Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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extreme negative form which has just been illustrated. This form is specifically designated as अन्यापोहवाद . The thesis of Dignaga that apoha signifies nothing but negation fails to commend itself to Santarak sita and Kamalas ila. These latter thinkers take a realistic view - which may be described as an antithesis to that of Dignaga in which 3 signifies a positive content. They treat negation in the sense that the nature of this thing is not the nature of the other thing as only an implication which does not form an integral part of the positive felt content but arises later when reflection plays upon the felt
Ratnak irti comes upon this scene, where we find an unbridged gulf between the negative and the positive views on 37 and attempts a synthesis. As a necessary step in this attempt he rules out the realistic argument that apoha denoetes a positive content only and that the negative import is just a later logical implication following the elusive perceptual presentation of the positive content. He is equally firm in repudiating the converse view of the negationist that apoha is purely negative and that its positive reference is a later logical deduction. His own view is that apoha is both positive and negative in its meaning (or content) and that both these elements are presented at once.
Apohavada - अपोहवाद - Negationist. Apradarśita vyatireka - अप्रदर्शित व्यतिरेक- Undemonstrated con comitance indifference.
Apradarśitānvaya - अप्रदर्शितान्वय Undemonstrated Con-comitance in agreement.
Apradesa - No spacepoint, without space points.
Apramatta - अप्रमत्त Non careless
Apramatta samyata - अप्रमत्तसंयत Perfect self-control.
Apramatta virata अप्रमत्तविरत Perfect vowed, Seventh control station. Aprama - अप्रमा - Error. Aprama na - 379411 - Erroneous cognition.
Apramāna dosa - अप्रमाण दोष - Eating without measure, i.e. more than what is permissible.
Aprāpta kala - अप्राप्त काल - Violation of the temporal order.
Aprasasta - 3 - Non-gracious. Apraśastavihā yogati - अप्रशस्त विहायोTf-Awkward motion, Unpleasant gait. Apratighati - अप्रतिघाति Nontunnelable.
Apraptisama अप्राप्तिसमा - parity per
non conduct. Apratibuddha - अप्रतिबुद्ध - Unfrust
One who believes that the Atman is identical with the various impure psychic states caused by subtle karmic matter or with the gross organic body is called fag, one devoid of discriminative knowledge such an Aprati Buddha, is called for one who identifies himself with external objects. Unre
Apratibandha - अप्रतिबन्ध stricted, Unobstructed.