of Ap. metres including the Helā, Āvali, Mañjari, Dvipadī, Racita etc. which is treated together at Ch. IV 57-66. This decides in favour of the Vilāsini.
A caesura is definitely felt after the 8. mora. This fact as also the general swing of the metre makes it closely allied to that metre which is used in the famous Gopikā-Gita of the Bhagavata-purana and which is known as Lalita in the Gujarati prosody. The general pattern of our metre is --U-U-1-U-U-, wherein all the heavy syllables except the last one are replaceable by two light syllables. This metre is similarly used in RC. 71. 2; MP. 28 27, 34 10, 40 12, 42 12, 45 9, 48 1, 86 8, 88 11. Alsdorf fails to identify it and hence thinks' it to be Parktikā (Ch. II 108).
(28) Pramāņi.
Scheme. 0- X 4.
Occurrence. XVII 16.
This is a quite familiar metre of the Sk. prosody. It is defined at Chandaḥśāstra V 7, Jayadevacchandas y 4, Vrttaratnākara III 18, Chandonuśasana II 82 etc. Here it is used in the two-lined form. It is found several times in MP.
CONSPECTUS OF THE METRES OF PC. I-XX. I. Metres employed in the Kadavaka-commencing stanza. Name.
Measure. Place of occur
rence (Sandhi) (1) Gandhodakadhāra. (6 + 4 + 3 =) III
13 X 4
(a/b, c/d) (2) Dvipadī.
(6+U - (or UU) U +4 XIII +4+4+U-(or UU) U
+ - 5) 28 x 2 (3) Helā-dvipadi. (6+U — (or UU)U + 4 + XVII
U-(or UU) +--=)
22 X 2 (4) Mañjari.
--(or Uu) +-(oruu)U XIX + 4 + 4 + 4 +11 )
21 X 2 II. Metres employed in the Ghattā. Measure.
Place of occurrence (Sandhi). (5) 9 + 13.
VII (6) 10 + 13.
XVI (7) 11 + 14.
II (8) 11 (or 12) + 12
) (9) 13 + 10.
1 (10) 13 * 15.
VIII, XI, XIX (11) 13 | 16.
VI 112) 14 + 13.
XIII 113) 15 + 12.
X (14) 15.
IX, XVIII (15) 6 + 6 + 12.
III (16) 8 + 8 + 14.
XIV (17) 8 + 6 + 12.
ху (18) 8 + 8 + 12. (1) Alsdorf. 1936, 193.
0 0.
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