To illustrate this, SC. VIII 21 cites the opening stanza of the 31. Sandhi of PC. Thus in the present case the theory also does not require to count the short end syllables as long.
This particular variety of the Șatpadī seems to have become very popular. Poems in Late Apabhramśa have this Şațpadi as their standard Ghatta metre and hence it is understandable why it has received the designation Ghattaa (the Ghattā metre par excellence) in some late works on Ap. prosody'. The Kavidarpana mentions' this first among the six Şatpadis treated. Compare also the Dvipadi called Chaddaņikā (incorrect for Chaddanikā) treated at Ch. VII 17 having 31 moras per Pada with caesura after the 10. and the 18. mora.
The Gana schemes of these Pādas are 4+4+uu or 6+UUUU (=10), 4+-(or UU)UU(=8), 6+4+UUU (313). In general the same remarks apply to the structures of these Pādas as have been made regarding equivalent Pādas in Nos. 6, 17 and 18. In 17 1 10d, e, 17 5 10d, e, 17 14 9a, b, 17 16 9a, b, d, e, 20 7 9a, b, d, e, 20 9 9a, b, d, e, 20 11 9a, the end syllable is actually long. Jagana casually appears in the 2. Gana of the 13-moraic Pāda, which four times (17 10 10 c, f, 20.89 c, f) ends in - t. This Ghattā appears also in RC. 30. 52., 53., 74., 89., MP. 40., 44., 71., 78.; Jas. 1, 4; Ņāy. 8. (21). Scheme.
12+8+-12. Occurrence. 4. Sandhi.
In 2 9 d, e, 39 a, b, d, e, 4 9 c, f, 5 9 a, b, 8 9 d, e, 9 9 d, e, 11 9 d, e the end syllable is long. This would present a strong obstacle against taking the scheme to be 13+8+13 in theory.
This Satpadi appears to be a variation of the Chaddaņia VII. Though SC. does not know of any Satpadi with the measure 12+8+12, we can infer it from the other two variations of the Chaddani, VII, viz. 12+8+13 and 12+8+11, given at SC. VIII 22, 23. Kavidarpana II 30 includes the present variety.
The 1., 3., 4. and 6. Pādas have the same structure and the remarks made in connection with the 12-moraic Pāda in Nos. 15, 17, 18 and 19 are equally applicable here. Similarly for the structure of the 8-moraic Pada refer to its description in Nos. 17, 18 and 20.
This Ghattā is also met with in RC. 3, 33, 50, 71; MP. 1.
C. Metres employed in the main body of
the Kada vaka They fall in two main divisions: (1) The Principal or Standard Metres employed throughout the epic, and (2) variation metres, employed in individual Kadavakas or some time throughout a Sandhi to break the monotony.
1) The Standard Metres.
Jacobi" and Alsdorf' on the strength of a statement in Ch. hold that only four metres were recognised by Ap. prosodists as the principal metres of the Apabhramśa epic and accordingly Alsdorf attempts to support this view from the actual practice in Ap. literature
(1) See the Chandahkośa (Velankar, 1923), 43, and Prūkyta-paingala, I 99. (2) Velankar, 1935-1936, II 29-30. (3) Jaiobi, 1918, *44. (4) Alsdorf, 1936, 184-185.
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