is to be known as Chaddani. But the Ap. Mss. consistently follow the practice of calling the closing piece Ghatta, while the commencing stanza is not given any class name. Hence Svayambhu's account requires further support from other authorities, before it is accepted.
Only Sandhis 3, 13, 17 and 19 have the Kadavaka commencing stanza'. It appears in the beginning of each Kadavaka of these Sandhis. In Puspadanta's Mahapurana Jambhețția (IV), Racită (V), Malayavilasita (VI), Khandaka (VII), Avali (VIII), Dvipadi (X, XIV etc.), Hela (IX, LXXVII) Aranāla (XVI) and Malaya-mañjarī (LXXVI) have been used for this purpose. The Ap. texts or their Mss. have not got any uniform practice of mentioning the name of these metres. Usually Duvai, Jambheṭṭia, Doha and Helā or (Heläduvai) are mentioned by name, the others are left unnamed. we find little consistency in this matter. Thus only one Ms. of PC. prefixes the term Duvai to the Kadavaka-commencing stanzas of 3. Sandhi, other Mss. are silent about it. On the other hand MP. is in the habit of mentioning the name in every case.
The value of the end syllable is discussed below under the description of the Ghatta.
(1) The Kadavaka-commencing stanza of the 3. Sandhi
Jain Education International
(Gandhodakadhārā). Scheme-No. of lines: 4.
No. of moras per line: 13 (or 14; if the end syllable is scanned as long). Gaṇa-scheme: 6+ 4 + 3 (or 4). Rhyme-scheme: a with b, c with d.
The six-moraic Gana has, except in four cases, twomoraic grouping. For its two middlemost moras the form UU is preferred. The second Gana has the following forms:
10 3
21 UUUU 10
This means that Jagana is permitted.
The last Gana is invariably constituted of three shorts. It will be seen that the structure of the Padas of this metre is identical with that of the odd Pädas of the Duvahaya or Dohä metre. Technically this is a Sarvasamā Catuspadi. If the final syllable is given its natural value, the line is 13-moraic; if it is scanned as long, it becomes 14-moraic. Among the Saravasama group of the Catuspadis, the Accharovilasia or Apsarovilasita" has 13 moras, the Gandhoaadhārā or Gandhodakadhara has 14. SC. VI 157 gives
(1) In
the rest of PC. Sandhis 25, 59, 85 (all Heladuvais), 40, 51, 66, 75 (all Duvais), 48, 81 (Jambhetția), 49, 77 (Gandhodakadhārā), 50 (Paranaka), 52, 53 (Aranala), 54 (Doha), 63 and 74 (Mātrā-+Mañjari) have got the mencing piece.
(2) Most of these metres employed in the commencing piece are treated together in the Khañjaka section of the Chando'nusāsana. (3) (a) Calane teraha-mattaam, pa-pa-ta-ganehim vihattayam ahava ca-ca-pa-vihusiam, tam-iņam Accharavilasiaṁ ! (b) Apsaravilasitam bhavet, şa-ca-tair dvi-ca(pa)-ganais tu vā Chandaśśekhara, 168.
SC. VI 157.
(c) sa-ca-täh ca-pau pa-tau va Apsarovilasitam Ch. 43a 3-4. (4) (a) Calane coddaha-mattão (?) annam ahuṭṭha caara SC. VI 158. (b) syur Gandhodakadhārāyam, pa-dvicakārās tri-ca-dā vā (c) sa-caḥ ci dau vå Gandhodakadhārā Ch. 43a 5-6.
Chandaśśekhara. 169.
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