक्खर-पन्तिहिँ पहुँ भणि 'तुम्हहुँ सुकेसु परिपालणि ॥७ तडिकेसें तव-सिय लइय करें जं जाणहि तं पहु तुहु मि करें' ॥८
॥ घत्ता ॥ "लेहु घिवेप्पिणु उवहिरउँ पुत्तहाँ रजु देवि णिक्खन्तउ । पुरे पडिचन्दु परिट्ठियउँ वाणरदीउ स ई भु अन्तउँ ॥९
[७. सत्तमो संधि] पडिचन्दहों जाय किकिन्धन्धय पवर-भुवं । णं रिसह-जिणासु भरह-वाहुवलिं वे वि सुवै ॥ १
[१] छडु छडु सरीर-संपत्ति पत्त तहिं अवसरे केण वि कहिय वत्त ॥ १ 'वेयड्डे-कडऍ धण-कणय-पउरे दाहिण-सेढिहिँ" आइच्चणयरें ॥२ विजामन्दरु णामेण राउ वेयमई अग्ग-महिसिऍ" सहाउ ॥ ३ सिरिमाल-णाम तहों तणिय दुहिय इन्दीवरच्छि छण-चन्द-मुहियं ॥ ४ कयली-कन्दल-सोमाल वाल सा परऍ" घिवेसइ कहाँ वि माल' ॥ ५ तं णिसुणेवि" पवर-कइद्धऍहिँ गमु सजिउ किक्किन्धन्धएहि ॥ ६ ढोइयइँ विमाणइँ चडिय जोह संचल्ल णहङ्गणे दिण्ण-सोह ॥ ७ णिविसद्धे दाहिण-सेढि पत्त जैहिँ मिलिया विजाहर समत्त ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ किक्किन्धे दिट्ठ धउ राउलउ सु(?)पवणहउ । हक्कारइ णा
करयलु सिरिमालहें तणः ॥ ९ 11 A मुक्कुवि. 12 Ps सहाविं. 13 A जुवईयण. 14 A वन्न. 15 P आइरिउ. 16 A कहिउ. 17 s कहए. 18 5 °पंति हि. 19 P एहु. 20 P A भणिउं. 21 s तुहु, A तुम्हहं. 22 PA परिपालणिउं. 23 s तडिकेसिं. 24 PA जाणहिं. 25 A तुहुं मि. 26 P उअहिरउ. 27s पुतहि. 28 PS परिटिअउ. 29 8 सयं, A सइ. 30 A भुजंतउं.
1. 1 A जाया. 2 S A.धद्धय. 3 s पवरभुवा, A पवरभुय. 4 s वाहु वाहुवलि. 5s सुया, A सुय. 6 PS तहि. 7 A अवसरि. 8A वेयढ.9 Ps °कडइ. 10 A °पयरे. 11 A °से ढिहि. 12 A वेयवइ. 13 s °सहिसिय. 14 P दुहिअ, s दुहिया. 15 P °मुहिअ, s 'मुहिया. 16 s परइ. 17 णिसुणि वि. 18 s कयद्धएहिं. 19 P किक्किंद्धय(इ)धएहिं, s किं. किंधंधएहिं, A किक्तिधेससरहिं.20P Sढोइयइ.21 SA विमाणइ.22P चडिअ.23 Pणिव. सदें. 24. PS जहि. 25 Ps missing, A स. 26 Sणाइ. 27 PS सिरमालए. 28 A तणउं. [१६] १ निरजः सिद्धसमूहः. २ लेखं गृहीत्वा. [१] १ प्राप्तयौवनौ. २ समस्ताः .
Page #276
क० २,५-९, ३, १-९] सत्तमो संधि
[२] णिय-णिय-थाणेहिँ णिवद्ध मञ्च महकवि-कवालाव व सु-सञ्च ॥ १ आरूढ सब मञ्चेसु तेसु चामियर-गत्त-मणि-भूसिएK ॥ २ परिभमिर-भमर-झङ्कारिएK णिविडायवत्त-अन्धारिएK ॥ ३ रविकन्त-कन्ति-उज्जालिएK आलावणि-सद्द-वमालिएसु ॥ ४ ॥ मञ्चेसु तेसु थिय पहु चडेवि वम्मह-णड णाडिजन्ति(?) के वि ॥५ भूसन्ति सरीर" वारवार कण्ठाइँ मुअन्ति लयन्ति हार ॥ ६ सुन्दर सच्छार्य वि कणय-डोर अलियं जि घिवन्ति भणेवि थोर ॥७ गायन्ति हसन्ति पुणासणथं अङ्गइँ मोडन्ति वलैंन्ति हत्थं ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ स-पसाहण सब
थिय सम्मुह वरइत्त किह । 'किर होसइ सिद्धि, आयएँ आसऍ" समय जिहँ ॥ ९
[३] सिरिमाल ताम करिणि वलग्ग णं विज महा-घण-कोडि-लग्ग ॥ १ सयलाहरणालङ्कारिय- दे
णं हे उम्मिलियं चन्द-लेह ॥ २ । अग्गिम-गणियारिहें चडियं धाइ णिसि-पुरउ परिट्ठिय सञ्झ णाइ ॥ ३ दरिसाविउँ णर-णिउरुम्वु तीऍ' णं वण-सिरि तरुवर महुयरीऍ ॥४ उहु सुन्दरि चन्दाणण-कुमारु उग्घाउ ऊहु रणे दुण्णिवारु ॥५ उहु विजयसीहु रिउ-पलय-कालु रहणेउर-पुरवर-सामिसालु ॥६ सयल वि णरवर वञ्चन्ति जाइ अवरागम सम्मादिट्टि णा ॥७ 20 पुर उज्जोवन्तिय दीवि जेम पच्छई अन्धारु करन्ति तेम ॥८ णं सिद्धि कु-मुणिवर परिहरन्ति दुग्गन्धं रुक्खें णं भमर-पन्ति ॥ ९
2. 1s थाणेहि. 2 P चामीयरग. 3 s भूसियेसु. 4 S झंकारियेसु. 55 °अंधारियेसु. 6 °उजालियेसु. 7 PS आलावणि . 8 A मंसु. 9 P वम्महं. 10 P S A सरीरइ. 11 P कंठाए. 12 P सुपंति, s मुयंति. 13 P लएत्ति. 14 A सच्छाविय. 15 P S अलिउ. 16 s पुणोवि ससस्थ, A पुणोसणस्थ. 17 PS A अंगइ. 18 s चलंति. 19 A हत्था. 20 P S थिअ. 21 PS किहा. 22 5 सि. 23 s आयइ. 24 S भासप. 25s जिहा.
3. 1 P S ताव. 2 s A करिणिहि. 3 SA विज. 4 A °देहा. 5 P उम्मेल्लिअ, S उम्भि. लिय. 6 s चडिया. 7s दरिसावि व पुण णिउरुंचु. 8 P उघाउ ऊहु, S उहुघाउ हु. 93 सम्माइढि. 10s णाइ. 11 This whole line missing in A. 12 P पच्छा. 13 A दुग्गंधि. 14 P रुक्खु, A रुक्खे. [२] १ अनया सह-दर्शनाशा-सिद्धिर्भवति. २ षड्दर्शनानि च. [३] १ तया.
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[क० ३,१०४, १-९,५,१-३
। घत्ता॥ गणिया रिऍ वाल णिय किक्किन्धों पासु किह ॥ सरि-सलिल-रहल्लिऍ(?) कलहंसों कलहंसि जिह ॥ १०
[४] किक्किन्धों घल्लिये माल ताएँ णं मेहेसरहों सुलोयणाएँ ॥१ आसण्ण परिट्ठिय विमल-देह णं कणयगिरिहें णव-चन्दलेह ॥ २ विच्छाय जाय सयल वि णरिन्द ससि-जोण्हएँ विणु णं महिहरिन्द ॥३ णं कु-तवसि परम-गई चुर्क णं पङ्कय-सर रवि-कन्ति -मुक्क ॥४ एत्थन्तरें' सिरिमाला-वईहु कोवग्गि-पलीविउ विजयसीहु ॥ ५ 10 'अब्भन्तरें विजाहर-वराहुँ पइसारु दिण्णु किं वन्नरीहुँ ॥६
उद्दालहों वहु वरइत्तु हणहों" वाणर-वंस-यरहों" कन्दु खणहों' ॥ ७ तं वयणु सुणेप्पिणु अन्धएण हक्कारिउ अमरिस-कुद्धएण ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ 'विजाहर तुम्हें अम्हें कइद्धय कवणु छलु । 15 लइ पहरणु पाव जाम ण पाडमि सिर-कमलु' ॥९
[५] तं वयणु सुणेप्पिणु विजयसीहु उत्थरिउ पवर-भुवे-फलिह-दीहु ॥ १ अन्भिट्ट जुज्झु विजाहराहँ सिरिमाला-कारणे दुद्धराहँ ॥ २ साहणई मि अवरोप्पर भिडन्ति । णं सुकइ-कब-वयण घडन्ति' ॥३ ० भञ्जन्ति खम्भ विहडन्ति मञ्च दुक्कवि-कवालावं व कु-सञ्च ॥ ४
हय गय सुण्णासण संचरन्ति णं 'पंसुलि-लोयण परिभमन्ति ॥ ५ रणु विजाहर-वाणरहुँ जाम लङ्काहिउ पत्तु सुकेसु ताम ॥ ६ 15 P वालेवि, S वालवि. 16 s किहा. 17 PS रहल्लए. 18 s जिहा.
4. 1A घत्तिय. 2 A मालए. 3 PS आसपिण, 4 P कणयइरिहे, 5 कणयइरिहिं. 5 P गई हिं, 5 गई हि. 6 P चुक्कु corrected to चुक्क, S चुक्क, A भुक्क. 7 P एत्थंतरि, S इत्थंतरि.
लीविउ.9 A अब्भंतरि. 10 PS °वराहं. 11 PS वाणराहं. 12 PS A उद्दालह. 13 s वरयत्तु. 14 A हणहु. 15 P S वाणरवंसुब्भउ. 16 A खणहु. 175 सुणेवि. 18 5 कइं. द्ध एण. 19 P अम्हि. 20 s कय द्धय. 21 A सिरि.
5. 1 P S °भुअ. 2 PS अभिट्ट, A आभिटु. 3 P S जुज्झ, A जुज्झे. 4 A विजाहराह. 5 PA साहणई मि, 8 साहण मिअ. 6 PS °वयणइ. 7 A धिडंति. 8 A °क हालाव. 9 PS वाणराहं. 105 सुकेसि.
[४] १ तया कन्यया. २ अस्मिन् प्रस्तावे. [५] १ पुंश्चली.
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क० ५, ७-९; ६, १-९, ७, १-४] सत्तमो संधि आलग्गु सो वि वणे जिह हुआसु जसु दुक्कइ सो सो लेइ णासु ॥ ७ तैहि अवसरे वेहाविद्धएण रणे विजयसीहु हउ अन्धएण ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता॥ महि-मण्डलें सीसु दीसइ असिघर-खण्डियः । णावइ सयवत्तु
तोडेंवि" हंसें' छण्डियउ ॥९
विणिवाइऍ 'विजयमइन्दे खुद्दे तुट्ठाणणु भणइ सुकेसु एम तें' वयणे गय कण्टइय-गत्त एत्तर्ह वि दुट्ट-णिट्ठवण-हेउ । 'परमेसर पर-णरवर-सिरीहूं पडिचन्दहों सुऍण कइद्धएण तं वयणु सुणेवि ण करन्तु खेउ चउरङ्गे" विजाहर-वलेण
किएँ पाराउट्टएँ वल-समुद्दे ॥ १ 'सिरिमाल लएप्पिणु जाहुँ देव' ॥२ णिविसद्धे किक्कु-पुरक्खु पत्त ॥ ३ केण वि णिसुणाविउ असणिवे ॥ ४ ॥ ओलग्गई पाणेहिँ" विजयसीहु ॥ ५ आवट्टिउँ जम-मुहे" अन्धएण' ॥६ सण्णहेवि पधाइउ असणिवेउ ॥७ ।
परिवेढिउँ पट्टणु तें छलेण ॥ ८ ॥ घत्ता ॥ 'पावहाँ पैमय-महद्धयों ।
णिग्गहों "किक्किन्धन्धयों ॥९ [७] हक्कारिय 'विजुलवाहणेण ॥ १।। दुद्धर-सर-धोरणि धरहों तेम' ॥ २ ॥ पडिचन्द-णरिन्दों णन्दणेहिँ ॥ ३ किउ पाराउट्ठाउं सेण्णु सावु ॥४
हकारिय वे वि लइ ढुक्कउ कालु
पुणु पच्छऍ विप्फुरियाणणेण 'अरे भाइ महारउ णिहा जेम तं णिसुणेवि दूसह-दसणेहिँ णिग्गन्तहिँ जण-णिग्गय-पयावु
11 s हुयासु. 12 P S तासु, A नासु. 13 P S तहि. 14 A अवसरि. 15 P SA मंडलि. 16 P °खंडियओ. 17 P SA तोडिवि. 18 A हंसे.
6. 1s पारउड्डए. 2A भणई. 3 PS एव. 4 PS जाहु. 5A ते. 6 A णिनिसदि. 7 s एत्तहें. 8 5 अंसणवेउ, A असणिवउ. 9 A °समीहु. 105 उलग्गइ. 11 A पाणिहिं. 12
आयटिड. 13 PS महि. 14s missing. A न न. 15A चउरंगे. 16 P परिवेडिउ. 17 A रिउपट्टणु च्छलेण. 18 A पाहो. 19 P णिग्गहुओ with हु deleted, A निग्गउ. 20 Aधद्धयहो. ____7. 1 P विफुरिया . 2 A सहहु. 3 4 °संदणेहिं. 4 A णिग्गंतिहि. 5 P जणे. 6s पयाउ.7 P पाराउट्टउं, पाराउडिउ. 8 साउ.
२ कोपाविष्टेन.
[६] १ विजयसिहे. २ रे मर्कटध्वजौ (2). ३ निर्गच्छथ. ४ नाम. [७] १ अशनिवेगेन (१). २ सर्वम्.
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पउमचरिउ [क०७,५-९, ८, १-८, ९, १-२ सो असणिवेर्ड अन्धयहाँ वलिउ तडिवाहणेण किक्किन्धु खलिउ ॥५ पहरणइँ मुयन्ति सु-दारुणाई. खण अग्गेयइँ खणे वारुणाइँ ॥ ६ . खणे पवणथइँ खणे थम्भणाइँ खणे वामोहण-उम्मोहणाइँ ॥ ७ खणे महियले खणे णहयले भमन्ति खणे सन्दणे खणे जे विमाणे थन्ति ॥८
॥ पत्ता ॥ आयामेवि दुक्खु अन्धउ खग्गे कण्ठे हउ । णिउ पन्थें तेण जें सो विजयमइन्दु गउ ॥९
[८] एत्तहे' वि 'भिण्डिवालेण पहउँ किक्किन्ध-णराहिउ मुच्छ-गउ ॥१ 1. अच्छम्तउ परिचिन्तेवि मणेण आमेलिउँ विजुलवाहणेण ॥ २
तहिँ अवसरे ढुक्कु सुकेसु पासु रहबरें छुहेवि णिउ णिय-णिवासु ॥३ पंडिवाइउ चेयण-भाउ लर्बु उद्वन्तें पुच्छिउ परम-वन्धु ॥४ 'कहिँ" अन्धउँ' 'पेसण-चुकु देव' णिवडिउँ पुणो वितडि-रुक्खु जेम॥५
पुणु पडिवाइउ पुणु आउ जीउँ ही पइँ विणु सुण्णउपमय-दीउ ॥ ६ 15 हा भाय सहोयर देहि वाय ही पइँ विणु मेइणि 'विहवं जाय' ॥७
॥ पत्ता ।। तो भणइ सुकेसु 'संसउ णाह जिएवाहों। सिरें णिक्खऍ खग्गे अवसरु कवणु रुएवाहों ॥८
[९] 20 विणु केजें वइरिहिँ अङ्ग देहि पायाललङ्क पइसरहुँ एहि ॥१
जीवन्तहुँ सिज्झइ सव्वु कज्जु एत्तिउ ण वि हउँण वितुहुँण रज्जु॥२ 9 A असणिचेउ. 10 A किंकिंधु. 11s पहरण. 12 P मुएंत्ति. 13 s पावत्थइ. 14 s वाहण, A उम्मोहण. 15 s खणे जि, A खणि जि. 16 A ठंति. 17 A पंथे. 18 PS जिं, A जे. 19 A विजयमयंदु.
8. 1 एत्तहिं. 2 PS हउ. 3 P 5 परिचिंतिवि, A परिचिंतइ. 4 s आमिल्लिय. 5s विट्ठलवाहणेण. 6 P A रहवरि, S रहवर. 75 पडिवायउ. 8 P 5 °भाव. 9A लट्ठ. 10PS उठूतें. 11 P S कहि. 12 A बंधउं. 13 P पेसणचक्खु. 14 A निवडउ. 15 s पुणो पुणो वि. 16 P S तरु च्छिन्नु. 17 A missing. 18 P SA पइ. 19 A सुन्नउं. 20 PS हो. 21 P विहउ. 22 A भणइं. 23 s णाहे. 24 P S जीवेवहो. 25 A निक्खय. 26 P रुवेवाहो corrected to रुवेवहो, 5 रुवेवहो.
9. 1 A कजे. 2 P S वइरिहि. 3 s देहि अंगु, A पंगु देहि. 4 5 एहिं. 5 Ps जीवंतहु. 68 हउ.
[८] १ गोफणि-पाषाणेन. २ प्रतिवापितः, पुनः पुनः वीजितः. ३ सचेतनो जातः. ४ वानरद्वीपः. ५ विधवा.
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१० ९,३-९, १०, १-९] सत्तमो संधि तं णिसुणेवि वाणर-वंस-सारु णीसरिउ स-साहणु स-परिवारुं ॥३ णासन्तु णिऍवि हरिसिय-मणेण रहु वाहिउ विजुलवाहणेण ॥ ४ । करें धरिउ असणिवेएण पुत्तुं 'किं उत्तिम-पुरिसहँ एउँ जुत्तु ॥ ५ . णासन्तु णवन्तु सुवन्तु सत्तु . भुञ्जन्तु ण हम्मई जलु पियन्तु ॥ ६ .. में विजयसीहु हउ भुय-विसालु सो"णिउ कियन्त-दन्तन्तराल' ॥ ७ .. । तं णिसुंणेवि तडिवाहणु 'णियत्तु लहु देसु पसाहिउ एक छत्तु ॥ ८ .
॥ घत्ता॥ णिग्यायों" लङ्क अण्णहँ अण्णइँ पट्टणइँ॥ भुत्तइँ इच्छाएँ सु-कलत्त व स-जोवण ॥ ९
[१०] किष्किन्ध-सुकेसहँ पुर हरेवि अवर वि विजाहर वसिकरेवि ॥१ वहु-दिवसेंहिँ घण-पडलइँ णिएवि तं विजयसीह-दुहु संभरेवि ॥ २ सहसार-कुमारहों देवि रज्जु अप्पुणु साहिउ पर-लोय-कजु ॥ ३ वहु-काले किकिन्धाहिवो वि गउ वन्दण-हत्तिएँ" मेरु सो वि ॥ ४ पल्लुटुं पडीवउ णर-वरिङ महु पवर-महीहरु ताम दिट्ट ॥ ५ ॥ जोवई व पईहिय-लोयणेहिँ हसई व कमलायर-आणणेहिँ ॥ ६ गायइ व भमर-महुँअरि-सरेहिँ हाइ व णिम्मल-जल-णिज्झरेहिं ॥ ७ । वीसमइ व ललिय-लयाहरेहिँ पणवइ व फुल्ल-फल-गुरुभरेहिँ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ तं सेलु णिएवि कोकावेवि णिय पय पउरु। 20
किउ पट्टणु तेत्थु किकिन्धे किक्किन्धपुर ॥९ 7A सपरिचारु. 8s विजलवाहणेण. 9 Ps करि धरिवि असणिवेउ वि. 10 P पत्त, 9 वुत्तु. 11 A उत्तम. 12 s पुरिसहो, A पुरिसह. 13 एव. 14 This hemistich is missing in s. 15 A णमंतु. 1G A सुयंतु. 17 P संतु. 18 A हम्मइं. 19 s जिं, A जे. 20 सुअ. 21S हणिउ. 22 P कयंत. 23 दंततरालु. 24 s णिसु णिसुणिवि तडेवाहणु. 25 Ps णियंतु. 26 P S एक्क. 27 A णिग्याएं. 28 P S अण्णहो. 29 5 पदइ. 30 P सकलत्तई, s सुकलत्तई. . 10. 18 °सुकेस, A °सुकेसर. 2 5 पुरई. 3A अवरवि अवरवि. 4 PS दिवसहिं. 5 P°पडलइ, S पट्टलइ, A पट्टण. 6s णियैवि, A णिए. 7 PS विजयसीहु. 8A देव. 9 A अप्पणु. 10 s कालि, A काले. 11 P भत्तिए. 12 पल्लडु, A पलुटु. 13 P S ताव. 14 P S जोयइ. 15 A पई हि. 16 s हंसइ. 17 A °महुयर'. 18 PS गुरुहरेहिं. 19 A सयलु. 20 A कोक्काविवि. 21 A पउरु. 22A तित्थु. 23s किक्के). 24 A किकिंधउरु.
(९] १ व्याधुटितः. २ निर्घात-नाम-विद्याधरस्य. [१०] १ मधुप्रचुरपर्वतः (?)
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पउमचरिउ [2०११,१-९, १२, १-८
[११] महु-महिहरो वि किक्किन्धु वुत्तु उच्छुरउ ताम उप्पण्णु पुत्तु ॥ १ अण्णु वि सूररउँ कणि तासु वाहुवलि जेम भरहेसरासु ॥२
एत्तहे वि सुकेसहो तिणि पुत्त सिरिमालि-सुमालि-सुमल्लवन्त ॥ ३ : पोढत्तणे बुच्चइ तेहिं ताउ 'कि ण जाहुँ जेत्थु किक्किन्धराउ' ॥४ तं सुणेवि' जणेरें वुत्तु एम "थियं दादुप्पाडिय सप्पु जेम ॥५ कहिँ जाहुँ मुऍवि पायाललङ्क चउपासिउ वइरिहुँ तणिय सङ्क।। ६ घणवाहण-पमुँह णिरन्तराई एत्तियइँ जाम रजन्तराई॥ ७ अणुहूय लङ्क कामिणि व पवर महु तणऍ "सीसे अवहरिय णवर' ॥८
॥ घत्ता॥ तं वयणु सुणेवि मालि पलित्तुं दवग्गि जिह । 'उद्धद्धएँ रजे णिविसु वि जिजइ ताय किह ॥९
[१२] महु कहिय भडारा पइँ जि णित्ति तिह जीवहि जिह परिभमई कित्ति ॥१ 15 तिह हसु जिह ण हसिजई जणेण तिहं भुञ्ज जिह ण मुच्चहि धणेण ॥२ तिह जुज्झु जिह णिव्वुइ जणई अङ्गु तिह तर्जु जिह पुणु वि ण होई सङ्गु ॥ ३ तिह चउँ जिह वुच्चई साहु साहु तिह संचरु जिह सयणहँ ण डाहु ॥४ तिह सुणु जिह णिवसहि गुरुहुँ पासें तिह मरु जिह णावहि गब्भवासें ॥५ तिह तउ करें जिह परितवइ गर्ने तिह रज्जु पालें जिह णवई सत्तु ॥ ६ 20 "किं जीएं रिउ-आसङ्किएण किं पुरिसें माण-कलङ्किएण॥ ७ किं दबें" दाण-विवजिएणं किं पुत्ते मइलइ वंसु जेण ॥८
___ 11. 15 उच्छरउ. 2 P S ताव. 3 8 सूरउ. 4 P S °सुमलवत्त. 5 s किर, A कि न. 6 P S जाहु जित्थु. 7 PS सुणि वि. 8 A जणेरे. 9 P 8 थिअ. 10 A जाहु. 11 s illegible. 12 PS वहरिहि. 13 A पहुइ. 14 P एत्तियइ, S पत्तियइ. 15 s illegible. 16 s तणइ. 17 PS सीसि. 18 A पवुत्त. 19 A उद्धए.
12. 1 PS पइं जि भडारा कहिय. 25 तहि. 3 परिभमइं. 4 P हसिनहि. 5A तिहिं. 6 PS मुच्चइ, A मुञ्चहि. 7 A जुज. 8 A जगई. 9 Ps तजु. 10s illegible. 11 P वच्चु. 12 P वुञ्चहि, s illegible, A वञ्चहिं. 13 s न. 14 गुरुहु. 15A पासि. 16 PS णावहिं. 17 A करि, 18 s रत्तु. 19 A नभई. 20 ca and are transposed in A. 21 PA रिउ, s illegible. 22 A दव्वे. 23 A विवजिएणी. 24 A पुत्ते..
[११] १ मधुगिरेः किकिन्ध-नाम स्थापितम्. २ इक्षुरवः. ३ सूर्यरवः. ४ माल्यवन्तः (१). ५ विनष्टे.
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॥ घत्ता ॥ जइ कल्लऍ ताय लङ्काणयरि ण पइसरमि" । तो णियय-जणेरि इन्दाणी करयले धरमि' ॥९
[१३] गय रयणि पयाणउँ परऍ दिण्णु हर तूरु रसायलु णाई भिण्णु ॥१ । संचल्लि साहणु णिरवसेसु आरूढ के वि णर गयवरेसु ॥२ । तुरएसु के वि के "वि सन्दणेसु सिविएसु के वि पञ्चागणेसु ॥ ३ परिवेढिय लङ्का-णयरि तेहिँ णं महिहर-कोडि' महा-घणेहिँ ॥४ णं पोढ-विलासिणि कामुएहिं णं सयवत्तिणि फुल्लन्धुएंहिँ ॥५ किउ कलयलु रहसाऊरिएहिँ पडिपहयइँ तूर. तूरिएहिं ॥६ संविऍहिँ सङ्घ तौलिऍहिँ ताल चउ-पासिउ उट्ठियं भड-वमाल ॥७ धाइउ लङ्काहिउ विप्फुरन्तु रणे पाराउट्टउ वलु करन्तु ॥८
॥ घत्ता ॥ णं मत्त-गइन्दु पञ्चाणणहाँ समावडिउ । सरहसु णिग्घाउ गम्पिणु मौलिहें अभिडिउ ॥ ९
[१४] पहरन्ति परोप्परु तरुवरेहिँ पुणु पाहाणेहिँ पुणु गिरिवरेहिँ ॥१ पुणु विज्जारूवंहिँ भीसणेहिँ अहि-गरुड-कुम्भि-पञ्चाणणेहिँ ॥२ पुणु णाराएहिँ भयङ्करेहिँ भुयइन्दायाम-पईहरेहिँ ॥ ३ छिन्दन्ति महारह-छत्त-धयइँ वइयागरण व वायरण-पयइँ ॥ ४ ॥ 25 PS लंकाउरि. 26 PS पईसरमि. 27 PS इंदाइणि.
13. 1 A पयाणउं. 2 A नवर. 3 5 तरु. 4 PS णाउं, A नाइ. 5 A संचल्लियउ. 6s किवि. 7s सुविएसु. 8 5 णयरे. 9 s फुल्धुएहिं. 10s पडिपहरइ. 11 A तूरय. 12 s संखियहि, A संखियहि. 13 s तालियहि, A तालियहिं. 14 PS उढिअ. 15s भवमाल corrected to भडह. 16 PS गयंदु. 17 P सहरसु. 18 P मालिहिं, 5 मालिहि.
14. 1 P परोपरु. 2 P पहरेहिं, marginally 'तरुवरेहिं पाठे,' s पहरेहिं, marginally 'पहरणेहिं'. 3 P S पाहणेहिं. 4 A विजारूविहिं. 5s गुरु. 6s कुंभे. 7 A repeats whole of the previous portion of this Kadavaka except the first hemistich. 8 P भूयइंदा, भूयइदा.9 P वइयायरण, S पईयायरण.
[१२] १ माता. [१३] १ प्रभाते. २ णागराजो ( P. णाउं) भेदितः. ३ अग्रभाग, ४ भ्रमरैः. ५ निर्घातु नाम विद्याधरः.
[१४] १ भुजगेन्द्रदीर्घत्व.
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एत्थन्तरें वाहिय-सन्दणेण सयवारउ परिअञ्चेवि" गयणे णिघाउँ पडिउ णिग्घाउ जेम चत्तारि वि धुर्व-परिहव-कलङ्क
पउमचरिउ [क० ३४,५-९,१,१-४
देणुवई-इन्दाणिहें णन्दणेण ॥५ हउ खरगें छुद्ध कियन्त-वयणे" ॥ ६ महियले गैर णहे परितु? देव ॥७
जय-जय-सद्देण पइट्ठ लङ्कः ॥ ८ ॥ घत्ता ॥ गम्पिणु वन्दण-हत्ति किये। लङ्क से इं भुञ्जन्त थियं ॥९
सन्तिहें सन्तिहरें सुविलासिणि जेम
[८. अट्ठमो संधि मालिहें रज्जु करन्ताहों सिद्धई 'विजाहर-मण्डलइँ। सहसा अहिमुहिहाइँ सायरहों जेम सव्व जलइँ ॥१
तहिँ अवसर छुह-पङ्कापण्डुरे दाहिण-सेड्डिहिँ रहणेउर-पुरे ॥१ पिहुल-णियम्विणि पीण-पओहरि' सहसारहों पिय माणस-सुन्दरि ॥२
तोहे पुत्तु सुर-सिरि-संपण्णउँ इन्दु चवेवि इन्दु उप्पण्णउँ ॥३ । 'भेसई मन्ति दन्ति अइरावणु सेणावइ हरिकेसि भयाव] ॥ ४ विजाहर जि सब किय सुरवर पवण-कुवेर-वरुण-जम-ससहर ॥ ५ छवीस वि सहस. पेक्खणयहुँ णाहिँ पमाणु खुज-वामणयहुँ ॥ ६ गायण जाइँ सुरिन्दत्तणयहूँ णामई ताई कियइँ अप्पणयह ॥७. उबसि-रम्भ-तिलोत्तिम-पहुईहिँ अट्ठायाल-सहस-वर-जुवइहि ॥ ८ . . 10 PSA पुत्थंतरि. 11 A दणुवई. 12 A परियंचेवि. 13 P गयाणं. 14A कयंस. 15 PS °वयणि. 16s णिग्धाऊ. 17 P णिघाउ, णिग्धा with य added marginally. 18 PS णरवइ. 19 Pणहिं, S णहि. 20 PS तुट्ट. 21 P marginally corrected to धुय, 22 संतिहिं. 23 s किया. 24 S सयं. 25 PA भुजंति. 26s थिया.
1. 1 रजु. 2 A repeats the previous words as विज करताहो, सिद्धइं. 3A मंडलइ. 4 P अहिमुहिहूयाई, S अहिमुह हूयाई. 5 P SA सव्वइ. 6 A पंडरे. 7 8 °सेढि हि, A °सेढिहे. 8 A पुरि. 9 °पउहरि. 10 PS तासु. 11 A सर. 12 P संपुण्णउं,s संपुषणउ. 13 A उप्पण्णउं. 14 s भेसह. 15s यभाषणु. 16 PS पवणु कुवेरु. 17 s चतुणु. 18 PS सहास. 19 P पेक्खणयहु, S पेषणयहु. 20 s णाहि. 21 PS खुजु. 22 P वाघणयहुँ, s वावणयहु. 23 A गाणहुं जाइं सुरिंदहुं तणयहुं. 24 P SA णामइ. 25 A अप्पणयहु. 26 SA उध्वस. 27 s पहुयहिं. २ राक्षसपति सुकेशीत्यर्थः. ३ माता. ४ सुकेशि-मालि-सुमालि-माल्यवन्तः. [१] बृहस्पति. २ प्रभृतिभिः.
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१० १,९,२,३-९,३,१-६] अट्ठमो संधि
७१ ॥ घत्ता ॥ परिचिन्तिउँ विजाहरण 'तहों जाइँ जाई आखण्डलहों । ताइँ ताइँ महु चिन्धाइँ लई हउँ जि इन्दु महि-मण्डलहों ॥९
'जुएँ खय-काले णिड्ड (2) णिड्डालिहें जे जे सेव करन्ता मालिहें ॥१ ॥ ते ते मिलिय णराहिव इन्दों अवर जलोह व अवर-समुदाँ ॥२ कप्पुण दिन्ति जन्ति सिरिगारहिँ (?) आण करन्ति वि णाहङ्कारहि ॥ ३ केण वि कहिउ गम्पि तहों मालिहें 'पहु संकन्ति(?) ण तुम्ह 'णिड्डालिहें(?)॥४ इन्दु को वि सहसारहों णन्दणु तासु करन्ति सब भिच्चत्तणु' ॥५ तं णिसुणेवि सुकेसहों पुत्ते कोव-जलण-जालोलि-पलित्ते ॥ ६ ॥ देवाविय रण-भेरि भयङ्कर घरु (१) सण्णहवि पराइय किङ्कर ॥ ७ किक्किन्धहाँ किक्किन्धों णन्दण दिण्णु पयाणउँ वाहिय सन्दण ॥ ८ .
॥ घत्ता ॥ 'गमणु ण सुज्झइ महु मणहाँ' तं मालि सुमालि करेंहिँ" धरई। 'पेक्खं देव दुणिमित्ता सिव कन्दइ वायसु करगरई ॥ ९
पेक्खु कुहिणि विसहर-छिज्जन्ती मोकल-केस णारि रोवन्ती ॥१ पेक्खु फुरन्तउ वामउ लोयणु पेक्खहि रुहिर-हाणु वस-भोयणु ॥२ पेक्खु वसुन्धरि-तलु कम्पन्तउ घर-देवउल-णिवहु लोट्टन्तउ ॥३ . पेक्खु अकाले महा-घणु गजिउ ण णच्चन्तु कंवन्धु अलजिउ' ॥ ४ ॥ तं णिसुणेवि वयणुं तहों वलियउ 'वच्छ वच्छ जइ सउणु जि वलियउ॥५ तो किं मरइ सव्वु ऍउ अलिय दइउँ मुएवि अण्णु को वलियउ ॥ ६ 28 A परिचिंतिउं. 29 A जाई जाई वि. 30 P चिंधाइ, s चिंधई. 31 This Pida is missing in A. 32 P लई, s missing.
2. 1 The first line in missing in A. 25 जुय. 3A रवरव. 4 S दंति, A दिति. 5 5 सेंगारहिं, A सिंगारिहि. 6A गणंति.7 sillegible, A °हंकारि हिं. 8A केहिं मि. 9 s मालिहो. 10 P सकंति. 11 P णिहालिहे, णिदालिहें, A निडालिहे. 12 s णंदणो. 13 s जालालि. 14 A किंकिध वि. 15 P पयाणउं. 16 P सुमाले. 17 PS करे. 18 s पेक्खे. 19 A दुनिमित्ताइ. 20 P करकरई, s करकरइ.
3. 1 A पक्खि. 2 PS °देउलहं. 3 णिवहुं. 4 A अकालि. 5A महाघण. 6S णचंति. 75 ववण्णु. 8 PS सवणु. 9 PS सकु. 10 S यउ, A इउ. 11 P अलिअउं. 12 s दयउ. 18 A नउ.
[२] १ मृत्युकाले. २ ललाटैः. ३ आज्ञ, [३] १ मार्गः. २ भन्नघडं(ट) वा.
Page #285
छुड धीरत्तणु होई मणूसहों ए भणेपिणु दिण्णु पयाण
हय-गय- रहवर - विरहि दीस वि-महीहरहों
raat asaन्तं महाइये 10 'अह अह रहणेर्डर-पुर-राणा दुज्जर लङ्काहि समरङ्गणें राय - लच्छि तइलोक्क-पियारी तेण समाणु विरोहु असुन्दरु' 'दूर भणेवि तेण तुहुँ चुक
तं जमकरणों अणुहरमाणजे उभय - सेढि - सामन्त पणट्ठा
गय ते मालि- दूय भिच्छिय
सण सुरिन्दु सुर- साहणु सण्णज्झइ तणु-हेइ हुआसणुं सणज्झइ जमु दण्ड- भयङ्करु
[ क०३, ७-९ ४, १९:१
लच्छि कित्ति ओसर ण पासहों' ॥ ७ चलि सेण्णु सरह स-विमाणडें ॥ ८
को सो लङ्क - पुराहिवर जो जीवेसइ विहि" मि रणें
॥ धत्ता ॥
महिले गयणय ण माइयडें । मेहउलु णाइँ उद्धाइयउँ ॥ ९ [ ४ ]
णिसुर्णेवि रक्खों' तणउ पैंयाणउ ॥ १ गम्पणु इन्दों सरणें पइट्ठा ॥ २ मालि केरा दू पराइयें ॥ ३ कप्पु देवि " करें" सन्धि अयाणा ॥ ४ छुद्ध जेण णिग्घाउ जमाणणे ॥ ५ दासि जेम जसु पेसणगारी" ॥ ६ आऍहिँ" वयणेंहिँ कुविउँ पुरन्दरु ॥ ७ णं तो जम-दन्तरु ढुक्कउ ॥ ८ ॥ घत्ता ॥
को तुहुँ कि सन्धि कहो " तणियं । महि णीसावण्ण तहो यि ॥ ९ [५]
दुबयणावमाण- पडिहत्थिये ॥ १ कुलिस-पाणि अइरावर्य वाहणु ॥ २ धूमद्ध कुयारि मेसासणु ॥ ३ महिसारूद पुरन्दर - किङ्करु ॥ ४
14 Ps होउ. 15 s उसरइ. 16 PS एव. 17 PA पयाणउं. 18 A चलिडं. 19 A सविमाणउं. 20 A णरवरिहिं. 21 4 महियलि गयणयलि. 22 P माइअउं, मायूयउ. 23 Ps विंझर 24Ps उद्घाइअउ.
4. 1 PA अणुहरमाणउं. 2 s वक्खहो. 3 A तणउं पयाणउं. 4 A उहय सेणि° 5P सरणि,
S सरण, A सरणु. 6 Ps तहि. 7 A वलेवंत. 8s महाइया. 9A हुअ. 10s पराइया. 11 P could not be used for the text from ° उरपुरराणा up to कुम्भवीढे अभि ( VIII 9 8 ), because folio no. 24 in P covering that portion is mis sing. 12s देहि . 13 5A करि. 14s जं. 15s पेसणयारी 16s आयहिं वयणेहि . 17 A कुइउ. 18 s तुहु. 19 A चुक्कउं 20s दंतंतरे. 21 A कहु. 22s तणिय. 23 A विहिं मि. 24 9 तहु तणिया
5. 1s पउहत्थिय, A पडहच्छिग्र. 24 सनज्झइ. 3 अइरावह. 4s हुयाखणु. 54 कुंजार 64 जमदंड.
Page #286
क०५,५-११,६, १९] अट्ठमो संधि सण्णज्झइ णइरिउ मोग्गर-धरु रिच्छारूढु रणङ्गणे दुद्धरु ॥५ सण्णज्झइ वरुणु वि दुईसणु णागवास-कर करिमयरासणु ॥६ सण्णज्झइ मिग-गमणु समीरणु तरुवर-पर्वरुग्गामिय-पहरणु ॥७ सण्णज्झइ कुवेरु फुरियाहरु पुप्फ-विमाणारूद सत्ति-करु ॥८ सण्णज्झइ ईसाणु विसासणु सूल-पाणि पर-बल-संतासणु ॥ ९ सण्णज्झइ पञ्चाणण-गामि कुन्त-पाणि ससि ससिपुर-सामिउ ॥ १०
॥ घत्ता ॥ जाइँ वि ढिलोहोन्ताइँ ताइ मि रण-रसं-पुलउग्गय । णिऍवि परोप्परु चिन्धाइँ सुहडहुँ" कवयइँ फुटेंवि गयई ॥११
साम परोप्परु वेहाविद्धं पढम भिडन्तइँ अग्गिम-खन्धइँ ॥१ मुसुमूरिय-उर-सिर-मुह-कन्धर पच्छिम-भाअ-सेस थिर्य कुञ्जर ॥२ पुच्छुग्गीरिय पडिपहरन्ति व 'कहिँ गय अग्गिम-भाय' भणन्ति व॥३ जोह वि अमुणिय-जंढर-उरत्थल 'कहिँ गय रिउ' पहरन्ति व करयल ॥४ संचूरिय तुरङ्ग-धय-सारहि चक्क-सेस थियं णवर महारहि" ॥ ५ ॥ तहिँ अवसरे रहणेउर-सारहों धाइउ मल्लवन्तु सहसारहों ॥ ६ ॥ सूररएण सोमु रणे खारिउ उच्छरएणं वरुणु हक्कारिउ ॥७ जमु किकिन्धे धणउ सुमालिं पवणु सुकेसें सुरवइ मालिं ॥८
॥ घत्ता ॥ 'एत्तिउँ कालु ण वुझियउ तुहुँ कवणहुँ इन्दहुँ इन्दु कहें। * रण्डेंहिँ मुण्डेहिँ जिब्भिऍहिँ कि जो सो रम्मैहि इन्दवहे ॥९
7s मोग्गरघरु. 8A मयरासणु. 9 8 तरुवरु. 10s पहरु. 11 S विमाणरूद्ध सत्तिअकरू. 12 A गामिउं. 13 A कोत°. 14 A टीलीहोताइ. 15 s रणस. 16s पुलग्गयइ, A कुलउगयाइं. 17 s चिंघाइ. 18 5 सुहडह कवयइ. 19 SA फुट्टिवि. 20 s गयइ, A गयाइं.
6. 15 ता. 25 वेहाइंद्धइ. 3 A भिडंत हुं. 4s खंघइ, A खंघहु. 5s थिअ. 6s पुंच्छु. 7 This hemistich is missing in S. 8 A कहि. 9 5 अपुणिय. 10 A जढरोर. स्थल. 11 कहि, A कह°. 12 A पसरंति. 13 A धुरसारहिं. 14 s ठिय. 15 A महारहिं. 165 तहि. 17 S धायउ, 185 रणि, 1.9 3 उच्छरएण. 20 A जसु किकिंधे. 218 समालें. 22 सुकेसिं. 23 5 मालें. 24 A एत्तउ. 25s A तुहु. 26 s कवणहो, A कवणुहं: 27s missing. 28 A रंडिहिं मुंडि हिं. 295 जिभिएहि, A भएहिं. 30 A रम्महिं. 31 इंदवहो.
पउ. चरि० 10
Page #287
[क०७, १-९८१-१
[७] तं "णिसुणेवि चोइउ अइरावउ णावइ णिज्झरन्तु कुलं-पावउ ॥१ मालि-पुरन्दर भिडिय परोप्पर विहि मि महाहउ जाउ भयङ्कर ॥२ जुझं. सेस-णरेंहिँ परिचत्त थिय पडिथिरइँ करेप्पिणु णेत्तइँ॥३ । इन्दयालु जिह तिह जोइजइ रक्खें" रक्ख-विज चिन्तिजइ ॥४
भीम-महाभीमेंहिं जा दिण्णी गोत्त-परम्पराएँ अवइण्णी ॥ ५ सा विकराल-वयण उद्धाइय परिवड्डिय गयणयले ण माइय ॥ ६ चिन्तिउ वरुण-पवण-जम-धणऍहिँ 'पत्तु इन्दु चरिऍहि अप्पणऍहि ॥ ७ दूएं" वुत्तु आसि रायगणें दुजउ मालि होइ समरङ्गणें ॥८
॥त्ता ॥ तहिँ पत्थावें पुरन्दरेण माहिन्द-विज लहु संभरिय । वड्डिय तहे वि चउग्गुणिय रवि-कन्तिऍ ससि-कन्ति व हरियं ॥ ९
[८] तं माहिन्द-विज अवलोऍवि' भणई सुमालि मालि-मुहै जोऍवि ॥१ 15 'तइयहुँ ण किउ महारउ वुत्तउ एवहिँ आयउ कालु णिरुत्तउ' ॥ २
तं णिसुणेवि पलम्व-भुय-डालें अमरिस-कुद्धएण रणे' माले ॥३ वायव-वारुण-अग्गेयत्थई मुक्कइँ तिण्णि मि गयई णिरत्थई ॥४ जिह अण्णाण-कण्णे जिण-वयण जिह गोढुङ्गणे" वर-मणि-रयण ॥ ५
जिह उवयार-सयइँ अकुलीणऍ वय जेम चारित्त-विहीणएँ ॥ ६ 20 गम्पि पहअणु मिलिउ पहञ्जणे वरुणो वरुणु हुँवासु हुआसणे ॥ ७ हसिउ पुरन्दरेण 'अरे माणव देव-समाण होन्ति किं दाणव' ॥ ८
॥घत्ता॥ भणइ मालि 'को देउ तुहुँ वलु पउरु सु सयलु णिरिक्खियउ । जं वन्धहि ओहद्दहि वि इन्दयालु पर सिक्खियउ' ॥९
7. 1s णिसुणिवि चोयउ. 2 उल. 3 5 °पुरंदरु. 4 A विहिंवि. 5 s जुज्झहे, A जुज्झजुज्झई. 6s परिचत्तइ.7 SA पडिथिरइ. 8 णेत्तइ. 9s तिह. 10s रक्खइ. 11 s°महाभीमहि. 128 °परंपराय अवयण्णी. 13 s धणयहिं. 14 A पुत्तु. 15A चरियहि. 16 8 अप्पणयहिं. 17 8 दूयहिं. 18 A मासि. 19 s तहि. 20 A परथावि. 21s संभरिया. 22 PS होवि. 23 S हरिया. .8. 1s अवलोयवि. 2 A भणई. 3 A मोहुं. 4 s जोयवि. 5 s तइयहो. 6 येवहि.7 s रण. 8 5 °यस्थइ. 9 वि. 10 s गयइ. 11 A गोटुंगणाए मणि°. 12 S अकुलीणइं. 13 s वयइ. 14 s विहूणइं. 15 s वरुणहु. 16 A हुयासु हुयासणे. 17 s देव तुहु. 18 s जहिं बडाहहि विह. 195 परि सिक्खियउ,
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क०९, १-९, १०, १-८ ]
तं णिसुणेवि वयणु सुररोएं लहु उप्पाडेंवि घिन्तु णरिन्दें' सहसा रुहिरायविरु दीसिउ वाम -पाणि वर्णे" देवि अखन्तिऍ विहलचल ओणलु महीयलें मालि सुमार्लि" साहुक्कारिउ उहेंवि" मुकु" चक्कु सहसक्खें सिरु पाडेवि रसीयले पडिय
वय मडक्क ण वीसरिङ aare अरावयहो
अटुमो संधि
विद्धु णिडालें मालि णाएं ॥ १ पाइँ र मत्त - गन्दे ॥ २ णं मयलु सिन्दूर - विहूसिउ ॥ ३ भिण्णु णिडालें सुराहिङ सत्तिऍ ॥ ४
जं विणिवाइडे रक्खु रणझणें कद्धये व भय भी उ विता कहि सहसक्खहों वहुवारउ णिसियैर-कइचिन्धेहिँ एय जि विजयसीह खय-गारा तं णिसुर्णेवि गड चोइड जावेहि" 'महु आदेसुं देहि परमेसर सेणु वित्तमि जम-मुह- कन्दरें "
कलयलु घुड रेक्ख-वार-वलें ॥ ५
'पेंड होतऍ णिय वंसुद्धारिउ' ।। ६
एन्त धरेंवि" ण सक्कर रक्खें ॥ ७
कह वि" ण कुम्मै वीढ़ें अभिडियउँ ॥८
॥ घत्ता ॥
धाविउँ कवन्धु रोसाविय । कुम्भत्थले असिवरु वाहिय ॥ ९ [१०]
विजउ घुट्टु अमराहिव-साहणें ॥ १ गलियांउहु कण्ठ-ट्ठिय-जीयउ ॥ २ 'पच्छलें लग्गु देव पडिवक्खहों ॥ ३ वेयारिय सुकेस - किक्किन्धेहि ॥ ४ तिह करें" जेमें ण जन्ति भडारा' ॥ ५ ससहरु पुरउ परिट्ठि तावेंहिँ " ॥ ६ मारम" हउँ जि णिसायर वाणर ॥ ७ दसण- सिलायल - जीहा कक्करें' ॥ ८
9. 1s सुररायं. 2s णिड्डु लें, A निडालि. 3s णरायं, 4 नाराएं. 4 A उप्पा डिवि 5s णरेंदें, 4 नरिंदे. 6 s णाइ. 7s गयंदें. 8 A ° रायंषु पदीसउ. 9s सिंदूरे, 4 सिंदू. 10s वण, A रणे. 11 s णिहालि, 4 निडालि. 124 रक्खस्सवाणंर 13s सुमालि 14. s पह. 15 A नमिवि नमिवं उद्धारिउ 16s उडि, A उट्टिवि. 17 A चक्कु मुक्कु. 18s यंतउ. 19 sA धरिवि. 20 A रसायलि. 21 A व 22s कुम्मवीदि. 23P अभिभिउं. 24 Ps वयण. 25 A arts. 26 A रोसाहियउ. 27 PS वाहिभउ.
10. 1s विणिवायउ 2 s कयद्धय °. 3 A गालिया° 4Ps जीभउ. 5 Ps कहिउ ताव. 6 Ps सहस्रक्कहो. 7 A एच्छले 8 Ps णिसिअक्खड़ 9s चेंघेहिं. 10 Ps A करि. 11 P जेंव, 9 जेव. 12 P जावहि, SA जावेहि 13 P तावहि. 14 Ps आदेसु. 15 P मारउं, s मारउ. 16 P मुहि. 17s कंदरे. 18 rs सिलायले.
[१०] १ छद्मिताः.
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पउमचरिउ [क० १०,९,११, १-९,१२,१-५
॥ घत्ता ॥ इन्हें हत्थुत्थलियउँ धाइ ससि सर वरिसन्तु किह । पच्छले पवाहऍ धणहाँ धाराहरु वासारत्तु जिहँ ॥९
. [११] । 'मरु मरु वलहों वलहों किं णासहाँ धाराहर-मक्कडहाँ हयासह) ॥१
सुरयण-णयणाणन्द-जणेरा कुद्ध पावं तं (2) वासव-केरी' ॥२ तं णिसुणेवि दूरुज्झिय-सङ्कउ अहिमुहुँ मल्लवन्तु पर थक्कउ ॥ ३ गंहकल्लोलु णाई छण-चन्दहाँ णाइँ मइन्दु महरगर्य-विन्दहाँ ॥४ 'अरे ससङ्क स-कलङ्क अलजिये महिलाणण वे-पक्ख-विवन्जिय ॥ ५ ॥ चन्दु भणेवि जें हासउ दिजइ पई"वि को वि किं रणे घाइजई' ॥६
एम चवेप्पिणु चाव-सणाहउ भिण्डिवाल-पहरणेण समाहउ ॥ ७ मुच्छ पराइय पसरिय-वेयणु दुक्खु दुक्खु किर होइ स-चेयणु ॥८.
॥ घत्ता॥ दूरीहूया तामै रिउ मयलञ्छणु मणे अवतसइ किह । सिरु संचालइ करु धुणई संकन्तिहे चुक्क विप्पु जिह ॥९
[१२] ताम महा-रहणेउर-पुरवलं जय-जय-सद्दे पइसइ सुरवर ॥१ पवण-कुवेर-वरुण-जम-खन्देहिं णड-फम्फाव-छत्त-कइवन्देहिँ ॥२ वैन्दिण-सयहिं पवडिय-हरिसेंहिँ विजाहर-किण्णर-किंपुरिसेंहिँ ॥ ३ ७ जोइस-जक्ख-गरुड-गन्धवहिँ जय-जय-कारु करन्तेहि सहि ॥४
चलणेंहिँ गम्पि पडिउ सहसारहों णं भरहेसरु तिहुअण-सारहों ॥५ 19 s इंदे. 20 P हत्थुत्थल्लिउअं, 21 s धायउ वरेसांतु किहा. 22 s पत्तले, A पच्छए. 23 s पइणहए, A पवणहय. 24 PS धयहो. 25 PS वरिसंतु. 26 s जिहा.
11. 1 A वलहु २. 2 A धारायर. 3 5 पाय तं, A पायवो. 45 वाहाकेरा. 5s णिसुणिवि. 6A अहिमुहूं. 7 Pम्व न्नु. 8 PS गहिकल्लोलु. 9 PS णाइ. 10 A घणवंदहो. 11s अलजिया. 12 s महिल्लाणण. 13 P जं. 14 PS पइ. 15 घाइजइ. 16 P S एव. 17 A भणेपिणु. 18 PS वाव'. 19 s परायउ. 20 PS ताव. 215 किहा. 22 5 धुणइ, A धुणइं. 23 P संकत्तिहे, 5 संकतिहि. 24 s जिहा.
12. 1 PS ताव. 2 A पुस्वरु. 3 A जय. 4 A छिद्दसएहिं पवद्धियः. 5 P A हरिस हिं, S हरिसिहि. 6 P किन्नर, A missing.7s किंपुरिसहिं. 8 5 गंधव हिं. 9 P SA करंतिहिं. 10 A सठिवहिं. 11 S सहसा. २ पश्चिममेघः. [११] १ राक्षस, वानर, २ गृहवैरी राहुरित्यर्थः, ३ उद्वेगं करोति.
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क० १२, ६-८१, १-९] णवमो संधि ससिपुरि ससिहें दिण्ण विक्खायहाँ धणयहाँ लङ्क किक्कु जमरायहाँ ॥६ मेह-णयरें" वरुणाहिउ ठवियउ कञ्चणपुरै कुवेरु पट्टवियउ ॥ ७
॥ घत्ता ॥ अण्णु वि को वि पुरन्दरण तहिँ अवसरे जो संभावियउ । मण्डलु एक्केकर पवरु सो सबु स इं भु जावियउ ॥ ८
[९, णवमो संधि] एत्वन्तरें रिद्धिहे जन्ताहो पायाल-लङ्क भुञ्जन्ताहो । उप्पण्णु सुमालिहें पुत्तु किह रयणासउ रिसहहों भरहु जिह ॥१
[१] सोलह-आहरणालङ्करिउ सयमेव मयणु णं अवयरिउ ॥ १ ॥ वहु-दिवसेंहिँ आउच्छेवि जणणु गउ विजा-कारणे पुप्फवणु ॥२ थिउ अक्खसुत्तु करयले करेंवि" जिह मह-रिसि परम-झाणु धरैवि" ॥ ३ तहिँ अवसर गुण-अणुराइयउ ___ सो पोमविन्दु संपाइयउ ॥ ४ रयणासउ लक्खिउ तेण तहिँ 'इमैं पुरिस-रयणु उप्पण्णु कहिं ॥ ५ लइ सच्चउ हूयउ गुरु-वयणु ऍहुँ सो णरु ऍउ तं पुप्फवण ॥ ६ ॥ कइकसि णामेण वुत्त दुहिय पप्फुल्लिय-पुण्डरीय-मुहियं ॥ ७ ॥ 'ऍहु पुत्ति तुहारउँ भत्तारु माणस-सुन्दरिहें व सहसाएँ' ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ गउ धीय थवेवि णियासवहों उप्पण्ण विज रयणासवहाँ।
थिउ विहि मि मझें परमेसरिहिँ णं विज्झु तावि-णम्मय-सरिहिं ॥९॥ 12 A ससिहो. 13 s दिनु. 14 s धणहो. 15 PA मेहणयरि, s मोहणयरि. 16 PS कंचणपुरि कुवेरु पट्टविअउ, A कंचणपुरिहिं धणउ पट्टवियउ. 17 P S तहि अवसरि. 18 P संभाविअउ. 10 $ सच्च. 20 P भुंजाविअउ. __ 1. 15 इत्थंतरि, A एत्थंतरि. 2 PS रिद्धिहि. 3 5 पइसंताहो. 4 s सुमालिहिं. 5s किहा. 6 s जिहा. 7 PS सोलस. 8 s आउच्छिवि, A आउच्छिवि. 9 PS पुष्पवणु. 10 A करि वि. 11 A धरि वि. 12 PS A तहि. 13 P सौ. 14 PS इय. 15 P हअउं. 16 s यहु. 17 P इउ, s यउ. 18 P पुष्पवणु, S पुष्फवणु. 19 PS वुत्तु. 20 s दुहिया. 21. P पुप्फुल्लिय. 22 s मुहिया. 23 P इहु, s यहु. 24 A तुहारहुं. 25 Ps A सुंदरिहि. 26 S सहसारो. 27 4 विहिं मि. 28 s परमेसरेहि. 29 s पा. 80 s गंमय.
[१] १ विद्याधरः. २ इन्द्रस्य माता तस्यावर्भभो (2) यथा. ३ इन्द्रस्य पिता. ४ तापी-नर्मदयोद्योर्मध्ये,
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[क०२, ५-९,३,१-९
अवलोइये वहु रयणासर्वेण णं अग्ग-महिसि सइँ वासवेण ॥१ सु-णियम्विणि परिचक्कलिय-थणि इन्दीवरच्छि पङ्कय-वयणि ॥२ 'कसु केरी कहिँ अवइण्ण तुहुँ तउँ दूरे दिट्टि जै जणई सुहु' ॥ ३ । तं सुणेवि" स-सङ्क कण्ण चवइ 'जइ जाणहों" पोमविन्दु णिवइ ॥४ हउँ तासु धीय केण ण वरिय कइकसि णामें विजाहरिय ॥५ गुरु-वयणेहिँ आणिय एउ वणु त दिण्णी करें" पाणिग्गहणु' ॥६ तं णिसुणेवि सुपुरिस-धवलहरु उप्पाइउँ विज्जाहर-णयरु ॥ ७ कोकाविउ सयलु वि वन्धुजणु सहुँ कण्णएँ किउ पाणिग्गहणु ॥८
॥ घत्ता ॥ वहु-काले सुविणउ लक्खियउ अत्थाणे णरिन्दहाँ अक्खियउ । 'फाडेप्पिणु कुम्भइँ कुञ्जरहुँ पञ्चाणणु उवरे पट्ट मैंहु ॥ ९
उच्चोलिहें चन्दाइच थिय' तं णिसुणेवि दईएं 'विहसिकिय (2) ॥१ Is अट्ठङ्ग-णिमित्तइँ जाणऍण वुच्चइ रयणासव-राणऍण ॥२
'होसन्ति पुत्त तउ तिणि धणे पहिलारउ ताहँ रउह रणे ॥३ जग-कण्टउ सुरवर-डेमर-कर भरहद्ध-णराहिउ चक्कधर' ॥४ परिओसें कहि मि ण मन्ताहुँ णव-सुरय-सोखं माणन्ताहुँ ॥५
उप्पण्णु दसाणणु अतुल-बलु पारोह-पईहर-भुय-जुयलु ॥६ ॥ पक्कल-णियम्बु 'वित्थिण्ण-उरु णं सग्गहों पचविउ को वि सुरु ॥ ७ पुणु भाणुकण्णु पुर्ण चन्दणहि पुणु जाउ विहीसणु गुण-उवहि ॥८
॥ धत्ता॥ तो उप्पाडन्तु दन्त गर्यहुँ करयलु छुहन्तु मुहें पण्णयहुँ ।
आयएँ लीलऍ रामणु रमई णं कालु वालु होऍवि भमइ ॥ ९ 2. 1 A अवलोविय. 2 A सइ. 3 PSणे. 4 Ps °वयणे. 5 P अवइन्न. 6 A रउ. 7s दुरे, A दूरि. 8s जं, A जि. 9A जणई. 10 PA सुहुं. 11 PS णिसुणिवि. 12 A जाणहुं. 13 P S हउ.14 P धूय, धूच. 15s बरिया. 16 A नामे. 17 विजाह रिया, A विजाहरिय. 18 A करि. 19 s पाणिग्गहणो. 20 s सपुरिसधवलहरो. 21 s उप्पायउ. 22 PS सहु. 23 A सिविणउं. 24 PS कुंभइ कुंजरहो. 25 PS उअरे. 26 P महुँ.
3. 1 PS उच्चोलिहि. 2 s थिया. 3 s देवें. 4 P वियसिकिय, s वियसि किया. 5 PS °णमित्तइ. 6 8 रउद्द.7 P परिउसें. 8 A कहिंमि. 9 Pणव corrected to वर. 10 A सुक्ख. 11 s माणताहो. 12 A पञ्चल°. 13 PS विच्छिण्ण. 14 A पुण्णु. 15 s चंदणेहिं. 16 PS °उअहि. 17 PS गयहं. 18 पण्णहु. 19 A रमई. 20 A होवि भमई.
[३] १ विकशित्वा. २ भयाण(न)क. ३ वडारोह (?). ४ विस्तीर्णः,
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क० ४, १–९, ५, १–८ ]
खेलन्तु पईसइ भेण्डारु णव- मुँहाँ जासु मणि जडियाइँ जो परिपालिज्जइ पणऍहिँ सामण्णा अण्णा करइ वहु सहसति लग्गु करें दहमुहहाँ परिहिडे व मुंहइँ समुट्ठियाँ णं सवत्त संचारि इँ वोलन्ति समं वोल्लन्तऍण
पेक्खपिणु ताइँ दहाणणइँ
थिरै तारहूँ" तरलइँ लोयणइँ । तें दह दहसिरु जण किंउँ पञ्चाणणु जेम पैसिद्धि गउ ॥ ९
णमो संधि
[ ४ ]
जहिँ तो दवाहण-तणउ हारु ॥ १ व गह परियप्पै घडियाइँ ॥ २ आसीविस - रोसाउण्णऍहिँ ॥ ३ सो कण्ठदु दुबहु ॥ ४
णं मित्सुमित्तों अहिमुहों ॥ ५ णं गह-विम्वइँ सु-परिड्डियाँ ॥ ६ णं कामिण वयइँ कारिमँइँ ॥ ७ स- वियारु हसन्ति हसन्तऍण ॥ ८ ॥ घत्ता ॥
जं परिहिडे कण्ठ रावण रयणास कइकसि धाईंयइँ णिसुणेपिणु आइउँ उच्छुरउ संयहिँ णिहालिङ साहरणु परिचिन्तिउ 'णउ सामण्णुं णरु यहाँ पासिङ रज्जु विविउ यहाँ पासिउ सुखं हें खर्डे
किउ वद्धावणउँ सु-परियण ॥ १ आणन्दे केहि मि ण माइयइँ ॥ २ किक्कन्धु सन्त सूररउ ॥ ३ दह - गीउम्मीलिय- दह-वयणु ॥ ४ ऍ होइ णिरुत्तर चक्कहरु ॥ ५ केइ जाउहाण - वलु "रणें अतुलु ॥ ६ जम-वरुण कुवेर णाहिँ जउ' ॥ ७
॥ घत्ता ॥
अण्क्क - दिवसें गज्जन्तु किहे णव- पाउसें जलहरे - विन्दु सिंह | हें जन्तर पेक्खवि वइसवर्णु पुणु पुच्छिय जणणि 'एहु कवणु' ॥ ८ 4. 1 $ सइ भंडारु. 2 PS जहि. 3 A तोयदवाहणहो. 4 Pis मुहइ. 5P मणे. 6 Ps परिअप्पेवि 7 P घडिभाई, 5 घडियाए 8 P पण्णय हिं. 9 P परिटूड 10s मित्त. 11 s परि
उ. 12 A मुद्द. 13 Ps समुट्टियाई. 14 Ps सुपरिट्टियाई 15 Ps संचारियाई. 16 P कारिमाई, 8 कारियाइ. 17 A समउं 18s ताए 19 missing. 20 तारइ तरलइ. 21s दहमुह. 22PS कउ. 23 P पसिद्धे.
5. 1s परिहउ 2 PA वद्धावणउं 3s घाइयई, 4 वाइयाई. 4 A कहिं मि न माइयाइं. 5s आयउ. 6PS उच्छरउ. 7 A सूररउं. 8 A सयलहिं मि. 9 A दाहगीउ. 10s सामण्ण. 11s यहु. 12 A विमलु. 13s जाउहाणु. 14PS अतुलवलु. 15 P सुरवरहि, s सुरवरहो. 16s खओ. 17 P ° घणयकुवेरहं, s धणयकुबेरहो. 18 P s हि 199 किहा. 20s ° पाउस. 21 P जलयर, s यलयर 22 PS जिहा. 23 Ps जहि. 24 P पेक्खिबि. s पिक्खिवि. 25 s वइसवणो. 26 P कम्वणु.
[५] १ वानरराक्षसयोः.
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तं सुवि' मउलिय - जयणियऍ 'कउसिकि जणेरि एयों तणियै 'वीसावसु विज्जाहरु जणणु रिहिँ मिलेवि मुह मलिर्ण किये एयहों उद्दार्लेवि" जेम तिर्यं रतुप्पल - हूआलोयण 'areas at naण सिय पेक्खे सहि" दिवसहिँ थोवऍहिँ
जम-खेन्द- कुवेर - पुरन्दरें हिँ अणुदिणु दs - कन्दावणहों
एक्कहिं दिणें आउच्छेवि' जणणु जहिँ जक्ख-सहासइँ दारुणइँ जहिँ णीसासन्तेंहिँ अजय हिं जहिँ साहारूढइँ विप्पयइँ तहिँ तेहऍ भीसणे भीम-वर्णे जा अक्खरेंहिँ पसिद्धि गय 20 सा विहिँ पहरेंहिँ जें' पासु अइयं पुणुझाइ सोलह-अक्खरिय
ते" भायर अविचल - झाण- रुई वर्णे दि जक्ख- सुन्दरिऍ किह
atta स - गग्गर - वयणियऍ ॥ १ पहिलारी वहिणि महु तणिये ॥ २ ऍहुँ भाइ तुहार वइसवर्णु ॥ ३ मायर व कमाrय लङ्क हिये ॥ ४ कइये हुँ माणेसहुँ राय - सियैं' ॥ ५ णिभच्छिय जणणि विही सण || ६ दहaruni णोक्खी" का वि" किय ॥७ आऍहिँ" अम्हारिस- देवऍहि ॥ ८
[ क० ६, १–९; ७, १ –९
॥ घत्ता ॥
रवि - वरुण-पवण-सिहि-ससहरेंहिँ । घरें सेव करेवी रावणहों' ॥ ९ [७] गय तिणि वि भीसणु भीम-वणु ॥ १ जहिँ सीह - पयइँ रुहिरारुणइँ ॥ २ डोलन्ति डाल हुँ तरुवरेंहिं ॥ ३ अन्दोलण-परम-भाव-गयइँ ॥ ४ fre विज्ज झाणु धरेवि मणें ॥ ५ णामेण संघ - कामन - रूर्य ॥ ६ णं गाढालिङ्गण-गय दइय || ७ जय (?)- कोडि-सहास - देहुत्तरियं ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥
दहवयण - विही सण- भाणुसुइ । जिण-वाणिऍ तिण्णि वि लोय जिह ॥ ९
6. 1 Ps णि सुणिवि. 2 P°लोयणई, s °लोयणइ. 3s तणिया 4 P तणीभ, s तणिया 5 Ps विजाहर. 6 A उहु. 7 P वइसबणु. 8 P वइरिहुं, s वइरिहु. 9 P मुहुं, s A मुहु. 10 s A मलण. 11s किया. 12 s हिया. 13 A उद्दालिवि. 14s विया, A निय. 15 P कईयहु, S कइयहु, A कइयहं. 16s सिया. 17 Ps रचुप्पल 18 Ps वयसवणहो. 19 P केरी, sोखी. 20s कवि. 21 P पेक्खेसहिं. 22 s आयहि. 23 A देवयहिं. 24 4 ससहरिहिं. 25 A वह.
7. 1P आउच्छिवि, s आउंच्छिवि. 2PSA जहि. 3PS सहु. 4 A सप्पारूढ पिप्पयई. 5 A विज्जहो. 6 A°भय. 7 A missing. 8s अअ इयP सहास्य. 10 Po दुहुत्तरिय, दुहोत्तरिया 11 Ps ता. 12 A °रइ. 13 Ps सुंदरि है.
[ ६ ] १ धनदस्य पिता ( पितुः ) नाम. २ रावणस्य ( ? ). ३ मनुष्यदेवैः ४ कार्तिकेयः, षण्मुखः, [७]१ पक्षिपुत्रकाः २ विद्या सर्वकामरूपिणी. ३ दुःखोत्तीर्णा.
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क०८, १-९,९,१-८] णवमो संधि
[८] जं जक्खिऍ रावणु दिढ वणे तं वम्मह-वाण पइट्ठ मणें ॥१ 'वोलाविउ वोल्लइ किंण तुहुँ किं वहिरउ किं तुहं णाहिँ मुहु ॥ २ किं झायहि अक्खसुत्तु 'धिवहि महु केरउ रूव-सलिलु पिवहि' ॥३ दहगीर्व-पसरु अलहन्तियएँ। स-विलक्खउ खेड्डु करन्तियएँ ॥ ४ वच्छत्थले पहउ सुकोमलेण कण्णावयंस-णीलुप्पलेंण ॥५ अण्णेक्कऍ वुत्तु वरङ्गणऍ पष्फुल्लिय-तामरसाणणऍ॥६ 'तुहुँ जाणहि ऍहु णरु सच्चमउँ उप्पाइर्ड केण वि कट्ठमउ' ॥ ७ पुणु गम्पिणु रण-रस-अड्डियों जक्खहाँ वजरिउ अणड्डियाँ ॥ ८
॥घत्ता ॥ 'कञ्ची-कलाव-केऊर-धर पइँ तिण-समु मण्णेवि तिणि पर। वणे विजउ आराहन्त थिय णावइ जग-भवणहाँ खम्भ किय' ॥९
[९] तं णिसुणेवि' जम्बूदीव-पहुणं जलिउ जलण-जाला-णिवहु ॥१ 'सो कवणु एत्थु णिकम्पिरउ जगें जीवइ जो महु वाहिरउ' ॥२
अहिमुहूं पय? तहों आसवहों सुय दिट्ठ ताम रयणासवहाँ ॥ ३ 'अहो पवइयहाँ अहिणवहाँ कं झायहाँ कक्णु देउ थुणहों' ॥ ४ जं एकु वि उत्तर दिण्णु ण वि। तं पुणे वि समुट्ठिल कोव-हवि ॥५ उवसग्गु घोरु पारम्भियउ वहुरूहि जक्खु वियम्भियउ ॥६ आसीविस-विसहर-अजयरेंहिँ सद्दूल-सीहँ-कुञ्जर-वरेंहिँ ॥ ७ गय-भूय-पिसाऍहिँ रक्खसँहिं गिरि-पवण-हुआसण-पाउसहिं ॥८
8. 1 P वम्महं. 2 P किन्न, SA किन्न. 3 PS तव. 4 P S णाहि. 5 P A मुहुं. 6s घिवहिं. 7 P केर. 8 5 पिवहिं. 9 दहगीउ. 10 s किं वच्छत्थले. 11 P A वरंगणाए, S वरंगणाइ. 12 b missing in A. 13 P °साणणाए, °साणणाई. 14 A जाणहिं. 15 P चममउ. 165 उप्पायउ. 17 s कट्ठमिउ. 18 A रसियट्टियहो. 19 A नेउर. 20 PS वण. 21 PS आराहंति. 225 विया.
9. 1s णिसुवि, A निसुणिवि. 2 PS कमणु. 8 A इत्थु. 4 P जे. 5 P A अहिमुहूं. 6 P पयंदु. 7 P अणिणउहो, S अणिणवहो. 8 PS किं झायहु, A कं झायहु. 9 P थुणहुं, थुणहु. 10 A पुण. 11 A आरंभियउ. 12 s बहुरूवहि. 13 A आसीसविस. 14 P सिंह, S सेंह. 15. SA पिसायहि. 16 PS पवर. 17 A उसेहिं.
[८] १ त्यजथ. २ अनावृत्तनामा यक्षः,
पउ.चरि० 11
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• जं चित्तु ण सक्कड अवहरेंवि दरिसाव सल वि वन्धुजणु कस-घाऍहिँ घाइज्जन्तु वर्णे रयणास ककसि चन्दणहि तो सरणु भणेवि पडिव (र) क्ख करें" " तं पुरिसयारु किं" वीसरिउ अह भाणुक करें चारहडि अहों धरहि विहीसण जत्ताइँ
॥ घन्ता ॥
दस-दस " -वहु अन्धार करेंवि ओरुम्भवि" गज्जॅवि उत्थरेंवि" । गिरि-मत्थऍ वासारन्तु जिह ॥ ९ [१०]
उ फिलु सो उवसग्गु किह
rs ara aor माय धरेवि ।। १ कलु कन्दन्तु विसण्ण- मैणु ॥ २ 'णिवडन्तुट्ठन्तइँ' खणें जें' खणें ॥ ३ हम्मत जई ण अम्हे गणहि " ॥ ४ रिउ मारइ लग्गईं पुत्त धेरें " ॥ ५ णव- वयणु जेण कण्ठर धरिउ ॥ ६ सिरि भञ्जहि लग्गउ छार - हडि ॥ ७ वर्णे" मेच्छहिँ पिट्टिज्जन्ताइँ ॥ ८
अरें" पुत्तों उ पडिरक्ख किया
सो" णिष्फलु सयलु किलेस गाउँ
जं केण वि उ साहारियउ पुणु तिहि मि जहुँ दरिसावियंउ वि चलिउ तो वि तहों झाणु थिरु 2. अग्गऍ घत्तिउ अविचल - मणहँ
'तं णिऍवि सीसु रुहिरारुणउ णिद्धइँ सुद्धइँ थिर- जोयणइँ
॥ घन्ता ॥
जं लालिय पालिय वह्नविय । जिह पाव धम्मु विक्खिय ' ॥९ [११]
तं तिणि वि जक्खें मारियंउ ॥ १ सिव-साण- सिवालेंहिँ खावियंउ ॥ २ माया - रावणड करेवि सिरु ॥ ३ भाइहिँ रविकण्ण-विहीर्सणहँ ॥ ४ ते झाणों चलिय मणामणउ ॥ ५ "ईसीसि पगलियइँ लोयणइँ ॥ ६
18 P दिसिहिं, s दिशि 19 P s जिवि. 20 उत्तरे वि.
10. 1 PA कलुणउं. 2s कंदंति 3s विषण्णु मणु. 4s कसघायहि, A कसघाएहि. 5 PSA 'तु. 6P A जि. 7s स्यणासउ. 8 P A चंदणहिं, s चंदणेहिं. 98 हम्मतइ, A हम्मत हूं. 10s तेयं. 11s वर्णाहिं, 4 गणहिं. 12 PA करि. 13 Ps लगाउ 14 PSA धरि. 15s कें. 16s भाणकपण. 17s वण. 18 P A पिट्टिजंताहि, s पिष्टिअंताइ. 19 A अरि. 20 IS A पडिवक्ख. 21 Psतं. 22 A किड. 23 P विआरकड, A विवाह किउ.
[९] १ मेघः. [११] १ मनाक् मनः ( 2 ).
[क०९, ९, १०, १ - ९; ११, १-६
11. 1 A साहारिआउ 2 PA मारिभउं 34 दरिसाविञउं 4A खाविअडं. 5 A चलिडं. 6 PSA ° रावणउं. 7 P मिरु. 8 A रावणहं. 9 P तें. 10 P A मणामणउं. 11 PA सुद्धए, 8 सुद्धद्द. 12 P इसी सि.
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क० ११, ७-९, १२, १-९,१३, ३-५] णवमो संधि सिर-कमलइँ ताह "मि केराइँ उवणाऍवि दुक्ख-जणेराइँ ॥७ रावणहाँ गम्पि दरिसावियइँ पउँम. व णाल-मेल्लावियइँ ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ जं एम वि रावणु अचलु थिउ तं देवहिँ साहुक्कारु किउ । विजहुँ सहासु उप्पण्णु किह तित्थयरहों केवल-णाणु जिह ॥ ९ ।
[१२] आगया कहकहन्ती महाकालिणी गयण-संचालिणी भाणु-परिमालिणी ॥१ कालि कोमारि वाराहि माहेसरी घोर-वीरासणी जोगजोगेसरी ॥२ सोमणी रयण वम्भाणि इन्दाइणी अणिम लहिमत्ति' पण्णत्ति कञ्चाइणी॥३ डहणि उच्चाटिणी थम्भणी मोहणी वइरि-विद्धंसणी भुवर्ण-संखोहणी ॥ ४ ॥ वारुणी पावणी भूमि-गिरि-दारिणी काम-सुह-दाइणी वन्ध-वह-कारिणी ॥५ सब-पच्छायणी सब-आकरिसिणी विजय जय जिभिणी सब-मय-णासणी सत्ति-संवाहिणी कुडिल अवलोयणी अग्गि-जल-थम्भणी छिन्दणी भिन्दणी आसुरी रक्खसी वारुणी वरिसणी दारुणी दुण्णिवारा य दुद्दरिसणी ॥८
॥ घत्ता ॥ आऍहि वर-विजेंहिँ आइयहिँ रावणु गुण-गण-अणुराइयहिँ। . चउदिसि परिवारिउ सहइ किह मयलञ्छणु छणे ताराहुँ जिह ॥ ९
[१३] सव्वोसहे थम्भणी मोहणिय संविद्धिं णहङ्गण-गामिणिय ॥ १।
आयउ पञ्च वि ववगयउ तहिँ थिउ कुम्भयण्णु चल-झाणु जहि ॥ २ ॥ सिद्धत्थ सत्तु-विणिवारणिय णिविग्ध गयणं-संचारिणियं ॥ ३ .
आयउ चयारि पुणु चल-मणहों आसण्णउ थियउ विहीसणहों ॥४ एत्थन्तरे पुण्ण-मणोरहें] वहु-विज्जालतिय-विग्गण ॥ ५ . 13 A सिरि. 14 P वाहमि, A ताहि मि. 15 P उणाएवि, s ओणाइवि. P marginally जण-मण-आणंद-जणेराइं। पाठे. 16 P S A पउमइ. 17 A थिउं. 18 PS A विजहु.
12. 1A लहिमपण्णत्ति. 2 P S विद्धंसिणी. 3 5 भुवणि. 4 A °दारणी. 5 A सव्वथप. च्छायणी. 6 P S थंभणी. 7 A भिदणी. 8 s आयहि. 9 A वरविजेहिं. 10 A आयहिं. 11 A रावणुवणु. 12 P A °अणुरायए]ि, अणुरायहि.
13. 1 P सव्वासह, marginally 'सवागृह (?) पाठे. 2 P A संविद्धि, S संविधि. 3 s णहंगणे, A णहंगणि. 4 P S A गामिणीय. 5 PS A विणिवारणीय. 6 A गय. 7 PS A संचारणीय, 8 P SA मणोहरेण. [१२] १ एताभिः.
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पउमचरिउ [क० १३, ६-९,१४,-९१, १-२ णामेण सयंपहु णयह किउ णं सग्ग-खण्डु अवयरेंवि थिउ ॥ ६ अण्णु वि उप्पाइउँ चेइहरु मणहरु णामेण सहससिहरु ॥ ७ उत्तुङ्गु सिङ्गु उण्णई करेंवि णं वञ्छइ सूर-विम्वु धरवि ॥ ८
॥घत्ता॥ तं रिद्धि सुणेवि दसाणणहाँ परिओ९ पवड्डिउँ परियणहों। आयइँ कइ-जाउहाण-वलइँ णं मिलेवि परोप्पर जल-थलइँ॥९
[१४] जं दिट्ट सेण्ण सयणहु तणिय परिपुच्छिय पुणु अवलोयणिय ॥१
ताएँ वि संवोहिउ दहवयणु 'ऍहु देव तुहारउ वन्धु-जणु ॥२ 10 तं णिसुणेवि णरवइ णीसरिउणिय-विज्ज-सहासें परियरिउ ॥॥३ णं कमलिणि-सण्डे पवरु सरु णं रासि-सहासें दिवसयरु ॥४ स-विहीसणु कुम्भयण्णु चलिउणं दिवस-तेउ सूरहों मिलिउ ॥५ तिणि मि कुमार संचल्ल किर उच्छलिय ताम फम्फाव-गिर ॥ ६ रंयणासवू पत्तु स-वन्धुजणु तं पट्टणु तं रावण-भवणु ॥ ७ 15 तं सह-मण्डउ मणि-वेयडिउ तं विज-सहासु समावडिउ ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ पेक्खेप्पिणु परिओसिय-मणेण णिय तणय सुमालिहें णन्दणेण । रोमचाणन्द-णेह-जुऍहिँ
चुम्बेवि अवगूढ से इं भु हि ॥९
[१०. दसमो संधि ] ७ साहिउ छट्ठोववासु करवि णव-णीलुप्पल-णयौँण । सुन्दरु सु-वंसु सु-कलत्तु जिह चन्दहासु दहवयणण ॥१॥
[१] दससिरु विजा-दससय-णिवासु' साहेप्पिणु दूसहु चन्दहासु ॥१ गउ वन्दण-हत्तिएँ मेरु जाम संपाइय मय-मारिच्च ताम ॥२ 9 P S अवयरिवि, A अवअरिवि. 10 s उप्पायउ चेयहरु. 11 सहसकिसिहरु. 12 A उप्पण्णु. 13 s सूरु. 14 A परिउसु. 15 P A पट्टिउ. 16 P परोप्परो.
14. 1 A सेण, 2 P सयणहु, S सयणहो, A सयणहं. 3 PS पडिपुच्छिय. 4 s ताई. 5A तुहारलं. GA सहासे. 7 PS पवर. 8 P 5 °सहावे. 9 A दसदिसितेउ सूरू. 10 SA वि. 11 PS संचलि. 12 PS ताव. 13 SA रयणासउ. 14 A विजासहसु. 15 P पेक्खेविणु. 16 P पडिओसिय. 17 P सुमालिहें, S सुमालिहि. 18 PS सयं. 19 S भूयहिं, A भूएहि.
1. 1 P वंदणहत्तिहे. 2 PS °मारिचि. [१४] १ समूहेन. २ रत्नानवेण. ३ आलिङ्गिताः.
