other varieties of the Şaţpadi Dhruva having all equal, partly equal or all unequal Padas containing from seven to seventeen moras were employed. The commentary of the Kavidarpaņa too echoes these words The Kavidarpaņa specially mentions the varieties 10 +8+13, 12 + 8 + 13, 8 + 8 + 11, 10 + 8 + 11, 12 + 8 + 11 and 12 + 8 + 12. Svayambhū also gives 10 + 8 + 13 as the measure of the Chaddaniä VII and gives 12 + 8 + 13 and 12 + 8 + 11 as its variations".
In most of the Ghattās of the 15. Sandhi the Şatpadi that is employed has actually the scheme 8+6+12, but as the theory does not recognize a Pāda of less than seven moras, the scheme is to be regarded as being 9+7+13, by counting the short end syllables as long. Such a Şațpadi is to be considered like those mentioned above.
The Ghattās of the 1., 2. and 3. Kadavakas have the scheme 8+8+12, theoretically 9+9+13. This is fourth variety of the Şagpada Avajāti (SC. V 8).
The 8-moraic Pada has the scheme 4+- (or uy)uw. The form - UU is preferred in the first Gana. The 6-moraic Pada shows preference for the form UU – UU. The end is always U U. The 12-moraic Pāda is divisible as 6+4+ UU, wherein in the 2. Gana is never U-U RC. 70 has 8+6+12 for its Ghattās.
Irregularities. 2 9e. Two moras too few in the opening. If the scheme is 8+6--12. then 2 9b is to be regarded as having two moras too many and the irregularity can be removed by dropping tam. 6 8h and 11 9b have two moras too many Dropping so sets the metre right. (19). Scheme.
9+7+12. Occurrence. 12. Sandhi.
If the short end syllables are regarded as long the scheme would be 10+8+13. But No. 20 below with the actual scheme 10 +8+13 is regarded so by Svayambhū himself, and the difference between the structures of No. 19. and 20. is patent. 5 14d with the opening -:- U would not allow us to constitute the 1. Gana with four moras. Therefore the scheme of the Ghattās of the 12. Sandhi should be 9+7+12. Hence the scheme of the 9-moraic Pāda is 6 +UUU. Only once, in 6 9d, the end is - U. The 7-moraic Pada is divisible as 4 + UUU. The 1. Gana avoids the form V-U. It has a tendency to end in a long. 6 9e exceptionally has --U for the end. The 12-moraic Pāda has the grouping 6+4 UU. The 2. Gana avoids U-U. UU- is its usual form. This Ghatta occurs also in MP. 25., 52., 55. and in Nāy. 2.
Irregularities. 2 ge. One mora too many. Emendation. jjhada should be read as -jhada. (20). Scheme.
10+8+13. Occurrence 17., 20. (31., 37., 40., 52., 58.) Sandhis. This is Chaddania VII defined at SC. VIII 20 as dasa-kala-pari-vaddhahe, attha-nivaddhahe, teraha-kala
sambhāviahe padhama-vidia-paa kara(u), taia(u) punu viuņu,
chaddaņiā chappāiahe ||
(1) Velankar, 1935-1936, p. 39, on V 29-31. (2) Ibid, V 29-31. (3) SC. VIII 20-23, cf. the metres treated in the Präkrtapaingala at I, 97, 99, 102,
131, 144, 156, 179, 189, 194, 196, 202, 205, 208 and in the Clandaḥkośa at I, 25, 26.
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