This holds good even when the motion is figurative:
ghai-kamma gaya khayaho 4 14 3, jai visāyaho 5 15 1,
ma khayaho nehu 12 9 2. c) Further, words denoting movement require Gen. of goal
as in: mayaraharu āyāsaho utthalliyau 11 8 9b, Suke
sena Magahahã mukku payānau 15 8 9b. In such cases the Genitive has the force of prati. In naliņiu divāyaraho viyasanti 6 3 6 also the Gen. has the
same sense. d) But we also occasionally come across instances of verbs of motion governing accusative of goal:
naravai gau uvavaņu 5 14 6, . (te) Kikkupurakkhu patta 7 6 3,
Bharahu nivvui pattau 4 14 9a. e) Other verbs governing Gen.: i) Verbs meaning tell' 'say' etc.:
heriehim kanitthaho kahiu 4 7 1, manti Sirikanthaho kahai 6 5 1, suvināvali Marudevie
Nahi-narāhivaho sīsai 1 15 9b; ii) Vgaraha-: garahanti jinindaho 2 14 5; iii) Vbhama-: bhamiu Mandaraho jema tārāyanu 2 16 116; iv) Vabbhida-: Nigghāu Malihe abbhidiu 7 13 9b, Rāvanu
Indaho abbhidai 1 7 16. It governs Loc. also:
Rāvanu Sahasakirane abbhiţtau 1 5 1b. Note also the construction abbhittu jujjhu Vijjaharāhā
7 5 2. 'A battle ensued among the Vidyadharas'. The construction is familiar in the Paümacariya of Vimala
sūri. See 4 42,5 69 etc. v) V samāvada-: matta-gaindu pañcānanaho samāvadiu
7 13 9a. f) In marai to-vi mahu Toyadavāhanu 5 7 7 Gen. conveys
cause. g) In the absolute construction Gen. does not convey, unlike
Sanskrit, the sense of anādara. Mostly it is found with present participles and has been inherited by Gujarati. Instances: (taho) rajju karantaho, puvvahã lakkha tisaţthi gaya 2 8 9a 'As he ruled, sixty-three lakhs of Pūrvas passed'; rajju karantaho taho Maharakkhaho, Devarakkhu
uppannau nandanu 5 14 5-6 'As that Maharakkha ruled,
a son Devarakkha was born to him'; taho Lankāhiva-duhiya parinantaho pangane kena vi kai
lihiya 6 9 1.' "When he was marrying the daughter of the Lord of Lankā somebody drew monkeys in (his)
courtyard'. h) Genitive of contents (Instr. sense): ikkhu-rasaho bhariyañjali 2 16 9, 2 17 5 "The palm
cavity was filled with the sugar-cane juice'. $121. Locative: a) V paisa- governs Loc. or Acc.: i) jale paiţha 4 10 2; paisarai na pattane cakka-rayaņu
4 1 1, ņa paisai ujjhahe cakku 4 1 8, samasaraņe paitthau 5 9 92:
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