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क० १, ३-९,२, १-९] दसमो संधि मन्दोवरि पवर-कुमारि लेवि रावणहों में भवणु पइट्ठ वे वि ॥३ चन्दणहि णिहालिय तेहिं तेत्थु 'परमेसरि गउ दहवयणु केत्थु॥४ तं णिसुणेवि णयणाणन्दणीऍ वुच्चइ रयणासव-णन्दणीऍ ॥५ 'छुई छुडु साहेप्पिणु चन्दहासु गउ अहिमुहुँ मेरु-महीहरासु ॥ ६ एत्तिए आवइ वइसरहु ताम' तं लेवि णिमित्तु "णिविट्ठ जाम ॥७ । वेत्तालऍ महि कम्पणहँ लग्ग संचलिय असेस वि कंउह-मग्ग ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ खणे अन्धारउ खणे चन्दिणंउ खण धाराहरु वरिसइ । विजउ जोक्खन्तउ दहवयणु णं माहेन्दु पदरिसई ॥९
[२] मम्भीसेवि मन्दोवरि मएण चन्दणहि पपुच्छिय भय-गएणं ॥१ 'ऍई काइँ भडारिऍ कोउहल्लु पवियम्भइ रऍ पेम्मु व णवल्लु ॥२ स वि पचविर्य '
किंण मुणिउँ पयाउ दहगीव-कुमारहों ऐहुँ पहाउ' ॥ ३ तं णिसुणेवि सयल वि पुलइयङ्ग अवरोप्पर मुह. णिएहुँ लग्ग ॥ ४ एत्थन्तरें किङ्कर-सय-सहाउ मय-दूसावासु णियन्तु आउ ॥ ५ ॥ 'ऍह को आवासिउ समभरेण' पणवेवि कहिउ केण वि णरेण ॥६ 'विजाहर मय-मारिच्च के वि तुम्हहँ मुहवेक्खा आय वे वि' ॥ ७ तं णिसुणेवि जिणवर-भवणु ढुक्कु परियञ्चेवि वन्देवि ताण-मुक्कु ॥८
॥त्ता ॥ सहसत्ति दिट्ठ मन्दोवरिऍ" दिद्विऍ चल-भउँहालऍ। दूरहों में समाहउ वच्छयले णं णीलुप्पल-मालऍ ॥९
3 A जि. 4 P चंदणवि. 5A गब्भेसरि. 6 A छुडु छुडु जे. 75 साहेविणु, A पसाहिय. 8 A अहिमुहूं. 9s एत्तिय, A इंतिउ. 10 5 लेविणु. 11 5 मित्त णिविठ्ठ, A णिविट्ठा कण्ण. 12 P वेतालए, चेतालइ, A चेत्तालए. 13 P संचलि असेस, A संवलिया सेंस. 14 PA चंदिणउं. 15 P माहेंदु, S महिंदु. 1.6 P पदरिसिइ.
2. 1 P चंदणहिं. 2 The portion from °ण up to भडारिए (x2.2.a) is missing in A. 3 8 इउ. 4 s भडारी. 5s रए पेसु ब, A पेम्मु व स्व.6ps पविय, 7 PS किण्ण. 8 P S मुणियउ. 9 PS एउ. 10 A प्रयाउ, 11 मुहए, A मुह 12,PS णिएवि. 13 P इहु, S यहु. 14 P S समहरेण: 15 P णु:16:P S परिधिवि. A मंदोयरिए. 18 5 °भउहालए, A भउंहालयए. 1925 नि: 20. P.A मालाए:
[१] १ दिगमार्गः, २ इन्द्रजालम् . [२] १ सर्वसामग्र्या.
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[३] दीसइ तेण वि सहसत्ति वाल ___णं भसले अहिणव-कुसुम-माल ॥ १ दीसन्ति चलण-णेउर रसन्त णं महुर-राव वन्दिण पढन्त ॥२ दीसइ णियम्वु मेहल-समग्गु णं कामएव-अत्थाण-मग्Y ॥ ३ 5 दीसइ रोमावलि छुडु चडन्ति णं कसण-वाल-सप्पिणि ललन्ति ॥ ४ दीसन्ति सिहिणं उवसोह देन्त णं उरयल भिन्दवि हत्थि-दन्त ॥ ५ दीसइ पप्फुल्लिय-वयण-कमलु णीसासामोयासत्त-भसलु ॥ ६ . दीसइ सुणासु अणुहुअ-सुअन्धु णं णयण-जलहों किउ सेउ-वन्धु ॥ ७ दीसइ णिडाल सिर-चिहुर-छण्णु ससि-विम्वु व णव-जलहर-णिमण्णु ॥८
॥ घत्ता ॥ परिभमइ दिहि तहाँ तहिँ जे तहिं अण्णहिँ कहि मि ण थक्कइ । रस-लम्पड महुयर-पन्ति जिम केयइ मुऍवि ण सक्कइ ॥ ९
[४] दहगीव-कुमारहों लहेवि चित्तु एत्थन्तरें मारिच्चेण वुत्तु ॥ १ 18 'वेयड्डहाँ दाहिण-सेढि-पवरु णामेण देवसंगीय-णयीं ॥२
तहिँ अम्हइँ मय-मारिच्च भाय रावण विवाह-कजेण आय ॥ ३ लइ तुज्झु जें जोग्गउ णारि-रयणु उढुटुं देव करें पाणि-गहणु ॥४ एउ जे मुहुत्तु णक्खत्तु वारु जंजिणु पच्चक्खु तिलोय-सारु ॥५
कल्लाण-लच्छि-मङ्गल-णिवासु सिव-सन्ति-मणोरह-सुह-पयासु' ॥६ 20 तं णिसुणेवि तुडे" दहमुहेण किउ तक्खणे पाणिग्गहणु तेण ॥ ७ जय-तूरहिँ धवलहिँ मङ्गलेहिं कञ्चण-तोरणेहिँ समुज्जलेहिं ॥८
॥ घत्ता ॥ तं वहु-वरु णयणाणन्दयरु विसई सयंपह पट्टणु । णं" उत्तम-रायहंस-मिहुणु पप्फुल्लिय-पङ्कय-व(य)] ॥ ९
3. 1s दीसंत. 2 A चलणे णेर. 3 A रूवराय. 4 A पाढंति. 5 PS णियंव मेहलसमग्ग. 6 PS °मग्ग. 7 A चलंति. 8 A माल. 9 सिहिणि. 10 A उवसो दित. 11 A उरयडु. 12 PS 'सुगंधु. 13 P S सेयवंधु. 14 s णिट्टालु. 15 PS सिरु. 16A चुव. 17 A निसण्णु. 18 P परिभमहि, A परिभमई. 19 A कहिं मि. 20 A जिह. 21 P केयई, s केअइ.
4. 1 P वेयढहो, A वेयहो. 2 A नवरु. 3 P अम्हहिं, S अम्हेहिं. 4 A उट्टट्टि. 5 PS A करि. 6 PS जि. 7PS णक्खत्त. 8 s जि. 9 s °सत्ति'. 10 PS °मणोहर'. 11 s तुहिँ. 12 A missing. 13 A विसयइ. 14 8 तं. 15s पफुल्लिय. 16 PS A बयणु.
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क०५,१८, ६, 1-6]
दसमो संधि
अवरेक्क-दिवसें दिढ-वाहु-दण्डु विजउ जोक्खन्तु महा-पयण्डु ॥१ गउ तेत्थु जेत्थु माणुस-वमालु जलहरधरु णामें गिरि विसालु ॥ २ गन्धव-वावि जहिँ जगे पयास गन्धव-कुमारिहिं छह सहास ॥३ दिवे-दिवे जल-कील करन्तु जेत्थु रयणासव-णन्दणु ढुक्कु तेत्थु ॥ ४ सहसत्ति दिट्ठ परमेसरीहिँ णं सायरु सयल-महा-सरिहिँ ॥ ५ णं णव-मयलञ्छणु कुमुइणीहिं णं वाल-दिवायरु कमलिणीहिँ ॥ ६ सबउ रेक्षण-परिवारियाउं सबउ सवालङ्कारियाउँ ॥ ७
। .
सवउ भणन्ति वउँ परिहरवि वम्मह-सर-जजरियउ । 'पइँ मेल्लेवि अण्णु ण भत्तारु परिणि णाह सइँ वरियउ॥८
[६] एत्थन्तरें आरक्खिय-भडेहिं लहु गम्पिणु गमण-'वियावंडेहिं ॥ १ जाणाविउ सुन्दर-सुरवरासु 'सबउ कण्णउ एकहाँ णरासु ॥ २ करें लग्गउ तेण वि इच्छियाउ पञ्चेल्लिउँ सुसमाईच्छियाउ' ॥ ३ । तं णिसुणेवि सुर-सुन्दरु विरुद्ध उद्धाइर्ड णाइँ कियन्तु कुछ ॥४ अण्णु वि कणयाहिउँ वेह-समाणु "तं पेक्खेंवि साहणु अप्पमाणु ॥ ५ 'विट्टिएहि वुत्तु 'णउ को वि सरणु तउ अम्हहँ कारणे दुक्कु मरणु' ॥६ रावणेण "हसिउ 'किं आयएहिँ किर काइँ सियालहिँ घाइएहिँ' ॥७
॥ घत्ता ॥ ओसोणि विजऍ सो चवि" वद्धा विसहर-पासेंहिँ। .... जिह दूर-भव भव-संचिऍहिँ" दुक्किय-कम्म-सहासेंहिँ ॥८.
5. 15 वरेक्कदिवस. 2 PS जोखंतु महापचंडु. 3 Ps जेत्थु तेत्थु माणसवमालु. 4 A. लक्षण. 5 s परिवारिअउ, A 'परिधारियाउ. 6 P लंकारिआउ, S लंकारियउ.7A तउ. 8वम्मह.9A भत्तार. 10 PS सह.
6. 1A आराक्खिय. 2A लहं.3 °वियावडहि, A विभावडेहिं. 4 A सुरवरसुंदरासु. 5 Ps इंच्छिआउ. 6 P पचेल्लिउ, S पचोल्लिउ. 75 उद्घायउ. 8 8 कलयाहिंउ, P कलया corrected to कणया.9 8 ते. 10 P विट्ठिएहिं, विंटिएहि. 11 s मरणु ढुक्कु. 12 A वुत्तु किं आइएहिं. 13 सिर. 14 A सियालिहि. 155 ऊसोवणि. 16 s विवि. 17 S A संचियहि.
[५] १ मेलापकः. २ सुभटैः रक्षिताः. ३ कन्याव्रतं त्यक्त्वा.
[६] १ व्याकुलचित्तैः. २ गन्धर्षविद्याधरस्य. ३ अतिशयेन. ४ स्त्रियः (१). ५ देवसंज्ञा, विद्याधरैः सह. ६ कन्याभिः, ७ रावणः. ८ नागपाशैः.
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[क०७, १-९,८,१-६
आमेल्लेवि पुजेंवि करेंवि दासं परिणेपिणु कण्णहँ छ वि सहास ॥ १ गउ रावणु णिय पट्टणु पविट्ठ स-कियत्थु सयल-परियणेण दिट्ठ ॥ २ वहु-काले मन्दोयरिहें जाय इन्दइ-घणवाहण वे वि भाय ॥३ एत्तहे वि कुम्भपुर कुम्भयण्णु परिणाविउ सिय-संपय पवण्णु ॥४ रत्तिन्दिउँ लङ्काउरि-पएसु जगडइ वइसवणहाँ तणउँ देसु ॥ ५ गय पय कूवारें 'कोउँ हूउ पेसिउ वयणालङ्कार-दूउ ॥६ दहवयणट्ठाणु पढें गम्पि तेहि मि किउ अब्भुत्थाणु किं पि ॥ ७ पभणिउँ 'सुमालि-पहु देहि कण्णु पोत्तउ णिवारि इउ कुम्भयण्णु ॥ ८
॥घत्ता ।। अवराह-सएहि मि वइसवणु तुम्हहिं समउ ण जुज्झइ । डज्झन्तु वि सवर-पुलिन्दऍहिँ विञ्झु जेम ण विरुज्झइ ॥९
[८] पर आएं' पेक्खमि विपडिवण्णु जें णाहिँ णिवारहों कुम्भयाणु ॥ १ 16 एयहाँ पासिउ तुम्हहँ विणासु एयहाँ पासिउ आगमणु तासु ॥२
एयहाँ पासिउ पायाल-लङ्क पइसेवउँ पुणु वि करेवि सङ्क ॥ ३ मालि वि जगडन्तउ आसि एम मुउ पडेंवि "पईवें पयॉ जेम ॥ ४ तइय? तुम्हहु वित्तन्तु जो"जे एवंहिँ दीसइ पैडिवउ वि सो जे ॥५ वरि ऍहु जे समप्पिउँ कुल-कयन्तु अच्छउ तहों घरे" णियलइँ वहन्तु' ॥ ६
7. 1 PS A आमिल्लिवि, करि वि. 2 PS दासु. 3 P परणेपिणु. 4 PS कण्णहिं छ वि सहासु. 5A पट्टणे. 6A पइट्ठ. 7 PS एत्तहि. 8 A रत्तिद्दिउ लंकापुर. 9A तणउं. 10s पाय. 11 s कूवारे. 12 PS कोव. 13 P दहवयणाठाणु, A दहवत्तत्थाणु, 14 s पइट्ठ. 15 s तेण वि, A तेहिं मि. 16 A पभणिउं. 17 A विणिवारहि. 18 P अवराहे, 5 अवराहि. 19 A °सएहिं मि. 20 P वइसमणु. 21 P तुम्हइ. 22 1 समणु, S समाणु. 23 A समर. 24 P s पुलिंदेहिं. 25 A किं तुझु.
8. 1 P आयएं, $ आयं. 2 P वियडिवण्णु, त्रियडवण्णु. 3 P SA जे. 4 PS णाहि. 5A णिवारहुं. 6A भयण्णु, 7 A सव्वहो. 8 s आगमण. 9 पइसेवउं, 5 पयसेवउ. 10 A करिवि पुणो वि. 11 : पइवि, S पइंवि. 12 s यंगु. 13 तईयहु, 5 तइयहो. 14 A तुम्हहं. 15 P S जं जे. 16 A दीसइ पडिवउ एवहिं. 17 5 यहु. 18 A अप्पिउ. 19 s घर.
[७] १ सकोपः. [८] १ पर्यायेण. २ विप्रतिपन, विकृतिवर्णो वा. ३ धनदस्य. ४ पुनरपि. ५ शृङ्खला.
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क०८-११,९,१-९,१०,१] दसमो संधि तं णिसुणेवि रोसिउँ णिसियरिन्दु 'कहों तणउ धणेउ कहाँ तणउ इन्दु' ॥७ अवलोइउँ भीसणु चन्दहासु पडिवक्ष-पक्च-खय-कालचासु ॥८ 'पइँ पढमु करेप्पिणु वलि-विहाणु पुणु पच्छऍ धणयहाँ मलमि माणु' ॥९ सिरु णावेवि" वुत्तु विहीसणेण 'विणिवाइएण दूवेणे एण ॥ १०
॥ पत्ता ॥ परिभमइ अयसु पर-मण्डलहिँ तुम्हहँ एउ ण छजइ । जुज्झन्तउ हरिण-उलेहिँ सहुँ किं पञ्चमुँहु ण लजई' ॥ ११
[९] णीसारिउ दूउ पण? केम केसरि-कम-चुक्कु कुरङ्गु जेम ॥ १ एत्तहें वि दसाणणु विष्फुरन्तु सण्णहेवि विणिग्गउ जिह कयन्तु ॥ २ ॥ णीसरिउ विहीसणु भाणुकण्णु रयणासउ मउ मारिचु अण्णु ॥ ३ णीसरिउ सहोवरु मल्लवन्तु इन्दइ घणवाहणु सिसु वि होन्तु ॥४ हउँ तूरु पयाणउँ दिण्णु जाम दूएण वि धणयहाँ कहिउ ताम ॥ ५ 'मालिहें पासिउ एयहाँ मरडु उक्खन्धु देवि अण्णु वि पयर्यु' ॥ ६ तं वयणु सुणेवि सम्णहेवि जक्खु णीसरिउ णाइँ सइँ दससयखु ॥ ७ ॥ थिउ उड्डेवि" गिरि-गुञ्जक्खें जाम तं जाउहाण-वलु ढुक्कु ताम ॥ ८
॥त्ता ॥ हय समर-तूर किय-कलयलई अमरिस-रहस-विसट्टइँ । वइसवण-दसाणण-साहणइँ विण्णि वि" रणे अभिट्टइँ॥९
[१०] केण वि सुन्दर सु-रमणे सु-सेव आलिङ्गिय गय-घड वेस जेवं ॥ १ 20 A णिसिउ णिसियारेंदु. 21 P धणउं. 22 A तणउं. 23 s A अवलोयउ. 24 P पडिपक्ख. 25 s missing. 26 PS पच्छइ, A पच्छले. 27 Aणावि. 28 P S दूएण. 29 A परिभमई. 30 A परमंडलहि. 31 A जुज्जइ. 32 P A पंचमुहूं.
9. 1A दसासणु. 2 s जहि. 3 PS मारिच्च, A मारिचि. 4 A महोयरु. 5 PS हयं दुर. 6 A पयाणउं. 7 s अणु. 8 P संणहेंवि, संणहिवि. 9 s णाइ सइ. 10 P सहस्सयक्खु, 8 सहसयक्खु. 11 PS उड्डिवि, A अडिवि. 12 P गुंजखे, A कुंजक्खि. 13 P जावुहाण. 14 A कय. 158 अमरिसु. 16 A व. 17 P आभिट्टा, 8 भब्भिदृह. - 10. 1 PS सुरमणु, A सुगमण. 2 Ps जेम. ६ रे दूत. ७ न शोभते. ८ मृगकुलैः सह. [९] १ वैरम्. [१०] १ सुरतव्यापारचित्तः.
पउ० चरि० 12
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पउमचरिउ [क० १०,२-९,११,१-१ स वि कासु वि उरयलें वेझु देइ णं विवरिय-सुरएं हियउ लेई ॥२ : केण वि आवाहिउ मण्डलग्गु करि-सिरु णिबदेवि महिहिं लग्गु ॥३ केण वि कासु वि गय-घाउ दिण्णु किउ स-रहु स-सारहि चुण्णु चुण्णु ॥४ केण विकास वि उरु सरहिँ भरिउ लक्खिजइ णं रोमञ्च धरिउ ॥ ५ केण वि कासु वि रणे मुक्कु चक्कु थिउ हियएँ धेरैवि" णं पिसुण-वैक्कु ॥ ६ एत्थन्तरे धणएं ण किउ खेउ हक्कारिउ आहवे कईकसेउ ॥ ७ 'लइ तुज्झु जुज्झु एत्तडउ कालु ढुक्को सि सीह-दन्तन्तरालु ॥८
॥त्ता ॥ तं णिसुर्णेवि रावणु कुइय-मणु वइसवणहाँ आलग्गउ । कर उन्भेंवि गजेंवि" गुलगुलेवि णं गयवरहाँ महग्गउ ॥९
[११] अम्बुहर-लील-संदरिसणेण सर-मण्डउ किउ तहिँ दस-सिरेण ॥१ विणिवारिउ दिणयर-कर-णिहाउ णिसि दिवसु किं' ति सन्देहुँ जाउ ॥ २
सन्दणे हऍ गएँ धय-चिन्थें छत्ते जम्पाणे विमाणे णरिन्द-गत्ते ॥ ३ Is थरथरहरन्त सर लग्ग केम धणवन्तऍ माणुसे पिसुण जेमं ॥४
जक्खेण वि हय वाणहिँ वाण मुणिवरेण कसाय व दुक्माण ॥५ धणु पाडिउ पाडिउ छत्त-दण्डु दहमुह-रहु किउ सय-खण्ड-खण्डु॥६ अण्णेण चडेप्पिणु भिडिउ राउ णं गिरि-संघार्यहो कुलिस-घाउ ॥ ७ हउ धणउ भिण्डिवालेण उरसे ओणल्लु भाणु ल्हसिऍ" व दिवसे ८
॥घत्ता ॥ "णिउ णिय-सामन्तेहिं वइसवणु विजउँ दसाणणे घुट्ठउ ।
'कहिँ जाहि" पार्वं जीवन्तु महुँ' कुम्भयण्णु आरुट्ठउ ॥ ९ . 3 s उरयलु, A उरपडे. 4 P वेज, s विजु, A विज्लु. 5 PS विवरिउ. 6 P सुरएहि, s सुरपं. 7 P आउंलेइ. 8 P णिवदृइ, णिव्वदृइ, A णिव्वहिवि. 9 5 दिण्णु. 10 PS ससारह. 11 P उर. 12 PS सरहु. 13 Ps णरे, A रेण. 14 A चकु मुक्कु. 15Ps धरेप्पिणु. 16 A चक्कु. 17 P इत्थंतरे, 5 इत्थंतरि, A एत्थंतरि. 18 PS धणयं. 19 A जुज्झु तुज्झु. 20 PS करे. 21 PS गजिवि, A missing. : 11. 1 A रणे. 2 Ps कित्ति, A किंत. 3 PS सर थरहरन्त सय. 4 P S केव.57 भणवत्तप, S धणवत्तए. 6s पिसुणु. 7 P जेव, s जेम्व. 8 PS दुकुमाण, 9 A अनन्न. 10 s"सिरघायहो. 11 A कुलिसंधाउ. 12 PS डिभिवालेग. 13 P उणल्लु. 14 S ल्हसिसिय. 15 A नियनियसामतेहिं. 16 A विजउ व. 17 P जाइ corrected to जाहि, A साइ. 18 A पाउ. 19 P मुहूं.
२ खगः. ३ वाक्यः (?). ४ रावणः.
[११] १ मेघः. २ अवष्टम्भितो भूमौ.
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क० १२, १-९; १, 1-3] एगारहमो संघि
[१२]] "आएं समाणु किर कवणु खत्तु घाइज्जइ णासन्तो विं सत्तु ॥ १ जं फिट्टइ जम्म-सयहिँ काणि' किर जाम पधावई सूल-पाणि ॥ २ अवरुण्डेंवि धरिउ विहीसणेण 'किं कायर-णर-विद्धंसणेण ॥ ३ सो हम्मई जो पहणई पुणो वि किं उरँउ म जीवर्ड णिव्विसो वि ॥ ४ । णासउ वराउ णिय-पाण लेवि' थिउ भाणुकण्णु मच्छरु मुऍवि" ॥५ एत्थन्तरें वइसवणहों मणिगु सु-कलत्तु व पुप्फ-विमाणु दिट्ट ॥६ तहिँ चडिउ णराहिउँ मुऍवि सङ्क पट्टविय पसाहा के वि लङ्क ॥ ७ अप्पुणु पुणु जो जो को" वि चण्डें तहों तहों ढुक्कइ जिह काल-दण्डु ॥ ८ .
॥ घत्ता ॥ णिय-वन्धव-सयणेंहिँ" परियरिउ दणुवइ दुदम-दमन्त । आहिण्डइ लीलऍ इन्दु जिह देस-स यं भु अन्तउ ॥ ९
[११. एगारहमो संधि] पुप्फ-विमाणारूढऍण दहवयणें धवल-विसालाई। । णं घण-विन्द अ-सलिल' दिदुइँ हरिसेण-जिणीलाइँ ॥१॥15
[१] तोयदवाहणं-वंसं-पईवें पुच्छिउ पुणु सुमालि दहगीवें ॥१ 'अहाँ अहो ताय ताय ससि-धवलइँ एयइँ किंग जलुग्गर्य-कमलइँ ॥२ कि हिम-सिहर साडेंवि मुक्कइँ किं णक्खत्तइँ थाणहों चुक्कइँ ॥३ दण्डुदण्ड-धवल-पुण्डरिय किं काह "मि सिसुप्परि धरिय. ॥ ४ ॥ अब्भारम्भ-विवजिय-गब्भइँ कि भूमियले गयइँ सुब्भब्भैइँ ॥५ . किय-मङ्गल-सिङ्गार-सहास' किं" आवासियाइँ कलहंसइँ॥६ ___ 12. 15 आयं. 2 P adds m above the line. 3 PS , A जे. 4 A सयहो वि. 5 P s जाव. 6 PS एधावह. 7 P हम्मई. 8 P A पहणइं. 9 P जीवड, s जीवह. 10 A वगउ. 11 A सुएवि. 12 इत्थंतरि. 13 PS पुष्फविमाणु. 14 A राहिउ. 15 A missing. 16 P चंदु. 17 A सयणहं. 18 P S दुहमदंतउ. 19 PS चंदु. 20 P सइ, A सई.
1. 1 P विसालएं, विसालई. 24 °वंदइ. 3 PS °जिणालई. 4 PS तोयदवाहणु. 52 वसि, बंस. 6A पईवे. 7 PS तु. 8 A जलग्गय.9 सण्डे वि, A साडिवि. 10 Pणखत्तई, Sणखत्तइ. 11 P चंदुदंडु, s चंडुइंडु. 12 P कहि मि, S कहंमि, A काहवि. 13 A यई. 14 A कियभूमियभूमियलि. 15 s गयंदु. 16 P सुभवई, s सुसुब्भई, 4 सुब्भन्भइ. 17 A किय.
[१२] १ धनदेन सह. २ कुम्भकर्णः त्रिशल-करे कृतः (१). ३ सर्पः. [१] १ छत्राणि.
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पउमचरिउ [क० १,७-९,२, १-९,३,१-४ जहुँ सबङ्गइँ खण्डेंवि खण्डेवि किय गउ को वि पैडीवउ छैण्डेंवि ॥७ कामिणि-वयणोहामिय-छाय किये ससि-सयइँ मिलेप्पिणु आयइँ ॥८'
॥घत्ता ॥ कहइ सुमालि दसाणणहों 'जण-णयणाणन्द-जणेराई। । जिण-भवणइँ छुह-पङ्कियइँ एयइँ हरिसेणहों केरीइँ ॥९
[२] अट्ठाहियहें मज्झें महि सिद्धी णव-णिहि-चउदह-रयण-समिद्धी ॥१ पहिलऍ दिवसें महारह-कारणे जाणेवि जणणि-दुक्खं गउ तक्खणे ॥ २
वीयएँ तावस-भवणु पराइर्ड मयणावलिहें मयण-जरु लाइउँ ॥ ३ . 16 तइयएँ सिन्धुणयरे सुपसण्णउँ हत्थि जिणेप्पिणं लइयउ कण्ण॥४ 'वेयमईऍ चउत्थऍ होरिउ जयचन्दहें हियवऍ पइसारिउँ ॥५ पञ्चमें गङ्गाहर-महिहर-रणु तहिँ उप्पण्णु चक्कु तहों स-रयणु ॥६ छट्टएँ पिहिमि हूअ आवग्गी अण्णु वि मयणावलि करें लग्गी ॥ ७ सत्तमें गम्पि जणणि जोकारियं अट्ठमें दिवसे पुज्ज णीसारिय ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ . ऎय तेण वि णिम्मियइँ ससि-सङ्घ-खीर-कुन्दुंजलइँ। आहरण व वसुन्धरिहें सिव-सासय-सुहइँ व अविचलइँ॥९
[३] गउ सुणन्तु हरिसेण-कहाणउँ सम्मेय-इरिहिं मुंकु पयाणउँ ॥१ • तामै णिणाउ समुट्ठिउ भीसणु जाउहाण-साहण-संतासणु ॥२
पेसिय हत्थ-पहत्थ पधाइय वण-करि णिऍवि पडीवा आइय ॥३ 'देव देव किउ जेण महारउ अच्छइ मत्त-हत्थि अइरावउ ॥४ 18 A जजस. 19 P सवंगएं. 20 PS कोडि. 21 A छिंडेवि. 22 P मिलोप्पणु. 23 A पंकयई. 24 A कैराइ. - 2. 1 A अट्ठादियहे. 2 P °चउद्दह. 3 P S पहिलहि. 4 s °दुक्ख. 5 P वीभएं, 5 वीययू. 65 परायउ.7 Pमायणु. 8 5 लायउ.9 P A सुपसण्णउं, S संपण्णउ. 10 A जिणेविणु. 11 A कण्णउं. 12 A वेयवईए. 13 s पइसारियउ. 14 A सहसारणु. 15A जणणि गंपि. 16.P जोकारिय corrected to जयकारिय. 17 तिण्ण. 185 °कंदु.° 19 PS वाल.
3. 1 A °कहाणउं. 2 5 मुक्क. 3 A पयाणउं. 4 P S ताव. 5A missing 6s णियवि. 7 A अहरउरउ. २ कृत (१). ३ पुनः. ४ कृता (2). [२] १ वेगमत्या. २ चौरितः. ३ स्वाधीना. ४ एतानि. [३] १ राक्षसानाम् .
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२०३,५-९६४, १-९,५,१-३] एगारहमो संधि गजणाएँ अणुहरइ समुद्दों सीयरेण जलहरहों रउद्दहों ॥ ५. कद्दमेण णव-पाउस-कालहों णिज्झरेण महिहरहों विसालहों ॥६ रुक्खुम्मूलणेणं दुबायहाँ सुहड-विणासणेण जमरायहाँ ॥७ दंसणेण आसीविस-सप्पों विविह-मयावत्थऍ कन्दप्पा ॥८
॥ घत्ता ॥ इन्दु वि चडेवि ण सकियउ खन्धासणे एयहाँ वारणहों । गउ चउपासिउ परिभमेवि जिम अत्थ-हीणु कामिणि-जणहों ॥९
[४] अण्णुप्पण्णु दसण्णय-काणणे 'माहव-मासें देॐ साहारणे ॥१ उभय-चारि सबङ्गिय-सुन्दर भद्द-हत्थि णामेण मणोहरु ॥२ सत्त समुत्तुङ्गउ णव दीहरु दह परिणाहुँ तिण्णि कर वित्थर ॥३ णिद्ध-दन्तु महु-पिङ्गल-लोयणु अयसि-कुसुम-णिहु रत्त-कराणणु ॥४ पञ्च-मङ्गलावत्तु मैयालउ चक-कुम्भ-धय-छत्त-रिहालउ ॥५ वट्ट-तरट्टि-थणय-कुम्भत्थलु पुलय-सरीरु गलिय-गण्डत्थलु ॥ ६ उण्णय-कन्धरु सूयर-पच्छलु। वीस-णहरु सुअन्धे-मय-परिमलु ॥७ चाव-वंसु थिर-मंसु थिरोयरु गत्त-दन्त-कर-पुच्छे-पेईहरु ॥ ८
॥ धत्ता॥ एम अणेयइँ लक्खण किं गणियइँ णाम-विहूणाई। हत्थि-पएसँहुँ संबहु मि चउदह-सयइँ चउरूणाई' ॥९
तं णिसुणेवि दसाणणु हरिसिउ उरे ण मन्तु रोमञ्च व दरिसिउ ॥१ 'जइ तं भद्द-हत्थि णउ साहमि तो जणणोवरि असि वरु वाहमि' ॥२ एउ भणेवि स-सेण्णुं पधाइउ तं पएसु सहसत्ति पराईउ ॥ ३ 8 P गजणाएं, s गजणाइ. 9 A रक्खुमूलणेण. 10 A सुहहं. 11 A चउपासिहिं. 12 P जिम्ब,
जिम, A जिह. ___4. 1 PS दसाणण. 2 A काणणेण. 3 s साहरणे. 4 A सव्वंगिउ, s सत्तुंगिय. 5 s मंदिरु. 6 P परिणाहुं. 7 A करि. 8 P णिद्धदन्नु, 5 णिञ्चमंतु. 9 A सयावत्तुं सथालउ. 10 A कुम. 11 A उणय. 12 P सुअंधय. 13 P थिरवंसु, थिरथमंसु. 14 °पुच्छः. 15 PS एयाणेयई. 16 P पएसई, 3 °पयेसह. 17 P सब मि, 5 सबह मि,A सबहुं मि. 18 PS चउदह, A चउरद्ध. 19 5 °सइ.
5. 1 A पदरिसिउ, s व हरिसिउ. 2 P ससेणु, S पधायउ. 3 S परायउ, A पराइहउ. .. [४] १ चैत्रमासे. २ गिरिचारी समभूमिचारी वा. ३ अलसीपुष्पसदृशः, ४ मस्तक ताल हृदय लिङ्ग-त्रिकेषु पञ्च-दक्षिणावर्तः. ५ दीर्घतरः. ६ एतानि. ७ लक्षण १३९६.
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[क०५,४-५, ६, ३-९ गयवइ णिऍवि 'विरोल्लिय-णयणे हसिउ पहत्थु णवर दह-वयणें ॥४ 'हउँ जाणमि पचण्डु तम्वेरमु णवर विलासिणि-रूउं व मणोरमु ॥५ हउँ जाणमि गइन्द-कुम्भत्थलु णवर विलासिणि घण-थण-मण्डलु ॥ ६
जाणमि सु-विसाण अ-कलङ्कइँ णवर पसण्ण-कण्ण-ताडङ्कइँ ॥ ७ । हउँ जाणमि भमन्ति भमर-उलइँ णवर णिरन्तर-पेल्लिय-कुरुलइँ॥८
॥ घत्ता॥ जाणमि करि-खन्धारहणु अञ्चन्तु होइ भय-भासुरउँ । णवर पहत्थ मज्झु मणहों उवहई णवल्लु णाइँ सुरउ' ॥९
"पुष्फ-विमाणहों ली] दसाणणु दिहुँ णियत्थु किउ केस-णिवन्धणु ॥१ लइय लट्ठि उग्घोसिउ कलयलु तूरइँ हयइँ पधाइउ मयगलु ॥२ अहिमुह धर्णय-पुरन्दर-वईरिहें वासारत्तु जेम विन्झईरिहें ॥३ मुक्खरें ताडिउ लक्कुंडि-घाएँ णावइ काल-मेहुँ दुवाएं ॥४
देइ ण देइ वेज्मु उरें जाहिँ विजुल-विलसिय-करणे" ताहिँ ॥५ Is पच्छले चडिउ धुणेवि भुर्व-डालिउ 'वुदवुर्दै' भणेवि खन्धे अप्फालिउ ॥ ६
जैवि पुणु वि करेणालिङ्गेवि सुविणा(?)दइउ जेम गउ लड्डेवि" ॥७ खणे गण्डयले ठाइ खणे कन्धरे खणे चउहुँ मि चलणहुँ अन्भन्तरें ॥८
|| घत्ता ॥ दीसइ णासइ विप्फुरई परिभमइ चउद्दिसु कुञ्जरहों। " चलु लक्खिजइ गयण-यले णं विजु-पुजु णव-जलहरहों ॥ ९ 4 s णियवि. 5 P विरोल्लेलिय', 5 विरिल्लियं, A विरल्लिय'. 6 A नवरि.7 P रयउ, S रउव, A रूउ. 8 This and the next line missing in A. 9 PS हउ. 10 P S गयंद. 11P S जाणवि. 12 PS ताडक्कइ. 13 A णवरि. 14 PS कुरलई. 15 P SA अञ्चंत. 16 P भासुरउं. 17 PS महु. 18 A उच्छहइ. 19 P A सुरउं.
6. 1 P पुष्प', S पुष्फ. 2A डीणु. 3 5 दिट. 4 P marginally 'णियंवु' पाठे, A णियंवु. 5 P A अहिमुहूं. 6 PS वहरिहें. 7 P विज्झइरिहें, S विझइरिहिं. 8 PS A पुक्खरि. 9 ? लकडि, लक्कडे. 10 P कालु मेहु. 11s विंझु. 12 A जावहिं. 13 A करणे. 14 A तावहिं. 15A भुअ. 16 A भुदभुद. 17 S जं थिउ, A जेभिउ. 18 P सुइणादइंउ, 5 सुयणादयउ. 19 PS लंधिवि, A निग्गेवि. 20 s चउमुह मि, A चउहुं मि. 21 PS चलणहु, चलणहं. 22 P विफुरइ. 23 A चउदिसु लविखजइ मणो(ह deleted)रहहो.
[५] १ गजपति. २ विस्फारित. ३ दन्त. ४ केशानि. ५ प्रहस्थु सेनापतिः. ६ प्रतिभासते. ...[६] १ सन्मुखम्. २ रावणस्य. ३ मेघः. ४ सुण्डि. ५ हस्ति-चालण-भाषा. ६ गले रागैः कृत्वा पीडितः, ७ वल्लभः.
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२०७, १-९,८,१-४] एगारहमो संधि
[७] हत्थि-वियारणाउ एयारहे अण्णउ किरियउ वीस दु-वारहं ॥१ दरिसेवि किउ णिप्फन्दुं महा-गंउ धुत्तें वेस-मरर्ट्स व भग्गउ ॥२ । साहिउ मोक्खं व परम-जिणिन्दै 'होउ' होउ' णं रडिउ गईन्दें ॥३ 'भले भले' पभणिउ चलणु समप्पिउ तेण वि वामटे चप्पि ॥४ । कणे धरेंवि आरूढुं महाइउँ करेंवि वियारण अङ्कसु लाइउँ ॥५.. तेण विमाण-जाण-आणन्दें मेल्लिउ कुसुम-वासु सुर-विन्दे" ॥६ णच्चिउ कुम्भयण्णु स-विहीसण हत्थु पहत्थु वि मउ सुयसारणु ॥ ७. मल्लवन्तु मारिनु महोयरु रयणासउ सुमालि वजोयरु ॥८
॥घत्ता। हरिस-रसेणे करम्बियउ वीर-रसु जेण मणे भावियउ। तहिँ रावण-णहावऍण सो णाहिँ जो ण णच्चावियः ॥९ ।
[८] तिजगविहूसणु णामु पगासिउ णिउ तहिँ 'सिमिरु जेत्थु आवासिउ ॥१ थिउ सहसा करि-कह-अणुराइउ तहिँ अवसर भडु एक्कु पराइउँ ॥ २ ॥ पहर-विहुरु रुहिरोल्लिय-गत्तउ गरवइ तेण णवेवि विण्णत्तउ ॥ ३ 'देव देव किक्किन्धों तणऍहिँ सबल-फलिह-सूल-हल-कणऍहिँ ॥४ असिवर-झस-मुसण्ढि-णाराऍहिँ चक्क-कोन्त-गय-मोग्गर-धाऍहिँ ॥५ जमु आरोडिउँ भग्गा तेण वि धरॅवि ण सकिउ विहि एकर्ण वि ॥ ६ पञ्चेल्लि णिलरिय वाणेहिँ कह वि कह वि णउ मेल्लिउ पाणेहिँ' ॥ ७॥ तं णिसुणेवि कुइउँ रक्खद्धउ हय संगाम-भेरि सण्णद्धउ ॥ ८
7. 1 P पायारहं. 2 P दुवारहं. 3 PS दरिसवि. 4 P णिप्पंदु, निष्फंदु. 5A माहागउ. 6 धुत्ते. 7 P °मरटु. 8 8 मोषु. 9 P परमु. 10 PS जिणेदें, A जिणिंदे. 11 A गइंदे. 12 A भलि २पभणिउं. 13 A चलण. 14 s वामगुंडे, A वामंगुहे. 15 s चंपिउ. 16 A आरुढ. 17s महायउ. 18 A वियारणु. 19 P लाविउ, S लायउ, 20 A वाण. 21 P दें, A विंदे. 22 A ममो सुबि सारणु. 28 PS मारिच्चसहोयरु. 24 A °सेणि. 25 PS णाहि. 26 P णचाइअउ. • 8. 1 PS णाउ. 2 P जेत्थु सिमरे, s जेत्थु समरे. 3 5 °अणुरायड. 4 A इकु. 5s परायड 6.रोलिय. 7 PS णवेविणु वुत्तउ. 8 P किकिंधहो, A किविधेहिं.95 तणयहिं. 10s कणयहिं. 11 A मुंसुदि. 12 s°णारायहिं. 13 5 चक्वक्क. 14 Ps °घायहिं. 15 PS मारोडिवि. 16 A विहिं. 17 S A इक्केण. 18 P पञ्चेल्लिय, s पञ्चल्लिय. 19 P पाणिहिं, पाणेहि. 20: कुथड.
[७] १ पूर्यतां पूर्यताम्. २ रावणेण. ३ शुकसारणमन्त्री [4] १ कटके. २ बाणः. ३ रावणः.
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पउमचरिउ [क०८,९,९,१-९,१०,१
॥ घत्ता ॥ चन्दहासु करयलें करेंवि स-विमा स-वलु संचल्लियउ । महि लवेष्पिणु मयरहरु आयासहों णं उत्थल्लियउँ ॥९
[९] कोव-दवग्गि-पलित्तु पधाइ "णिविसें तं जम-णयरु पराइउँ ॥१ पेक्खई सत्त णरय अइ-रउरव उट्ठिय-वारवार-हाहारव ॥ २ पेक्खइ णइ वइतरीणि वहन्ती रस-वस-सोणिय-सलिलु वहन्ती ॥ ३ पेक्खइ गय-पय-पेल्लिज्जन्तइँ सुहड-सिरइँ टसत्ति भिज्जन्तइँ ॥ ४ पेक्खइ णर-मिहुण. कन्दन्तइँ सम्वलि-रुक्ख धराविजन्तइँ ॥५. . • पेक्खइ अण्ण-जीव छिज्जन्तइँ छणछण-सद्दे पउलिजन्तइँ॥६
कुम्भीपाके के वि" पच्चन्ता एव" विविह-दुक्ख पावन्ता ॥ ७ सयल वि मम्भीसेंवि मेल्लाविय जर्मउरि-रक्खवाल घल्लावियं ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ कहिउ कियन्तहाँ किङ्करहिँ 'वइतरणि भग्ग णासिय णरय । विद्धंसिउ असिपत्त-वणु छोडाविय णरवर-वन्दि-सय ॥ ९
[१०] अच्छइ एउ देव पारकर मत्त-गइन्द-विन्दु णं थक्कउ' ॥१ तं णिसुणेवि कुविउ जमराणंउ 'केण जियन्तु चत्तु अप्पाणउँ ॥२
कासु कियन्त-मित्तु सणि रुहिउँ कासु कालु आसण्णु परिदिउ ॥ ३ 20 में णर-वन्दि-विन्दु छोडाविउ असिपत्त-वणु अण्णु मोडाविउ ॥ ४
सत्त वि णरय जेण विद्धंसिय में वइतरणि वहति विणासिय ॥ ५ तहों दरिसावमि अज्जु जमत्तणु' एमैं भणेवि" णीसरिउ स-साहणु ॥ ६ महिसासणु दण्डुग्गय-पहरणु कसण-देहु गुञ्जाहल-लोयणु ॥ ७ केत्तिउ भीसणत्तु वणिजइ मिच्चै वुत्तु पुणु कहाँ उवमिजइ ॥८ 21 PS सविवाणु.22A संचल्लउ.23A उत्थलिउ.
9. 1 PS कोह°. 2 पधायउ, A पधाविउ, 3 P णिवसं, A णिविसिं. 4 परायड. 5s पेषइ. 6 A तरणि. 7A वीसढवंती. 1 P पेल्लिजंतए, S A पेल्लिजंतइ. 9 s सत्तिहि. 10 P भिजंतए, A भेजंत्तई. 11 P धराविजत्तई, धराविजत्तइ. 12 Pणयरि, S णयरे. 13 s मचंता. 14 PS एवविहइं. 15 A मेलाविय. 16 A जमपरि. 17 A पेल्लाविय. 18 A कयंतहो. 19 s केंकरेहि, A किंकारिहिं. 20 P °यणु corrected to वणु, s यगु
10. 1 s गयंविंदु. 2 A जमराणउं. 3 P A अप्पाणउं. 4 P कयंत. 5 S स्टूड, A रुड, 6 A जे.7 P S णरवंदिवंदु, A नरविंदवंदि. 8 5 असिपवणु. 9 A जेण. 10 s एव. 11 P SA भणिवि. 12 A महिसारुदुदंडगय. 13 5 कसणु देहु गुंजाहलु लोयणु, 14 A मित्तु. [१०] १ मृत्युः.
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क० १०,९, ११, १-९, १२, १-६] एमारहमी संधि
॥ धत्ता ॥ • जमु जम-सासणु जम-करणु जम-उरि जम-दण्डु समोत्थरइ। एक्कु जि"तिहुअणे पलय-करु पुणु पञ्च वि रणमुहें को धरइ ॥९
[११] जं जम-करणु दिदु भय-भीसणु धाइउ तं असहन्तु विहीसणु ॥ १ णवर दसाणणेणं ओसारिउँ अप्पुणु पुणु कियन्तु हक्कारिउ ॥ २ 'अरे माणव वढं वलु विण्णासहि मुहियऍ जं जमु णामु पयासहि ॥ ३ इन्दहाँ पाव तुज्झु णिक्करुणहों ससिहे पेयङ्गहों धणयहाँ वरुणहों ॥४ सवहँ कुल-कियन्तु हउँ आइउ थाहि थाहि कहिँ जाहि अघाई' ॥५ तं णिसुणेविण वइरि-खयंकर जमण मुंकु रणे दण्डु भयंकर ॥६ ॥ धाइउ धगधगन्तु आयासें ऐन्तु खुरप्पें छिण्णु दसासें ॥ ७. संय-सय-खण्डु करेप्पिणु पाडिउ गाइँ कियन्त-मडफरु साडिउ ॥ ८.
॥ घत्ता ॥ धणुहरु लेवि तुरन्तऍण सर-जालु विसजिउँ भासुरउ । तं पि णिवारिउ रावणेण जामाएं जिम खलु सासुरउ ॥ ९
. [१२] पुणु वि पुणु वि विणिवारिय-धणयहाँ विद्धन्तहाँ रयणासव-तणयहाँ ॥१ दिहि-मुट्टि-संधाणु ण णावइ णवर सिलीमुह-धोरण धावइ ॥२ जाणे जाणे हैऍ हऍ गय-गयवरे छत्ते छत्तें धऍ धऍ रहे रहवरें ॥ ३. भडे भडै मउडे मउडे करें करयले चलणे चलणे सिरे सिरें उरें उरयलें ॥४. भरिय वाण कडुआविय-साहणु णट्ट जमो वि विहरु णिप्पहरण ॥५ सैरहहाँ हरिणु जेम उद्धाइउ "णिविसें दाहिण-सेहि पराइउ ॥ ६ : 15 A वि. 16s तिहुमण, A तिहुयणे. 17 Ps रणउहे. ___11. 15 धायउ. 25 दसाणणे, A दसाणेण. 3 भोसरिउ. 4 5 बलु. 5 विण्णासहिं. 6A जि. 7 A जमनाउं. 8s पयासहि, A पगासहि. 9 P S तुझु पाव. 10 A niissing. 11PS सन्वहो. 12 P कियंत corrected to क', A कयंत. 13 s आयउ. 14 s थाहिं. 15 A जाहिं. 16 s अघायउ. 17A णिसुणेवि अराइ भयंकरु. 18 P मुक्क. 19 s आयांसें हैं. 20 यतु. 21 A खुरुप्पें. 22 दसासे. 23 P सई. 24 5 णांइं. 25 SA कयंत. 26 P मडुष्फरु. 27 PS धणहरू. 28 P विसजउ. 29 A तं विणिवारिउ. 30 s जामायं, A जामएं. 31 A जिह..
12. 1 A विंधंतहो. 2 P सिलीलुमुह. 3 5 हय हय. 4 Ps°गयवर. 5s धर्य धय. 6 PS रह. 7 5 °रहवर. 8 PS विरहु. 9 P निप्पहरणु. 10 PS सरहउ. 11S हरिण. 12 5 उद्घायउ. 13 A णिविसे. 14 PS °सेलि. [११] १ एवमेव वृथा. २ अग्नेः..। [१२] १ रावणस्य-विनिवारितो धनदो येन. २ ( P.'s reading ) रयरहितः:
पउ० चरि० 13
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पउमचरिउ [क० १२,७-९,१३,१-९,१४,१५ तहिँ रहणेउर-पुरवर-सारहों इन्दहाँ कहिउ अण्णु सहसारहों ॥७ 'सुरवइ लइ अप्पणउ पहुत्तणु अण्णहाँ कहाँ वि समप्पि जमत्तणु॥८
॥ घत्ता ।। मालि-सैंमालिहिँ पोत्तऍहिँ दरिसीविउ कह वि ण महु मरणु । लज्जऍ तुज्झु सुराहिवइ धणएण वि लइयउ तव-चरणु' ॥९
[१३] तं णिसुणेवि जम-वयणु असुन्दरु किर णिग्गइ सण्णहेवि पुरन्दरु ॥ १ अग्गएँ ताम मन्ति थिउ भेसई 'जो पहु सो सयलाई गवेसइ ॥२ तुहुँ पुणु धावइ णांइँ अयाणउ सो अँ कमागउ लङ्कहें राणउँ ॥३ ॥ तुम्हेंहिँ मालिहें कोलें भुत्ती मण्डु मण्डु जिह पर-कुलउत्ती॥४ ताहँ "जें पढमु जुत्तुं पहरेवउ णउ उक्खन्धे पइँ जाएवउ ॥ ५ देहि ताम ओहामिय-छायहों सुरसंगीय-णयरु जमरायहाँ ॥ ६ भुत्तु आसि जं मय-मारिच्चेहिँ' एम भणेवि णियत्तिउ भिच्चेंहिँ ॥ ७ दहमुहो वि जमउरि उच्छुरयहाँ किक्किन्धउरि देवि सूररयहाँ ॥८
॥ धत्ता ॥ गउँ लङ्कहें सवडंमुहउँ पहें लग्गु" विमाणु मणोहरउ । तोयदवाहण-वंस-दलु णं कालें वद्धिउ दीहरउ ॥ ९
[१४] भीसण-मयरहरोवरि' जन्तें उद्धसिहामणि-छाया-भन्तें ॥ १ " परिपुच्छिउ सुमालि दिण्णुत्तर 'किं णहयलु' ‘णं णं रयणायरु' ॥२ 'किं तमु किं तमालतरु-पन्तिउ' 'ण' णं इन्दणील-मणि-कन्तिउ' ॥ ३ 'किं एयाउ कीर-रिञ्छोलिउ' 'णं णं मरगय-पवणालोलिउ' ॥ ४ . 'किं महियले पडियइँ रवि-किरण' 'णं णं सूरकन्ति-मणि-रयणइँ' ॥५ 15 s कहि. 16 P °सुमालिहि, A °सुमालिहे. 17s पोत्तयहिं. 18 A दरिसावि. 19 8 कहि वि, A wanting. 20 P S लजइ.
13. 1 PS ताव. 2 A भेस. 3 PS सयलो इ, A सयलाइ. 4 Ps काइं. 5 A भयाणउं. 6 SA राणउं.7 PS तुम्हहं. 8 A मरणे. 9 A मंड मंड. 10 PS जि. 11 PS दुत्तु. 12 Ps उक्खंधइ. 13 s देह. 14 P एवं, 3 एव. 15 PS उच्छरयहो. 16 P गय. 17 PA सवर्ड. मुहलं. 18 PS लग्ग विमाणि. 19 P मणोहरडं. 20 PS वडिउ.
14. 1PS रोपरि. 24 °भंते. 3 Aणं ण. 4 Ps रिच्छोलिउ. 5 P पावा', पावण', 6 A सूरकंत. ।१३] १ बृहस्पतिनामा मन्त्री. २ मरणे. [१४] मरगज (१)-मणि-प्रवाल-पतिः ,
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क. १४, ६-११,१,१-८] वारहमो संधि 'किं गय-घडउ गिल्ल-गिल्लोलउ' 'णं णं जलणिहि-जल-कल्लोलउ' ॥६ 'स-बवसाय जाय किं महिहरे' 'णं णं परिभमन्ति जलें जलयर' ॥७ एम चवन्त पत्त लंकाउरि जा तिकूड-महिहर-सिहरोवरि ॥८. जणु णीसरिउ सत्रु परिओसें दियवर-पणइ-तूर-णिग्घोसें ॥९ णन्द-बद्ध-जय-सद-पउत्तिहँ सेसा-अग्घपत्त-जल-जुत्तिहिँ ॥१०
॥धत्ता॥ लङ्काहिवइ पइट्ठ पुरे परिवडु पअहिसेउ किउ । जिह सुरवइ सुरवर-पुरिहि तिह रज्जु से इंभु अन्तु थिउ ॥ ११
[ १२. वारहमो संधि ] पभणई दहवयणु दीहर-णयणु णिय-अत्थाणे णिविट्ठउ। 'कहहाँ कहाँ णरहों विजाहरहों अज वि कवणु अणि?उ' ॥१
[१] . तं णिसुणेवि जम्पइ को विणरु सिर-सिहर-चडाविय-उभय-करु ॥१ . 'परमेसर दुजउ दुइ खलु चन्दोवरु णामें अतुल-बलु ॥२ सो इन्दहों तणिय केर करेंवि पायाल-लङ्क थिउ पइसरेंवि ॥३ अवरेज दोच्छिउ परवरेंण 'किं सकें किं चन्दोयरेण ॥४ सुबन्ति कुमार अण्ण पवल उच्छुरयों णन्दण णील-णल' ॥५ अण्णेकें वुच्चइ 'हउँ कहमि दो-पासिउ जइण घाय लहमि ॥६ किकिंधपुरिहिँ करि-पवर-भु णामेण वालि सूररय-सुउ ॥७ जा पारिहच्छि मइँ दिट्ट तहों सा तिहुयणे णउ अण्णहों णरहों ॥८॥ 7s महिहरा. 8 - जलयरा. 9 P एय, 8 एव. 10 A पुत्त. 11 A परिओसे. 12 PA पणय. 13 P एउत्तिहिं. 14 P °अग्यवत्त. 15 Ps °पुरिहे. 16 s तिहं. 17 PS सयं.
* Henceforth only those variant readings are recorded which are significant from the point of view of grammar, metre or sense. Obviously corrupt or mere orthographic variants, if not otherwise significant, are mostly ignored. The Instr. Sin. forms in črn are given in A mostly without the Anusvāra. These also are not recorded.
1. 1A पभणइं. 2 P अणिटिउ. 3 PS सिहरे. 4 A चंदोयरु. 5 P भवरेके. 6 8 जहि. 7PS किकिंधतणउ, P. marginally, 'किकिंधउरिहिं' पाठे. 8 A °मयर. 9PS जुड, 10A पाडिहत्थि. २ आशिषा (?).
[१] १ शत्रुः. २ वेगः.
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॥ घत्ता ॥ रहु वाहेंवि अरुणु हय हर्णेवि पुणु जा जोयणु विण पावइ । ता मेरुहें भवि जिणवरु णवेवि तहिँ " पडीवउ आवइ ॥९
[२] । तहों जं वलु तं ण पुरन्दरहों ण कुवेरहों वरुणों ससहरहों ॥१
मेरु वि टालइ वद्धामरिसु तहों अण्णु णराहिउ तिण-सरिसु ॥२ कइलास-महीहरु कहि मि गउ तहिं सम्मउ णामें लइउ वउ ॥ ३ । णिग्गन्थु मुएवि विसुद्ध-मइ अण्णहों इन्दहाँ वि' णाहिँ णमइ ॥४
तं तेहउ पेक्खेवि गीढ-भउ पवज लेवि गउ सूररउ ॥५ 10 'महु होसइ केण वि कारणेण समरङ्गणु समउ दसाणणेण' ॥ ६
अवरेक्के वुत्तु 'ण ईमु घडइ कइवंसिउ किं अम्हहुँ भिडई ॥७ ५. सिरिकण्ठहाँ लग्गैवि मित्तइय, अण्णु वि उवयार-सएहिँ लइय ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ अहवइ वाणर वि सुरवर-णर "वि रत्तुप्पल-दल-णयणहाँ। Is ता सयल वि सुहड जा समर-ज्झर्ड णउ णिएन्ति दहवयणहाँ ॥९
[३] तं वालि-सल्लु हियवऍ धेरैवि तो रावणु अण्ण वोल्ल करेंवि ॥१ गउ एक-दिवसें सुर-सुन्दरिहें जा अवहरणेण तणूयरिहें ॥ २
ता हरविणीय कुल-भूसणेहिँ चन्दणहि ह(व?)रिय खर-दूसणेहिँ ॥३ 20 णासन्त णिएवि सहोयरेण णयरेणालङ्कारोदएण ॥ ४
णं उवरें छुहॅवि रक्खिय-सरण किय(?) तेहि मि चन्दोवर-मरणु ॥५ विणिवाइउ अत्थाणे जे थिउ जो दुक्किउ सो तं वारु णिउ ॥६ कुढे लग्गउ जे रणियर-वलु रह-तुरय-णाय-णरवर-पवलु ॥ ७ 11 P A तहि, s wanting. 12 s wanting.
2. 1 The middle portion of the folio in P giving the rest of this Kadavaka and the next Kadavaka is repaired and rewritten in a clumsy hand. Therein initially only न appears. 2 PS णाहि. 3 SA णवइ. 4 P S गीढवउ. 5 P न इउ, ण येउ. 6 PS किह अह्मह.7s भिडई. 8 P उअयार'. 9 s सुरवर वि. 10 P भड, A °झडाणउ.
3. 1s सल्ल. 2 P S A हियवइ. 3PS सो. 4 P S अण्णु, A अन्न. 5 P marginally adds णु to वोल्ल. 6 s चंदणवि. 7 P महोदएण, A सहोयरिण. 8 P S रोदणेण. 9 A उयरि. 10 A चंदोयर'. 11 PS °णरपवरपवलु.
[२] १ सम्यक्त्व-नामा व्रतं गृहीतम्. २ (P's reading ) संवरितं शरीरम् . |३1१(P's reading ) महोद्यतवन्तः (?). २ पाताललङ्कया. ३ कृत. ४ विनाशं नीतः।
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क० ३, ८-९, ४, १-९, ५, १-६] वारहमो संधि
१०१ अलहन्तु वारु तं णिप्पसरु गउ वलेंवि पडीवउ णिय-णर्यरु ॥८.
॥ पत्ता ॥ छुडु छुडु दहवयणु परितुट्ठ-मणु किर स-कलत्तउ आवइ। उम्मण-दुम्मणउँ असुहावणउ णिय-घर ताम विहावइ ॥९
तुरमाणे केण वि वज्जरिउ खर-दूसण-कण्णा-दुच्चरिउ ॥१ अत्थक्कएँ आयम्विर-णयणु कुठें लग्गइ स-रहसु दहवयः ॥ २ करें धरिउ ताम मन्दोवरिऍणं गङ्गा-वाहु जउण-सरिऍ ॥३ 'परमेसर कहाँ वि ण अप्पणिय जिह कण्ण तेम पर-भायणिय ॥ ४ एक इ करवाल-भयङ्करहुँ चउदह सहास विज्जाहरहुँ ॥ ५ ॥ जइ आण-वडीवा होन्ति पुणु तो घर अच्छन्तिऍ कवणु गुणु ॥६ पट्टवहि महन्ता मुऍवि रणु कण्णहें करन्तु पाणिग्गहणु' ॥ ७ तं वयणु सुणेवि मारिच्च-मय पेसिय दर्हवत्तें तुरिअ गय ॥८
॥घत्ता ॥ तेहिँ विवाहु किउ खरु रजें थिउ अणुराहहें विज-सहिउ । . वणे णिवसन्तियहे वय-चन्तियहें सुउ उप्पण्णु विराहिउ ॥ ९
[५] एत्थन्तरें जमे-जूरावणेण तं सल्लु धरेप्पिणु रावणेण ॥ १ पट्टविउ महामइ दूउ तहिँ सुग्गीव-सहोयरु वालि जहि ॥ २ वोल्लाविउ थाऍवि अहिमुहँण 'हउँ एम विसजिउ दहमुहेंण ॥ ३ ॥ एक्कूणवीस-रजन्तरई मित्तइयएँ गयइँ णिरन्तरइँ ॥४ कॉ वि कित्तिधवलु णामेण चिरु सिरिकण्ठ-कजे थिउ देवि सिरु ॥ ५ . णवमउ परिणाविउ अमरपहु में धऍहिँ लिहाविउ कइ-णिवह ॥६ 12 A तं. 13 Hereafter P marignally adds the following lines : अणुराहा चंदोयरहो पिया परिपुण्णगब्भ वणे कहिम्मि गया। They were originally written in the beginning of the next Kadavaka. But there they are deleted, S also reads these lines at the beginning of the next Kadavaka. They do not occur in A. 14 PS दुम्मणदुम्मणउं. 15 P S A असुहावणउं.
4. 1A मंदोयरिए. 2 PS तेव. 3 PS 'भायणीय. 4 P S तिक्खइ. 5 A गणु. 6 P दहवयणई, s दहवयण व. 7 PS णवर, P marginally, 'तुरिय' पाटे. 8 P S तेहिं, तहिं.9 PS खर. 10 A वि जमाहिउ. 11 P वयवंतियहु, वयवंतियहो, A चुयवंतियहे. . 5. 1 A जग. 2 PS A हउ. 3 PS °रजंतराइं. 4 PS मित्तइए. 5 PS णिरंतराइं. 6 P सिरिकंठे. 7 A धयह.
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पउमचरिउ [क०५,७-१४, ६, ३-९ देहमउ कइ-केयणु सिरि-सहिउ. एयारहम पडिवलु कहिउ ॥७ वारहमउ णयणीणन्दयर तेरहमउ खयराणन्दु वरु ॥८ चउदहमउ गिरि-किंवेरवलु (?) पण्णारहमउ णन्दणु अजउ ॥ ९ सोलहम पुणु को "वि उवहिरउ तडिकेस-'विगमे किउ तेण तउ ॥ १० 5 सत्तारहमउ किकिंन्धु पुणु तहाँ कवणु सुकेसें ण किउ गुणु ॥ ११
अट्ठारहमउ पुणु सूररउ जमु भजेवि तहाँ पइसारु कउँ ॥ १२ तुहुँ एवंहिँ एकुणवीसमउ अणुहुन्छ रज्जु मणे मुएवि मउ ॥ १३
॥ धत्ता ॥ आउ णिहाले मुहूं तं णमहि तहुँ गम्पि दसाणण-राणउ । "जेण देइ पवलु चउरङ्ग-वलु इन्दहाँ उर्वरि पयाणउ' ॥ १४
जं किउ जयकारु णाम-गहणु तं णवर वैलेंवि थिउ 'अण्ण-मणु ॥१ ण करेइ कण्णे वयणाइँ पहुँ जिह पर-पुरिसंहों सु-कुलीण-वहुँ ॥२
एत्थन्तरे दहमुह-दूअऍण अच्चन्त-विलक्खीहूअऍण ॥ ३ 15 णिन्भच्छिउ मेल्ले वि सयण-किय 'जो को वि णमेसइ तासु सिय ॥४
णीसरु तुहुँ आयहाँ पट्टणहों णं तो भिंडु परऍ दसाणणहों' ॥ ५ तं णिसुणेवि कोव-करम्विऍण पडिदोच्छिउ सीहविलम्बिऍण ॥ ६ 'अरें वालि देउ किं पइँ ण सुउ महु महिहरु जेण मुंअहिँ विहुउ ॥ ७ जो णिविसद्धेण पिहिवि कमइ चत्तारि वि सायर परिभमैइ ॥८
॥ घत्ता॥ जासु महाजसेंण रणे अणवसैंण धवलीहूअउ तिहुवणु। तासु वियट्टाहों अभिट्टाहों कवणु गहणु किर रावणु' ॥ ९ 8 This and the next two distichs wanting in A. 9 s एयारहमउं. 10 P गयणा. 11 A पपणारहमउं. 12 P क वि, s कुवि. 13 P अट्ठारहमउं. 14 P 3 किउ. 15 Ps एमहि. 16 A रज. 17 PA मुहूं. 18 A राणउं. 19 P उमरि. 20A पयाणउं. ...6. 1 A लेवि. 2 A पहुं. 3 A पुरिसहुं. 4 A वहुं. 5 P मेल्लवि, 8 मेलबि, A मेल्लिवि. 6 P भिड.7 P भुए विहओ, s भुयेहि हउ. 8 P पिहिमि. 9 P A कमइं. 10 A चेयारि. 11 S A परिभमई. 12 s अण्ण. 13 PS वियट्टहो. 14 P अभिट्टहो, S अभिट्टतो.
[५] १ वियोगे. २ मदः.
[६] १ पराङ्मुखः. २ सज्जनक्रिया. ३ प्रभावे. ४ मत्रिनामेदम्. ५ भूमौ कृतः (१). ६ अ-परवशीकृतेन,
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क०७, १-९,८,१-९]
वारहमो संधि
सो दूउ कडुय-वयणासि-हडे सामरिसु दसासहों पासु गउ ॥१ 'किं वहुएं एत्तिउ कहिउ मइँ तिण-समउ वि ण गणइ वालि पइँ ॥२ तं वयणु सुणेप्पिणु दससिरेण वुच्चइ रयणायर-रव-गिरेण ॥३ 'जइ रण-मुहें माणु ण मलमि तहों तो छित्त पाय रयणासवहों' ॥४
आरुहेवि पइज पयट्ट पहु णं कहों वि विरुद्धउ कूर-गहु ॥५ थिउ पुप्फविमाणे मणोहरऍ णं सिद्धु सिवालऍ सुन्दरऍ॥ ६ करें णिम्मलुं चन्दहासु धरिउ ण घण-णिसण्णु तडि-विप्फुरिउ ॥७ णीसरिएं पुर-परमेसरण णीसरिय वीर णिमिसन्तरेण ॥८
॥ धत्ता ॥ 'अम्हहुँ पय-भरेंण णिरु णिहरण में मरउ धरणि वराइय' । एत्तिय-कारणेण गयणगणेण णावइ सुहड पराइयं ॥ ९
[८] एत्तहे वि समर-दुजोहणिहिँ चउदहहिँ णरिन्द-अखोहणिहिँ ॥ १ सण्णहेवि वालि णीसरिउ किह मजाय-विवजिउ जलहि जिह ॥ २ ॥ पणवेप्पिणु विणि वि अतुल-चल "थियं अग्गिम-खन्धेहिं णील-णल ॥ ३ विरइउ आरायणु रणे अचलु पहिलउ जे णिविडं पायाल-वलु ॥४ पुणु पच्छऍ हिलिहिलन्त स-भय खर-खुरेंहिँ खणन्त खोणि तुरयं ॥५ पुणु सइल-सिहर-सण्णिह सैयर्ड पुणु भय-विहलचल हत्थि-हड ॥ ६ पुणु णरवइ वर-करवाल-धर आसण्ण ढुक्क तो रैयणियर ॥ ७ . ॥ किर समरें भिडन्ति भिडन्ति णइ थिय अन्तरें मन्ति सु-विउल-मइ ॥ ८ .
॥ पत्ता ॥ 'वालि-दसाणणहों जुज्झण-मणहाँ एउ काइँ ण गवेसहाँ । किऍ" खऍ वन्धवहुँ पुणु केण सहुँ पच्छऍ रज्जु करेसहाँ ॥९
7. 1 P°हउं. 2 5 रणउहे. 3 पाप. 4 P°विमाणे. 5 s सुंदराई. 6 P णिम्मले. 7 SA जिविसं. 8 PS अम्हहु, A अम्हहं. 9 s wanting. 10 P पधाइय, S पधाइया..
8. 1 P°दुजोहणीहि, s °दुजोहणीहिं. 25 णरेंदें. 3 P°अखोहणीहिं, s खोहणीहिं. 4 This pāda is missing in A, 5 Ps थिभ. 6 P णिविड, S णिविडू. 74 पच्छलि. 8 PS खणंतु. 9A तुरिय. 10 8 सयल. 11 PS सिहरि. 12 8 सुहडा, A सुहड. 13 A ताम मन्ति सुचवि. 14 s किय, A किं. 15 P S A बंधवहु. 16 A करेसहुं.
[८] युद्धरचना. ३ पादूक (१). ३ रथाः. ४ राक्षसाः
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[९] जो कित्तिधवले-सिरिकण्ठ-किउ किक्किन्ध-सुकेसहिँ विद्धि णिउ ॥ १ तं खयहो णेहु मा णेह-तरु जइ धरेंवि ण सक्कों रोस-भरु ॥२ तो वे वि परोप्परु उत्थरहों जो को वि जिणई जयकारु तहों' ॥३ तं णिसुणेवि वालि-देउ चवइ 'सुन्दर भणन्ति लङ्काहिवइ ॥ ४ खउ तुज्झु व मज्झु र्व णिबडउँ जिम धुंव जिम मन्दोवरि रडउँ ॥५ किं वहहिँ जीहिँ घाइऍहिँ वन्धव-सयणहिँ विणिवाइऍहिँ ॥ ६ लइ पहरु पहरु जइ अस्थि छलु पेक्खहुँ तुह विजहुँ तणउ वलु' ॥७ तं णिसुणेवि समर-सएहिँ थिरु वावरेंवि लग्गु वीसद्ध-सिरु ॥८ " आमेल्लिय विज महोयरिय (१) फणि-फैण-फुक्कार दिन्ति गइय ॥ ९
॥ पत्ता ॥ वालिं भीसणिय अहि-णासणिय गारुड-विज विसजिय । उत्त-पडुत्तियएँ कुल-उत्तियएँ णं पुण्णालि परजिय ॥ १०
[१०] दहवयणे गरुड-परायणिय पम्मुक्त विज णारायणिय ॥१ गय-सङ्ख-चक्क-सारङ्ग-धरि चउ-भुअ गरुडासण-गमण-करि ॥२ सूररय-सुएण वि संभरिय ___णामेण विज माहेसरिय ॥ ३ । कङ्काल-कराल तिसूल-करि ससि-गउरि-गण-खट्टङ्ग-धरि ॥ ४ किर अवर विसज्जइ दहवयणु सय-वारउ परिअञ्चेवि रणु ॥ ५ ॥ स-विमाणु स-खग्गु महावलेंण उच्चाइउ दाहिण-करयलेण ॥ ६ ‘णं कुञ्जर-करें] कवल पवरुणं वाहुवलीसें चकहरु ॥ ७ णहें दुन्दुहि ताडिय सुरयणेण किउ कलयलु कइधय-साहणेण ॥ ८
॥ धत्ता ॥ माणु मलेवि तहाँ लङ्काहिवहाँ वधु पट्ट सुग्गीवहाँ ।
'करि जयकार तुहुँ अणुभुजे सुहुँ भिच्चु होहि दहगीवहाँ ॥९ 19: 1. 5 कित्तिधवलु. 2 PS णेहु . 3 P धरवि, s धरणि. 4 PA जिणइं. 5 s भणेइ. 6 Ps वि.7A णिव्वडइ. 8 A रखइ. 9 P पेक्ख corrected to पेक्खउ, s पेक्खहु. 10 विजहे, A विजहु. 11 Ps फणफणि. 12 PS °पउत्तियए. -- 10. 1 P S दहगीयें. 2 P पमुक्क. 3 P5 °गमणु. 4 9 विजु. 51'S °करी, A°धरि. 6 is गोरि. 7 करे. 8 PS सुखग्गु. 9 °वरेण. 10 A कमलु, 11 I'S सुरवरेण. 12 PS कइद्धयं. 13 s सहुं.. [९] १ ध्रुवा, वालि-स्त्री. २ सर्पिणी विद्या.. ..
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१० ११, १-९, १२, १-१०] बारहमो संधि
[११] महु तणजे सीसु पुणु दुण्णमउ जिह मोक्ख-सिहरु सबुत्तमउ ॥१ पणवेप्पिण तिल्लोकाहिवइ सामण्णहों अण्णहों णउ णवई ॥२ महु तणिय पिहिवि तुहुँ भुञ्जि पहुं रिज्झउ कइ-जाउहाण-णिवहु ॥ ३ अण्णु मि' जो पइँ उवया किउ तायहाँ कारणे जमराउ जिउ ॥४ । तहों मइँ किय पडिउवयारं-किय आवग्गी भुञ्जहि राय-सिय ॥५ गउ एम भणेप्पिणु तुरिउ तहिं गुरु गयणचन्दु णामेण जहिँ ॥६ तवचरण लइउ तग्गय-मणेण उप्पण्ण रिद्धिउ तक्खणेण ॥॥ ७ अणुदिणु जिणन्तु इन्दिय-वइरि गंउ तित्थु जेत्थु कइलास-गिरि ॥८
॥त्ता ॥ उप्परि" चडिउ तहों अट्ठावयहाँ पश्च-महावय-धारउ । अत्तावर्ण-सिलहँ सासय-इलहँ णं थिउ वालि भडारउ ॥९
[१२] एसहे सिरिप्पह भइणि तहों सुग्गीवें दिण्ण दसाणणों ॥१ वोलाविउँ गउ लङ्का-णयरें णल-पील विसजिय किक-पुरें ॥ २ ॥ सुउ धुव-महएविहें संथविउ ससिकिरण णियद्ध-रज्जे थविउ ॥ ३ तहिँ अवसरें उत्तर-सेढि-विहु विजाहरु णामें जलणसिहु ॥४ तहाँ धीर्य सुतार-णाम णरेंण मग्गिजइ दससयगइ-वरेण ॥५ गुरु-वयणे तासु ण पट्टविय . सुग्गीवहाँ णवर परिट्टविय ॥६ परिणेवि कण्ण णिय णियय-पुरु दर्ससयगइहें वि विरहग्गि गुरु ॥ ७ ॥ पजलइ उप्पायइ कलमलउ उहउ ण सुहाइ ण सीयलउ ॥८ उन्भन्तउ कहि मि पइट्ट वणु साहन्तु विज थिउ एक-मणु ॥९
॥ घत्ता ॥ ताई मि धणे-पउरें किक्किन्धं-पुरे अङ्गङ्गय वडन्त । थियइ रयण इं] गई वेण्णि वि जणइँ रज्जु से इं भु अन्त ॥ १० ॥
11. 1 P तणउं. 2 PS दुण्णमउं, A दुनमउं. 3 Folio no. 34 containing the text from मोक्खसिहरु upto दुक्कियभरेणति (XIII 4,4 ) is missing in P. 4 s णमइ.5s पिहिमि. 6 A पहुं.7A वि. 8 5 उपगारु. 9s पडि उअयार. 10A उप्पण्णउं. 11 A हणंतु. 12 sजेत्थ तेस्थ. 13 A उपपरे. 14 s महन्वय. 15s आतावणे 16 वाहुवली.
12. 1A सिरिप्पर. 2 S A वोल्लाविउ. 3 s A °णयरि. 4 A धुअ. 5s मंगिजइ. 6s परविय.7 तेण वि परिणियं णिययपुरु.85°गईहे. 9s wanting. 10A कलकमलउ. 11s भम्मंतउ. 125 वणे. 13 s एकमणे. 14 A ताए वि. 15s वण'. 16 s किकिंधु. 17A चितवंताइ, बटुंताइ. 18 8 रयाण, रयण. 19 A इ. 20 s सयं.21 s भुजंताए, A भुजंताइ.
पउ० चरि.14
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[ १३
पेक्खप्पिणु वालि भडारेड भई 'किं मइँ जीवन्तेंण
ररहुँ परोप्परु हूउ चप्पु 1. पडिपेल्लियैड विण वहइ विमाणु
विज्जाहर - कुमारि रयणावलि परिणेंवि वलइ जाम ता थम्भिउ महरिसि तव ते थिङ विमाणु णं सुके खीलिउ मेह-जालु 1. णं दूसामिऍण कुडुम्ब - वित्त णं कण- सेलें पवण-गमणु frees as किङ्किणीउ घग्घरेंहि मि घवघव घोसुं यत्तु
तेरहमो संधि ]
रावणु रोसारियउ । जाम ण रिउ मुसुमूरियउ' ॥ १ ॥
तो एत्थन्तरेंण केयं पहुणा सब - दिसावलोयणेण वि
॥ दुवई
विहडइ थरहरेंड ण ढुक्कइ छुड छुड परिणियैड कलन्तु वे
'मरु कहाँ अथक्क[ ऍ] कालु कुछु
णिच्चालोय - पुरवरे । पुष्पविमाणु अम्वरे ॥ १ णं दुक्किय-कम्म-वसेण दाणु ॥ २ णं पाउसेण कोइल- वमालु ॥ ३ णं मच्छे धरि महायर्वन्तु (१) ॥ ४
णं दाण- पहावें णीय-भवणु ॥ ५ णं सुरऍ समत्त कामिणीउ ॥ ६ णं गिम्भयालु दद्दुरेहुँ पत्तु ॥ ७ अहो धरणि एजेविणु धरणि-कम् ॥ ८ णं महरिसि भइयऍ मुअइ पाणु ॥ ९
॥ घत्ता ॥
[ क० १, १-१०२, १-२
उप्पर वालि भडाराहों । रइ-दइयँहों वडारोहों ॥ १०
दुवई ॥
सब - दिसावलोयणं । रत्तुप्पलमिव णहङ्गणं ॥ १ करु केण भुयङ्गम-वयणें
1. 1 A भडारउ. 2 A पभणई. 3 Throughout, this designation occurs only in A 494 परिणिवि. 5s सुकिं 4 सकें. 6s पुच्छिउ, मच्छे. 7s महाववत्तु, A महाहवन्तु. 8s घग्घरयहि. 9s wanting. 10s °घोस. 11s गिण्हयालु. 12s ददुरहु, दहुरहं. 13s णरवरहु, A णरवरहं. 14 A अह धरणिएं. 15s पडिपेल्लिओ, A पंडिपेल्लियउ 16s परपहरई 17s दुक्कडं. 184 परिणियउं. 19s वर 20s वंदइ पेहो. 21 8 वडाराहो, A वड्डावहो.
2 184 कय. 23 कहे. The rest of the line is illegible in s. A कहुं रथक
छुछु ॥ २
Page #320
क० २,३-१०; ३, १-१०]
के' सिरेंण पडिच्छिउ कुलिस- घाउ जलन्तऍ जलणं - जालें
को पइडु मारि gas 'देव देव लम्विय-थिर-थर-पलम्व - वाहु मेरु व अकम्पु उवहि व अखोहु मज्झ-पड व उग्ग-तेज ओसारि विमाणु दवत्ति देव
तेरहमो संधि
को णिग्गउ पञ्चाणण-मुहाउ || ३ कोठि कियत - दन्तन्तराले ' ॥ ४ स-भुअङ्गमु चन्दण-रुक्खु जेर्मं ॥ ५ अच्छइ कइलासह उवरि साहु ॥ ६ महियलु व वहु-क्खमु वत्त- मोहु ॥ ७ तहों तव सत्तिएँ पडिखलिड वेर्ड ॥ ८ फुट्टइ ण जाम खलु हियउ जेम' ॥ ९ ॥ घत्ता ॥
दर्हमुह हेट्ठामुह वैलिड । जोवण - भारु णाइँ गलिउ ॥ १० [३]
॥ दुबई ॥
तं माम-वयणुणिसुणेपिणु गयण लच्छि केरउ
तो गज्जन्त-मत्त-मायङ्ग तुङ्ग - सिर- घट्ट - कन्धरो । उक्खय-मणि - सिलायलुच्छालिय-हल्लाविय- वसुन्धरो ॥ १
बहु-सूरकन्त - हुयवह-पलितु
मरगय-मऊ - संदेह वन्तु वर-पराये - करणियर-तम्बु तरु-पडियै - पुप्फ-पत्त- सिहरु अहि-गिलिय-गइन्दै-पमुत्त-सासु सो तेहउ गिरि-कइलासु दिनु पञ्चारि 'लइ मुणिओ सि मित्त अज्जु वि रणु इच्छहि मइँ समाणु
जं" पइँ परिहव रिणु दिण्ण पाहाणु जेम उम्मूवि
॥ घत्ता ॥
तं स कलन्तरु अल्लवमि ।
कइलासु जे सायरें घिमि' ॥ १०
ससिकन्त-णीर- णिज्झर - किलिन्तु ॥ २ णील- मणि- पन्धारिय - दियन्तु ॥ ३ गय-मय-इ-पक्खालिय- णियम्बु ॥ ४ मयरन्द-सु-रस-मत- भमरु ॥ ५ सासुग्गय - मोतिय- धवलियासु ॥ ६ अण्णु वि मुणिवैरु मुणिवर-वरि ॥ ७ स कसाय - कोव - हुव ह पलित ॥ ८ जइ रिसि तो किं थम्भिर विमाणु ॥ ९
3s किं सिरिण, 4 किं सरेण 4s जलणे. 5 A कयंत° 6s जेव. 78 मज्झण्ण, A मज्झण 88. 9 A दहमुहुं हेहामुहुं. 10 A चलिउ. 11s गणंगणि.
3. 1s° तुरंग, A सुंग. 2 A लुच्छ लियपहल्लाविग 39 ° सूरकंति'. 4s ° पलिस. 5 s किलित्त. 6s ओह 7s पोमराय 8s °तडिय 9A धुरा 10s अह. 1164 'दपसुत, 12s मुणिवर. 139 ईसाइको वहुवबहु. 14 4 अज 15s जो. 16 4 दिष्णएं.
Page #321
[क०४, ५-१०५,१-६
एम भणेवि झत्ति पडिउ इव वालिहें तणेण सावेणं ।
तलु भिन्दैवि पइ९ महिदारणियहें विजहें पहावेणं ॥ १ 'चिन्तेप्पिणु विज-सहासु तेण उम्मूलिउ महिहरु दहमुहेण ॥२ सु-पसिद्धउ सिद्धउ ल -संसु णावइ दुप्पुत्तें णियय-वंसु ॥ ३ अहवइ णवन्तु दुक्किय-भरेण तइलोकु वखित्त (१) व जिणवरेण ॥ अहवइ भुवइन्द-ललन्त-णालु णीसारिउ महि-उवैरहों वै वालु ॥ ५
अहवइ णं वसुह महीहराहँ छोडाविय वालालुञ्चिराहँ ॥ ६ 10 अहवइ चलवलइ भुअङ्ग-थट्ठ णं धरणि-अन्त-पोट्टलु विस? ॥ ७
खोलैक्खउ खोणि-खयालु भाइ पायालहों फाडिउ उअरु णाई ॥८ गिरिवरेण चलन्तें चउ-समुद्द अहिमुह उत्थल्लाविय"रउद्द ॥९
॥ घत्ता॥ जे गयउ आसि णासेप्पिणु सायर-जारें माणियउँ । 16 तं मण्ड हरेवि पडीवउ जलु कु-कलत्तु व आणियउ ॥ १०
॥ दुवई ॥ सुरवर-पवरकरि-कराकार-करग्गुग्गामिएँ' धरे।
भग्ग-भुयङ्ग-उग्ग-णिग्गय-विसग्गि-लग्गन्त-कन्दरे ॥ १ " कत्थई विहडियइँ सिलायलाइँ सइलग्गइँ कियइँ व खलहलाई ॥२
कत्थई गय णिग्गय उद्ध-सुण्ड णं धरऍ पसारिय वाहु-दण्ड ॥३ कत्थइ सुअ-पन्तिउँ उद्वियाउ णं तुट्टा मरगय-कण्ठियाउ ॥४ कत्थइ भमरोलिउ धावडाउ उडन्ति व कइलासहों जडाउ॥५ कत्थइ वणयर णिग्गय गुहेहिँ णं वमई महागिरि वहु-मुहेहिँ ॥ ६
4. 1A पडिअ. 29 साविणं, A साविणा. 3 5 तणु. 45 पट्ट. 5s पहाविणा. 6s लढु. 7 P तिलोकु, s तिलोकु, A तइलोक्क. 8 P A खित्तु. 9 A भुअइंद. 10 P °उयरहो, s 'ओयरहो, A ऊबरहो वालु. 11 s य. 12 PS A °लुंचिताहं. 13 A °पत्तु वे दल'. 14 PS खोलुखउ खोणिउ खयाल भाई. 15 PS उच्छल्लाविभ रउदु, Aथल्लावियसमुद. 16 P माणिभउं, s माणउं, A माणियउं. 17 P आणिउं, s आणिउ, A आणियउं.
