Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar

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Page 357
________________ (338) साधुओं के भेद- Thereare severalkinds संयत-With reference to his power of of Sadhus. They are known by differ- controlling his senses he is termed ent appellations by reason of the ac- Samyata. complishments in renunciation, by rea- Part - Because he is rid of attachson of the miraculous powers acquired ment (rāga), he is termed Vietarāga bythem, and also, at times for other (devoid of rāga); reasons. Generally, the term nirgrantha is applicable to all Digambar saints, अनगार - As he is homeless and though originally it only applied to possessionless, he is anag āra. those of them who were on the point of GTI - Bhadanta is the term applied to attaining to omniscience, on the attain- him when he attains to the realization of ment of which they were called munis. all his ideals. The appelation of muni is also applied - He is Dānta in so far as he is to a saint endowed with the faculties of taken up with the subjugation of the five clairvoyance or telepathy. The yati is senses. S.D. 21 the saint who is engaged in the yatna आचार्य - The head of the company of (endeavour) to accomplish the Joumey saints is called ācārya (Leader, head or on the higher stages of the path known pontiff). as Sreņi (climbing the ladder or the 39782114 - The sainuly preceptor of ascent). Those who have acquired some kind of rddhi (miraculous or psychic saints is the upādhyāya. The difference power) are termed rşis. The r șisare of between ācārya and the upādhyāya lies in this that the former is the leader four kinds :: (i) Gif - Rājar și - who is endowed and head in respect of ācāra (conduct), while the latter is especially qualified to with the power to expend and contract teach and is incharge of instruction. his body to amiraculous extent, or with murat - A tapasvi is the saint who the aksi na rddhi. adopts specially austere vows of asceti(ii) mat - The brahmarși - who has cism with regard to fasting. the gift of greatmental penetration, and whose shadow, contact and the like $183 - A Saiksya is the holy saint who possess the power to cure disease and has especially devoted himself to study relieve suffering; ग्लान - The glana is the saint who is qua - The Devar si who can walk affected with some bodily disease. and move about in the air. S.D. 21 FILET – A neophyte admitted into the (iv) wuf - The Paramarși who is order is termed Manojira, which term omniscient. Sometimes the omniscient signifies a general favourite and is also saint who is the lord of many wonder- applied toa saint whoisgenerally popuful powers is termed Snātaka. lar in the Sangha (the company of STHUT - The Jaina saint is called saints), on account of his learning and all round excellence in the observance Šramana with reference to the bodily of rules. affliction implied in his asceticism.


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