Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(63) Upadana bhāva - 341AYA - Mate- Uthāna - 301 - Elevation. rial cause.
Utkarsa - grond - Ascendancy. Upādana Kārana(sa's vata) - 347- Utkarsana - Bronstar - Increase of GTA BARU (2017) - Affluent cause duration, Uptraction. (etemal).
Utkarsa samā - 3rd 1941 – Parity per Upadhi(3417) - Fallacy, Antinomy, augmentation. Condition.
Utkirana kala • उत्किरण काल - Upalambha (3416764) - Attribution Uncasting period, Reduced period. of censure.
Utkrsta-3repe - Maximal exquisite. Upana - उपान - Lowerest part of the Utkrstaanantananta. उत्कृष्ट अनन्ताfooting of the south Indian adhisthāna T-Maximal endlessly endless, Inficorresponding to the north Indian khura.
nitely infinite. Upānga - 3415 - A subsidiary ca
Utkrsta caritra - उत्कृष्ट चारित्र - Exnonical text.
alted conduct Upantya samaya - उपान्त्य समय - Last
Utkrstatā - grepen - Magnificence. but one instant. Upasana mudra - उपासना मुद्रा - Rev
Utkirņa - Gratul - Excavated, Reerential attitude.
plete, carved, Engraved. Upāsika - 341H02T - A female lay Utkirņa trikoņa - Frontof foresta - votary.
Cut tringles. Upāśraya - 397844 - The religious
Utkhanaka - grey - Excavator.
Utkhanana - 37077 - Quarrying. house of the sthānakavas i Jainas. Upāyavicaya · 344fera - Respect
Utpatti - Grufet - Origination. ing the doing meritorious works.
Utpattimatva - 384f7148a - Having an Upekșaniya - 34001ta - What is to be origin. ignored.
Utpada - 36416 - Productivity, GenUpeks ä . 3811 - Indifference,
esis, Origination, Appearance, ManiAttunement.
festation, Regeneration.
Origination is theattainment of theother Urah's riga - 37:- Turret attached
modes by souls or other substances by to the central projection, Quoins.
means of external and internal causes, Urekita - oferort - Inlaid.
without giving up their essential charUrekhana - p7@a - Inlaying. acteristics. For instance, the production Uşpa - 38 - Hot.
of a pitcher from clay. S-5/30 Uşqi şa - Joonte - Cranial bulb.
Appearance i.e. assuming new
modifications. This does not mean creUşpī sa stambha - guitar Tay - Cop- ation out of nothing. Utpāda therefore ing stones.
means that phase of the process of the Camel back. development when a new form is
ee - LauICI Uack.