5. 1 P S 'करुग्गामिए धराधरे. 2 A विसग्ग'. 3 PS कस्थनि. 4 A सइलंगइ. 5 Ps सोंड. 6A धरणि. 7 P°तिउं. 8 P तुट्टेवि. 9 वमई. [४] १ नाभिनालम्. २ शिशु. ३ अतीवगाढम्. ४ पर्वतगतो. ५ समुद्र, लक्ष्म्याकरम् (?). [५] १ शैल, पर्वत.
Page #322
के० ५, ७-१०, ६, १-१०,७,१] तेरहमो संधि उच्छलिउ कहि मि जलु धवल-धार णं तुडेवि गउ गिरिवरही हारु ॥७ कत्थइ उट्ठियइँ वलाय-सयइँ णं तुडेवि गिरि-अट्ठियइँ गयह ॥ ८ कत्था उच्छलियइँ विहुमाइँ ण रुहिर-फुलिङ्गइँ अहिणवाइँ ॥९
॥घत्ता॥ अण्णु विजो अण्णहों हत्थेण णिय-थाहों मेल्लावियउ। णिञ्चलु ववसाय-विहूणउ कवणु ण आवइ पावियउ ॥१०
॥ दुवई ॥ ताम फडा-कडप्प-विप्फुरिय-परिप्फुर्ड-मणि-णिहायहो ।
आसण-कम्पु जाउ पायालयले धरणिन्द-रायहो ॥१ अहि अवहि पउजेवि आउ तेत्थु रावणु केलासुद्धरणु जेत्थु ॥२ जहिँ मणि-सिलायलुप्पीलु फुट्ट गिरि-डिम्भहों' णं कडिसरउ तुट्ट ॥ ३ जहिं वणयर-धट्ट-मर? भग्गु जहिँ वालि महारिसि सोवसग्गु ॥४ जल्ल-मल-पसाहिय-सयल-गत्तु विजा-जोगेसर रिद्धि-पत्तु ॥ ५ तिण-कणयकोडि-सामण्ण-भाउ सुहि-सत्तु-एक-कारण-सहाउ ॥ ६ सो जइवरु कुञ्चिय-कर-कमेण परिअश्चिउ जमिउ भुअङ्गमेण ॥७ महियल-गय-सीसावलि विहाई किय अहिणव-कमलच्चणिय णाई॥ रेहइ फणालि मणि-विप्फुरन्ति णं वोहिय पुरउ पईव-पन्ति ॥ ९
॥ पत्ता ॥ पणवन्तें देससयलोयणेण हेटामुहुँ कइलासु णिउ । सोणिउँ दह-मुहेंहिँ वहन्तउँ दहमुहु कुम्मागारु किउ ॥ १०
॥ दुवई ॥ जं अहिपवर-राय-गुरुभारकन्त-धरेण पेल्लिओ।
दस-दिसिवह-भरन्तु दहवयणे घोराराउ 'मेलिओ ॥१ 10 PS जल. 11 PS A तुझिवि. 12s पुडिंगई. 13 PS अण्ण सहाथेण, अण्णहो सहत्थेण. 14 Aठाणहो.
6. 1 P फड्डा. 2 PS परि फुड. 3 P पायालए ता, S पायालहो ता. 4 A रावण केलास. 5 PSA जहि. 6 8 सिलायले पीढु. 7 PS डिंभु कडय. 8 PS °मरद्द. 9 P°पहासिय. 108
जुत्त. 11 P एक्क, S एकु. 125 करेण. 13 A परिअंचेवि णविउ. 14 s बिहाइं. 15 P°विप्फुरंतु. 16 P पइव०. 17 s हेट्ठामुह, A हेहामुहूं. 18 A सोणिउं. 19 A मुयंतउ. 20 A. कुम्मायाक.
7. 1. PS A मेलिउ. [६] १ धरणेद्रेण. [७] १ धरणेन्द्रः .
Page #323
पउमचरिउ [क०७,२-1016-1. तं सडु सुणेवि मणोहरेण सुरवर-करि-कुम्भ-पयोधरेण ॥ २ केऊर-हार-णेउर-धरेण खणखणखणन्त-कङ्कण-करेण ॥ ३ कञ्ची-कलाव-रहोलिरेणं मुह-कमलासत्तिन्दिन्दिरेण ॥४ विन्भम-विलास-भूभङ्गुरेण हाहारउ किउ अन्तेउरेणं ॥ ५ . : 'हा हा दहमुह जय-सिरि-णिवास दहवयण दसाणणं हा दसास ॥ ६ वीसद्ध-गीव वीसद्ध-जीह दससिर सुरवर-सारङ्ग-सीह' ॥ ७ मन्दोवरि पभणइ 'चारु-चित्तं अहों वालि-भडारा करें परित्त ॥८ लकेसहो जाइ ण जीउ जाम भत्तार-भिक्ख महुँ देहि ताम' ॥ ९
॥घत्ता ॥ " तं कलुण-वयणु णिसुणेप्पिणु धरणिन्दै उद्धरि धरु । मघ-रोहिणि-उत्तर-पत्तेण अङ्गारेण वै अम्वुहरु ॥ १०
॥ दुवई ।। सेल-विसाल-मूल-तल-तालिउ लङ्काहिउ विणिग्गओ।
केसरि-पहरे-णहर-खर-चवढणं-चुक्को इव महग्गओ ॥ १ लुअ-केसर-उक्खय-णह-णिहाँउ णं गिरि-गुह मुऍवि मइन्दु आउ ॥२ कुण्डलिय-सीस-कर-चरण-जुम्मु णं पायालहों णीसरिउँ कुम्म ॥ ३ कंक्खड-झड-णिसुढिय-फर्ड-कडप्पु णं गरुड-मुहहों णीसरिंउ सप्पु ॥४ मयलञ्छणु दूसिउ तेय-मन्दु णं राहु-मुहहों णीसरिउ चन्दु ॥५ गउ तेत्तहे "जेत्तहे गुण-गणालि अच्छइ अत्तावर्ण-सिलहिँ वालि ॥६
परिअञ्चेवि वन्दिउ दससिरेण पुणु किय गरहण गग्गर-गिरेण ॥ ७ , 'मइँ सरिसउ अण्णु ण जगें अयाणु जो करमि केलि" सीहें समाणु ॥८ मइँ सरिसउ अण्णु ण मन्द-भग्गु जो" गुरुहु मि करमि महोवसग्गु ॥९
॥घत्ता ॥ ४ "जं तिहुवण-णाहु मुएप्पि] अण्णहों णमिउ ण सिर-कमलु ।
___ तं सम्मत्त-महदुमहो" लडु देव पइँ परम-फलु ॥ १० 2 P°करंत', s °करंतु. 3 PS खोलिएण. 4 A सुह. 5 Ps सत्ती'. GA अंतरेण. 7 4 दसासण. 8 A सुरवइ.9 PS °चित्त. 10 P परितु. 11 P°भिवखु. 12 PS तुहु. 13 PS पञ्चुद्धरिउ. 14 P wanting, A वि.
8.1s wanting. 2 PA°चवडण.3P महग्गउ, A महागओ. 4 PSणहणियाड. 5P°सीस.6 Pणीसरिय.7 PS °फण.8A दसिय.9 PS जेत्तहे तेत्तहे. 10 PS अत्ता. वणि. 11A °सिलह. 12 PS परिचिवि, A परियं चित्र. 13 Pजें, जं. 14 PS कील. 15 A जं. 16 करइ गुरुहु मि महोवसग्गु. 17 जु. 18 A णिएप्पिणु, 19 PS णमिउ ण अपणहो. 20 SA सम्मसु. 21 This pāda is defective by one mora. २ पर्वतं (१) प्रत्युद्धरितम् ( P's reading ). [८] १ प्रहतः. २ कर्कश. ३ भन्न.
Page #324
तेरहमो संधि
[९] ॥ दुवई ॥
रविवारवार 'पोमाऍवि दसविहे धम्मवालयं । तुरन्तु तं जेत्तर्हे भरहाहिव- जिणालयं ॥ १ किय पुज्ज जिणिन्दहों रावणेण ॥ २ सावय- परियरिय महाडई व ३ र-द-धूर्व खल-कुट्टणिव ॥ ४ पेल्लिय चलि णारायण-मई व ॥ ५ मणि-रण- समुज्जल अहि-फड व ॥ ६ गन्धुक्कड कुसुमिय पाडलि व ॥ ७ मुच्छण-कम-कम्प - "तिगाम - भेउ ॥ ८ मज्झिम- पश्चम-धइवय- णिसाहु ॥ ९
॥ घन्ता ॥
जण-वसरण - समत्थऍण ।
रावणु रावणहत्थऍण ॥ १०
क० ९, १-१०; १०, १-७
गड ते कइलार्स- कोडि-कम्पावणेण फल - फुलै-समिद्ध-वणासईं व अहिणव उल्लाव विलासिणि व बहु-दीव समुहन्तर- महि व घण्टारव - मुहलिय गय - घड ब स- सावल आढन्तु गेउ
तं पुज्ज करें वि सर-सज्ज-रिसह - गन्धार - वाहु
महरेण थिरेण लोणं गार गन्धg मणोहरु
णव- बहुअ-पिडालु व तिलय-चारु सण-वलं पिव लइय-ताणु तं गेउ सुणेपिणु दिण्ण णियय 'तियसाई णवेष्पिणु रिसह - देउ एत्थन्तरें सुग्गीउत्तमासु बाहुबलि जेम थिङ सुद्ध-गत्तु
सालङ्कारु सु-सरु सु-विर्यहु आरोह-अंध (व ? ) रोहि-थाइये संचारिहिं सुरय-तंतु 'वं ॥ १ णिग्घण- गयणयलु व मन्द-तारु धरिव सज्जी पसण्ण-वाणुं ॥ ३ धरणिन्दै सत्ति अमोहविजय ॥ ४ पुणु उ यि यरहों कइकसेउ ॥ ५ उपण केवल णाणु तासु ॥ ६
उप्पण्णु अण्णु धवलायवतु ॥ ७
॥ दुवई ॥
सुहावउ पिय- कलन्तु वं ।
[९]१ वाघां कृत्वा २ प्रवृत्तेन. [१०] १ त्रिंशद्दिनानि .
9. 1Ps दस विहु. 2 P कइलासे. 3 Ps पुष्प ° 4A वणासई व 5A महाडई व. 6 P अ. 7 PS णाणट्ट. 8s पंतिपगाम 9Ps पलोट्टएण. 10 A गाय हूं.
10. 1s सुवियड्डुउ. 2 P s व 3 Ps °यधरेहिं, A यधरोहि. 4 Ps °थाहि°. 5 P तु, A तु. 6s चाणु. 7 P तियसाहं, marginally, 'ती साहई' पाठे, s तियसाह, 4 तियसाहि. 8Ps सुग्गीवसहोयरासु. 9 A उप्पण्णउं. 10 P केवल.
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पउमचरित [क० १०,८-१०,११,१-११,१२, भामण्डलु कमलासण-समाणु बहु-दिवसेंहिँ गउ णिव्वाण-थाणु ॥८ दससिरु वि सुरासुर-डेमर-भेरि उव्वहइ पुरन्दर-वइर-खेरि ॥९
॥ घत्ता ॥ 'पईसरेवि जेण रण-सरवरें । मालिहें खुडियां सिर-कमलु । । तहों खलहों पुरन्दर-हंसहों. पाडमि पाण-पक्वं जुअलु' ॥ १०
॥ दुवई ॥ एम भणेवि देवि रण-भेरि पयर्ट्स तुरन्तु रावणो
जो जम-धणय-कणय-वुह-अट्ठावय-धरै-थरहरावणो ॥१ णीसरिऍ दसाणणे णिसियंरिन्द णं मुक्ककस णिग्गय गइन्द ॥२ माणुण्णय णिय-णिय-वाहणत्थ दणु-दारण पहरण-पवर-हत्थ ॥ ३ समुह वड णिविड गय-घड घरट्ट(१) णन्दीसर-दीवू व सुर पयट्ट ॥४ पायाललङ्क पावन्तएण दहगीवें वइरु वहन्तएण ॥५
पज्जलिउ जलणु जालासएण(?) ॥ ६ " बुच्चइ 'खर-दूसण लेहु ताव खल खुद्द पिसुण परिधिट्ठ पाव' ॥७
तं वयणु सुणेप्पिणु मामएण लङ्काहिउ वुज्झाविउ भएण ॥ ८ 'सहुँ सालएहिँ किर कवण काणि जइ घाइय तो तुम्हहुँ जि हाणि ॥९ लहु वहिणि-सहोवर-णिलएँ जाहुँ आरूसेंवि किज्जई काइँ ताहुँ' ॥ १०
॥ धत्ता ॥ तं वयणु सुर्णेवि दहवयणेण मच्छरु मणे परिसेसियउँ । चूडामणि-पाहुड-हत्थउ इन्दइ कोकउ पेसियउँ ॥ ११
. आइय तेत्थु ते वि पिय-वयणेहिँ जोक्कारिउ दसाणणो । 4 गउ किक्किन्ध-णयरु सुग्गीउ वि मिलिउ सं-मन्ति-साहणो ॥१ 11 जिवाणु ठाणु. 12 PS पइसारेवि, A पइसरिवि. 13 A खुटिउ. 14 A पंक्ख.
11. 1 wanting in PS A. 2 PS पट्टय. 3 P°वुहय०. 4 P°वयधर', 8 °वयधर. 58 दसाणण. 6 P णिसियरिंदें, s णिसियरेंदे. 7 P गइंदें, s गइंदे. 8 PS सम्मुह. 9s A दीउ. 109 A तुम्हह. 11 A भइणि, 12 PS °सहोयर'. 13 कीरइ. 14 A मच्छर. 15 Ps भामेल्लियउ. 16 A पेसिउ. . 12. 1 wanting in P S A. 2 PS समग्गु. २ विदरम्. ३ कलुषता.
[१२] १ (P's reading) समस्त.
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क० १२, ३-१०, १, १-२] तेरहमो संघि साहिउ अरि-अक्खोहणि-सहासु एत्तडिय सङ्खणरवर-वलासु ॥२ रह-तरय-गइन्दह णाहिँ छेउ उंबहइ पयाणउ पवण-वेउ ॥३ थिय ॲग्गिम-वेल्लि-महाविसालें रेवा-विञ्झईरिहिँ अन्तरालें ॥४ अत्थर्वणहों दुक्कु पयङ्गु ताम अल्लीण पासु णिसिअर्ड य (2) णाव ॥५ वैरि-सग्ग-वर्थ 'सीमन्त-वाह णक्खत्त-कुसुम-सेहर-सणाह ॥ ६ 'कित्तिय-चच्चङ्कियं-गण्डवास भग्गव-भेसँइ-कण्णावयंस ॥७ वहुलञ्जण ससहर-तिलय-तार जोण्हा-रोलिर-हार-भार ॥८ णं पञ्चेवि "दिट्टि दिवायरासु णिसि-बहु अल्लीण णिसायरासु ॥ ९
विणि वि दुस्सीलें-सहावइँ 'मा दिणयरु कहि मिणिएसई'
सुरउँ स ई भु अन्ताई। णाइँ स-सङ्कइँ सुत्ताई ॥१०
इय इत्थ प उ म च रिए धणञ्जयासिय-स यम्भु एव-कए । क इला सुद्ध र ण मिणं तेरसमं साहियं पवं ॥"
॥ प्रथमं पर्व ॥
[१४. चउदहमो संधि] विमलें विहागऍ कियऍ पयाणऍ उययइरि-सिहर रवि दीसइ। 'मई मेल्लेप्पिणु णिसियरु लेप्पिणु कहिंगयणिसि'णाइँगवेसंइ॥१॥
[१] सुप्पहार्य-दहि-अंस-रवण्णंउ कोमल-कमल-किरण-दल-छण्णउँ ॥१. जय-हरें पइसारिउ पइसन्तें णावइ मङ्गल-कलसु वसन्तें ॥ २ 3 P S साहिअ. 4 A गयंदह, s गई. दहु. 5 P A °विंझइरिहे, विंझारिहि. 6 5 अस्थदणह. 7 PS णिसियडेण. 8 A धरमग्गवच्छ. 9 PS °चकंकिय.. 10 PS "वतंस, 11 P S A वंचिवि. 12 P दि. 13 P S णं ससहरासु. 14 P दुसील'. 15 PS सरहसई. 16 A णिएसइ. 17 S भुत्ताइ. 18 This Gatha is wanting in P. 19 सवं. 20s प्रथमपर्वः. ____1. 1s दीसइं. 2 A गवेसई. 3 A सुप्पहाउ दहिं फंस. 4 P A °रवपणउं. 5 PA छण्णउं.6 SA जयहरु.
२ आकाशे गच्छति. ३ अभिनव-वल्ली. ४ उपरि-स्वर्गाऽश्वाः (?). ५ दिगन्तर एव हस्तौ यस्याः. ६ कृत्तिका. ७ शुक्रः. ८ बृहस्पतिः. ९ तिमिरम्. [१] १ शोभनप्रभातः, सैवातिशयेन दधि-अंशकः, आदित्यः कलशचाभूत् . २ जगद्गृहे.
पउ० चरि० 15
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[क० १,३-९,२, १-९ . फग्गुण-खलहाँ दूउ णीसारिउ जेण विरहि-जणु कह व ण मारिउ ॥३ जेण वणप्फइ-पय विभाडिय फल-दल-रिद्धि-मडप्फर साडिय ॥४ गिरिवर गाम जेणं धूमाविय वण-पट्टण-णिहाय संताविय ॥ ५
सरि-पवाह-मिहुणइँ णासन्तइँ जेण वरुण-घेण-"णियलेंहिँ चित्तइँ ॥ ६ । जेण उच्छ-विड जन्तेंहिँ पीलिय पव-मण्डव-णिरिक आवीलियं ॥७ जासु रजे पर रिद्धि पलासहों तहों मुंहु मइलेवि" फग्गुण-मासहों ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ पङ्कय-चयणउ कुवलय-णयणउँ केयइ-केसर-सिर-सेहरु । पल्लव-करयलु कुसुम-णहुजलु पइसरइ वसन्त-णरेसरु ॥९
डोला-तोरण-वारें पईहरें पइ? वसन्तु वसन्त-सिरी-हरें ॥१ सररह-वासहरेंहिँ रव-णेउरु आवासिउ महुअरि-अन्तेउरु ॥ २ कोइल-कामिणीउ उजाणेहिं सुय-सामन्तै लयाहर-थाणेहिँ ॥३ पङ्कय-छत्त-दण्ड सर-णियरेंहिँ सिहि-साहुलउ महीहर-सिहरहिँ ॥ ४ " कुसुमा-मञ्जरि-धय साहारहिँ दवणा-गेण्ठिवाल केयोरेंहिँ ॥५
वाणर-मालिय साहा-वन्देहिँ महुअर-मत्तवाल (१) मयरन्देंहि ॥ ६ मञ्ज-ताल कल्लोलावासेंहिँ 'भुञ्जी अहिणव-फल-महणा हिँ ॥ ७ एम पड्ड विरहि विद्धन्तउ गयवइ-वम्मेंहिँ अन्दोलन्तउ ॥ ८
॥ धत्ता ॥ पेक्वेवि एन्तहों रिद्धि वसन्तहों महु-इक्खु-सुरासव-मन्ती। णम्मय-वाली भुम्भल-भोली णं भमई सलोणहों रत्ती ॥९ .
7A होइ. 8 P 8 जेम. 9 P आचेलिय, आवेलिय. 10 P S रज. 11 PA मुहुं. 12 PS मालवि, A मइलिवि. 13 A °वयणउं. 14 s A णयणउं. 15 s केसररय', A केसरु. 16 A °सिहरु. 17 s वसंतु.
2. 1s जोलोतोरणपास. 2 P पइहु. 3 A वसंतु. 4 P °मासंत. 5 PSA केयारिहिं. 6 P marginally, 'वंदरसाहिय मालावंदेहि' पाठे. 7 P°माल°. 8 A मंज°. 9 A भुजा. 10 A विरहिं. s विरहु. 11s ईखुसुरारस. 12 4 °मत्ती. 13 s भंभल', A भुंभर'. 14A भमई.
३ पालयः (१). ४ समुदायः. ५ नदी (?). ६ मेघः (3). ७ जलबन्धः. ८ चौरः.
[२] १ सिगिरिका. २ भण्डार-प(पा)लकाः. ३ अने भोजकाः. ४ स्तितिषु (?). ५ अभिनया, अकुटिला.
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०३, १-१२, ४,१-८]
चउदहमो संधि
णम्मयाएँ मयरहरहों जन्तिएँ णाइँ पसाहणु लइउ तुरन्तिऍ ॥१ घवघवन्ति जे जल-पब्भारा ते जि णाइँ णेउर-झङ्कारा ॥२ पुलिणइँ जाइँ वे वि सच्छायइँ ताइँ जे उड्डणाइँ णं जायइँ ॥३ जं जलु खलइ वलइ उल्लोलइ रसणा-दामु तं जिणं घोलइ॥४ जे आवत्त समुट्ठिय चङ्गा ते जि णाइँ तणु-तिवलि-तरङ्गा ॥५ जे जल-हत्थि-कुम्भ सोहिल्ला ते जि णाइँ थण अद्भुम्मिल्ला ॥ ६ जो डिण्डीर-णियरु अन्दोलइ. णावइ सो जें हारु रहोलइ ॥७ जं जलयर-रण-रभिउ पाणि तं जि णाई तम्बोलु समाणिः ॥८ मत्त हत्थि-मय-मईलिउ जं जलु तं जिणाइँ किउ अक्खिहिँ कजलु ॥ ९ ॥ जाउ तरङ्गिणि अवर-ओहउँ ताउ जि भङ्गुराउ णं भउहउँ ॥ १० जाउ भमर-पन्तिउ अल्लीणउँ केसीवलिउ ताउ.णं दिण्णउ ॥११ .
॥ धत्ता॥ मज्ॉ जन्तिऍ मुहुँ दरसन्तिऍ माहेसर-लङ्क-पईवहुँ । मोहुप्पाइउँण जरु लाइउ तहुँ सहसकिरण-दहगीवहुँ॥ १२ ॥
[४] सो वसन्तु सा रेवा तं जलु सो दाहिण-मारुउ मिय-सीयल ॥१ ताइँ असोय-णाय-चूय-वण महुअरि-महुर-सरइँ लय-भवणइँ ॥ २ ते धुयगाय ताउ कीरोलिउ ताउँ कुसुम-मञ्जरि-रिछोलिउ ॥३ ते पल्लव सो कोइल-कलयलु सो केयइ-केसर-रय-परिमलु ॥४ ताउ णवल्लउ मल्लिय-कलियउ दवणा-मञ्जरियउ णव-फलियउ ॥५. ते अन्दोला तं जुवईयणु पेक्खेंवि सहसकिरणु हरिसिय-मणु ॥६ सहँ अन्तेउरेण गउ तेत्तहें णम्मय पवर महाणइ जेत्तहें ॥७ दूरे थिउ आरक्खिय-णिय-चलु जलु जन्तिऍहिँ णिरुद्धउ णिम्मलु ॥ ८
3. 1 Ps वे वि जासु. 2 P उढणाइ, A ओढणाई. 3 PS सयलकुंभिल्ला. 4 PS डिंडी. रु. 5s अंदोलई. 6 A जि. 7 S रंगीउ. 8 P A पाणिउं. 9 P सवाणिउ, A समाणिउं. 10 P 'मइलिउं. 11 P अक्खिहुँ, S अक्खिहु. 12 A तरंगिल्लिउ. 13 P°उहउ, A उहउं. 14 PA भ3. हर, 8 भउहओ. 15 s अल्लीणी, A अल्लीणउ. 16 A ताउ जि अलयालिउ मल्लीणउं. 178 A महु, मुहूं. 18 P पईयहुं, 5 °पई यहु. 19 P उप्पाइउ, 8 उपायउ. 20 PS मणे.
4. 1रेवय. 2 ताव. 3 A णवह लियउ. 4 PS दूरे ( दूरि) थिय, A दूरधरें थिउ आरक्खियवलु. 5 PS जंतिअए. 6 P णिरुदउ.
[३] १ विलासति.
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॥ घत्ता ॥ वद्धिय-हरिसउ जुवइहि सरिसउ माहेसरपुर-परमेसरु । सलिलम्भन्तरें माणस-सरवरें णं पइठु सुरिन्दु स-अच्छरु ॥९
सहसकिरणु सहसत्ति णिउड्डेवि आउ णाइँ महि-बहु अवरुण्डेवि ॥ १ दिदु मउडु छुडु अद्भुम्मिलउ रवि व दरुग्गमन्तु सोहिल्लउ ॥ २ दिट्ट णिडालुं वयणु वच्छत्थेलु णं चन्दछु कमलु णह-मण्डलु ॥ ३ पभणई सहसरॉसि 'लइ ढुक्कों जुज्झहों रमों हाहों उलुकहों' ॥४
तं णिसुणेवि कडक्ख-विक्खेविउँ। वुड्डउ उकराउ महएविउ ॥५ ।" उप्परि-करयल-णियरु परिट्ठिउ णं रत्तुप्पल-सण्डु समुट्ठिउ ॥ ६
णं केयइ-आरामु मणोहरु णक्ख-सूइ कडउल्ला केसीं ॥७ महयर सर-भरेण अल्लीणा कामिणि-भिसिणि भणेवि णं लीणा ॥८
॥ घत्ता ॥ सलील-तरन्तहुँ उम्मीलन्तहुँ
मुह-कमलहु केइ पधाइय । Is आयइँ सरसइँ किय(र?) तामरसइँ णरवइहें भन्ति उप्पाइय ॥९
[६] अवरोप्पर जल-कील करन्तहुँ घण-पाणोलि-पहर मेल्लन्तहुँ ॥१ कहि मि चन्द-कुन्दुजल-तोरेंहिँ धवलिउ जलु तुदृन्तेंहिँ हारेहिँ ॥ २ कहि मि रैसिउ णेउरेंहिँ रसन्तेहिँ कहि मि फुरिउ कुण्डलेंहिं फुरन्तेंहिँ ॥३ 20 कहि मि सरस-तम्वोलारत्तउ कहि मि वउल-कायम्बरि-मत्तंउ ॥४
कहि मि फलिह कप्पूरहिँ वासिउ कहि मि सुरहि मिगेमय-वामीसिउ ॥५ कहि मि विविह-मणि-रयणुजलियउ कहि मि धोअ-कज्जल-संवलियउ॥६ कहि मि वहल-कुङ्कुम-पिञ्जरियउ कहि मि मलय-चन्दण-रस-भरियउ॥७ कहि मिजक्खकद्दमण करम्विउ कहि मि भमर-रिञ्छोलिहि चुम्विउ ॥८ 7 वड्डियह रिसिउ. 8 P S पइहु.
5. 15 महियलु. 2 PS अद्भुम्मीलिउ, A भट्टमिल्लउ. 3 णिलाडु. 4 A पभणई. 5 P S A व्हाहु. 6 A अलुक्लहो. 7 PS °विक्खेवउ. 8 P उप्परे. 9 P marginally, A °सेहरु, 10 A °सम. 11 A पोमिणि मिसिणई निलीणा. 12 A सलिलु. 13 s णवरुहे.
6. 1 °पालाणि'. 2 P तुटुंति हे, S A तुटुंति हि. 3 P s कुंडल हिं, A कुंडलि हिं. 4 A रत्तउ. 5 s °घोय, A चोभ. 6 A मद्ध. 7s चुंविउ.
[५] १ जले वुड्डयित्वा. २ ईषत्. ३ रश्मयः (?). ४ आमस्तक-समस्ताः. [६] १ जलच्छटा. २ शुभैः. ३ शब्दं कृतं जलेन. ४ मदिरा. ५ कस्तूरी,
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क०६,९,७, १-९,८,१-७]
चउदहमो संधि
॥ घत्ता ॥ विदुम-मरगर्य- इन्दणील-सब- चामियर-हार-संघाऍहिँ। वहु-वण्णुजलु
णावइ णहयलु सुरधणु-घण-विजु-वलायहिँ ॥९
[७] का वि करन्ति केलि सहुँ राएं पहणई कोमल-कुवलय-धाएं ॥१ । का वि मुद्ध दिट्टिएँ सुविसालऍ का वि णवल्लऍ मल्लिय-मालऍ ॥२ का वि सुर्यन्धेहिँ पार्डलि-हुल्लेहिँ का वि सु-पूयफलेंहि वउल्लेहि ॥ ३ का वि जुण्ण-पण्णहिँ पट्टणिऍहिँ का वि रयण-मणि-अवलम्वणिऍहिँ ॥४ का वि विलेवणेहिँ उवरियहिँ का वि सुरहि-दवणा-मञ्जरियहिँ ॥ ५ कहें वि गुज्झु जलें अद्धम्मिल्लंउ णं मैयरहर-सिहरु सोहिल्लउ ॥ ६ ॥ कहें वि कसण रोमावलि दिट्ठी काम-वेणि णं गलेवि पइट्ठी ॥७ कहें वि थणोवरि ललइ अहोरणु णाइँ अणङ्गहाँ केरउ तोरणु ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ कहें वि स-रुहिरइँ दिट्ठइँ णहरइँ थण-सिहरोवरि सु-पहुत्तइँ । वेगेंणं वलग्गों मयण-तुरङ्गहों णं पायइँ छुडु छुडु खुत्तई ॥ ९ ॥
[८] तं जल-कील णिएवि पहाणहुँ जाय वोल्ल णयले गिाणहुँ ॥१।। पभणइ एकु हरिस-संपण्णउँ तिहुअणे सहसकिरणु पर धण्णउँ ॥ २ जुवई-सहासु जासु स-वियारउ विन्भम-हाव-भाव-वावारउ ॥ ३ णलिणि-वणु व दिणयर-कर-इच्छउ कुमुय-वणु व ससहर तण्णिच्छउ(?) ॥४॥ कालु जाइ जसु मयण-विलासें माणिणि-पत्तिज्जवणायासें ॥५ अच्छउ सुरउ जेण जगु मत्तउ जल-कीलऍ जि" किण्ण पजत्तउ' ॥६ तं णिसुणेवि अवरेक्कु पवोल्लिउ 'सहसकिरणु केवल सलिलोल्लिउ ॥ ७ 8 P S °मरगयई. 9 PS °सयइं. 10 PS चामीयर. 11 PS घणु, A wanting.
7. 1 P S राएहिं. 2 A पहणई. 3 P S °धाएहिं. 4 P S सुविसालइं. 5 PS मालइ. 6A णवल्लेहिं. 7 P S पाडल'. 8 PS अमिल्लउ, A अद्भुम्मिलिउ. 9 Ps वेग्गेण. 10 PS पयई.
8. 1 A पहाणहं. 2 A णहयलि जाय वोल्ल. 3 P A गिव्वाणहं, 5 गिवाणहु. 4 A पभणई. 5s इक्क. 6 P A °संपण्णउं. 7 s धण्गओ, A धण्णउं. 8 5 जुबई. 9 P सविआर. 10 P इच्छउं, 5 °इच्छिउ. 11 P तणिच्छउं, S तणणिच्छउ, A तमिच्छउ. 12 PS जलकीलाए.
• [७] १ कामस्य, २ उपरितनवस्त्रम्.
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पउमचरिउ [क०८,८-९,९,१-९,१०,१-८ इत्थु पंवाहुँ मणोहर-वन्तउँ जो जुवइहिं गुज्झन्तु वि पत्तउ ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ जेण खणन्तर सलिलब्भन्तर गलियंसु-धरण-वावारऍ। सरहढं ढुक्कउ माणेवि मुक्कउ अन्तेउरु एक्कएँ वारऍ' ॥९
[९] रावणो वि' जल-कील करेप्पिणुः सुन्दर सियय-वेइ विरएप्पिणु ॥१ उपरि जिणवर-पडिम चडावेवि विविह-विताण-णिवहु वन्धावेवि ॥२ तुप्प-खीर-'सिसिरेंहिँ अहिसिश्चेवि णाणाविह-मणि-रयणेहिँ अञ्चेवि ॥ ३ णाणाविहहिं विलेवण-भेऍहिँ दीव-धूव-वलि-पुप्फ-णिवेऍहि ॥ ४. "पुज करेंवि किर गायई जाहिँ जन्तिएहिँ जलु मेल्लिउ ताहिँ ॥ ५ पर-कलत्तु संकेयहाँ ढुक्कउँ गाइँ वियड्डहिँ माणेवि मुक्कउँ ॥ ६ धाइउ उहय-तडइँ पेल्लन्तउ जिणवर-पवर-पुज्ज रेल्लन्तउ ॥ ७ दहमुहुँ पडिम लेवि विहडप्पडु कह वि कह वि णीसरिउ वियाव? ॥८
॥ घत्ता ॥ " भणइ ‘णरेसहाँ तुरि गवेसहाँ किउ जेण एउ पिसुणत्तणु । किं वहु-वुत्तेण तासु णिरुत्तेण दक्खवमि अज्जु जम-सासणु'॥९
[१०] तो एत्थन्तरें लद्धाएसा __गय मण-गमणाऽणेय गवेसा ॥१ रावणेण सरि दिट्ठ वन्ती मुय-महुयर-दुक्खेण व जन्ती (2) ॥२ चन्दण-रसेण व वहल-विलित्ती जल-रिद्धिऍ णं' जोवणइत्ती ॥३ मन्थर-वाहेण व वीसत्थी जच्च-पट्टवत्थ' व 'णियत्थी ॥४ वीणाहोरण व पङ्गुत्ती वालाहिय-णिदाएँ व सुत्ती ॥५ मल्लिव-दन्तेहिँ 4 विहसन्ती 'णीलुप्पल-णयणहिँ व णिएन्ती ॥६ वउल-सुरा-गन्धेण वै मत्ती केयइ हत्थेहिँ व णञ्चन्ती ॥ ७ - महुअरि-महुर-सरु व गायन्ती उज्झर-मुरवाइँ व वायन्ती ॥८ 13 PS पहाउ. 14 P °वत्तउ, s °मत्तउ. 15 A जुज्झंतु. 16 s सरहसे.
9. 18 रावणेण. 2 P S A अहिसिंचिवि. 3 5 गायई. 4 PS ढुक्कउं. 5A वियड्ढे. 6 P मुक्कर. 7 PS उभय. 8 धोवंतउं, s धोवंतउ. 9 P A दहमुहूं. 10 PS विवावडु. 11 PA भणइं. 12 PS तुरिय.
10. 1s ण, Aणव. 2 A °वाहेणि व्व. 3 PS जंञ्चपट्ट', A दृढपहा. 4 P A वीणाहोरणइ. वीणाहोरणा. 5A मल्लिय.6A म.7 This and the next Pada transp. osed in A. 85 वमन्ती. 9 PS महुयर'. [८] १ प्रवाहः. २ शिथिलित वस्त्राणाम्. [९] १ वालुकावेदी. २ दधिभिः. ३ जलप्रवाहेण व्याकुली कृतचित्तः. [१०] १ साटिका युक्का. २ उपरितनवस्त्रेण.
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२०१०,९,११,१-५, १२, १-९] चउदहमो संधि .
॥ घत्ता ॥ अरमिय-रामहों णिरु णिक्कामहों आरूसँवि परम-जिणिन्दहों। पुज हरेप्पिणु पाहुडु लेप्पिणु गय णावइ पासु समुद्दहों ॥ ९
[११] तहि अवसरे जे किङ्कर धाइय ते पडिवत्त लएप्पिणु आइय ॥ १ ॥ कहिय सुणन्तहाँ खन्धावारहों 'लइ एत्तडउ सारु संसारहों ॥२ माहेसरवइ णर-परमेसरु सहसकिरणु णामेण णरेसरु ॥३ जा जल-कील तेण उप्पाइय सा अमरेहि मि रवि ण णाइय ॥४ सुबइ कामु को वि किर सुन्दर . सुरवइ भरहु सयर-चक्केसरु ॥ ५ महवा सणङ्कमारु ते सयल वि णउ पावन्ति तासु एक्क-यल वि ॥ ६ ॥ का वि अउव लील विम्माणिय धम्मु अत्थु विणि वि परियाणिय ॥७ काम-तत्तु पुणु तेण जें णिम्मिउ अण्ण रमन्ति पसव-कोदूमि ॥८
॥घत्ता ॥ मई पहवन्तेण भुयणे तवन्तण गर्यणत्थु पयङ्गु ण णा(भा?)वइ । एण पयारेण पिय-वावारण थिउ सलिलें पईसेंवि णावई' ॥९॥
[१२] अवरेकेण वुत्तु 'मई लक्खिउ सच्चउ सव्वु एण जं अक्खिउ ॥१ जं पुणु ताँ केरउ अन्तेउरु णं पञ्चक्खु जे मयरद्धय-पुरु ॥ २ णेउर-मुरयहुँ पेक्खणया-हरु लायण्णम्भ-तलाउ मणोहरु ॥३ सिर-मुह-कर-कम-कमल-महासरु मेहल-तोरणाहँ छण-वासरु ॥४ थण-हत्थिहिँ साहारण-काणणु हार-सग्ग-वच्छहों गयणङ्गणु ॥५ अहर-पवाल-पवालायायर दन्त-पन्ति-मोत्तिय-सद्दणयरु ॥६ जीहा-कलयण्ठिहिँ णन्दणवणु कण्णन्दोलयाह वेत्तत्तणु ॥७ लोयण-भमरहुँ केसर-सेहरु भमुहा-भङ्गहुँ णट्टावय-घर ॥८ ॥ घत्ता ॥
। काइँ वहुत्तेण [पुण]पुणरत्तेण मयणग्गि-डमरु संपण्णउ । ‘णरहुँ अणन्तहुँ मण-धण-वन्तहुँ धुउ चोर चण्डु उप्पण्णउ' ॥९ 11. 1 P सुणंतह. 2 Ps कासु. 3 P सयरु, सरु. 4 PS मध3. 5A जिम्माणिय. 6 P परिमाणिय. 7s °कोडमिउ, A °कोदूसिउं. 8 A नइ. 9 P पवहंतएण, 5 एकहंतएण. 10 P S गयणस्थ.. ___12. 1 P अक्खिउं. 2 P सिरि corrected to सिर, S सिरि. 3 s तोरणाई. 4 PS चित्तत्तणु. 5 Ps कांइ. 6 A °डमर. 7 P S A संपण्णउं. 8 A चोरवंदु. 9 P A उप्पण्णउं. ३ न रमिता रामाः स्त्रियो येन परमेश्वरेण. [११] १ खण्डमेकम्. २ सुरतम्. ३ न शोभते. [१२] १ साधारण-नाम-देशः,
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अवरेकेण वृत्तु 'मइँ जन्तेइँ अइ सुन्दर सुकिय-कम्माइँ व णिग्गलाइँ सु-किविण - हिययाइँ व संचारिमइँ कु- पुरिस-धणाइँ व पेइरिक्कहूँ सज्जण-चित्ताइँ व दुल्लङ्घणियइँ सुकलत्ताइँ व वारि वमन्ति ताइँ सिरि-णासहिँ तेहि एउ जल भवि मुक्कउ
तं णिसुणेपिणु सहइ समुज्जलु
जग कम्पावणु
जल की लाऍ सयम्भू भदं ( इं ) च मच्छवेहे
॥ घत्ता ॥
'लेहु' भणेपिणु ससि कर णिम्मलु
दिड्इँ णिम्मले सलिलें तरन्तई ॥ १ सुघडियाइँ अहिणव-पेम्माइँ व ॥ २ 'णिउण- समासिय सुकइ-पयाइँ व ॥ ३ का रिमाइँ कुट्टणि वयणाइँ व ॥ ४ बद्धइँ अत्थइत्तं वित्ताइँ व ॥ ५
- विणइँ वुढाइँ व ॥ ६ उरं-कर-चरण-कण्ण- यणासेहिं ॥ ७ तेण पुज्ज रेलन्तु पढुक्कउ ॥ ८
आसु दिणु 'णिय किङ्कर हुँ " मारिच्च मयहुँ सुय-सारणहुँ - हत्थ - पत्थ-विही सणहँ ससिकर- सुग्गीव - णील-गल हुँ
चरमुह एवं च गोग्गह- कहाऍ । अज्ज विकइणो ण पावन्ति ॥
[ १५. पण्णरहमो संधि ]
रणें रावणु
[ क० १३, १-९, ११-५
असिवरु सँ इँ भुवे पकडिडें । णं" पत्त- दार्णे-फलु बहिडें ॥ ९
जेम मइन्दु विउ । सहस किरणें अभि ॥ १ ॥
वज्जोयर - मयर - महोयर हुँ ॥ १ इन्दर कुमार - घणवाहणहुँ ॥ २ विहि-कुम्भयपण खर दूसणहुँ ॥ ३ अवरहु मि अणि भुवलहुँ ॥ ४
13. 1Ps जंत, 4 जंतर. 2 P s णिम्मल' 3 Ps रवंतइ. 4 P अच्छइत्ति, 8 अत्थइत्ति. 5 Ps ताहि. 6 Ps उरु° 7 P A करण, S missing. 8Ps लोहंतु. 9Ps सयं. 10s भुचे, A भुण. 11 P एक्कड्डियउं, s कड्डियउ, A पकड्डियउ 12Ps °किरणुज्जलु. 13 A जं. 14 Ps दाणु 15 Ps वड्डियउ.
1. 1s 'वयंण 2Ps वियङ्घउ, A विग्रहउं 3PS सहस किरणहो. 4 P अभिउ, 5 Ps रणे.
[१३] १ काष्ठानां परस्परकला शिका, अन्यत्र शिष्टपदन्यासः २ प्रगुणानि. ३ लोचनमुखैः. [१] १ अश्ववाहनस्य (?)
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क० १, ५–९, २, १–९; ३, १-५ ]
उद्धाइय मच्छर-मलिय-कर सहसयरु वि जुवइहिँ परियरिज ताणन्तरें तूरइँ णिसुणियइँ 'परमेसर पारकर पडिउ
जं जुज्झ सज्जु थिउ लेवि धणु मम्भसि राएं वुण्ण-मणु एक एकेक जें करु अच्छों भुव-मण्ड वसरें वि जा दलम कुम्भि कुम्भत्थलइँ जा खणमि विसाइँ पवराइँ जा कम कर - सिर- मोत्तियइँ जा फार्डमि फरहरन्त धयइँ
परहमो संधि
तं णिसुणेपिणु धणु करें लेप्पिणु थिङ समुहाणणु णं पञ्चाणणु
एत्थन्तरें आरोडिङ भर्डेहि सो एक अणन्तर जइ वि वलु जं लइ अखत्तें सहसय रु 'अह अह अणी ' रक्खेहिँ किय पहरणइँ पवण-गिरि-वारि-हेवि
भीसावण-पहरण-नियर-धर ॥ ५ छुड जे छु सलिलहों णीसरिउ ॥ ६ पणवेणुभिहिँ पिसुणियइँ ॥ ७ लइ पहरणु समरु समावडिउ' ॥ ८ ॥ धत्ता ॥
णिसियर - पवर-समूहों ।
इँ मा -- जूहों ॥ ९
॥ घत्ता ॥
एम भणेपिणु "तं धीरेष्पिणु ras रहवरें चडियउ । जुवइहुँ कैरुण (?) X Xx विणुं अरुण णाइँ दिवायरु पडियउ ॥ ९
तं रिउ असेसु विजुवइयणु ॥ १ 'किं अण्ण गाउँ सहसकिरणु ॥ २ परिरक्खइ जइ तो कवणु डरु ॥ ३ जिह करिणिउ गिरि-गुर्ह पइसरेवि ॥ ४ होसन्ति कुडुम्विहिँ उक्खलइँ ॥ ५ होसन्ति पर्यहों पेचवरराइँ ॥ ६ होसन्ति तुम्ह हारतियइँ ॥ ७ होसन्ति वेणि-वन्धण-सयइँ ॥ ८
[३] णं केसरि मत्त हत्थ-हडेंहिं ॥ १ पफुल तो वि तहों मुह- कमलु ॥ २ तं चवि परोप्परु सुर-पवरु ॥ ३ एक्कु ऍ वहु अण्णु-वि गयणें थिय ॥ ४ आएहिँ सरिस जैर्णे भीरु ण वि ' ॥ ५
6P णीसरिअउं, sणीसरिअउ 7 P पडिअड़ं, 8 पडिअड. 8 A तें धणु.
2. 1P समु, SA सज्झु 2Ps °मंडप 3P गुहे. 4 Ps पयहुं. 5Ps A पचाव राई. 6 Ps मोतिया. 7Ps हारतियाई. 8s जिं. 9Ps पाडमि. 10 P जुबईहिं, s जुब इहिं. 11 Ps कारणेण.
3. 1Ps अणित्ति 2P रक्खेसहिं. 3P एकहे, s येकुहे. 4 A अब्जए. 5Pg जण.
[२] १ ओखली. २ दन्तूसल. ३ मुसल. ४ हारघटना. ५ अन्तःपुरम्. ६ विना सारथि. [३] १ राक्षसैः २ अग्निरायुध ( ? ).
पउ० चरि० 16
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तं णिसुर्णेवि णिसियर लज्जियाँ तो सहसकिरणु सहसहिँ करेंहिँ दूरहों जि णिरुद्ध वइरि-वलु
अमुणिय थाणों पासु ण दुक्कइ
अट्ठावय- गिरि-कम्पावणहों 'परमेसर एक्के होन्तऍण
एम भणन्तर्ण
पण -सहा ि
[ क० ३, ६-९ ४, १-९; ५, १-६
थिय महिलें विज्ज-विवज्जियाँ ॥ ६ णं विद्धई सहस - सहस - सरेंहिँ ॥ ७ णं जम्बूदीवें उवहि-जलु ॥ ८
॥ धत्ता ॥
किय-संघाणहों तेलुक
- " रणें रहवरु एंकु जें परिभमइ
धणु एक एक गरु दुइ जॅ करु कहीं वि कहीं वि उरु कप्परिउ तं णिसुर्णेव उवहि जेम खुहिउ गत जेत्त सहसकरु "हउँ रावणु दुज्जउ केण जिउ
" माहेसरपुर व विरेहु किउ
अञ्जण महिहरें सरय-घणु सण्णाहु खुरुप्पें कप्परिङ जें सबायामें मुअइ सर दससयकिरणेण णिरिक्खियर्ड 2. जज्जाहि ताम अब्भासुं करें
दिट्टि मुट्ठि-सर-पयरहों । तिमिरु जेम दिवसयरहों ॥ ९
[ ४ ]
पडिहारे अक्खिर रावणहों ॥ १ वलु सयलु र्धरिडं पहरन्तऍण ॥ २ सन्दण - सहासुं णं परिभमइ ॥ ३ चउदसहिं णवर णिवडन्ति सर ॥ ४ करि कहों वि कहों वि रहु जज्जरिउ ' ॥ ५ लहु तिजगविहसणें आरुहिउ ॥ ६ ates 'मरु पाव पहरु पहरु ॥ ७ जें पारा धण किङ' ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥
विद्धन्तेर्ण स-रैहि महारहु छिण्णउ । चउ-पासेंहिँ जसुं चउदिसु विक्खिण् ॥ ९
[५] णिविसद्धे मत्त - गइन्हें थिउ ॥ १ उत्थरि स-मच्छरु गीढ-धणुं ॥ २ लङ्काहि कह व समुवरिउ ॥ ३ लुअ - पक्ख पक्खि णं जन्ति धर ॥ ४ पञ्चारि 'कहिँ धणु सिक्खियउ ॥ ५ पच्छलें जुज्झेज्जहि पुणु समरें ॥ ६
6 A सो. 7 P s विषइ. 8 A अलुकइं.
14 धरिउ सयलु. 2 P s एक वि. 3 A संदणहं सहसु. 4 Pg कह. 5 A पाव. 6 P. 8भणंतपूण 7Ps विद्धंतरण, A विंधंतेण 84 सरिहि. 9 PB पणय, A पणई. 10 Psणं जसु.11 P विखिष्णउं, 8 विखिष्णउ .
5. 1PSA णिवस. 29 सिहरे. 3P °वणु. 4 Ps कहि मि. 5P णिरिक्खिभउं, s णिरक्खियउं. 6s अज्झासु.
[५] १ रथरहितः
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क० ५, ७-९;६, १-८,७,१-९] पण्णरहमो संधि
१२३ तं णिसुणेवि जमण व जोइयउ कुचर कुञ्जरहों पचोइयउ ॥ ७ आसण्णे चोऍवि विगय-भउँ परवइ णिडालें कोन्तेण हउ ॥ ८
॥ धत्ता ॥ जाम भयङ्कर असिवर-कर पहरइ मच्छर-भरियउ । ताम दसासैंणं आयासैंण उप्पएवि पहु धरियउ ॥ ९
[६] णिउ णिय-णिलयहाँ मय-वियलियउ णं मत्त-महागउ णियलियउ ॥१ 'मा मइ मि धरेसइ दहवयणु' णं भइयएँ रवि गउ अत्थवण ॥ २ पसरिउ अन्धारु पमोकलउ णं णिसिऍ घित्त मसि-पोट्टलउ ॥ ३ ससि उग्गउ सुट्ट सुसोहियउ णं जग-हरें दीवउ वोहियउ ॥४ सुविहाण दिवायरु उग्गमिउ णं रयणिहिँ मइयव भमिउ ॥ ५ तो णवर जवचारण-रिसिहे सयकरहों 'विणासिय-भव-णिसिह ॥६ गय वत्त 'सहासकिरणु धरिउ' चउविह-रिसि-सड़े परियरिउ ॥७
॥ घत्ता ॥ रावणु जेत्तहें गउ (सो) तेत्तहें पञ्च-महावय-धारउ । दिट्ट दसासेंण सेयंसेंण णावइ रिसहु भडारउ ॥८
[७] गुरु वन्दिय दिण्णइँ आसण. मणि-वेयडियइँ सुह-दंसगइँ ॥ १ मुणि-पुङ्गउ चवइ विसुद्धमा 'मुऍ सहसकिरणु लङ्काहिवइ ॥२ ऍहु चरिमंदेहु सामण्णु ण वि महु तणउ भव-राईवं-रवि' ॥३ तं णिसुणेवि जम-कम्पावणेण पणवेप्पिणु वुच्चइ रावणेण ॥ ४ 'महु एण समाणु कोउ कवणु पर पुंजहें कारणे जाउँ रणु ॥ ५ अजु वि एहु जे पहु सा 'जि सिय अणुहुञ्जउ मेइणि जेम तिय ॥ ६ तं णिसुणेवि सहसकिरणु चवइ 'उत्तमहाँ एउ किं संभवइ ॥७. तं मणहर सलिल-कील करेंवि पइँ समउ महाहवे उत्थरेवि ॥८
॥ घत्ता ॥ एवहिँ आयएँ विच्छायएँ राय-सियऍ किं किजइ ।
वरि थिर-कुलहर अजरामर सिद्धि-बहुवे परिणिज्जई' ॥९ । 7 SA गयघडउ; also noted marginally in P. 8 A °वरु. 9 P 8 दसाणणेण.
6. 1 s जिउ. 2 PS गउ रवि. 3 P णिसिपधित्तु. 4 A मइयवड्ढ. 5 A सहसकरणहो णासिय. 6 This pāda missing in A. 7 PS दसाणणेण.
7. 1 PSA भासणाई. 2 °दसणाई. 3 PS चरम. 4 PS राजीव. 5 P A पुजए, पुजइ. 6 A हूउ. 7 A सो जि. 8 PS महाहउ.9 Ps वर. 108 कुलयर. 11 PS वहुय.
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पउमचरिउ [क०८, १-९,९,१-१०
[८] ते वयणे मुक्कु विसुद्ध-मइ माहेसर-पवर-पुराहिवइ ॥१ णिय-णन्दणु णियय-थाणे थवेवि परियणु पट्टणु पय संथवेंवि ॥ २ णिक्खन्तु खणखें विगय-भउ रावणु वि पयाणउ देवि गउ ॥ ३ परिपेसिउ लेहु पहाणाहों अणरण्णहाँ उज्झहें राणाहों ॥४ मुह-वत्त कहिय 'दहमुर्हेण जिउ । लइ सहसकिरणु तव-चरण थिउ' ॥५ तं णिसुणेवि णरवइ हरिसियउ ईसीसि विसाउ पदरिसियउ ॥ ६ संगाम-सहासेंहिँ दूसहहाँ सिय सयल समप्पेवि दसरहहों ॥ ७ सहसत्ति सो वि णिक्खन्तु पहु अण्णु वि तहों तणउ अणन्तरहु ॥ ८
||घत्ता ॥ ताम सुकेसेंण लड्डेसेंण जमहर-अणुहरमाणउ । 'जागुं पणासेवि रिउ तासेवि मगहहँ मुक्कु पयाणउ ॥९
णारउ धीरेंवि मरु वसिकरेंवि तहों तणिय तणये करयले धरेंवि ॥१ ॥णव णव संवच्छर तेत्थु थिउं पुणु दिण्णु पयाणउ मगहु गउ ॥ २ 'पेक्खेवि रावणु आसकियउ महु महुरपुराहिउ वसिकियउ ॥३ जसु चमरें अमरें दिण्णु वर सूलाउहु सयलाउर्ह-पवरु ॥ ४ णियं तणय तासु लाएवि करें थिउ णवर गम्पि कइलास-धरें ॥५
मन्दाइणि दिट्ठ मणोहरियं ससिकन्त-णीर-णिज्झर-भरियं ॥ ६ 20 गय-मय णइँ मइलिय-उभय-तड स-तुरङ्गम-कुञ्जर हाय भड ॥ ७
वन्देप्पिणु जिणवर-भवणारे दहमुहु दक्खवइ णिवाणा ॥८ 'इह सिद्ध सिद्धि-मुहकमल-अलि जिणवर भरहेसरु वाहुवलि ॥ ९
॥ घत्ता ॥ एत्थु सिलासणे अत्तावणे अच्छिउ वालि-भडारउ ।
जसु पय-भारेण गरुयारेण हउँ किउ कुम्मायारउ' ॥ १० ___8. 1 A °ठाणे ठेवेवि. 2 P विसाउ वि. 3 s A जगु. 4 A णासेवि. 5A विद्धंसेवि. 65 गंगह.
9. 1 PS धीय. 2 A ठिउ. 3 A पुणु विषण पत्त नउ तहो रमिउं. 4 A transposes the Padas of this line. 5 A समरे. 6 PS A सुलाउहु. 7 8 पिय. 8 PS मणोहरिए. 9 PS °भरिए. 10 P S आतावणे. " [८] १ यज्ञं विध्वंस्य. . [९] १ गङ्गा,
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क०१०,१-९,११,१-९] पण्णरहमो संधि
[१०] जम-धणय-सहासकिरण-दमणु जं थिउ अट्ठावऍ दहवयणु ॥१ तं पत्त वत्त णलकुवरहाँ दुल्लव-णयर-परमेसरहों ॥२ परिचिन्तिउ 'हय-गय-रह-पवलें आसपणे परिट्टिएँ वइरि-वलें ॥३ एत्थु वि अमराहिवें रणे अजएँ जिण-वन्दणहत्तिएँ मेरु गऍ॥४ ।। एहऍ अवसर उवाउ कवणु' तो मन्ति पवोल्लिउ हरिदवणु ॥५ 'वलवन्त जन्तइँ उट्ठवहाँ चउदिसु आसाल-विज्ज ठवहाँ ॥ ६ जं होइ अछेउ अभेउ पुरु ता रक्खहुँ पावइ जाण सुरु' ॥७ तं णिसुणेवि तेहि मि तेम किउ सइ-चित्तु व णयरु दुलमु थिउ ॥ ८.
॥त्ता ॥ ताव विरुद्धैहिँ जस-लु हिँ रावण-भिच्च-सहासेंहिँ। वेडिउँ पुरवर संवच्छरु णावइ वारह-मा हिँ ॥९
[११] जन्तहँ भइयऍ विहडप्फडेंहिं दहमुहहाँ कहिउ केहि मि भडेंहिँ ॥१. 'दुग्गेज्झु भडारा तं णयरु दूसिद्धहुँ जिह तिहुअण-सिहरु ॥ २ ॥ तहिँ जन्त-सयइँ समुड्डियइँ जम-करइँ जमेण व छड्डियइँ॥३ जोयणहाँ मज्झें जो संचरइ सो पडिजीवन्तु ण णीसरई' ॥४ । तं णिसुणेवि चिन्तावण्णु पहु थिउ ताम जाम उवरम्भ वहु ॥५ अणुरत्त परोक्खए जे जसेंण जिह महुअरि कुसुम-गन्ध-वसेंण ॥६ ण गणइ कप्पूरुण चन्दमसु ण जलहुँ ण चन्दणु तामरसु ॥ ७ ॥ तहें दसमी कामावत्थ हुय विसग्गि-दड्ड णउ कह मि मुय ॥८
॥ घत्ता ॥ 'इम महु जोव्वणु ऍहु (सो) रावणु एह रिद्धि परिवारहों। जइ मेलावहि तो हलै सहि एत्तिउ फलु संसारहों ॥९
10. 1 A ठिउ. 2 Pणरकुव्वर. 3 PS दुल्लंघणणयर'. 4 P marginally जिणवंदणाए कहलासि गए' पाठे. 5 PS उट्ठवहु, A अट्ठवहु. 6 P A ठवहु, A उवहु. 7 जाम. 8 A तेण वि.9 PS दुल्लंघु. 10 S A वेदिउ. . 11. 1 P जंतुहं, s जंतुहु. 2 PS दुसिद्धहुं. 3 PS समोड्डियाई. 4 P उलंभ, उवलंभ.5 Ps विरहु. 6 P परोक्खए, परोक्खे. 7 8 जय, A जि. 8 A जलद्द. 9 PS गय. 10A विरहग्गें, 11 s ण. 12 PS इ3. 13 PS मिलावहि. '
। [११] १ (P's reading ) उपरम्भा राज्ञी विरहं गता.
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पउमचरिउ [क० १२, १-९,१३, १-९
[१२] तं णिसुणेवि 'चित्तमाल चवइ __ 'मइँ होन्तिऍ काइँ ण संभवइ ॥१ आएसु देहि छुडु एत्तडउ ऍउ सुन्दरि कारणु केत्तडउ ॥ २ तुह रूवहाँ रावणु होइ जइ लइ वट्टइ तो एत्तडिय गइ' ॥३ ' तं णिसुणेवि मणहर-अहरयलु उवरम्भहें विहसिउ मुह-कमलु ॥ ४ 'हले हले सहि ससिमुहि हंस-गइ सो सुहउ ण इच्छइ कह वि जइ ॥ ५ आसाल-विज तो देहि तहों अण्णु वि वजरहि दसाणणहों ॥ ६ वुच्चइ रहनु भंड-लिह-लुहणु इन्दाउहु अच्छइ सुअरिसणु' ॥ ७ तं णिसुणेवि दूई णिग्गइय लकेसावासु णवर गइय ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥
कहिउ दसासहों सुर-तासंहों जं उवरम्भऍ वुत्तउ । 'एत्तिउ दाहण तुह विरहेण सामिणि मरइ णिरुत्तउ ॥ ९
[१३] उवरम्भ समिच्छहि अज्जु जइ तो जं चिन्तहि तं संभवइ ॥१ Is आसाली सिज्झइ पुरवरु वि सुअरिसणु चक्कु णलकुव्वरु वि' ॥२ तं णिसुणेवि सुट्ट वियक्खणहाँ अवलोइउ वयणु विहीसणहों ॥ ३ पइसारिय दूई मजणऍ थिय वे वि सहोयर मन्तणऍ ॥४ 'अहो साहसुपभणइ पहु मुयवि जं महिल करइ तं पुरिसु ण वि ॥५
दुम्महिल जि भीसण जम-णयरि दुम्महिल जि असणि जगन्त-यरि ॥ ६ " दुम्महिल जि स-विस भुयङ्ग-फड दुम्महिल जि वइवस-महिस-झड ॥ ७ दुम्महिल जि गरुय वाहि णरहों दुम्महिल जि वग्घि मझें घरहो' ॥८
॥ घत्ता॥ भणइ विहीसणु सुह-दसणु एत्थु एउ ण घट्टइ । सामि णिसण्णहों णउ अण्णहों भेयहाँ अवसरु वट्टइ ॥९
___ 12. 1 PS सुणेवि विचित्तमाल. 2 P S तुव. 3 PS A मणहरु. 4 A उवरंभए वियसिउ. 5 P S लंकेसहो पासु. 6 PS सुरसंतासहो. 7 PS डाहेण. ____13. 1 PS मुहु जोइउ पहुहे ( P पहुहें ) विहीसणहो. 2 A पभणई महिसुव वि. 3 P °फड. 4 A °विसम'. 5 P °झडु.
[१२] १ भटानां रेखा. [१३] १ (P's reading) रावणेन. २ विद्युत्. ३ अन प्रस्तावे एतद् वचनं न वक्तुं घटते.
Page #340
क०१४, १-९, १५, १-९] पण्णरहमो संधि
[१४] जइ कारणु वहरि सिद्धऍण णयरें धण-कणय-समिद्धऍण ॥१ तो कवडेण वि "इच्छामि" भणु पुण्णालि असच्चि दोसु कवणु ॥२ छुडु केम वि विज समावडउ उवरम्भ तुज्झु पुणु मा वडउ' ॥३ तं णिसुणेवि गउ दहगीउ तहिँ मज्जणयहाँ णिग्गय दूइ जहिँ ॥४ देवाइँ वत्थई ढोइय
आहरण. रयणज्जोइयइँ॥५ केऊर-हार-कडिसुत्ताइँ णेउरई कडय-संजुत्ताइँ ॥ ६ अवरइ मि देवि तोसिय-मणेण आसाल-विज मग्गिय खणण ॥७ ताएँ वि दिण्ण परितुट्टियाएँ णिय हाणि ण जाणिय मुद्धियाएँ ॥८
॥ धत्ता ॥ ताव विसालिय आसालिय णहें गजन्ति पराइय । तं विजाहरु णलकुव्वरु मुऍवि णाइँ सिय आइय ॥९
[१५] गय दूई किउ कलयलु भ.हिँ परिवेढिउ पुरवरु गय-धडेंहिँ ॥१ सण्णहेंवि समरें णिच्छिय-मणों 'णलकुव्वरु भिडिउ विहीसणहों ।। २ । वलु वलहाँ महाहवें दुजयहाँ रहु रहहाँ गइन्दु महागयहाँ ॥३ हउ हयहाँ णराहिवु णरवरहीं पहरण-धरु वर-पहरण-धरहाँ ॥४ चिन्धिउ चिन्धियहाँ समावडिउ 'वइमाणिउ वइमाणिहें भिडिउ ॥ ५ तहिँ तुर्मुलें जुज्झें भीसावणेण जिहं सहसकिरणु रण रावणेण ॥ ६ तिह 'विरहु करेविणु तक्खणेण णलकुव्वरु धरिउ विहीसणेण ॥ ७ ॥ सहुँ पुरण सिद्ध तं सुअरिसणु उवरम्भ ण इच्छइ दहवयणु ॥८
सो जे पुरेसरु समउ सरम्भऍ
णलकुव्वरुणियय केर लेवाविउँ । उवरम्भऍ रज्जु स ई भु जाविउ ॥ ९
14. 15 वइरिहि. 2 P S सिद्धिएण. 3 P S आसालि. 4 A णलकूवरु,
15. 1 This pāda is missing in P. 2 A णलकूवरु. 3 P S तुम्बले. 4 P जह. 5A करेवि पहरेवि खणेण. 6s भिडिउ. 7 PS लेवाविअउ, A लेवावि विउ. 8 P सयइ, सयं 9 P S भुंजावियउ.
[१५] १ विमाणारूढः. २ संग्रामे (?). ३ रथरहितः.
Page #341
[१६. सोलहमो संधि ]
reकुव्वरे धरियऍ णिय मन्तिहिं सहियउ
* जे गूढपुरिस पट्टविय तेण परिपुच्छिय 'लइ 'अक्खहाँ देवत्ति किं वलु हउ पाइक -लोड तं सुर्णेवि दणु-गुण- पेरिएहिँ 'परमेसर रणे रावणु अचिन्तु ," चउ-विज्ज-कुसल छग्गुण- णिवासु सत्तविह-वसण-विरहिय-सरीरु अरिवर-छबग्ग-विणासयालु
aar साह
[क० १, १२
विजऍ घुट्टे वहरि तणऍ । 'इन्दु परिहिउ मन्तणऍ ॥
ते आय पडीवा तक्खणेण ॥ १ केहर पहु केहिय तासु सत्ति ॥ २ किं वसणु कवणु गुणु को विणो ॥ ३ सहसक्खहों अक्विड हेरिएहिं ॥ ४ उच्छाह-मन्त-पहु-सत्ति-वन्तु ॥ ५ छव्विह वलु सत्त - पैइ-पयासु ॥ ६ वहु-बुद्धि-सत्ति-खम-काल- धीरु ॥ ७ अट्ठारहविह- तित्थाणुपालु ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥
'Rog सामि - सम्माणियउ । को वि भी अवमाणियउ ॥ ९
उ कुद्धर लुद्धउ
1. 1 Ps माणें मलिए विजए 2 P जणवए कहिउं इंदु, 9 जणवइ कहियउ इंदु . 3A °यहूं. 4 A 'लद्धि° 5Ps कालु. 6 Ps सयल पसाहणे सध्वु. 7 A वीरु.
* Between the first and the second Kadavaka all the Mss. read the following Sanskrit passage which is obviously a sort of commentary on the political terms occurring in the 1. Kaḍavaka. In all probability it was not a part of the original text, but got incorporated in the body of the text from its natural place as a marginal gloss. The slight incorrectness of the Sanskrit of the passage is ignored: का तिस्रः शक्तयः । प्रभुशक्तिः । उत्साहशक्तिः । मन्त्रशक्तिश्चेति ॥ का चतस्रो विद्याः । आन्वीक्षिकी यी वार्त्ता दण्डनीतिश्चेति । साङ्ख्यो योगो लोकायतं चान्वीक्षिकी । सामयजुर्वेदात्रयी । कृषिः पाशुपाल्यं वाणिज्यं वार्ता च । आन्वीक्षिकी- त्रयी- वार्तानां योगक्षेमसाधनो दण्डस्तस्व नीतिर्दण्डनीतिरिति ॥ षड्गुणाः के ते । संधि-विग्रह- यानासन-संश्रय- द्वैधीभावाः । किं तद् षड्विधं बलम् । मूलबलम् । भृत्यवलम् । श्रेणीबलम् । मित्रबलम् | अमित्रबलम् । आटविकवलं श्वेति ॥ का सप्त प्रकृतयः । स्वाम्यमात्य- जनपद-दुर्ग-कोश - बल ( v. 1. दण्ड ) - मित्राणि ( gloss on स्वामि- 'स्वाम्यमात्यौ च राष्ट्रं च दुर्ग कोशो बलं सुहृत्' इत्यमरः ) ॥ कानि सप्त व्यसनानि । पानम् । द्यूतम् । स्त्री । मृगया ( gloss पापर्द्धिः ) । पारुष्यम् । दण्डपारुष्यम् | अर्थदूषणं (gloss on पानम् —' द्यूतं मद्यं पिशितं च वेश्या पापर्द्धि-चौर्यं परदारसेवा' इत्यादि) । तत्रादौ चत्वारि कामजानि, त्रीणि कोपजानि ॥ कोऽरिषङ्घर्गः । काम-क्रोध-लोभ मान-मद-हर्षाः ॥ कान्यदश तीर्थानि । मन्त्रि-पुरोहित-सेनापति- युवराज-दौवारिकान्त वैशिक- प्रशास्तु समाहर्तृ संवि श्रातृ-प्रदेष्टृ नायक - पौरव्यावहारिक कर्मान्त्रिक-मन्त्रिपरिषद्-दण्डदुर्गान्तपालाटचिकाः ॥ (? not in A ) [ अ ]ष्टाङ्गानि ते ॥ छ ॥
[१] १ यूयं कथयत. २ शीघ्रम् ३ प्रकृति.
Page #342
सोलहमो संधि
[२] विणु 'णित्तिएँ एक्कु वि पउ ण देइ अट्टविह-विणोएं दिवसु णेइ ॥१ पहरडु पयाव-गवेसणेण अन्तेउर-रक्खण-पेसणेण ॥२. पहरडु णवरु कन्दुअ-खणेणे ... अहवइ अत्थाण-णिवन्धणेणं ॥ ३ पहरडु ण्हाण-देवच्चणेण... भोयण-परिहाण-विलेवणेण ॥४ पहरडु दव-अवलोयणेण... पाहुड-पडिपाहुड-ढोयणेण ॥ ५ पहरडु लेह-वायण-खणेण.. सासणहर-हेरि-विसज्जणेण ॥ ६ पहरडु सरं-पविहारणेण अहवइ अब्भन्तर-मन्तणेण ॥७ पहरडु सयल-वल-दरिसणेण रह-गय-हय-हेई-गवेसणेण ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ - पहरडु णराहिउँ सेणावइ-संभावणेणं ।
जम-थाणे परिट्ठिउ .. परमण्डल-आरूसणेण ॥ ९
जिह दिवसु तेम 'गिवाण-राय णिसि णेइ करेप्पिणु अट्ट भाय ॥१ पहिलऍ पहरखें विचिन्तमाणु अच्छइ णिगू हुँ पुरिॐहिँ समाणु ॥ २ ॥ वीयएँ पुणो वि पहाणासणेण अहवइ णरवइ-सुह-दसणेण ॥ ३ तइयएँ जय-तूर-महारवेण अन्तेउरु विसइ मणुच्छवेण ॥ ४ चउत्थऍ पञ्चम सोवण-खणेण चउदिसु दिढेण परिरक्खणेण ॥५... छट्टएँ ह्य-पडह-विउज्झणेण सबत्थसत्थ-परिवुज्झणेण ॥ ६ . सत्तमें मन्तिहिँ सहुँ मन्तणेणं । णिय-रज-कज-परिचिन्तणेण ॥ ७... अट्ठमें सासणहर-पेसणेण सुविहाणे वेज-संभासणेणं ॥ ८ .... महणसि-परिपुच्छण-आसणेण णिम्मित्ति-पुरोहिय-घोसणेण ॥ ९ । ...... . .. ॥घत्ता ॥ .
इय सोलह-भाएँहि दिवसु वि रयणि वि णिवहइ। .
मणु जुज्झहाँ उप्परि तासु णिरारिउ उच्छहई ॥ १० 2. 1 Ps कंदुक्खणेण, A कंडुअखणेण. 2 A णिवद्धणेण. P S पहाणे. 4 Ps सुरइ. 5 PS णराहिय. 6 P corrects to °संभासणेण.75 परमंडले.
3. 1 Ps तेण. 2 A णिगूढउ. 3 PS वीयउ. 4 PS A मंतएण. 5 PS सविहाण. 6 PS संभावणेण. 7A-महरिसि-भासण-परिपुच्छणेण, 8 PS णिम्मित्त.9 PS सोलस. 108 उध्वहइ.
[२] १ नीत्या विना. २ प्रजायाः, प्रतापं च (?). ३ 'सुइर' खेच्छया, विद्याविनोदेन, ४ 'हेति' आयुधः. [३] १ भो इन्द्र. २ प्रविशति. ३ वैद्य. ४ सूपकार-कोष्ठागारक-संभाषणम्.
पउ० चरि० 17
Page #343
पउमचरिउ [क०४, १-९,५,-"
[४] तुम्हेहुँ घुइँ एक विणाहिँ तत्ति सुविणएँ विण हुय उच्छाह-सत्ति ॥१ वालत्तणे जें णउ णिहउ सत्तु णह-मेत्तु जि कियउ कुढार-मेत ॥२
जइयहुँ णामउ छुडु छुडु दसासु जइयहुँ साहिउ विज्जा-सहासु ॥ ३ 5 जइयहुँ करें लग्गउ चन्दहासु जइयहुँ मन्दोवरि दिण्ण तासु॥४
जइय? सुरसुन्दरु वद्ध कणउ जइयहुँ ओसारिउ समरे धणउ ॥५ जइयहुँ जगभूसणु धरिउ णाउ जइयहुँ परिहविउ कियन्त-राउ ॥ ६ जइयहुँ सु-तणूयरि गउ हरेवि अण्णु वि रयणावलि करें धरेवि ॥ ७ तइयहुँ जे णाहिँ जे णिहउँ सत्तु तं एवहिँ वड्डारउ पयत् ॥ ८
॥धत्ता॥ वुच्चइ सहसक्खें कि केसरि सिसु-करि वहइ । 'पञ्चेल्लिउ हुअवहु सुक्कउ 'पायउ सुहुँ डहई ॥९
पञ्चत्तर देवि गइन्द-गमणु पुणु ढुकु सक्कु एक्कन्त-भवणु ॥१ । जहिँ भेउ ण भिन्दइ को वि लोउ जहिँ सुअ-सारियहुँ वि णाहिँ ढोउ ॥२ तहिँ पइसेंवि पभणइ अमर-राउ 'रिउ दुजउ एवहिँ को उवाउ ॥ ३ कि सामु भेउ किं 'उववयाणु किं दण्डु अवुज्झिय-परिपमाणु ॥४ किं कम्मारम्भुववाय-मन्तु किं पुरिस-दव-संपत्ति-वन्तु ॥ ५
किं देस-काल-पविहाय-सारु किं विणिवाइय-पडिहार-चारु॥६ ४0 किं कन्ज-सिद्धि पञ्चमउ मन्तु को सुन्दर सच्च-विसार-वन्तु ॥७
तो भारदुवाएं वुत्तु एम 'जं पइँ पारद्धउ तं जि देव ॥ ८ कज्जन्ते णवर णिवडइ छेउ पर मन्तिहिँ केवल मन्त-भेउ' ॥९ तं णिसुणेवि भणइ विसालचक्खु 'ऍहु पइँ उग्गाहिउ कवणु पक्खु ॥१०
॥ घत्ता ॥ ता अच्छउ सुरवइ जो णीसेसु रज्जु करइ।
पहु मन्ति-विहूणउ चउरङ्गिहि मि ण संचरइ ॥ ११ 4. 1SA तुह्मह. 2 9 पइ. 3 P एक, इकु. 4 PS णाइ. 5A सुइणे. 6 A जि.7 PS वि. 8 A विजहं. 9 P S अवहरेवि. 10s जिं. 11 Ps णि हिउ. 12 A पउत्तु. 13 A करे धरइ. 14 PS सुहि, A सुहृ.
5. 14 एयंत°. 25 साउ. 3 P S उयपयाणु, A उवयदाणु. 4 PS °परिपयाणु. 5 Ps रंभोवायचत्तु. 6 A °वारु.75 के. 8 5 सव्वु. 9 A भारदवाएं. 10 P s कजंतगमणे. 11 P इहु; P records also a variant पहु. 12 A चउरंगेहिं वि संचरइ. [४] १ नख-कर्तनीयोऽपि यदासीत् तत् कुठारछेद्यं संजातम्. २ प्रयत्नम्. ३ समर्थः (१). ४ वृक्षः, [५] १ उपप्रदानं दण्डम्. २ अनन्तर-प्रतिपादिता. ३ मन्त्रिणा.
Page #344
क०६, १-९;७, १-९] सोलहमो संधि
[६] पारासरु पभणइ 'विहि मणोज्जु णउ एके मन्तिऍ रज-कज्जु' ॥१ पिसुणेण वृत्तु 'वेणि वि ण होन्ति अवरोप्पर घडेंवि कु-मन्तु देन्ति' ॥२ कउंटिलें वुच्चइ 'कवण भन्ति तिण्णि वि चेयारि वि चारु मन्ति' ॥३ मणु चवइ 'गरुअ वारहहुँ वुद्धि णर्ड एके विहिँ तिहिँ कज-सिद्धि'॥४ तं णिसुणेवि पभणइ अमरमन्ति 'अइसुन्दरु जइ सोलह हवन्ति' ॥५ 'भिगुणन्दणु वोल्लइ 'वुद्धिवन्तु अकिलेसें वीसहिँ होइ मन्तु॥६ तं णिसुणेवि चवइ सहासणयणु विणु मन्ति-सहासे मन्तु कवणु ॥७ अण्णहाँ अण्णारिस होइ बुद्धि अकिलेसें सिज्झइ कज्ज-सिद्धि' ॥८
॥ धत्ता
जयकारिउ सबहिं तो समउ दसासें
'अम्हहुँ केरी बुद्धि जइ । सुन्दर सन्धि सुराहिवइ ॥९
वुह अत्थसत्थे पभणन्ति एव कहिँ लब्भइ उत्तम सन्धि देव ॥१ एक्कु वि मालिहें सिरु खुवि घित्तु अण्णु वि जइ रावणु होइ मित्तु ॥२. 15 तो तउ परमेसर कवण हाणि अहि असइ तो वि सिहि महर-वाणि॥३. जइ साम-भेय-दाणेहिँ जि सिद्धि तो दण्डे पउञ्जिऍ कवर्णं विद्धि ॥ ४ . अच्छन्ति वालि-रण संभरेवि• सुग्गीव-चन्दकर कुद्ध वे वि ॥५ णल-णील ते वि हियवएँ असुद्ध सुबन्ति णिरारिउ अत्थ-लुद्ध ॥ ६ - . खर-दूसणा वि णिय-पाण-भीय कज्जेण जेणं चन्दणहि णीय ॥ ७ ...॥ माहेसरपुरवइ-मरुगरिन्द अवमाणेवि बसिकिय जिह गइन्द ॥ ८
आएहिँ उवाऍहिँ दहवयण-णिहेलणु
भेइज्जन्ति गराहिवइ । जाइ दूउ चित्तङ्गु जई' ॥९
6. 1 PS मंतिहिं. 25 विणि मि. 3 P चडेवि, घिडिवि. 4 P कुमंति. 5 P कंउदालें, marginally 'कउटल्लिं' पाठे; s कउंदाले. 6 A वि तिणि. 7 PS हुंति. 8 A कउ. 9 Ps पभणित, A पभणई.
7. 1 PS सस्थे अस्थ. 2 A उत्तर. 3 P S °दाणे. 4 P दंड, दंडि. 5 PS पउंजेवि. 6 PS कवणु. 7 8 चंदकुर, A चंदनल. 8 णिराहिउ. 9 A केण. 10 P S अवमाणमि.
[६] १ बृहस्पतिः. २ शुकः. [७] १ सर्पः. २ मयूरः. ३ सहस्रकिरण, ४ भो इन्द्र ( ? ).
Page #345
उ णारउ कहि मि हङ्गणेण " ' पर - गूढपुरिस ण विसन्ति जेम एत्तडिय परोपरु वोल जाव पुर- रावि हु संथवन्तु रण- दुग्ग-परिग्गह-महि नियन्तु वहुसंथ - बुद्धि-णीउ सरन्तु स-सणे समाच्छिउ कवि वइसण दिणु संवाहुँ थोरु पुज्जेपिष्णु कैप्पिणुं गुण-सयाइँ
तं मन्ति-वयणु पडिवण्णु तेण सिक्खas पुरन्दरु किं पि जाम 'ओसारेंवि दिज्जइ कण्ण-जाउ आवेसइ इन्दहों तणउ दूउ सो भेउ करेसइ णरवरा हूँ सहुँ तेण महुर-वंयणेहिं तेव
सो थोवर्ड तुहुँ पुणु पवलु अज्जु एत्थु जें अवसरें संगी में संकु
मरु-जगे दसाणण याराँ तहाँ मइँ
वुच्चइ चित्तङ्गेण तं कवणु दुल
[6] चित्तङ्गङ कोड तक्खणेण ॥ १ गउ णारउ रावण भवणु ताम ॥ २ परिरक्खहि खन्धावारु 'सोड || ३ चवीस- पवर-गुण-सार-भूउ ॥ ४ सुग्गी-मुह - विज्जाहराहँ ॥ ५ वोलिज सन्धि ण होइ जेव ॥ ६ आवग्गड जें लइ हरेवि रज्जु ॥ ७ सङ्किर्ज तो पुणु असक्कु ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥
जं पइँ विहँ रक्खियउ । परम - भेउ ऍहु अक्खिय' ॥ ९ [8]
[ क०८, १९९,१-१०
सेणावर वृत्तु दसाणणेण ॥ १ परिरक्खहि खन्धावारु तेम ॥ २ चित्त स- सन्दणु आउ ताव ॥ ३ णक्खन्तोमालियहन्तिं-वन्तु ( ? ) ॥ ४ उत्तरहों पडुत्तरु चिन्तवन्तु ॥ ५ मारिच्चि भव इसइ तुरन्तु ॥ ६ fue पासु परिन्दों करें धरेवि ॥ ७ चूडामणि कण्ठउ कड दोरु ॥ ८
पुणु पुच्छर 'वहु पमाणु काइँ' ॥ ९
॥ घत्ता ॥
'किं देवों सीसइ परेंण ॥
जं विदि दिवाण' ॥ १०
8. 1 A सावु. 2 A वयणेण. 3P SA वोलिजइ. 4 Ps थोडउ 5 Ps वि. 6 Ps संगम. 7 A सक्किजइ. 8Ps विप्पहु .
9. 14 पुरपरवहारि. 2 P पहु, marginally records बहु. 3 P संछबंद; marginally records संभवंतु, A सत्थवंतु. 4 P °तिबंद 5A दुग्गयडिंभहं. 6s ° भवणि, 4 भवण. 7s सालणहु. 8 A पासे 9PS संवाद 10 P कणउ 11 Ps डोरु. 12 A अपि. 13 A चित्तंगे. 14 A देवहूं. 15 A दुलंघु.
[८] १ सर्व्वम्. २ समर्थः .
[९] बहुविचार - बुद्धिः २ ताम्बूलः ३ कथयित्वा .
