10) pesanu cukkau is a euphemism for 'he died'. e.g. te mahre
kerau pesant cukkā 5 13 2 "they failed to fulfil their mission entrusted by me' i.e. they died', (Andhau)
pesaņa-cukku 'Andhraka died'. 11) gavanarmanau 3 6 16, gamanamaņu 6 4 2, "wishing to
go, jujjhanamana 12 8 9 'wishing to fight'.
vattai 18 3 7, 19 8 10b, 'to be sure' 'indeed'. 13) There are various forms of swearing expressions used at
the time of taking a vow e.g.: i) tava na jiņavaru jaya bhanami, jāva na rane
vivakkhu sara-siriu 6 1 10 'I will not say "be victorious" to the Jina, till I pierce the enemy with arrows in the battle'. jai kallae tāya! Lankánayari na paisarami, to niyaya-janeri Indāni kara-yale dharami 7 12 9, 'O Papa, if I fail to enter the city of Lankā tomorrow,
I would hold my mother Indrāni in my hand'. iii) jai tan bhudda-hatthi ņau sähami, to jaņanovari
asivaru vāhami 11 5 2 'If I fail to subdue that Bhadra elephant, I would brandish (my) best sword
over (my) father'. iv) jai ranamuhe mānu na malami taho, to chitta pāya
rayanāsavaho 12 7 4 'If I do not crush his pride in the
battle front, the feet of Ratnāśrava are touched'.
7. METRES OF PAUMACARIU I—XX. The present study of the metres employed in PC. I-XX is divided into three sections in accordance with the three structural units of the Kadavaka'. At times each Kadavaka of a particular Sandhi has a beginning piece made up of one stanza having two or four rhyming Padas. This unit is an occasional feature of the Kadavaka. As contrasted with this commencing piece the main body and the concluding piece (which is also found invariably in the beginning of the Sandhi) called Ghattā are the permanent features of the Kadavaka. Every Kadavaka has got them. The metres employed in these three Kadavaka units, viz. the commencing piece, the main body and the concluding piece or Ghattă are different from one another. Hence they are described separately. The metres of the commencing piece are taken up first. Next follows a description of the metres of the Ghattā. Lastly is given an account of the metres employed in the body of the Kadavaka. A. The Commencing Piece at the
Head of the Kada va ka. We have no definite knowledge as to whether the commencing piece of the Kadavaka was known by any general name. SC. VIII 31a while explaining the term Kadavaka declares, äihim punu ghatta samamananti, jamaavasana(i) chaddani bhananti. 'In the beginning (of the Kadavaka), they prescribe Ghattā and at the end of the Yamakas, they say Chaddani'. This means, that the Kadavakacommencing piece is to be called Ghattā, while the concluding piece (1) For the earlier contributions to the critical study of Apabhramsa metres see
Jacobi, 1918, 1921; Alsdorf, 1928, 1936, 1937 Shahidullah, 1928; Bhayani, 1945, 1948. (2) (a) Kadavaa(u) atthahim Jamaahim raanti !
äihim punu Ghatta samamananti il
Jamaavasāna(i) chaddani bhanantil SC. VIII 30-31. (b) Sandhyādau Kadavakante ca dhruvan syāditi Dhruvā,
Dhruvakam, Ghatta ya Ch. 5 1.
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