Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Nirantara Vargan ā - freer anfon -
Continuous variform.
Varga - Varga-pf-arf - Quadratic equation.
Vargākara-- Square, Squar
Varna f - Colour, Letter, Syllables, Complexion. Varna-auf-colour - That which is seen is colour. S-2/20 Varna-auf-Colour is of five kinds - black, blue, red, white and yellow. S - 5/23 Varņa nāma karma - auf 4 f - That which causes distinction in colour is the name karma of colour. It is of five kinds - white, black, blue, red and yelłow. S - 8/11 Varna vyavastha - वर्ण व्यवस्था - The rule of the caste- After the installation ceremony the world teacher Rṣabhadeva laid down the foundation of Aryan stability in the form of Varna Vyavastha (the rule of the caste). Three varṇas not four, were laid down, corresponding to what may be described as the army, the trades and labour (in a comprehensive sense). The system owed its existence to political foresight rather than anything else. It was merely a threefold conscription. A class was set apart for warfare and maintenance of order, internal and external; another for carrying on trade; and the third was to prevent disruption for the want of servents, attendents, stretcher-bearers and the men who knew the arts and crafts.
Origin of Brāhmanas - ब्राह्मण वर्ग की उत्पत्ति As for the origin of the
Brahmana caste it seems to have come into existence later on under Bharata. He one day invited the male residents of his capital to visit him at his palace, and so arranged things that only a small path was left for the people to pass along, unless they chose to go over the extensive grass plots on either side of the way. His object was to find out those who were the most tender hearted among men, and who recognized the presence of a soul even in the lowly blade of grass. Those who would not tread on the grass he called Brahman as; because of their knowledge of Brahmana (The divinity of life). The world teacher condemned Bharata's action in undisguised language and probably in the Jaina scheme of things, the Brahmana class had no place, as an integral part of the caste system till the time of the author of the Adi Purana, who seems to have again laid some emphasis on the distinction to placate the brahmanical hatred and win them over to protect the Jainas against bitter persecution at the hands of their religious (Hindus). Varṣakara - A minister of Ajātasatru.
Vartana and Parinama - वर्तना तथा fu-The distinction between vartanā and parin ama is not likely to be understood by those who are not acquainted with the Jaina conception of permanence in change or identity in difference. Changes take place in all substances, and yet the substances as substances are permanent. For instance, a piece of gold may be minted into a coin or mode into a ring and thus it undergoes changes. But the gold as such is