Page #346
क० १०, १-८, ११, १-९] सोलहमो संधि
[१०] तं वयणु सुणेवि परितुट्ट राउ 'मइँ चिन्तिउ को वि कु-दूउ आउ ॥१ जिम सासणहरु जिम परिमियत्थु एवहिँ मुणिओ-सि णिसिद्ध-अत्थु ॥ २ धण्णउ सुरवई तुहुँ जासु 'अत्तुं वर-पञ्चवीस-गुण-रिद्धि पत्तु ॥ ३ भणु भणु पेसिउ कजेण केणं' विहसेवि वुत्तु चित्तंगएण ॥४ ॥ 'पहु सुन्दर अहहुँ तणिय वुद्धि सुहु जीवहुँ वे वि करेवि सन्धि ॥ ५ रूववइ-णाम रूवें पसण्ण परिणेप्पिणु इन्दहाँ तणिय कण्ण ॥ ६ करि लङ्का-णयरि, विजय-जत्त चल लच्छि मणूसहाँ कवण मत्त ॥ ७
॥ घत्ता॥ ईमु वयणु महारउ तुम्हहँ सबहँ था मणे । जिह मोक्खु कु-सिद्धों तेम ण सिज्झइ इन्दु रणें ॥८
[११] तं सुणेवि सत्तु-संतावणेण चित्तङ्गु पणिउ रावणेण ॥१ 'वेयड्डहाँ सेढिहिँ जाइँ ता. पण्णास व सहि वि पुरवराइँ॥२ सबइँ महु अप्पॅवि सन्धि करहों णं तो कल्लऍ संगा मरहों ॥३। तं णिसुणेवि पहरिसियङ्गएण दहवयणु वुत्तु चित्तङ्गएण ॥४ 'एक्कु वि सुरवइ सयमेव उग्गु अण्णु वि रहणेउर-णयरु दुग्गु ॥५ परिभमियउ परिहउ तिणि तासु सरिसाउ जाउ रयणायरासु ॥६ संकम वि चयारि चउदिसासु चउ-वार एकेकऍ सहासु ॥ ७. 'वलवन्तहुँ जन्तहुँ भीसाहँ अक्खोहणि अक्खोहणि 'घणाहँ ॥ ८ ॥
॥ घत्ता ॥ जोयण-परिमाणे जो ढुक्कउ सो णउ जियइ। जिह दुजण-वयगहुँ को वि ण पासु समिल्लियइ ॥९
:10. 1 A णिसिटअस्थु. 2 Ps सुरवइ धण्णउ (P धण्णउं), A धणउं सुरवइ. 3 Ps मंतु. 4 A जेण. 5 A अम्हहं. 6 A जीवहु. 75 रुववाणामे, A रूवइणामें. 8 PS °णयरिहि. 9 A घल. 10 PS एउ. 11 s तुम्हहु. 12 A ठाउ. 13 A कुसिद्धहं. .. , 11. 1 PS जाई. 2 P परिभमिउ, s परिभामिउ. 3 PS संकाम चयारि वि चउदिसासु. 4 P S चउवारए. 5 A बलवंतहं जंतहं भीसणाहं. 6 P भीसणाइ, S भीसणाह. 7 P घणाई,s घणाह. 8 P °वयणहं, 8 वयणाहं. 9 s समिल्लियई, A समासयइं.
[१०] १ आज्ञाधारकः. २ यथार्थज्ञाता. ३ सिद्धार्थः. ४ आप्तः. ५ नृणां का मात्रा वार्ता वा. [११] १ गोलकपाषाणानाम्.
Page #347
पउमचरित कि० १२, १-९,१३,१-९
[१२] जसु एहउ अस्थि 'सहाउ दुग्गु अण्णु वि साहणु अश्चन्त-उग्गु ॥ १ जसु अट्ठ लक्ख भद्दहुँ गया वारह मन्दहुँ सोलह मयाहुँ ॥२ संकिण्ण-गइन्दहुँ वीस लक्ख रह-तुरय-भडहँ पुणु णत्थि सङ्ख ॥ ३ एहड पहिलारउ मूल-सेण्णु वलु वीयउ मिच्चहँ तणउ अण्णु ॥४ तइयउ सेणी-बलु दुण्णिवारु चउथर्ड मित्त-वलु अणाय-पार ॥५ दुजउ पञ्चमउं अमित्त-सेण्णु छट्ठउ आडविउ 'अणाय-गण्णु ॥ ६ रावण पुणु वूहहँ णाहि छेउ अमरा वि वलहँ ण मुणन्ति भेउ ॥ ७ हय-गय-रह-णर-जुज्झहुँ तहेव सो सुरवइ जिजइ समरें केव' ॥८
॥ घत्ता ॥ वुच्चइ दहवयणे 'जइ तं जिणमि ण आहयणे । तो अप्पउ घत्तमि जालामालाउलें जलणें ॥ ९
[१३] इन्दई पभणइ 'सुर-सार-भूअ किं जम्पिएण वहवेण दूअ ॥ १ 18 जं किउ जम-धणयहुँ विहि मि ताहँ जं सहसकिरण-णलकुवराहँ ॥ २
तं तुहं वि करेसइ ताउ अज्जु लहु ठाउ पुरन्दरु जुज्झ-सज्जु' ॥ ३ तं वयणु सुणेवि उद्वन्तरण चित्तौं वुच्चइ जन्तएण ॥ ४ 'णिम्मन्तिओ-सि इन्देण देव 'विजयन्तै इन्दइ तुहु मि ते ॥५ सिरिमालि कुमारहिं ससिधएहिँ सुग्गीव तुहु मि सीहद्धएहिँ ॥६ जमराएं जम्बव-णील-णलहों हरिकेसिं हत्थ-पहत्थ-खलहों ॥७ सोमेण विहीसण कुम्भयपण अवरेहि मि केहि मि के वि अण्णं ॥८
॥ घत्ता ॥ परिवाडिएँ सुम्हेहुँ दिण्णउ एउँ णिमन्तमा । भुञ्जेबल सव्वहि गरुअ-पहारा-भोवर्णउ' ॥ ९
12. 1A णाहि. 2 A सवल०. 3 A तइउ, 4 PS चउत्थउ. 5 PS मारु. 6 P पंचमउं,
मु. 7 P S ताहिं. 8 A जुझंह. 9 P S जालाउले अलंतजलणे. 13. 1 A °धणयहं. 2 5 तुहु मि. 3 Pणेमंतिउसि, 5 मंतिओसि. 4 PS सेण. 5 P सिस्मिाले. 6 PS हरिकेसी. 7 PS विहीसणु कुंभयण्णु. 8 S अवरेहिं हणेसमि.9 PS. अणु. TOP पडियाडिए. 11 A एउ. 12 A तुह्म. 13 P भुंजेवउ, S भुंजेहउ. 14 PS यहार रण. भोयणउ. 15 s wrongly numbers this Kadavaka as ॥ १४ ॥
[१२] १ सहाय, सद्भावो वा, दुर्गम्. २ अशातगणणा. [१३] १ इन्द्रपुत्रेण..
Page #348
क० १४, १–९; १ ५, १-९]
म भवि चित्तङ्गु तेत्थु 'परमेसर दुज्जउ 'जाउहाणु तं णिसुर्णेवि पवलु अराइ- पक्खु हय भेरि तूर पडु पह वेज्ज पक्खरिय तुरङ्गम' जुत्त सयड वसावसु वसु रण-भर - समत्थ किंपुरिस गरुड गन्धव जक्ख जं यर-पओलिहिँ वलु ण माइ
सणहॅवि पुरन्दरु विञ्झों उप्पर
मिग- मन्द-भ-संकिण-गऍहिँ थिउ अग्गऍ' पच्छऍ भड-समूहु सुरवर स-पवरर-पहरण-कराल डसियाहर रत्तुप्पल-दलक्ख हर्यं पञ्च पञ्च चञ्चल वलगं ऍड जेत्ति रक्खणु गयवरासुं चदह अङ्गुलिहिँ णरो णरासु पञ्चहिं पञ्चहिँ गड गयवरासु
" बहु रवि समरङ्गणे मेइणि
[१४] १ रावणः २ अंबारी. [१५] १ हस्तै : त्रिभिः
सोलहमो संघि
सुर-परिमिउ सुरवर-राउ जेत्थु ॥ ण करेइ सन्धि तुम्हेंहिँ समाणु' ॥ २ सण्णज्झइ सरहसु दससयक्खु ॥ ३ किय मत्त महाग सारि - सज्ज ॥ ४ जस-लुद्ध कुद्ध सण्णद्ध सुहड ॥ ५ जम-ससि कुवेर पहरण - चिहत्थ ॥ ६ किण्णर पर अमर विरल्लियख ॥ ७ तं हयले उपऍवि जाइ ॥ ८
॥ घता ॥
णिग्गउ अइरावऍ चडिउ । सरय - महाघणु पाउं ॥ ९ [१५]
भीसणु तूर - मालु कि । सक्कु से ईं भू सेवि थिङ ॥ ९
14. 1 A सज्ज. 2 PS तुरिय संजुत्त. 3 P रणयरह मध्थ, 8 सुरणरभरसमस्थ, A रणसयसमत्थ. 4 A विरित्तियक्ख. 5 A जं. 6 s हयले णं. 7 P उप्पयवि, उपहि वि. 8s पय ब्रि. 9s wrongly numbers this Kadavaka as ॥ १५ ॥
151 भगा 2 A पच्छछ अग्गइ. 3s सव्वई. 4 P हुए. 5s चलग्ग 64 - रा. 7 P अंगुलेहिं. 8s घाणुकिओ 9Ps वि. 10s जं. 11 s सयं.
as विरऍवि पञ्चहिँ चाव- सऍहिँ ॥ १ सेणाas - मन्तिहि रइउ बूहु ॥ २ घण-कक्खहिँ पक्खहिँ लोयवाल || ३ गऍ गऍ पण्णारह गत- रक्ख ॥ ४ भड तिण्णि तिण्णि हऍ हऍ स खाग ॥ ५ तेत्तिउ जें पुणु विथ रहवरासु ॥ ६ 'रणिहिं तिहिँ तिहिँ हउ हयवरासु ॥ ७ " धाकि छंहिँ धाणुक्कियासु ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥
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पउभचरिउ [क० १, ५-१०, २, १-३
[१७. सत्तरहमो संधि] मन्तणऍ समत्तएँ. दूऍ णियत्तएँ उभय-वलहँ अमरिसु चडइ तइलोक-भयङ्करु सुरवर-डामरु रावणु इन्दहाँ अभिडइ॥
[१] किय करि सारि-सज पक्खरिय तुरय-थट्टा
उन्भिय धय-णिहाय स-विमाण रह पयट्टा ॥ १ आहय समर-भेरि भीसावणि सुरवर-वइरि-वीर-कम्पावणि ॥ २ हत्थ-पहत्थ करेंवि सेणावइ दिण्णु पयाणउ पचलिउ गरवइ ॥ ३
कुम्भयण्णु लङ्कस-विहीसण : णल-सुग्गीव-णील-खर-दूसण ॥४ "मय-मारिच्च-भिच्च-'सुअसारण अङ्गङ्गय-इन्दइ-घणवाहण ॥ ५ रण-रसेण भिजन्त पधाईय णिविसें समर-भूमि संपावियं ॥६ पञ्चहिँ धणु-सएहिँ पहु देप्पिणु रिउँ-बूहहों पडिवूहु रएप्पिणु ॥७ णिवडिउ जाउहाण-वलु सुर-वर्ले पहय-पडह-परिवड्डिय-कलयले ॥८ जाउ महाहउ भुवण-भयङ्करु उहिउ रउ मइलन्तु दियन्तर ॥९
॥घत्ता ॥ णर-हय-गय-गत्तइँ रह-धय-छत्तई संवई खण उद्धलियई। जिह कुलइँ दुपुत्ते तिह वड्डन्तें वेणि वि सेण्णइँ मइलियइँ॥१०
[२] विन्भम-हाव-भाव-भूभङ्गुरच्छराई।
जायइँ सुर-विमाणई धूलिधूसराई ॥ १ ताव हेइ-घट्टणेण करालउ उच्छलियउ सिहि-जाला-मालउ ॥२ सिवियहिँ छत्त-धऍहिँ लग्गन्तिउ अमर-विमाण-सयाइँ दहन्तिउ ॥ ३
1. 1 A reads the following Sk. stanza. in the beginning of this Sandhi : तावद् गर्जनित तुङ्गाः करटपट()लाजानधीरा(?)गण्डा
-मातङ्गदन्तक्षतगुरुगिरयो भग्ननानागुमौघाः॥ 'लीलोद्धसैलतागैर्निजयुवतिकरैः सेव्यमाना यथेष्टं ।
यावनो कुम्भिकुम्भस्थलदलनपटुः केसरी संप्रयाति ॥ 2 A पराइय. 3 A संपाइय. 4 P रियु. 5A पत्तइं. 6 s (marginally), A तिषिण 'वि (A विणि वि)खणे ओणल्लियई.
2. 1 P°भंगुरवरच्छराई, s भंगुरवरच्छरई, A भंगुरथुराई. 2 P धूसरई, s धूलीधूसरई, A धूलीधूसराई. 3 PS सिविएहिं. [१] १ भयाण(न)कः. २ मन्त्री.
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२० २,४-१०, ३, १-१०] सत्तरहमो संधि
१३७ पुणु पच्छले सोणिय-जल-धारउ रय-पसमणउ हुआस-णिवारंउ ॥४ 'ताहिँ असेसु दिसामुहु सित्तउ थिउ णहु णाइँ कुसुम्भऍ घिउ ॥ ५ अण्णउ परियत्तउ गयणगों णं घुसिणोलिउँ णह-सिरि-अङ्गहाँ ॥ ६ जाय वसुन्धरि रुहिरायम्बिरि संरहस-सुहड-कवन्ध-पणच्चिरि ॥७ करि-सिर-मुत्ताहलेंहिँ विमीसिय सञ्झ व ताराइण्ण पदीसिय ॥ ८ रह खुप्पन्ति वहन्ति ण चक्कइँ वाहण-जाण-विमाण थकई॥९
॥ घत्ता
तेहऍ वि महारणे मेइणि-कारणे रत्ते तरन्ते तरन्ति गर । जुन्झन्ति स-मच्छर तोसिय-अच्छर णाइँ महण्णवें वारियर ॥१०
तो गज्जन्त-मत्त-मायग-वाहणेणं ।
अमरिस-कुद्धएक गिवाण-साहणेणं ॥ १ जाउहाण-साहणु पडिपेल्लिउ णं खय-सायरेण जगु रेल्लिउ ॥२ णिसियर परिभमन्ति पहरण-भुअ णं आवत्त-छुद्ध जल-बुबुव ॥ ३ पेक्खेंवि णिय-वलु ओहट्टन्तउ 'सुरवगला-मुहें आवट्टन्तउ ॥४ पेक्खेंवि उत्थल्लन्तइँ छत्तइँ मत्त-गयहुँ भिजन्तइँ गत्तइँ ॥ ५ पेक्खेंवि फुट्टन्तइँ रह-वीढइँ जाण-विमाणइँ भैमरुवगीढइँ ॥ ६ पेक्खेंवि हयवर पाडिजन्ता सुहड-मडप्फर साडिजन्ता ॥७
आयामेप्पिणु रह-गय-वाहणे भिडिउ पसण्णकित्ति सुर-साहणें ॥८ वाणर-चिन्धु महागय-सन्दणु चाव-विहत्थु महिन्दहों णन्दणु ॥९ ॥
॥ घत्ता ॥ णर-हय-गय तजेंवि रह-धय भोंवि वूहहों मझें पइट्ट किह । वमेंहिँ विन्धन्तउ जीविउ लिन्तउ कामिणि-हियउ वियह जिह ॥ १०
4 s A जलशोणिय'. 5 P °विवारउ, s °विचारउ, A निवारउ. GA दिसाबहु. 7 A रत्तउ, 8 A घुसिणुल्लउ. 9 P S सरहसु सुहड कवंधु. 10 P पणच्चिवि. 11 A °मुत्ताहलवामीसिय, 12 A तारावन्न पदसिय. 13 A गुप्पंति. 14 P णइ, A नहं न वि.
3. 1 PS A °कुद्धेण. 2 P S उणलंवइ. 3 A छिजंतई. 4 P सारिजन्ता. 5 PS सुए.
[२] १ रुधिरधाराभिः. २ जलचराः. [३] १ सेनामुखे. २ चित्तभ्रमरगृहीतानि. ३ प्रगुणीभूय, सामर्थ्य कृत्वा वा.
पउ० चरि० 18
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[क०४,१-१0५,-. [४] सुरवर-किङ्करेहिँ उत्थरेंवि अहिमुहहिँ।
लइ पसण्णकित्ति तिक्खेहिँ सिलिमुहेहि ॥ १ तो एत्थन्तरें दिढ-भुअ-डालें ___रावण-पित्तिएण सिरिमालें ॥२ । रहवर वाहिउ सुरवर-वन्दहों पढमउ 'भिट्ट महाहवें चन्दहों ॥३
कुन्त-विहत्थहों सीहारूढहाँ जयसिरि-पवर-णारि-अवगूढहाँ ॥४ 'अरे स-कलङ्क वङ्क महिलाणण पुरउ म थाहि जाहि मयलञ्छण' ॥५ तं णिसुणेवि ओखण्डिय-माणउ ल्हसिउ मियंक थक्कु जमराणउ ॥ ६
महिसारुदु दण्ड-पहरण-धरु तिहुअण-जण-मण-णयण-भयङ्कर ॥७ ॥ सो वि समुत्थरन्तु दणु-दुट्टउ किउ णिविसद्धे पाराउट्ठउ ॥ ८ ताम कुवेरु थक्कु सवडम्मुहु किउ णाऍिहिँ सो वि परम्मुहू ॥९
॥ घत्ता ॥ सिरिमालि धणुद्धरु रणमुहें दुद्धरु धरेंवि ण सक्किउ सुरवरहि । संताउ करन्तउ पाण हरन्तउ वम्महु जेम कु-मुणिवरेंहि ॥ १०
भग्ग कियन्ते समरें तो ससि-कुवेर-राएं।
केसरि-कणय-हुअवहा मल्लवन्त-जाएं ॥ १ । तिणि वि भिडिय खत्तु आमेल्लेवि धय-धूवन्त महारह पेल्लेवि ॥ २
तीहि मि समकण्डिउँ रयणीयरु णं धाराहर-धणेहिँ महीहरु ॥३ ॥ सरवर-सरवरेहिँ विणिवारिय तिण्णि वि पुट्टि देन्त ओसारिय ॥४
अमर-कुमार णवर उद्धाइय रिउ जिह एक्कहिँ मिलेंवि पराइयं ॥५ लइय सिलीमुहेहिँ सिरिमालिं परम-जिणिन्द-चरण-कमलालिं॥६ अद्धससीहिँ सीस उच्छिण्णइँ णं णीलुप्पलाइँ विक्खिण्णइँ ॥७
जउ जउ जाउहाणु परिसक्का तउ तउ अहिमुहु को विण थक्कइ॥८ 25 णिऍवि कुमार-सिर छिजन्तइँ रण-देवयहें वलि 4 दिजन्तइँ ॥९
4. 1 P लइअउ. 2 PS A सिलीमुहेहिं. 3 P°विंदहो. 4 A पढमुभिट्ट. 5 PS अखंडिय. 6 A मयंकु. 7 P marginally, 'रणे' पाठे; A रणे. 8 P 3 णाराएं. 9 PS रणउहे. 10 P कुमुणिवरहुं, कुमुणिवरहो.
b. 1A भग्ग. 2 PS कियंत. 3 °रायणं. 4 5 °आयेणं. 5 PS A मामेल्लिवि. 6 P SA पेल्लिवि.7 A समकुंडियउ. 8 PS जमजीह एक्किहि. 9A पधाइय. 10 PS सिरिमालें. 11 चरणकमलाहिं. 125 सीसह. 13 PS वि.
[४] १ समूहस्य. २ भेड. ३ भालिहितस्य. [५]१'तिण्णि वि मिडिय' इति सम्बन्धः.
Page #352
सत्तरहमो संधि
॥ घत्ता
सहसक्खु विरुज्झइ किर सण्णज्झइ 'मइँ ताय जियन्तें सुहड-कयन्ते
ताव जंयन्ते दिण्णु रहु । अप्पुणु पहरणु धरहि कहुँ ॥ १०
जयकारेवि सुरवई धाईओ जयन्तो।
'णिसियर थाहि थाहि कहिँ जाहि महु जियन्तो ॥१ वाहि वाहि सवडम्मुहु सन्दणु हउँ धव देमि पुरन्दर-णन्दणु ॥२ तीरिय-तोमर-कण्णिय-घायहुँ वहु-वावल्ल-भल्ल-णारायँहु ॥ ३ अद्धससिहिँ खुरुप्प-सेल्लंग्गहुँ पट्टिस-फलिह-सूल-फर-खरंगहुँ ॥ ४ . मोग्गर-लउडि-चित्तदण्डुण्डिहिँ सबल-हुलि-हल-मुसल-मुसुण्डिहिँ ॥ ५ झसर-तिसत्ति-परसु-इसु-पासहुँ कणय-कोन्त-घण-चक्क-सहासहुँ ॥ ६ रुक्ख-सिलायल-गिरिवर-घायहुँ हवि-जल-पवण-विजु-संघायहुँ' ॥७ तं णिसुणेवि सिरिमालि पहरिसिउ सुरवइ-सुअहो महारहु दरिसिउ ॥ ८ 'पइँ मेल्लेप्पिणु जय-सिरि-लाहवें को महु अण्णु देह धव आहवें ॥९
॥धत्ता ॥ तो एव विसेसेवि सर संपेसेंवि छिण्णु जयन्तहों तणउ धउँ । गयणगण-लच्छिहें कमल-दलच्छिहें हारु णाई उच्छलेवि गउ ॥ १०
[७] दहमुह-पित्तिएण दणु-देह-दारणेणं ।।
___ मुसुमूरिउ महारहो कणय-पहरणेणं ॥ १ एउ ण जाणेहुँ कहिँ गउ सन्दणु चुकंउ कह वि कह वि सुर-णन्दणु॥२ दुक्खु दुक्खु मुच्छा-विहलचल उद्विउ उद्ध-सुण्डु णं मयगलु ॥ ३ . भीसण-भिण्डिवाल-पहरण-धरु जाउहाण-रहु किउ सय-सक्कर ॥४ सो वि पहार-विहुरु णिच्चेयणु मुच्छ पराइउ पसरिय-चेयणुं ॥५
14 P किह, s किहा.
6. 1PS सुरवइ. 2 P धाइयउ. 3A °घायहिं. 4A °णारायहिं. 5PS °सेलग्गहिं. 6P3 °फलिस. 7 PS °सग्गेहिं. 8 PS दंडद्धिहिं. 9 Ps मुसंढिहिं. 10 PS°पासेहिं. 11 PS °सहासेहिं. 12 PS °घायहिं. 13 P S °विजसंघायहिं. 14 PS धणु, A धउं, 15 PS गयणंगणि.
7. 1 जाणहं. 2 PS चुक्क. 3 PS मिडिमाल. 4 SA °वेयणु.
२ इन्द्रपुत्रेण. [७] १ पुनर्भव-जीवितव्यः.
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पउमचरिउ [क०७,६-१०८, १-१०,९, धाइउ धुणेवि सरीरु रणङ्गणे कूर-महागहु णाइँ णहङ्गणे ॥६ विणि मि दुजय दुद्धर पेवयल विणि मि भीम-गयासणि-करयल ॥७ वेणि मि परिभमन्ति णह-मण्डले लीह दिन्ति रावणे आखण्डलें ॥८ सुरवइ-णन्दणेण आयामेंवि कुलिस-दण्ड-सण्णिह गय भावि ॥९
॥ घत्ता
आहउ वच्छत्थले पडिउ रसायले पाण-विवजिउ रयणियरु । जउ जाउ जयन्तहाँ णिसियर-तन्तहाँ घित्तुं णाइँ सिरे रय-णियरु॥१०
[८] 'जं सिरिमालि पाडिओ अमर-णन्दणेणं ।
ता इन्दइ पधाविओ समउ सन्दणेणं ॥१ "अरे दुबियड्ड
मम ताउ वहेंवि कहिँ जाहि सण्ढ ॥ २ वलु वलु हयास
मइँ जीवमाणे कहिँ जीवियास' ॥ ३ वयणेण तेण
करें धणुहरु किउ 'सुर-णन्दणेण ॥ ४ उत्थरिय वे वि
समरङ्गणे सर-मण्डवु करेवि ॥ ५ 1 रिउ-मद्दणेण
आयामवि दहमुह-णन्दणेण ॥ ६ विणिहय-पहरेंहिँ
सण्णाहु छिण्णु तीसहिँ सरेहिँ॥ ७ रक्खिउ सरीरु
कह कह वि णाहिँ कप्परिउ वीरु ॥८ उप्पऍवि जाम
किर धरइ पुरन्दरु पत्तु ताम ॥९
॥ घत्ता ॥ 20 उग्गामिय-पहरणु चोइय-वारणु अन्तर थिउ अमराहिवइ । 'अरें अरिवर-मदणं रावण-णन्दण उवार वलि चारहडि जइ ॥१०
[१] खत्तु मुएवि सवेहिं 'भिउडि-भासुरेहि। लङ्काहिवहीं णन्दणो वेढिओ सुरेहिं ॥ १
5A पुणु वि. 6 PS A वि.7 पव्वल. 8 P देत, 5 दित.9 PS रावण'. 10 PS वच्छ. यले. 11 A जियंतहो. 12 A खित्तु.
8. 1 Ps read दुबई in the beginning. 2 PS पाडिउ.3 PS तं. 4 PS पधाइउ. 5_PS जीवमाण. GA कंउ. 7 P समरंगणेण with °ण scored off, s समरंगणेण, A गयणंगणे. 8 SA मंडउ. 9 P पुत्तु. 10s महणु. 118 गंदणु. 12 PS उवरें. 13 P वलु.
9. 1 Ps read दुवई at the beginning of this stanza, 2 PS आराडिमिउडि'. 3 Ps वेढि उ सुरवरेहिं.
२ समर्थः. ३ तस्य समूहस्य. ४ धूलिनिकर, निशाचर वा.
[८] १ जयन्तेन. २ सर्वं सामयं कृत्वा,
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क० ९,२-१०; १०, १-१०] सत्तरहमो संधि वेढिउ एक्कु अणन्तेंहिँ रावणि तो वि ण गणइ सुहड-चूडामणि ॥२ रोकड वलइ धाइ अभिट्टइ रिउ पण्णास-सट्टि दलवर्दैइ ॥३ सन्दण सन्दणेण संचूरइ
गयवर गयवरेण मुसुमूरइ ॥४ तुरउ तुरङ्गमेण विणिवायइ णरवर फरवर-घाएं घायइ ॥५ जाम वियम्भइ सवायामें
ताव सु-सारहि सम्मइ-णामें ॥ ६ ॥ पभणइ 'रावण किं णिञ्चिन्तउ मेल्लवन्त-णन्दणु अत्थन्तउ ॥७ अण्णु वि रावणि लइउ अखत्तें वेढिउ सुरवर-वलेण समत्तें ॥८ दुजउ जइ वि महाहवें सक्का एकु अणेय जिणेंवि किंस कई॥९
॥ घत्ता ॥ ते वयणें रावणु जण-जूरावणु चडिउ महारहें खग्ग-कर। लक्खिजइ देवेंहिँ वहु-अवलेवेहिँ णाई कियन्तु जगन्तयरु ॥ १०
[१०] दूरत्थेण 'णिसियरिन्देण सुरवरिन्दो।
सीहेणं विरुद्धेणं 'जोइओ गइन्दो ॥१ 'सारहि वाहि वाहि रहु तेत्तहें आयवत्तु आपण्डुरु जेत्तहें ॥२ ॥ जेत्तहें अइरावणु गलगजइ जेत्तहें भीसण दुन्दुहि वज्जइ ॥३ जेत्तहें सुरवइ सुर-परियरियउ जेत्तहें वज्ज-दण्डु करें धरियउ॥४ तं णिसुर्णेवि सम्मइ उच्छाहिउ पूरिउ सङ्गु महारहु वाहिउ ॥५ किउ कलयलु दिण्णइँ रण-तूरइँ हसियइँ सणि-जम-मुहई व कूरइँ ॥ ६ . . समरूं घुट्ट वलइ मि अभिट्टइँ रण-रसियइँ सण्णाह-विसट्टइँ ॥ ७ ॥ पवर-तुरङ्गम पवर-तुरङ्गहुँ भिडिय मयङ्ग मत्त-मायङ्गहुँ ॥८ रह रहवरहुँ परोप्परु धाइय | पायालहुँ पायाल पराइय ॥ ९
॥ घत्ता ॥ मेल्लिय-हुङ्कार' दिण्ण-पहार सिर-कर-णास णमन्ताई। भिडियइँ अ-णिविण्णइँ वेण्णि मि सेण्ण मिहुण जेम अणुरत्ताइँ ॥ १० ॥ 4 A आवट्टइ. 5 P S णरवरेण संघायइ. 6 PS मल्लवंतु. 7 P°चलण. 8 P संमत्ते, A सम्मत्ते. 9 P S णाइ, A नाइ. 10 P जगंतु corrected to जगत, s जगंतु, A जगत्त.
10. 1 तेण णिसियरिदेण. 2 PSA सीहेण. 3 P s विरुद्धण. 4 A जोइअ णं. 51 भावंडुरु. 6 5 समरुहु, A समरधुहु. 7 In all the cases Ps have °हु and A °हं. 8 P माइंदहु, मायंदहु. 9 Aणासु. 10 s जिम, A जिहं.
[९] १ इन्द्रजति. २ सिरिमाली मृतः, ३ इन्द्रयतिः. ४ इन्द्रपक्षजनैः. ५ गर्वैः. [१०] १ मन्त्री.
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जाउ महन्तु आहवो 'विहिँ विहिं जणाहुं । इन्दइ- इन्दतणयहुं इन्द - रावणाहुं ॥ १
रयणासव - सहसार-जणेरहुँ ' जम-सुग्गीव हुँ दूसम-सीलहुँ ससि - अङ्गयहुँ दिवायर - अङ्गहुँ सुअ-हुँ वीसावसु-हत्थ हुँ कुम्भयपण-ईसाणणरिन्दहुँ घणवाहण तडिकेस कुमारहुँ " जम्बुमालि -जीमुत्तणिणाय हुँ वाणरधय- पञ्चाणणचिन्धहुँ
करि-कुम्भ - विकत्तणु सोतासु समच्छरु
मय- भेसई - मारिच्चं कुवेरहुँ ॥ २ 'अणल-लहुँ पलयाणिल-णीलहुँ ॥ ३ खेर - चित्तहुँ दूसण- चित्तङ्गहुँ ॥ ४ सारण - हरि-हरिकेसि - पहत्थहुँ ॥ ५ विहि-केसरिहिँ विहीसण - खन्दहुँ ॥ ६ मलवन्त कणयहुँ दुबारहुँ ॥ ७ वज्जोयर- वज्जाउहरायहुँ ॥ ८ एम जुज्झु अब्भिड पसिद्धहुँ ॥ ९
॥ घत्ता ॥
गञ्जोलिय-तणु जो रणें जासु समावडिउ । तोसिय- अच्छरु 'गिरिहॅ दवर्गिव अभिडिउ ॥ १०
[१२] को विकिवाण - पाणिए सुरबहू णिएवि ।
ण मुअइ मण्डलग्गु
को विणीसरन्तन्त- चुब्भलो को विकुम्भि कुम्भयल-दारणो 20 को वि दन्त- मुसलुक्खयाउहो को वि खुडिय-सीसो धणुद्धरो को विवाण - विणिभिण्ण-वच्छओ सोणियारुणो सहर णरवरो को वि एक्क-चलणे तुरङ्गमे को वि सिरंउडे करेंवि करयले
[क० ११, ११०, १२, १-९
पहरं समल्लिएवि ॥ १
11. 1s भेसह 24 ° मारीच A वसृहुं. 5 A करिकेसि 6s गिरिहिं. 7A देव..
भइ मत्त हत्थ व स- सङ्घलो ॥ २ मोत्तिओह-उज्जलिय-पहरणो ॥ ३ धाइ मत्त मायङ्ग समुहो । ४ aos धाइ विन्धइ स-मच्छरो ॥ ५ वाहिरन्तरुच्चरिय-पिच्छेओ ।। ६ रत्त -कमल- पुञ्ज व - भमरो ॥ ७ 'हैरिव वित्थिओ ण भरिए कमे ॥ ८ जुज्झ भिक्ख मग्गेइ पर-वले ॥ ९
3P खरदूषणचित्तहु चित्तंगहु. 4 Ps चमूह, 4
12. 1 Ps मंडलग्ग. 2 A समणिवि. 3 A चुभलो. 4 PSA मुसलक्खया° 5Ps पिच्छड, A °पिच्छओ. 6 Ps महुअरो 7A ° चलणो तुरंगमो. 8 A करि. 9s सिरभिउडि
[११] १ द्वो द्वो सुभटानां संग्रामो जातः २ अग्नेः ३ पवनः १२] १ विष्णु-इब, यथा पादे स्थितः बलि-दान- प्रस्तावे . २ मस्तकपुटे.
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क० १२,१०,१३, १-१०,१४, १-६ ] सत्तरहमो संधि
॥ घत्ता॥ भडु को वि पडिच्छिर णिवट्टिय-सिरु सोणिय-धारुच्छलिय-तणु । लक्खिज्जइ दारुणु सिन्दूरारुणु फग्गुणै णाइँ सहसकिरणु॥१०
[१३] कत्थ ई मत्त-कुञ्जरा जीविएण चत्ता ।
कसण-महाघण व दीसन्ति धरणि-पत्ता ॥ १ कत्थ इ स-विसाणइँ कुम्भयलई णं रणवहु-उक्खलइँ स-मुसलइँ ॥२ कत्थ इ हय करवालंहिँ खण्डिय अन्त-ललन्त खलन्त पहिण्डिय ॥ ३ कत्थ इ छत्तइँ हयइँ विसालइँ णं जम-भोयण दिण्णइँ थालइँ॥४ कत्थ इ सुहड-सिराइँ पलोइँ णाइँ अ-णालइँ णव-कन्दोट्टई ॥ ५ ॥ कत्थ इ रह-चक्कइँ विच्छिण्ण कलि-कालहों आसण व दिण्ण. ॥६ कत्थ वि भडहों सिवङ्गण दक्किय "हियवउ णाहिँ' भणेवि उढुक्किय ॥७ कत्थ वि गिद्ध कवन्धे परिट्ठिउ णं अहिणव-सिरु सुह९ समुट्ठिउ ॥८ कत्थ इ गिद्धे मणुसु ण खद्धउ वाणेहिँ चञ्चुहिँ भेउ ण लद्धउ ॥९
॥ घत्ता
कत्थ इ णर-रुण्डेंहिँ कर-कम-तुण्डेंहिँ समर-वसुन्धर भीसणिय । वहु-खण्ड-पयारेंहिँ णं सूआरेंहिँ रइय रसोइ जमहों तणिय ॥ १०
[१४] तहिँ तेहऍ महाहवे किय-महोच्छवेहि ।
कोक्किउ एकमेकु लङ्केस-वासवेहिँ ॥ १ "उरे उरें सक सक्क परिसक्कहि जिह णिहुविउ मालि तिह थक्कहि ॥२ हउँ सो रावणु भुवण-भयङ्कर सुरवर-कुल-कियन्तु रणे दुद्धरु' ॥३ तं णिसुणेवि वलिउ आँखण्डलु पच्छायन्तु सरहिं णह-मण्डलु ॥४ दहमुहो वि उत्थरिउ स-मच्छरु किउ सर-जालु सरेंहिँ सय-सकर ॥५॥ तो एत्थन्तर हय-पडिवक्खें सरु अग्गेउ मुक्कु सहसक्खें ॥६
108 पडिथिरु.
13. 1 Ps mostly read कत्थ वि. 2 P करवालिहि, s करवालिहिं. 3 The portion from व दिण्णइं up to गिद्ध क° in line 8 is missing in A. 4 PS सुहड. 5 P चंचुहे. ___14. 1 s reads दुवई in the beginning of this stanza. 2 A उर उर. 3 P सुरवलु, S सुरवल. 4 A आहंडल.
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धाइ धगधगन्तु धूर्मन्तउ रावण- वलु णासंघिय - जीविङ
रयणीयर - पहाणें $ मसि वण्णुपरत
पउमचरिउ [ क० १४, ७-९ १५, १-१०; १६, १-४ चिन्धेहिँ छत्त-धऍहिँ लग्गन्तउ ॥ ७ णासइ जाला-मालालीविउ ॥ ८
[१५] उवसमिए हुआसणे वयण-भासुरेणं । वहल - तमोह -पहरणं पेसियं सुरेणं ॥ १ किउ अन्धार तेण रणङ्गणु " जिम्भइ अङ्गु वलइ णिद्दायइ पेक्खवि विलु ओणलन्तर अमराहिण राहु-वर-पहरणु पवर-भुअङ्ग-सहा सेंहिँ दट्ठउ गारुडत्थु वासर्वेण विसज्जिउ " खगउर्ड-पवणन्दोलिय मेइणि पक्ख-पवण-पडिपहय-महीहर
परोवरस्स पत्तया घिरोर थोर-कन्धरा
25 स - सीयर व पाउसा
॥ घत्ता ॥ वारुण-वाणें
धूमल - गत्तउ
सरवरग्ग उल्हाविउ । पिसुणु जेम वोल्लावियउ ॥ ९
जेत अइरावणु
मेलेंवर घाणु सरु णारायणु तिजंगविहसणें गऍ चडिउ । तेत्त रावणु जाऍवि इन्दहों अभिडिउ || १० [१६] मत्त गइन्द दोवि' उब्भिण्ण- कसण-देहा |
णं गज्जन्त धन्त सम - उत्थरन्तं मेहा ॥ १ मयम्वु - सित्त-गत्तया ॥ २ पलोट्ट- दाण- णिज्झरा ॥ ३
मयन्ध मुक्क-अङ्कुसा ॥ ४
किंपि ण देक्खइ णिसियर - साहणु ॥ २ सुअइ अचेयं 'ओसुविणायइ ॥ ३ मेल्लिउ दिणयरत्थु पजलन्त ॥ ४ णाग-पास सर मुअइ दसाणणु ॥ ५ सुर-वलु पाण लएवि पणउ ॥ ६ विसहर - सरवर - जालु परज्जिउ ॥ ७ डोला - रूढी णं वर- कामिणी ॥ ८ च्चाविय सं- दिसिवह स- सायर ॥ ९ ॥ घत्ता ॥
5 Ps धूम उ 6P चिंधई, चिंधड़ 7 Psणासंघिउ 8P उल्हाविउ, s उण्हा विउ, A उहाविय. 9PS परंतउ.
15. 1 s reads gas in the beginning of the stanza. 2 Ps° तमोहं. 3 A पेक्खइ. 4 Ps णिचेयणु. 5 A वास. 6 Ps °सहा सें. 7s खगउडु 8 P s दस दिसि -
वह सायर. 9s तिजय'.
16. 14 हो वि. 2Ps समुत्थरंत 3 P परोवरस्स मत्तया corrected to परोवरपम. तया, s°मत्तया.
[१४] १ विध्यापितः.
[१५] १ प्रभातें ( ? ). २ प्रकट ( ? ).
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के० १६,५-९, १७, १-10,१४, १-२] सत्तरहमो संधि विसाल-कुम्भमण्डला
णिवद्ध-दन्त-उजला ॥ ५ अथक-कण्ण-चामरा
णिवारियालि-गोयरा ॥६ समुद्ध-सुण्ड-भीसणा
विसट्ट-घण्टणीसणा ॥७ मणोज-गेज-पन्तिणो भमन्ति वे वि दन्तिणो ॥ ८
॥ धत्ता ॥ मयगलहिँ महन्तेंहिँ विहि मि भमन्तेंहिँ सुरवइ-लङ्काहि पर्वर ।। भव-भवणेहिँ छूढी णं महि मूढी भभइ स-सायर स-धरधर ॥९
[१७] तिजगविहूसणेण किउ सुर-करी णिरत्थो। परिओसिय णिसायरा ल्हसिउ वइरि-सत्थो ॥१
॥ रावणु णव-जुवाणु वलवन्तउ अमराहिउ गय-वेस-महन्तउ ॥२ भवि ण सकिउ करिवरूँ खञ्चिउ रक्खें सयवारउ परियश्चिउ ॥३ गउ गएण पहु पहुणोठ्ठद्धां झम्प देवि 'अंसुऍण णिवद्धउ ॥४ विजउ घुटु रयणीयर-साहणे देवेंहिँ दुन्दुहि दिणं दिवङ्गणे ॥५ ताव जयन्तु दसाणण-जाएं आणिउ वन्धेवि वाहु-सहाएं ॥६ जमु सुग्गीवें दूसम-सीलें अणलु णलेण अणिलु रण णीलें ॥७ खर-दूसणेहिँ चित्त-चित्तङ्गय । रवि ससि लेवि आय अङ्गङ्गाय ॥ ८ सुरवर-गुरु मएण णिन्भिच्चे लइउ कुवेरु समरें मारिच्चें ॥ ९
॥ छत्ता॥ जो जसु उत्थरियउ सो तें धरियउ गेण्हेंवि पवर-वन्दि-सयइँ। गउ सुरवर-डामरु पुरु अजरामरु जिणु जिह जिणेवि महाभयइँ॥१०
[१८] लङ्क पुरन्दरे णिए जय-सिरी-णिवासो।
सहसारेण पत्थिओ पत्थिवो दसासो ॥१ 'अों जम-धणय-सक्क-कम्पावण देहि सुपुत्त-भिक्ख महु रावण' ॥२ 4 Ps °सोड. 5 A दोवि. G A नयर. 7 Ps °भवणे व. 8 A छुढी. • 17. 1 A विहसणेणं. 2 A गइवेय. 3 A गयचरु. 4 A °णोड. 5 PS A दुंदुहिं. 6PS दिण्णु, A दिन. 7 PS णहंगणे.
18. 1 A forait. 2 P S ORTAO. 3 P s uerat, a missing. [१६] १°शब्दौ. [१७] १ वृद्धः. २ वरत्रेण, ३ अग्निः. ४ वायुः. [१८] १ प्रार्थितः. २ राजा.
पउ० चरि० 19
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पध्मचरिङ क०१८,३-3031,1-६ तं णिसुणेवि भणइ सुर-ऋन्धन 'तुम्ह वि अम्ह वि एउ णिवन्धष्णु ॥ जमु तलवरु परिपालउ पट्टणु पङ्गणु णिक्किउँ करउ पहज्रशु॥४ पुप्फ-पयरु 'घर देउ वणासइ सहुँ गन्धबंहिँ गायउ सरसइ ॥ ५ वत्थ-सहासइँ हवि पक्खालउ कोसु असेसु कुवेरु णिहालउ ॥ ६ । जोण्ह करेउ मियङ्कु पिरन्तर सीयलु णहयले तवउ दिवायरु ॥७
अमरराउ मजणउ भरावउ अण्णु वि प्रणहिँ छडउ देवावट । ८ संप्रतिवाणु सम्वु सहसारें मुकु सक्नु लङ्कालङ्कारें ॥९
णिय-रजु विवजेवि गड़ पव्यजेवि सासवपुरहों सहसणयणु । " जय-सिरि-वहु मण्डेवि थिउ अवरुण्डबि स भुय-फलिहिँ दहवयणु॥१०
इय चारु-प्रउमचरिए धपञ्जयासिय-सयम्भुएव-कए । जाणह 'स व पावि जय' सत्तारहमं इमं पव्वं ॥
. [१८. अट्ठारहमो संधि] रणे माणु मलेवि पुरन्दरहों परियश्चेवि सिहर मन्दरहों। is आवई वि पडीवउ जाम पहु ताणन्तरें द्रिष्टु अणन्तरहु ।।
[१] पेक्खेप्पिणु गिरि-कञ्चण-सुभहुँ जिण-वन्दण-दूरुच्छलिय-सद्दु ॥ १ सुरवर-सय-सेव-करावणेण मारिचि पपुच्छिउ रावणेण ॥ २ 'भड-भक्षण भुवणुच्छलिय-णाम उहु कलयलु सुम्मइ काइँ माम' ॥३ ॥ तं णिसुर्णेवि पभणइ समर-धीरु एहु जइ णामेण अणन्तवीरु ॥४ दसरह-भायर अणरण्ण-जाउ सहसयर-सणेहें तवसि जाउ ।। ५ उप्पण्णउ एयहाँ एत्थु णाणु उहु दीसइ देवागमु स-जाणु' ॥६ तं वयणु सुणेप्पिणु णिसियरिन्दु गउ तेत्तहे जेत्तहें मुणिवरिन्दु ॥ ७ परियञ्चेवि णवेवि थुणेवि णिविट्ठ सयलु वि जणु वयइँ लयन्तु दिट्ठ ॥ ८ 4 P णिक्कउ. 5 PS पुरे. 6 PS गंधब्वें, A गंधग्विहिं. 7 A मयंकु. 8 A मि. 9 P S सयं. 10 P °वलेहिं, A °फलिहि हिं. 11 P धर्णजयासु, s ध्रणंजयासि. 12 P जउहाण, s जाउहाण.
1. 1 A आवेषि. 1 Cl. PS °सुहाउ, 2 PS °णाउ. 3 A मारीइ. 4 A सुबइ.5 P.S वीरु. 6 P S उहु. 7-P S एहु. [१] १ अनन्तऋषिनामेदम्.
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क०१, १२, १-९,३, १-८] अट्ठारहमो संधि
॥ धत्ता ॥ महवयइँ को वि को वि अणुवय कॉवि सिक्खावयइँ गुणवयइँ । को वि दि९ सम्मत्तु लएवि थिउ पर रावणु एक्कु ण उक्समिउ ॥ ९
[२] धम्मरहे महारिसि भणइ तेत्थु 'मणुयत्तुं लहॅवि वइसरेंवि एत्थु ॥ १ । अहाँ दहमुह मोहन्धारें छूढ रयणायरें रयणु ण लेहि मूढ ॥२ अमियालऍ अमिउ ण लेहि केम अच्छहि णिहुअउ कट्ठमउ जेम' ३ तं वयणु सुणेप्पिणु दससिरेण वुच्चइ थोत्तुग्गीरिय-गिरेण ॥४ 'सक्कमि धूमद्धऍ झम्प देवि सक्कमि फण-फणिमणि-रयणु लेवि ॥ ५ सक्कमि गिरि-मन्दर णिलेवि सक्कमि दस दिसि-वह दरमलेवि ॥ ६ ॥ सकमि मारुउ 'पोट्टलें छुहेवि सक्कमि जम-महिसें समारहेवि ॥ ७ सक्कमि रयणायर-जलु पिएवि सक्कमि आसीविसु अहि णिएवि ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता
सक्कमि सक्कहाँ रणे उत्थरेंवि सक्कमि ससि-सूरहँ पंह हरेंवि। . सक्कमि महि गयणु एक करेंवि दुद्धरु णउ सक्कमि वउ धरेंवि ॥ ९
[३] परिचिन्तेंवि सुइरु णराहिवेण 'लइ लेमि एक्कु वउ' वुत्तु तेण ॥ १ 'जं मइँ ण समिच्छइ चारु-गत्तु तं मण्ड लएमि णे पर-कलत्तु ॥२ गउ एम भणेप्पिणु णियय-णयरु थिउ अचल रज्जु भुञ्जन्तु खयरु ॥ ३ एत्तहें वि महिन्दु महिन्द-णामें पुरवर इच्छिय-अणुहूअ-कामें ॥ ४ तहों 'हिययबेय णामेण भज तहें दुहियञ्जणसुन्दरी मणोज ॥५ झिन्दुएण रमन्तिहें थण णिएवि थिउ परवइ मुहें कर-कमलु देवि ॥६ उप्पण्ण चिन्त 'कहाँ कण्ण देमि लेइ वट्टइ गिरि-कइलासु णेमि ॥७ विजाहर-सयइँ मिलन्ति जेत्थु वरु अबसें होसइ को वि तेत्थु ॥८
॥ .
8 PS महन्वयई को वि अणुव्वयई. 9 P s को वि गुणवयइं, A missing. 10 PS विठ्ठ.
2. 1 A धम्मरव. 2 A मणुसत्तु. 3 A लेमि. 4 A णिद्दले मि. 5 Ps पोट्टलु, A पोट्टलि. 6 P समारहे मि.7 PS रयणायरे. 8 P °सूरहु, सूरह, A सूरहं. 9 A पहरेषि. 10 A पर दुधरु न सक्कमि.
3. 1 PS |उ मंडए लेवि ण. 2 P इच्छिए. 3 P गंदुएहि°, 5 गेंदुयहि. 4 Ps कवणु. [३] १ मनोवेगा. २ पूर्यते; पर्यालोचने प्रस्तावे, पूर्यते.
Page #361
fe म भवि पहु पयहों आवासि पाहिं णीयडेंहिँ
एत वि ताव ल्हाय-राउ - विमाणुस साह स-परिवारु एक्कत्तहँ दूसावासु लइउ अवर वि जे जे आसण्ण-भव पहिलऍ फग्गुणणन्दीसराहे दि वी विहि मि णराहिवाहँ पल्हाएं खेडु कवि' वुत्तु किण कीरइ पाणिग्गहणु राय' परिओसु पडिउ सज्जणाहँ
1. 'वहु अञ्जण वाउकुमारु वरु' 'तइयऍ वासरें पाणिग्गहणु'
॥ घन्ता
जिर्ण अट्ठाहिए अट्ठावयहों । णं तारायणु मन्दर - तडेंहिं ॥ ९ [ ४ ]
सहुँ के मऍ रैविपुरहों आउ ॥ १ अणु वि तहिं पवणञ्जय कुमारु ॥ २ णं वन्दणहत्तिएँ इन्दु अइउ ॥ ३ ते ते विज्जाहर मिलिय सब ॥ ४ किय हवण- पुज्ज तइलोक्क - णार्हे ॥ ५ मित्तइय परोप्परु हूअ ताहँ ॥ ६ 'त तणिय कण्ण महु तणउ पुत्तु ॥ ७ तं णिसुर्णेवि तेण वि दिण्ण वाय ॥ ८ मइलियइँ मुहइँ खल- दुर्जणाहँ ॥ ९
॥ धत्ता ॥
घोसेपिणु णयणाणन्दयरु । गय रas यिय- यिय-भवणु ॥ १० [५]
एत्थन्तरें दुज्जर दुण्णिवारु उ विसहइ तइयउ दिवसु एन्तु 23 धूमाइ वलइ धगधगइ चित्तु
चन्दिउ चन्दु चन्दणु जलद्दु दाहिण - मारुड सीयल-जलाइँ णिड्डहइ अङ्गुवङ्गइँ अणङ्गु णीससइ ससई वेवइ तमेण
25 उड्डण-आहरण-पसाहणाइँ
[क०३, ९४, १-१०, ५, १-८
मयणाउरु पवणञ्जय कुमारु ॥ १ अच्छइ विरहाणलें झम्प देन्तु ॥ २ णं मन्दिरु अब्भन्तरें पलित्तु ॥ ३ कप्पूर - कमलदलसेज्ज - महुँ ॥ ४ तहों अग्गि-फुलिङ्गइँ केवलाइँ ॥ ५ सज्ज - हिययाइँ व पिसुण-सङ्ग ॥ ६ धाहावर धाहा पञ्चमेण ॥ ७ सब अङ्ग
सुहावणाइँ ॥ ८
5 P गय. 6 P s A जिणु. 7 P पासेहि अवासिउ ( corrected to आवासिउ ), s पासेहि अवासिउ.
[४] १ प्रह्लादः २ केतुमतीभार्यया. ३ आदित्यपुरस्य.
[५] १ ग्लान्या.
4. 1Ps अण्णेसहे. 24 एक्केत्त हे. 3s वीयई दिणि. 4 P खेड्डू, S खेहू. 5 Ps करिवि.
6 P सज्जना हे, सज्जणाहें, A missing. 7 P ° दुजणा है. 8Ps णियणिय, A णियय. 5. 1Ps पत्त. 2s मंदरु. 3 Ps मंदु. 4 PSA अंगवंगइ. 5sA missing.
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क०५,९६, १-९,७,१-6] अट्ठारहमो संधि
॥ पत्ता ॥ पासेउ वलग्गइ ल्हसइ तणु तं इङ्गिाउ पेखवि अण्ण-मणु। .. पभणिउ पहसिऍण णिएवि मुहु 'किं दुबलिहुयउ कुमार तुहु' ॥९
[६] विरहग्गि-दड्ड-मुहै-कञ्जएण पहसिउ पवुत्तु पवणञ्जएण ॥ १ 'भो णयणाणन्दण चारु-चित्त णउ विसहउँ तइयउ दिवसु मित्त ॥२ जइ अज्जु ण लक्खिउ पियहें वयणु तो कल्लऍ महु णित्तुलउ मरणु' ॥ ३ तं णिसुणेवि वुच्चइ पहसिएण कमलेण व वयणें पहसिएण ॥४ 'फणि-सिर-रयणेण वि णाहिँ गण्णु ऍउ कारणु केत्तिउ जे विसण्णु ॥५ किं पवणों कवणु वि दुप्पवेसु' गय वेणि वि रयणिहिँ तप्पवेसु ॥ ६ ॥ थिय जाल-गवक्खऍ दिट्ठ वाल णं मयण-वाण-धणु-तोण-साल ॥ ७ मारो वि मरइ विरहेण जाहे को वणेवि सक्कइ रूवु ताहे ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता
तं वह पेक्वेवि परितोसिएण वरइत्तु पसंसिउ पहसिएण। 'तउ जीविउ सहलु अणन्त सिय जसु करें लग्गेसइ एह तिय' ॥९
[७] एत्थन्तरें अट्ठमी-चन्द-भाल मुहु जोऍवि चवइ वसन्तमाल ॥१ 'सहलउ तउ माणुस-जम्मु माएँ भत्तारु पहञ्जणु लद्ध जाएँ'॥२ तं णिसुणेवि दुम्मुह दुट्ट-वेस सिरु विहुणेवि भणइ वि मीसकेस ॥ ३ 'सोदामणिपहु पहु परिहरेवि थिउ पवणु कवणु गुणु संभरेवि ॥ ४ जं अन्तर गोपय-सायराहुँ जं जोइङ्गणहँ दिवायराहूँ॥ ५ जं अन्तरु केसरि-कुञ्जराहँ जं कुसुमाउह-तित्थङ्कराहँ ॥ ६ जं अन्तर गरुड-महोरगाहुँ जं अमरराय-पहरण-णगाहूँ॥७ जं पुण्डरीय-चन्दुज्जयाहुँ तं विजुप्पहु-पवणञ्जयाहुँ' ॥८
65 पिक्खि वि.
6. 1 PS A °मुहु. 2 PS A कल्लइ. 3 P S A णाहि. 4 P s कित्तिउ, A कित्तउ. 5sतं.
7. 1s मद्धसियंद. 2 P सलहउ, 3 P S दुम्मह, दुम्महल.
२ प्रहसित-मित्रेण.
[६] १ मुखकमलेन. २ भना. ३ कामोऽपि. [७] १ मिश्रकेशी. २ विद्युत्प्रभु. ३ वज्रः,
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पउमचरिउ [क०७,९८, १-६,९,१-९
॥ पत्ता । आऍहिँ आलाहिँ कुविउ रु थिउ भीसणु उक्खय-खग्ग-करु । 'किं क्यणेहिँ वहुऍहिँ वाहिरेंहिँ रिउ रक्खउ विहि मि लेमि सिर॥९
[८] । कडु-अक्खरेण परिभासिरेण करें धरिउ पहञ्जणु पहसिएण ॥१ 'जं करि-सिर-रयणुजलिय(?) देव तं असिवरु मइलहि एत्थु केम ॥२ लज्जिजहि वोल्लहि णाइँ मुक्खु' णिउ णिय-आवासहों दुक्खु दुक्खु ॥३ दस-वरिस-सरिस गय रयणि तासु रवि उग्गउ पसरिय-कर-सहासु ॥४ कोकावेवि णरवइ पवर वर(१) हय भेरि पयाणउ दिण्णु णवर ॥५ ॥ अञ्जणसुन्दरिहें तुरन्तएण उम्माहउ लाइउ जन्तएण ॥ ६ संचल्लंई पउ पउ जेम जेम कपिज्जइ हियवउ तेम तेम ॥ ७ तेहएँ अवसरे वहु-जाणंएहिँ कर-चरण धरेप्पिणु राणएहिँ ॥८
॥ पत्ता ॥ वलि-चण्ड मैण्ड परियत्तियउ तेण वि उवाउ परिचिन्तियउ । 'लई एकवार करयले धरेव पुणु वारह वरिसइँ परिहरेक्'ि ॥ ९
[९] तो दुक्खु दक्खु दुम्मिय-मणेण किउ पाणिग्गहणु पहञ्जणेण ॥१ थिउ वारह वरिसइँ परिहरेवि णवि सुअइ आलवइ सुइणवे(?) वि॥२
वारे वि ण जाइ ण(?) जेम जेम खिजइ झिंजई पुणु तेम तेम ॥ ३ 20 डझन्तउ उरु विरहाणलेणणं वुज्झावइ अंसुअ-जलेण ॥४
परिवार-भित्ति-चित्ताइँ जाइँ णीसास-धूम-मलियाइँ ताइँ ॥५ ढिल्लई आहरण परियलन्ति णं णेह-खण्ड-खण्डइँ पर्डन्ति ॥ ६ गउ रहिरु णवर थिउ अंइणु अत्थि णउ णावइ जीविउ अस्थि णस्थि ॥७ तहिँ तेहऍ काले दसाणणेण सुरवर-कुरङ्ग-पश्चाणणेण ॥८
॥घत्ता ।। जो दुम्मुहु दूउ विसजिय सो आयउ कप्प-विवजियउ ।
हय समर-भेरि रहवरें चडिउ रणे रावणु वरुणहों अभिडिउ ॥ ९ 4 s आयहे. 5 PS A वहुअहि.
8. 1 PS A कोक्काविवि. 2 A जं अंजण'. 3 P s मंडइ, A बलिवंडइ मंडइ. 4 A लए. 5 PS A धरेवि.
9. 1A दुक्ख दुक्ख. 2 A ण. 3A आलाव. 4A जेण. 5 P झिजइ marginally corrected to सिजइ. 6 P तेव तेव. 7 PS दिल्लइ, A दिल्लउ. 8 A गलंति.9 PS अजिणु, 10 PS रहवर. [९] १ प्रस्वेदति (v. 1. सिज्जइ). २ चर्मास्थि.
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क० १०, १-९,११,१-९] अट्ठारहमो संधि
[१०] एत्थन्तरें वरुणहाँ णन्दणेहिँ समरङ्गणे वाहिय-सन्दणेहिँ ॥१ 'राजीव-पुण्डरीएहिँ पवर खर-दूसण पाडेंवि धरिय णवर ॥२ गय पवण-गमणे 'केण वि ण दिटुं सहुँ वरुणें जल-दुग्गमें पइट्ठ ॥ ३ 'सालयहुँ म होसइ कहि मि घाउ' उवेढेंवि गउ रयणियर-राउ ॥४ णीसेस-दीव-दीवन्तरीहुँ लहु लेह दिण्ण विजाहराहुँ ॥ ५ अवरेक्कु रणगणें दुजयासु पट्टविउ लेहु पवणञ्जयासु ॥ ६ ॥ तं पेक्खेवि तेण वि ण किउ खेउ णीसरिउ स-साहणु वाउ-वेउ ॥ ७ थिय अञ्जण कलसु लएवि वार णिभच्छिय 'ओसरूँ दुदु दारें ॥८
॥ घत्ता ॥ तं णिसुणेवि अंसु फुसन्तियएँ वुच्चइ लीहउ कडन्तियएँ । 'अच्छन्तें अच्छिउ जीउ महु जन्तें जाएसइ पइँ जि सहुँ' ॥९
[११] तं वयणु पडिउ णं असि-पहारु अवहेरि करेप्पिणु गउ कुमार ॥१ माणस-सरवरें आवासु मुक्कु अत्थवणों ताम पयङ्गु दुक्कु ॥२ ॥ दिट्ठइँ सयवत्तइँ मउलियाइँ पिय-विरहिय-महुअरि-मुंहलियाइँ ॥ ३
चक्की वि दिट्ट विणु चक्करण वाहिजमाण मयरद्धएणं ॥४ विहुणन्ति चञ्च पङ्खाहणन्ति विरहाउर पक्कन्दन्ति धंन्ति ॥ ५ तं णिऍवि जाउ तहों कलुण-भाउ 'मइँ सरिसउ अण्णु ण को वि पाउ ॥ ६ ण कयाइ वि जोइउ णिय-कलत्तु अच्छइ मयणग्गि-पलित्त-गत्तु ॥ ७ ॥ परित्तेवि संमाणिउ ण जाम रणे वरुणहाँ जुज्झु ण देमि ताम' ॥८
॥ घत्ता॥ सब्भाउं सहायहाँ कहिउ पुणु पहसिऍण वुत्तु 'ऍह परम-गुण । उप्पऍवि णहङ्गणे वे वि गय णं सिय-अहिसिञ्चणें मत्त गय ॥९
10. 1 PS °गवण. 2 PS इट्ठ. 3 P सालयहु, 5 साल यहो, A सालयहं. 4 PS रयणी यराउ. 5A °दीवंतराह. 6 PS लेहु दिण्णु. 7 A विजाहराह. 8 A सरु. 9 PS पुसतियए.
11. 1 PS चक्कवेण, 2 PS मयरद्धवेण, A रद्धए. 3 P S ए कंदति. 4 Ps करुण. 5 Ps महु. 6 P परिअंत्तेवि, s परिभत्तिवि. 7 PS सम्भाव.
[१०] १ राजी[व]-पुण्डरीको पुत्रौ. २ केनापि न दृष्टः. ३ विलम्बम्. [११] १ शब्दं कुर्वाणाः. २ धावन्ती.
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णिविसेण पत अञ्जर्हे भवणु गउ पहसिउ अन्भन्तरें पड्डु ' परिपुर्ण मणोरह अज्जु देवि • तं णिसुर्णेवि भणइ वसन्तमाल 'भव-भवं संचिय- दुह-भायणीऍ तो किं' वेयारहि' रुअइ जाव महुरक्खर विणयालाव लिन्तु पलकें चडि करें लेवि देवि
परोप्परुलिन्ताइँ णीसन्धि-गुणेण ण णायाइँ
इय रामएवचरिए 'पवणञ्जणा विवा हो'
पच्छण्णु 'होवि थिउ कहि मि पवणु ॥ १ पणवेष्पिणु पुणु आगमणु सिड्डु ॥ २ आयउ वाउकुमारु लेवि' ॥ ३ थोरंसु - सित्त-थण-अन्तराल ॥ ४ एवड्डु पुण्णु जइ अञ्जणाऍ ॥ ५ सयमेव कुमारु पड्डु ताव ॥ ६ आणन्दु सोक्खु सोहग्गु दिन्तु विहसन्त - रन्तइँ थियइँ वे वि ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥
कर मंडलिकरेप्पणु विष्णवइ तो उत्तरु काइँ देमि जगहों
[ क० १२, १-९, ११-३
सरहसु आलिङ्गणु दिन्ताइँ । "दोणि वि एकं पिव जायाइँ ॥ ९
[ १९. एगुणवीसमो संधि ]
आउच्छिये पिय पवसन्तऍण ।
पच्छिम पहरें पहञ्जर्णेण 'तं' मेरुसेज्जहि मिगणयणि जं मइँ अवहत्थिय भन्तरण' ॥
धणञ्जयासिय सयम्भु एव-कए । अट्ठारहमं इमं पर्व ॥
[१] जन्तएण आउच्छिये जं परमेसरी ।
for विसर्पण ट्ठामुह अणसुन्दरी ॥ १
'यसलहे गब्भु जइ संभवइ ॥ २ ण वि सुज्झइ एउ मज्झु मणों' ॥ ३
12. 1Ps अंजणहो. 2 A होइ. 3 P records a variant 'तव पुण्ण', A उ सुहल. 4 Ps आइड 5A भय 6P corrects to 'भायणाहें. 7 P corrects to अंजणा है. 8 P किं ण, s किं पि. 9Ps वियारहि 10 Ps देतु 11 Ps श्वंतई. 124 भुहिं. 13 A ° गुगे णायाई. 14 Ps विणि 15 Ps एक्कमिव, A इक्कं पिव. 16 Ps अट्ठारसमं.
1. 1 s आरंच्छिय. 2 A जं पि वसंतऍण. 3 P तम्मारूसेज हे, s तंम्मारसेज्ज हे. 4 Ps मिगणयणे. 5 P जंतएण 6 A परमेसरि. 7PS पसण्ण. 8 A अंजणसुंदरि. 9P रद्दसलहिं, 8 रइसलहि.
[१] १ क्षमां कुरु. २ अज्ञानेन. ३ बद्धहस्तौ ४ रजखलायाः.
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क० १,४-१०,२,१-१०] एगुणवीसमो संघि चित्तेण तेण सुपरिवेवि कङ्कणु अहिणाणु समेल्लवेवि ॥ ४ गउ णरवइ सहुँ मित्तेण तहिँ ___माणससरें दूसावासु जहिँ ॥ ५ गुरुहार हूअ एत्तहें कि सइ कोक्कावेंवि पभणइ केउमइ ॥६ 'एउ काइँ कम्मु पइँ आय रिउ णिम्मलु महिन्द-कुलु धूसरिउ ॥ ७ दुवार-वइरि-विणिवाराहों मुहु मइलिउ सुअाँ महाराहों' ॥८ तं सुंणेवि वसंतमाल चवइ 'सुविणे" वि कलङ्कु ण संभवइ ॥ ९
॥ घत्ता ॥ इK कङ्कणु इमैं परिहणउ . इ# कञ्चीदामु पहाणहों। ण तो का "वि परिक्ख करें परिसुज्झहुँ जेण मज्झे जणों ॥५.
[२] तं णिसुणेवि वेवन्ति समुट्ठिय अप्पुणु ।
वे वि ताउ कसघाऍहिँ हयउ पुणुप्पुण ॥ १ 'किं जारहों णाहिँ सुवण्णु घरे जे कडउ घडावेवि छुहइ करें ॥२ अण्ण वि एत्तिउ सोहग्गु कउ जे कङ्कणु देइ कुमार तउ' ॥३ कडुअक्खर-पहर-भयाउरउ संजायउ वे वि णिरुत्तरउ ॥४ हकारेवि पभणिउ कूर-भडु 'हय जोत्तें महारह-बीटें चडु ॥५ . एयउ दुट्ठउ अवलक्खणउ ससि-धवलामल-कुल-लञ्छणउ ॥ ६ माहिन्दपुरहों दूरन्तरण परिधिवंवि आउ सहुँ रहवरेण ॥ ७ जिह मुअ ण आवइ वत्त महु' तं णिसुर्णेवि सन्दणु जुत्तु लहु ॥८ गउ वे वि चडावेवि णवर तहिँ सामिणि-केरउ आएसु जहि ॥९
॥ घत्ता
णयरहों दूरे वरन्तरेण 'माएँ खमेजहि जामि हउँ'
अञ्जण रुवन्ति ओआरिया। सहुँ धाहऍ पुणु जोकारिया ॥ १०
10 तं परिच्छिवेवि. 11 समुल्लविवि. 12 P S पभणिय, A पभणइं. 13 A संचरिर. 14PS णिसुणेवि. 15 PS सिविणए. 16 P S एउ. 17 PS परिहाणउं, A परिहणलं. 18 PS किं पि. 19 P 5 जेम.
2. 1 A अपणु. 2 P 8 पुणु वि पुणु. 3 PS A हक्कारि वि. 4 PS महारहे. 5 P 3 दूरत्तजेण..6 परिधिविवि. 7 PS A चडाविवि. 8 PS दूरवंतरेण. 9 A अंति.
५ पर्यानोच्य. ६ सु(श्वभू.
पड० चरि• 20
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कूर-वीरें परिअत्तएँ रवि अत्यन्तओ।
___ अञ्जणाएँ केरउ दुक्खु व असहन्तओ ॥१ भीसण-रयणिहिँ भीसण अंडइ खाइ व गिलइ व उवरि व पडइ ॥३ । भिभियइ व भिङ्गारी-रहिँ रुवइ व सिव-सद्देहिँ रउरहिं ॥३
पुप्फुवइ व फणि-फुक्कारऍहिँ वुक्का व पैमय-वुक्कारऍहिँ ॥४ सा दुक्खु दुक्खु परियलिय णिसि दिणयरेंण पसाहिय पुव-दिसि ॥ ५ गइयउ णिय-णयरु पराइयउ अग्गएँ पडिहारु पधाइयउ॥ ६ ___ 'परमेसर आइय मिग-णयण अञ्जणसुन्दरि सुन्दर-वयण' ॥७ ॥ तं सुर्णेवि जाय दिहि णरवरहों 'लहुं पट्टणे हट्ट-सोह करहों ॥८ उब्भों मणि-कश्चण-तोरण वर-वेसउ लेन्तु पसाहणइँ ॥९
सब पसाहहाँ मत्त गय (जय-)मङ्गल-तूर आहणों
पल्लाणहाँ पवर तुरङ्ग-थड । सवडम्मुह जन्तु असेस भर्ड' ॥१०
भणेवि एम पडिपुच्छिउ पुणु वद्धावओ।
'कइ तुरङ्ग कइ रहवर को वोलावओं ॥१ पडिहारु पवोल्लिउ अतुल-वलु 'णउ को वि सहाउ ण किं पि वलु ॥३
अञ्जण वसन्तमालाएँ सहुँ आइय पर एत्तिउ कहिउ महु ॥३ 20 एक्कएँ अंसुअ-जल-सित्त-थण दीसइ गुरुहार विसण्ण-मण' ॥४
तं णिसुणेवि थिउ हेट्ठामुहउणं णरवइ सिरे वजेण हउ ॥५ 'दुस्सील दुट्ट में पइसरउ विण खेवें णयरहों णीसर॥६ पभणइ आणन्दु मन्ति सुचवि 'अपरिक्खिउ किजइ कजण वि ॥७ सासुअउ होन्ति विरुआरियउ महसइहें वि अवगुण-गारियंउ ॥८
॥ घत्ता॥ सुकइ-कहाँ जिह खल-मइउ हिम-बद्दलियउ कर्मलिणिहिँ जिह ।
'होन्ति सहावें वइरिणिउ णिय-सुण्हहँ खेल-सासुअउ तिह ॥९ 3. 1 PSA अत्यंतउ. 2 Ps वि. 3 PS A असहंतउ. 4 P अडई corrected to अडइ, S अडई, A अडइ व. 5 P पडई corrected to पडइ, पडई, A पडइ वी. 6 PS विभियइ. 7 A वहु. 8 A पल्लाणहु. 9 P तूडई. .
4. 1 s missing. 2 PS रहधय. 3 P corrects to मेलावउ, बोलावलं. 49 सुवचि, A सुवि. 5A मि. 6 PS °कारियउ. 7 P कवकणिहुं, कवलाणिहु. 88 हुंलि. 9 PS °सुण्हहुं. 10 P A खलु. [३] १ भटन्या (१). २ मर्कट-पूत्कारौ (?). [१] , सुवचनमान,
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एगुणवीसमो संघि
सासुआण सुण्हाण जणे सुपसिद्धइं।
एकमेक-वइराइँ अणाइ-णिवद्धई ॥१ भत्तारु भणेसइ जं दिवसु विरुआरी होसइ तं दिवसु' ॥२ वयणेण तेण मन्तिहे तणेण आरुढ पसण्णकित्ति मणेण ॥ ३ 'किं कन्तऍ णेह-विहूणियएँ किं कित्तिएँ वइरिहिँ जाणियऍ ॥४ किं सु-कहऍ णिरलङ्कारियएँ किं धीयऍ लञ्छण-गारियएँ ॥५ घरे अञ्जण समरङ्गणे पवणु गम्भों संवन्धु एत्थु कवणु' ॥६ तं णिसुणेवि गरेण णिवारियउ पडहउ देप्पिणु णीसारियउ॥७ वणु गम्पि पइदर भीसणउ धाहाविउ पहणेवि अप्पणउ ॥८ 'हा 'विहि हा काइँ कियन्त किउ णिहि दरिसेंवि लोयण-जुयलु हिउँ' ॥९
॥ पत्ता ॥ विहि मि कलुणु कन्दन्तियहिँ वणे दुक्खें को व ण पेल्लियउ । सच्छन्देहिं चरन्तऍहिँ हरिणेहिँ वि दोवउ मेल्लियउ ॥ १०
[६] वारवार सोआउर रोवइ अञ्जणा ।
'का वि जाहिँ मइँ जेही दुक्खहँ भायणा ॥१ सासुअऍ हयासऍ परिहविय हा माएँ पइँ वि णउ संथविय ॥ २ हा भाइ-जणेरहों णिदुरहाँ णीसारिय कह रुयन्ति पुरहों ॥३ कुलहर- पइहरहि मि दइयहु मि पूरन्तु मणोरह सबहु मि' ॥४ गन्भेसरि जउ जउ संचरइ तउ तउ रुहिरहों छिल्लरु भरइ ॥५ तिस-भुक्ख-किलामिय चत्त-सुह गय तेत्थु जेत्थु पलियङ्क-गुह ॥६ तहिं दिट्ठ महारिसि सुद्धमइ णामेण भडारउ अमियगइ ॥७ अत्ताव॑ण-सावें तावियउ छुडु में छुडु जोग्गु खम्माविर्यउ ॥ ८ तहिँ अवसरें वे वि पदुक्कियउ णं दुक्ख-किलेसहिँ मुक्कियउ ॥९ ॥
॥घत्ता॥ चलण णवेप्पिणु मुणिवरहों अञ्जण विण्णवइ लुहन्ति मुहु।
'अण्ण-भवन्तरे काइँ मइँ किउ दुक्किउ “जे अणुहवमि दुहु' ॥१० 5. 1 PS 'याए. 2 P सवरंगणे. 3 P S हउ. 4 PS चरंतेहिं. 5 P दोबउ, 8 दुबो. 6. 1A अंजण. 2 P हिं, SA णाहि. 3 P महि. 4 s A भायण. 5s मइ. 6 PS पहहरविहि दइवहु मि.7 P रुहेरुहो, रुहेरुहे. 8 PS परिकु. 9 PS मातावण'. 10 PS छुड छुड जे. 11 P A जोग्ग, s जोगु. 12 PSA खमाविभउ. 13 P किलेसहो. 14 जं. [५] १ मन्त्री (?). २ दूर्वा. [६] १ अतिकोमलाङ्गी.
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तं णिसुर्णेवि विगय-राउ भणइ जइ घोसइ 'होसइ तेणउ तर पइँ पुत्र भवन्तरें सहूँ करेंण परिधित्तपत्त तं एहु दुहु गउ एम भणेपिणु अमियगइ विहुणिय-तणु दूरुग्गिण-कमु " कुञ्जर- सिर- रुहिरारुण-णहरु अइ-वियड-दाढ- फाडिय-वयणु खय- सायर - रर्व- गम्भीर-गिरु
[ ७ ] पुणु वसन्तमालाएँ वुत्तु 'णउ तेरउ । एउ सबु फलु एयहाँ गन्भों केर' ॥ १ 'ऍउ गन्भों दोसु ण संभवइ' ॥ २ ऍहु चरिर्म- देहु रणें लद्ध-जउ ॥ ३ जिण - पडिम सवत्ति मच्छरेंण ॥ ४ एवहिँ पावेसहि सयल -सुहु' ॥ ५ ताणन्तरें दुक्कु मयाहिवइ ॥ ६ सणि असणि णाइँ जमु काल - समु ॥ ७ कीलाल - सित्त - केसर - पसरु ॥ ८ रतुप्पल- गुञ्ज- सरिस- यणु ॥ ९ लङ्गूल-दण्ड-कण्डुइय-सिरु ॥ १०
तं पेक्खवि हरिणाविइ विज्जा - पाणऍ उपऍवि
हा कम्मै काइँ कि
उमइ हा ताय महिन्द मइन्दु धरें हा मायरि तुहु मिण 'संथवहि East देव दाणवहाँ जक्खों रक्खो रक्खहों सैंहिय तं णिसुर्णेवि गन्धवाहिवर मणिचूडु रयणचूड दइउ अट्ठावर साव होवि थि
[ क० ७, १-११, ८, १०९
॥ घत्ता ॥
अञ्जण स-मुच्छ महियलें पडइ । आयासे वसन्तमाल रडइ ॥ ११ [4]
'हा समीर पवणञ्जय अणिल पहञ्जणा । हरि-कियन्त-दन्तन्तरें वट्टइ अञ्जणी ॥ १
खलें मुइय लहेसहि कवण गइ ॥ २ सु-पसण्ण कित्ति परिक्ख करें ॥ ३ मुच्छाविय दुहिय समुत्थवहि ॥ ४ विज्जाहर - किण्णर- माणव हों ॥ ५ णं तो पञ्चाणणेण गहिये' ॥ ६ रणें दुज्जउ पर-उवयार-मइ ॥ ७ पञ्चाणु जेत्थु तेत्थु अइउ ॥ ८ हरि पारा तेण किउ ॥ ९
7. 1 A तउ तणउ. 2 A चरम 34 ते 4 A कालदुक्कालसमु. 5A पुंजगुजणयणु. 6 Ps°सरि°7s णंगूल 84 विज्ञापाण.
8. 1 पहंजण. 2 A अंजग. 3sA काई कंसु. 4 P सुमुच्छहहि, S समुच्छवहिं, A समुटुवहि. 5 A वहिय. 6 Ps रयणुचूडहि, A रयणचूडहो.
[७] आत्मीपीठात् ( ? ) गृहाङ्गणे निक्षिप्ता. २ रुधिरु.
[८] १ हे भ्राता २ न संबोधयसि ३ भो राक्षसयुक्ताः राक्षसाः ( ? ). ४ सखी ५ अष्टा पदः श्वापदो बभूव.
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॥घत्ता ॥ ताहिँ गयणहाँ ओअरेंवि अञ्जणहें वसन्तमाल मिलिय । 'इहुं अट्ठावउ होन्तु ण वि ता वट्टइ(?)आसि माएँ गिलिय' ॥ १०
एम वोल्ल किर विहि मि परोप्परु जाहिं ।
'गीउ गेडे गन्धवे मणहरु ताहि ॥ १ तंणिसुर्णेवि परिओसिय णिय-मणे(?) 'पच्छण्णु को वि सुहि वसइ वणे ॥२ असमाहि-मरणु जें णासियउ अण्णु वि गन्धव पयासियउ॥३ अवरोप्पर एम चवन्तियहुँ पलियङ्क-गुहहिँ अच्छन्तियहुँ ॥ ४ ॥ माहवमासहाँ वहुलट्ठमिएँ रयणिहें पच्छिम-पहरद्धे थिएँ ॥५ णक्खत्ते सवणे उप्पण्णु सुउ हल-कमल-कुलिस-झस-कमल-जुउ ॥ ६ . चक्कङ्कस-कुम्म-सङ्घ-सहिउ - सुह-लक्खणु अवलक्खण-रहिउ ॥७ ताणन्तर पर-वल-णिम्मण पंडिसुरें सूर-सम-प्पहेण ॥८ णहें जन्तें वे वि णियच्छियउ ओअरेवि विमाणहाँ पुच्छियउ ॥ ९ ॥
॥त्ता॥ 'कहिँ जायउ कहिँ वद्धिंयउ कहाँ धीयउ कहाँ कुलउत्तियउ। कसु केरउ एवंड्ड दुहु वणे अच्छहों जेण रुअन्तियां' ॥१.
[१०] पुणु वसन्तमालाएँ पडुत्तर दिजइ ।
णिरवसेसु तहाँ णिय-वित्तन्तु कहिजइ ॥१ 'अञ्जणसुन्दरि णामेण इम सइ सुद्ध मुद्ध जिह जिण-पडिम ॥२. मणवेय-महाएविहे तणय जइ मुणहों महिन्दु तेण जणियं ॥ ३ पायड पसण्णकित्तिहे भइणि मणहर पवणञ्जयाहाँ घरिणि' ॥४ विज्जाहरु तं णिसुणवि वयणु पभणइ वाहम्भ-भरिय-णयणु ॥ ५ ॥ 'हउँ माऍ महिन्दहों मेहुणउ सु-पसण्णकित्ति महु भार्यणउ ॥ ६ तर्ड होमि सहोयरु माउलउ पडिसूरु हणूरुह-राउलउ' ॥ ७ 7 Ps जइ यहो.
9. 1 PS गीउ. 2 P वहुलट्ठमीभ, s धवलट्ठमिया, A वहुलट्ठमिएं. 3 Ps थिय. 4 PS बडियउ. 5 P missing. 6 P S एवंडु. ___10. 1 इमा. 2 PS तणिय, A तणिया. 3 A मुणहुं. 4 A जणिया. 5 PS भायणउं. 68तं.
[९]१ जिनोकं गीतं गाइतम्. २ चैत्रे. ३ कृष्णाष्टमी. ४ करकमलयुग्मम्. ५ विद्याधरेण. [१०] १ दीपस्य नामेदम्, २ राजा.
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॥ वा
क्लमचरित [क० १०, 6-2011-0R तं णिसुणेवि जाणेवि सरेंवि गुणु अतिल्लु तेहिं ता रुण्णु पुणु ॥८ जं लईउ आसि पुण्यहिँ विणु तं दिण्णु विहिहे णं सोय-रिणु ॥ ९
॥ पत्ता ॥ सैरहसे साइउ देन्तऍहिँ जं एक्कमेक्कु आवीलियउ । अंसु पणालें णीसरइ णं कलुणु महारसु पीलियउ ॥ १०
[११] दुक्खु दुक्खु साहारेवि णयण लुहार्वेवि ।
माउलेण 'णिय णियय-विमाणे चडावेवि ॥ १ सुर-करिवर-कुम्भत्थल-र्थणहें गयणङ्गण जन्तिहें अञ्जणहें ॥ २ 10 णीसरिउ वालु अइ-दुल्ललिउणं णहयल-सिरिहें गम्भु गलिउ॥३
मारुइ देवत्ति णिवडिउ इलहें णं विजु-पुञ्ज उप्परि सिलहें ॥ ४ उच्चाऍवि विउ विज्जाहरहिँ णं जम्मणे जिणवर सुरवरोहिँ ॥ ५ अक्षणहें समप्पिउ जाय दिहि णं ण? पडीवउ लक्षु णिहि ॥६ णिय-पुरु पइसारेंवि णरवरण जम्मोच्छउ किउ पैडिदिणयरेण ॥ ७
॥ घत्ता ॥ 'सुन्दर' जगें सुन्दर भणेवि "सिरिसइलु' सिलायलु चुण्णु णिउ । हणुरुह-दीवें पवड्डियउ ‘हणुवन्तु' णामु तें ताहुँ किउ ॥ ८
[१२] एत्तहे वि' खर-दूसण मेल्लावेप्पिणु ।
वरूणहों रावणहो वि सन्धि करेप्पिणु ॥ १ णिय-णयह पईसइ आव मरु णीसुण्णु ताम णिय-घरिणि-घरु ॥२ पेक्खेप्पिणु पुच्छिय का वि तिय 'कहिँ अञ्जणसुन्दरि पाण-पिय' ॥३ तं णिसुणेवि वुच्चइ वालियएँ 'णव-रम्भ-गब्भ-सोमालियएँ ॥ ४ 7 PS अतिल्लु तेण ता रुण्ण पुणु. 8 P S लइयउ, A लयउ. 9A विसहि. 10 The Ghatta is missing in A. 11 P सहरसु. 12 s पलाणे, __11, 1 P संहारेवि, 8 सहारिवि, A साहारिवि. 2 PS A चडाविवि. 3 Aथणाहे. 4. अंजणाहे. 5A इडत्ति. 6 सिलहिं. 7 P s जम्मण. 8 A णट्ठ. 9 लद्ध. 10 PS हशुलंद 11 PS पाउ, S नामु. 12 A तहो तेण..
