The Tarangaka' with its forms (1) 6+u-U(UUUU)+4+--
(UU )+u-and (2) 6+U-U+UU-+UU - u - and the Plavangama (6 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 3, beginning with and ending in a heavy syllable) are fundamentally the same as the Mañjari and these together with the Māgadhanarkuți, Narkutaka and Samanarkutaka (in its Sanskrit and Prakrit forms) appear to be but variations of one
basic type. Irregularities: 19 12 1 6: Two moras too few.
Seanion: UUU UU UUUU - V -- The 2. Gana is defective.
B. Metres employed in the Ghatta.
General Observations: The closing piece of the Kadavaka is variously called Dhruvā, Dhruvaka, Ghattā' or Chaddania', though Mss. always have only Ghattā. Every Sandhi as a rule opens with a stanza, generally but not invariably, in the same metre in which the Ghattās of that Sandhi are composed. Occasionally the Mss. call this Sandhi-commencing stanza Dhruvaka. The metre employed in the Ghattās of a Sandhi is different from one used in the main body of its Kadavakas, the purpose being the indication, while reciting, of the end of the Kadavaka and the topic. According as the metre is two-lined, four-lined or six-lined, it comes under the respective categories of Dvipadi, Catușpadī, Satpadi. Catușpadis again fall under any of the divisions Sarva-samā (all the four Padas of equal measure), Ardhasamā (the first Pada equal to the second, the third equal to the fourth), Antarasamā or Ardhasamā (the first equal to the third, the second equal to the fourth) and Samkirņā (mixture of the above .varieties).
All the Ghattās of a particular Sandhi are composed, generally but not invariably, in the same metre. This also appears to be the significance of the designations Dhruva and Dhruvaka, though Hemacandra' takes them to mean 'unfailingly occurring (at the beginning of the Sandhi and end of Kadavakas)'. But compare the term Dhruvapada 'refrain' occurring in Early Gujarati and Early Hindi poetry. Structurally the Ghattă corresponds to Valan or Uthlo found in the Early Gujarati Akhyānakāvyas.
Value of the end syllable in the Ghatta
Thanks to the disappointing insufficiency of the original sources and to the loose treatment of the subject by the ancient writers, Ap. prosody presents several perplexing problems. But of these the problem of properly determining the metre of the Ghattās is the
(1) trişu api Māgadhanarkuți-Narkuțaka-Samanarkuțakeșu
antyasya caturmätrasya sthåne trimătrah ced bhayati
tadā Tarangakam Ch. 32 b/third and second line from end. (2) sa-ladala-ca-dagad gau Magadhanarkuti:
sah ced Narkutakam; na-la-ga-ja-säh sa-sau yadi
tada Samanarkutakami Ch. 32b 11-18. (3) (a) Sandhyādau Kadavakānte ca dhruvam syād iti Dhruvā,
Dhruvakam, Ghatta va Ch. V 1. (b) Sandhi-muhe Kadavante Dhuvā ca Dhuvayam ca Ghatta vä
Chandahkandali as quoted at KD., 39; see also KD. 38. (4) For Chaddanikā see below. (5) tasyante (Kadavakasyānte) dhruvam niscitaṁ syād
iti Dhruva, Dhruvakam, Ghatta veti samjñāntaram Ch. V 1 Cor.
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