Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(330) Samghā ta-tan-Composite bodies, (fafefioerit:), with the use of the word Collection.
Syāt - BIC (PIBG Sifonai:) singly Samgitavaditrakatha-सङ्गीतवादित्र andjointly (पृथग्भूतयो:समुदितयोश्च) with720 - Talk about singing and music. out inconsistency such as that arising Samgraha - HYE - Synthetic. from conflict with trua (3fakta = Sañ kalanaji ana - HMASIH-Syn- trencamenfer) as the result of thetic Judgement.
inquiry (994981100) about each of the Sankalana - H - Addition. different predicates (ETH) of a thing Sankara - H - Intermixture, Con- such as Hra (existence) etc. For exfusion.
ample - Sankhya vyabhicara-संख्या व्यभिचार . 1.स्यादस्त्येव सर्वम् - Statement of affir- Irregularities of number.. mation made singly (इति विधिकल्पनया Sanmätra - 19- Pure existence. 7 45). Sannikarşa - fonet - Connection, 2. RIITTA HA - Statement of neSense object contact, Continum, Se- ___gation made singly (इति निषेधकल्पनया ries.
farita). Sannikata - af 47€ - Adjoining. 3. Fire Proieta (sfa ut Sanmipatika bhava - सन्निपातिक भाव विधिनिषेधकल्पनया तृतीयः) Statement - Collective phase.
of affirmation and negation made conSantā navāda - 9 - Doctrine jointly, but in such a way as to avoid of continuum.
inconsistency which can be done by Santulita - Ta - Symmetrical.
making the affirmation and the negaSapaksa - 1987 - The obstruction of
tion one after the other (क्रमश:) positive instances, Similars of theabode,
4. PIIGaragarda (sfa qurua Homologue.
fafafrecht age:) - Statement Sapāta - 4412 - Flattened.
of indescribability arising from making Sapradeśa - 19821- With space points.
affirmation and negation conjointly, and
also simultaneously, thus involving a Sapratipakş i prakrti - Hyfayeit contradiction which can be got over by ughfa- Configuration with counter as- making the statementofindescribability. pect.
5. स्यादस्त्येवस्यादवक्तव्यमेव इति Sapta bhangi - 6451 - The theory
(4504:) - Statement of affirmation of sevenfold predication, Seven com
and indescribability made conjointly, binations.
the latter, which arises from combining ATHST - Seven Modes; A statement
affirmation and negation simultaneously
and yet without running into the absur(वचनविन्यास:) in seven different ways
dity of self-contradiction, being added be mentioned here- to the former affirmation. after - of affirmation and negation