12. 1 wanting A. 2 PS A मेलावेप्पिणु. 3 This half is metrically des ective by two moras. ३ अत्यन्तम्. ४ शोकऋणम्. ५ आलिङ्गनम्. [११] १ नीता. २ चपल. ३ प्रतिसूर्येण. ४ श्रीशैलं नाम. [१२] १ पवनंजयः.
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-०९,11,111,1] एगुणवीसमो संधि किर गम्भु भणेवि पैर-णरवरहों केउमइऍ घल्लिय कुलहरहौं' ।। ५ तं सुणेवि समीरणु णीसरिउ अणुसरिसेंहिँ वयसेंहिँ परियरिउ ।। गई तेत्थु जेत्थु तं सासुरउ किर दरिसावेसइ सा सुरउ ॥ ७ पिय इट्ठ ण दिट्ठ णवर तहि मि असहन्तु पहाणु गउ कहि मि ॥ परियत्तिय पहसियाइ-सयण दुक्खाउर ओहुल्लिय-वयण ॥९
॥ धत्ता॥ 'एम भणेज्जहु केउमइ पूरन्तु मणोरह माएँ तउ । विरह-दवाणल-दीवियउ पवणञ्जय-पायवु खयहाँ गउ' ॥ १.
[१३] दुक्खु दुक्खु परियत्तिय सयल वि संजणा ।
गय रुयन्त णिय-णिलयहाँ उम्मण-दुम्मणा ॥१ पवणाओ वि पडिवक्ख-खउ काणणु पइसरइ विसाय-रउ ॥२ पुच्छइ 'अहाँ सरवर दिट्ठ धण रत्तुप्पल-दल-कोमल-चलण ॥ ३ अहाँ रायहंस हंसाहिवइ कहें कहि मि दिट्ठ जइ हंस-गइ ॥४ अाँ दीहर-णहर मयाहिवइ कहें कहि मि णियम्विणि दिट्ठ जइ ॥५॥ अहाँ कुम्भि कुम्भ-सारिच्छ-थण केत्तहे वि दिट्ठ सइ सुद्ध-मण ॥ ६ . अहाँ अहाँ असोय पल्लविय-पाणि कहिँ गय परहुऍ 'परहूंय-वाणि ॥ ७ अ) रुन्द चन्द चन्दाणणिय मिग कहि मि दिट्ट मिग-लोयणिय ॥ अहाँ सिहि कलाव-सण्णिह-चिहुर ण णिहालिय कहि मि विरह-विहुर' ॥६
॥ घत्ता ॥ एम भवन्तें विउले वणे णगोह-महादुमु दिदु किह । सासय-पुर-परमेसरेण णिक्खवणे पयागु जिणेण जिह ॥ १०
[१४] तं णिएवि वड-पायवु अण्णु वि सरवरु ।
कालमेहु णामेण खमाविउ गयवरु ॥१ 4 घल्लिउ. 5 P परिगरिउ. 6 This and the following line are missing in i. 78 एहसिय आइ. 8 A पायउ.
13. 1 PA सज्जण. 2 A रुयंति. 3 A °णिलयहुं. 4 P A °दुम्मण. 58 परहूय, . पहुय. 6 A परहुय', 5 रहूय.7 A विउल. 8 Ps 'पुरवर.
14. 1SA पायउ. 2 A मि. २ मित्रैः. ३ अञ्जनी. ४ कामभोयं( गं). ५ व्याधुटितः. ६ वृक्षः. [१३] १ कोकिलाखराः (१).
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पउमचरिउ [क०१४,२-१०,१५,1-1. 'जं सयल-काल कण्णारियउ अङ्खस-खर-पहर-वियारियउ ॥२
आलाण-खम्भे जं आलियउ जं सङ्खल-णियलहिँ णियलियउ ॥ ३ । तं सर्यलु खमेजहि कुम्भि महु' "तहिं पच्चक्खाणउ लइउ लहु ॥ ४ 'जइ पत्त वत्त कन्तहें तणिय तो णउ णिवित्ति गई एत्तडिय ॥५ 5 जइ घ. पुर्ण एह ण हूय दिहि तो एत्थु मज्झु सण्णास-विहि' ॥६ थिउ मउणु लएवि णराहिवड झायन्तु सिद्धि जिह परम-जइ ॥७ सच्छन्दु गइन्दु वि संचरइ सामिय-सम्माणु ण वीसरइ ॥ ८ पडिरक्खइ पासु ण मुअइ किह भव-भव-किउ सुक्किय-कम्मु जिह ॥९
॥ घत्ता ॥ ॥ ताम रुअन्तें पहसिऍण अक्खिउ जणणिहें वुण्णाणणहें । 'एउ ण जाणहुँ कहि मि गउ मरुएउ विओएं अञ्जणहें' ॥ १०
[१५] तं णिसुणेवि सबगिय-पसरिय-वेयणा ।
पवण-जणणि मुच्छाविय थिय अच्चेयणा ॥ १ 15 पवालिय हरियन्दण-रसैंण उज्जीविय कह वि पुण्ण-वसेंण ॥२ "हा पुत्त पुत्त दक्खवहि मुह हा पुत्त पुत्त कहिँ गयउ तुहुँ।।३ हा पुत्त आउ मह कमेंहिँ पढे हा पुत्त पुत्त रहगऍहिँ चई ॥ ४ हा पुत्त पुत्त उववणेहिँ भमु हा पुत्त पुत्त झेन्दुऍहिँ रमु ॥ ५ हा पुत्त पुत्त अत्थाणु करें हा पुत्त महाहवे वरुणु धेरै ॥ ६ . हा वहुऍ वहुएँ मइँ भन्तियएँ तुहुँ घल्लिय अपरिक्खन्तियएँ' ॥७
पल्हाएं धीरिय 'लुहहि मुहुँ णिक्कारणे रोवहि काइँ तुहुँ॥८ हउँ कन्ते गवेर्समि तुव तणउ इमैं मेइणि-मण्डलु केत्तडउ' ॥ ९
॥ घत्ता ॥ एम भणेवि णराहिण उवयारु करेंवि सासणहरहुँ । . उभय-सेढि-विणिवासियहुँ पट्टविय लेह विजाहरहुँ ॥ १० 3PS मालाणे. 4 PS संकल°. 5 P वयणु. 6 Ps वे. 7 SA गय. 8 P घेई, घर, A पहं.9 Ps पुण. 10 PS A गयंदु. 11 PS किय. 12 PS जाणहु, A जाणहं.
15. 1A सव्वं गिउ. 2 A °वेयण. 3 PS गयणिच्चेयणा, A थिय अच्चेयण. 4 9 पुण्णहो. 57 पडू. 6 P चडू. 7 P झेंदुएहि, s झिंदुयहि, A झिंदुवहिं. 8 PSA मुहूं. 9PS गषेसर. 10P एउ. 11 PS सासणहरहं. 12 P विजाहरहं.
[१५] १ बूतानाम्.
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क० १६, १-१०, १७, १-१०] एगुणवीसमो संधि
[१६] एक्कु जोहु संपेसिउ पासु दसासहो ।
अक्क-सक्क-तइलोक-चक्क-संतासहो ॥ १ अवरेक्कु विहि मि खर-दूसणहुँ पायाललङ्क-परिभूसंणहुँ ॥२ अवरेक्कु कइद्धय-पत्थिवहाँ सुग्गीवहो किक्किन्धाधिवहाँ.॥ ३ । अवरेक्कु किक्कुपुर-राणाहुँ णल-णीलहुँ पमय-पहाणाहुँ॥४ अवरेक महिन्द-णराहिवहाँ तिकलिङ्ग-पहाणहाँ पत्थिवहाँ ॥५ अवरेक धवल-णिम्मल-कुलहाँ पडिसूरहों अञ्जण-माउलहाँ॥६ दूवत्तएँ पत्तएँ गीढ-भय हणुवन्तहाँ मायरि मुच्छ गय ॥ ७ अहिसिञ्चिय सीयल-चन्दणेण पड वाइय वर-कामिणि-जणेण ॥ ८ आसासिय सुन्दरि पवण-पिय णं थिय तुहिणाहय कमल-सिय ॥ ९
॥त्ता॥ ताम 'विधीरिय माउलॅण 'मा माएँ विसूरउ करि मणहाँ । सिद्धों सासय-सिद्धि जिह तिह पइँ दक्खवमि समीरणहाँ' ॥ १०
[१७] पुणु पुणो वि धीरेप्पिणु अञ्जणसुन्दरि ।
णिय-विमाणे आरूढ णराहिव-केसरि ॥ १ गउ तेत्तहें जेत्तहें केउमइ अण्णु वि पल्हाय-णराहिवइ ॥२ . णरवर-विन्दाइँ असेसाइँ 'मेलेप्पिंणु गयइँ गवेसाइँ ॥ ३ तं भूअरवाडइ ढुक्काइँ घण-उलइँ व थाणहाँ चुक्काइँ ॥४ ॥ पवणञ्जउ जहिँ आरुहेवि गउ सो कालमेहु वणे दिट्ट गउ ॥ ५। उद्धाइउ उक्कर उबयणु तण्डविय-कण्णु तम्बिर-णयणु ॥ ६ तं पाराउट्ठउ करेंवि वलु गउ तहिँ जें पडीवउ अतुल-बलु ॥७ गणियारिउ ढोइय वसिकियउ णव-णलिणि-सण्डे भमर व थियउ॥423 किङ्करेंहिँ गवसन्तेहिँ वणे लक्खिउ वेल्लहले लया-भवणे ॥ ९ जोक्कारिउ विजाहर-सऍहिँ जिह जिणवरु सुरहिँ समागऍहिँ ॥ १० .
16. 1 Ps दूसणाहं. 2 PS परिभूसणाहं. 3 s किक्कपुर. 4 PS अवरेक्क. 5 Ps कुलणिम्मलहो. 6A दुव्वत्तए. 7 P हणुअंतहो. 8 A विहीरिय. 9 P S पहंजगहो.
17. 1 A °वंदाई. 2 PA मेल्लेप्पिणु, मिल्लेप्पिणु. 3 5 सो उक्करवयणु. 4 तंदुविअय. 5P 8 गणियारि पढोइय. 6 PS सई. 7 Ps वि. 8 Ps वेलहल.
[१६] १ विशेषेण धीरिता. [१७] १ मेलापकं कृत्वा. २ हस्तिनी,
पउ० चरि० 21
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पउमचरिउ [क० १७,११,१८,१-१00१,१-३
॥ घत्ता ॥ मउणु लएवि परिट्ठियउ णउ चवइ ण चल्लइ झाण-परु । जाय भन्ति मणे संबहु मि 'कट्ठमउ किण्ण णिम्मविउ णरु' ॥ ११
[१८] पुणु सिलोउ अवणीयले लिहिउ स-हत्थेण ।
'अञ्जणाएँ मुइयाएँ मरमि परमत्थेण ॥ १ जीवन्तिहें णिसुणमि वत्त जइ तो वोल्लमि लइ एत्तडिय गई' ॥२ तं णिसुणेवि हणुरुह-राणऍण वज्जरियं वत्त परिजाणऍण ॥ ३ तामरस-ल्हास-सरिसाणणउ विणि मि वसन्तमालञ्जणउ ॥४ 10 जिह उभय-पुरहुँ परिघल्लियउ जिंह वणे भमियउ एक्कल्लियउ ॥ ५ जिह हरिवरेण उवसग्गु किउ अट्ठावरण जिहँ उवसमिउ ॥ ६ जिह लडु पुत्तु भूसणु इलहें जिह णहें णिजन्तु पडिउ सिलहें ॥७ सिरिसइलु गाउँ हणुवन्तु जिह वित्तन्तु असेसु वि कहिउ तिह ॥ ८ तं वयणु सुणेवि समुट्ठियउ पडिसूरें णिय-णयरहों णियउ ॥ ९
॥ घत्ता ॥ मिलिउ पहञ्जणु अञ्जणहाँ वेण्णि मि णिय-कहउ कहन्ता । हणुरुह-दीवें परिट्ठियइँ थिरु रज्जु से इं भु अन्ताइँ ॥ १०
[२०. वीसमो संधि] वद्धन्तउ पावणि भड-चूडामणि जाव जुवाण-भावे चडइ। 20 तहिँ अवसरे रावणु सुर-संतावणु रणउहें वरुणहों अभिडइ ।।
[१] दूआगमणे कोउ संवज्झइ सइँ सरहसु दसासु सण्णज्झइ ॥१ परिवेढिउ रयणियर-सहासेंहिँ पेसिय सासणहर चउपासेंहिँ ॥२ खर-दूसण-सुग्गीव-णरिन्दहुँ णल-णीलहुँ माहिन्द-महिन्दहुँ ॥३ 9 Ps सो णवरु, A झाण यरु. 10 A सव्वह. 11 PS कित्त, किंत.
18. 1 P's धरणियले. 2 A मुइयए मरामि. 3 P 8 जीवंतिय. 4 PS बजरिउ. 5 PS परिजाणियण. 6 A तामरिस'. 7 A °पुरहं. 8 A जिम. 9 s जं. 10 P S भूसण. 11 PS सिरिसयलु. 12 P सइ, सयं.
1. 1 PS वटुंतउ. 2 Ps दूआगमेण. [१] १ हनूवन्तः. २ दूताः.
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क० १, ५-९, २, १-९,३, १-२] वीसमो संधि
१६३ पल्हायहाँ पडिदिणयर-पर्वणहुँ जाणेवि समरु वरुण-दहवयणहुँ ॥४ मारुइ सयण-जयासाऊरॅहिँ बुच्चइ पवणञ्जय-पडिसूरेहिं ॥५ 'वच्छ वच्छ परिपालहि मेइणि माणहि राय-लच्छि जिह कामिणि ॥ ६ अम्हेंहिँ रावण-आण करेवी पर-वल-जय-सिरि-वहुअ हरेवी'॥७ तं णिसुणेवि अरि-गिरि-सोदामणि चलण णवेप्पिणु पभणइ पावणि ।। ८ ।
॥ घत्ता ॥ 'किं तुम्हें विरुज्झहों अप्पुणु जुज्झहाँ मइँ हणुवन्ने हुन्तऍण । पावन्ति वसुन्धर चन्द-दिवायर किं किरणोहें सन्तऍण' ॥९
[२] भणइ समीरणु 'जयसिरि-लाहउ अज्जु वि पुत्त ण पेक्खि आहउ ॥ १ ॥ अज्जु वि वालु केम तुहुँ जुज्झहि अज्जु वि वूह-भेउ णउ वुज्झहि ॥२ तं णिसुणेवि कुविउ 'पवणञ्जइ 'वालु कुम्भि किं विडंवि ण भञ्जइ ॥ ३ वालु सीहु किं करि ण विहाडइ किं वालग्गि ण डहइ महाडइ ॥४ वालयन्दु किं जणे ण मुणिज्जइ वालु भडारउ किं ण थुणिज्जइ ॥ ५ वालु भुवङ्ग, काइँ ण डङ्काइ बाल-रविहें तमोहु किं थक्कई॥६ एम भणेवि पहञ्जणि-राणउँ लकाणयरिहें दिण्णु पयाणउ ॥ ७ । दहि-अक्खय-जल-मङ्गल-कलसहिँ गड-कइ-बन्दि-विप्प-णिग्योसहि ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ हणुवन्तु स-साहणु परिओसिय-मणु एन्तु दिटु लङ्केसरण । छण-दिवसें वलन्तउ किरण-फुरन्तउ तरुण-तरणि णं ससहरण ॥९ 20
दरहों 'जे तइलोक-भयावणु सिरु णावेवि जोकारिउ रावणु ॥ १ तेण वि सरहसेण सबङ्गिाउ एन्तउ सामीरणि आलिङ्गिउ ॥ २ 3 A पल्हायहुं पडिदिगयरतणयहुं. 4 P पवणहु, S तवणहु. 5 A वोल्लइ. 6 P तुम्ह, s तुम्हे हिं, A तुम्हि. 7 The whole portion following तुम्हि wanting in A. 8 P हणुअंतें, s हणुवतें, A wanting.
2. 1 The first two lines are wanting in A. 2 5 अज. 3 P S अन्ज, 4 A विडव. 58 वालइंदु. 6s A भुयंगमु. 7s पहंजणे, A पहंजणु. 8 P SA राणउं. 9P SA प्रयाणउं. 10 A जय. 11 A °सेसहि. 12 P विप्प corrected to विंद, चिंद, 18 s किरणु.
3. 1 PS जे.
३ विद्युत्. [२] १ हनूमन्त. २ वृक्षम्. ३ हनूमन्तम्. ४ आगच्छतु.
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पउमचरिउ [क०३, ३-१०,४,१०९,५, १-३ चुम्वेवि उच्चोलिहिँ वइसारिउ वारवार पुणु साहुक्कारिउ ॥ ३ 'धण्णउ पवणु जासु तुहुँ गन्दणु भरहु जेम पुरएवंहों णन्दणु' ॥४ एम कुसल-पिय-महुरालाहिं कङ्कण-कञ्चीदाम-कलाहिँ ॥५ तं हणुवन्त कुमार पपुजेवि वरुणहाँ उप्परि गंउ गलगजेवि ॥ ६ । 5 वेलन्धर-धरें मुक्क-पयाणउ थिउ वलु सरयब्भ-उल-समाणउ ॥ ७.
कहि मि सम्वु-खर-दूसण-राणा कहि मि हणुवं-णल-णील-पहाणा ॥८ कहि मि कुमुअ-सुग्गीवङ्गङ्गय णं थिय थट्टेहिँ मत्त महागय ॥ ९
' रेहइ णिसियर-वलु वड्डिय-कलयलु थडेंहिँ थडेंहिँ आवासियउ । "... णं दहमुह-केरउ विजय-जणेरउ पुण्ण-पुञ्ज पुजेहिँ थियउ॥१०
[४] तो एत्थन्तर रणे णिकरुणहाँ चर-पुरिसेंहिँ जाणाविउ वरुणहाँ ॥१ 'देव देव किं अच्छहि अविचलु वेलन्धरै आवासिउ पर-वलु' ॥२
चारहुँ तणउ वयणु णिसुणेप्पिणु वरुणु णराहिउ ओसारेप्पिणु ॥ ३ 15 मन्तिहिँ कण्ण-जाउ तहाँ दिजइ 'केर दसाणण-केरी किज्जइ ॥४
जेण धणउ समरङ्गणे वकिउ तिजगविहूसणु वारणु वसिकिउ ॥ ५ जें अट्ठावउ गिरि उद्धरियउ माहेसर-वइ णरवइ धरियउ ॥ ६ जेण णिरत्थीकिउ णल-कुबरु ससहरु सूरु कुवेरु पुरन्दरु ॥७ तेण समाणु कवणु किर आहउ केर करन्तहुँ कवणु पराहउ ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ तं णिसुणेवि दुद्धरु वरुणु धणुद्धरु पजलिउ कोव-हुवासणेण । 'जइयहुँ खर-दूसण जिय वेण्णि मि जण तइउ काइँ किउ रावणेण' ॥ ९
एव भणेवि भुवणे जस-लुद्धउ सरहसु वरुणु राउ सण्णद्धउ ॥१ 25 करि-मयरासणु विप्फुरियाहरु दारुण-णागपास-पहरण-करु ॥२
ताडिय समर-भेरि उब्भिय धय सारि-सज्ज किय मत्त महागय ॥ ३ 2 P S अच्छोलिहिं. 3 A पुरुएवा. 4 P S कुसलु. 5 P तूरालावहि. 6 सइ. 7 Ps वेलंधरे. 8 A मुक्क. 9 PS हणुअं.
4. 1 P वरुण. 2s तिजय°. 3 P रावणु. 4 A णराहिउ उद्धरियउ. 5 P करतउ, 3 करंतहु. 6 'Ps °हुआसणेण. 7 P तइअहं, S तइयह. 8 P राम्बणेण, ____5. 1s भुवेणे, A भुअण.
[५] १ अंवारी:
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क०५, ४-१०, ६, १-९;७, १-५] वीसमो संधि
१६५ हय पक्खरिय पजोतिय सन्दण णिग्गय वरुणहों केरा णन्दण ॥ ४ पुण्डरीय-राजीव धणुद्धर वेलाणल-कल्लोल-वसुन्धर ॥ ५ तोयावलि-तरङ्ग-वगलामुह वेलन्धर-सुवेल-वेलामुह ॥६ सञ्झा-गलगजिय-सञ्झावलि जालामुह-जलोहँ-जालाबलि ॥ ७ जलकन्ताइ अणेय पधाईय सरहस आहव-भूमि पराइय ॥८ विरऍवि गरुड-बूहु थिय जाहिँ वइरिहिँ चाव-बूहु किउ ताहिँ ॥९
॥ घत्ता ।। अवरोप्पर वरियइँ मच्छर-भरियइँ दूरुग्घोसिय-कलयलइँ । रोमञ्च-विसट्टई रणे अभिट्टइँ वे वि वरुण रावण-वलइँ ॥ १०
[६] किय-अङ्गइँ उल्लालिय-खग्गइँ रावण-वरुण-वलइँ आलग्ग ॥ १ गय-घड-घण-पासेइय-गत्तइँ कण्ण-चमर-मलयाणिल-पत्तइँ ॥२ इन्दणील-णिसि-णासिय-पसर सूरकन्ति-दिण-लद्धावसरइँ ॥३ उक्खय-करिकुम्भत्थल-सिहरइँ कड्डिय-असि-मुत्ताहल-णियरइँ ॥४ पम्मुक्केकमेक-करवालइँ . दस-दिसिवह-धाईय-कीलालइँ ॥ ५. 15 गय-मय-णइ-पक्खालिय-धायइँ णञ्चाविय-कवन्ध-संघीयइँ ॥ ६ ताव दसाणणु वरुणहाँ पुत्तहिँ वेढिउ चन्दु जेम जीमुत्तेहिँ ॥ ७ केसरि जेम महाँगय-जूहहिँ .. जीउ जेम दुकम्म-समूहहिँ ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ।। एकलउ रावणु भुवण-भयावणु भमइ अणन्तऍ वइरि-वलें । 20 स-णियम्वु स-कन्दरु णाइँ महीहरु मैत्थिजन्तऍ उवहि-जलें ॥९
ताम वरुण रावणहाँ विभिच्चेंहिँ विहि-सुअ-सारण-मय-मारिच्चहि ॥ १ हत्थ-पहत्थ-विहीसण-राऍहिँ इन्दइ-घणवाहण-महकाऍहिँ ॥ २ अङ्गङ्गय-सुग्गीव-सुसेणेहिँ तार-तरङ्ग-रम्भ-विससेणेहि ॥ ३ ॥ कुम्भयण्ण-खर-दूसण-वीरेंहिँ जम्बव-णल-णीलेंहिँ सोण्डीरोहिं ॥४ वेढिउ खत्त-धम्मु परिसेसेवि तेण वि सरवर-धोरणि पेसेवि ॥ ५ 2 PA पजोतिय. 3 Ps पुंडरीव. 4 P A वेलामुह. 5 s संज्झावलिगजिय. 6 A जलोलि. 7 PS जलुकताइ. 8A पधाविय.
6. 1 s पच्चोइय. 2 A सूरकंत°. 3 P°दिणे, S °दिणि. 4 s घाइय. 5s संघाइय. 6 PS महग्गय . 7 P एकेल्लउ, S एकिलउ. 8 A मस्थिजंतऍ. 9 P S उअहि', A उवहिं. ..
[६] १ अङ्गरक्षाणि. २ नृवड (निविड ? ). ३ सुगन्धवातम्. ४ मेघैः. ५ कटिनी. ६ गुहा. [७] १ वेष्टितः.
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पउमचरिउ [क०७, ६-९,८,१-९,९,१-६ खेडिये अंणडुह व जलधारॅहिँ ताम दसाणणु वरुण-कुमारहिँ ॥ ६ आयामेंवि सबहिँ समकण्डिउ रहु सण्णाहु महाघउ खण्डिउ ॥ ७ तं णिएवि णिय-कुल-णेयारे सरहसेण हणुर्वन्त-कुमारें ॥८
॥ घत्ता॥ रणउहें पइसन्तें वइरि वहन्तें रावणु उबेढावियउ । अवियाणियं-काएं णं दुबाएं रवि मेहहँ मेल्लावियउ ॥ ९
[८] सयल वि सत्तु सत्तु-पडिकूलें संवेढेंवि विजा-लङ्गलें ॥१
लेइ ण लेइ जाम मरु-णन्दणु ताम पधाइउ वरुणु स-सन्दणु ॥२ 10 'अरें खल खुद्द पाव वेलु वाणर कहिँ संचरहि सण्ड अहवा णर' ॥ ३
तं णिसुणेप्पिणु बलिउ कइद्धउ सीहु व सीहहाँ वेहाविद्धउ ॥४ विण्णि वि किर भिडन्ति दणु-दारण णागपास-लङ्गल-प्पहरण ॥ ५ ताम दसाणणु रहवरु वाहेवि अन्तर थिउ रण-भूमि पसाहेवि ॥६
"और वलु वलु हयास अ माणव मइँ कुविएण ण देव ण दाणव ॥ ७ 15 जं किउ जम-मियङ्क-धणयकहुँ सहस-किरण-णलकुवर-सकहुँ ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ अवरंहु मि सुरिन्दहुँ गरवर-विन्दहुँ दिण्णइँ आसि जाइँ जाइँ। परिहव-दुर्मइत्तइँ फलइँ विचित्तइँ तुज्झु वि देमि ताइँ ताई ॥९
[९] 20 तं णिसुणेवि अतुलिय-माहप्पें णिब्भच्छिउ जलकन्तहों वप्पें ॥१ 'लङ्काहिव हेवाइउ अवरेंहिँ सूर-कुवेर-पुरन्दर-अमरेंहिँ ॥२ हउँ पुणु वरुणु वरुणु फलु दावमि पइँ दहमुह-दवग्गि उल्हावमि' ॥३ दोच्छिउ रावणेण एत्थन्तरें 'केत्तिउ गजहि सुहडब्भन्तरें ॥४
अहिमुहु थक्कु ढुक्कु वलु वुझंहि सामण्णाउहँहि लइ जु.हि ॥ ५ 23 मोहण-धम्भण-डहण-समत्यहिँ को वि ण पहरइ दिवहिँ अत्थेंहिँ' ॥ ६
7. 1 P marginally corrects to फेडिय. 2 PS अणु/ह. 3 A जलवारहिं. 4 Pहणुमंत°, S हणुवंतु. 5 A कयंतें. 6 PS अविआणिअ. 7 P दुवाएं, S दुब्वायं. 8 P मेहहु, s मेहहो.
8. 1 PS सयलु. 2 P S °णंगूल'. 3 A °सपहरण, 4 P उरें, s उरे, A उरे. 5 PS भियंकु. 6 PS °धणयकहो. 7 P S °सकहो. 8 P S अवरह. 9 PS सुरिंदहो. 10 3 °दुम्मत्तइ, A दुमत्ता,
9. 1 PS थक्कु. 2 S A वुज्झहु. 3 s A जुज्झहु. २ वृषभ इव. ३ बाणैः वेष्टितः. ४ नायकेन. [८] १ हनूवंतेन. २ व्याधुटः (?). ३ मम सन्मुखम्. ४ परिभववृक्षोत्पनानि. [९] १ गर्व नीतः.
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क० ९,७-९, १०, १-९,११,१-६] वीसमो संधि
१६७ एम भणेवि महाहवें वरुणहाँ गहकल्लोलु भिडिउ णं अरुणहाँ ॥७ तहिं अवसर पवणञ्जय-सारें आयामवि हणुवन्त-कुमारें ॥८
॥ घत्ता
णरवर-सिर-सूलें णिय-लङ्गले वेढेंवि धरिय कुमार किह । कम्पावण-सीलें पवणावीले तिहुवर्ण-कोडि-पएसु जिह ॥ ९
[१०] णिय-णन्दण-वन्धणण स-करुणहाँ पहरणु हत्थे ण लग्गइ वरुणहों ॥१ रावणेण उप्पऍवि णहङ्गण इन्दु जेम तिह धरिउ रणङ्गणे ॥ २ कलयलु घुटु हयइँ जय-तूर जलणिहि-सद्द सद्द-गय-दूर ॥ ३ । ताव भाणुकण्णेण स-णेउरु आणिउ णिरवसेसु अन्तेउरु ॥ ४ रसणा-हार-दाम-गुप्पन्तउ गलिय-घुसिण-कद्दमें खुष्पन्तउ ॥ ५ अलि-झङ्कार-पमुहलिजन्तउ णिय-भत्तार-
विओअ-किलन्तउ ॥ ६ अंसु-जलेण धरिणि सिञ्चन्तउ कज्जल-मलेण वय मइलन्तउ ॥ ७ तं पेक्खेंवि गझोल्लिय-गत्ते गरहिउ कुम्भयण्णु दहवत्तें ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता॥
'कोमिणि-कमल-वणइँ सुअ-लय-भवणइँ महुँअरि-कोइल-अलिउलइँ। एयइँ सुपसिद्ध वम्मह-चिन्धइँ पालिजन्ति अणाउलइँ'॥९
[११] तं णिसुणेवि स-डोरु स-णेउरु रविकण्ण मुकु अन्तेउरु ॥१ गउ णिय-णयह मडप्फर-मुक्कउ करिणि-जूहु णं वारिहे चुक्कउ ॥२ 20 कोकावेप्पिणु वरुणु दसासें पुजिउ सुर-जय-लच्छि-णिवासें ॥ ३ 'अवलय में तुहुँ करहि सरीरहाँ मरणु गहणु जउ सवहाँ वीरहाँ ॥४ णवर पलायणेण लजिजइ जें मुहुँ णामु गोत्तु मइलिजई' ॥५ दहवयणहों वयहिँ स-करुणें चलण णवेप्पिणु वुच्चइ वरुणें ॥ ६ 4 P हणुअंत', S हणुवंतु. 5A तिहुअणे. ____10. 1 A °सूरइं. 2 P मणोवर corrected to मणोउरु. 3 PS मलिण. 4 P घयई corrected to वयई, 5 धयइ. 5A महुअर.
11. 1 PS मडप्फरु. 2 P वारिहे, 5 वारिहि, A वारिहिं. 3 P S जयसि रिलच्छि. 4 A अवलू. 5 PS मंत करेहिं. 6 PS महु गोत्त गाउ.7A वयणेण. २ राहु. ३ सूर्य-सारथिना सह.
[१०] १ वदनानि. २ तं अन्तःपुरम्. ३ कामिन्यः कमलवनानि शुका लतागृहाणि चेत्यादीनि सर्वाणि प्रत्येक कामचिहानि. ४ अनुकूलभूतानि खस्थानि.
[११] १ कुम्भकर्णेन. २ गर्तायाः सकाशात्. ३ चित्तखेदं मा कार्षीः.
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पउमचरिउ [क० ११,५-९, १२, १-१२ 'धणय-कियन्त-सक्क में वकिय सहसकिरण-णलकुवर वसिकिय ॥ ७ तासु भिडइ जो सो जि अयाणउ अजहाँ लग्गेवि तुहुँ महु राणउ ॥ ८
॥ घत्ता ॥ अण्णु वि ससि-वयणी कुवलय-णयणी महु सुय णामें सच्चवइ । करि ताएँ समाणउ पाणिग्गहणउ . विजाहर-भुवणाहिवई' ॥ ९
कुसुमाउहकमला वह-णयणें परिणिय वरुण-धीय दहवयणें ॥१ पुप्फ-विमाणे चडि आणन्दें दिण्णु पयाणउ जयजय-सवें ॥२
चलियइँ णाणा-जाण-विमाणइँ रयण' सत्त णवद्ध-णिहाणइँ॥ ३ 1" अट्ठारह सहास वर-दारहुँ अद्धछट्ठ-कोडीउ कुमारहुँ ॥ ४
णव अक्खोहणीउ वर-तूरहुँ (णरवर-अक्खोहणिउ सहासहुँ॥ ५ अक्खोहणि णरवर-गय-तुरयहुँ) अक्खोहणि-सहासु चउ-सूरहुँ ॥ ६ लङ्क पइर्ट्स सुट्ट परिओसें मङ्गल-धवलुच्छाह-पघोसें ॥७
पुजिउ पवण-पुत्तु दहगीवें दिजइ पेउमराय सुग्गीवें ॥८ 15 खरेंण अणङ्गकुसुम वय-पालिणि णल-णीलेहिँ धीय सिरिमालिणि ॥९
अट्ठ सहास एम परिणेप्पिणु गउ णिय-णयह पसाउ भणेप्पिणु ॥ १० सम्वु कुमारु वि गउ वणवासों खग्गों कारणे दिणयरहासहों ॥ ११
॥ घत्ता ॥ सुग्गीवङ्गङ्गय णल-णील वि गय खर-दूसण वि कियस्थ-किय । 2. विजाहर-कीलऍ णिय-णिय-लीलऍ पुरइँ स इं भु अन्त थिय ॥ १२ . इय 'विज्जा हर क ण्डं' वीसहिँ आसासएहिँ मे सिटुं। एहि "उज्झा कण्ड
साहिज्जन्तं णिसामेह ॥ धुवरायवत इयलु
अप्पणत्ति णत्ती सुयाणुपाढेण (2)। णामेण सोऽमिअव्वा
सयम्भु-घरिणी महासत्ता ॥ 25 तीए लिहावियमिणं
वीसहिँ आसासएहिँ पडिवद्धं । 'सिरि-विजाहर-कण्ड' कैण्डं पिव कामएवस्स ॥
॥ इइ पढमं विजाहरकण्डं समत्तं ॥ 8 P S 'इंद. 9 P रणि जें जिय, S रणि जं जिय. 10 A भुभण'. ____12. 1 A चडि वि. 2 PS णिवद्ध. 3 PS कुमारहो, A कुमारहु. 4 PS 'तूरहु, A तुरहुं. 5 P S अक्खोह णिहु. 6 wanting in A. 7 PS पइट्ठ. 8 s कि. 9 P एण्हिमउज्झाकंडं. 10 s धुय written above the line in a different hand and then रायधोवतइयलुअप; A धुअरायधोयतइलुअपत्तिणतीसुआणुपाढेण. 11 P सामिअन्त्र. 12 P s महासत्त. 3 P A wanting.
[१२] १ कामलक्ष्मी वरुणषुत्री. २ पण्डितलोचनेन रावणेन. ३ अन्तःपुरी १८०००. ४ कुमाराः ५५०००००० ५ पद्मराग-सुता. ६ संधीसु. ७ हनूवंतस्य (?).
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Index Verborum
[Abbreviations, abs.-absolutive. agent.-- agentive. Bh.-Bhavisattakaha caus.- causative. D.-Dešināma māla. den.-denominative. dial.dialectal. enl.-enlarged. f.-feminine gender. fut.- future. gl-gloss in Ms. P. G.-Gujarati. H.--Hindi. He.-Hemacandra's Prakrit Grammar. Hp.-Harivamsapurāņa edited by L. Alsdorf. Hp. gl.--gloss in Hp. imper. imperative. indef.---indefinite pronoun. inf.-infinitive of purpose. m.masculine gender. M.-Marathi, Mp.--Mahāparāna of Puspadanta.MW.Monier William's Sanskrit-English Dictionary. n.- neuter gender. nom. prop.-nomen proprium. opt.--optative. part.--participle. pass.- passive. Pischel-Grammatik. pl.-plural. p. p.-preterite participle. pres-present. pret.-preterite. PSM.--Pāiasaddamahaņņavo. S.-singular. s. v.--sub verbo. Sk.--Sanskrit. ?-doubtful in form or sense. [ ]-phonetic equivalent or phontetically akin. ( )-Sense-equivalent. -Compounded. *-reconstructed. N-root].
अक्खसुत्त 9 1 3 अक्षसूत्र rosary of Ruअइकमिय 695,6996 अतिक्रान्त.
draksa beads. भयस 10 8 1la अयशस्.
अक्खाडय 4 11 2 अक्षवाटक (अक्षपाटक) अयाण 13 8 8, enl. 8 4 4, 11 13 3, wrestling ground (G. अखाडो).
20 11 8 अज्ञान ignorant, unkno- अक्खाणय 1 14 7 आख्यानक. . wing (G. अजाण, अजाण्यँ).
अक्खोहणि 2 5 6, 4 6 3, 13 12 2, अंसु 18 10 10a, enl. 18 9 4 अश्रु 16 11 8, अखोहणि 12 8 1 अक्षौहिणी. (G. आँसु ).
अग्गएँ 2 9 6, 16 15 2 अग्रे enl. in अंसु° 14 8 9a, enl. 17 17 4 अंशुक front of (H. आगे). cloth.
अग्गिम 7 3 3 अग्रिम foremost, 13 12 अक्ख [आ+ख्या] tell, narrate (G. 4 अभिनव fresh; आखवू)
-अग्गिमखंध 8 6 1, 128 3 अग्रिमस्कन्ध -pres. 3 S. अक्खइ 1 14 7, 5 1a;
van. imper. 2 pl. अक्खहाँ 16 12; p.
- अग्गेय 7 7 6, 8 84, 17 14 6 आग्नेय, p. अक्खिय 14 12 1, enl. 9 2 9a,
अङ्ग 20 6 1. 16 8 96. अक्खय° 217 8 अक्षय inexhaustible अङ्गार 13 7 10b, अंगारय 2 3 6 अङ्गारक
Mars. — (G. अखो nom. prop; आy whole);
-अक्खयतइय 2 17 8 अक्षयतृतीया (G. अङ्गुट्टय 27 4 अङ्गुष्टक (G. अंगुठो ). अखा(खे)त्रीज).
अङ्गुल 16 15 7 अङ्गुल (G. आँगळ). भक्खयाउ (f. pl.) 2 17 3 अक्षताः. अगुवङ्ग 18 5 6 अङ्गोपाङ्ग. अखत्त 15 3 3, 17 9 8 अक्षात्र act tra- अचल 12 8 4, 18 3 3
nsgressing the Ksatriya code. अचिन्त 16 1 5 अचिन्त्य unthinkable. भखन्ति 6 3 2,6 12 5, 8 9 4 अक्षान्ति अचेयण 17 15 3 अचेतन wroth.
अच्चणिय 1368 अर्चना enl. अक्खरवास 1 22 अक्षरव्यास, अक्षरविस्तार. भच्चेयणा 19 15 16 अचेतना.
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/ अच्छ ( from आ+क्षि, acc. to Tur- अणवस 12 6 9 [अण (negative)+वश]
ner ) be, remain (G. छे etc.); undefeated, gl. अ-परवशीकृत. -pres. 1 pl. अच्छहुँ 6 4 4; 2 s. अणाउल 2010 90 अनाकुल undistuअच्छहि 6 12 96, 18 2 3; 2 pl. rbed, without ill-treatment, अच्छह 34 10b, अच्छहा 199 10b; gl. अनाकुलभूतानि स्वस्थानि. 3s. अच्छड 1134, 11 10 1, 132 अणाय 2 13 2 अज्ञात. 6. 1386. 15 127. 16323. -अणायपार 16 125 अज्ञात-पार. अपार. pl. अच्छन्ति 1675; imper. मणिट्ठय 12 16 (अनिष्ठ enl.) gl. शत्रु. अच्छहाँ 152 4; 3. 8. अच्छ उ 108 मणिठिय° 15 1 4 अविनाशित. 6,1486,165 11a; pres. part. अणित्ति 15 3 4 अनीति. अच्छंत 18 10 90, f. 12 4 6, 19 अणिविषण 17 10 10b अनिर्विण्ण fatigue94; p. p. अच्छिय 15 9 10a, 18 less. . 10 96.
अणुदिणु 9 6 90, 12 11 8 अनुदिनम्. भन्छन्तय 5 14 9a, 7 82, 17 9 7 अणुपच्छए 5 6 8 [अनु+पच्छय<पश्च enl.] मृत dead.
अनु, पश्चाद्. मच्छरिय 3 9 10 आश्चर्य.
अणुभुञ्ज [ अनु+भुज] पच्छोडिय 48 6 आच्छोटित torn off (कव- -imper.2. 8. अणुभुळे 12 1096. लित Mp. 7 10 11).
अणुमाण 1 11 4 अनुमान. भछेय 15 107 अच्छेद्य.
अणुसरिस °6 5 4, 19 12 6 अनुसदृश. भजयर 97 3 अजगर.
V अणुहर [ अनु+हृ]. मजरामर 157 9b, 17 17 10b.
-pres. 3. s. अणुहरइ 1 68; pres. भजिण 1897 अजिन skin.
part. अणुहरमाण 288, enl. 64 भज (अद्य, G. आज);
9a, 8 4 1, 15 8 9a. -अज्ज-वि 4 13 8,12 1b even now, /अणुहव [ अनु+भू] still
-pres. 1. S. अणुहवमि 19 6 10b; p. -अज 2 16 8, 4 9 2, 15 13 1 p. enl. अणुहुत्तउ 5 13 3. -अजहों 20 11 8 from today.
V अणुहुञ्ज | अनु+भुज् ] भजिय 18 8 आर्यिका Jain nun.
-imper. 2. S. अणुहुों 12 5 13; 3. V** (**) worship;
S. अणुहुजउ 157 6. -abs. अञ्चवि 14 9 3.
अण्ण 1 108 अन्न. भञ्जलि 2 17 5.
भण्ण [अन्य] भट्टाहिय 11 21, (m. ?) 18 3 9a -अण्णमण 18 59a अन्यमनसू ;
अष्टाहिका a period of eight days,a -अण्ण-वि 2 17 2, अण्णु-मि 12 114, Jain religious festival lasting अण्णु-वि 1 167,237,346, 12 for eight days (G. अठ्ठाइ f.). 2 8, 16 4 7, 19 14 1a; महिय 13 58 अस्थि enl.
-अण्णहिँ 103 96 अन्यत्र. भडइ 19 3 2, °3 8 5 अटवी.
अण्णभवन्तर 581,683 अन्यभवान्तर भट्ठिय 9 8 8 [आन्य+इक svārthe] period of another (previous) युक्त, पूर्ण.
birth. भणडुह 2076 अणडुहू bull.
अण्णाण 8 8 5 अज्ञान ignorant. भणन्तय 1532 अनन्त enl.
अण्णारिस 166 8 अन्यादृश.
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INDESE VERBORUM अण्णेक 3 12 4, 9 5 9a, 9 8 6, 12 1 अन्धार 7 3 8, 01 16 9a, enl. 10 1
6 [अन्यद्+एक indef.] other (के... 9a अंधकार darkness (G. अंधार, अण्णेक=some......others).
अंधारु); अण्णेत्तहें 3 3 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8,9, 18 4 -enl. अन्धारय 9 9 9a, 17 152
2 (with एत्तहें ) अन्यत्र in another dark (G. अंधारे adj.). place.
-अन्धारिय 72 3 अन्धकारित darkenअतुल° 12 12.
ed (G. अंधारQ darken). मत्त 16 10 3gl. आप्त.
V अप्प [अप] give (G. आपर्दू) भत्तिलु 19 10 8 gl. अत्यन्तम् (from अति?). -abs. अप्पे वि 16 11 3. भत्तावणि-सिल 13 8 6 आतापनी-शिला अप्पय 2 12 6, 2 17 9a, 3 3 11a,
slab for practising austerities 16 12 9b आत्मन् enl. one's self. [ Mp. अत्तावण 7 15 8].
(cf. G. H. आप). Vअस्थ [ from अस्त]
अप्पणय 1 3 12,817, 11 12 8 आत्मन् -pres. part. enl. अत्यन्तउ 19 3 enl. one's own (G. आप]); la (in a preterit sense), अत्थ- -f. अप्पणिय 12 4 4. न्तय 1797 dying.
अप्पाणय 1 1 196, 2 13 5, 11 102 भस्थक्कएँ 4 14 6, 6 1 6, 12 4 2 all one's self. ___of a sudden, without delay. अप्पुण 5 14 4, 7 10 3, 10 12 8, 11 मत्थाइत्त 14 13 5 अर्थवत् wealthy. 112, 17 5 10b, 19 2 14, 20 भत्थवण 13125,1562 अस्तमन. 1 9a स्वयम् (G. आपण). भत्थाण 297, 19 15 6 आस्थान assem- अप्पमाण 10 6 5 अप्रमाण. bly hall
V अप्फाल [ आ+स्फालू ] dash, strike, --अत्थाण-णिवन्धण 16 2 3 holding beat (G. अफाळq ). the Darbar.
-pres. 3. 8. अप्फालमि 4 12 2; p. अस्थि 12 97, 16 12 1, 18 9 7 (pl.) p. अप्फालिय 241; 1166%3B 645 अस्ति.
-3 9 5 blurted out ? gl. कथित. अस्थि 1897 अस्थि.
अभेय 15 10 7 [अभेद] अभेद्य. अथक्क 17 16 6 अस्थिर.
भन्भन्तर 1 11 7, °1 16 6, 5 5 4, 18 अषियहें 67 4 [अदिवसे निशायाम्.
12 2 अभ्यन्तरे within (G. भीतर, भद्धससी 17 5 7 [अर्धशशिन्] Ardhacan- भाँतर). dra arrow.
अब्भारम्भ 11 1 5? बढुम्मिल्लय 1476, 14 3 6 अझैन्मीलित अभिट्ट ( सम्+गम् ) confront in a
half open, 14 5 2 partly visible. battles; (see अभिड) अन्त °13 4 7°, °14 13 6 आत्र (of. G. -pres. 3. s. अन्भिट्टइ 17 9 3; p. p. ___ आँतर ).
अभिट्ट 4 7 106, 4 8 1, 10996 अन्तयरि f. 15 136 [अन्तकरी विनाशिका. (with जुज्झ) 7 52, 17 119, Vअन्दोल [आन्दोल] swing
enl. अभिट्टय 12 6 96, 15 16. -pres. 3 8. अन्दोलइ 14 3 7, p. p. / अभिड [ आ+स्मिट् 'अनादरे, गतौ'; He. enl. अन्दोलन्तय 14 2 8, pret. part IV 164=सम्+गम् ] अन्दोखिय 17 15 8.
-pres. 3. s. अभिडइ 17 1b; imper. अन्दोलय 14 4 6,°14 12 7 आन्दोल enl. 2. S. भन्भिडु 6 12 9b; p. p. अभिडिय
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7 13 96, 17 11 10b; enl. अभि- अवरण्हय 5 2 4 अपराह्न enl. डियय 8 98.
अवरामुह° 4 9 8 अपराङ्मुख ? अमियालय 18 2 3 अमृतालय abode of V अवरुण्ड [ D. 1 11] (आ+श्लिष्); nectar, heaven.
-abs अवरुण्डेवि 10 12 3,14 5 1, 17 अमुणिय° 8 6 4 अज्ञात.
18 10b; p. p. अवरुण्डिय 57 11b. V अमेल see / आमेल्ल.
भवरेक °10 5 1, 12 1 4, 14 87, 14 भम्हारिस968 अस्मादृश.
12 1, 18 10 6 अपर+एक another
one. भरण (in सुण्णारण्ण) 5 4 2 अरण्य.
अवरोप्पर 372,677, 14 6 1 [Hc. अराइवक्ख 16 14 3 अराति-पक्ष.
IV 409] परस्परम्. भराय 1 2 8 अ-राग,
अवलक्खण 1926 अपलक्षण bad of chअरि 4 147
aracter. अरुह 2 69 अर्हत्. अरें 7 7 2, 8 8 8, 8 115, 9 10 8a
अवलम्वणिय 147 4 *अवलम्बनिका sort ___ अरे (G. अरे).
___of hanging ornament? अलजिय 83 4 अलज्जित.
अवलुय 20 11 4 gl. चित्तखेद (cf. D. 1 अलहन्त 1 4 2, 2 12 4, f. enl. अलह.
36 अवलुआ क्रोध). न्तिय 984 अलभमान.
V अवलोय [अव+लोक;
-pres. 3. S. अवलोयइ2 16 5; abs. अलिय'72 7, enl. 8 3 6 अलीक, .
अवलोऍवि 2 15 8, 3 6 10, 8 8 1; अलिउलय 1 13 9a अलि-कुल enl.
p. p. अवलोइय 4 9 5. मल्लल्ल 17 4 आद्रा.
अवसप्पिणि 1 12 90 अवसर्पिणी. /अल्लव [ cf. Hc. IV 39 अल्लिव ] अ अवसे 18 3 8 अवश्यम् give (cf. G. आलQ)
V अवहत्थ [अप+हस्त् ] forsake, push -pres. 3. S. अल्लव मि 13 3 10a.
aside; मल्लीण [ Hc. IV 54] 13 12 5, 14
-abl. अवहत्थेवि 1 4 1; p. p. अवह 3 11, 14 58 [आलीन ] आश्रित.
स्थिय 19 1b. Vभवयर [ अव+]
V अवहर [ अप+ह] -abs. अवयरवि 9 13 6; p. p. अवय
-abs. अवहरेंवि 5390, 9 10 1. रिय 3 9 1b, अवइण्ण 1 165.
अवहेरि 2 15 3, 18 11 1 अवधीरणा (ef. अवगुणकारिय 19 54 अवगुणकारिका
Mp. 16 25 14) भवगूढ 91496, 1744.
अवारें 525 [ from अ-बार ] within भवछपिणि 1 11 9a अवसर्पिणी.
no time, immediately (gl. gives अवतस [अप+त्रम् ] 'flee from in
STETT="side door, secret door?' terror' (mw.)
also] (cf. अवारिउ-तात्कालिक Mp. 9 -pres. 3. S. अवतसइ 8 11 9a.
25 13). अवतंस 13 12 7.
अविआणिअ 2079b? V अवमाण [अप+मान् ]
अविउल 2 12 1, अविओल 4 12 8 [D. -abs. अवमाणवि 167 8; p. p. enl. 7 63 विओल आविग्न ] अनुद्विग्न. अवमाणियय 16 1 9b.
अवियारे 5 8 3, 5 137 अविचारेण withभवरओह 14 3 10 [ अपरतीर्था ? ] tribu- out any further thought, imtary?
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भविचल 104 1 unmoved.
अहोरण 1478, 014 10 5 ( D. 1 25) अवुज्झिय° 16 5 4 अज्ञात.
उत्तरीयवन, gl. उपरितनवस्त्रम् भवुह 1 3 12 अबुध.
आ असक्क 16 8 8 अशक्त.
V आइज्झ [ cf. आ+व्यध् 'to pin on' Vअस [अ] eat;
Mw.] be put on (ornament); -pres. 35. असइ 1673
-pres. 3. sing. आइज्झइ 2 6 3; असच्चि 15 14 2 असत्या false.
p. p. enl. आइद्धय 1 4 96 [ आविद्ध] असमाहिमरण 1993 असमाधिमरण.
परिहित (cf. D. 2 23 कण्णाइंधण= असराल 2 16 4 [ Hp. 87 4 6, gl. कर्णस्याभरणं कुण्डलादि and आविंध and
असराल-बह, अपर्यन्त ] plenty of. आविंधग in PSM.; hence Ramanuअसहन्त 11 101 असहमान.
jaswami's suggestion to con(अ)सि 652, 3, 5, 6, 10 10 8, 13 nect it with कर्ण+आचिह्न is to be
38, 16 10 2, 16 13 5 ( in com. discarded ). binations like जाओसि,थिओसि,पत्तोसि, आउच्छ [ आ+पृच्छ् ]; हूओसि, ढुक्कोसि, मुणिओसि, णेमंन्तिओसि) -abs. आउच्छेवि 9 1 2,97 1; p. p. त्वम् (see Gram.).
आउच्छिय 191a. भसि 2 8 6 [ असि ] use of weapons, आउण्णय 9 4 3 (D. 1 20 आपुण्ण ) warfare.
[आपूर्ण enl.] पूर्ण. असुन्दर 3 7 4 unbecoming; 11 13 3 /आउल [ आकुलय् ] harass, put to _unpleasant.
difficulty'; असुरमन्ति 2 3 6 [असुरमन्त्रिन् ] शुक्र. -pres. 3 s. आउलेइ 10 10 2. असुहावणय 12 3 9 b, 18 58 अशोभन / आऊर [आ+पूरय ! fill up; (cf. G. सोहाम]).
-pres. 3 s. आऊरइ 4 6 3; p. p. भहवइ 12 2 9, 13 4 4, 5, 6, 7, 16 आऊरिय 5 3 3, °7 13 6; enl. आऊ
23, 16 2 7 [Ho. IV 419] अथवा. रियय 3 2 1b. महवा 2083 अथवा.
आएस 15 1 1, 15 12 2 आदेश (oG. H. अहिट्ठिय 2 1 4 (?) gl. हर्षित.
Avadhi आयस). अहिणव 9 9 4 अभिनव.
माय 5 13 8, 12 6 5, enl. 1067 अहिणाण 19 1 4 अमिज्ञान (G. एंधाण). [Hc. IV 365 ] इदम्. महिमुहॅण 12 5 3 अभिमुखम्.
Vायर (आ+ undertake); महिमुहिहूय 8 10 अभिमुखीभूत became -p. p. आयरिय 19 1 8. well-disposed or faithful.
आयत्त 17 3 resting on. V अहिसार [अभि+सारय् ] take out (in °आयम्व 4 9 6 आताम्र. a procession);
भायम्विर °8 93, 12 4 2, f. °रि° 1727 ___-abs. आहिसारवि 5 167.
आताम्र. / अहिसिञ्च [ अभि+सिञ्च ];
Vायाम ( सामर्थ्य कृ) exert force, -abs. अहिसिञ्चवि 14 9 3.
stretch oneself (cf. D. 1 65 महाँ 1 12 6, 9 108, 17 18 2, 19 आयाम-बल, दीर्घ; different from one 3 3, 4, 5,6,7,8
occurring at HP. 85 17 10, 87 -अहाँ अहाँ 2 13 2, 8 4 4, 994, 2 5); 19137.
-abs, आयावि 77 9a, 1779;
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आयामेप्पिणु 17 3 8 gl. प्रगुणीभूय, भारायणु 12 8 4 gl. युद्धरचना. . सामर्थ्य कृत्वा वा.
आराडि 17 9 1a आराटि ( D. 1 75 renV आगच्छ [आ+गच्छ्]
ders this by विलपितम् 'shout' ? __-imper. 2. pl. आगच्छहु 3 4 10b. G. राड shout; ef. Sk. राटि war, भागर 4 2 3 आकर.
battle). भाडविय 16 126 आटविक.
Vाराह [आ+राध्]; बाडम्बर 1 138 आडम्बर.
__-pres. part. आराहन्त 9 8 9b. Vाडोह (आवीलय् make turbud; cr. मारिस 1 16 आर्ष (designation of
G. डोवू 'mix with a liquid, डहो- Ravisena's Padmacarita). ळवू 'make turbid')
Vारुह [ आ+रुहू ]; -abs. आडोहॅवि 4 10 3.
__-abs. आरुहें वि 12 75; p. p. आरुहिय 1/आढप्प (Hc. IV 254; connected 15 4 6, enl. आरूढय 2 1 9a.
by Pischel (223) with pass. /आरूस [आ+रुष्य ]; caus. of आ+धा)
-abs. आरूसवि 13 11 10, 14 10 -pres. 3. s. आढप्पइ 1 2 12a
9a; p. p. आरुट्ठ 1953, enl. आरुट्टय आरभ्यते; p. p. आडत्त 2 4 3, 13 98
10 119b. आरब्ध.
भारूसण 16 2 96 कोपन. Vाण [आ+नय]
Vारोड नि+रुध् ( engage in battle) -pres. 3. S. आणइ 2 16 2; p. p. V
(ef. PSM V रोड-रुधू ); 925, enl. 13 4 106 (G. आणवू). भाण 8 2 3, 12 4 6 आज्ञा (G. आण).
-p. p. आरोडिय 11 8 6, 15 3 1. -आणवडीवय 12 4 6 [आज्ञाप्रतीप enl.]
भालग्ग 5 117,75 7, 20 6 1, enl.
10 10 9a (आलग्न ) fell upon, • apponent.
stuck. माणदयरु 10 4 9a, 18 410a [आनन्द+ कर] आनन्दक.
V आलव [ आ+लप् ] speak with; माणन्तय 6 la? आणवडीवय आज्ञाभजक
-pres. 3. S. आलवइ 18 9 2. भातावण 12 11 96, 15 9 10a, 1968 मालाणखम्भ 19 14 3 [खम्भ-स्कम्भ] [ आतापन 1 suffering austerities. आलानस्तम्भ. When with सिल (शिला), same as आलावणि 1 5 8, 7 2 4 [आलापनी] अत्तावणि-सिल.
_type of lute. भादण्ण 2 13 5 [Ho. IV 422] आकुल. आलियय 19 14 3 [p. p. to आ+/ली भादेस 8 107 आदेश.
enl. ] crouched. भापण्डुर 8 1 1 आपाण्डुर.
Vआलिङ्ग [भा+लिङ्ग] Vभामेल (मुच्) leave;
-abs. आलिङ्गेवि 11 67; agent. °आलि-imper. 2. pl. आमेल्लहु 37 4; abs. ङ्गण 3 8 8. भामेल्लेवि 2 12 9 8, 107 1 (setting मालीविय 17 14 8 आदीपित afire. free), 17 5 2; p. p. आमेल्लिय °4 8 भालुञ्जिय 13 4 6 [आलुञ्चित 'torn to 20.782,1298.
pieces', mw.] plucked, shaven. आरक्खिब 10 6 19, 14 4 8 आरक्षिन् enl. मालुञ्चिर 13 4 6 (agent. from आ+ guard, watchman.
लुछ, of. आलुञ्चित 'torn to pieces', नारसय 14 6 4 मारक्त enl.
mw.) plucking at, pulling.
Page #388
Vाव [connected by Turner with भासव 9 1 9a, 9 9 3 आश्रम. ✓ 3179] come;
'आसाऊरय 2015 आशापूरक. -pres. 1. pl. आवहुँ 2 152, 2. 8. आसासय 12 5 आश्वासक canto.
आवहि 7 125, 3. 8. आवइ 5 11 9b, भासि 1 12 8, 2 13 9b, 555,6 15 10 1 7, 12 1 9b, 18 1b; imper. 2, 87 8, 108 4, 13 4 10a, 19 2. S. आउ 19 2 1, 19 15 4; fut. 109 आसीत्. 3. S. आवेसइ 1684; abs. आवेवि 6 भासीविस-सप्प 11 3 8 आशीविष-सर्प, 11 96; p. p. आइय 1 14 1, 39 आहयण 16 12 9a [ corrupt for आह106,6 15 3, 14 11 1, 15 14 9b, वण आहव? ] battle. enl. 6 127, आय 1 7 9b, 1 12 Vाहण [आ+हन् ] strike; 9b, 2 5 2, 2 1090, 2 14 6,5 -imper. 2. pl. आहणहाँ 19 3 100; 2 9a, 10 2 7, 16 11, enl. 88 pres. part. f. आहणन्ति 18 11 5. 2 (G. आवर्दू).
माहव-भूमि 20 5 8 battle-ground. भावइ 13 5 10 b आपद् (Hc. IV 400). /माहिण्ड [आ+हिण्ड्] wander, roam; भावग्ग (f. आवग्गी) 11 27, 12 1158 -pres. 3. S. आहिण्डइ 10 12 9b.
enl. आवग्गय 16 87 खाधीना (gl. at 1127) all, entire; at 1211
१ इ 3 137,519,527, 11 13 2, 13 5='entirely one's own ? [ Hp. 24 अपि (G. य). 91 21 11 gl. आवग्गी मूलगी (G. मूलगुँ
इज 4 9 96 श्वभू? (cf. इजा-माता PSM.). all, whole; wholly, entirely )]. Ce
Vइच्छ [इच्छ ]; Vावट [आ+वर्त ] go towards;
-pres. 1 s. इच्छमि 15 14 2, 3 s. -pres. part. enl. आवदृन्तय 17 3
इच्छइ 15125 4; p. p. आवट्टिय 7 6 6.
इच्छ 14 84 इच्छा. भावकिय 1 2 3 [आ( ईषत् ) + वक्र enl.
इत्थन्तरें 114 1 अत्रान्तरे. ____f.] slightly curved.
इन्तय 8 9 7 see Vए. भावासिय 3 9 3, 11 81, 14 2 2 [आवा- इन्दसण 3 6 11b इन्द्रत्व. सित] camped.
इन्दवह 8 696 इन्द्रमह ? (cf. 38148) Vभावील [आ+पीडू ] tie up, tighten,
इन्दिन्दिर 13 7 4 (D. 1 79 ) भ्रमर. press;
इरि° 387 गिरि. -abs. ावीलवि 4 11 2; p. p. आवीलिय
इमु 15 11 9a, 19 15 9 इदम् 14 17, enl. आवीलियय.
इल 12 119b, 19 11 4 इला earth भावील (in पवणावील) 20 9 9b group,
(Dingal इळ) multitude (?) (cf. आवीलन-समूह व 5 13 8, 13 4 1a, 13 10 3. PSM. and giftes below).
इहलोय 4 13 4 इहलोक. भास 14 137 आस्य. भासकिय 1125, enl. 1593 आशक्षित. भासण 1629 अशन?
ईसीसि 4 13 8,9 1 16, 15 8 6, (ईसीस) भासणत्थ728 आसनस्थ.
6154 ईषत् ईषत. भासण्ण742 आसन्न -मासण्णभब्ध 1844 आसन्न-भव्य. उववयाण 16 5 4 उपप्रदान (i. e. दान, the भासण्णीहून 185 आसन्नीभूत.
second of the उपायचतुष्टय).
Page #389
उइय 1 16 9b उदित.
Vउच्छह [ उत्+सह ]; उक्कर 14 55, 19 17 6° उत्कर with -pres. 3. उच्छहइ 16 3 10b. raised hands.
उच्छिण्ण 17 5 7 उच्छिन्न. उक्खय 1 14 7° (with करवाल), 17 12 /उजल [ उद्+ज्वल ]
4 [उत्खात Hc. I 6] unsheathed; -p. p. °उजलिय 14 6 6; caus. p. p. 13 4 8, 13 8 2 uprooted.
उज्जालिय 724 (G. उक्खन्ध 10 9 6, उक्खन्धय 11 13 5 उज्जय 5 1590 ऋजु enl. [for उक्खंदय अवस्कन्द enl.? See उजीविय 19 152 उज्जीवित. उक्खंद and ओक्खंद PSM. ] siege, Vउजोव [ उद्+योतय् ]; march ? gl. वैरभ् , but gl. on 30 -pres. part. f. enl. उजोवंतिय 7 3 15 उपरि वैरम्.
___8; p. p. उजोइय 15 14 5. उक्खल °17 13 2, 15 2 5 उलुखल (G. उज्झर 14 108 [from उद्+क्षर् ] cf. 'ऊखळ, ऊखळो).
___Hc. I 98 ओज्झर निर्झर. Vउग्गम [ उद्+गम् ] rise;
उझिय °3 10 6, °5 13 6° उज्झित. -pres. part. उग्गमन्त 14 52; p. p. 1/उट [ उद+स्था: G. ऊठवें]. उग्गमिय 15 6 5; उग्गय 15 6 4; .
___ --imper. 2. S. (intensive) उट्ठ caus. p. p. उग्गामेय° 6 11 8, 17 ।
10 4 4; pres. part. उट्ठन्त 784, 8 10a.
9 10 3, enl. 16 13 4; abs. उठेवि उग्गाहिय 16 5 10 [उद्घाहित (D. 1 137)] 897; caus. imper. 2. pl. उट्ठवहाँ accepted.
15 106. उग्गीरिय °4 13 4 (with श्रोत्त स्तोत्र)
Vउड्ड [ उद्+डय ] fly (G. ऊडवू); [auttoi ] said; 8 6 3 raised (PSM.
-pres. 3. S. उड्डइ 1 5 4, 3. pl. quotes two passages to support
उड्डन्ति 5 115, 13 55; abs. उड्डेवि this sense)
109 8; caus. p. p. °उड्डाविय 218. उच्चलिय 6 13 10 उच्चलित started,
उद्दण 14 3 3, 18 5 8° [D. 1 155 moved.
ओढण-उत्तरिय ] upper garment, उच्चरिय' 17 12 6 ?
(G. ओढ], ओढणी). Vउच्चाय (den. from उच्च ) lift; -abs. उच्चाऍवि 19 11 5; p. p. उच्चाइय
उढुक्किय 17 137 [from उद्+ढौक्] अपगता ?
उणाइ 1 3 6 उणादि. 2112. उच्चोलि 93 1, 203 3 [cf. D. 1 131
°उण्डि 17 6 5 ( PSH. पिण्ड) bullet =नीवी] उत्सङ्ग lap. (MP. 22 15 20).
___like missile ? उच्छउ 19 117 उत्सवः (G. ओछव). उण्णाविय° 2 14 9a उन्नामित. Vउच्छल [ उद्+शलू ] fly upwards; उण्हय 12 12 8 उष्ण enl.
-abs. उच्छलेवि 17 6 100, p. p. उच्छ- Vउत्थर (आ+क्रम् ) attack, confront लिय 180,°l 19,914 6, 1 13 (in battle); 1°,°18 1 1, °18 1 3, 17 12 10a -imper. 2. pl. उत्थरहाँ 12 93
17 22 (G. उछळवू); caus. p. p. abs. उत्थरवि 9 9 9a, 15 7 8, 18 2 - उच्छल्लाविय 13 4 9 उच्छालिय 13 3 16 9a, 17 4 la; p. p. उत्थरिय 7 5 1, (G. उछाळg).
15 52, enl. उत्थरियय 17 17 10a.
Page #390
Vउत्थल्ल [from उद्+स्थल, Paiala- Vउप्पाय (उद्+पादय्); .
cchi gives उत्थलिअ-उच्छल्लिभ ] be -pres 1. S. उप्पायमि 6 11 3; 3. 8. thrown upwards (G. उथलq get उप्पायइ 1 14 4, 12 12 8; p. p. displaced violently );
143 12b, (f. pl.) उप्पाइउ ( for -pres. part. enl. उत्थालन्तय 17 3 उप्पाइयउ) 1 10 1. 5. p. p. उत्थल्लिय 1 3 13, 2 15 9a, Vउप्पाड [उद्+पाटय ; cf. G. उपाडवू lift, enl. 11 8 9b.
carny ] uproot; उत्त-पउत्तिय 129 100 [उक्त+प्र-उति enl.] -pres. part. उप्पाडन्त 9 3 9a%3; ___repartee.
abs. उप्पाडेवि 8 9 2; p. p. उप्पाडिय उत्तारय 1 1 1 उत्तारक.
7 115 उत्तिम 2 14 4 उत्तम (G. dial. ओल्यम). "उप्पील 13 6 3 [D. 1 126 ] संघात. उद्दण्ड° 3 3 6.
Vउन्भ [from ऊर्ध्व ] raise; set up उद्दन्तुर 67 6 [ उद्दन्तुर] having proj. -imper. 2. pl. उब्भहाँ 19 3 93 ecting teeth.
abs. उब्भवि 10 10 9b; p. p. उब्भिय Vउहाल (आ+छिद् He. IV 125) 17 8, 2 4 6. snatch away;
उब्भड 4 8 5 [ उद्भट] formidable. -imper. 2. pl. उद्दालहाँ 74 7; abs. उब्भिण्ण° 17 16 1.a [ उद्भिन्न ] रोमाञ्चित. उहालेवि 9 6 5.
उभय 4 7 10 6, 12 1 1, 17 lai उद्धद्धय 7 11 9b gl. विनष्ट (of. ओट्ठद्धय). उभयचारि 11 4 2gl. गिरिचारी समभूमिउद्धरण 13 6 2 उद्धारक.
चारी वा. उद्धाय 15 1 5, enl. उद्धाइयय 8 396 उम्मणदुम्मण 19 13 1b, enl. 12 3 96 उद्घावित.
उन्मनोदुर्मनस् despondent (of. G. Vउद्भूय [ उद्+धू] waive;
आमणदूम]). -pres. part. °उद्भूयमाण 17 5, p. उम्माहय 6 4 2°, 18 8 6 [उन्माथ enl.] p. उद्धृय 2 119 (cf. पवणुद्धय Mp. anxiety, longing ( Mp. 27 23 924 10)
1l gl. ओम्माहिय=उत्कण्ठित ). उद्दलिय 2 13 5, 17 1 10a उद्भलित / उम्मील[उद्+मील] become visible, covered with dust.
appear; उपगार 12 11 4 उपकार.
-pres. part. उम्मीलन्त 14 5 9a; Vउप्पय [ उत्+पत् ] leap, fly;
p. p. °उम्मीलिय 9 5 4. -abs. उप्पऍवि 17 8 9, 16 14 8, 18 / उम्मूल [ उद्+मूलय् ] uproot;
11 9b, 19 7 11b, उप्पएवि 15596. -abs. उम्मूवि 13 3 10 6. उप्पज [उत्+पद्म; G. उपजएँ]
उम्मोहिय 2 104 [उन्मोहित ] become -pres. 3. S. उप्पज्जइ 1 12 4, 5153; free from delusion. abs. उप्पजेंवि 6 3 6; p. p. enl. उप्प. उरय 10 12 4 उरग, gl. सर्प. ज्णय 2 11.
उरस 10 11 8 उरस् । उप्परि 1 3 3, 2 3 4, 31 13b, 12 11 उर उ” ( for और आर)17 14 2 ओरे ओरे 9a, 13 1 10a, 14 5 6, 19 11 4 (G. ओरे ओरे). उपरि.
उल्लालिय 20 6 1 [He. IV 36] उन्नमित उप्पल्लाण ( from उद्+पर्याग) dismount raised (G. उलाळq throw up in
-abs. उप्पल्लाणेवि 5 4 5.
the air ).
Page #391
°उल्लाव 13 9 4 ( i ) ? (ii) [ उल्लाप ]
Vउल्लुक्क (He. IV 116 उल्लुक=णिलुक= नि+ली ) hide;
उब्वेल्लिय 245 प्रसारित.
-pres. 3. s. उल्लुक्कर 15 39; imper. उदय' 4 11 6 उभय. 2. pl. उल्लुकों 14 5 4.
V उल्लोल [ उद्+लुल् ] undulate, roll; - pres. 3. s. उल्लोलइ 1434. 'उल्हाव ( निर्वापय् ) extinguish; -pres. 3 s. उल्हावमि 20983 P. P. enl. उल्हावियय 17 14 9a (cf. a. ओलaj, होलaj ). उवयार 12 11 4, 19 15, 1987 उपकार V उवमिज [ from उपमीय् ] be com pared;
-pres. 2. s. उवमिज्जहि 2 69; pres. 3 s. उवमिज्जइ 161, 11108. उवरि °229a 238,662, 01152,
11 14 1, 11 14 8, 13 2 6, 147. 9a, 1932; उवरिं 17 8 106 उपरि. उवर 1 10 3, 2 11 5, 1235, 1345
उवरिलियf. 499 [ He II 163] उपरितना.
उवसोह 6 34 [ उपशोभा ] adornment. उवहि 2 10 5, 9 3 8, 1327, 153 80 उदधि.
उम्वरिय 5 11 3, 147 5 ( cf. D. 1 132 उव्वरिअ=अधिक, अनीप्सित) अवशिष्ट. [उठवह [ उद्+त्र ];
-pres. 3 s. उब्वहइ 11596, 13 109; p. 3 pl. उव्वहन्ति 1 106. V उब्वेद [ उद्+वेष्ट् ] free from a si
/ उ वेल [ उद् + वेलू; PSM.] move qui ckly;
-abs. उब्वेलेवि 6 24.
ege; -abs, उव्वेदेवि 18 104; caus. p. p. en]. उन्वेढा वियय 20 7 9a
उहु 7 3 5, 6, 18 1 3, 6 that one,
Vऊसार [ उत्+सारय् ]; -abs. ऊसारेंवि 168 6. ऊहु 73 5 that one.
एक्कमण 12 129 एकमनस्.
ond of the four उपायs ). उवसमय 18 196 उपशमित. उवसोवणि 227 उपखापिनी soporific
उववयाण 16 5 4 [उपप्रदान ] दान ( see- एकमेक्क 17 14 16, 19 10 10 (Hc. III 1 ) एकैक्र one another. ( G. एकमेक ). एक्कलय 2069 [एक+लक ] एकाकिन्, f. एकलिय 19 185 (G. एकल, एकली ). एकवार 18896 एक बार once (d. एक
Vए (इ) go;
-pres. 3 pl. एन्ति 5 12 5; imper. 28. एहि 79 1; pres. part. एन्त 626, 11 117, 1429a, enl इन्तय 897.
एय 17 72, ऍय 836, 15 12 2, 16 156 एतद् (ए).
एक्कल 14 11 6 एक-कला.
एकत्तहँ 18 43 एकत: ( cf. He. IV 420 एत्तहे= इतः ) at one place; on one side.
वार ). cf. एकऍ वारऍ 14 8 96 once. एक्कसि 2 14 1 (Hc. IV 428 ) [ एकश: ]
एकेक 15 2 3, enl. एकेकय 8 1296 एकैक ( G. एकेक ) each one.
एतय 10 108, 14 112, 15122,
• एत्तडिय 13112, 15 12 3, 16 9 3, 19 14 6, 19 182 एतावत्. एनहॅ 7 11 3, 1074, 10 9 2, 12 8
1, 1834 [ He IV 420] (alw. ays with वि ) इतः now here, equivalent to एत्थन्तरे-अत्रान्तरे.
Page #392
एसिय 7 92, 7 11 7, 8 6 9a, 127 ओलग्ग 2 9 6 f. सेवा attendance.
2, 1279b, 15 1190, 15 12 ओलम्विय 4 12 8 अवलम्बित. 9b [Hc. II 157 ] इयत्.
ओल्ल 4 8 8 आद्र एत्तिएँ 10 17 इदानीम्,
-ओल्लिय 11 8 3, 14 8 7 आदित. एत्थु 16 8 8 [ He. IV 405 ] अत्र. भोवग्ग [ उप+वल्ग् ] आ+क्रम् ( PSM; of. एत्यन्तरे (quite common) अत्रान्तरे at Pai. उत्थरिओवग्गिआई अकन्तं); this juncture.
-abs. ओवग्गिय 4 11 3. एम 295, 2 14 5, 3 5 6 etc. (P. S. ओसहि 4 6 10 f. औषधि,
have mostly एव) [He. IV 401, Vओसुविणाय [उत्स्वप्नाय् ] talk in sleep; 418 ] इत्थम् एवम् , (G. ऍम ).-एम वि -pres. 3. s. ओसुविगायइ 17 15 3. 9119a.
Vओसर (अप+स); एव 3 9 4, 18 12 5 [cf. Hc. IV
-pres. 3. S. ओसरइ 8 3 6; imper. * 408 एवड; from ए+बड्ड big] एतावत्
2. s. ओसरु 18 10 8; (G. एवढें).
-caus. ओसार (अप+सारय्); एवहिं (variant एमहि) 1127, 28
-imper. 2. s. ओसारि 13 29; abs. 4, 3 8 10a etc. [ Ho. IV 420]
ओसारेप्पिणु 20 43; p. p. ओसारिय इदानीम्.
4 9 3, 11 11 2, 16 4 5, 17 54 -एवहि मि 5 8 2.
(cf. G. ओसरवू diminish). एहु 19 7 5, enl. एहउ 16 12 4, एहएँ
___ोसोवणि 10 6 8a उपंखापिनी sleep 15 10 5, ऍहु 15 11 9a, 16 5 10,
___charm. 16 8 8b [ef. He. IV 362 ] एषः (G. ए).
- ओह 1 13 6 ओध.
Vओहह (cf. G. ओट f. ebb) diminish; Vओअर [ अव+तृ ] get down; -pres. part. enl. ओहट्टन्तय 17 3 4.
-abs. ओअरेवि 19 8 10a, 1999; V ओहह [cf. D. 1 166 ओहट्टो अपमृता caus. p. p. ओआरिय 19 2 10. move away.. ओझरय 3 6 1a [from अव+क्षर ] enl. -p. p. ओहष्ट्रिय 4 109a.
ओहर 12 2, 3 5 6 kind of aquatic ओट्टद्धय(1) 17 17 4 विनष्ट (?). cf. उद्धद्धय. animal (ef. उहर mentioned along V ओणल्ल (अव+लम्बू) fall down; with झष, सुसुयार, कच्छप and मकर) -pres, part. ओणलन्तय 17 154; जलचरविशेष Mp. 10 129,87 9 11. p. p. ओणल 8 9 5, 10 11 8 [ओण- ओहुल्लिय 52 2, 19 129 [ from अव+ ल्लिय अधःपातित MP. 7 5 12]. फुल् ] म्लान (Mp. gl. 7 10 1), खिन्न Vओणाव [ अव+नामय् ] bend down; (cf. D. 1 157 ओहुर-खिन्न, अवनत).
-abs. ओणाऍवि 9 11 7; p. p. °ओणा- ओहामिय °11 1 8, 11 13 6 अभिभूत, , विय377..
तिरस्कृत. Vओरुम्भ (अवरुधू ; रुम्भरुध् , Hc. IV 218).
य 9 12 8 च. -abs. ओरुम्भेवि 9 9 9a.
यन्द 18 7 1 चन्द्र. ऑरें 10 87 ओरे Ho! gl. मम सन्मुखम्. °यल 14 116 °कला. Vओलग्ग (सेव् ) serve;
-pres. 3. S. ओलग्गइ 7 65.. कह287, 19 4 16 कति.
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कइयह 9 65 [ef. He. IV कइयह IV /कण [ क्वण ; G. कणवू] groan; __422 (1)] कदा.
__-pres. 3. S. कणइ 1 5 3. कहवंसिय 12 2 7 कपिवंशिक.
कणय 11 8 4 [D. 2 56]gl. बाण. कय 6154 कृत.
कणय-डोर 72 7 [कनक+दोर] thin 33 1923 कः enl.
golden necklace (ef. G. दोरो and कउ 5 12 96, 6 3 2,637 [Hc. IV कन्दोरो). ____416] कुतः.
कण्ठय 726, 9 4 4,951,9 106, कउहमग 10 1 8 [*ककुभा+मार्ग] gl. 16 9 8, [कण्ठक ] neck ornament : दिगमार्ग..
(G. कंठो), necklace of one str. कयन्त 108 6, 109 2 कृतान्त. ___ing (G. कंठी). कयावि 4 3 3 कदापि.
कण्ठिय 1 4 3 [कण्ठिका ] necklace of ककर 8 10 8 [कर्कर] पर्वतशिखर (Mp. one (or more) string (G. कंठी). .gl. 31 257).
कण्डुइय° 19 7 10 कण्डूयित. कक्ख 16 15 3 कक्ष flank.
कण्डूयण 2 12 4 कण्डूयन. कक्खड 13 8 4 gl. कर्कश violent. कण्णारिय 19 14 2 [ from कर्ण+आर] कन्छ 4 112 कक्षा loin cloth (G. कच्छ, goaded near the ears (ef. आरोहें काछडी).
कन्नारिउ गइन्दु Bh. 2 55 where कजे 12 5 5 कार्ये for the sake of. Gune renders it by कर्णयोः अंकुशेन कजण 158 काञ्चन.
प्रेरितः; PSM. wrongly विभूषितः). कञ्जय° 4 7 10a कञ्चुक cuirass. कण्णजाउ 16 8 3 कर्णजापः whispering
कञ्जय 18 6 1 का enl. lotus. in the ear'; tale-bearing. कट्रिय-धर 3 5 10 [ काष्ठिका+धर] staff- कण्णादाण 6 3.9a कन्यादान. .. bearer ( Mp. gl. 6 2 3 यष्टिधर) कणिय° 456, 17 63 कर्णिका kind. : (ef. G. काठी).
of arrow with an ear-shaped कहिय-वाल 3 69 [*काष्ठिका-पाल] staff- top. bearer.
कत्तरी 4 11 4 a term of duelling. कडउल्ला° 14 57 [कटक+°उल्लय contra- (With this line compare Bh. 2
cted ] bracelet (cf. G. कडलु ). 27 मल्ल-जुज्झ-आवग्गण-सञ्चइँ, दोकर-कत्तरि कडय 7 1 2 कटक ridge.
करण-पवञ्चइँ; most of these terms 'करप्प 13 6 100, 13 8 4, [D. 2 13] are given by Jacobi with a निकर (G. कडपलो).
___query). कडिसरथ 13 63 [कटि+सर enl.] कटिसूत्र. कथइ 13 5 4, 5, 6, 8, 9; कत्थ-वि 13 काम 127 1 कटुक (G. कडवू).
52, 3, 17 13 1 कुत्रापि. कलुभाषिय° 11 12 5 (quali. °साहण) /कन्द (क्रन्दू), bewail, cry; " प्रहृत, पीडित, पराभूत (FSM.).
-pres. 3. S. कन्दइ 8290; pres. Vकट्ठ [probably from कृष्ट ] pull, part. कन्दन्त 9 102, 11 9 5, f.. draw out (G. काढवु);
enl. कन्दन्तिय 19 5 10a; -pres. 1. S. कढमि 15 27; pres. -agentive कन्दावण 9 6 9b. part. f. कड्डन्तिय 18 10 9a; abs. कन्दल.7 1 5 shoot.
कड्डेवि 5 10 8; p. p. enl. कड्डियय कन्दुअ-खण 16 2 3 कन्दुकक्षण game of 14 13 9a.
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कन्दोर्ट 1 13 8 [D. 2 9 ] नीलोत्पल. 616 8,712 6,844,926,9 कन्धर 1168.
10 5,9 107,12 109b, 1556, कप्प 4 4 96, 8 2 3, 8 4 4, 18 9 9a 19 1 10b, 198 3, 19 15 6, करि
[कल्प] कर tribute (Mp. 39 6 16 12 10 96, 2. pl. करहु 4 3 3, 4 5 gl. कप्पु करः दण्डो वा).
2,5 10 7, 16 11 3, 19 3 8, 3. s. V कप्प cut (G. कापवू);
करउ 17 18 4, करेउ 5 13 2, 17 18 -pass. pres. 3. 8. कप्पिजइ 18 8 '7, 3. pl. करन्तु 12 4 7; fut. 1. pl. 7; p. p. कप्पिय 4 8 3.
