Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(329) as worship of the true) God, the pre- Samyukta - Filati - Clustered. ceptor, the scriptures and so on. Samvigna · vifara - Geniunely deSamyamāsa myama - Mi4H -
tached from the world. Mixed disposition of restraint and non
Samvrkta siqan - Webbed. restraint.
Samvrata - Hqe - Covered. Samyata - 148-Disciplinedabstainer, Temperate, Restrained.
Sarā gasamyama - RIR44 - AscetiSamyatasamyata - संयतासंयत - Par
cism with attachment. tial self control.
Samyoga - Hem - Association, ConSamyatasamyata - संयतासंयत - Stage
junction. of partial vows.
Samyojanā - TV - Lay out, Mild. Samyaggamana gamana - सम्यग्गमना
Samyukta - siyaht - Multiple. 746 - Careful movement.
San digdha - Hifan - Doubtful. Samyagmithyatva - Herning -
San digdhasadhanavyatireka-संदिग्ध Mixed right and wrong belief.
साधन व्यतिरेक - Doubtful concomitance Samyaggraha niksepa - सम्यग्ग्रहनिक्षेप
in difference in respect of probans. -Careful placing and removal of things.
Sa n digdhobhaya vyatireka . Samyak - Riot - Authentic, Right
vifcresterea afacto - Doubtful con
comitance in difference in respect of preceding.
both. Samyak anubhava - HR16 37649 -
Sāmsarika - Fisifat - TransmigraAuthentic cognition.
tory. Samyakesana . सम्यक् एषणा - Carefulness in eating.
Sandigdha sādhyānvaya - rifera Samyakesana - सम्यक् एषणा - Care
118211-04 - Doubtfulcon-comitance with ful eating.
the probandum. Samyak mithyadrsti - सम्यक् मिथ्या Sandigdha sādhyanvaya vyatireki - sfe- Right wrong believer.
afara Atelie afkast - Doubtful Samyak purus artha - HR1Fg9tef -
concomitance in agreement. Right exertion.
Sandigdha vipaksa vyavrttika - Samyaktva prakrti mithyātva ·
Fifcret farget info - Whose non
existence in the heterologue is a matter Farrafa gefa feina - Right belief
of doubt. slightly clouded by wrong belief.
Sandigdhāsiddha - fifcrenfee Samyak pratyayavrtti - सम्यक् प्रत्यय
Doubted cum non-existent, Unproved for - A proper feeling of ascertainment.
because doubtful respect to location. Samyoga - Heim - Conjunctive rela
Sandoha - सन्दोह - Heap. tion or conjunction, Fear of mundane
Samgati - hsfa - Alignment, Compatexistence, Co-incidence existence, Co
ibility. incidence.