77 The Duvai is used as the commencing stanza in MP. 10,
14, 73 etc., Jas. 3, 4; Nay. 3, 4. (3) The Kadavaka-commencing stanza of the 17. (and 25.) Sandhi.
(Helā-dvipadī). Scheme: 6+0-u(or v, UUU) FF U Or U, UUU) +----- Trochaic rhythm is not permitted in the 1. Gana. Jagana
is forbidden in the 3. Gaņa. The last Gana has the form - - excepting three cases of UU- The 2. and the 4. Gana are more frequently U-U. A weak
caesura is felt after the 10. or 12. mora. Helā is defined by Hemacandra in the Khanjaka section
of Ch. Its illustration is a four-lined stanza. But as the Kadavaka-commencing stanza it appears in PC. as also in MP. (9, 74, 77) in the two-lined form and hence some Ap. Mss. designate it as Helä-duvai, not merely
Helā. Irregularities: Though the end syllable in a line
of the Helā-duvai is required to be long, it is at times given as short in the Mss. This is due to incorrect orthography. Most of such cases can be easily emended by reading -u of the Nominative as -0, -ēna of the
Instrumental as -ēņam, final -a as ā, -him as him etc. 17 3 1 b: one mora too few. Scansion:
UUUU - -- U - - U --- U -- -- The 2. Gana is defective. Hence the text is corrected by reading kuddhaeņa for kuddhena. cf. the identical expression amarisa-kuddhaena at 25 13 1 a. This emendation will also give the requisite form of Jagana
to the 2. Gana. 17 12 1: The end syllables are to be scanned as long. (25 3 la: Proper rhythm requires to be read Vajjayannenam hasevi with A.
25 6 1: The end syllables are to be counted as long. Even then a is short by two moras. The 1. Gana is defective. Adding one more haņu to hanu
hanu would rectify the metre. 25 14 1 6: Three moras two few. Scansion: UUUUU -U - - U-U -- -- The 4. Gana appears to be defective. Emendation: Perhaps haņu hanu hanu bbhananto to be read for hanu
hanu bhananto). (4) The Kadavaka-commencing stanza of the 19, Sandhi.
(Manjari)'. Scheme: -U (UUU) --U(UUU) + 4+4 +4 +U -. -U is preferred for the three-moraic Gaņas, more so in the
2. Gana. Jagana is found in the 4. Gana only. The 5. Gana generally ends in a heavy syllable. A weak cae
sura is felt after the 12. or 11. mora. Excepting the commencing stanzas of 1., 6., 8., 13 and 15.,
Kadavakas, all the remaining commencing stanzas end in a short syllable, but it should be considered as long.
(1) (a) cho cau cā, samesu ura-desu tattha Helā | SC. IV 41 (6).
(6) şah chiḥ yug jo līr vá Helā! Ch. 32 a/1. (2) tau ci-tau Mañjari. Ch. 32 a/9.
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