करेसहुँ 3 6 11a, 2. pl. करेसहों 12 कप्परिय 15 4 5, 15 5 3, 17 8 8 cut 89b, 3. s. करेसइ 16 8 5; pres. (from V कप्पर=V कप्प extended part. करन्त 2 1 9a, 3 2 4, 37 8,
with °र; ef. D. 2 20 कप्परिअं दारितम्). 14 6 1, enl. 4 190, 6 1 1, 8 कप्पिणु 1699 कृत्वा, gl. कथयित्वा (cf. 1a, 17 4 10b;f. करन्ति 738, 14
Kramadisvara's Sainksipta- 7, enl. करन्तिय 98 4; abs. करवि 2 sāra 5 59 कृप्पि; Vasudevahindi 76, 4 127, 577, 6 13 3, 10 I, p. 28, 1. 1. कप्पि).
7 1, 12 1 3, करेवि 1 8 1, 3 12 2, कम 1 13 9b, 17 12 8 क्रम step 4 115, 558,7 10 1,9113,
-कम-मुअण° 1 6 3 क्रममोचन (1) tak. 108 3, 16 9 7, करप्पिणु 2 14 8, _ing steps; (2) swerving from 2 15 3, 53 2,873, 1089, ' tradition (?).
11 118, 149 1, 19 12 16, V कम (कम् ) cross;
करेविणु 15 157; कप्पिणु see s. v.-pres. 3. s. कमइ 12 6 8; abs. pot. part. करेवी 9 6 96, 2017; कमेप्पिणु 237.
-pass. pres. 3. S. किज्जइ 13 11 10, कमलायर 2 1 9b कमलाकर.
157 9a; p. p. कय 1 16 10, किय Vकम्प [ कम्प्; G. कॉपवू];
11 17°, (enl.) 4 10; -caus. -pres. 3. pl. कम्पन्ति 1 4 4; pres. agentive करावण 18 1 2. part. कम्पन्त 1 3 14b, enl. 8 3 3; करण 4 11 4; 11 6 4 tactical move -agentive कम्पावण 139 2, 15 1b; in duelling or subduing an -कम्पावणसील 2099b.
___elephant. See कत्तरी. कम्मन्त 3 136 [कर्मान्त given by Mw. 'करयलग्ग 1 9 1 करतलाग्र.
as occurring in the present /करकर ( onom.) caw; sense in lexicons only] tilled -pres. 3. S. करकरइ 8 2 96. or cultivated ground.
करग्ग 1 5 2 कराग्र (Dingal गो कम्मारय 2 10 2 [ कर्मकार enl.] ser- hand ).
vant. /कर [कृ; G करवू ]; .
करम्विय 12 66, enl. करम्वियय 117 --pres. 1. S. करमि 1 39,292, 9a[करम्बित] व्याप्त, 44 4, 13 8 8, 2. s. करहि 5 16 करपहर 4 75 [ करप्रहार ] करकवृष्टि. 5, करेहि 20 11 4, 3. S. करइ 2 9 3, करि० 8 5 6. 2 10 3, 4 5 9a,94 4, करेइ 4 12 कलयण्ठि 14 127 [कलकण्ठी; cf. D. 2301 6, 11 62, 16 14 2; 3, p!. करन्ति कोकिला. 6 14 9a; imper. 2. S. करें 4 3 2, कलम 1 4 2.
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कलमलय 12 12 8 Mp. 3626 gl. काणेक्खह 2 12 8 [ काण+/ ईक्ष ] looks । ईर्ष्याजनित-खेद.
sideways. कलुणय 9 10 2 करुण enl.
कापुरिस 2 13 2 कापुरुष. कल्लए 2 12 96,7 12 90, 16 11 3 कल्ये कामसत्थ 4 1 2 कामशास्त्र,
(enl.) to morrow (G. काल्य). कारणे 1 10 5, 4 12 3,157 4, 20 12 11 °कल्लोल 11 14 6 f., कलोल 12 5. कारणे for the sake of, कवय 47 10a कवच.
कारिम 9 47, 14 13 4 [D. 2 27; कवण 5 13.90, 992, 13 5 100, 16 really an °इम derivation from • 6 3 [cf. Pali को-पन, किं-पन; He. / कृ] कृत्रिम (1) artificial (2) in
IV 367 ] किम् (G. कवण, कोण). sincere. कयन्ध 834 कबन्ध.
काल 4 65 one of the nine treas. कवि 1 2 4 क्वापि.
ures. कस 9 10 3 कशा whip.
काल-चक्र 3 1 1 कालचक्र. कसण °11 107, 14 7 7 कृष्ण.
कालवास 10 8 8 [कालपाश ] Yama's Vकह [ कथ् ; G. कहे
noose or an inauspicious astro-pres. 1. s. कहमि, 12 16, 3. s. logical conjunction. कहइ 3 11 1a; imper. 2. S. कह काव 1 1 196 काव्य. -19 90,613 7, 8 6 9a, 19 134, किय (?) 11 1 7, 11 1 8 किं वा? किल? 5; 2. pl. कहहु 4 1 9b, कहाँ 19 4 किग 18 4 8 किम्. 900, कहहाँ कहाँ 12 1b; pres. part. किंण 11 12, किग्ण 19 17 116 किं नु. (enl.) कहन्ता 379, 19 18 10a; किण्ण 14 8 6 किं न. -pass. pres. 3. S. कहिजइ 19 10 किर 2 12 7, 4 4 4, 8 11 8, 12 6 9b,
1b; p. p. कहिय 1 12 8, 4 35, 12 105, 14 9 5, 17 10 la [किल] - 4 58.
यावत् just as; about to, as if. कह 1105 कथम् ;
किरिय 11 7 1 क्रिया. -कह व 4 29a, कथम् इव.
/किलकिल (onom.) chirp: .. -कह वि 11 12 9a, 15 12 5 कथम् अपि ।
50, 101220 कथम्+आप -pres. 3. S. किलकिलइ 157 (cf. -कह वि कह वि 17 8 8.
___G. किलकिलाट chirrup). कहकहन्ती 9 12 1 (onom.) whizzing. 'किलन्तय 20 10 G क्लान्त enl. कहाणय 11 3 1 कथानक.
'किलामिय 19 66क्लान्त. कहि 1103 कुत्र;
किलित्त 1332 [क्लप्त ] रचित. -कहि-मि 12 129, 14 6 2, 3, 4, 5, किलेस 9 1090, 19 69 क्लेश.
19 12 8 कुत्रापि somewhere, in किसलय 3 3 3. , some place; 12 2 3 somehow. किह 1 10 6, 7, 1 10 90 [Hc. IV काइँ 11 13 3 किम्.
401 ] कथम्. कहु 17 5 10 कथम्.
V कील (क्रोड्); काऊसाय 2 11 8 कायोत्सर्ग.
-pres. part. कीलन्त 2 8 1. कायम्वरि° 14 6 4 कादम्बरी wine. कील 5 1 7, 15 7 8 क्रीडा. कागणि° 4 6 110 [काकिणी ] रत्नविशेष. कीलाल 197 8, 2065 blood. काणि 10 12 2, 13 119 f. वैर (2). कुइय 10 10 9a, 11 8 8 कुपित
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15 कुयारि 853 (2).
केम 1 9 9b, 10 11 4, 18 8 2 [ Ho. कुञ्चिय 1367 कुञ्चित.
IV 401 ] कथम् (G. केम); कुट्टणि 13 9 4, 14 13 4 कुट्टिनी.
-केम वि 15 14 3. कुडङ्ग 3 1 4 [D. 2 37 लतागृह; lexical केर 432, 4 3 8,96, °15 1598 सेवा
कुटङ्गक, कुटुगक ] bower, thicket. केरय [He. IV 421 (20)] 16 1 9a, कुटुम्बि 15 2 5 कुटुम्बिन् farmer ? (cf. 13 2 100, 14 7 8, °19 2 9, 19 3 G. कणबी).
10, °20 3 100, 20 5 4, केरी °1 9 कुढार° 16 4 2 कुठार.
9b, 4 3 8,553, 16 6 9a, °20 4 कुढ see under V लग्ग.
4 genitive postposition (G. केरु). कुदूभ 16 10 1 कुदूत.
केव 16 12 8 कथम्. कुम्भिल्ल 14 3 6 [कुम्भ-+इल ] कुम्भवत्. केवल 1 13 6 केवलम् (G. केवळ). कुम्म 1 102 कूर्म tortoise ( also the 'केसरि 17 11 6 केसरिन्.
tortoise incarnation of Visnu) केहय 16 1 2 [He. IV 402 ] कीदृश. कुम्मायारय 15 9 100 कूर्माकार enl.
केयिय f. 16 12. कुम्मागार 136 10
कोइ 5 13 96 कोऽपि (G. को, कोइ ). कुलउत्ती 5 13 9, 11 13 4, enl. कुल
कोउहल्ल 1 12 6, 10 2 2 कोऊहल 5 51
कुतूहल. उत्तिय 12 2 105 [कुलपुत्री] कुलीना स्त्री.
V कोक [ He. 4 76 ] व्याहृ call; कुलवहु 4 9 96 कुलवधू.
-pres. part. कोकन्त 358, 47 कुल-पावय87 1 कुलपावक,
10b; p. p. कोक्किय 2 9 5, 15 4 7, कुलहर 157 90, 19 6 4 [कुलगृह ]
16 8 1; abs. कोकाववि 19 16, father's house (as against fat
कोकावेवि 7 10 9a, 18 8 5, कोकावेher-in-law's house ).
प्पिणु 20 11 3; -caus. p. p. कोकाकुवलयणयणी 20 11 9a कुवलय-नयना.
विय 928. कुसिद्ध 16 10 8b.
कोकय 13 11 11b inviter. कुसुमा 14 2 5 कुसुम enl.
को 355 क्रौच्च. कसम्भ 4 8 8, enl. 17 2 5 (G. कम्बो ). कोट्रय 1 87 कोष्ठ enl. (. कोठो). कुहर 1 2 1 [ कु-धर ] gl. पर्वत.
कोडाकोडि 2 10 5 [*कोटाकोटि] one कुहिणि 6 62, 8 3 1 [D. 2 62 ] रथ्या crore multiplied by one crore.
street, road ( Mp. 9 23 11 ). . कोडावणय 6 7 8 [enl. agent from कर-भड 19 2 5 ruthless warrior caus. from कोडकौतुक (D. 233, कूरभट.
___Hc. 4 422 (9)] कौतुकोत्पादक (G. कूर-वीर 19 3 1a ruthless warrior. . कोडामणें ). कूवार 2 82, 107 6 ery of help कोदूमिय 14 11 8 [ef. PSM. कोड्डमिअ, (ef. Bh. 8 14 1).
___He. IV 168 कोट्टम-रम् ] सुरत. केजर 9 8 9a केयूर.
'कोन्त° 11 85, 15 5 8 कुन्त. केत्तडय 6 11 3, 15 12 2, 19 159
खय 19 12 106 क्षय; केत्तिय 11 10 8, 18 6 5, 20 9 4 [He.. -खयगारय 5 1 5, °खयगारा 8 10 5, II 157 ] कियत्.
खयकारि f. 4 5 9 क्षयकारक (of. Mp. केन्थु 10 1 4 [ He. III 405 ] कुत्र. खयगारउ 9 1517).
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खयर 18 3 3 [खबर] खेचर..
खलहल 13 5 2 (onom.) क्षुब्ध shaky खयाल 13 48 gl. पर्वत-गर्ता (of. Bh. (ef.G. खळभळवू become infirm or
3 247, 4 3 1 where Jacobi dilapidate). interpretes it as thicket'). खल 11 11 90. खगउड 17 15 8 पक्ष-पुट.
Vखा [खाद्, G. खावू]; Vखञ्च draw back, pull back;
-pres. 3. S. खाइ 1932; -caus, -pres. 3. S. खच्चेइ 3 12 5; abs. p. p. (enl.) खावियय 9 112. खश्चवि 373; p. p. खञ्चिय 17 178 खाण 284 खादन.
खावियय see खा. - (cf. a. खंचावू hesitate)
खारिय 6 19,867क्षारित embittered, खडहार 5 7 1 [D. 2 67 खडं तृणम् ] .
___provoked, exasperated (see. तृणभार haystack (G. खड, भारो).
Bh. S. v.). Vखण (खन् , G. खणतुं); __ -pres, 1. S. खणमि 152 63 imper. V खिज [खिद् cf. G. खीजq to get खणहाँ 74 7; pres, part. angry];
__-pres. 3. S. खिजइ 18 9 3. खणन्त 128 5.
खीण 3 1 क्षीण. खणे 17 1 10a क्षणे in a trice.
खीर 258 क्षीर. खण जें खणे 9103 now and again. खीलिय 13 13 कीलित confined. खणखें 4 10 1, 15 8 3 क्षणार्धन..
खुज 816 कुब्ज. खणखणकरन्त 13 7 3 (onom.) tinkling. खण्ड° 17 13 10b [ खण्ड ] खण्डशर्करा ।
Vखुड (=तुड, He. IV 116 खण्ड्);
-abs. खुडेवि 1672, p. p. खुडिय (G. खाँड f. sugar).
17 125, enl. खुडियय 131010a. Vखण्ड -abs. खण्डेंवि खण्डेवि 11 1 7.
11. खुत्त 14 7 96 (D. 2 74) निमम (G. खत्त 10 12 1, 1752 क्षात्रम्.
खूतQ get embedded). खद्धय 17 139 [D. 2 67 enl.] भुक्त,
Vखुप्प (मस्ज , Hc. 4 101; G. खूपवु); (G. खाधु).
-pres. 3. pl. खुप्पन्ति 172 9; pres. खन्धावार 4 2 96, 14 11 2 स्कन्धावार.
part. enl. खुप्पन्तय 20 105. खन्ति 4 2 9a क्षान्ति.
खुरप्प 11 11 7, 15 5 3 क्षुरप्र sharpVखम (क्षम);
___edged arrow. -opt. 2. s. खमेजहि 19 2 10b, 19 खुरुप्प 17 6 4 see खुरप्प. 14 4; caus. pres. 3. S. खमावइ 4 खुहिय 15 4 6 क्षुब्ध, 14 3; p. p. खमाविय 19 14 10, खेव 10 107, 18 107, 19 4 6 [क्षेप] enl. खम्मावियय 19 6 8.
कालक्षेप delay; खम्भ °1 16 22, 7 5 4, °19 14 3 –ण किउ खेउ did not wait any [Ved. स्कम्भ prop, support, more, acted promptly; विणु खेवें pillar ] pillar (G. खाँभो suppor- immediately. ting pillar ).
खेड 6 7 1,98 4, 18 4 7 [ He. II Vखल [स्खल ] falter;
174, IV 168 खेड्डु-रम् ] क्रीडा sport. -pres. 3 S. खलइ 14 34; pres. खेडिय 20 7 6 [खेटित; from /खिद part. °खलन्त 17 13 3; p. p. खलिय (Dhiitupātha) terrify, alarm'; 775,
___ef. PSM. खेडण-पीछे हठना] made to
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17 retreat (ef. G. खेडवq unhinge, गत्तरक्ख 16 15 : 4 [*गात्ररक्ष ] body. dislocate).
____guard. 'खेरि 13 109 gl. कलुषता uneasiness, गन्दुय 18 3 6 (vl. गे) कन्दुक.
anxiety (of. MP. 8 1 11gl. वैर; गन्धार° 1399 गान्धार the third pri• but here we have वैरखेरि ).
__mary note of music. Vखेल-क्रीड् (G. खेलवू ).
गन्धुक्कड 1 15 3, 13 97 [गन्धोत्कट] -pres. part. खेलन्त 9 4 1.
___highly fragrant. खोणि 5 10 9a, °13 4 8 क्षोणी. गन्भेसर 3 10 2 गर्भेश्वर sovereign by खोल्ल 13 4 8 PSM..'deep cavity, ch- . birth; गब्मेसरि f. 19 6 5gl. अति_asm, but gl. अतीव गाढम्.
कोमलाङ्गी born in a royal family. गय 1 8 2, 5, enl. 5 4 1, enl. f.
Vगम [गम्];
-abs. गम्पि 27 5, 4 3 6, 1077 ___ गइय 1299, 15 12 8 गत.
_1595, गम्पिणु 1 15 9b, 6 158, गय° 99 8 [गद ] disease, sickness.
1061. गय 11 85 गदा.
गम 7 1 6 march of an assailant. गयण 172 6? गयवह 14 2 8 (गतपतिका) प्रोषितभर्तृका,
गमय 5 15 2 [गमक ] बोधक giver of विधवा.
knowledge. गग्गर 13 87 गद्गद.
गमण 18 10 3 गमन. /गज [ गर्छ ] roar, make empty
गमणमण 6 4 2, गवणंमणय 3 6 16. noise (G. गाजवू);
गन्तुमनस्. -pres. 2. s. गजहि 20 9 4, 3. s.
गम्भीरत्तण 4 6 8 गम्भीरत्व.
म गज्जइ 1:57, 337; pres. part. f Vगरह [गस् ] censure; गजन्ति 15 14 9a; abs. गजेंवि 10 10 -pres. 3. pl. गरहन्ति 2 14 5; p. p. 8b, गजेवि 99 9a.
गरहिय 5 1 6, 20 10 8. गजणा 11 3 5 गर्जना.
गरहण 13.8.7 गर्हणा self-censure, गोल्लिय 17 11 10a, °20 1080TD.2 repentance.
100 (ef. He. IV 102 गुंजुल्ल= गरुम 16 6 4, 16 13 9b, enl. 1 13 उल्लस् ) रोमाञ्चित.
7 गुरु. Vगण [ गण् ; G. गगवू];
गल्यार 15 9 100 गुरुतर. -pres. 2. s. गणहि 9 10 4, 3 s. /गल [गलू ] get reduced, pass, गणइ 45 8, 15 11 7.
fall (G. गळवू); गणियारि 5 14 7, 07 3 3, 7 3 10a -pres. 3. s. गलइ 4 5 5; pres. .. 19 17 8 gl. हस्तिनी cow-elephant. part. enl. गलन्तय 27 9a; abs. गण्ठिवाल 14 2 5 [ग्रंथिपाल]gl. भंडार- गलेंवि 14 7.7. पलक i. e. भाण्डागास्पालक.
गलगज [गल+गज्] grunt, roar गण्डवास 13 12 7 [गण्डपार्श्व] surface . (used for the cry of elephants); of the cheeks.
-pres. 3. s. गलगज्जइ 17 10 33; गण्ड 3 55 rhinoceros.
pres. part. enl. गलगजन्तय 3 66%3; गण्ण' 16 12 6, 18 65gl. गणना (ef. abs. गलगवि 20 3 6; p. p. गलग
Bh. 2 28;-परिज्ञान Mp.98 12). जिय 20 5 7.
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गवक्खय 18 67 गवाक्ष enl.
गीठ 1 102,1162,1225, 1552, Vगवि [denom. from *गविष्ट-गवेषित] 17 3 6, 19 धृत, व्याप्त, search;
once wrongly संवरित, once गृहीत. -imper. 3. S. गविट्ठउ 3 11 10a. Original sense गृहीत. Vगवेस [गवे ] search;
4 3 5, 12 17 5 गृहीत, 4 3 5 स्वीकृत -pres. 1. s. गवेसमि 19 159; pres. (formed analogically-मुहः मूढ, 3. S. गवेसइ 11 13 2,14 10; imp- छुह : छूट, गिह : गीढ). per. 2. pl, गवेसहाँ 12 8 9a, 14 9 गुज्म 147 6, 14 88° [गुह्य] puden.
9a; pres. part. गवसन्त 19 17 9. dum muliebre. गवेसय 14 10 1, (n. pl.) गवेसाइँ 19 गुण 12 5 11 obligation; 17 3 गवेषक.
-कवणु गुणु 12 4 6 को गुण: what is मह 5 5 3 [ग्रह possession by some the use of, what avails? . evil spirit (=पिशाच Mp. 12 19 6). गप्पन्तय 20 10 5 व्याकुल ? in flurry, गहकल्लोल 8 11 4, 2097 (D. 286) fussing with (of. D. 2 102 संमूढ ?
1. प्रहवैरी राहुः (cf. D. 22 कल्लोल%3 वर-कच्ची-कलाव-गुप्पन्तउ Mp. 7 24 10). शत्रःf.also ww. s. v.)
गुरुमर' 4 10 9a गुरुतर. गहण 12 6 9 in the usage कवणु गहणु गुरुक्की 2 10 1, 4 3 9b (f.) गुर्वी. 'what does he count for ?'; 20
गुरुहर 7 108 गुरु-भर heavy load. . 11 4 destiny (?). 'गहिर 1 5 3 गभीर.
गुरुहार 19 1 6, 19 4 4 [गुरुभारा] Vगा [गै; G. गाएँ]
gläuft pregnant.
Vगुलगुल (onom.) grunt; -pres. 3. s. गाइ7 107. Vगा [गै-गाय]
-abs. गुलगुलेंवि 10 10 96. -pres. 3. S. गायइ 158, 1 14 4, गुलिय f. 6 5 6 (D. 2 103 ) स्तबक dlu. 14 953; 3. pl. गायन्ति 728; imp. ster ? per. 3. 5. गाय 17 18 53; pres. गुह 19 66 गुहा. part. f. गायन्ती 14 108; p. p. "गुहिल 65 3gl. धनम् , but perhaps गीय 1991b.
गुह+इल i. e. गुहायुक्त, गायण817 गायक
गूढपुरिस 161 1 [गूढपुरुष ] spy. "गाम 1398 ग्राम group of tones,
गेय 243, 13 9 8. gamut.
गेज 17 168 प्रैवेयक (ef. D. 2.94 गामिय 113 गामिन् enl.
गेजल=प्रैवेयक) neck ornament. गामेल्ल-भास 1 3 11 ग्रामीण-भाषा.
गेम 65 5 गृम. गिद्ध 17 188 गृध्र (G. गीध).
Vण्ह [प्रहू-गृङ्गा; . घेणे ], गिम्हयाल 13 17 प्रीष्मकाल.
-pres.2. S. गेव्हहि; abs. गेण्हेंवि 2 11 गिल (ग) swallow (G. गळवू);
6, 17 17 10a. -pres. 3. s. गिलइ 19 3 2; p. p. गेह 1 16 5. गिलिय 19 8 100.
गोउर 177,222 गोपुर gate, गिल 115 1 आई (M, गीला); गोच्छय 665, 66 6 गुच्छ enl.
गिलगिल्लोलय 11 14 6 भतिशय-आई! गोढङ्गण 4 1 2,88 5 गोष्ठाङ्गण, गीय 1991b गीत song.
गोप्पय 187 5 गोष्पद shallow puddle.
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गोमय 217 2 श्रीखण्ड ? (गोमएण संमजणु घवघव-चोस 13 17 tinkling (of small - rendered by gl. as श्रीखण्डेनार्चनं bells) Bh. has घवघवन्त (किरिणि ... पटकूलेन मर्दनम्)
and and at both these
places it has reference to the घईं 16 4 1, 19 14 6 [Ho. IV 424] sound. So the sense 'glitzen'
pleonastic indeclinable. suggested by -Jacobi is in. 'घग्घर 6 11 5 (onom.) hoarse ory
correct. (of monkeys).
Vघाय [ घातय]. घग्घरय 18 1 7 [घर्घरक] क्षुद्रघण्टिका
-pot. part. घाएवउ 4 123; p. p. small ornamental bell.
enl. घाइयउ 6 11 1; pass, pres. Vघट्ट [घट suit; G. घटवू];
3. S. घाइजइ 1 10 5, 5 2 6, 8 11
6, 10 12 1; pres. part. घाइजन्त -pres. 3. S. घट्टइ 15 13 9a.
9103. घट्टिय 5 127 [घटित ] movement.
घाय 12 16 [घात] प्रहार (G. घा). घट्ट 13 3 90 घृष्ट,
V घिव (क्षिप्); Vघड [ घट्]
-pres. 1. S. विवमि 13 3 106, 2.s. -pres. 3. pl. घडन्ति 753 (uni
विवहि 983; 3. pl. घिवन्ति 72 73 te); imper." 3. s. घडउ 1 3 10
fut. 3. 8. घिवेसइ 7 15; abs. घिवेप्पिणु (suit; G. घटवू); -caus. abs.
616 9a; p. p. पित्त 1672,177 घडाववि 19 2 2 (fashion; G. घडाववु 10b.(enl.)2 116,57 1,172 5. make to fashion).
Vघुम्म (=घूर्ण; He. IV 117; G. घूमवू); घड 16151 घटा.
-pres. 3. S. घुम्मइ 1 5 4. घण 16 11 8 [घन] gl. गोलक-पाषाण.
Vघुल (=घूर्ण; He. IV 117); घण्ट 2 1 5 घण्टा.
-pres. part. घुलन्त 4 8 9a. Vत्त (=क्षिप्, Ho. IV 143); घोर 9 122.
-pres. 1. S. धत्तमि 8 10 8, 16 12 /घोल (=पूर्ण; He. IV 117;G. घोळवू); 9b; p. p. घत्तिय 2 126, 9 11 4.
-pres. 3. S. घोलइ 14 3 4. पत्थय 6124 प्रस्त. enl.
Vघोस [ घोषय . घर 2 169, 969b, 123 100 गृह; -pres. 3. S. घोसइ 1 12 7, 1974
meaning obscure at 8 27 (G. (tell); abs. घोसेप्पिणु 18 4 104 घर).
(declare). 'घरह 13 11 4. परिणि 19 10 4 गृहिणी (of. G. घरुणी). 'घउग्गुणिय f. 8790 चतुर्गुणा (G. योगणी). , -घरिणिघर 19 12 2 [गृहिणीगृह ] wif- चउदिसु 2 10 9a, चउद्दिसु 2 16 10 .e's apartments.
चतुर्दिशम् (G. चोदश). Vघल-क्षिप् (of. G. घालवू push in); चउपासें 3 107, चउपासेंहिँ 20 12, चउ
p. p. घल्लिय 19 12 5; caus. p. p. पासिउ 7 11 6 चतुर्णाश्वम् (G. चोपास) घल्लाविय 1198.
from all the four sides. Vघवघव (onom.);
। चउभुभ f. 12 10 2 चतुर्भुजा. -pres. 8. pl. घवघवन्ति 14 3 2 चउर 165 116 चतुरr chess. . roar (used for river-streams). चउरूण 11 4 86 चतुरून less by four
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...... पउमचरिउ चउवार 16 117 चतुर.
Vचर [च; G. चरकुं] Vचय [य]; imp. 2. sing. चउ -pres. 3. 8. चरइ 1 10 8 (eat); .712 4.
pres. part. चरन्त 3 28 (practise). चकी 18 11 4 [चक्री ] चक्रवाकी. चरिमदेह 197 3 चरमदेह. चकइत्ति 4 14 9b चक्रवर्तिन्.
चलणग्ग 1 5 9b, °1 7 10 चरणाम. चाय 1.8 11 4 [चक्रक] चक्रवाक.
चलवल (onom.) writhe (of serचाय 14 3 5 (D. 3 1 enl.) चारु. pents; cf. G. M. चळवळ political चचविय 13 12 7 [चर्चाङ्कित ?] मण्डित, agitation); . विभषित | occurs also in Bh. whe -pres. 3. s. चलवलइ 13 4 7. re characterized' is the sense चल [चल; G. चालवू ]; guessed by Jacobi. Samdesa- -pres. 3. S. चल्लइ 19 17 10a. Prasalka 168 com. gives चर्चकिवि= 1/चव ( कथ; Hc. IV 2; G. चवधू); अर्चयित्वा.
-pres. 3. S. चवइ 92 4, 12 9 4, Vचड (आ+रह; Hc. TV 206; G. 1572, 15 12 1; pres. part. चडवू);
चवन्त 11 14 8, f. enl. चवन्तिय 19 -imper. 2. s. चड्डु 19 2 5, 19 15
94; abs. चवेप्पिणु 8 117; p. p. 4; pres. part. चडन्त 3 28, f.
चविय 4 5 8,612 6,1533 चडन्ति 10 3 4; abs. चडेंवि 113 (active sense) उत्तवत्. 9a,1662, चडेप्पिणु 3 126, 10
चव [च्यु] 11 7; p. p. चडिय 2 11 1 enl Vचव [च्यु];
-abs. चवेवि 8 1 3, चवेप्पिणु 6 15 6. 3810a.1529a; -caus. pres. 3. 8. चडावर 6 39a. चवढण 13 8 10 [ef..He. IV 110 abs. चडावेवि 2 3 1,2 17 96. 14 चमढ=भुज्] crushing onslaught. 9 2, 192 9, 19 11 1b p. p. °चाउल 2 17 3 ( D. 3.8) तण्डुल (cf. चडाविय 191°, 12 1 1.
H. चावल). घडुला 53 9a (qualifying तुरङ्ग) चारहडि 9 107, 17 8 10b चारभटी _restive (of. Bh. 3 21 10). heroism. चत्त 17 13 la त्यक्त.
चालिय° 17 1 चालित. चन्दद्ध 14 53 अर्धचन्द्र.
Vचिन्त [चिन्त् ]; चन्दमस 15 117 चन्द्रमस्.
-pres. 2. s. चिन्तहि 4 2 1,15 13 1, चन्दहास 10 16 चन्द्रहास magic scim- 3. s. चिन्तइ 52 8; pres. part. itar.
चिन्तन्तहाँ 3 2 1; abs. चिन्वेप्पिणु 13 4 चन्दिय 674 चन्द्रिका..
2; p. p.. चिन्तिय 4 12 13-pass. चन्दिणय n. 101 9a, 18 5 4 चन्द्रिका.. pres. 3. S. चिन्तिज्जइ 874; -caus. (cf. PSM. S. V. चंदिण; G. चाँदर] pres. part. चिन्तवन्त 1695; p. p. moon-light, star).
चिन्ताविय 292. चप्प m. 13 1 8 becoming pressed चिन्ता 2 8 9. : together,
चिन्तावण्ण 15 11 5 चिन्तापन्न. चप्पिय 4 13 9a, 11 7 4 आकान्त (of. चिहुर° 10 3 8, °19 13 9 चिकुर.
He. IV 395 (6); Bh, S. V. चप्पइ चुक 1091, 13 8.16, enl.84 8 ६. चौपy).
. (ef. He. IV 177) भ्रष्ट..
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चुण 19 11 8 चूर्ण powder; चुण्णु चुण्णु छारहडि 9107 [ क्षारघटी ] ash pot.
10 10 4.
छित्त 6 13 6, 12 74 [D. 3 27; cf. Hc. IV 182 ] स्पृष्ट ( cf. Mp. 16 25 146). V छिन्द [ छिदू; G. छींदवें ];
चुम्भल 17 122 ( cf. D. 316 चुम्भल ) शेखर ( with our 'अन्त - चुभलो cf. Hp. 8853 अन्त-चुम्भल ). चुम्व [ चुम्बू, G. चुमलूँ ]; -abs. a 9 14 9b, 20 3 3. Vचूर ( चूर्णय्, G. चूखँ; cf. Hc. IV 337); - pres. part. चूरन्त 372, P. P. चूरिय° 487.
छिल्लर 19 6 5 [ D. 3 28 ] पल्वल (G. छिल्लर ). हर 6 13 11, 98137 [ चैत्यगृह ] छिन्वर" 1 2 11 flat (esp. nose;
cf. a. छी flat-nose ).
छड 837, 1514 3 यदि [ Hc. IV 385, 422]; 4 10 5, 10 3 4, 14 5 2, 15 12 2 शीघ्र [Hc. IV 401]. - छुड छुड 2 167,624, 711, 10 1 6, 12 3 9a, 13 1 10b, 14 7 96, 1643 क्रमेण.
Jain temple.
चेलिय 2 16 3 चेल garment. 'चोय [ चोदय् ] urge, impel; -abs, चोऍवि 15 58.
छकारय 1 3 5 षट्कारक. छक्खण्ड 1118 षट्खण्ड.
छज (Hc. IV 100 शुभ, G. छाजवु ); - pres. 3. s. छजर 37 100, 10
8 11α.
छडय 17 18 8 floor-plaster (G. छडो ). छण चन्द 1 3 14b, °यन्द 1 15 3 [ क्षण+ चन्द्र ] full-moon.
छणवार 14124 [ क्षणवासर] festive
छणछणसद्द 1196 (onom.) noise produced by a solid object while being cooked.
141 छाया; -°11 136 कान्ति.
-pres. 3. pl. fofa 7 14 4, p. p. enl. छिण्णय 154 9a; pass. pres. part. हिज्जन्त 11 9 6, 1759, (f.) छिन्ती 83 1.
- छुड जें छुड 1968, छुड्डु जे छुड 151 6 क्रमेण.
- छुड... छुड 1 3 10, 11 (cf, Mp. gl. 2 19 1 यदा यदा ).
V छण्ड, V छड्ड ( cf. Hc. IV 91 छड्ड = छुह 11196, छुहा 6 145 सुधा mortar.
मुच्; G. छाँडवु ) leave, quit; -imper. 2. pl. छण्डहों 2134; abs. छण्डॆवि 11 1 7; p. p. छड्डिय 15 113, 'enl. छण्डियय 7596.
Vछुह (क्षिप्; He IV 143 );
-pres. 3. S. छुहुइ 1922 pres. part. छुहन्त 9 3 9a; abs. छुद्देवि 12 35, छुद्देवि 783, 1827; p. p. छुद्ध 7146, 845, 1733 छूढ 18 22, (f.) छूढी 17 1698,
छुचुण 15 9a सुधा चूर्ण.
छेय 195 छेद 13 123, 16 59, 16 · 12 7 [ D. 3 38 ] end, limit ( G. छे, छेडो end, last ).
छष्णय 1411 छन्न enl
छप्पय 2 17 [ षट्पद ] भ्रमर.
छेयकाल 6396 छेद-काल.
छलिओ=विदग्धः ].
छल 12 9 7 cleverness [cf. D. 324 छेन्छद्द 5 1396, 5 152, [ Hc. II 174; cf. D. 3 36 छिंछओ =जारः ] पुंश्चली. छाय 347,541, 1118, छाया° 11 छोडाविय 11996, 11 104, 13 46 p. p. from caus of छोड= मुच्) मोचित released ( G . छोडाव्यो ).
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जणु 6 166 इव. जह 1 10 2, 3 यदि;
जणेर °4 13 2, 7 11 5, 08 11 2, °9 -जह वि 2.14 1 यद्यपि.
117,017 11 2, 19 6 3, enl. 20 जइयहुँ 16 4 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 20 4 953 100, f. जणेरि °18 3,7 12 90, (with तइयहुँ) यदा.
962 [*जन+कर] जनक. जउ 6 10 8, 6 10 90 यत्र;
जण्णु 4 8 3 see जुण्ण, -जउ जड 17 58, 19 6 5 यत्र यत्र. जत्त 16 107 यात्रा. जय (imper. 2. s.)19 2, 3, 4, 5, जत्त 9 108 यत्न (?). 6,7 जय.
जन्त 15 106 यत्र. जय 2 69 जगत्,
जन्तिय 1495 यान्त्रिक, जय (for जव?)97 8 जप.
जमकरण 8 4 1 [यमकरण] ? ef. जयकार 12 6 1;
88 15 मरणं रोगो वा. -जयजयकार 378.
जमहर° 15 8 9a यमगृह (ef. H. जौहर). /जयकार [*जयकारयू] greet with /जम्प [जल्प ] speak; the word 'victory';
-pres. 3. S. जम्पइ 5164,1211 -abs. जयकारेंवि 17 6 1: जयकारेप्पिणु जम्पाण °6 14 3, 10 11 3 sort of pa
213 8; p. p. जयकारिय 166 9a. lanquin, sedan chair. जक्खकहम 1 14 8, 14 68 [यक्षकर्दम जम्मण 4 11 6, 19 11 5 जन्मन्,
sort ofperfumed cosmeticpaste. जर 11 23 ज्वर. जग° 2 1 जगत् (G, जग);
जलह 15 11 7, 18 54 [जलाई ] wet -जगकण्टय 9 3 4 [जगत् कण्टक] world- cloth used for cooling (of. Mw. harasser;
s. v. जलार्दा). -जगन्तकर 17 9 10b [जगत्+अन्तकर जलवास 2 17 3gl. पुष्पाजलि (2). world-destroyer.
जलिय 99 1 ज्वलित (G. जळवू). -जगहर 15 6 4 [जगत्+गृह ] world. जलोहर 1 5 5 [जल-उपगृह ] summer
___house? mansion.
जहिँ 273 यत्र. Vजगड quarrel, fight (He. IV 420
0 1 10 9a यद्. शकट; G. झगडवू; झगडो 'quarrel ); जि278. -pres. 3. 3. जगडइ 10 75; pres, -जं...तं 15 10 1, 2 यावत्-तावत्, part. जगड़न्त 1084.
- दिवसु...त दिवसु 19 52 since the जग्ग1689a यज्ञ.
___day. जङ्घचारण-रिसि 15 66 जङ्घा चारण-ऋषि. .
Vजा (या, G. जावू, जq ); जलिय 11 67 gl. गले रागैः कृत्वा पीडितः ? V
-pres. 1. S. जामि 4 4 3, 192 10b, जच्च 14 10 4 जात्य best, excellent...
pres. 1. pl. जाहुँ 2 12 8,7 11 4,7 जजरिय 15 4 5 जर्जरित (cf. G. जाजरे).
116, 13 11 10; pres. 2. s. जाहि जडिय 9 4 2 [D. 3 41] खचित (G.
17 8 2; pres. 3. s. जाइ 1 10 3, जड्यु).
5 15 1, 16 14 8; pres. जन्ति Vजण [जनय] produce;
272, 2 12 7; imper. 2. s. जाहि -pres. 3. S. जगइ7 12 3; agent. 296,572, 10 11 9b, 1111 f.. जणिय 3 1 13b: जणण 562, f. 5, 1745, 17 6 16, intensive जणणि 966जनयित.
जज्जाहि 15 55; imper. 2. pl. जाहु
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34 106, 3. S.जाउ 14 3 10; जिणन्त 12 118; abs. जिणेंवि 4101, जन्तु 19 3 10b;fut. 3. S. जाएसइ 18 4 11 1,17 17 100, जिणेप्पिणु 1024 10 9b; pres. part. जन्त 5 1 8,11 - जिणाल 625,°11 16 जिनालय. 14 1, 14 13 1, enl. 9 5 96, 16 जिणालय 139 16 जिनालय. 13 4, 18 8 6; f. जन्ति 14 3 1, जिब्भिय 8 6 96 जिह्म ? enl. जन्तिय 14 4 8; pot. part. जिम 1 11 9b यथा. जाएवउ 11 135.
-जिम...जिम 6 1296,1295 either जा 12 32, 15 2 5, 6,7,8 यावद्. ...or. जाय 17 5 16 [जात] पुत्र.
जिमिय 2 17 9a भुक्त (He. IV 1103 जाय 1 13 1, 18 12 96 जात born. 4. जम्यु). जाय 3 1 12 [जात] समूह ?
Vजिम्भ (जुम्भ) yawn; । जाग 15 8 9b याग,
-pres. 3. s. जिम्भइ 17 15 3. . Vजाण [ज्ञा-जानाति; G. जाणवू];
जिह 2 118 यथा. -pres. 1. S. जाणमि 11 5 5, 6, 7,
.... जिह...जिह 3 13 8a यथा...तया; 6 12 1, 8,9; जाणहुँ 2 13 9b,552,
___ 17 14 2 because...therefore, 1772, 19 14 10b; 2. S. जाणहि 5 -जिह...तेव 124 4 because...there16 5, 6 16 8; 3. S. जाणइ 4 5 4;
fore, imper. 2. pl. जाणहु 4 52, जाणहाँ 924; pres. part. जाणन्त 327;
Vजीव (जीव G; जीक्यूँ); abs. जाणेंवि 5 57, 11 22, p. p.
-pres. 2. S. जीवहि 7 121; 3. s. जाणिय 15 148;-caus. pres. 3.
जीवइ 99 2; 3. pl. जीवन्ति 4 37, s, जाणावह 3 4 10a, p. p. जाणाविय
जीबहुँ 16 105; fut. 3. S. जीवेसह 8 5124,1062,2041; agent.
4 90; pres..part. जीवन्त 52 4,
7 92, 10 11 9b, f. enl. जीवन्तिय जाणय 932,1888. जाम 178; 1 167, 2 145, 10 12
19 18 2; जीवमाण 1783; pot.. ___2,168 2 यावद्,
part. जीवेवउ 5 16 4; gerundive जामाय 11 11 9b जामातु (G. जमाई ).
जीवेवऍ 284, जीवेवाहाँ 7 88a. जालोलि° 8 2 6 ज्वालावली.
जीय 7 8 6, 18 10 9b, 20 6 8 जीव, जावहि 3 4 8 यावत्.
जीय 7 127 जीवित. आहि 2.2 1, 2 8 9a, 11 6 5 यावत्.
जीह 1755जिह्वा. जि see जे.
जुमल °2 6 3, 13 10 10b, enl. जुअलय Vजिय [जीव; H. जीना ]
1 5 6 युगल pair. -pres. 3. S. जियइ 16 11 9; pres. / जुज्झ (युध्यू; G. झुझवें); part. जियन्त 11 102, 17 5 106; -pres. 2 s. जुज्झहि 2022, 20.9. -pass. pres. 3. S. जिजइ7 11 9b. 5, जुज्झन्ति 17 2 10b; imper. V जि conquer;
2. S. जुज्झु 7 125, 2 pl. जुज्झहाँ -p. p. जिय 12 11 4, 15 48-pass. 1454; opt. 2.S. जुज्झेजहि 1556%3 pres. 3. S. जिजइ 16 1283
pres. part. जुज्झन्त 3 13 86, enl. /जिण [जि; He. IV 241 ];
जुज्झन्तय 10 8 11 b; pot. part. -pres. 1. 8. जिणमि 16 129a; 3. s. जुज्झेवउ 4 9 1;-caus. p. p. जुज्झाजिणइ 492, 12933; pres. parts विय 5 13 8.
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पउमचरित जुझ 4 5 9b, 16 12 8 युद्ध.
Vजोय [ योजय ] दृशू (G. जोb); जुजमणमण 12 8 9 यो मनस्.
-pres. 3. S. जोयइ 7 10 6; imper. अण्ण-जोत्त-4 8 3 जीर्ण-योक्त्र ( This rea- 2. pl. जोयहाँ 2 3 9b; abs. जोऍवि 6
ding is preferred, because of 21, 8 8 1, जोएप्पिणु 1_1b; p. P. the following खण्डिय-धुराई; but in , जोइय 4 9 7, 15 13 3, enl. जोइयय the light of 33-17 7 and the . 1557;-pass. pres. 3. S. जोइजइ gloss on 4 8 3 जण्णु = जानु may 87 4.
be the correct reading). जोइङ्गण 18 7 5 [ज्योतिस+इङ्गण] (D.3 अण्ण° 14 7 4 [जूर्ण ] जीर्ण (G. जून). . 50 =इन्द्रगोप, but here=खद्योत; cf. जुत्त 11 13 5 युक्त.
MW. S. 7, Jalanrur 'fire-fly'). जुम्म 13 8 3 युग्म.
जोइस 2 1 4,5 7 5, 8 12 4 [ज्योतिष्] जुवईयण 14 4 6 युवतीजन.
___class of gods. जुवाण 5 13 9a, °17 17 2,enl. जुवाणय जोईसिय 3 5 7 ज्योतिषिक class of gods. 5 5 2 युवन्.
जोयण 9 116 (action noun from जूरावण °12 5 1, 17 9 10a (agentive / जोय; of. D. 3 50 जोअणलोचन) दृष्टि.
from caus. of Vजूर-खिद् ) tor. जोकारिय 558, 11 2 8, 13 12 la, mentor.
___ 19 2 100, 19 17 10 greeted. 0 1 18 6, 4 14 5,52 1, 5 13 2, जोक्ख (cf. G. जोखq weigh);
11 18 3, 14 3 3, 14 37, 157 -pres. part. enl. जोक्खन्तय 10 190, 6 एव;
10 5 1 (used with विजउ=magic -(ज) जे...(त) जे 2169,2 17 9a; __lores; cf. जोक्खइ आकलयति Mp. --में 20 3 1; .
455). -जो जें...सोज 1 68,1085, 15 159. जोगेसर 5 15 2, °13 6 5 योगेश्वर. -सहिँ जे तहिँ 10 3 9a;
जोग्ग 2 2 96, enl. जोग्गय 10 4 4 योग्य; -जि 1 13 5,521, 14 3 4, 5.6.8. 19 68 योग्यम् ?
9, 10, 2 10 3,311 10b, 157 जोत्त° 4 8 3 योक्त्र.
6,1513 6,7,8, -सो जि 20 118; /जोत्त [denom. fr. योक्त्र; G. जोतरख] जेत्तहें 1 14 3,228, 29 7, 376. -imper. 2. s. जोत्ते. 13 8 6, 139 16, 1547, 18 17 जोवण 52 6, 13 2 108°, 07 996 यत्र.
यौवन जेतिय 16 15 6 यावत्.
-जोव्वणइत्ति 4 9 9b, 14 10.3 यौवनवती. जेत्थु 2 14 6, 12 11 8 यत्र.
जोह 8 64 योध, जेम 2 16 110, 3 5 8, 4 7 2, 4 12 9 see जे. . 5, 10 11 4, 13 25, 9 यथा; -जेम...तिह 20 10 2 यथा...तथा; ___झकार 14 3 2, 020 10 6° (onom.) जेम...तेम 772 because...therefore tinkling, humming. -जेम जेम...तेम तेम 18 87, 18 9 3. -अङ्कारिय 7 2 3 [ झङ्कारित ] humming. जेव 16 8 6 यथा.
झड 138 49,015 137 [cf. D. 358 जेहय 5 9 4,6,7 यादृशू (He. IV 402); झडी निरन्तरवृष्टि, G. झडी] forceful f. जेही 19 6 10.
• attack,
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शत्ति 2 2 9a, 2 6 3, 13 4 1a झटिति. Vडज्म [ दह-pass. दह्य; G. दाझवें]; झम्प 17 17 4, 18 2 5 झम्पा jump (ef. -pres. part. उज्झन्त 107 9b, enl.
G. झंपलावq jump into, rush in'). डज्झन्तय 18 9 4. झलक f. 4 10 4, 7, 9b splash (G. डमर 13 10 9°, 14 12 9a. Its usual
झालक, छालक splash, झलकावू splash sense is विप्लव, विग्रह. Gl. at 13 out from a container ).
10 9 renders it by विड्वर. विड्वर is झल्लरि° 1 11 4 झल्लरी gong (G. झालर). Des'ya विड्डर or विडिर-रौद्र (D. 7 90; झस 1154 झष.
• He. II 174) or आडम्बर, आटोप झस 11 8 5 sort of weapon. ( PSM.). But the sense भय झसर 17 6 6 sort of weapon ( Pa
'panic' suits all our contexts. umacariya 8 95 ).
cf. also डामर भयङ्कर. Vझाय (ध्यै-ध्यायति);
-डमरकर 934 भयङ्कर. -pres. 2. S. झायहि 1 796, 9 83, डर 15 2 3 दर fright (G. डर). 2. pl. झायहाँ 994; pres. part. डरिय 6 18 6, 15 2 1 त्रस्त (G. डयु). झायन्त 19 147; abs. झाऍवि 5 168; डसिय° 16 15 4 दष्ट (G. डस्यु). .p. p. झाइय 9 7 8.
Vडह (दह्); V झिज (क्षीय);
-pres. 3. S. डहइ 16 4_9b; pres. -pres. 3. s. झिजइ 18 9 3.
part. डहन्त 3 2 3;-agent. डहण झुणि f. 3 11 1a ध्वनि.
°17 2,2 13 3, °209 6°, f. 9 12 4. झेन्दुय 19 155 [ef. p. 3 59 झेंडओ1 डिण्डीर° 14 37 फेन. कंदुक (cf. G. झीडवू green pod of डामर 17 16, 17 17 10b भयङ्कर causthe cotton plant).
ing panic [ef. Mw. s. v.]; see
डमर. ट
डाल °8 83;97 3,017 42 शाखा [of. V टाल remove (G. टाळh);
D. 49; G. डाळ, डाळु, डाळी]. -pres. 3. S. टालइ 12 22.
डाह 7 12 4, 15 129b दाह.
डिम्भ 4 12 5, 13 63 शिशु. Vा (स्था);
डोय 5 11 1 [D. 4 11] दारुहस्त woo-pres. 3. S. ठाइ 11 68; 3. pl. den spoon (G. डोयो). ठन्ति 6 14 9b; imper. 3. S. ठाउ 16 डोर 16 9 8 [ दोर ] thin string-like 13 3; p. p. ठिय 19 90, 3 10 2, neck-lace (G. दोरो). 7, 9a;
डोला 14 21 दोला swing. -caus. imper. 2. pl. ठवहाँ 15 10 डोलारूढी 17 15 8 दोलारूढा. 6; pret. part. ठविय 2 3 8, enl. /डोल्ल [ दोलायू ; G. डोलवू ] swing to ठवियय 8 12 7.
and fro; ठाण 5 106 स्थान.
-pres. 3. pl. डोल्लन्ति 97 3.
Vडोह (क्षोभय ; cf. G. डहोल्यूँ to make Vडक [ देश ; cf. D. 4 6 डक-दन्तगृहीत; turbid; डोवु to mix with liquid _G. डंकवृं, डंखb];
and stir) muddle; render turbid -pres. 3. S. डङ्कइ 20 2 6.
imper. 2. pl. डोहहों 2 13 4.
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ढक्करवन्तय 1 10 1 gl. हठोक्तियुक्त mak ing dogmatic assertions [cf. Hc. IV 422 अद्भुतस्य ढक्करि ]. ढिल्ल 18 9 6 शिथिल ( G. ढील ). ढीलीहोतय 85 11a enl. शिथिलीभवत्. Vढुक्क ( ढोकू; G. टूक, बँक approach;
कहुँ, ढँकडु near ) approach; -pres. 3. s. ढुक्कर 548, 757, 10 12 8, 15 3 96, 16 11 96; imper. 2. pl. ढुक्कों 14 5 4; pres. part. ढुकमाण 10 11 5; p. p. ढुक्क 3 1 1, 37 6, 4 7 7, 16 5 1, 10 2 8, 13 12 5; enl. ढुक्कय 848, 14 89, कि 1143, 12 36. V ढोय ( ढौकय् ) bring, offer;
-pres. 3. s. ढोयइ 2 16 5; 3. pl ढोयन्ति 633; p. p. ढोइय 7 1 8;
15 14 5.
Note [r] 1652 haunt, approach [cf. न ददाति परयसुहृदोऽपि स्वगृहे ढौकम् । Upamitibhavaprapañcākatha, p. 62, 1, 3-4].
ढोण [ ढौकन ] 16 2 5 presenting. ढोर 27 3 पशु cattle ( G. ढोर ). V ढोव ( ढौकय् ) offer;
- pres. 3. s. ढोवइ 1 146.
हूँ 12 12 106 ननु. णयणिवास 161 नय-निवास.
यवन्तय 63 1 नयवत् enl णक्ख° 14 5 7 नख ( G. नख ). Darat (?) 16 9 4. जग 1877 नग mountain. णङ्गूल° 69 2 लाङ्गूल.
लपहरण 20 8 5 लाङ्गलप्रहरण. / णञ्च (नृत्-नृत्यति ; . नाचवु );
-pres. 3. 8. णचइ 15 2; 3. pl. णञ्च्चन्ति 1 4 5; pres. part. enl. चन्तय 5 196 f. णच्चन्ती 14 107; - caus. p. p. च्चाविय 17 159, enl. चावियय 11796.
णज्जइ 3 106 [ ज्ञायते ], जन्ति 146 [ ज्ञायन्ते ] [ Hc. IV 444 gives as an उत्प्रेक्षार्थ निपात, नावइ = नव्वइ which is=नज्जइ according to Hc. IV 252 ] as if . (cf. G. जाणे के ). ारम्भ 29 6 नाट्यारम्भ ( G. नाटारम्भ ).
वय 11 7 96 नर्तक one making others dance.
1 10 8, 2 13 9a, 9b ; --वि 1535 15 73, 128 106 नापि - 139 2 165, 3 11 10, 118 7 न तु.
89 1 नाराच ( Ho. I 67 ).
इस 4 6 6 नैसर्प one of the nine णराहिउ 1 127, णराहिवु 15 15 4 नराधिपः,
Vणव (नम् );
-pres. 3. s. णवइ 394; pres. part. णवन्त 796; abs. णवैवि 11 8 3, वेणु 11, 17 9a;
- caus. abs. णोबॅवि 108 10. णवजोवण 1497 नवयौवन.
ट्टावयघर 14 12 8 dancing-hall. णत्थि 16 12 3 नास्ति ( G. नथी ). णन्द-वद्ध-जय-सद्द° 11 14 10 नन्द, वर्धय, जय इति शब्दः .
णन्दण 3 133 [नन्दन] son; - f णन्दणी 1015 daughter. Vणम ( नम्, G. नमकुँ );
- pres. 2. s. णमहि 12514a, 3.s. मइ 12 24; fut. 3. s. णमेसइ 12 6 4; pres. part. णमन्त 1 8 12, 17 10 10a; p. p. णमिय 269; - caus. p. p. णामिय' 182. णमोक्कार 6 10 10 नमस्कार. पर 16 15 7.
णरवइ 4 1 90 नरपति.
वर 11 5 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 96, 11 12 2, 126 1 केवलम् ; 12 4 8, 12 12
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6, 15 6 6, 15 9 5, 15 12 8, 18 85 अनन्तरम्.
नवल 10 22, 11596, f. 14 72, enl. 14 4 5 नव ( Hc. II 165 ) हङ्गण 16 9 1 नभोऽङ्गणे.
मणि 268 [ नभोमणि ] svn. 1 8 136 ननु, इव ( उत्प्रेक्षार्थक ) as if ( Hc. IV 444 ).
- 1 6 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 4 12 2, 11 14 2,3 4, 5, 6, 7.
-oi (with) 15 1 96.
2 11 96, 4 9 5, 4 11 2, 4 11 96, 4 13 4, 5 1 96, 7 13 1, 11 5 96, 13 12 106 इव as if (Hc. IV 444 ).
णाइय 14 11 4 ज्ञात enl गाउँ 2 178, 1522, णामु 1131, 10 5, 11 8 1, 19 11 86, enl. णामउ
1643 नाम.
ta 1646 [ नाग ] elephant.
णागपास 2052 नागपाश.
णागालय 1157 नागालय.
Vण्ड (नट् );
- caus. pass. pres. 3. pl. णाडिज्जन्ति 7 2 5.
णाण 2.106, 181 6 ज्ञान. णाम see गाउँ.
नामालय 6 164 Mp. has णावालउ नौयुक्तः, पक्षे नमनशीलः. णाव 13 12 5 नौका.
22 96, 23 9a, 6 3 9b, 11 6 4, 11 12 2, 12 796, 14 119, 18 9 7 इव (उत्प्रेक्षार्थक) as if ( Ho. IV_444 ).
Vणास (नशू - नश्यति ; नासकुँ, );
-pres. 3. s. णासइ 294, 521, 11 690, imper. 2. pl. णासाह 8 11 1; 3. s. णासउ 10 12 5; pres part. णासन्त 3210, 794,
10 12 1, 12 3 4, abs. णार्सेवि 2 125, णासेपिणु 13 4 100; -agent. णासण 3 8 10a, f. णासणिय 12 9 10α.
14137, 17 10 10ळ नासा nose. संघिय 17 148 [न + आसंघिय = अवधारित ] संदिग्ध uncertain, in peril..
of 1 3 1, 5 14 2, 6 6 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 5 8, 9 82, 10 8 1, 117 9b, 12 2 4, 13 12 3, 16 4 8, 16 12 7, 17 137 नहि (Hc. IV 419 ). / णिउड्डु ( मस्जू, H. IV 101; cf. G. बूडवु );
-abs. णिउšवि 14 5 1.
° उत्त5 104 [ निर्+वृत्त ] निष्पन्न, सिद्ध. णिउरुम्व 4 106, 4 11 9 734 [ निकुरुम्ब ] समूह. Vणिय [ दृशू; D. 438; Hc. IV 181]; - pres. 3. pl. णियन्ति 12 2 96; fut. imper. 3. sणिएसउ 13 12 10b (if we read us with a. it would be fut, 3. s.); pres. part. यिन्त 1025, 1695, enl णियन्तय 6696, f . णिएन्ती 14 106; abs. णिऍवि 2 9 1, 3 9 3, 6 7 9a, 6 15 4, 7 9 4, 9 11 5, 2 9 1, 5 2 3, णिएव 523,710 2, 12 3 4, 14 8 1, 18 2 8.
णिओभ 2 12 7 नियोग occupation. णियय 12 127, 13 104 निज enl णियच्छिय 1999 दृष्ट ( Ho IV 181 निअच्छ=दृश् ).
णियत्त 4 105, 798, enl. णियत्तय 17
10, यित्तिय 11 13 7 निवृत्त . णियत्थ 1161, f. णियत्थी 14 104 [ D.
433.] परिहित ( from *निवस्त ? ). णियल °156, 1086, 14 1 6, °15 14 3 निगड.
- नियलियय 1561, 19 15 3 निगडित enl. णियाण 614 4 निवसन ( cf. D. 438
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। पउमचरित णिसण and Mp. 11 14 11 णिया- 3, 15 58; णिडाल 8 9 9 णिहालि सणउं परिधानम्].
821 ललाट. णिकाय 2 10 9a निकाय.
__णिड्ड 8 2 1? ‘णिकय 17 18 4 सुनिर्मल (see PSM. S. v. /णिडह (निदेह); णिक).
-pres. 3. 8. णिड्डहइ 18 56. णिकम्पिरय 992 निष्प्रकम्प.
णिड्डाल see पिडाल. णिक्कारण 19 157 निष्कारण.
णिड्डालि see णिडाल. णिक्खय 7 8 80 [निक्षत; D. 4 32 ] निहत /णिण्णास ( निर्णाशय); struck.
-pres. part. णिण्णासन्त 3 2 5 णिक्खत्तिय 5 11 2 [ denom. from
-agent. °णिण्णासण 3 3 2. निक्खत्त=*निक्षप्त ? ] निहत (gl. क्षय नीताः) णित्ति 7 12 1 नीति. slain.
णित्तुलउ 18 6 3 [निस्+तुल्य enl. ? cf. G. णिक्खन्त 15 8 3, 15 8 8, enl. णिक्ख
नीटोल] certainly (cf. Pahuda. न्तय 59 116 निष्क्रान्त.
_doha 198 cd चूरिवि चउगइ नित्तुलउ णिक्खवण 2 11 4, 19 13 10b [निष्क्रमण]
परम जउ पावेहि ). दीक्षाग्रहण.
णिहरिस 5 13 1 [*निर्दर्श ] निदर्शन. णिगूढपुरिस 16 3 2 गूढपुरुष spy.
Vणिइल [नि दलय] destroy; /णिग्ग (=निर्गम् );
-abs. णिद्दलेवि 18 26. -pres. 3. S.णिग्गइ 11131:imper 2. pl. णिग्गहाँ7 69a; pres. part. V णिहाय [ denom. from निद्रा ] go to णिग्गन्त 77 4.
sleep; णिग्गइय f. 15 12 8 निर्गत enl.
-pres. 3.8; णिहायइ 17 15 3. णिग्गल 14 13 3?
णिहाखिण्णय 2 14 2 निर्दाक्षिण्य enl. णिग्घण 13 10 2 निर्घन cloudless. ungenerous. णिग्याय7 147 निर्घात lightning-stroke. Vणिहार [ निर+दारय् ] split open; °णिग्घोस 2 1 3 निर्घोष.
-abs. णिहारवि 27 4. णिचिन्तय 1797 निश्चिन्त enl.
णिद्ध 9 11 6°, 11 4 4 स्निग्ध. णिञ्चेयण 17 7 5 निश्चेतन.
णिदुय° 3 3 1b निधूत. णिजलहरय 3 3 1b निर्जलधर enl. णिद्धयगाय 5 12 3 [ निर+D. धुयगाय] भ्रमcloudless.
र-रहित °णिजिण 1 1 4 gl. जयनशील.
णिप्पसर 1238 निष्प्रसर. Vणिज्झर (क्षर; f. G. झरच);
णिभच्छिय 4 10 5, 4 3 9a, 9 6 6, __-pres. part. णिज्झरन्त 87 1.
___12 6 4 [निर्भसित ] तिरस्कृत. °णिज्झर 11 3 6, °15 9 6° निर्झर.
णिब्भिश्च 17 17 9 निर्भीक ? /णिटुव [ नि+स्थाप् ] विनाशय् ; णिमण्ण 10 3 8 निमग्न (of. णुमण्ण Hc. -imper. णिवहाँ 6 2 8, p. p.
__ I94]. णिद्वविय 17 14 2; agent. °णिढवण 7 णिमन्तणय 16 13 9a निमन्त्रण enl, invi
64 (ef. निट्ठइ-नश्यति Mp. 3 37). tation. णिट्ठिय 1 2 5 [ निष्ठित ] युक्त full of ? हिम्मन्तिय 16 13 5 निमन्त्रित. णिडाल 10 38, 13 102, 8 9 4,145 °णिम्मविय 3 4 16 [ निर्मापित ] निर्मित.
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म्हण 194, 1998 निर्मथन destruction.
णिमिति 1639 निमित्तिन् astrologer, णिरक्खियय 1555 [p. p. enl. from निर्+आ+ख्या. cf. अक्खिय ] said. रिस्थीaिr 2047 [ निरर्थीकृत ] निष्फलीकृत. णिरत्थ 17 17 116 [ निरर्थ ] useless. निरलङ्कारियf. 1955 अनलङ्कृता. णिरवसेस 2010 4 निरवशेष.
गिरारिउ 163 100, 16 76 अतिशयम् ( frequent in Bh. Jacobi .compares it with निरु=निश्चितम् ; twice in H.p., rendered as 'surely,' 'indeed' by Alsdorf, who notes a gloss केवलम् ; 218 8 अनिर्धारितम् and 9 26 13 अत्यन्तम् ). °णिरिक्क 14 1 7 [D. 4 49 ] gl. चौर. णिरिक्खियय 8896 निरीक्षित enl. रुि 14 109a, 141, 1279@ निश्चितम्
surely, indeed (See Hp. s. v.) णिरुत्तड 5 5 5 5 13 3, 882, णिरुत्तेन 14 9 9b ( D. 4 30 निश्चितम् ) cert - ainly, definitely ( See Hp. s. v. पित्त ).
णिरुद्धय 15 38 निरुद्ध enl
गिल्लूरिय 1187 ( Hc. IV 124 णिल्लूरइ= छिनत्ति ) छिन्न.
'णिवड ( नि+पत् ); —pres. 3. pl. णिवडन्ति 1544; pres. part. enl. णिवडन्तय 1 52; abs. विडेपणु 2 138; p. p. णिवडिय 27 3, 7 8 5, 17 1 8.
णिबन्धण 17 183 a binding, cont
ract. V णिवस (
- pres. 2 s. णिवसहि 7 125, pres. part. f. enl. णिवसन्तिय 12496 'णिवार (नि+वारय् );
(नि+वस् );
- pres. 3. 8. णिवारइ 2129a imper. 2s णिवारि 1078; 2. pl. णिवारहों
108 1; p. p. णिवारिय 493; agent णिवार 17 2 4. णिविट्ठ 1 87, enl. 579 निविष्ट. णिविसु 71196, णिविर्से 2 112, 119 1a, 11 126, 1.7 16, णिविसेण 18 12 1 निमेषम् .
- णिविसद्धे 434, 1551, 174 8; णिविसद्धेण 12 68 निमेषार्धम्.
- णिविसन्तरेण 686, 12 7 8 निमेषान्तरम्. निवेय 1494 [ *निवेद ] नैवेद्य.
/ णिव्वट्ट ? ( used with hand, head. etc. severed in battle ); -abs. णिव्वžवि 10 10 3; p. P. Maf 4 8 4, 17 12 10a. Vणिब्वड (निष्पद्; G. नीवडवु );
-pres. 3. s. णिव्वडइ 1659; imper. 3. s. णिव्वडर 1295; - caus. abs. णिव्वाडेपिणु 6496 having chosen. cf. 21 13 4b. णिव्वह (निर्वाहय्) pass ( time ); - pres. 3. s. णिव्वहर 16 3 10. णिव्वाण 1598 निर्वाणस्थान.
सण 15 1396 ?
णिसाह 1399 निषाद seventh note of the gamut.
●णिसियर ° 4 16 निशिततर.
णिसियर 8 104°, 15 36 निशाचर. णिसिद्ध अत्थु 16 10 2 gl, सिद्धार्थं one
whose object is accomplished. णिसुदिय 1384 (Hc. IV 158 भाराक्रान्तत्वेन नत, cf. also D. 44 ) gl.
V णिसुण (नि+श्रु ) hear;
- pres. 1. s. णिसुणमि 19 182; abs. णिसुवि 1 11 1,285, 17 4 6,
सुणेवि 1 127, 11 88, णिसुणेप्पिणु 9 5 3, 13 2 10a, 14 13 9a, 15 1 9a, णिसुणेविणु 11 11 6; p. p. णिसुणिय 137, णिसुय 134,
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'णिह 11 4 4 निभ.
णेउर° 1 13 9b नूपुर. °णिसुम्भण° 5 3 5 [निशुम्भन ] destroyer, णेयार 20 7 8 नेतृ. णिहय 1648 निहत.
'णेह° 9 14 96 स्नेह (G. नेह). "णिहाय 3 1 2, 138 2 निघात.
ण्हवण-पुज 18 4 5 स्नपन-पूजा. AME निमालय निहाल1.. ण्हवणवीढ 1 16 2 सपन-पीठ. -imper. 2. S. णिहालें 12 5 14. Vण्हा [ स्ना; G. नहाकुं]; 3. S. णिहालउ 17 18 6; p. p. णिहालिय -pres. 3. S. व्हाइ 1 55, 5147 3 9 5, 10 1 4, 19 13 9.
7 107; imper. 2. pl. णिहिय 3 137 निधि enl.
ण्हाहाँ 14 54; abs. ण्हाऍवि 5 4 5; णिहुअय 18 23 निभृत enl.
pret. part. हाय 1597. णिहेलण 2 17 1,°4 1 4 [D. 4 51, रहाण 13 9 7 स्नानाढ्य. ____He.2 174] गृह. णीयड 18 3 9b?
तइय? 16 4 8 तदा. णीलाउलि 67 6 [ णील+आवलि ?] row तइयहाँ 8 8 2 तदा. ___ of sapphire?
तइकाल 6 14 2 [*त्रयीकाल ] कालत्रयी. णीसङ्गत्तणु 213 4 निःसङ्गत्व. . तइलोक्क 1 13, 1 113, 2 la, 17 103; °णीसण 17 167 निःस्वन gl. शब्द,
त्रैलोक्य. णीसदूय 14 1 6 निःशब्द enl.
तइलोक-णाह 18 4 5 त्रैलोक्यनाथ. °णीसन्दण 2 13 7 निःस्यन्दन without a तउ 1 16 1, 9 2 3 (?), 167 3, 18 chariot.
72, 1923 तव. णीसन्धि 18 1296 निःसन्धि.
तउ6 108,61096 तत्र. Vणीसर (निस्स; G. नीसरवू);
तउतउ 1758, 19 65 तत्र तत्र. -pres. 3. S. णीसरइ 15 11 4; im- तक्खणे 29 8 तत्क्षणात्. per. 2. 8. णीसरु 4 72, 12 65%; 3. तक्खणेण 15 15 7,6 107. s. णीसरउ 19 4 6; p. p. तग्गय° 1 9 8 तद्गत. णीसरिय 4 7 6, enl. 15 16; /तज (तर्जय् ) threaten; -caus. abs. णीसारवि 5167; p. -imper. 2. s. तज्जु 7 12 3; abs. p. णीसारिय 109 1, 14 1 3.
तजैवि 17 3 10a; pret. part. तजिय णीसावण्ण 4 54,84 9b, [*निःसामान्य] 499b. अनन्य, gl. द्वितीय-प्रभु-रहित.
तण3 3 7 la, 4 52, 1087, 176 Vणीसस (निःश्वस्);
___10a, तणय 1 16 53; f. तणिय 3 6 10, -pres. 3. S. णीससइ 18 57 sighs; 4 3 '7; तणइँ 37 la; तणेण 13 4 णीसासन्त 97 3 exhaling.
la, 19 5 3; तणऍ 16 10. णीसुण्ण 19 12 2 निःशून्य.
तणुहेइ 8 5 3 ? Vणे [नी];
तण्डविय 19 17 6 [ ef. D. 55, He. -pres. 1. s. मि 18 37; 3. 8. णेइ IV 137 =तड्डव-तन् ] विस्तारित. 16 2 1; imper. 2. pl. णेहु 12 9 2; तत्त 3 2 2 तप्त. p. p. णिय 2 2 8, 5 3 90 तत्ति 1 3 3, 16 4 1 [D. 5 20 तत्परता] pass. pres. 3. s. णिजइ 5 2 5, चिन्ता. pres. part. णिज्जन्त 19 18 7. तत्थहाँ 6 156 तस्मात् स्थानात्.
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• 31 तप्पवेसु 18 6 6 तल्प-वेश्मन् bed-cham- तिय 1 10 3,696,965, 157 6, ber.
19 12 3 स्त्री enl. तम 1857 ( D. 5 1) शोक, gl. ग्लानि तियगार 3 2 3 ? sorrow.
तियमइ. 1105 स्त्री. तम्वार 12 3 6gl. विनाश.
तियस 13 105 त्रिदश. तम्विर° 19 17 6 ताम्र dark red. तित्ति 272 तृप्ति. तम्बरम 1155 स्तम्बरम.
तित्थयरत्तण 3 119 तीर्थकरत्व. तम्बोल 1145%; 14 3 8 ताम्बूल. तिणयण 1 6 2 [त्रिनयन] Siva. तरट्टि 11 4 6 प्रगल्भा स्त्री.
तिरिय 1 8 12 तिर्यच्. तरणि 1 4 2, 22 6 8°
तिलय 13 10 2 तिलक-राग, (2) तिलक Vतर (तृ, G. तरवू);
forehead mark. -pres. part. तरन्त 14 570, 17
तिलमत्त 3 11 106 तिलमात्र.
तिलोअ 3 11 1a त्रिलोक. 2 10a. तलवर 17 184 नगररक्षक.
-तिलोआणन्द 1 128 त्रिलोकानन्द. तलाय 223 तडाग.
तिलोक 12 11 2 त्रैलोक्य. Vतव (तप्);
तिवार 2 2 5, enl. 2 14 8 त्रिवारम्. -imper. 3. S. तवउ 17 187 तवसि
तिस 2 12 3 तृषा. 744, 1815 तपखिन्.
'तिसत्ति° 17 66 [त्रिशक्ति ?] sort of तव-सिय 6 15 9 तप:श्री enl.
weapon? तहिँ 1 11 5, 2 7 3 तत्र.
तिसरिआ 2 4 8 sort of musical in
strument. तहिन्तिउ 2 3 3, 2 3 5 तस्मात् स्थानात्.
तिह 3 138b तथा. तहेव 16 12 8 तथैव.
तिहुवण 1 8 130; 12 6 96, 13 8 10a, ता 2 10 1, 4 3 3, 12 3 3, 13 1 10,
20996° त्रिभुवन. ___ 13 6 16, 15 107 तावत्.
तीरिय° 17 6 3 sort of arrow (PSM.'S ताण 13 10 3 तान (tune ), त्राण ।
suggestion 'quiver is unnece(armour, helmet etc. ).
ssary). नामक 1028 मुक्तत्राण one who has तत्तण 4 67 तुङ्गत्व. put off the armour ?
तुज्झु 15 14 3 तव (G. तुज ). ताणन्तरें 15 17, 18 10 तदनन्तरम्. तुट्ट (त्रुट्य He. IV 216, 230; G. ताम 1 167, 2 14 5, 10 4 8, 16 82 तूटवू, त्रूटई); etc. तावत्.
-pres. part. तुट्टन्त 14 6 2, abs. 'तार' 9 4 9a [ तारा ] कनीनिका; °14 6 तुट्टैवि 13 5 4, 7, 8.
2 (तार;gl. शुभ for शुभ्र) shining. तुडि 63 9a संशय. तालिय 13 8 la [ताडित]gl. प्रहत. तुप्प 14 9 3 घृत ( M. तूप). तावहिं 3 4 8 तावत्.
तुमुल 15 156 भयानक. ताहिँ 2 2 1, 2 8 96 तावत्.
तुरन्त 4 3 4, 52 90 त्वरमाण immidi. Vतास ( त्रासय् );
ately (G. तरत); तुरन्ति 29 96, -abs. तासँवि 15890.
तुरन्तऍण 11 11 9 तुरन्तएण 18 8 6. तिअन्त 4 113 तिङन्त personal ter. तुरमाणे 1 7 8, 124 1 स्वरमाणेन minations.
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तेत्ति3 161
तुरिउ 2 148, 12 11 6, तुरिय 4 3 2, थक्कु 5 3 1, (थकु थक्कु) 2095; p. p.
14 9 9a, 16 14 5, enl. तुरियउ थक्क 1 11 8, 17 29, enl. 8 113 74 त्वरितम् soon.
11 10 1 स्थित (of. He. IV 16) तुव 19 159 तव.
थट्ट °13 6 4°, 17 1 la, 13 4 7,203 'तुसार 4 106[तुषार ] शीकर.
9 समूह, तुह 1297, 15 12 3 तव.
थड 19 3 104, 20 3 108 समूह (Bh.) तुहारय 4 13 8, 9 1 8, f. तुहारी 4 5 थण 14 7 8, enl. °11 4 6 स्तन. 9a त्वदीय.
Vथम्भ (स्तम्भ ) stop, check the. दूरिय 7 13 6 [ तूर्य+इक ] तूर्यवादक.
course; Vतूस [तुष्य ];
-abs. थम्भैवि 14 13 8. -abs. तूसेंवि 5 5 9b.
Vथरहर (onom; D. 5 27 थरहरिअ= तूह 1 2 5 तीर्थ, सरिदवतार gl. तट कम्पित; G. थरथरb) quiver;
[Hc. I 104,272; D. 5 16 1. -pres. part. थरहरन्त 10 11 4; तेत्तहें 1 14 3, 2 2 8,297, 376, 13 p. p. थरहरिय 1 8 3, 6 13 6% 8 6, 13 9 10, 15 47, 18 17 तत्र. -caus. agent. थरहरावण 10 11 10.
Vथव (स्थापय् ); तेस्थु 2 7 4 तत्र; तेत्थुवि 1 11 4 तत्रापि.. -pres. part. थवन्त 2 65; abs. तेम 4 5 8, 12 4 4 तथा (प. तेम); थवि 6 15 9b, 15 8 2, थवेवि 9 1 तेम तेम 1887,1893.
9a, थवेप्पिणु 2 2 7; p. p. थविय तेरय 19 7 1a त्वदीय.
27 5, 4 12 5, 12 12 3, enl. तेव 168 6 तथा.
211 5. तेहय 2 13 1, 4 5 3,975, 12 2 5 °थवइ° 4 6 110 स्थपति. तादृश् (He. IV 402).
Vथा [ स्था; G. थावू, थq be ]; तो 1 102, 1 14 1,262, 12 7 4, -pres, 1 8. थामि 5 14 1; 2 S. थाहि
12 87, 15 66, 15 123, 1673 17 4 5, 2. pl. थाहु 2 16 11a; 3 ततः.
pl. थन्ति 7 7 8; imper. 2. S. थाहि -तो-वि 1 3 9, 4 3 6,577, 167 3 थाहि 11 11 5, 17 6 10; 3. S. थाउ ततः अपि.
16 108; abs. थाऍवि 2 113,32 तोय 4 10 6.
la, p. p. थिय 1 7 5, 2 11 8, Vतोड [त्रोटय ; He. IV 1063; G. तोडQ]
3 108, 4 590, 46 116, 4 10 -imper. 2. pl. तोडहाँ 2 13 4, 9a,53 1, 16 156, enl. थियय
abs. तोडेवि 7 5 8, तोडेप्पिणु 2 12 8. 19 17 8. तोण° 18 6 7 तूण, gl. भला (G. भाथो थामु 1 13 1, 4 11 5 स्थामन् strength. quiver).
थाइय 13 10 10 स्थायिन् enl. त्तय 173य.
थिरोयर 11 4 8 स्थिरोदर. .
Vथुण ( स्तु) praise. Vथक्क
--imper. 2. pl. थुणों 99 4; abs. -pres. 2. S, थकहि 17 14 2; 3. s. थुङ्गेवि 18 1 8; pass. pres. 3. s. थक्कइ 10 3 96, 17 5 8; pres. part. थुव्वइ 3 9 6 थुणिज्जइ 20 2 5. enl. थकन्तय 4 1 966; inaper. 2. S. थूह 3 4 4 स्तूप turret, minaret.
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INDEX VERBORUM थेर (f.) 1 4 2 स्थविरा.
V दलवट्ट (चूर्णय् , Bh.; of. G. दाळोवाये 'थेरासण 3 12 7 [D. 5 29 स्थविर (ब्रह्मा) total ruin); ___ + आसन ] पद्म.
__-pres. 3. s. दलवट्टइ 4 29b; 179 थोड्य 16 8 7 [स्तोक+डय dim.; G. थोड़ें 3; p. p. दलवद्रिय° 4 8 7. little ) weak, small,
दवत्ति 13 2 9,16 12, 19 114 शीघ्रम्. थोत्तग्गीरिय 4 13 4, 18 2 4 [ denom. दवाणल° 19 12 10b दवानल.
थोत्त (स्तोत्र ) उद्गु] sang a hymn. दहन्तिय (f.) 17 2 3 दायन्ती. थोर 7 27, 13 2 6, 17 16 3, 169 8, दाइय 4 5 96 दायिक coparcener. ___enl. 'थोरय 3 1 13a स्थूल.
दाढ° 7 11 5 दंष्ट्रा. थोव 2 11 3, 4 13 3, 9 68 स्तोक दाण-मयन्ध 15 1a दान-मदान्ध. (He. II 125).
°दार 18 10 8 (voc. S. दार) दार wife.
Vदाव [दर्शय; He. IV 32]; दइय 11 67, 13 19b दयित gl. वल्लभ. V६
-pres. 1. s. दावमि 20 9 3. दइवी 2 13 1 दैवी.
दिउ 3 6 11a [D. 5 39; Ved. दिव् ; G. दक्खरसाल 6 5 6 द्राक्षारसयुक्त. / दक्खव [ दर्शयू ; Hc. IV 32; G. -दिवें दिव 1054 = Ved. दिवे दिवे]
दी] दिवसम्-के दिउ 3 6 11 when? दाखवतुं]
दिने दिने -pres. 1. . दक्खवमि 14 9 96, 2. s. दक्खवहि 19 15 3; 3. S. दक्खवइ
दियन्तर 17 1 4 दिगन्तर.
दियवर 11 14 9 द्विजवर. 28 5, 1598. दट्ट °1394,°15 118 दग्ध.
दियह 5 12 5 दिवस.
दिणयरहास 20 12 11 [दिनकरहास] सूर्यहास दण्डरयण 5109a दण्डरत्न. दन्तिण 17 16 8 दन्तिन् elephant.
___sort of magic sword. cf. चंद्रहास. दमिय 54 3 दमित.
दिवसयर 15 3 90 [दिवसकर] सूर्य. दर 14 52 ईषत् [ He. II 215].
दिसि 1 1 13 दिश (G. दश). Vदरमल (=मर्दय् , चूर्णय );
दिहि 19 3 8 धृति (Hc. II 131). -abs. दरमलेवि 18 26 (Bh.).
दीय 645 द्वीप. Vदरिस (दर्शय);
दीव 6 4 9a, 099 12. 13 11 4 दीप. -pres. part. दरिसन्त 379. f. दरि- -दीवय 15 6 4 दीपक (G. दीवो ). सन्ति 2 2 90, दरसन्ति 14 3 12a, -दीवि 7 3 8 दीपिका (G. दीवी). abs दरिसेवि 19 59, p. p. दरिसिय दीवियय 19 12 106 [ दीपित ज्वालित. 4 115;
V दीस [दृश्य; G. दीसb]; -दरिसाव ( दर्शय् , G. दर्शावई);
-pres. 3. 8. दीसइ 1 15 1, 2 etc., -1. S. दरिसावमि 11 106; 3. s. दरि- 4 5 6; 3. pl. दीसन्ती 512 8, 5 12 सावइ 2 3 9a; imper. 2. 8. दरिसावि 96, 10 32; p. p. दीसिय 8 9 3. । 6 14 1a; fut. 3. s. दरिसावेसइ 19 दीह 1 2 3 दीर्घ.
127; p. p. दरिसाविय 11 12 9a. दीहर' 1 12 3, enl. दीहरय 11 13 9b दरिस 6 5 4 [*दर्श ] दर्शन.
दीघ. / दल [दलय् ; ef. G. दळh pulverise, दुक्कर 1 2 4 दुष्कर.
make into floor] tear open, दुक्खु दुक्खु 5 4 3, 5 13 6, 17 7 3, pound;
1883, 19 3 5, 19 111, 19 13 19 -pres. 1. s. दलमि 1525.
दुःखं दुःखम् with great difficulty.
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पउमचरिउ दुग्गन्ध 4 1 6, 7 3 9 दुर्गन्ध foul-sme- दूरुग्गिण्ण-कम 19 7 7 taking long lling.
strides (cf. FSM. उग्गिण्ण-उत्क्षिप्त). दुगेज्म °4 14 96, 15 11 2 दुर्ग्राह्य. दूवत्तय 19 167 [दुर्वृत्त enl ? ] bad news. 'दुजोहणि f. 12 8 1 [दुर्योधना] difficult दूसम 17 11 3 [दुःसम] असाधारण. to fight with.
दूसह 7 7 3, 10 1 1, 15 87 दुःसह. दुण्णमय 12 11 1 दुर्णम enl.
दूसामिय 13 1 4 दुःखामिन्. दुण्णिवार 4 4 5 दुर्निवार.
दूसावास 1025, 18 43, 19 1 5 [दूष्यादुइम 10 12 9a दुर्दम.
वास] camp (primarily=पटकुटी दुपुत्त 17 1 100 दुष्पुत्र.
tent)... दुप्पइसार 5 8 4 दुष्प्रवेश (see / पइसर): दूसिद्ध 15 11 2 दुःसिद्ध. दुप्पवेस 18 6 6 दुष्प्रवेश.
V दे (दा; G. देवू ); दुप्पवड्यय 4 10 9b [ दुष्प्रव्रजित enl.]
-pres. 1. s. देमि 4 4 3, 4 55; 3 दुष्परिव्राजक,
s. देइ 1 14 5,2 157, 46 9, 125 दुमइत्त 20 8 9bgl. वृक्षोत्पन्न.
14b, 16 2; 1; 3. pl. देन्ति 6 34, दुम्मुह 187 3 दुर्मुख.
1662; imper. 2. 8. देहि 2 14 1, दुम्महिल 5 13 6, 7, 8, 15 13 6,7,8 7 8 7, 8 4 4, 10 7 8, 15 12 6%3 दुर्महिला.
3. pl. देउ 17 18 5; opt. 2. 8. देज दुम्मिय° 18 9 1 [-दूमिय from/दूम= 2 6 10b; fut. 1. pl. देसहुँ 2 1296%; दू, Hc. IV 23 ] दून.
pres. part. दिन्त 2 16 116,369, दुलवय 16 9 10b दुर्लङ्घ enl.
देन्त 10 3 5, 17 5 4, 18 5 2, 18 दुल्लमणिय f. 14 13 6 दुर्लङ्घन enl. 12 9a, f. दिन्ति 12 99, enl. देन्तय दुल्ललिय 19 11 3 दुर्ललित.
19 10 10a; abs. देवि 2 11 2, 2 'दुवार 6 7 7 द्वार.
17 4, 4 7 1, 4 12 7, 7 10 3, 11 'दुव्वार° 17 117 दुर्वार.
13 8, 13 11 1, देप्पिणु 227, 2 दुबलिहुयय 18 59b दुर्बलीभूत enl. 14 8, 2 153, 17 17, 19 57; दुब्वाय 2 12 2, 11 6 4, 20 7 90 दुर्वात. p. p. दिण्ण 1 13 6°, 1 15 6%, 18 दुन्विसह 9 4 4 दुर्विषह.
4 8; pass. pres. 3. . दिजइ 8 11 दुस्सील 19 4 6 दुःशील.
6, 168 3, 19 10 1a; pres. part. -दुस्सील-सहाव 13 12 10a दुःशील- दिजन्त 17 59; स्वभाव.
-caus. imper. 3. s. देवावउ 17 18 दुहोत्तरिय 978gl. दुःखोत्तीर्णा
8; abs. देवावि 5 16 6; p. p. देवाविय दूय 12 52, 14 1 3, enl. °12 6 3 दूत
18 3, 4 6 2, 8 2 7. -f. दूइ 15 14 4, दूई 15 128 देउल 1 5 3, 08 3 3, देवउल 2 2 3 दूरहाँ 1029b दूरात्.
देवकुल (G. देवळ). दूरत्तण 19 2 7 दूरत्व.
V देक्ख (from / दृशू contaminated दूरहाण 2 15 2 दूरस्थान.
with पेक्ख प्रेक्ष; He. IV 181; G. दूरभव्व 10 6 86 दूरभव्य.
देखवू). Vदूरिहो (दूरीभू);
-pres. 3. S. देवखइ 17 15 2. -pres. 3. दूरीहोइ 6 4 3: p. p. दूरी- देवउल 22 3 see देउल. हुय 8 119a.
- देवय 9 68 देव enl.
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INDEX VERBORUM देवन 15 14 5 [देवाङ्ग ] दिव्य (quali. धरधर 17 16 9b धराधर. निवसन ).
धरणीवीढ 1 102 धरणीपीठ. देससय 10 12 90 देश-शत.
धरिणि 20 107 धरिणी (G. धरणी). देसीभासा 1 2 4 देशी-भाषा.
धव 17 62, 9 आह्वान challenge. दोच्छिय 12 1 4, 209 4 तिरस्कृत ( Hp. धवलो 3 12 7 [धवलः ] पुङ्गवः । Gl.).
Vधवल (denom. from धवल; G. दोपासिय 12 1 6 द्वि-पार्श्विक.
घोळवू); दोव f. 19 5 100 दूर्वा.
-pres. part. enl. धवलन्तय 3 3 6. धवलीहूभय 12 6 9a धवलीभूत enl.
धवलहर 927 धवलगृह mansion. धइवय 13 99 धैवत.
Vधा (धाव run, G. धावू); धय °14 2 5%, 15 2 8 ध्वज.
-pres. 8. S. धाइ 17 93; pres. Vधगधग (onom.) burn fiercely part. धन्त 17 16 16, (f.) धन्ति 18 with cracks;
115; p. p. धाइय 35 10b,866, -pres. 3. 8. धगधगइ 18 53; pres. 14 97.17 61a. part. धगधगन्त 11 11 7, 17 147 धाइ7 3 3 धात्री. (G. धगधगतुं).
धाणुक्क 6 15 3, धाणुक्किय 6 15 7, 16 15 धण 19 13 3,Voc. sing. धणे 93 3 प्रिया [धानुष्क + इक ] व्याध.
(Hc. IV 330 (1), of. D. धणिआ 5 धाराहर° 8 111gl. राक्षस. 58, धणी 5 62 भार्या and G. धण, Vधाव (धाव run); धण्य).
-pres. 2. s. धावहि 11 13 3; 3. s. धणवन्त 14 12 9b, enl. 10 11 4 धनवत्.
धावइ 17 12 2; 3. pl. धावन्ति 692%; धण-पउर 12 12 10a धन-प्रचुर.
p. p. धाविय 899a.
धावडा 1355? धणुहर 11 11 9a, 17 8 4 धनुष्.
धाह 19 2 10b, धाहा 18 57 (from धम्मवालय 13 91a धर्मपालक.
धाह impec. 2. pl. of Vधा-धाव ) Vधर (धू; G. धरवू offer);
• आर्तनाद cry for help (a. धाह, धा). -pres. 1. 8. धरमि 7 12 9b; धरॅविं 1/धाहाव ( from धाह) आर्तनादं कृ ery 18 89b; 2. S. धरहि 9 10 8a, for help; 17 5 10b; 3. s. 1 5 2, 4 6 10; -pres. 3. . धाहावइ 18 57; p. imper. 2. . धरै 9 105, 19 156; p. धाहाविय 19 58. 2. pl. धरहाँ 7 72; fut. 3. 8. धरेसइ धिगत्थु 4 12 2 धिगस्तु. 15 62; abs. धरेंवि 671, 12 92; -धिगधिगत्थु 2 10 2 धिग्धिगस्तु. धरेवि 97 5, 16 47, 16 97; धरे- धीय 54 7, 9 1 9a, 12 12 5, 159 प्पिणु 10 10 6, 12 5 1, 18 88; 1, 195 5 दुहिता. inf. धरवि 9 13 8; p. p. enl. धरियय /धीर ( denom. from धीर); 1 10 2,15 59b, 16 la, 17 104; -abs. धीरेंवि 159 1, धीरेप्पिणु 152 -caus. abs. धरावेंवि 6 7 1; pass. 9a, 19 17 1a.
pres. part. धराविजन्त 11 9 5. धुय' 4 8 4 धुत. धर 13 7 1, 15 9 5, 203 7 [धर] धुयगाय 14 45 [ध्रुवगायक ? D. 5 57 ] mountain.
भ्रमर (of. णिद्धयगाय).
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धुयगारय (prob. for धुयरागय) 5 14 9a 3 pl. पइसरन्ति 5 12 2; imper. 3.
भ्रमर (cf. Trivikrama. धुअराओ s. पइसरउ 19 4 6; abs. पइसरवि 12 and PSM.).
13, 15 2 4, 18 2 1; p. p. धुव° 7 14 8 धुत.
पइसरिय 561; Vधुण (धू-धुनोति; G. धुण-७);
-caus. abs. पसारेंवि 13 10 10a, -pres. 3. s. धुणइ 8 11 90; abs. 19 117; p. p. पइसारिय 55 8, धुणेवि 11 6 6, 17 7 6.
11 2 5, 14 12, 15 13 4, enl. धूय 9 2 5 दुहिता.
2 17 1. धूमद्धय 1 15 8, 8 53 धूमध्वज fire. पइसार 7 4 6, 9 5 7, 12 5 12 [from धूमल° 17 14 9b [धूमल ] धूम्र. _ /पइसार-प्रवेशय् ] प्रवेश (G. पेसारो). Vधूमा (धूमाय ; G. धुमाई);
पइहर 19 6 4 पतिगृह. -pres. 3. s. धूमाइ 18 5 3; caus. पईव 14 3 124; enl. पईवय 5 12 5 p. p. धूमाविय 14 1 5.
प्रदीप. °धूव 13 9 4 (1) धूप (2) ?
पईहर 12 11,936,114 8, 14 21 धूवन्त 3 6 4,017 52 धूयमान.
प्रदीर्घ, gl. दीर्घतर. धूसरिय 19 1 7 धूसरित.
-पईहरच्छि 1 152 प्रदीर्घाक्षि. घेणुव 3 135 धेनु enl.
पईहिय 7 106 [*प्रदीर्घिका ] दीर्घिका. धोरणि °7 7 2, 11 12 2 पति.
V पउआ (प्र+युज् ); धोव (धाव् wash, G. धोb);
-abs. पउञ्जेवि 2 14 6, 13 6 2, 16 -pres. 3. s. धोवइ 1 14 6; pres. 74; p. p. पउजिय 29 8. part. enl. धोवन्तय 14 9 7. . पउत्ति 5 12 4, 11 14 10 [प्र+उक्ति ]
___पउत्तियउ 3 11 1, पउत्तियउ 1 3 4 उक्ति. पइज 577, पइज 12 7 5 प्रतिज्ञा.. पउमचरिय 1 16 10a पद्मचरित. पइरिक्क 14 13 5 [D. 6 71 =विशाल] / पउल (पच, He. IV 90);
extensive, huge (प्रचुरतर Mp. -pass. pres. part.पउलिज्जन्त 119 6. 924 12).
पओलि 16 14 8 प्रतोलि (G. पोळ). V पइस (प्र+विश् , G. पेसवू);
पय 28 2, 7 10 9a, 15 8 2 प्रजा. -pres. 1. pl. पइसहुँ 6 13 9; 3. 8. पयङ्ग 18 11 2 [पतङ्ग] sun. पइसइ54 2,57 3, 8 12 1,169 6, Vपयट्ट [प्र+वृत् ]; पईसइ 4 1.8,592,94 1, 19 12 -pres. 3. S. पयट्टइ 5 4 9a; p. p. 2; pres. part. पइसन्त 3 9 10a. पयट्ट 4 7 5,515 96, 9 9 3, 109 14 1 2; p. p. पइट्ठ 2 9 9a, 4 10 2, 6, 12 7 5, 13 11 10, 17 1 1b. enl.57 9; abs. पई सेंवि 14 119b; पयत्त 16 48gl. प्रयत्न. pot. part. पइसेवउ 10 8 3. पयाणय 12 5 146 प्रयाण enl. V पइसर [analogically formed पयार 14 11. 90 प्रकार. from V पइसार=caus. of V पइस ] / पयास (प्र+काश्); enter;
-pres. 2. S. पयासहि 11 11 3. -pres. 1. s. पइसरमि 6 8 4,712 पयाहिण 11 18, 6 13 3 प्रदक्षिणा. 9a; 1. pl. पइसरहुँ7 9 1; 3. S. पइ. / पक्कन्द (प्र+क्रन्द); सरइ 4 la, 16, 4 11, 14 19b -pres. part. f. पक्कन्दन्ति 18 11 5.
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पकल 937 प्रौढ full-grown, strong IV 420; variants पञ्चलिउ, पञ्चल्लिउ,
(of. =समर्थ He. II 174; G. पाकल पञ्चलिउ: Bh. पञ्चेलिउ). fully ripe).
पच्छऍ 4 107, 4 11 5, 7 7 1, 12 8 पक्खरिय 4 29a, 16 14 5 [*उपस्करित] 4,96, पच्छइ 1 2 7 पश्चात् , ततः.
कवचित, संनद्ध (ef. D. पक्खरा अश्वसं- पच्छल 11 47, 11 6 6 पृष्ठ back; नाह, G. पाखर, V पाखरh).
-पच्छले 8 10 3, 8 10 9b behind; V पक्खल (प्र स्खल );
1556, 17 2 4 afterwards. -pres. 3. S. पक्खलइ 1 56.
पच्छाय (प्र+छाद्); V पक्खाल (प्र+क्षाल, G. पखाळवें); -pres. part. पच्छायन्त 17 14 4.
-imper. 3. S. पक्खालउ 17 18 6. पच्छिम 1 7 1, 1 13 3, 5 4 1 [पश्चिम ] पक्खि 15 5 4 पक्षिन् (G. पंखी);
last; पक्खुद्दण 3 3 7 प्रक्षोभन.
-पच्छिम-भाय 8 6 2 hinder portV पगास (प्रकाश);
ion; 5 4 1 western region. -pres. 3. s. पगासइ 2 94; p. p. /पजल, पजल (प्र+ज्वल्); पगासिय 11 8 1.
-pres. 3. 8. पजलइ 12 128; pres. पचित्त 156 3 प्रक्षिप्त.
part. पज्जलन्त 1 15 4, enl. पजलन्तय पघोस 20127 प्रघोष.
4 4 8, 17 15 4; p. p. पजलिय 20 पङ्ख 18 11 5 पक्ष (G. पाँख f.).
49a. पङ्गण 6 9 1, enl. 1 14 9 प्राङ्गण. पजोत्तिय 20 54 [प्र+*योक्त्रित] yoked. पत्त 2 7 3, °13 3 5°, f. पङ्गुत्ती 14 10 पञ्चम° 13 99 The fifth note of
5gl. प्रगुप्त concealed, covered. Indian gamut. पचण्ड 4 65 प्रचण्ड.
पञ्चमुह 1 15 2 पञ्चमुख lion. पचविय 1023 (प्र+चविय=उक्त, चव-कथ पञ्चाणण 9 4 96 पश्चानन lion. He. IV 2) उक्तवती.
पट्टणिय 14 7 4? पचविय 9 3 7 प्रच्युत.
पहिस 4 5 6 पट्टिश. पचोड्य 1557 प्रचोदित.
V पट्टव (प्र+स्थाप: He. IV 37; पाठवव॑) पञ्चक्खाणय 19 14 4 प्रत्याख्यान enl. send; Vपञ्च (पच्य);
-pres. 2. S. पट्ठवहि 12 47; imper. -pres. part. पच्चन्त 11 9 7 पच्चारिय 2. pl. पट्ठवहीं 6 2 8; p. p. पट्टविय 619, 13 3 8, 15 5 5[*प्रचारित?] 4 3 2, 10 12 7. उपालब्ध addressed sarcasms, ta. /पड (पत् ; G. पडवू); unted, challenged (of. He. IV
-pres. 3. 8. पडइ 19 32; 3. pl. 156). .
पडन्ति 1896; imper. 2. 8. पड 6 पञ्चवर 1526 gl. मुसल (D. 6 15 ). 12 96, 19 15 4; pres. part. पडन्त पचुत्तर 165 1 प्रत्युत्तर.
4 8 9a, enl. पडन्तय 1 102; abs. पचुद्धरिय 13 7 10 a प्रत्युद्धृत.
पडेंवि 108 4; p. p. पडिय 13 3 5, पञ्चेल्लिड 10 6 3, 11 8 7, 16 4 90 enl. पडियय 3 8 106, 8 98,15 [*प्रत्यलीकम् ? ] ( variants पचेल्लिउ, 18,152963 पञ्चेल्लिय, पञ्चेलिउ, पच्चल्लिय, पचोल्लिउ; gl. -caus. pres. 1. s. पाडमि 7 4 9b, loosely अतिशयेन समर्थः) प्रत्युत (Hc. 13 10 10b, 1528; 3, s, पाडइ
Page #419
. oted.
114 6, 5 4 29 3. pl. पाडन्ति 6 14 पडिहत्थिय 8 5 1 तिरस्कृत. 6%3abs. पा.वि 18 10 2, पाडेवि 8 9 पडीवय 2 152, 2 173, 375, 49 8; pass. pres. part. पाडिजन्त 1,4 11 1,7 10 5, 11 17, 113 17 37.
3, 121 96, 12 38, 13 4 10b, पड 19 168 पट.
16 11, 18 1b, 19 116; पडिवय पडहय 19 57 पटह enl. (G. पडो). पडिउववार 12 11 4 प्रत्युपकार.
10 8 5 [प्रतीप enl.] gl. पुनः पुनरपि
again, back, then, further, and पटिकूलिय 6 8 2 [प्रतिकूलित ] obstruct
also.. ed. पडिखलिय 13 2 8 [ प्रतिस्खलित ] obstru
पडुत्तर 16 95, 19 10 14 प्रत्युत्तर.
पढ [पठ्, G. पढb recite, echo some पडिच्छिय | from प्रति+इच्छ14 one's words ] read, recite; परिज्ञात accepted.
-pres 3. 5. पढइ 1 14 4; pres. V पडिजीव [प्रति+जीव् ];
part. पढन्त 3 6 9, 37 8, 10 3 2. -pres. part. पडिजीवन्त 15 114 पदुक्कय 14 13 8, पढकिय 19 6 9 [प्रढौ. living.
कित] approached, advanced. पडिदोच्छिय 12 66 [प्रति+जुगुप्सित; f. पढोइय 19 17 8 [प्रढौकित ] brought
दुउच्छ Hc. IV 4] gave a return near. threat.
पणइ. 4 1 4 प्रणयिन् , gl. याचक, सज्जन, पडिथिर 8 7 8, पडित्थिर 17 12 10a / पणच [+नृत्य], [परिस्थिर] स्थिर.
-pres. 3. 8. पणच्चइ 1 14 4; p. p. पडिपहय 7 13 6 [प्रतिप्रहत] blown पणच्चिय 2 7 6, 5 5 4; agent. (with ref. to तूर्य); 17 15 9 struck.
पणच्चिर 4 8 4, f. पणच्चिरि 17 27. पडिपाहड 16 2 5 [ प्रतिप्रामृत ] return Vपणव [प्र+नम्]; present.
-pres. 3. s. पणवइ 1 5 5,7 108; पडिपुच्छिय 9 14 1, 19 4 1 [ from abs. पणवेवि 1 1 16, पणवेप्पिणु 1 1 1
/पडिपुच्छ-परि+पृच्छ् ] asked. to 15, 17, 18, 19a, 1 9 8; p. p. पडिपेल्लिय [from पडिपेल्ल-प्रति+प्रईिरय] 17 पणविय 6 12 4, pass. pres. 2. 8.
32; enl. 13 1 9 pushed back पणविजहि 269;3. S. पणविजह 52 5. Vपरिरक्ख [प्रतिरक्ष ] protect; पणाल 19 10 106 [प्रणाल] channel,
-pres. 3. S. 1 147, 19 149. stream. पडिरक्ख 9 10 9a, 19 8 3 [प्रतिरक्षा] पणास (प्र+नश्य् or नाशय); ___-9 10 5 (MSS. पडिवक्ख) protec- -pres. 3. s. पणासइ 3 38; abs. tion,
पणासँवि 5 4 1, 15 89b. पडिवय 10 8 5 see पडीवय; gl. पुनरपि. पत्तिज्जवण° 14 8 5 (प्रत्यायन) consolपडिवण्णय 2 13 1 प्रतिपन्न enl.
_ing, conciliating. पडिवत्त 14 11 1 प्रतिवार्ता information. /पदरिस [प्र+दर्शय ]; पडिवाइय 7 8 4, 6 gl. प्रतिवापित, पुनर्वी- -pres. 3. 8. पदरिसइ 10 1 9b; im. जित.
per. 2. 8. पदरिसहि 2 9 6; p. p. पद परिवार 27 5, 2 10 5 [ *प्रतिवारकम् ] रिसिय 1 3 12, enl. पदरिसियय 15 8 6. again,
पदीसिय 17 28 [ from +दृश्यू] दृष्ट.
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39 पधरिय 3 123 प्रधृत.
V परिमञ्च, परियञ्च [ परि+अन् ] circumपधाइय 127 20 प्रधावित.
ambulate; पन्ति 17 16 8 पति (G. पाति).
-abs. परिअवि 18 87, परियवि 10 पपुच्छिय 18 1 2 प्रपृष्ट.
2 8, 18 la, परिअञ्चेवि 7 14 6, 12 / पपुज (प्र+पूज्);
105; p. p. परिअञ्चिय 4 11 96, -abs. पपुजेंवि 203 6.
परियञ्चिय 2 2 5,276 [परियश्चिवि= पफुल्ल 556°, 15 3 2, पफुल्लिय 5 1 9a, प्रदक्षिणीकृत्य MP. 7 26 18, परियश्चिय%
917°, 10 3 6, 10 4 90 प्रफुल्ल... परिवेष्टित 8 13 6]. पब्भार 14 3 2 [प्रारभार ] mass. /परियत्त [परि+कृत् ] return; Vपभण (प्र+भण्);
-pres. 3. pl. परियत्तन्ति 5 126%3 -pres. 3. 8. पभणइ 12 14,145 abs. परिअत्तेंवि 18 11 8; p. p. परियत्त
4; pres. part. enl. पभणन्तय 3 99. 5 11 4, enl. परियत्तय 17 26, 19 पभामिय 3 4 2 [प्रभामित ] made to go 3 la caus. p. p. परियत्तिय 19 12 around.
9, 19 13 la (gl. व्याधुटित), enl. /पमुहल [denom. from प्र+मुखर ]; परियत्तियय 18 8 9a. -pass. pres. part. enl. पमुहलिज- परिअप्प [परि+कल्प];
न्तय 20 10 6 being made noisy. -abs. परिअप्पॅवि 9 4 2 परिकल्प्य. पमोकलउ 15 6 3 [प्रमुक्त + ल°+कम्] परिमोस 368 परितोष. with full freedom.
परिमोसिय 17 17 16 परितोषित. पर 1 13 5, 6, 7, 8, 8 11 3, 18 19b /परीयड्ड [ परि+वर्ध?];
[परम् ] केवलम् ; 4 2 5; 4 5 5, 157 -pres. 3. 8. परियडइ 27 9a. 5 परन्तु.
परियरिय °3 3 1a, परियरियय enl. 17 10 परऍ 7 13 1, 12 6 5 [प्रगे ?]gl. प्रभाते; 4 [ परिकरित ] परिवृत.
7 1 5 tomorrow (cf. MW. प्रगे / परियल [परि+गल् ]; tomorrow morning, प्रगेतन relat- -pres. 3. pl. परियलन्ति 1 4 8, ing to the next day; cf. also 18 9 6. the two meanings of कल्य). परियाणय 5 15 8; परिजाणय 19 18 3 परभायण f. 632 परभाजन; enl. परभाय- परिज्ञायक.
णिय 12 4 4. Another's belonging. परियाणिय 2 4 9a, 14 117 परिज्ञात. परजिय 49 9a, 129 100 पराजित. परिक्ख [ परि+ईक्ष ; G. परखवू]; परत्त: 17 149b?
-pres. part. f. enl. °परिक्खन्तिय परमगुण 18 11 9a highly beneficial. 19 15 7. परमप्पय 267, 2 12 6 परमात्मन् enl. परिक्ख 19 1 10b परीक्षा (G. परख ). परमेसरी 105 5 परमेश्वरी.
परिघल्लिय 19 18 5 परिक्षिप्त thrown out. परम्पर 1 9 6 परात्पर.
परिघिव ( परि+क्षिपू), परसु 17 66 परशु.
-abs. परिधिववि 19 27, p. p. परिचित्त परहुय 19 13 7 परभृता.
1975. पराइय 2 16 10, 2 13 6, पराविय 2 11 परिचक्कलिय 922 [*परिचलित ] परिवर्तुल 2 प्राप्त.
(cf. D. 3 29 चक्रल-वर्तुल). परायणिय 12 10 1 पराजयकारिणी ? ०परिचाय 324 परित्याग.
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परिचिन्त ( परि+चिन्त् );
परिभमइ 10 3 9a, 10 8 1la, 116 -abs. परिचिन्तेवि 4 12 5, 5 5 6, 9a, 15 4 3; 3. pl. परिभमन्ति 4 64, 5 10 9a, 7 8 2; p. p. परिचिन्तिय 4 11 14 7; pres. part. परिन्भमन्त
119a, 15 103. enl. 1889a. 1154; abs. परिभमेवि 11 3 9b; परिचिन्तण 16 37 परिचिन्तन.
agent. परिभमिर 7 2 3; परिजाणय see परियाणय.
-caus. p. p. परिभामिय 16 11 6. परिट्ठिय 1 8 13b, 111 3, 3 4 8,4 परिभासिर 18 8 1 परिभाषमाण.
13 1, 8 10 6, 14 5 6, 16 1b, परिमिय 2 11 8, 3 59,58 8, 16 14
17 13 8, enl. 19 17 10a प्रतिष्ठित. 1 परिवृत. परिटविय 12 12 6 प्रतिष्ठापित made over. परिमियत्थ 16 10 2 [परिमितार्थ ] ज्ञातार्थ V परिण (परि+नी; G. परणवू);
gl. यथार्थज्ञाता. -imper. 2. 8. परिणि 1058b: pres. V परिरक्ख (परि+रक्ष ) part. परिणन्त 6 9 1; abs. परिणेंवि pres. 3. 8. परिरक्खइ 15 2 3;imper.
2. s. परिरक्खहि 16 83,1692. 13 1 16, परिणेवि 12 12 7, परिणेप्पिणु
परिवड्डिय 3 6 1b, 17 18 परिवर्धित. 107 1, 16 10 6; infin. परिणणहँ 5 15 96; p. p. enl. परिणियय 13 196; परिवाडि 3 6 7, 16 13 9a परिपाटि.
परिवद्ध 11 14 11a परिबद्ध. pass. pres. 3. S. परिणिजइ 15 7 9b.
परिवार 18 9 5 वासगृह ? -Gaus. p. p. परिणाविय 287,5 1 7, .
" परिवारिय 10 5 7 परिवारित. 107 4, 12 5 6.
परिवुझण 16 3 6 [action noun from /परितव (परि+तप्);
V परिवुज्झ=परि+बुध्य ] परिबोधन -pres. 3. S. परितवइ 7 12 6.
V परिवेढ (परि+वेष्ट) परितु? 16 10 1, परितुढ़िया f. 15 148
-p. p. परिवेढिय 1 8 6, 55 9, परितुष्ट.
7 68; pass. pres. part. enl. परित्त 137 8 परित्राण.
परिवेढि जन्ता 2 12 4. परिधि 13 11 7 [*परिधृष्ट ] अतिधृष्ट.
परिसक्क (परि+वष्क्) move away 'परिपमाण 16 5 4 प्रमाण full measure ? ।
-imper. 2. S. परिसक्कहि 17 14 2. /परिपाल (परिपालय् ); .
परिसिक्खिय 8 8 9b परिशिक्षित. -imper. 2. s. परिपालहि 20 1 6; /परिसुज्झ (परि+शुध्य) be proved 3. s. परिपालउ 17 18 4; pres. part. pure; enl. परिपालन्ता 6 11; pass. pres. -imper. 2. pl. परिसुज्झहुँ 19 1 106. 3. 5. परिपालिजइ9 4 3; gerund परिससे (परि+शेषय् ) end, destroy; परिपालणिय 6 167.
-pres. part. परिसेसन्त 3 2 5; abs. परिपाल 53 9a परिपालक.
परिसेसँवि 2075, परिसेसवि 3 1083 परिपुच्छिय 11142, 16 1 2 परिपृष्ट. p. p परिसेसिय 1 10 9a. परिपुच्छण° 11 3 9 परिपृच्छन.
परिह 16 11 6 परिखा. परिपुण्ण 18 123 परिपूर्ण.
V परिहर (परि+ह); परिपेसिय 15 8 4 परिप्रेषित.
-pres. 3. S. परिहरमि 1 3 9, 4 12 परिप्फुरन्त 1 15 8 परिस्फुरत्.
2; परिहरेवि 18 8 9b; 3. pl. परिहरन्ति परिभम (परि+भ्रम् );
73 9; abs. परिहरेंवि 10 5 8a, परि-pres. 1. pl. परिभमह 6 137;3. S. हरेवि 4 3 8. 187 4. 189 2.
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INDEX VERBORUM परिहरण 13 11
V पवियम्भ (प्र+वि+जृम्भ ) flash forth, परिहविय 16 4 6, 19 62 [ from
appear; परि+भव ] पराजित, तिरस्कृत.
-pres. 3. S. पवियम्भइ 102 2.. परिहाणउ 19 1 10a परिधान enl. पवित्त 12 12a पवित्र. परिहिय 9 4 6,95 1 परिहित.
पविरल 12 11 प्रविरल. परिहेवय 28 4 [परिधातव्य ] परिधान; but पविहाय° 1656 प्रविभाग. gl. ताम्बूलादि.
पवोल्लिय 14 8 7, 15 10 5, 19 42 परोक्खऍ 15 116 परोक्षे without hav- (cf. वोल्ल) उक्तवत्. ing seen.
पब्वइयय 4 13 9b [प्रवजित enl.] परिवापरोप्पर 7 14 1,86 1,129 3, 15 3 3 जक. परस्पर.
V पव्वज [प्र+वज्] परोवर 17 162 परस्पर.
-abs. पव्वजवि 17 18 10a, पलयकर 11 1096 प्रलयकर.
पध्वज 12 2 5. प्रव्रज्या. पलयभाउ 1 112 प्रलय-भावम् ?
पव्वालिय 19 15 2 [Hc. IV 41] प्लावित. पलित्त 322, 7 11 9a. enl 571 पसरिय° 4 119a, 1775 प्रसत. प्रदीप्त.
पसर 9 8 4 प्रसर. पलीविय 7 4 5 प्रदीपित.
पसव 14 11 8 पशु ( PSM. S. V.). पलोट्ट 17 13 5 क्षिप्त, पतित; 17 16 30 V पसाह [प्रसाधय् ];
-pres. 3. S. पसाहइ 1 148; imper. पल्लङ्क 1 14 9a पर्य.
2. pl. पसाहहाँ 19 3 10a; abs. Vपल्लाण (denom. from पर्याण) fur
पसाहवि 2 16 2.
पसाहय 10 127 प्रसाधक decorator ? nish with saddle (G. पलाणवू );
पसुत्तिय 1 149 प्रसुप्ता. -imper. 2. pl. पल्लाणहों 19 3 10a.
पह 1694 पथिन्, पल्लुट 7 10.5 (He. IV 166 ) प्रत्यागत. पव 14 17 प्रपा.
Vपहण (प्र+हन्);
-pres. 3. 8. पहणइ 147 13 abs. पवणुबुम 51 9a पवनोद्भुत. पवयल 17 7 7gl. समर्थ,
पहणेवि 19 58. पवडिय 9 13 9a प्रवृद्ध.
V पहर (प्र+हर); Vपवत्त (प्र+वर्त);
-pres. 3. S. पहरइ 1559a, 209 -pres. 3. s. पवत्तइ 29 3: p. p. 6; 3. pl. पहरन्ति 7 141, 8 64; im. पवत्तिय 5 112 (gl. कृत).
per.2.. पहरु पहरू 15473; pres. पवरिसिय 1 16 4,7 प्रवृष्ट.
part. enl. पहरन्तय 15 42; pot. Vपवस (प्र+वस्);
part. पहरेवउ 11 13 5. -pres. part. पवसन्त 4 4 1, enl. 'पहर 4 75 प्रहार. पवसन्तय 19 la.
पहसिय 18 6 4 प्रहसित. पिवह (प्र+वह);
पहासिउ 3 93[प्रभाषितम्]gl. प्रभाषितवान. -pres. 3. S. पवहइ 3 13 63; pres. पहाणय 15 8 4 प्रधान enl. part. enl. पवहन्तय 3 8 10b, 14 पहिण्डिय 17 13 3 (प्रहिण्डित ) परिभ्रान्त. 11 9a.
पहिलय 1 8 7, 1 11 2, 11 22 प्रथम पवालायायर 14 126?
(G. पहेलँ).
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पहिलारय 9 3 3, 16 12 4; f. पहिलारी पाराधिय 2 16 8 पारित. 962 प्रथमतर enl.
पारिहच्छि 12 18gl. वेग. पहुच [*प्रभूत्य ; denom. from प्रभूत; पारोह' 93 6 प्ररोह sprig. G. पहाँचवू] (He. IV 390) suffice; /पाल (पालय् ; G. पाळh); -pres. 3. S. पहुम्बइ 64 4.
--imper. 2. 8. पालें 7 12 6; pres. पहुत्त 14 7 9a पर्याप्त (G.ाँतh reach). part. पालन्त 326, 10; -pass. पहुत्तण 3 94 प्रभुत्व.
pres. 3. pl. पालिजन्ति 20 10 9b. पंसुलि 755 पांसुली.
/पाव (प्र+आप ; G. पामव॑); पाइक 4 4 6 पादातिक (G. पायक).
-pres. 1. pl. पाव? 2 15 2; 3. s. पाउजिय 29 8 [*प्रातोद्यिक; cf. आतोद्य] पावइ 4 13 90, 12 1 9a; 3. pl. player of musical instruments.
पावन्ति 14 11 6, 201 9b; fut. 1. पाउस 38 6,95 9a प्रावृष्.
pl. पावेसहु 3 6 116; 2. S. पावसहि 'पायय 1 2 3 प्राकृत.
19 7 5; pres. part enl. 979=2727 'पायउ 3 1 13a, 16 4 96 पादपः.
1197, 13 11 53; p. p. पाविय 2 Vपायड (प्रकटय् );
167, enl. पावियय 13 5 100. -pres. 1. s. पायडमि 1 1 196, p. p. पाव 8 11 2 ? पायडिय 16 1496.
पावज 5 137 प्रव्रज्या. पायड 19 10 4, enl. पायडय 6 13 5 पावालोलि 11 14 4 प्रवालावलि. - प्रकट, व्यक्त.
पासु 4 4 3, 12 7 1, 14 1090, 15 'पायारवत्त 1 5 1 प्राकारवत्.
12 8, 16 119b पार्थम् (G. पास) पायाल° 12 8 4, 17 10 9, [*पादाल ?]
near. पादातिक gl. पादूकं ? ( ef. G. पायल).
-पासेंहि 2 13 8, 18 3 96 पार्श्वे near. पायालय 13 6 16 पाताल enl.
-पासिउ [पाश्चिकम् ] 4 5 4, 1096 पाडिहेर 3 3 10 प्रातिहार्य.
(genitive post-position ); 9 5 पाण 2 99b प्राण.
6, 7, 8; 10 82,3 (ablative पाणपिय 19 123 प्राणप्रिया. .
post-position) from, पाणालि. 14 6 1. (D. 6.40=हस्तद्वयप्रहार) पासेय 1 13 7, 18 5 9a प्रखेद. gl. जलच्छटा.
__-पासेइय 2062 प्रविन्न. पाणिय 14 3 8 पानीय (G. पाणी ).
पाहाण 7 14 1, 13 3 106 पाषाण. पाणिगहण 104 4; पाणिग्गहण 10 47, पाहुड° 13 11 11b, 14 10 96 प्रामृत. 1848 पाणिग्रहण.
पाहुणय 5 13 8 प्राघूर्णक (G. पाहुणो, पारक्य 6 1 6, 11 10 1, 15 1 8 [of. परोणो).
He. II 148] पर, gl. शत्रु (cf. G. /पिय, पिव (पिव; G. पीव); पारकुँ stranger).
-pres. 3. pl. पियन्ति 1 4 8; im. पारणय 4 3 2 पारणक
per. 2. s. पिवहि 9 83; pres. part. पारद्धय 16 58 प्रारब्ध enl.
पियन्त 7 9 6%; abs. पिएवि 5 4 5; 18 पाराउट्टय 7 6 1,774, 7 13 8, 15 4 28; pot. part. पिएवऍ 2 12 5.
8, 17 4 8, 19 8 9, 19 177 परा- पिव 13 10 3 इव.
मुख ( Mp. 52 19 14bgl.). पियारय °2 9 1, °4 1b, 5 8 2, f. पियारी पारावय° 1 5 3 पारावत.
84 6प्रियतर enl.
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पिङ्गल° 1 3 8 पिङ्गल; 4 6 5 one of the पुरवह 158 [पुरपति ] gl. श्रेष्ठी. ___nine treasures; °11 4 4° tawny. पुरिसयार 4 4 5 पुरुषकार. पिच्छय 17 126पिच्छ enl.
पुराण 5910. पिअरियय 1467 पिञ्जरित enl.
पुरोहिय 4 6 116 पुरोहित. पिट्टिजन्त 9 10 8 पिठ्यमान (cf. G. पीटच पुलयसरीर 11 4 6 समुच्छ्रितशरीर. [ef. beat).
PSM पुल]. पित्तिय 17 4 2, 17 7 1a [पिश्य, पैश्य पुल उग्गय 8 5 11a [पुलकोद्गत ] उद्गत
or पैत्रिक ] पितृव्य grand uncle. पिसुणत्तण 1499a पिशुनत्व.
पुलिन्द 107 9b. पिसुणिय 15 17[पिशुनित ] सूचित.
पुष्वण्हऍ 5 2 4 पूर्वाह्ने enl. पिहिमि 215 3.552. पिडिवि 1496 पूरन्त 19 64, 19 1210a परयत. ____1268 पृथ्वी.
/ पेक्ख [प्राई; आ. पेखवू]; पिहुल 8 1 2 पृथुल.
-pres. 1. S. पेक्खमि 108 1; 2. s. Vपीड (पीड् ; . पीडवू);
पेक्खहि 8 3.2; 3. S. पेक्खइ 6 11 23
imper. 1. pl. पेक्ख हुँ 12 97; 2. S. -pass. pres. 3. s, पीडिज्जइ 5 11 6. पीलण 1 4 4 पीडन.
पेक्खु 8 2 96, 8 3 1, 2, 3, 4, fut.
2. s. पेक्खेसहि 9 68; abs. पेक्छेवि पुक्खर 1164 पुष्कर.
3 5 10a, 3 9 1b, पेक्खवि 18 5 9a पुजउ 15 7 2 पुङ्गवः.
पेक्खेपिणु 9 4 9a, 9 14 9a, पेक्खेविणु पुच्छिय 2 14 9a पृष्ट.
6 1 100, 19 123. Vपुज [पूजय : G. पूजा].
पेक्खणय 3 6 3,8 1 6 प्रेक्षणक. -abs. पुजेंवि 4 3 5, 10 7 1, पुजे
पेक्षणयाहर 14 12 3 प्रेक्षणकगृह. प्पिणु 1699.
पेम्म 10 22, 14 13 2 प्रेमन्. पुज 5 16 7, 11 2 8, 13 9 2 पूजा.
1 पेरिय 16 1 4 प्रेरित. पुट्टि 17 5 4 [*पृष्ठि] back (G. (व्य f.).
Vपेल्ल (प्र+ईर् ) पुण° (in पुणासणत्थ)7 2 8 पुनः.
-abs. पेल्लेंवि 17 52; p. p. पेल्लिय °11 पुणु 1 8 2, 9, 1 167 पुनः (G. पण).
5 8, 13 7 1a, 13 9 5°, enl. -पुणु पच्छइ 10 8 9 पुनः पश्चात्.
पेल्लियय 19 5 10a. -पुणो वि 10 12 4, 16 3 3 पुनः अपि.
-pass. pres. part. पेल्लिज्जन्त 11 9 4. -पुणु पुणो वि 19 17 la पुनः पुनः अपि.
पेसिय 2 15 1, enl. पेसियय 13 11 11b. -पुणुप्पुणु 19 2 16 पुनः पुनः
पेसण 16 2 2 प्रेषण serving. पुणरवि 13 9 la पुनरपि.
पेसण with चुक्क 5 13 2, 7 8 5 lit. पुणरुत्त 14 12 9a पुनरुक्त.
'missed the mission'; 'died'. "पुण्ण 1 2 12a पूर्ण.
पेसणयारी 6 9 6, 8 4 6 [प्रेषणकारी ] दासी. -पुण्णाउस 2 9 5 पूर्णायुष.
पोक्खरिणि 2 2 3,365 पुष्करिणी. -पुण्णपवित्त 2 6 100, 3 3 2 पूर्णपवित्र. पोट्टल 13 4 7, 18 27, enl. पोट्टलय पुण्णालि 12 9 100, 15 1.4 2 (D. 653) 156 3 पोट्टल bundle (G. पोटली). पुंश्चली.
पोढिमय 3 4 la प्रीढिमन् enl. पुप्फुव (onom.) hiss, snort. पोत्तय 107 8, 11 12 9a पौत्रक.
-pres. 3. S. पुप्फुवइ 19 3 4. vपोमाय (श्लाघ्); पुरळ °4 13 4, 17 4 5 पुरतः.. . -abs. पोमाऍवि 13 9 10;gl. श्लाघांकृत्वा.
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भडहाल 10 2 9a भ्रूवत्. फग्गुणणन्दीसराह 18 4 5 फाल्गुन-नन्दीश्वराहन्, भयभीय 8 10 2 भयभीत. कड 5 11 1, फडा° 13 6 1a फटा. भयभीस 4 3 9a [भयभीष्म] भयंकर; gl. फम्फाव 8 12 2,9 14 6, फम्फावय 3 69 भयस्यापि भीष्मः. sort of bard.
भयभीसण 11 11 1 [भयभीषण] भयजनक. °फर 17 64 फलक shield..
भयाउर 1929 भयातुर. Vफरहर (onom.; G. फरफरवु) fiutter; भयावण 8 1 4, 20 3 1, 206 9a ___-pres. part. फरहरन्त 3 46, 15 2 8. (भीषक) भयानक. फलिह 7 5 1, 17 6 4 परिघ.
V भक्ख (भक्ष); फलिह 6 52 स्फटिक.
-pres. 3. S. भक्खइ 2 12 8. फलिह° 14 65 स्फटिका alum.
भग्ग 17 5 14 भन्म. Vफाड (स्फाटय ; G. फाडवू) split open; भग्गव 13 12 7 [भार्गव]gl. शुक्र. -abs. फाडेप्पिणु 9 2 96; p. p. फाडिय
Vभा (भन्; G. भाजदूं); 5 10 9b, 13 4 8, 197 9.
-pres. 1. S. भञ्जमि 5 14 2; 3. pl. फाटिम 1 4 6 स्फाटित gaping.
भञ्जन्ति 7 54; abs. भोंवि 6155, /फिट्ट (स्फिट्य् He. IV 177=भ्रंश)
125 12. नश (G. फीटवू);
-agent. भक्षण 389. -pres. 3. S. फिट्टइ 10 12 2.
___ भडारय 1 8 13a, 26 1, f. भडारी 1 फुक्कार 12 9 9, enl. 19 3 4 फुत्कार.
14 3, भडारि 1022 भट्टारक. Vफुट (स्फुट्य् ; G. फूटv) break open; -pres. 3. S. फुटइ.13 2 9; pres.
Vभण (ef. G. भणh recite aloud,
V part. फुटन्त 17 3 6; abs. फुटेंवि
study ) speak, consider;
-pres. 1. s. भणमि 6 1 106; 3. s. 8 511b; p. p. फुट 13 6 3.
भणइ 37 3; 3. pl. भणन्ति 10 58a, फुड 5 13 2 स्फुट,
12 9 4; imper. 2. S. भणु 15 14 Vफुर (स्फुर);
2; fut. 3. s. भणेसइ 1952; opt. -pres. part. फुरन्त 14 63, enl.
2. s. भणेजहु 19 12 10a; pres. फुरन्तय 832.
part. भणन्त 2 114, 2 16 11a, फुलिङ्ग 1 13 7 स्फुलिङ्ग.
enl. भणन्तय 15 4 9a; abs. भणेवि 2 फुल्ल 17 4 [ फुल्ल ] पुष्प (G. फूल).
12 8, 67 4, 67 5, 8 11 6, 14 फुल्लन्धुभ 7 13 5 ( D. 6 85 ) भ्रमर.
5 8, भणेवि 3 9 6, 4 127, 7 27, Vफुस (=भृज् ; He IV 105);
11 5 3, 13 11 la, भणेप्पिणु 8 38, pres. part. f. enl. फुसन्तिय 18 10
12 11 6, 14 13 9a, 15 2 9a, 9a.
1833; Vफेड (स्फेटय् ; G. फेडq ) destroy;
-भणेवि 2 7 8, 2 17 8, 19 11 8a, pres. part. फेडन्त 3 2 3.
भणेवि 2 4 9b, 8 4 8 इति कारणात् for
the reason that. भइय 69 3,13 19, 15 62, 15 111/भण्ड (ef. D. 6 101 भंडण कलह; G. [*भयिका ] भीति.
भाँडb abuse); भइणि 12 12 1 भगिनी.
-imper. 2 pl. भण्डहों 4 8 9a. भउह 14 3 10 5 (G. भv).
भण्डार 9 4 1 भाण्डागार (G. भण्डार).
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भत्तार 9 1 8, 10 5 80 भर्तृ (G. भरथार). /भाव (भावय ); भइहत्थि 11 4 2, 11 5 2 भद्रहस्तिन्
-pres. 3. s. भावइ 5 12 8; abs. भन्त 1114 1, enl. भन्तय 1 10 1 भ्रान्त. भावेंवि 27 9a, 5 166; p. p. enl. भन्ति 1 10 1 भ्रान्ति ( भन्ति विस्मयः MP. 3 भावियय 117 9a. 15 10)
भाव 6 11 9b, 6 129 खरूप form. /भम, / भव (भ्रम् ; G. भमर्दू);
भावण° 1 8 10, 2 1 2,573 [भावन] -pres. 3. 8. भमइ 14 2 96; 3. pl. भवनवासिन्. भमन्ति 7 7 8, 11 58; imper.2. V भास (भाष्); s. भमु 19 1553; pres. part. भवन्त -pres. 3. s. भासइ 3 38; pres. 19 13 10a; enl. भमन्तय 1 139a. part. enl. भासन्तय 4 137. 12 12 9; abs. भ#वि 12 1 9b p. भासुर 17 9 1, enl. भासुरय °11 5 9a, p. भमिय 15653
11 11 9a भयङ्कर.
भिउडी 4 9 9a भृकुटि -caus. भाम; -abs. भामेंवि 17793
भिकार 217 4 भृशार. -caus. भमाड;
भिकारी° 19 3 3 [D. 6 105 चीरी] criimper. 2. pl. भमाडहाँ 5 10 8; p.
10 cket. p. भमाडिय 5 10 9a.
मिश्चत्तणु 2 103, 825 भृत्यत्व. भमुहा 14 12 8 भ्रू; cf. भउह.
भिजन्त 11 9 4, 17 3 5 भिद्यमान; 17
16 [ *अभ्यजत् ] being sprinkled Vभर (भृ; G. भरवू);
(G. भीजातु, भाजातु). -pres. part. भरन्त 13 7 1b; abs.
✓ fat [
ft] confront in a battle, भरेप्पिणु 2 115; p. p. enl. भरियय °1467, 15 5 9a%;
fight (G. भिडवू, भडवू); -caus. imper. 3. 8. भरावउ 17 18 8.
-pres. 3. S. भिडइ 4 3 3, 12 27;
3. pl. भिडन्ति 7 5 3, 1288; imभलेभलें 1174 (onom.) sound of
per. 2. S. भिड 12 65; p. p. भिडिय submission emitted by the
4 113, 10 11 7 -p. p. भिट्ट 17 elephant.
4 3. 'भल्ल 4 5 6.
'भिण्डिमाल° 17 7 4, भिण्डिवाल 78 1, भवन्त 5 9 3 भविष्यत् , gl. आगामिक.
10 11 8 भिन्दिपाल. भवियायण 1 1 8 भव्यजन.
भित्ति 6 la ? भसल 247, 10 3 1 (Hc. I 244, /भिन्द ( भिन्द; ef. G. भेदर्दू); - 254) भ्रमर.
-pres. 3. s. भिन्दइ 1652; imper. भाइ 4 13 4, 19 6 3, भाय 10 4 3, 2. pl. भिन्दहाँ 5 11 5; abs. भिन्दैवि ____107 3 भ्रातृ.
10 3 5,13 4 1b. भायर 4 37,4 12 3,97 9a, °18 1 5 /भिब्भिय( onom.) produce shrill भ्रातृ.
notes (used with crickets); भायणय ( for भाइणय) 19 10 6 [*भागि- -pres. 3. 8. भिभियइ. नक ?] भागिनेय.
मिम्भल 1 54 विह्वल. भायणा °18 12 5, 19 6 1bf. भाजन. भीरु 15 3 5. भामरि 2 148 परिभ्रमण, प्रदक्षिणा, °भीस see भयभीस,
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भीसणिय 12 9 10a, 17 13 10a भीषिका. भीसावण 15 15, 15 15 6, भीसावणि म2 13 4, 12 7 9a (with imper.), 17 1 2 भीषण.
10 12 4 (with present) 18 10 भिसिणि 14 58 बिसिनी.
4 (with future) मा (G. म). भु 751, 17 3 3 भुज.
-मं 1946 मा. भुमा 13 4 7 भुजङ्ग.
मइयपट्ट 1565? भुयहन्द 7 14 3, भुवइन्द 13 4 5 भुजगेन्द्र. १/महल [denom. from *मलिल] भुक्खा 282 बुभुक्षा.
मलीनय् (cf. G. मैलुं<*मलिल्लकम् ); भुक्खा-मार 28 2 बुभुक्षा-मार (भुक्खामार =
-pres. 3. S. मइलइ7 128; pres, क्षुधामरी MP. 5 193).
part. मइलन्त 17 19, enl. मइलन्तय
20 107; abs. मइलेंवि 14 1 8, p.p. -pres. 1. 8. भुञ्जमि 5 14 2; 2. s.
मइलिय 14 3 9,1597, 17 1 10b; भुञ्जहि 12 11 5; imper. 2. 8. भुजें 4 12 6, 12 11 3, भुञ्ज 7 12 2;
-pass pres. 3. S. मइलिजइ 20 115%;
-agent. f. enl. मइलणिय 63 90. pres. part. भुञ्जन्त 5 1 8, enl. भुञ्ज
मउड 196, 3 5 10,5117, 1452 न्तय 4 14 96, 19 18 10b; pot. part. भोव्वउ 16 13 16; p. p.
मुकुट (G. मोड).
उल 377 मुकुल. f. भुत्ती 11 13 4.
-मउलिय° 5 22,961, 18 11 3मुकुलित. -caus. p. p. भुजाविय 15 1590,
मउलि कौप्पिणु 19 1 2 मौलौ कृत्वा; कर enl. भुजावियय 8 1280. भुञ्जय 14 27 (1) [ भोजक] gl. अग्रे
मउलि करेप्पिणु-gl. बद्धहस्तौ. भोजकाः (2) भूर्ज enl.
मऊर 3 5 3 मयूर. भुम्भल 14 2 96 [ of. D. 6 114 भल= मयगल 1 15 1 [मदकल] गज (G. मेगळ). मूखे] (with. भोली) artless, sim- मयरद्धय 18 11 4 मकरध्वज. अभिनवा. अटिला. (of मयरन्द 13 3 5 मकरन्द. G. भम्मर भोळी);
__ मयरहर 1 10 6, °11 14 1° [ मकरगृह ] भुव °1 10 7°, 31 12°, 07 1a, 09 1 समुद्र.
8b, °11 66, 14 13 9a, 15 2 4°, मयालय 11 4 5 [ मद+आल+क] मदयुक्त. 18 12 9a भुज,
मगहाहिउ 1 9 1 मगधाधिपः. भुवइन्द' 13 4 5 भुजगेन्द्र.
V मग्ग (मार्गम् ; G. मागवू); भुवनम 20 2 6 भुजङ्गम.
-pres. 3. S. मग्गइ 3 12 5, मग्गेइ भूय 16 8 4 भूत, 0998° ghost. 17 1293 p. p. मग्गिय 15 1473 Vभूस (भूषय);
pass. pres. 3. S. मग्गिज्जइ 12 12 5. pres. 3. pl. भूसन्ति 72 63; abs. मघ° 137 10b मघा. भूसेवि 16 15 96.
मझन्लगारय 1 1 14 मङ्गलकारक. भूसण-इल 19 187 [भूषणइला भूषणापृथ्वी ? मज्जणय 1 16 3, 15 13 4, 15 14 4 V भेय (भेदय् );
मजन enl. -pass. pres. मेइज्जन्ति 16 मज्जाय 12 8 2 मर्यादा.. 79a.
मज्ञ 1 11 3, 5 11 96, 63 6, 15 13 भेरि 13 109 मेरी.
- 8 मध्ये (of. G. माहि, माँ). भेसह 13 12 7gl. बृहस्पति, मजिसम° 13 9 9 मध्यम (G. माझम ).
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INDEX VERBORUM मारिय 14 4 5 मञ्जरी enl. (cf.a. माँजर). मम्भीस [ From मा भैषीः; ef. D. 6 भडक 8 99a मान! (ef. PSM).
129 माभाइ, मामीसिअम अभयप्रदानम् । मडप्फर 3 8 9, 4 3 8, 11 11 8, 14 1 He. IV 22, 22 मन्भीसदी; Bh. s.v. 4 (D. 6 120) गर्व.
मंभीसइ ] comfort, pacify; मणामणउ 911 5 मनाग्मनाक्.
-abs. मम्भीसेंवि 10 2 1, 11 98; मणि? 10 126 मनइष्ट.
p. p. मम्मीसिय 15 22. मणिरयण 18 25 मणिरत्न.
मम्भीसf.567 comfort, consolation. मणुयत्त°311 1,1821 मनुजत्व. मणुस 17 13 9, मणूस 8 37, 16 107 -pres. 1. s. मरमि 19 18 16; 3. s. __ मनुष्य (cf. G. मागस).
मरइ 57 7, 8 3 8, 18 68; imper. मणोज 16 6 1, 17 16 87, 18 3 5 मनोज्ञ. 2. 8. मरु 7 12 5, 15 4 7, मरु मरु 5 मणोहरगारय 2 6 10a मनोहर-कारक. 72; 2. pl. मरहों 16 11 3; 3. s. Vमण्ड (आ+रभ ; G. माँडq ) begin; मरउ 127 9a.
-imper. 2 pl. मण्डहों 4 8 9b. मरगय° 1 4-3 मरकत. Vमण्ड (G. मॉडर्बु) arrange artisti. मरह 398, 10 9 6, 117 2 (D 6 cally;
120) गर्व. -abs. मण्डेंवि 4 5 96, 17 18 106; 'मराल° 3 4 5.
-pass. pres. 3. 8 मण्डिज्जइ 5 11 6. मरिसाविय 69 9 मर्षित. मण्ड 13 4 100, 18 8 9a (with वलिवण्ड), मरु° 1 52 मरुत् wind.
मण्ड मण्डु 11 13 4, मण्डएँ 18 3 2 V मरुस (मृश्); [*मदे] forcibly, with great -opt. 2. 8. मरुसेजहि gl. क्षमा कुरु. difficulty (of. D. 6 140 महवला- V मल (मृद्; He. IV 126); त्कार; Bh. has thrice मण्ड. once -pres. 1. S. मलमि 1089, 12743 मण्ड मण्ड: MD 7 2015 and 9 14 abs. मलेवि 12 109a, 18 la; p. p. 10 महें हठात् ; G. माँड माँड with मलिय 15 1 5, 16 la, 18 9 5. great difficully. Jacobi and मसि पोट्टलय 1 5 63 मषी-पोट्टलक. Alsdorf fail to see its connec- महग्गय 10 109b, 13 8 16, महागय tion wi
206 8° महागज? V मण्ण [मन्य G. मानवू],
महणसि 163 9 [ महानसिन् ] सूपकार. -pres part. enl. मण्णन्तय 2 16.6; "महणास 14 2 7 महानस ? abs. मण्णेवि 9 3 9a.
महन्तय 4 3 2, 4 4 8 [महत् enl.] मन्तवाल 14 2 6 गज (cf. D. 6 122 minister, councillor. मत्तवाल-मदोन्मत्त; H. मतवाला).
'महराय 17 9a महाराज, मत्थऍ 1 8 13b [मस्तके] on, above "महल 4 11 2 [महत् ल ] महत्. (G. माथे).
महाइय 37 2, 4 5 9a, 8 4 3 [frequV मत्थ मिथ्-pass. मथ्य्);
ent in Bh. Jacobi renders it -pass. pres. part. enl. मस्थिजन्तय by महात्मन्. Twice in Hp. Gl. at 20696.
87 8 5 महर्धिक अतिशयवन्त. Alsdorf मन्तण 16 37, enl. मन्तणय 15 13 4, ___connects it with महा+आय (D. 1 17 la मन्त्रण.
73 आ=अत्यर्थम् )] महर्द्धिक. Mp. मन्द 1 13 9a..
522 10 महात.
Page #429
महाउस 386महदायुष्क.
-pres. 1. s. मारमि 8 10733. . महाय° 137?
मारइ 9 10 5, imper. 2. pl. मारहाँ महाकाल 4 65 one of the nine 69 4; p. p. enl. मारियय 9 11 1. treasures.
माहप्प 3 13 8a, 20 9 1 माहात्म्य. महागह 1 3 14b [ महाग्रह ] राहु. माहव-मास 6 5 10a, 11 4 1, 1995 महाडइ 3 85°, 5 4 2 महा+अटवी. [माधवमास] gl. चैत्रमास (usually महारय 6 4 9a, 19 1 8 मदीय (G. म्हा). माधव-वैशाख). महायवत्त 13 14 महातपत्र?
माहेन्द 10 1 10b [माहेन्द्र ] gl. इन्द्रजाल. महिसा 1 1 8 महिष enl.
मिय° 14 4 1 अमृत. महुमह 1 6 7 [ मधुमथ ] विष्णु.
मिग 16 15 1, 19 13 8 one of the 'महोरंग 1877.
four breeds of elephants (cf. महोवहि 3 3 7 महोदधि.
मय 16 122). मा 12 9 2, 13 12 10b.
-मिगणयण 19 37 मृगनयना. Vमा [मा; G. मावं] be contained in; -pres. 3. S. माइ 1 10 3, 16 14
-मिगमय 14 65 [ मृगमद ] कस्तूरी. 8; pres. part. मन्त 11 5 1; p. p. -मिगलोयणिय 16 13 8 मृगलोचना enl.
माइय 9 52, enl. माइयय 8 3 9a. मित्तय 12 2 8, 12 5 4, 18 4 6 मैत्री. माउलय 19 107 मातुल enl.
V मिल [ मिल्; G. मळवू ]; माएँ 1872, 19 2 10b, 19 6 2. 19 -pres. 3. pl. मिलन्ति 18 3 8; abs.
8 106, 19 10 6, 19 16 10a मिलेंवि 9 13 96, 17 55, मिलेवि 96 [hta: 7 term of endearing add
4, मिलेप्पिणु 11 18; ress to a familiar woman.
-caus. 2. s. मिलावहि 15 11 96. मायरि 9 6 4, 19 8 4, 19 16 7 मातृ. Vमुभ [मुच् ]; मायावाल 227 मायाबाल.
-pres 3. S. मुअइ 13 1 8, 15543 मागहभास 595 मागधभाषा.
3. pl. मुयन्ति 67 5,726; imper. Vमाण [मानय् ; G. माणवू ] enjoy;
2. s. मुऍ 15 7 2; 2. pl. मुअहु 192 -pres. 2. s. माणहि 2016; fut.
8; 3. S. मुअउ 5 2 5; pres. part. 1. pl. माणेसहुँ 9 6 5; pres. part.
enl. मुअन्तय 3 66; abs. मुऍवि 6 माणन्त 935; abs. माणेंवि 14 8 9b,
15 96, 7 11 6, 10 12 7, 12 47, 14 9 6, p. p. enl. माणियय.
मुएवि 8 3 6, 10 12 5, 12 24, 'माण 5 10 6 मान.
मुयवि 15 13 5, मुएप्पिणु 138 10a: -माणइरि° 387 मानगिरि.
p. p. मुक 4 104, f. मुक्की 4 104, -माणस्थम्भ 578 मानस्तम्भ.
enl. मुक्कय 14 8 90; -pass. pres. माणव 4 65 मानव.
3. s. मुच्चइ 1 3 14b, 7 12 2; pres. *माणवथम्भ 178 मानवस्तम्भ.
part. मुञ्चन्त 3 29. माणुस 10 52, 10 11 4 [ मानुष्या मुय 28 2, 15 11 8, f. enl. मुइया 19 मनुष्य (G. माणस).
___18 16 मृत (G. मुओ). माम °13 2 10a%, 18 1 3, enl. 13 11 मुच्छंगय 5 13 4 मूछों गता. 8 [माम ] father-in-law.
मुच्छाविय 6 93, 198 4, 19 15 1b Vमार [मारय् ; G. मारवू];
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INDEX VERBORUN Vमुण [म्रा = ज्ञा; He. IV 7] मेहलहर 1 5 5 मेखलाघर. .
-pres. 3. pl: मुणन्ति 16 12.7; abs. मेहुणय 613, 19 106gl. स्यालक (of. मुणेवि 3 12 14 p. p. enl, मुणियय D. 6 148 मेहुणिया पल्याः भगिनी and 1023; pass. pres. 3. 8. मुणिजह मेहुणय=पितृष्वस्सुत; of. N. मेवणा).. 2025.
मोकल-केस 8 3 1 मुक्तकेची (G. मोक्तुं free). मुखिया 15 14 8 मुग्धा enl.
मोग्गर °4 5 6,855°,°11 85° मुद्गर.. मुरव 1 5 7, 14 10 8, मुरय 14 12 3 / मोड (मोटय् ; G. मोदूं) break; मुरज.
-pres. 3. pl. मोडन्ति 728; p. p. V मुसुमूर (भज्; He. IV 106) pound मोडिय 4 8 6; -caus. p. p. मोडाविय (मुसुमूरण=पिण्डीकरण Mp7 6 12); 11 10 4. -pres. 3. 8. मुसुमूरइ 17 94; p. p. मोर 3 4 5 मयूर. मुसुमूरिय 4 87°, 862, 17 7 16, मोरय 3 1 18a [ *मयूरक ] gl. पिच्छ.
enl. मुसुमूरियय 13 16. मुसण्डि 4 5 6, मुसण्ढि 11 8 5, 17 65 रउरव 19 3 3 रौरव. प्रहरणविशेष.
Vश्य [रच्] मुहयन्द 2 15 4 मुखचन्द्र.
-abs. रएप्पिणु 16 15 9a, 17173 मुहवेक्खा 10 27 [मुखप्रेक्षक] desirous p. p. रइय 17 13 10b.
to see (your) face. . रय 1022 [रत] सुरत. मुहवस 15 8 5 मुखवार्ता oral message ? रयण 12 12 106 रन.
. मुहलिय 13 9 6 मुखरित. ..
रयण 9 124 -मुहलीहूपय 1 13 9b मुखरीभूत enl. स्पण 4 66 [रन] one of the nine मुहियऍ11 11 3 मुधा; gl. एवमेव वृथा (of. treasures. ___D. 6 134 मुहिम, मुहिणा-एवमेव करणम् ). रयणि 16 15 7 रनि. मूढी 17 16 9b मूढा.
रयसल 1912 रजखला. मेच्छ 9 108 म्लेच्छ.
V रक्ख (रक्ष् ; ef. G. राखh keep); मेलय 37 10a मेलक (G. मेळो) gath- -imper. 1. pl. रक्खहुँ 15 107; 2. ___ering.
pl. रक्खहाँ 1986; 3. S. रक्खउ 18 Vमेलव [ मेलय; G. मेळवधुं],
7 9b; pres. part. रक्खन्त 8 26; -abs. मेलेवि 562, मेलेप्पिणु 19 17 3. p. p. रक्खिय 11 3 5, enl. 16 8 9a.
रक्ख 17 17 3,198 6 रक्षस. V मेल्ल (मुच्; G. मेलb);
रक्खण 1057 रक्षक; gl. सुभट. -pres. 3. S. मेल्लइ 54 6; pres. part. मेमन्त 14 6 1; abs. मेल्लेंवि 10
रक्खवाल 1198 रक्षापाल guardian
(G. रखवाळ). 580, मेल्लेंवि 3 14, 12 6 4, मेल्लेप्पिणु
रक्ससी 9 12 8, enl. रक्खसिय 583 14 16, 19 17 3;p. p. मेल्लिय 398,
98, राक्षसी. . 1176,1187, 13 7 16, 14 9 3, /रडोलं (=दोलय He. IV 48) swing 17 10 10a, 19 5 10b;
to and fro; - caus. abs. मेल्लावेप्पिणु 19 12 1a; __-pres. 8. S. रढोलइ 14 37; p. p. p. p. मेल्लाविय 9 11 8, 11 9 8, enl. रहोलिय 13 74; agent. रसोलिर' मेल्लावियय 13 5100, 20790. 13 128. मेसासण853 मेषासन.
Page #431
समचरित रणिय 1 5 9b, 01438[ हत ] रषित राणय 2 15 5,392555 2, °844, coloured.
93 2, °11 10 2, 15 8 4, 20 38, रजय 1 11 3 रजू enl.
20 11 8 राजन् enl. [ef. Sk. राजाVरड (रद ; G. रडq weep, cry);
नक, G. राणो]. -pres. 3. . रडइ 197 11b; imp. रामकह 1 2 6°, रामकहा 1 2 1 रामकथा. * er. 3 8. रडउ 12 95.
राविय 4 8 8 [He. IV 49 ] रखित. रण° 14 3 8 corrupt for गण?
राव 10 3 2. रणह 565,111096. 127417 रासि 9 14 4 रश्मि. 4 10a, 20 16 रणमुख battle-front.
रिच्छ °3 52,855° ऋक्ष (G. रॉछ).
- रिछोलि 11 14 4, 14 4 3, 14 68 रणवीढ 4 59b रणपीठ.
(D.77) पडि. रण 4 1 6 [Hc. I 66] अरण्य (G. रान). /रिज्म [ ऋध्य ; ef. G. रीमई- be plea. रत्तिन्दिर 107 5 रात्रिंदिवम्.
sed' ) prosper; रतुप्पलिहूअय° 9.6 6 रक्तोत्पलीभूत enl. -imper. 3. S. रिज्झउ 12 11 8. Vरम (रम् ; G. रमर्दू);
- रिण °13 3 10a, °19 109 ऋण. -pres. 3. pl. रमन्ति 14 11 8; im- रिहालय 11 4 5 [ रेखाल enl.] रेखायुक्त. per. 2. 8. रमु 19 155; 2 pl. रमही रूम,/रुव [रुद्; G. रुए weeps ]; 14 54; pres. part. रमन्त 18 12 -pres. 3. 8. रुबइ 18 12 6, रुवइ 19 8, f. रमन्ति 1836; abs. रमॅवि 143 3, pres. part. f. रुवन्ति 19 2 11 4 (in रवि ग णाइय%3DG. रमी न 10a, enl. अन्तिय 19 9 10b; P. P. जाणी); -pass. pres. 2. s. रम्महि रुण 19 108; gerundive रुवेवहाँ 869b.
7886. रम्भ 19 12 4 [रम्भा ] कदली.
/रु [रुच्य ] like; रव. 14 22 कलमञ्जल sweet sounding. -pres. 3. S. रुञ्चह 13 14a, 2 156. रवण्णय 2 2 2, 14 1 1 | रमण्य en1.7 ट्रय 11 10 3 रुष्ट enl. (G. रुठो). रमणीय.
रुण्ड 17 13 10a. रविन्द496 अरविन्द. .
रुन्द 19 13 8 ( D.7 14) विपुल.. रसन्त 1032, 14 63 रसत्.
रुप्पय° 2 16 4 रौप्य enl. एसमन्ती 14 2 9a [°रसवती ] रसयुक्ता.
रुहिर 19 6 5 रुधिर. रसोइ 17 13 10b रसवती cooked food .
। स्व. 9 8 3 (रुवु 18 6 8, रूयई 374)
रूप. (G. रसोई ).
रेल्ल (प्लावय् ; G, रेलवु); रहियय 52 9a रहित enl.
-pres. part. enl. रेल्लन्तय 4 97; रहा 15 12 7 [ रथाङ्ग] चक्र.
p. p. रेलिय 17 32, रहल्ल f.7 3 10b तरङ्ग (cf. Sk. लहरी; G. रेह ( राज, He. IV 100); लहेर), gl. वेला = जलपूर.
-pres. 3. pl. रेहन्ति 2 11 9a. राय 4 12 6,5 5 4 राजन्.
रोक (G. रोकb) check, stop, राउलय 19 10 7 [ राजकुल enl.] gl.
engage; राजा
-pres. 3. S. रोक्कइ 17 9 3, pres. . -7 1 90 राजकुलिक royal.
part. रोकन्त 4 7 10b; p. p. रोक्किय राय-सिय 69 6 राजश्री royal fortune. 61 9.
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Vरोव [रुद्; He. IV 226; G. रौवें। 8, लग्गेवि (=frorh)693, p. p. लोग
-pres. 2. 8. रोवहि 19 15 8; pres: 19 1, (कम्पणहँ), 1018,सिएवि) part.f.रोवन्ती 831.
1024, enl. लग्गय (भजहि) 9 1073 रोसावियय 8 9 9a रोषित enl.
-with कु. (=)chase, pres. 3. रोसाउरियय 13 la रोषापूर्ण.
s. कुलग्या 12425p. p. enl. कुठे
लग्गय 12 37 [D. 2 62 को हृतानु. लइ 1 12 7, 5 2 3,583, 7 6 96, गमनम् ; Mp. 29 14 11 gl gives
8190,916, 10 4 4, 10 10 8, कुढि=पृष्ठे; Psx. records हावय =अनु... 11 12 8, 1297, 13 38, 14 5 गमन. Eng. trail' 'trace'; G.पीछो].
4, 14 11 2, 15 18, 15 8 5, 15 लग्गणखम्भ1 1a [*लागनस्कम्भ] आधारस्तम्भ. .. 123. 16 12, 168 7. 18 3 1. लाल 6 11 8,197 10 लाडल.
18 36, 18 8 96, 209 5 (G. ले) Vलक (G. लाँघदूं);.. ' - well, lo.
-pres. part. 'लपान्त 2 81; abs. Vलय [ला, G. लेवें] take;
लडेवि 1167, लवेप्पिणु.237,661. -pres. 3. pl. लयन्ति 72 63 pres. Vलज्ज [ लज्; G. लाजवं] part. लयन्त 18 18; abs. लऍवि 18 -pres. 3. S. लज्जइ 108 11b, 11 1 96, 2 लएवि 2 3 9a, 18 108. 1290; opt. 2. S. लजिजहि 18 83; लएप्पिणु 2 15 9a, 3 12 6,7 62 3 8. लजिजइ 20 11 5. 14 111; p. p. लइय' 251.2 11 लम्छणगारिय 1955 लाञ्छनकारिका. 7,2122475. 1223. 153 लट्टि 1162 यष्टि. 3. 17 4:16. 18 on लद्ध-संस 13 4 3 लब्धशंस, 24 7,4 109a, '11 12903; pass.
लब्भइ 4 124 लभ्यते. pres. 3. S. लइज्जइ 255.
Vलल [लल्, लड् ] dangle;
-pres. 3. S. ललइ 14 7 8; pres. लडहि° 17 65 [*लकुटी] लकुट.
part. ललन्त °13 4 5°, °17 13 3, लयार 1 3 5 लकार.
f. ललन्ति 10 3 4. लकुडि° 11 6 4 [*लकुटी of. D. 7 19 लकुडंलकुटः ] लकुट (ef. G. लाकडी).
Vलह [ लभ् ]; V
-pres. 1. 8. लहमि 12 16; fut. Vलक्स [ लक्षय ]
2. . लहेसहि 19 8 2; abs. लहेंवि 2 -imper. 2. pl. लक्खहों 551;abs.
HaDS, 97, 10 4 1, 18 2 1. लक्खेवि 424; pass. pres...3. S. लहिम 9 12 3 लघिमन्. लक्खिनइ 2 3 4, 6 13 5, 10 105,
100, लहु 18 10 5 लघु quickly. 1169b, 17 9 100.
लहुम 6 12 3 लघु enl. लक्खण 1 3 7 [लक्षण] व्याकरणशास्त्र, 2 .
Vलाय [ लागय]; .98 लक्षणशास्त्र.
-abs. लाऍवि 2 11 3; p. p. लाइय 3 लग्ग [*लग्य ; G. लागवं]; - 9 10a, 11 23, 11 8 6. -imper. 2. 8. लग्गु 8 103; 3.S. लायण 01 13 6, 02 162%, 14 12 30 लागउ 9 105; fut. 3. S. लग्गेसइ 18 लावण्य. 69b; pres. part.. लग्गन्त: 13 5 लाहव 17 69, 20 2 1a [ noun from .: 1b.f. लग्गन्ति 17 2 3; abs. लागेंवि causal base *लाहव !] लाभ (.
(=from) 1 164, 12 28, 20:11 लहावो).
Page #433
लिय• 3 12 6 लात taken.
वइयागरण 7 144 वैयाकरण. . लिह see लीह.
वइतरण 1193, 11 105 वैतरणी. लिहाविय 6996, 12 5 6 लेखित. वइमाणिय 15 155 वैमानिक. लीह 17 7 8, 18 10 9a, लिह° 15 12 बहराय 2 9 2, 2 10 3 वैराग्य.
7[लेखा] रेखा (of. G. लौंटी). वइरिणि 194 96 वैरिणी. लीण 13 129,145 8 लीन.
वहवस 15 13 7 [वैवखत ] यम. लुभ 48 3°, 15 5 4 लुत.
Vवहसर (analogical formation of Vलुह (मृज्, He. IV 105; G. वें) the primitive from वइसार, the wipe;
causative base from वइस-उप+ -pres. 2. S. लुहहि 19 158; pres. विश्) sit; part. f. लुहन्ति 19 6 10a; agent.
19610 cent. वइसरहु 10 17;abs, °लुहण 15 12 738
वइसरेंवि 6 1 5, 15 2 43 -caus. abs. लुहावेवि 19 11 1a.
-caus. p. p. वइसारिय 5 14 3, 20 Vले (नी; G. ले) take;
वइसण 5 11 8, 5 14 3, enl. वइसणय -pres. 1. s. लेमि 4 4 3; 1. pl. १
1698 [उपवेशन] आसन (of. G. बेस]). हुँ 2 15 7; 2. S. लेहि 18 2 2, 3; 8..लेड 11096,757; imper. जयन्तिय 12496 व्रतवती enl.
वय 20 107 (2) gl. वदन. 3. S. लेड 13133; 3. pl लेन्तु 193.
वयस 19 12 6 [वयस्य ]gl. मित्र. 9; pres. part. लेन्त 18.12 9a,
वा वयणु 1 3 6 [वकं वचनम् ] passive enl. लिन्तय 17 3 10b; abs. लेवि 1
____voice (of. Old G. वाकडी उक्ति). 103,438, 4 52,56 9a, 10
___°वक 10 106 वाक्य. 12 5, 1498, 18 3 2, लेप्पिणु 14
वक्खाणियय 1 3 2 [*व्याख्यानित enl.] 16, 14 1090, 1519a;
व्याख्यात. -caus. p. p. लेवाविय 15 15 9a.
वक्खित्त 1344? लेस 311 3 लेश्या.
वगलामुह 17 3 4 [वगलामुख] वडवानल. लेह 13 117, 14 13 9a, 15 8 4 लेख.
वतिय 20 4 5 [वक्रित] worsted (in लोय 3 12 2, 6 16 1 लोच.
___battle). Vलोट्ट (लुट्य ) roll about, wallow वडय 6 16 5 [वक्र+Ap. suffix 'उडय] (G. लोटq; आळोटर्नु);
वक्र (G. वाकडे). -pres. part. लोहन्त 14 13 8, enl..
Vवञ्च (He. IV 225; व्रज्); लोहन्तय 8 3 3;p. p. °लोट्टिय° 4 87.
___-imper. 2. S. वञ्चु 7 12 4. Vव्हस (Hc. IV 197) संस् fall, °वच्छ 14 12 5 ? pass away, fade;
Vवज [ वाय् ; G. वाजवू ]; -pres. 3. S. ल्हसइ 18 5 9a; p. p. -pres. 3. 8. बजइ 3 3 7, 17 103; ल्हसिय 10 118,17 4 6, 17 17 10. वजन्त 3 29 वर्जयत्. हास 19 18 4 म्लानि fading. वज 16 14 4 वाय or वर्य or वादित.
Vवजर (He. IV 2; कथ् ); व 1 4 2,153,113 4,273,4 10 -imper. 2. s. वजरहि 15 12 63
5,6 13 1,918, 17 11 100 इव; p. p. वजरिय 4 137,57 10,9 2396वा.
61,124 1.
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Vव [वश्चय ];
-imper. 2. pl. वन्दहु 3 4 10b; abs. -pres. part. f. वञ्चन्ति 7 37;abs. वन्दैवि 2 17 1, 10 28, वन्देप्पिणु 4 वचेवि 13 12 9; p. p. वश्चिय 4 11 18 5, 15 9 8; p. p. वन्दिय 15 7 1. 9a,58 4...
वन्दणभत्ति 18 5, वन्दणहत्ति 27 1,18 Vवन्छ [वाञ्छ; G. वॉछर्नु ];
43 वन्दनभक्ति. -pres. 3. s. वञ्छइ 9 13 8. वन्दि 119 9, 17 17 10a बन्दिन्. वह 15 12 3, 18 37, 19 8 106. वन्दिण 3 69,8 12 3, 103 2 बन्दिन, ___to be sure, indeed.
Vबन्ध [बन्ध ; G. बाँधदूं]; वर्ट 11 4 6 वृत्त.
-pres. 3. S. वन्धइ 13 1 96; abs. वडउ 15 14 3 imper. 3 s. of ?
वन्धेवि 1 10 6, 17 17 6; वड-णिविड 13 11 4 वटनिबिड.
-caus. abs. बन्धावेंवि 14 92. वडीवा 12 4 6 see आणवडीवा.
बन्ध 4 114 बन्ध.
वन्धहि 8 8 9b corrupt for वद्धहि वर्धसे. वडारय 16 4 8 [comparative of बड्ड १
enl.; of. H. बड़ा, D.729 व = महत] वप्प 3 9 6, 3 13 8a, 209 1 (D. 6 महत्तर (cf. G. वडे).
88) पिता (G. बाप). Vवह [वृध्-वर्ष ; H. बढना)
वप्पिक्की 4 3 9b (He. IV 395 बप्पीकी) -pres. 3. 8. वड्डइ 27 9b; pres. पैतृकी (G. बापीकी). part. वडन्त 12 12 10a, 17 1 10b; Vवम [वम् ] vomit, emit; p. p. वड्डिय 47 10a, enl. 14 13 9. -pres. 3. S. वमइ 13 56, 3. pl. -caus. p. p. वडुविय 9 109a. धमन्ति 14 137. वण 894 व्रण.
°वमाल 7 137, 10 52, 13 13, 16 वणफई 14 14 वनस्पति.
159a; enl. °वमालय 247 (D. 6
90) कलकल. वणालय 5 2 1 बनालय.
-वमालिय 72 4 कलकलयुक्त. वणासह 13 9 3, 17 18 5 वनस्पति.
वम्म 14 28 मर्मन्. 'वणिय 3 113b वनिता.
वम्मीय 4 129a वल्मीक. Vवण्ण [वर्णय ];
वर° 2 48 उत्तम. -pres. 1. 8. वणमि 1 4 1; abs.
'वर [वर ] श्रेष्ठ or added svārthe (of. वणेंवि 18 683
G. तरुवर, सरवर etc. wherein वर is -pass.pres. 3. 8. वण्णिबह 11 10 8.
added svārthe ); वदलिय 19 4 9a f. मेघ (ef. D. 7 35
-गिरिवर 1106, 6 11 4, 7 14 1; बद्दल = दुर्दिन; G. वादळी cloudlet).
जिणवर 25 9a; सुरवर 2 6 1; हयवर वद्धावय 19 4 la [वर्धक, वर्धापक ] brin
3 134;गयवर° 3 13 4,618°; रहger of good news (G. वधावो). वर 47 9; णरवर° 512,525; सरवद्धावणय 9 5 1 [वर्धनक, वर्धापनक ] br- वर °4 102,54 8, 1754; तरुवर ___inging good news (G. वधाम]). 6 3 5, 6 67; कुमुणिवर 68 2, 17 वद्धाविय 10 6 8a [वर्धित, वर्धापित ] co- 4 10b; असिवर 1185°, 14 13 9a; _ngratulated.
पुरवर °11 12 7°, 15 10 9; दससयगवडामरिस 12 2 2 बद्धामर्ष.
इवर 12 125; मुणिवर 13 37, मुणिVवन्द [वन्द्र . वाद
वरवरितु 1337; हरिवर 1918 6.
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वरहत्त 5 15 96,729 वरपितृ bride. -pres. 3. s. वहइ 4 53; 3. pl. : groom.
वहन्ति 17 29; pres. part. वहन्त वराय 4 8 9b, f. enl. वराइय 12 7.9a 108 6,f. वहन्ति 11.10.5, वहन्ती 12 वराक.
__6, enl. वहन्तय 13 6 116, 13 11 5. वरि 1 3 9, 2 14 1, 108 6 वरम्,
Vवह [वध् ]; वरिय: 20 5 10a वृत.
___-pres: 3. . वहइ 6 11 2; fut. 3. Vवरिस [वृष्; G. वरसवु] : .: . . वहेसइ 6 113; pres. part. वहन्त
-pres. 3. S. परिसइ 10 1 9a; pres. 2079a; abs. वहेंवि 17 8 2. . part. वरिसन्त 8 10 9a; p. p. f. वहल 14 10 3 बहल. वरिट्ठी 1 14 96..
वहव 51 1, 5 9 1, 12 9 6, 16 13 1 वरिस 1 16 4 [ वर्षः] वर्षा.. वरि-सग्ग 13 126gl. उपरितन-खर्ग.
वहिणि 5 4 7, 9 6 2, °13 11 10 भगिनी वरिसद्ध.1 10.3 वर्षार्धम्.
(G. बहेन). Vवलं [वल ; G. घळवू];
वहिरय 98 2 बधिर enl...... -pres. 3. S. वलइ 13 1 1b, 14 3.
14 वह 92 1, 184 10a, enl. वहुय°5 4. 179 3; 3. pl. वलन्ति 7283; 15980, 6159b, °13 102, 19 | imper. 2. s. वलि 17 8 106; वलु 157. वहुव °1579b वधू (प. बहु). 2083, वलु वलु 11 113,178 3, .
00 -वहुवर 49 8, 104 9a वधूवर. 2087; 2. pl. वलहाँ 8 11 1; pres.
• वहुक्खम 13 27 [बहुक्षम ] अतिसहिष्णु. part. enl, वलन्तय 202 90; abs.
वहुत्त 14 12 9a (He. I-233) प्रभूत वलेंवि 123 8, 126 1, वलेवि 2 152;
. (H. बहोत). - p. p. enl. वलियय 83 5.
बहुरूव 9 9 6 वहुरूप. Vवल [ज्वल्; G. बळवू];
वहुल° 13 12.8 gl. तिमिर. __-pres. part. वलन्त 2 119b.
वहुलट्ठमिय 199 5 बहुलाष्टमी ent, वलवन्त 15 10 6 बलवत्.
वहुवारउ 8 10 4 बहुवारम् enl. वलग्ग 7 3 1, 147 9b, 16 155, 18
वहुसंथ 169 6 [ बहुसंस्थ] gl. बहुविचार 5 9a [अवलम] (He. IV 206)
, वंस 11 4 8 [वंश] back (cf. G. वांसो). आरूढ (of. G. वळगq adhere to, be attached to).
वाइय 19 16 8 [वात ] वीजित. 'वलाय 14 696 बलाका.
‘वाइ 5 15 2 वादिन्. वलियय 8 35 [बल+°इक enl.1 मलिन Vवाय (वाचय ) recite; (G. बळियो).
- -abs. वाऍवि 6 16 8. वलिवण्ड 18 8 9a [cf. D. 6 92 बल- Vवाय (वादय् );
मड्डा बलात्कार; FSM. cites बलिमड़ा -pres. 3. S. वायइ 1 14 4; presBh. has वलिवण्ड ( thrice: Hp part. f. वायन्ती 14 10 8; p. p. वलिमड्ड ] violence (cf. मण्ड).
वाइय 2 4 4. Vवसिफर [वशीकृ];
वायरण 27 96 व्याकरण. -abs. यसिकरवि 1591:p. p. वसिकिय वायव 88 4. - 453, 16.78.
वाण 13 10 3 (1) वाण sound, (2.) वसुन्धरि 18 3 वसुन्धरा.
an arrow. Vवह (G. वहेवू, वही जर्दू) flow, move, वाणरमालिय 1426 (1) वानर-मालाenl. carry, bear;
(2) तोरण festoon (H. G. वंदरवाल).
Page #436
वाणिजय 286 वाणिज्यक.
12 10a, 1562.15 1473 (हिँ वाम 4 11 5gl. व्यायाम.
विहि+) मि 1 10 8, 2 42 to 2 वामद्ध 1 68 वामार्ध.
4 8, 2 147, 16 5 11b, 17 53; 'वामीसिय 14 63 व्यामिश्रित.
19 12 8, (हुँ+वि="हु+) मि 11 6 8, वार 2 16 10, 6 1 7, 12 3 8. 142. 16 13 5, 19 6 4, 1984, 19 17 ___1 द्वार (G. बार, बार]).
11b अपि (G. बि, य). वारवार 7 26, 19 6 1a वारंवारस्. विउज्झण 163 6 ( noun fr. विउज्झ= वारि-णिवन्धण 4 1 4 वारि-निबन्धन.
विबुध्य् ) विबोधन. वालकील 517 बालक्रीडा.
विउव्वण 3 7 4 विक्रिया, विकुर्वणा magic वाली 14 296 बालिका.
____power. Vवाल [वालय् ; G. वाळवू];
विओअ° 20 10 6 वियोग. -abs. वालेंवि 73 10a.
/वियष्ट ( He. IV 129; वि+सं+वद् ); वावणय 8 1 6 वामन enl.
-pres. 3. S. वियदृइ 4 2 9a gl. Vवावर [व्या+Y ] become active;
विघटते. -inf. वावेरवि ( लग्गु ) 129 8... वियडिवण्ण10 81gl. विमतिपन्नं विकृतिवर्णो वा. वावल्ल 4 5 69,017 6 3° शस्त्रविशेष... वियड्ड 14 9 6 [ विदग्ध ] amorous perवावार 14 8 3 व्यापार.
son. Vबास (वर्ष);
/बियप्प [ वि+लप-कल्प] think, con-pres. 8. s. वासइ 3 3 9.
sider; 'वास 4 11 7 [वर्ष ] वर्षा shower.
-abs. वियप्पैवि 2 9 5. वासारत्त 9 9 96 [वर्षारात्र] वर्षा rainy /वियम्भ (वि+जृम्भ );
season (म. बरसात; G. वरसात, वरसाद). -pres. 3. S. वियम्भइ 17 9 63 p. p. Vवाह [ वाहय् ];
enl. वियम्भिययः 99 6. -pres. 1. S. वाहमि 11 52; imper. बियलियय 15 6 1 विगलित enl. 2. S. वाहि वाहि 17 6 2, 17 10 2; /वियस (वि+कस्); abs. वाहवि 12 1 9a; p. p. enl. __-pres. 3. pl. वियसन्ति 63 6. वाहियय 8 9 90.
वियावड 10 1 6, 14 98 [व्यापृत] Vवाह [बाध् ];
व्याकुल-चित्त. -pass. pres. part. वाहिजमाण 18 वियारणा 11 7 1 [वितारणा ] प्रतारिका. . 11 4 बाध्यमान.
वियारियय 19 142 विदारित enl. 'वाह 1243 प्रवाह.
"वियारय 27 5 विदारक. वाह 4 131 वाहक.
विकच्छय 4 11 2 [ विकक्षक] ? वाह 2 16 1, 13 12 6 [बाहा ] बाहु.
विक्खिण्ण 17 57, enl. विक्खिण्णय 15 4 वाहम्म 19 10 5 बाष्पाम्भस्.
96 [*विष्कीर्ण] विकीर्ण (cf. PSM, विवाहिर 18 79b व्याहृत ? gl. वृथा. enl. विखरिअ and G. विखराच, विखेरच). 992
"विक्खेव 14 5 5 विक्षेप throwing. वाहिरन्तरुचरिय 17 12 6 बहिरन्तररुच्चरित ? विगम 12 5 10 gl. वियोग. वि 1 11 7, 3 127, 11 13 8, 16 5 विचिन्तमाण 16 3 2 [विचिन्तयत् ] विमृशत.
2, (हुँ वि) 1677, 16 12 7, 19 विच्छाय 522, 157 9a निस्तेजस्क. 13.2, (३+वि=E+) मि 3 119, 12 विच्छिय 2 12 4 वृश्चिक.
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विजापाणय 197 113?
विस्थरिय 3 4 4 विस्तृत. विजालय 6 6 90 [ विद्यालय ] विधाधर विस्थिण्ण 937 विस्तीर्ण. विजाहरिय 92 5 विधाधरी enl. विद्धसिय 119 9b विध्वस्त. /विज [ वीजय];
विन्द 9 5 9a वृन्द. -pass. pres. part. विज्जिजन्त 3 6 7. विन्दु 1 16 6 बिन्दु. विज 11 6 9b विद्युत् (G. वीज), /विद्ध [ व्यध् ; G. वधा]; विजुल 11 6 5 [विद्युत्+ल, Hc.II 173] -pres. 3. S. विन्धइ 15 37; pres. विद्युत् (of. G. वीजळी).
part. विद्धन्त 11 12 1, enl. विद्धन्तय विट्टिय 10 6 6 (He. IV 330, 3) कन्या 14 2 8, 15 4 9a, विन्धन्तय 17 3 (G. बेटी daughter, girl).
10b, p. p. f. विद्धि 129 1, 1674. विट्ठि 4 9 6 [ Mss. wrongly दि8ि] विप्फुर [ वि+स्फुर];
-pres. 3. S. विप्फुरइ 1 56,111 'विडङ्ग 3 1 3 कुञ्ज.
8a; pres. part. विप्फुरन्त 10 9 2. / विढप्प [अ> He. IV 251 ]; विष्प 1689 विप्र.
-pres. 3 s. विढप्पड़ 12 12b. विप्पयई 9 7 4gl. पक्षिपुत्रकाः. विणा5123 विना.
विप्पिय 4 4 2 [ विप्रिय ] अनिष्ट. विणामिय 2 12 3 विनामित pulled down. विभाडिय 14 14 [*विस्फाटित; Bh. cf. विणासयर 1 16 9a [विनाशकर] विनाशक. D. 7 70 विफाडिय-नाशित ] नाधित. विणिमिण्ण 17 12 6 विनिर्भिन्न.
विमहिय 1 5 96 विमथित crushed. /विणिवाय [विनिपातय् ];
विमीसिय 17 28 विमिश्रित. -pres. 3. S. विणिवायइ 17 9 5; p. p. विमुक 2 2 9a, °4 14 8 विमुक्त. विणिवाइय °4 8 6°, 5 6 4,761, विमोक्ख 3 11 16 [विमोक्ष ] मोक्ष. 108 10, 123 6.
विम्भय 1 124 विस्मय, विणिवारय 19 18 विनिवारक.
विम्माणिय 14 117 (वि+मानित; Pk. विणिवारिय 10 11 2, 11 12 1 विनिवारित. माण=अनु+भू) अनुभूत (G. माणी ). विणिवासिय 19 15 100 [*विनिवासिन् विरय (विक्रय) ___enl.7 निवासिन्.
-abs. विरऍवि 16 15 1, 20 5 9, विणिहय 17 8 7 विनिहत.
विरएप्पिणु 14 9 1. विणु 2 1090, 4 4 90, 16 67 [Hc. विरल्लिय° 16 14 7 [Hc. IV 137 ]
IV 426 ] विना (G. विण, वण). विस्तारित. Vविण्णव [ विज्ञापय् ; G. वीनवb]; विरह 11 12 5 विरथ.
-pres. 3. S. विष्णवइ 1 3 1, 4 14 विरहाउर 18 11 5 विरहातुरा. 3; 19 6 10a; abs. विग्णवेवि 5 16 2; विरुमारि 19 52, विरुआरिय 19 4 8 p. p. विण्णविय 17 9a.
[विरुप+तर; D.7 63 विरुभ-विरूप; Bh. विण्णाण 2 4 9b, 4 11 4 विज्ञान speci- 102 8] दुष्ट bad. alized knowledge.
/ विरुज्म ( वि+रुध्यू); be displeased, /विण्णास(वि+न्यासय्) display;
get angry; -pres. 2. . विण्णासहि 11 11 3; -pres. 3. S. विरुज्नइ 107 9b, 17 p.p. विण्णासिय 2 4 9a.
5 10a; imper. 2. pl. विरुज्झहाँ 20 वित्थिय 17 12 8 [ वि+स्थित ] gl. स्थित. 198; p. p. enl. विरुद्धय 12 7 5.
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बिरिल्लिय° 11 5 4 विस्तारित, gl. विस्फारित. विरूस [ वि+रुष्य् ];
- pres. 3. s. विरूसह 1313. लक्खीहूय 4 118, enl. विलक्खीहूयय 1263 [ विलक्षीभूत ] लज्जित. / विवज्ज [ वि+वर्जय् ]; -abs. a 17 18 10a; p. p. विवज्जिय 1536, enl विवज्जियय 18 9 9a.
Vfववर [ वि+] expound; -pass. pres. part. विवरिजन्त 2 796.
विवरिय 10 10.2 विपरीत.
विवरेरी 1 9 9a, 5 5 3 (Hc. IV 424) विपरीता.
विविपयार 286 विविध प्रकार.
विवोहिय 5 2 8 विबोधित.
Vविस [ विश् ];
- pres. 3. s. विसर 1634, 1916; 3. pl. विसन्ति 1692.
विसह 3 12 70, °205106 विकसित; 4 7 10a, 10 9 9a, 13 4 7, 17 10 7 विघटित, त्रुटित (cf. Hc. IV 176 विसट्ट=दल् ).
V बिसह [ वि + ह् ] endure the del ay, wait;
Vविहअ [ वि+भज् ]
बिस 352 वृष.
विसजिय 2996, enl. विसज्जियय 189 बिाणय 14 1 [* विभानक ] ( D. 790) 90 विसृष्ट.
प्रभात (G. वहा). विहाव [ वि+भावय् ] दृश्;
-pres. 3. s. बिहावर 5 11 9; - p. p. विद्याविय 488; distinguished (by), marked (with ); gl. wrongly (बाणै: ) खण्डितानि; enl विहाइयय 6 111 considered,
-abs. fasa 2 14 2, 4 4 1.
/ विहड [ वि+घट् ];
-pres. 3. s. fags 13 1 9a; 3. pl. विहन्ति 754; imper. 3. s. विइंडड 1 3 10.
विडफड 1498 शिघ्र 15 11 1 व्याकुल ( Hc. II 174 ).
fager 2 14 96, 3 3 5, 16 14 6 [ विहस्त ] 'युक्त with (विशिष्टकर Mp. 894).
-pres. 1. s. fa 18 6 2; 3. s. fag 12 12 4 fay lord.
विसes 185 2.
विसाण 1157 विषाण tusk.
विसालिय 15 149a विशाला enl
विसासण 859 वृषासन.
विसूरय 19 16 10ळ खेद. विसूरिय 36 10 खिन्न ( Hc. IV 132 ). V विसेस [ विशेषय् ];
-abs. विसेसवि 17 6 100.
/ विहर [वि + ];
- pres. part. विहरन्त 216 1, enl. विहरन्तय 3 1b; abs विहरेष्पिणु 5 32. बिलकुल 895, 1286, 1773 विह्वल, व्याकुल.
विहव 7 87 विधवा.
विहस [ वि+स् ] smile;
- pres. 3. pl. विहसन्ति 677; pres. part. f . विहसन्ती 14 106; abs. विसेवि 16 104 बिसेष्पिणु 1 16 1. Vवा [ वि+भा ];
-pres. 3. s. fagız 4 9 6.
विहुण [ वि+धू ];
-pres. part. f. fagurfa 18 11 5; abs. विहुणेंवि 18 7 3.
विदुर 1775 [ विधुर ] विकल.
विहूण 6 14 96 enl. f., विहूणिय 19 5 4 [*विधून ] विहीन ( G. वहो ).
विहोय 446 [ * विभोग ] विभव. वीसद्ध 13 77 [ विंशत्यर्ध ] ten. areer 2 12 1 विश्वस्त enl; f वीसत्थी 14 10 4.
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वीसम [ वि+श्रम् ];
- pres. 3. s. वीसमइ 7 108. Vबुक ( Hc. IV 98 =गर्ज्) scream; pres. 3. s. बुक्कर 1934. बुक्कार 6 6 9a, 6 1159, 1934 scream.
enl. कारय
Vवुश्च [ उच्यू ];
-pres. 3. 8. वुञ्चई 1 11 1, 2 156, 3 9 6, 12 1 6, 1574, 15 127. Vवुज्झ [ बुध्य् ];
- pres. 2. s. वुज्झहि 20 22, 20 95; p. p. वुज्झिय 138, 3106;
caus. pres. 3. s. वुज्झावर 189 4; p. p. बुज्झाविय 13 11 8. बुड्डु 14 5 5 [ Ho. IV 101 ] मन ( G. बुडवु ).
वुड्डण वावि 6 106 मज्जनवापी.
वुड' 14 13 6 वृद्ध ( G. बूढो ).
वुत्त 1 16 1 उत.
वेस° 17 17 2 वयस्.
घुण 15 22, 19 14 100 ( He. IV वेस 2 144, 10 10 1 वेश्या.
421; D. 7 94 ) विषण्ण, उद्विभ
बुदबुद 11 6 6 (onom.) call to an untamed elephant; gl. हस्ति चाल -
afa 8 6 1, enl. 4 1 10a, 7 5 8, 20 84 (D. वेहाव + इद्ध ? ) gl. कोपातुर, कोपाविष्ट (cf. D. 796 वेहविअ = रोषाविष्ट). वोलावय 19416 ( Hc. IV 162 वोल= गम् ; cf. वोलीण=अविक्रान्त) escort ( G. वळावो ).
धुब्बुव °51280, °17 33 बुद्बुद. बुहणयण 20 12 1 [ बुधनयन ]gl. पण्डित - V वोल ( Hc. IV 2 कथू ; G. बोलवु );
- pres. 1. s. वोल्लमि 19 182; 2. s. वोलहि 9 82, 19 88; 3s वोल्लइ 2 13 9a, 16 6 6; 3. pl. afa 9_48; imper. 2. s. वोल्लि 2 14 1; pres. part. enl. वोल्लन्तय 948; -pass. pres. 3. s. वोल्लिज्जइ 168 6; - caus. p. p. बोलाविय 5 138, 612 4, 982, 12 53, enl. वोल्लावियय 17 15 9b.
वे वार 12 12 106 द्विवारम् enl ( G. बेवार ).
9 14 8, 15 7 1 [Hc. IV 8a] खचित.
V वेयार ( = प्रतारयू) deceive;
- pres. 2. s. वेयारहि 18 126; p. p. बेयारिय 8 10 4 ( D. 795 = प्रतारित ) Wgl. छद्म
'वेज' 16 3 8 वैद्य.
-abs. वेर्दैवि 20 9 9a; p. p. वेड्डिय 4 12 9a, 15 10 9b.
10 10 2, 11 6 5 (cf. PSM s. v. विज्झ ) push
वेद ( Hc. IV 221; cf. D. 776 वेंढिअं=वेष्टितम् ) वेष्ट्;
वेत्तत्तणु (v. 1. चित्तत्तणु ) 14 12 7 ? वेतालऍ 521, 1018, वेत्तालहों 546 gl. अस्तमनकाले, सन्ध्यासमये (cf. D. 7 95 वेआल = अन्धकार ).
वेन्तर 18 10, 574°, f. वेन्तरि 189
वेपक्ख-विवज्जिय 8 11 5 द्विपक्ष-विवर्जित. deer 19 179 [D. 896 = कोमल; here as at Mp 3 1 11 it quali• fies लता ] tender.
बेल्ली 41290 [ Hc. I 58] वल्ली. (G. वेल्य ). Vवेव [ वेपू ];
- pres. 3. s. वेवइ 1857; pres. part. f. वेवन्ति 19 2 1a.
वोल f. 1231, 1481, 1693, 19 9_1∝ कथा talk (cf. G. बोल m. ). V वोह [ बोधय् ];
- pres. part. वोहन्त 1 168; p. p. वोहिय 1369, enl. 1564.
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व 1 13 3, 13 9 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, संघाय [सम्+घातय ]; 17 16 4 इव.
-pres. 3. s. संघायइ 17 9 5.
समय 2 16 10, 14 12 1 सत्य enl. सई 1 16 96, 67 1, 10 580, (सई सचमय 987 [सत्यमय ] real. । हत्थे ) 2 5 3, 197 4; सई 4 14 90, सच्छर 277 साप्सरस्क. 19 18 106 खयम्.
सच्छाय 7 27, 14 3 3 [सच्छाय ] कान्तिसउण° 1 1 9, 8 3 5 शकुन omen. सय-खण्ड-खण्ड 10 11 6 शत-खण्ड-खण्ड, सज्ज° 13 99 षड्ज. सयड 12 8 6 [शकट ] gl. रथ.
सज 152 1. सयण-किय 12 6 4 gl. सज्जनक्रिया etiqu- सजीउ 13 103 (1) स-जीवखर ? (2) ___ette.
सजीव. सयमेव 9 11,8 12 6,16 11 5 खयमेव. सट्टहास 1 8 4 साट्टहास. सयवत्तिणि 7 135 शतपत्री lotus.
सडोर 27 7.20 111 स-दोर. सयवारउ 12 105 शतवारम् enl.
सणि 11 103, 197 7 शनि. सर्यवरय 637 खयंवर enl.
सणिच्छर 2 86 शनैश्वर. सकलत्तय 123 10a स-कलत्र enl. सणेह 2 117 स्नेह. सकलन्तर 13 3 10a [स-कलान्तर ] with °सण्ड 1 15 1, 19 17 8 षण्ड, समूह. interest.
Vसण्णह [ सम्+नह् ]; V सक् [शक्; G. शकवू ];
-abs. सण्णहेंवि 4 72,6 12 5, 7 6 -pres. 1. S. सक्कमि 18 2 5,6,7,8, 7, 8 27, 109 2, 10 9 7, 15 15 9, 10; 3. 3: सक्कइ 4 2 4, 3 90, 172, 16 14 9a; p. p. सण्णद्ध 17 5 99; imper. 2. pl. सकहाँ 12 9 2 10a. p. p. सक्किय 4 10 1, 17 4 10a, Vसण्णज्य [ सम्+नह्य ]; enl. सकियय 11 3 9a.
-pres. 3. S. सण्णज्झइ 4 6 2,85 सक 16 8 8 शक्त, gl. समर्थ,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 16 143, 17 53B सकय 1 2 3 संस्कृत.
10a. सक्कर 17 7 4 शर्करा piece.
सण्णास 19 146 सन्यास. सगग्गर 9 6 1 सगद्गद (He. I 219 ).
सण्णाह 1787 संनाह. सग्ग° 37 1a खर्ग.
सत्तिय 374,85 8 शक्ति enl.] sort V सङ्क [ शङ् ] fear;
___of weapon. -pres. 3. pl. सङ्कन्ति 82 4 (2), 8 सद्दणयर 14 12 6 ? 11 96; -pass. pres. 3. s. सङ्किजइ सन्तय 3 16 in गय-सन्तउ=gl. गतश्रमः. 16 8 8.
सन्तिहर 6 13 9, 7 14 9a [ शान्तिगृह ]. साल 19 14 3 शृङ्खला (Hc. I 189). At one place qualfiying जिणालउ सङ्काम 16 117 सेतु (of. PSM संकम). =जिनालयः; at the other संत सन्तिसङ्घ 46 5 शङ्ख one of the 9 treas. हरें i. e. the s° of Santi Jina; of. 'ures.
संतिजाघर occurring in the Agaसंखोडि 3 5 9?
dadatta story of the Vasudeसंखोहणी 476 [संक्षोभिका] gl. [या] vahindi. सम्यक्प्रकारेण क्षोभयति.
सपणाउ 6 1 5 सप्रणामम्.
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ण्डु 7 6 5 स-पाण्डु with the Pandu समाणु 2 117, 3102, 10 12 1, 38 8, समाण 4 2 2 [ समानम् ] सह;
सपरिवार 184 2, सप्परिवार 1 143, 22 V समाण [ सम्+मान् ];
8 सपरिवार.
सपिण्डवास 184 [स-पिण्डवास ] ( Acc. to Jacobi, — relatives. ' In Bh. often together with अन्तेउर and परियण; gl. पिण्डवास = दासीजन ) with attendants.
सप्पासङ्गतण 467 ?
सभय 12 8 5 frightfully ?
सम 546 श्रम.
समउ 2 12 2, 948, 1226, 157 8, 15 15 96, 16696 समम् enl Refuse 1753, 2017 7 gl. बाणैः वेष्टितः.
समइ 1 2 5 समतीर्थ (gl. तीर्थम् ). मग 1033 [ समप्र ] सहित. समणु 1 10 9a, 10 79 [ शमन; cf. शम् ' injure' ] पीडक; cf. Mp. 16 24 3 समयgl. पीडित .
समत 1798 3 119 समस्त. समत्त 7 18, 18 1 96 सम्यक्त्व. 'समप्प [ सम्+अर्पय् ; G. सौंपवु ]; -imper. 2. s. समप्पि 11 12 8; -abs. समप्र्पेवि 685, 1587; p. p. समपिय 4 490, 1086, 19116. समरज्ड 12 2 96 forceful attack in
the battle ( see झडी ).
समलइय 3 10 16 सम्बद्ध (cf. / समलिय ). V समल्लव ( समर्पय् ; cf. Hc IV 39
अल्लित्र=अपेय् ; G. आलघु );
-abs, समलदेवि 19 14. समलिअ ( समात्रि );
- pres. 3. s. समल्लियर ( MSS. समिलियइ ) 16 11 96; abs समल्लिएवि 17
12 1.
- pass. pres. part. enl. समाणिजन्तय 12 12b; p. p. समाजिय 14 38. समारुह [ सम्+आ+रुद्द ]; -abs. समारुहेवि 18 27. 'समावड ( सम् + आ + पत् );
-imper. 3. s. समावडउ 15 14 3; p. p. समावडिय 71390, 9 148, 15 1 8, 17 11 10a.
समासऍ 5 13 1 समासे enl; in short, suggestively; gl. अन्यव्याजेन.
/ समिच्छ [ सम् + इच्छ् ];
- pres. 2. s. समिच्छहि 15 13 1; 3. s. समिच्छर 18.32.
समय 15 14 1 समृद्ध enl समुच्छ 19 7 110 स-मूर्छा. समुज्जल 1048, 1396 समुज्ज्वल. समुट्ठिय 1 168, enl. 19 188 समुत्थित. 'समुड्ड keep ready ?
-abs. समुšवि 4596; p. p. समुडिय
15 11 3.
'समुत्तर [ सम्+उद्+तृ];
- pres. 3. pl. समुत्तरन्ति 1106. समुत्तुङ्गय 1143 समुत्तुङ्ग enl V समुत्थर ( = सम् + आ + क्रम् ; cf. उत्थर )
- pres. 3 s. समोत्थरइ 11 1090, pres part समुत्थरन्त 17 48. V समुत्थव [ सम् + उत्थापय् ];
-imper. 2. s. समुत्थव हि 1984 समुद्ध 17 167 [ सम् + ऊर्ध्व ] raised high.
समुब्वरिय 1553 [ सम् + उव्वरिय which see ] saved.
समसरण 1696, 176, enl. समसरणय समुब्वह [ सम् + उद्+वह् ];
534 समवसरण. - pres. 3. s. समुव्वहइ 6 11 2. समय 615, 16 97 सत्कार ( cf समुह 692 संमुख ( Hc. I 29 ). PSM. S. v. समाइच्छ ). समुहाणण 15 196 संमुखानन.
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समोसरण 5 66, 6 13 11b समवसरण. सस 55 3 खस. सम्मय 12 2 3 [सम्यक् ] सम्यक्त्व. ससणेह 1697 सोह. सम्मत्त 13810b सम्यक्त्व..
ससिकन्त 13 3 2 शशिकान्त. सम्माण 19 14 8 संमान.
ससिवयणी 20 11 9a शशिवदना. सम्माणियय 16196 संमानित enl. Vसह (He. IV 100) राज् appear सम्मादिट्टि 7 37 सम्यग्दृष्टि.
charming; सम्मुह 7 2 9a संमुख.
-pres. 3. s. सहइ 9 1296, 14 13 Vसर [स्मर];
9b, 17 12 7. -pres. part. सरन्त 16963 abs. सहल 18 6 9b, enl. सहलय 18 72 सफल. सेरवि 562, 19 108.
सहसा 1 12 5. सरम्भ 151596 रम्भा-समाना?
सहसत्ति 9 4 5, 14 5 1, 15 8 8 [सहसा सरिस 16 11 6 सदृश.
इति] सहसा. सरिसव 4 4 90 सर्षप (G. सरसव ).
सहाउ461,°1812 खभावः. सरीरडय 6 13 5 ( शरीर+ Ap. pejora- सहाय° 1 7 4. tive suffix °डय: G. 'हुँ) wretched सहिय 5 4 8, 19 8 6 सखी enl.
सहियय 16 1b सहित enl. (G.Y with). सलोण 14 2 96 [ सलवण | सलावण्य (cf. सहुँ 1 14 5, 2 8 1, 4 2 96, 468. G. सलोणु).
__4 115,92 8,973, 12 8 9b, सल्ल 12 3 1, 12 5 1 [शल्य ] sting, 15 15 8, 16 37 सहु ( He. IV grudge.
__419). सल्लेहण 5 166 संलेखना.
सहोवर 13 10 6 सहोदर. सवडंमुह 4 7 8, 17 4 9, 17 6 2, 19 /संचर [ सम्+चर्, 8. साँचरखं];
3 10b, enl. सवडंमुहय 11 13 9a . -pres. 2. 8. संचरहि 20 8 3; 3. s. [D. 8 21] अभिमुख.
संचरइ 15 11 4; imper. 2. s. संचरु 7 सवण 515 1 श्रमण.
1243 सवर 10796 शबर.
-caus. abs. संचारवि 274; p. p. सवत्ति 1974 सपत्नी.
संचारिय 9 4 7. सविलक्खउ 98 4 [स विलक्षम् ] सलजम. /संचल [सम्+चल्]; . सवङ्गिय 11 4 2 [ सर्वाङ्गिक ] सर्वाङ्गीण. -pres. संचलन्ति 4 64;-caus. सव्वङ्गागय °5 13 6° सर्वाङ्गागत.
pres. 3. S. संचालइ 8 11 9b; p. p. सन्चल° 118 4, 17 65 lance (of. संचालिय 2 3 2.
सव्वलं तिल-पीडनायुध घाणी Mp. 11 12 /संचल्ल [ सम्+चल् ];. 31, सव्यलि सर्वलोहमयी घाणी 11 1698 -pres. 3. 3. संचल्लइ 18873; p. p. __D. 86 सव्वला-कुशी).
संचल्ल 7 1 7,914 6, संचल्लिय 2 2 1, सव्ववसाय 11 14 7 सव्यवसाय active.. 3 4 8, enl. संचल्लियय 11 8 9a. सम्वायामें 17 9 6, 1554 [ सर्वायामेन 1 संचारिम 4 10 8, 14 13 4 endowed
अतिशय-बलेन (ef. D. 1 65 भायाम= with motion; moveable;mobile. बल). .
Vसंचूर [ सम्+चूर-चूर्ण ] Vसस (श्वस्);
-pres. 3. S. संचूरइ 17 94; p. p. -pres, 3.8. ससई 1857.
enl. संचूरियय 3 2 16..
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संठिय 1 8 1300 संस्थित.
Vसाड (=वि+नाशय); संताण 6 8 5 संतान succession.
-abs. सा.वि 11 1 3; p. p. साडिय संतासण 11 32 संत्रासन] संत्रासक. 11 118, 14 1 4; pass. pres. संदरिसण 10 11 1 [ संदर्शन ] संदर्शक. part. enl. साडिजन्ता 173 7. संदेहवन्त 13 3 3 संदेहवत्.
साणन्त 1 1 14 [ सानन्त ] अनन्तसहित. संधाण 153 9a संधान.
सामाण-भास 1 3 10 सामान्य-भाषा. संधि f. 8 4 9a, 16 69b, 167 1. सामिसाल 4 13 5, 7 3 6 [स्वामिशाल ]
स्वामिश्रेष्ठ. V संथव [ सम्+स्थापय्] console; -pres. 2. s. संथवहि 19 8 4 (gl.
सार 2098 धन.
सारङ्ग 12 102 शाङ्ग. संबोधयसि); abs. संथवेवि 15 8 2; p. p. संथविय 12 12 3, 1962.
सारि 16 14 4, 17 1 10, 20 5 3 गजV संथव [ सम्+स्तु];
पर्याण (gl. सारि-अंवारी=G. अंबाडी). -pres. part. संथवन्त 16 94. सालय °6 4 2, 18 10 4 श्याल enl.
(G. साळो). Vसंथुव्व [ सम्+स्तूय् ];
सावु see साव. -pres. 3. s. संथुव्वइ 3 9 6; pres.
सावय 19 8 9 श्वापद (of. G. सावज). part. संथुव्वमाण 17 6.
सासय° 4 14 9a, 17 18 10a शाश्वत. संपाइय 54 6,enl.संपाइयय 9 1 4 संप्राप्त.
सासणहर 19 15 10a [शासनधर]gl. संपाविय 17 1 6 संप्राप्त. Vसंपेस [ सम्+प्रेष्];
सासुभ 19 4 8 श्वश्रू enl. (G. सासु). -abs. संपेसवि 17 6 10a.
सासुरय 11 11 96, 19 12 7 [*श्वाशुरक] Vसंभर [ सम्+स्मृ; G. साँभरवू];
श्वशुरालय (G. सास). -pres. 2. S. संभरहि 1 7 9b; abs. /साह [साधय् ]; संभरवि 6 10 96, संभरेवि 167 5, 18. -pres. 1. S. साहमि 4 12 4, 11 5 7 4; p. p. संभरिय 12 10 3.
2; pres. part. साहन्त 12 12 9; Vसंभव [सम्+भू];
abs. साहेप्पिणु 10 1 1; p. p. साहिय -pres. 3. S. संभवइ 15 77, 15 12 1. 33 14, 10 1a. संवच्छर 2 3 6 संवत्सर.
साहिय 2 16 7 कथित (of. He. IV 2 Vसंवज्झ [ सम्+बध्य]
साहकथ्). -pres. 3. S, संवज्झइ 20 1 1. साहण 37 la[ संवर 3 5 2.
साहरण 954 साभरण. संवलियय 14 6 6 संवलित enl. Vसाहार [सम्+धारय् ; H. सहारा 'supVसंवाह [सम्+वाहय् ]
port', 'help'] comfort; -pres. 3. S. संवाहइ 1 14 8.
-abs. साहारवि 19 11 1a; p. p. संवाह 16 9 8 gl. ताम्बूल.
enl. साहारियय 911 1. Vसंवेढ [सम्+वेष्ट ];
साहार 14 2 5 सहकारवृक्ष. -abs. संवेढेंवि 208 1.
साहारण 11 4 1, 14 12 5 gl. साधारणसाइय 19 10 10 gl. आलिङ्गन.
नाम-देश. साव 18 10 सर्व.
साहिचन्द 1 132 स+अभिचन्द्र. -साउ 16 8 3, सावु 77 4 सर्वम् (G. साव साहुकार 2 17 6 साधुकार. _entirely)..
साहुकारिय 8 9 6,203 8 साधुकार-संमानित.
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68 साहुल 14 2 4 ध्वज (of. D. 8 52 सीय° 2 12 3 शीत cold. साहुलिआ, साहुली वस्त्र, शिरोवस्त्रखण्ड);gl. सीयर 11 3 5 शीकर.
सिगिरिका (=old G. सीकरि 'canopy' सीयलय 12 12 8 शीतल enl. _ 'palanquin').
सीरिय 6 1 10b (in सर-सीरिय) भिन्न सिय 2 8 7, 6 4 4, 12 6 4, 1576, (PSM.) pierced. __ 18 1196° श्री enl. '
Vसीस [*शिष्य ] (Hc. IV 2 ( कथ् ; सिय-संपय 107 4 श्रीसंपद्.
-pres. 3. S. सीसइ 1 15 96, 16 सियय 149 1 सिकता.
9 10a. सिकार 366 सित्कार.
सीस7 118 Vसिक्खव [शिक्षय ; G. शीखवq];
सुभ [खपू ; G. सुवु]; -pres. 3. s. सिक्खवइ 16 82; p. p. -pres. 3. S, सुअइ 1 10 8, 17 15 सिक्खविय 4 3 4.
3,1892. सिक्खियय 15 5 5 शिक्षित enl.
सु° 13 54 शुक. सिङ्ग 9 13 8 शृङ्ग.
सुमन्त° 4 11 3 सुबन्त. सिद्ध 3 5 5 सिंह.
सुभरिसण 15 12 7, 15 13 2, 15 158 सिज्झ [ सिध्य् ]
सुदर्शन. -pres. 3. S. सिज्झइ 4 25.792. सुंसुधार 3 5 6 [cf. Ved. शिंशुमार; MW. 15 13 2, 16 6 8 (सिज्झइ कनसिद्धि). शुशुमारगिरि from the DivyavaV सिञ्च
dana] शिशुमार. -pres. 3. pl. सिञ्चन्ति 6 3 5; pres. सुयन्ध 11 4 7, 147 3 सुगन्ध. part. enl. सिञ्चन्तय 20 107.
सुइरु 4 11 5, 4 12 5, 18 3 1 सुचिरम्. सिट्ठ 18 122 [शिष्ट ] कथित.
सुकुलीणवहु 11 6 2 सुकुलीन-वधू, सिद्धत्तण 3119 सिद्धत्व.
सुकोमल 9 8 5. सिद्धय 15 14 1 सिद्ध enl.
सुक्क 13 1 3 शुक्र. सिमिर 11 8 1 [शिबिर ] gl. कटक. सुक्य 16 4 96 शुष्क enl. (G. सूकुँ). सिर-उड 17 12 9 [शिरःपुट ]gl. मस्तकपुट, सुक्किय 19 14 9 सुकृत. . सिरि 1257, सिरी° 14 2 1 श्री. सुघडिय 14 13 2 सुघटित. सिरिगार 8 23?
सुचवि 19 4 7 सुभाषिन्. सिरीह 7 6 5 [श्री+इह ] 'श्रीवाञ्छक. Vसुज्झ (-दृश्य ; G. सूझवें); सिलोभ 19 18 1a श्लोक,
-pres. 3. S. सुज्झइ 8 2 9a, 1913 सिवाल°9 112 शृगाल.
सुह 4 11 8, 4 12 9, 15 6 4, 15 सिवालय 1276 [शिवालय ] निर्वाण. ___13 3 सुष्ठु. सिविय 7 13 3, 17 2 3, सिविया 2 111 /सुण [श्रु; G. सुणदुं]; शिबिका...
-imper. 2. S. सुणि 5 16, 1 11 1, सिविणय 19 19 खप्न enl.
सुणु 7 125; abs. सुर्णेवि 4 3 1, 10 सिसिर 14 9 3 [शिशिर ] gl. दधि (D. 97, सुणेवि 7 11 9a, 9 13 9a, 13 831).
72, सुणेप्पिणु 12 7 3, 18 1 7. सिहरि 12 8 6 [शिखरिन् ] पर्वत.
सुणिसल्ल 4 12 7 सु+निःशल्य. सिहि 2 11 9b शिखिन् fire.
सुण्णय 2 10 90 शून्य enl (G. सूY). सिहिण 10 3 5 [*शिखिन् ] स्तन (0.8 31). सुण्णारण 5 4 2 शून्यारण्य.
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सुह 19496 षा.
सुपरिद्विय 946 सु+परिष्टित.
सुपसण्णकित्ति 1983, 19106 सु+
सुतणूयरि 1647 सु-तनूदरी. सुपरियण 951 सु-परिजन.
सुपरिट्वेंवि 19 1 4 [ सु+परिस्थाप्य ]gl. सुसोहियय 1564 ( in खुट्टु सुसोहि उ) +
शोभित enl
रमण 10 10 1 (सु+रमण ) 1. very playful, 2. having beautiful hips; gl. सुरत - व्यापार- चित्त. सुरसंतास 15 129@ सुर- संत्रास terror to
the gods.
सुरिन्दत्तणय 817 सुरेन्द्रस्त्व. V सुव [ खप्; G. सुबु ];
-pres. part. सुवन्त 796. सुव 7 16 सूत.
सुवण 2 164 [ सुवर्ण ] gold coins. सुविलमह 1288 सु-विपुलमति. सुविण 1 14 90°, 5 12 7, enl, सुविणय
9290, 1641 खम.
सुसमाच्छिय 1063 सु + सत्कृत ( cf. समाइच्छिय ).
सुविणा 1167? सुविसाल 147 2 सुविशाल. सुविहाण 1638, enl. सुविहाणय 115 9b early morning ( see विहाय ). V सुब्व [ श्रूय्; Hc. IV 243 ];
- pres. 3s सुब्बइ 1990, 14 11 5; 3. pl. सुव्वन्ति 12 1 5, 16 7 6.
सुस 7 21 सुप्रथित compact, wellknit (cf. a. संचो machine ).
सुपास° 1 17 सु+पार्श्व.
सुपडुस 157 90 सुप्रयुक्त ? (cf. पहुत्त ) सुहि 293, 16496 सुहृद्.
सुपूयफल 147 3 सु + पूगफल. सुप्पहाय 14 11 सु+प्रभात.
सुमणिट्ठय 31 13a सु+मनइष्ट enl सुमलवन्त 7 11 3 सु+माल्यवत्. सुन्दर 14 115 19 11 8a, enl. सुन्दरय 1276.
Vसुम्म (=श्रूय्);
- pres. 3. s. सुम्मइ 18 13. सुरयारुण 4 1096 सुरतारोहण ?
Vसुहा [ सुखय् ]:
-pres. 3. s. सुहाइ 12 128.
सुहावय 13 10 10 [ सुखायक ] सुखद. सुहासिय वयण 1311 सुभाषित-वचन.
1457 सूचि.
सूयर 11 4 7 शूकर ( G. सूवर ). सूयार 17 13 106 सूपकार. सूरत 1332 [ सूरकान्ति ] सूर्यकान्त. सेढि 2 15 5 5 596 (from *श्रिष्टि=' श्लिष्ट cf. sk. श्रेढि ) श्रेणि.
सेणी 16 12 5 श्रेणि.
सेण्ण 32 16, enl. सेण्णय 476 सैन्य. सेरय 6 12 96 [ खैर enl.] मंदप्रयत्न. °सेल्लग्ग 1764 शर or कुन्त ( D. 8 57 ). सेविय 287 सेवित.
सेसा 11 14 10gl. आशिषा, PSM निर्माल्य ( G. शेष ).
सोणिय 136 106 शोणित.
सोण्डीर 2074 शौण्डीर. सोदामणि 2018 [ सौदामनी ] gl. विद्युत्. सोम 2 2 6 सौम्या.
'सोमाल° 715 सुकुमार ( cf. G. बाळु ). सोमालिय 19 124 सुकुमारिका. सोवण 163 5 खपन. सोहन्ती 126 शोभमाना. सोहिय 116 शोधित.
सोहिल 1452, 1476 [ सोह= शोभा + इल्ल enl.] शोभावत्.
ह हय° 1 6 5 (1) हृत wretched ( 2 ) हृत destroyed. Vहकार (= आ + कारय् ) call;
Page #446
-pres. 3. 8. हकारइ7 19b; abs. / हिण्ड [हिण्ड्; . होडवू]; roam; हकारवि 1923; p. p. हकारिय 514 -abs. हिण्डेंवि 6 157. 3, 11 11 2.
हिमवहलिय 19 4 9a हिमदुर्दिन (see - -agent. हकारय 2 10 9b.
वद्दलिय). हसोह 19 3 8 हदृशोभा (G. हाट). /हिलिहिल( onom. अश्वशन्दे) neigh; Vण [हन्; G. हh];
, -pres. part. हिलिहिलन्त 12 8 5. -imper. 2. pl. हणहाँ 7 47; abs. हिंसिय 6 1 8 हेषित. . हणेंवि 12 1 9a.
हुभवह 16 4 9b, हुववह 13 3 9 हुतवह. हत्यिहड 12 8 6, °15 3 1 हस्तिघटा.
हुभास' 17 2 4, हुवास 8 87 हुताश.
हुकार 17 10 10a (onom.). हत्थुत्यल्लिय 1 3 13, enl. हत्थुत्थल्लियय 8. 109a ordered by a gesture
हुलि° 17 6 5 प्रहरणविशेष (of. He IV of hand.
- 143 हुल-क्षिप्). हिम्म (हन्य् ; He. IV 244); .
हुल्ल 147 3 [फुल] पुष्प.
हुआ 2 103, 374, 3 10 3, 553, -pres. 3. s. हम्मइ7 9 6, 10 12
11 27. भूत. 4; pres. part. हम्मन्त 9 10 4.
हेटामुह 3 7 16, 4 9 8°, 13 2 10a, हर[ G. हरखं];
enl. हेहामुहय 19 4 5 अधोमुख (G. हेठ -pres. 3. . हर 4 6 10; pres. down). . part. हरन्त 3 24, enl. हरन्तय 174
हेटिम 4 9 9a अधस्तन. 10b; abs. हरेवि 7 10 1, 13 4 106,
हेमइल 652 [हेमइल] वर्णभूमिक. 1687, हरेप्पिणु 14 10 9b; pot.
हेरि 16 2 6%; हेरिय 47 1, 16 1 4 part.f. हरेवी 2017.
गुप्तचर (cf. H. हेरना, G. हेच see, हर 1421 गृह.
search, spy ). हरि 5 4 3 अश्व, 198 16 सिंह. हेवाइय 20 92 gl. गर्व नीतः, but of. हरिसिय 18 6, enl. हरिसियय 1586 late Sk. हेवाक, हेवाकिन् habituated हर्षित enl.
to; G. हेवा habit). हले सहि 15 11 96, हलें हले सहि, 15 12 हो [भू; G. होवु ]; 5 हले सखि.
-pres. 1. S. होमि 19 107; 2. s. हल्लाविय 13 3 9b चालित (G. हलायु). होहि 514 1, 121096; 3. S. होइ V हस [ हस्; G. हसवू];
23 96,2 102, 4 13 6, 7 123, -pres. 3. s. हसइ 1 5 1,710 6; 3.
15 123; 3. pl. हवन्ति 166 5, pl. हसन्ति 728,948;imper. 2. s.
होन्ति 1 3 11,888, 12 4 6, 16 हसु7 12 2; opt. 2. 8. हसिजहि 7 12
62,3; imper. 3. S. होउ 2 103,
215 53; हवन्तु 2 108, 109 2; pres. part. enl. हसन्तय 94 8.
43 fut. 3. S. होसइ 1 12 7, 4 5 4, हा 7 8 7, 19 58, हा हा 137 6,°हाहा.
7296, 122 63; 3 pl. होसन्ति 59 रख 1192,137 5.
3,10,933, 15 2 5, 6, 7, 8; हाणि 13 119, 15 14 8 हानि.
p. p. होन्त 2 108,38 100, 19 हारत्तिय 15 27 हार-त्रिक ? gl. हारघटना. 8 iob,f. होन्ति 15 12 1, enl. हिय 964 हृत.
होन्तिय 6 14 9a, 15 42; abs. होवि हियत्तण 2 93 हितत्व.
1989 (होवि थिउ), होऍवि 2 158, हियय 14 13 3 हृदय.
36 10,93 96. हियवय 5 42, 5 13 1, 11 2 5, 17 हो 78 7, हो हो 12 6 अहो.
13 7 हृदय (cf. He. IV 310 होउहोड 1173 (onom.) grunting हितपक).
of an elephant.
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(Historical names are prefixed with an asterisk)
अङ्ग' 12 12 10a.
मङ्गय 12 12 100 अजद.
अञ्जन 1552, 184 100 अञ्जना. - अणसुन्दरि 1835 अञ्जना सुन्दरी. अजङ्गकुसुम 20 129 अनङ्गकुसुमा अणडिय 988 अनाहत. भजिय 1 1 2 5 16 अजित. भणन्तरह 1588, 18 16 अनन्तरथ. अन्तवीर 181 4 अनन्तवीर्य. अणरण 1584, 1815° अनरण्य. * अणुत्तरवाह 128 [ अनुत्तरवाचिन् ] अनुत्तरवाग्मिन्.
अणिल see पवणञ्जय.
अन्वय 7 10, 74 8 अन्धक.
अमरपह 6890, 1256 अमरप्रभ.
'अमल 588.
र 1115.
असणिवेय 7 64 अशनिवेग. अहिणन्दण 1 1 4 अभिनन्दन. आइभडारय 1 11 आदिभट्टारक. भाणन्द 19 47 आनन्द.
'इक्कवंश 5 1 2 इक्ष्वाकुवंश.
इन्द 8 1 3 इन्द्र.
इन्दइ 1073, 13 11 116 इन्द्रजित् ; as 1799 शक्रजित् रात्रणि 1791 रावणि.
* मरमन्ति 1665 [ अमरमन्त्रिन् ] gl. कल्लोल' 2055.
अमियगह 1967 अमितगति.
*इन्दभूइ' 1 2 7 इन्द्रभूति.
इन्दमइ 6 1 7 इन्द्रमति.
इन्दाउद 687, 15 12 7 इन्द्रायुध. इन्दाणि 7 14 5, इन्दाणी 7 12 9b इन्द्राणी. ईसा 17 11 6 ईशान.
उच्छुरय 7 11 1, 86 7, 9 5 3, 11 13 8gl. इक्षुरव, traditionally ऋक्षरजस्. उवरम्भ 15 115, 15 12 4, 15 1290, 15 13 1, 15 15 96 उपरम्भा.
वहिकुमार 6 1096, 6 13 110 उदधिकुमार.
बहिरय 6 104, 6169, 12510 उदधिरव.
उवसि° 8 1 8 उर्वशी.
कइकसि 9 1 7, 9 25, 9.52 कैकसी. ककलेय 10 107, 18105 कैकसेय. ghar 1257 कपिकेतन; कइद्धय 6 10 2 कपिध्वज.
1663 कौटिल्य.
कउसिकि 962 कौशिकी.
कच्छ 2137.
कणय 10 65, 13 11 16 कनक.
कमलमडू see कमला.
कमला 6 2 1; कमलमइ 6 23 कमलावती; पउमवइ 64 1 पद्मावती.
कालमेe 19 14 16 कालमेघ.
Fanfarer 7 1°α, 7 3 10a, 7 11 1,95 3, 12 1 70 किष्किन्ध.
तिधवल 6 16, 614, 1255 कीर्ति
* किसिहर 1 2 8 कीर्तिधर.
कुम्भयण्ण - 1 108, 1074, 8 कुम्भकर्ण; भाणुकण्ण 938, 2010 4, भाणुसुइ 9 7 90, रविकण्ण 9114, 2011 1. कुवेर° 958 कुबेर; घणय 221, 86 8, 95 8, 10 87 धनद.
कुसुमाउहकमला 2012 1 [ कुसुमायुधकमला ] gl. कामलक्ष्मी.
has 184 1 केतुमती.
खयराणन्द 6103, 125 8 खचरानन्द. खन्द 8 12 2 17 11 6 रुकन्द
1 10 4°, 12 3 3', 12 4 9a, 17 113 °15 13, 1677. खेमङ्कर 1 12 2 क्षेमंकर. खेमन्धर 1 12 2 क्षेमं घर.
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गयणवन्द 12 116 गगनचन्द्र.
णल °12 1 5, °128 3, 15 14, 167 गङ्गाहर 11 26 गङ्गाधर...
6°नल. गिरिकिंवेरवलु 12 59?
जलकुम्वर 15 10 2, 15 13 2 नलकूबर. गिरिणन्दण 6 104 गिरिनन्दन
णारय 159 1, 168 2,1691 नारद. *गोत्तमसामि 198,51a गौतमस्वामिन्. णारायण 5 99 नारायण. घणवाहण 57 11b, 7 11 70 °10 7 3, णाहिराय 1 13 2 नाभिराज. घनवाहन.
णिग्याय 7 9 9a, 7 13 9b निर्घात. वक्खुब्भय 1 124 चक्षुष्मत्.
णील 12 1 5, 12 8 3, 15 1 4, 167 6 बन्दकर 1675 चन्द्रकर.
नील. चन्दणहि 9 3 8, 10 1 4, 12 3 3, 167 णीलाण 295 नीलाञ्जना. 7 चन्द्रनखा.
णेमीसर 1 1 18 नेमीश्वर. चन्दप्पह 118 चन्द्रप्रभ.
णेरिय 252, णइरिय 855 नैर्ऋति. चन्दाणण 735 चन्द्रानन.
तडिकेस 12 5 10, तडिकेसि 6 105 चन्दाहि(1) 113 2 चन्द्राभ.
तडित्केश. चन्दोवर 12 12, 12 3 5° चन्द्रोदर. तडिवाहण 7 7 5 तडिद्वाहन. °चमू 17 11 5.
तणूयरि 12 3 2 तनूदरी. "चित्त 17 11 4चित्र.
तरङ्ग 2073,205 6. चित्तङ्ग 16 9 3, 167 9b, enl. चित्तजय तार 20 7 3. 16 104.16 11 1 चित्राङ्ग.
तियसंजय 5 1 3 त्रिदशलय.. जयचन्द 11 25 जयचन्द्र.
तिकलिङ्ग 19 16 5 त्रिकलिङ्ग. जयसायर 53 6 जयसागर.
तिजगविहसण 11 8 1 त्रिजगविभूषण; जगभूः जगभूसण see तिजगविहूसण.
सण 1646 जगभूषण. जम 8 68,95 8 यम.
तिलयकेस 5 4 6, तिलकेस 56 1 तिलककथा. जम्वच 16 13 7, 20 7 4 जाम्बवत्. तिलकेस see तिलयकेस. जम्बुमालि 17 118 जम्बूमालिन्.
तिलोसिम 8 1 8 तिलोत्तमा. जलकम्त 2058,209 1 जलकान्त. तोयदवाहण 1 5 6,594 तोयदवाहन. जलणसिह 12 12 4 ज्वलनशिख.
तोयावलि 20 56. जसुम्भय 1 13 1 यशखिन् enl.
* दण्डिय' 1 3 8 दण्डिन् enl. जलोह 2057 जलौघ.
दसरह 18 1 5°, 1587 दशरथ. जालामुह 2057 ज्वालामुख.
दससयगई 12 12 5,12127 दशशतगति जालावलि 2057 ज्वालावलि.
दससयणेत्त see सहसक्ख. जियसत्तु 5 1 3जितशत्रु.
दसाणण see रावण. जीमुत्त 2067 जीमूत.
दसास see रावण. जीमुत्तणिणाय 17 11 8 जीमूतनिनाद. दहमुह see रावण. णहरिय see रिय.
दहवयण see रावण. जयणाणन्द 6 10 3, 12 5 8 नयनानन्द. दहसिर see रावण. णन्द °2 87°,°49 4 नन्दा
दुम्मुह 18 9 9a दुर्मुख. जन्दण 1259 नन्दन.
दूसण °1 1049, 15 1 3, 1671, 17 जमि 11 18 नमि.
11 40 दूषण. णमि2 136 नमि.
देवरक्ख 5 14 6,5 16 9a देवरक्षम
Page #449
घणव see कुवेर.
पुण्णषण 5 63 पूर्णपन, पुष्णमेह 564 पूर्ण*धणाय 116 10a धनजय.
मेष. धम्म 1 1 14 धर्म.
पुण्णमेह see पुण्णघण. *धम्म 127 धर्म.
पुप्फयन्त° 1 19 पुष्पदन्त. धम्मरह 18 2 1 धर्मरथ.
पुप्फोत्तर 62 3,6296 पुष्पोत्तर. धरणीधर 512.
पुरएव 3 1096 पुरुदेव. धुव 7 14 8, 129 5, 12 12 3 ध्रुवा.
भइरहि 5 13 3, भईरहि 5 107,05 11
3 भगीरथ. परमप्पह 116 पद्मप्रभ.
*भम्मह 138 भामह. पउमवइ see कमला.
*भरह 2 4 5 भरत. पउमराय 20 128 पद्मरागा.
भरह 1 37,111.8,431 भरत. *पउमिणि 1 2 10 पद्मिनी.
भाणुकपण see कुम्भयण्ण. पउलोम 226 पौलोमी.
भाणुसुइ see कुम्भयण्ण. परिचन्द 6 16 90 प्रतिचन्द्र.
*भारदुवाय 1658 भारद्वाज. पडिदिणयर see पडिसूर.
*भिगुणन्दण 1666 भृगुनन्दन. पडिवल 6 10 2, 12 57 प्रतिवल. भीम 5 7 11a, 5 12 1. पडिसुइ 1 12 1 प्रतिश्रुति
भुयवल 1514 भुजबल. पडिसर 199 8 प्रतिसूर्य पडिदिणयर 19 11 भेसह 8 14, 11 13 2 बृहस्पति. ___7 प्रतिदिनकर.
मय 10 12%, 1098, 13 11 8. पल्हायराय 18 4 1 प्रहादराज.
मयणावलि 1123,7 मदनावलि. पवण see पवणजय.
मयर 15 11 मकर. पवणगइ 6 87 पवनगति.
मघट 14 116 मघवा. पवणक्षय 1842 पवनय:अणिल 1989 मणवेय 19 103 मनोवेगा.
अनिल; पवन 8 68. 1874 पवन. मणिचूर 1988. पहजण 1872 प्रभञ्जन; मरु 159 1. "मणु 1664 मनु. 16 7 8, 19 12 2 मरुत् ; मरुएव 19 मन्दोवरि 1 10 96, 10 13, 102 1. 14 10 मरुद्देव; वाउकुमार 18 4 10a
Ba 12 4 3, 12 9 5, 16 4 4 मन्दोदरी. वायुकुमार; समीर 19 8 10.
मन्दर 687. पसपणकित्ति 17 3 8, 19 5 3 प्रसनकीर्ति.
मह 1689a मरुत. पसेणइ 1 13 2 प्रसेनजित्.
मरु, मरुएव see पवणजय. पहाण see पवणजय.
मरुएवि 1 13 3 मरुदेवी. पहत्य 11 3 3, 11 5 4, 11 5 96, 15
मल्लवन्त 8 67,109 4 माल्यवत्, 13 प्रहस्त.
मलि 1 1 16 मल्ली.
महरक्ख 5101,5145 महारक्षस्. *पहव 128 प्रभव.
महाकच्छ.2 137. पहसिय 18 5 96 प्रहसित.
महाभीम 587. *पारासर 16 6 1 पाराशर.
महामह 1252 महामति. पावणि see हणुमन्त.
महिन्द 17 39 महेन्द्र. *पास 1 1 18 पार्श्व.
महीहर 1126 महीधर. *पिसुण 1662 पिशुन.
महु 1593 मधु. पुण्डरीय °11 102, 20 5 5° पुण्डरीक. महेसर741 महेश्वर. .
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INDEX VERBORUM 'महोपर 15 11 महोदर.
वगलामह 2056[वगलामुस बडवामुख. माणसमुन्दरि 91 8, माणससुन्दरी 8 12 बजकण्ठ 678 बजकण्ठ. मानससुन्दरी.
___वजाह 17 11 8 वायुध. मारिण 1027,1093, 10 12, 12 4 वजोयर 11 7 8, 15 11', 17 118°
8°, °13 2 5, 17 15, मारिधि 169 वज्रोदर. 6°, 18 12 मारीच.
*वद्धमाण 1 2 12, 17 5 वर्धमान; वीर °1 मारिधि see मारिच.
1a; वीरजिण 1 8 13a वीरजिन. मारुह see हणुमन्त.
वरुण 18 10 1, 209 3. *मारुयएव 1 2 10 मारुतदेव.
बलएव 599 बलदेव. मालि 8 18,866, 10 8 4 मालिन्. वसन्तमाल 18 7 1 वसन्तमाला. मीसकेस 1873 मिश्रकेशी.
वसु 16 14 6. मेह 6 87.
वसुन्धर 20 55. लच्छी 612 लक्ष्मी.
वाउकुमार see पवणजय. रह 1 134 रति.
वालि 1 10 5, 12 17, 12 52, 129 रयणचूर 19 8 8 रत्नचूड.
10a, 167 5. रयणावलि 13 la, 16 47 रमावली, वासुपुज° 1 1 12 वासुपूज्य. स्यणासव 9 16,952 रमाश्रव.
वाहुवलि 4 4 7, 47 7 बाहुबलि. रम्भ 8 1 8 रम्भा.
विचित्तमाल 15 12 1 विचित्रमाला. गम्भ° 207 3 रम्भ.
विजय 5 1 4 विजया. रविकण्ण see कुम्भयण्ण.
विजयन्त 16 13 5 *विजयत, रविषह 6 8 8 रविप्रभ.
विजयमइन्द see विजयसीह. *रविसेणायरिय° 129 रविषेणाचार्य. विजयसीह 7 3 6,745, विजयसिंह; विजयराजीव °15 7 30, 18 102°, 020 5 5. मइन्द 77 96 विजयमृगेन्द्र. राम 1 103; राहव 1996 राघव. विजामन्दर 7 1 3 विद्यामन्दर. रावण 1 103,951; रामण 9 3 90, विजुकेस 6 10 9b विद्युत्केश. दसाणण 5 9 9, 9 3 6, दशानन; दसास विजुलवाहण 7 7 1 विद्युद्वाहन. 107 1 दशास्य; दहमुह 1 107,94 विणमि 2 13 6 विनमि. 9b, 11 18 8 दशमुख; दहवयण 1 10 विमल 1 1 13. 9a दशवदन; दहसिर 94 90 दशशि- विमलकित्ति 58 8 विमलकीर्ति. रस्; वीसद्धसिर 1298 *विंशत्यर्धशिरस्; विमलवाहण 1 13 1 विमलवाहन, वीसहत्थ 1 107 विंशति-हस्त.
विराहिय 12 4 9 विराधित. रावणि see इन्दइ.
विससेण 2073 वृषसेन. राहव see राम.
विसहसेण 392 वृषभसेन. रिसह 27 8,°13 9 90 ऋषभ. *विसालचक्खु 16 5 10 [विशालचक्षुष] वि. -रिसहजिण 1 16 96 ऋषभजिन.
शालाक्ष. रिसहसेण 3 10 10 ऋषभसेन. .
विहि 17 11 6 विधि.. रूववह 16 106 रूपवती.
विहीसण 1 1090,938,966,97 रोहिणि 1 13 4, °13 7 100 रोहिणी. 9a, 108 10, 11 111 विभीषण. बइसवण 576,95 96, 9 6 3, 107 वीसावसु9 63, 16 14 6 विश्वावसु. 5 वैश्रवण.
वुह 10 65 बुध. बयणालार 1076 वचनालडार.
बेयमह 7 1 3, वेयमई 11 2 5 वेदमती.
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पटमचरिउ वेलन्धर 20 5 5.
सिरिसइल 19 11 8a, 19 18 8 श्रीशैल, वेलाणल 2055 वेलानल.
सीयल° 1.1 10 शीतल. वेलामुह 20 5 6 वेलामुख.
सीमकर 1123 सीमङ्कर. वोमविन्दु 92 4 व्योमबिन्दु.
सीमन्धर 1 12 3 सीमन्धर.
सीहद्धय 16 13 6 सिंहध्वज. सइ 1 13 3 शची.
सीहविलम्विय 12 66 सिंह विलम्बित. सयकर 15 6 6 शतकर. *सयम्भु 131et; सयम्भएव 1 16 10g सुय 117 7°, 15 12° शुक.
सुकेस 6 15 9a, 7 5 6, 12 5 11, 15 खयम्भू, स्वयम्भूदेव.
8 9a सुकेश. सयर 53 7, 14 11 5 सगर.
सुग्गीव 12 5 2, 12 10 9a, °15 14', सक्का see इन्दइ..
__167 5 सुग्रीव. सणंकुमार 14 11 6 सनत्कुमार.
सुणन्दा 2 87, 4 9 4 सुनन्दा. सञ्चवह 20 11 9a सत्यवती.
सुतार 12 12 5 सुतारा. सम्झागलगजिय° 2057 संध्यागलगर्जित.
सुन्दर 1062. सम्झावलि 2057 संध्यावलि.
सुभीम 57 11a. सन्ति 1 1 15 शान्ति.
सुमइ 115 सुमति. समीर see पवणजय.
सुमालि 8 68,7 113°, 107 8 सुमालिन्. सम्भव 113.
सुलोयण 5 63, सुलोयणय 547 सुलोचन. सम्वु 20 3 8, 2012 11 शम्बु.
सुलोयण 74 1 सुलोचना. सम्मइ 1 12 1, 17 9 6 संमति.
सुवेल 20 56. सरसइ 17 18 5 सरखती.
'सुब्वयं 1117 सुव्रत.. ससिकर 15 14 शशिकर, ससिकिरण 1212
सुसेण 2073 सुषेण. 3 शशिकिरण.
सूररय 7 11 2,867, 953:11 13 ससिकिरण see ससिकर.
8, 12 5 12,gl. सूर्यरव, traditionससिधय 16 136 शशिध्वज.
___ally सूर्यरजस्. सहसयर 18 1 5 सहस्रकर; सहसकिरण 14 सेयंस 11 11, 2 167 श्रेयांस.
3 120, 14 4 6, सहासकिरण° 15 *सेमिय 161,17 9a, 1 11 1,516 10 1 सहस्रकिरण; सहसरासि 14 54 श्रेणिक.. सहस्ररश्मि.
सोदामणिपह 18 7 4 [सौदामनीप्रभ] विद्युत्प्रम. सहसकिरण see सहसयर.
सोम 867. सहसक्ख 55 1 सहस्राक्ष, दसरायणेत 5 47 सोमप्पह 4 12 6 सोमप्रभ. दशशतनेत्र.
हणुव see हणुमन्त. सहसरासि see सहसयर.
हणुवन्त 19 18 8, 2019a, 20 29a, सहसार 812 सहस्रार.
20 3 6, 207 8, 20 9 8, हणुव 20 सामीरणि see हणुमन्त.
38 हनुमत्. सारण 117 7, 15 1 2.
हत्य 11 3 3, 15 1 3 हस्त. सिरिकण्ठ 613, 12 28 श्रीकण्ठ
हर 599. सिरिप्पह 12121 श्रीप्रभा.
हरि° 6 4 5, 17 11 5. सिरिमाल 7 14 श्रीमाला.
हरिकेसि 8 14, हरिकेसी 16 137 हरिकेधिन्, सिरिमालावई7 4 5 श्रीमालापति?
हरिदवण 15 10 5 हरिदमन. सिरिमालि.7 11 3, 17 5 6, 17 14 2 हरिसेण 11 10, 11 1 96 हरिषेण, धीमालिन्,
हिययवेय 18 35 हृदयवेगा.
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(Historical names are profixed with an asterisk) भारावय 87.1,1134; अइरावणय 3 6 चीण 64.8 चीन (द्वीप). 16 ऐरावत,
. चीर 64 6. *उज्झ27 5, 4 18, 5 1 1, उज्न 41 छोहार' 64 6 (द्वीप).
8, 4 14 96, 512 96, 1584 *जउण 12 43 यमुना. अयोध्या; सक्केयणयरि 2 2 5, 5 11 4 जम्बूदीव 1 11 5 जम्बूद्वीप. साकेतनगरी.
जलहरधर 105 2 जलधर-धर. भट्ठावय 12119a, 1989 अष्टापद (पर्वत). जवण 6 4 6 यवन (द्वीप). मरुण 12 19a Vali's chariot.
'जोहण 6 4 8 योधन (द्वीप). मलकारोदय 12 3 4gl. पाताललङ्का (नगर). णन्दीसरदीव 67 9a नन्दीश्वरद्वीप; णन्दीसरक्ख भाइबणयर 7 12 आदित्यनगर,
68 4 नन्दीश्वराख्य.. *उज्ज्ञ see अउज्स.
*णम्मय 9 196, 14 2 96 नर्मदा, रेवा करण 3 1 10 काश्चन कवणसेल 49 5
13 124. काञ्चनशैल,
णिचालोयपुर 13 1a नित्यालोकपुर. कमण °64 6° काश्चन (द्वीप).
तड 6 4 9a तट (द्वीप). कमणपुर 8 12 7 काचनपुर.
*तावि. 919 तापी. काय 64 6 कवक (द्वीप).
तिकूड 11 14 8 त्रिकूट (पर्वत). कावित्यसग्ग 6 15 5 कापिष्ठखर्ग.
तोयावलि 6 4 7, तोयावलि (द्वीप). कामुकविमाण 5 8 3 कामुकविमान. दुल्ला 15 10 2 दुर्लङ्घ (नगर). किछ8126.किक 6 163 किकुः किपुर देवसंगीयणयर 1042 देवसंगीतनगरः सुरसं673, किकपुर 12 12 2, किकपुरक्ख 7 गीयणयर 11 13 6 सुरसंगीतनगर. 63 किष्कुपुर.
धर 6 4 5 (द्वीप). -किधर 64 8 (द्वीप); किकुमहीधर 652 *पयाग2114,19 13 10b प्रयाग (नगर). किकुपर्वत.
पलियङ्कगुह 19 6 6, 199 4 पर्यङ्कगुहा. किकिन्धपुर 7 1096 किष्किन्धपुर. पायाललक 58 6,791,7 11 6 पाता. कुम्भपुर 107 4.
ललका (नगर). कुम्भीपाक 1197 (नरक).
पुप्फवण 9 1 2 पुष्पवन. कुस 6 4 6 कुश (द्वीप).
पुरिमताल 3 10 पुरिमताल (नगर). *गयउर 3 1a गजपुर; हस्थिणयर 2 16 6 पुवविदेह 1 12 8 पूर्व विदेह (खण्ड). हस्तिनगर.
पोयण° 4 27, पोयणगयर 4 3 4 पोतन. *गङ्ग 15 8 9b, गङ्गा° 12 4 3 गङ्गा.
नगर. *गङ्गासायर 3 12 90 गङ्गासागर meeting भरक्खम 6 4 90 भरक्षम (द्वीप ).
place of the Ganga with the *भरह 3 6 11a भरत (खण्ड). sea,
भार° 64 0a (द्वीप ). गन्धब्ववावि 1053 गन्धर्ववापी.
भीम 6 4 9a (द्वीप). गिरि 6 4 7 गिरि (द्वीप).
भीमवण971 भीमवन. 'गीर 6 4 7 (द्वीप).
भूयरवाड 19 17 4 भूतरवा-अटवी. गुञ्ज° 1098 (पर्वत).
*मगह 15 92, मगहदेस 1 4 1 मगध देश
Page #453
मणि 646 मणि ( द्वीप ).
° मणुसोत्तर 372, मणुसुतर 68 1 मानुषोत्तर (पर्वत).
महिन्द 1834 महेन्द्र ( नगर ). महु 7 10 5 मधु ( पर्वत ). *महूर 1593 मथुरा ( नगर ). माहेन्दपुर 1927 माहेन्द्रपुर. माहेसरपुर 144 90 माहेश्वरपुर. मेरु 1 16 2, 21 80, 4 11 95. मेहर 622 मेघपुर; मेहणयर 8 127
use ite
रयण 64 6 रत्न ( द्वीप ).
रविर 184 1.
स° 64 8 (द्वीप).
रहणेडर 6 1 3, 11 12 7, रहणेउर चक्कवालगयर 56 4 रथनूपुरचक्रवालनगर.
* रायगिह 1 4 9 राजगृह ( नगर ). * रेवा° see णम्मय. रोहण 384, °648° रोधन ( द्वीप ). लङ्काणयरि 585 लङ्कानगरी.
जर 64 7 वज्र ( द्वीप ). aar 647 बर्बर ( द्वीप ). वाणरदीव 65 1 वानरद्वीप. वाह 64 6 वाहन ( द्वीप ).
'अगस्थि° 3 17 अगस्ति ( G. अगथियो ). इय° 3 1 12 ?
'अम्व 3 1 10 आम्र ( G. आँबो ). ल 3 1 4 आई ( G. आर्दै ). 'भामली 3 19 आमलकी (G. आमळाँ ). भासत्य' 3 14 अश्वत्थ. इक्खु 2169 2175, 14 2 9a, उच्छ° °3 1 4, उच्छु 144, 1417 इक्षु ( G. ईख, M. उस ).
3 7 ?
उच्छ, उच्छु see इक्खु.
एला' 313 ( G. एल ची ).
विडलमहीहर 175, बिउलहरि 1696 विपुलमहीधर, विपुलगिरि .
*विन्स 9196, 10796, विञ्झरि 11 6 3, 13 12 4 विन्ध्यगिरि,
वेड 2 15 5, 7 1 2 विजयार्ध (पर्वत). वेलन्धर 648 ( द्वीप); 2337 (पर्वत). सडामुह 3 1 16 [ शकटक-मुख ] शकटमुख ( उद्यान ).
सह 9 136.10 490 स्वयंप्रभ ( नगर ). *सकेयणयरि see अउज्झ.
झागार 647 सन्ध्याकार ( द्वीप ). सम्मेयइरि 11 31 सम्मेतगिरि, ससिपुर 812 6 शशिपुर. सहससिहर 9 137 सहस्रशिखर (चैत्य ). सिङ्गल 648 सिंहल ( द्वीप ). सिद्धत्य 2 11 2 सिद्धार्थ ( उद्यान ). सिन्धुणयर 1024 सिन्धुनगर. सिरि 647 श्री ( द्वीप ). सुरसंगीयणयर see देवसंगीयणयर. सुवेल 645 ( द्वीप ).
हणुरुह 645, 191186, हणूरुह 19
107 हनूरुह ( द्वीप ). *हस्थिणयर see गयउर. हंस 645 ( द्वीप ). हरि 645 ( द्वीप ).
'कयम्व 3 1 10 कदम्ब.
कलि° 3 15 अशोक ( D. 2 12 ) . कङ्कोल 3 1 3.
कणार 319 कनकारि ( cf. Mw. कनकान्तक ).
Crate 319 करवीर ( Ho. I 263 ). कन्थारि 318 कन्थरी. कपूर 313 कर्पूर.
करमन्दि 3 1 8 करम (G. करमूदी; Mp. करवंद, 9149).
° करिमर 3 18; cf. करमर Mp. 9109. करीर 318 ( G. केर-डो ).
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"कुङ्कुम 3 14.
पियन 3 14 प्रियङ्गु. कुन्द 3 17.
पुण्णाय 3 1 2 पुन्नाग. केयइ3 1 12 केतकी.
पुत्तजीव 316 पुत्रजीव. कोञ्ज 3 1 11 कुञ्ज(वल्ली).
पूयफल 147 3 पूगफल. कोरण्ट 3 1 11.
पोप्फली 3 18, फोप्फल 1 59a,652 कोसम्व 3 1 11 कोशाम्र ( PSM ).
पूगफल. खजूरि° 3 1 7 खजूरी (G. खजूरी). फणिसं (.v. 1. फगस)3 1 6 पनस. गुना 14 2 7, गुञ्जाहल 11 10 7 गुनाफल. मन्दार 3 1 7. चम्पय° 3 1 4 चम्पक (G. चंपो).
मरिय° 314 मरिच. चार 3 1 11 पियालवृक्ष (D. 3 21). मल्लिव' 14 106 मल्लिका. जम्वीरि 3 1 6 जम्बीरी.
मल्ली 3 1 12 मल्लिका. जम्बू 3 1 10 जम्बू (G. जाँबू).
मह 3 13 मधुक. जासवण° 3 1 12 जपा (G. जासु, जाखंती). मालूर °3 19, 3 13 29, °5 1 4 कपित्थ जीव 317 जीवक or बन्धुजीव.
(D. 6 130). जीर 3 1 4 (G. जीरु).
माहवी 3 1 3 माधवी. जूही 3 1 12 यूथिका (G, जूई). °माहुलिङ्गी° 3 1 3 मातुलिङ्गी (He. I 214). °ढउय 3 1 6?
रिट 3 1 11 रिष्ट. णग्गोह 3 1 5 न्यग्रोध. .
'रुद्दक्ख° 3 1 5 रुद्राक्ष. °णन्दी 3 17.
'लघङ्ग 3 13. णारङ्ग 315.
'लिम्व 3 16 निम्ब. णालिकेरी 3 18 (G. नाळीयेरी).
वउल 314,14 64,वउल्ल147 3 बकुल. तमाल 3 1 10.
सज 3 1 11 सर्ज. 'तरल 3 1 9 धत्तूर thorn-apple. सत्तच्छय° 3 17 सप्तच्छद. ताल 3 1 10.
सम्वलिरुक्ख 1195 शाल्मलीवृक्ष. ताली 3 1 10.
"सरल 3 19. दक्ख 3 1 5 द्राक्षा (G. दराख).
सिन्दी 3 17. दवणा 14 2 5, 14 4 5, 14 7 5 दमनक. सिन्दूर 3 17. 'दहिवण्ण 3 1 8 दधिपर्ण,
सिरिखण्ड 319 श्रीखण्ड. देवदारु 3 1 12 (G. देवदार).
सिरिस3 19शिरीष. पउमक्ख° 3 15, 4 6 5 पद्माक्ष.
हरियाल 3 16 हरिताल. पाडली. 3 1 8 पाटल.
हिन्ताल 3110.
VIDYĀS अग्गि-जल-थम्भणी 9 12 7 अग्नि-जल-स्तम्भनी. आसुरी 9 12 8. अणिम 9 12 3 अणिमन्.
उच्चाटिणी 9 12 4 उच्चाटनी. अत्ति 9 12 3 आप्ति.
उम्मोहण 77 7 उन्मोहनी. अमोहविजय 13 104 अमोघविजया. अवलोयणी 9 127 अवलोकनी.
कामसुहदाइणी 9 12 5 काम-सुख-दायिनी. आसालविज 15 10 6, 15 12 6.15 14 कालि 9 12 2 काली. 7, आसालिय 15 14 9a, आसाली 15 कुडिल 9 12 7 कुटिला. 132 आशालीविद्या.
कोमारि 9 12 2 कौमारी,
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गयणसंचारिणिय 9 13 3, गयणसंचालिणी 9 माहेसरिय 12 103, माहेसरी 9 12 2 12 1 गगनसंचारिणी.
माहेश्वरी. गारुडविज 12 2 10a गारुडविद्या. माहेन्दविज 87 9 माहेन्द्रविद्या. छिन्दणी 9 12 7 छेदनी.
वहरिविद्धंसिणी 9 12 4 वैरीविध्वंसिनी. जय 9 126 जया
वन्ध-वह कारिणी 9 125 बन्ध-वध-कारिणी.
वम्भाणि 9 123 ब्रह्माणी. जोगजोगेसरी 9 12 2 योगयोगेश्वरी. णहङ्गणगामिणिय 9 13 1 नभोणगामिनी वारसणी 9 12 8 वर्षिणी. णारायणिय 12 101 नारायणी.
वामोहण 77 7 व्यामोहनी.
वाराहि 9 12 2 वाराही. णिग्विग्ध 9 13 3 निर्विघ्ना.
वारुणी9 125,912 8. थम्भणि 9 18 1, थम्भणी 9 12 4, 6
विजय 9 126 विजया.. स्तम्भनी.
बीरासणी 9 12 2 वीरासनी. दारुणी 9 12 8 दारुणा.
सत्ति-संवाहिणी 9 12 7 शक्ति-संवाहनी. दुण्णिवारा 9 128 दुर्निवारा.
सत्तुविणिवारणिय9 13 3 शत्रुविनिवारिका.. दुहरिसणी 9 12 8 दुर्दर्शना.
संविद्धि 9 13 1 संवृद्धि. पण्णति9 123 प्रज्ञप्ति.
सब्वभाकरिसणी 9 12 6 सर्वाकर्षिणी. भाणुपरिमालिणी 9 12 1 भानुपरिमालिनी.
सम्वकामण्णरूय 976 सर्वकामाम-रूपा. मिन्दणी 9 127 भेदनी,
सम्वपच्छायणी 9 12 6 सर्वप्रच्छादनी. भुवणसंखोहणी 9 12 4 भुवन-संक्षोभनी. . सम्वमय-णासणी 9 12 6 सर्वमदनाशिनी. भूमि-गिरि-दारिणी 9 12. 5.
सम्वोसह 9 13 1 सौंषधा. महाकालिणी 9 12 1 महाकाली.
सिद्धस्थ 9 13 3 सिद्धार्था. महोयरिय 17 99 gl. सर्पिणीविद्या [for सिरिमालिणि 29 12 9 श्रीमालिनी. - महोरगिका ?].
सोमणी 9 12 3 *सोमाणी.
NUNERALS भद्ध 1 16 4 अर्ध.
8, 12 6 8, चायार 6 17,चेयारि 166 1 एक 3 2 2a, 16 6 4 एक.
3 चतुर्; -पढम 1089 प्रथम.
. -चउथय 18 8, 1 12 2 चतुर्थ. 2 दो 322, दुइ (जि) 15 4 4, वे 2 15 5 पञ्च1 15 पञ्चन्; 4, 107 3, 19 14 4, वे (वि) 2 15
__-पञ्चम 1 8 9, 18 57. 8, 12 9 3, वि 2 13 8, 15 13, 16
51 अछह 20 12 4 अर्धषष्ठ. 6 4, वेणि 12 12 106, 2 13 8, दोणि (v. 1. विपिण) 18 1296;
6 छ 107 1, छह 10 53 षष् ; -वीयय 187.1 12 1.362 विजय -छट्ठय 1 12 3, छट्ठम 189 षष्ठ. 2 159a द्वितीय.
7 सत्त 1 8 2,°29 3° सप्तन्. 3 तिणि 177.ति 1664 त्रि.
-सत्तम 1 8 10, 1 12 4 सप्तम. -तइयय 188,1122 तृतीय.
8 भट्ट 3 2 5,3 4 7 अष्टन् ; 4 चउ 17 2, 7, चउर 3 4 16, चयारि -अट्ठम 1 8 10 अटम.
3 4 3, 4 14 7, 9 13 4, 16 117 9 णव 3 4 4; णव णव 1592 (Mp. 9 24 5) चत्तारि 2 5 7, 7 14 -णवमय 1 8 11 नवम enl.
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10 दस 2 13, 3 26; दह° 1 107, 22 वावीस 59 8 द्वाविंशति. 9 4 9a दशन्.
24 चउवीस 1 1 19a चतुर्विंशति. -दसमी f. 15 11 8, दसमय 2 5 5, 25 पञ्चवीस 16 103 पञ्चविंशति. दहमय 1 8 11 दशम enl.
26 छवीस 8 1 6 षड्विंशति. 11 एयारह 3 2 1, 11 7 1; एकादशन्. 27 सत्तावीस 367 सप्तविंशति.
-एयारहमय 1 8 12, 12 5 7 एकादशम 30 तीस 1 14 9b, 1787 त्रिंशत्. enl.
32 वत्तीस 1 9 5 द्वात्रिंशत् 12 वारह 177, 15 10 9b, दुवारह 11 34 चउतीस 1 7 3, 3 3 1a चतुस्त्रिंशत्. 7 1 द्वादशन् ।
48 अट्ठायाल 8 1 8 अष्टचत्वारिंशत्. -वारहमय 1 8 12, 12 5 8 द्वादश enl. 50 पण्णास 16 11 2, 17 9 3°, पञ्चासय 13 तेरस 328.
3 13 3 पञ्चाशत्. -तेरहमय 12 5 8 त्रयोदशन. 59 एकुणसहि 5 9 10 एकोनषष्टि. 14 चउदस 13 2 8; चउहह 1 11 6. 14 60 सट्टि 4 la, 5 10 4, 1793 षष्टि. 496 चउदह 11130112118 63 तिसट्टि 2 8 9a त्रिषष्टि. 157 चतुर्दशन्.
64 चउसटि 17 50,557 चतुःषष्टि. -चउदहमय 12 5 9.
80 असी 2 3 4 अशीति.
84 चउरासी 3 10 2 चतुरशीति. 15 पण्णारस 3 12 7; पण्णारह° 174,
90 णवइ °2 3 3, 5 3 5 नवति. 329, 16 154 पंचदशन् ।
92 वाणवइ 5 118 द्वानवति. -पण्णारहमय 12 59.
96 छण्णवइ 3 13 2 षण्णवति. 16 सोलह 2 4 4, 3 2 9,9 1 1 (P. S.
98 अट्ठाणवइ2 37, 426 अष्टानवति. सोलस) षोडश.
99 णवणवइ 1 11 7°, 4 2 3° नवनवति. -सोलहमय 12 5 10.
100 सय 2 3 3, 2 3 8 शत. 17 सत्तारह 3 2 10 सप्तदशन् ;
108 सड अटोत्तरु 3 4 7 अष्टोत्तर-शत. -सत्तारहमय 12 5 11.
110 दस-उत्तर-सय 59 116 दशोत्तर-शत. 18 भट्ठारह 1 167, 2 17 7, 3 2 10 1000 सहस 167°, 111 7°, 4 2 3, अष्टदशन् ;
सहास 2 13, °12 4 5°, 15 10 9a -अट्ठारहमय 12 5 12.
सहस्त्र. 19 एकूणवीस 12 5 4 एकोनविंशति;
1008 भट्ठोत्तर-सहास 2 1 1 अष्टोत्तर-सहस्र. -एकुणवीसमय 12 5 12.
100000 लक्ख 111 50.535लक्ष. 20 वीस 1 107,1171,166 6 विंशति. 10000000 कोडि 2 5 6 कोटि.
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