Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar

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Page 366
________________ (347) sita . Fici - That which rises from ___Smaranabhasa - स्मरणाभास - FallaKesar i and flows through its southem cious recollection. archway is the river sita. Smarat i vrabbinivesa. sita Sitodā - ( Hidigt) - That which स्मरतीव्राभिनिवेश- Intense sexual desire. Smaraka - PIRS - Monument. flows through tigifcha's northem out Smita - fa- Ponting. let is river Sitodā. Skandha - Trang - Molecules, Gross Smrti - Hafa - Remembrance, Remi niscent, Memory impression. entities, The aggregates of atoms, The complete molecule of matter, Trunk, Smrtyantaradhanani - स्मृत्यन्त Gross bodies, A half molecule of mat- Teri - Forgetting the boundaries. ter. Smrtyanupasthapana-स्मृत्यनुपस्थापनSkandha . (F T) - Molecules are Fluctuation of thought, Forgetting due collections of atoms, which in their observances...... gross state can be taken by the hand and Sna taka - FIIC - The omniscient in handled. If action is present in a few the 13th and 14 stages whose destrucinstances, by synecdocbe it can be ex- tive karmas have been destroyed are the tended to others in conventional accep perfect saints (snātakas) tation. Hence the word 'molecules' is Sneha - Te - Special love and affecapplicable also to molecules consisting tion. of two or more atoms which can not be Snigdha - fiapore - Smooth or sticky handled etc. Though matter is of infinite varieties, still it is divided into two quality, Greasy, Greased. classes on the basis of atoms and mol- माता FG-The lovely ecules. Molecules are characterized by queen of Sri Nābhi Rāja dreamt sixteen sound, union, fineness, grossness, wonderful dreams. She saw first of all shape, division, darkness, image, sun- a wbite celestial elephant, making deep shine, moonlight as well as by touch, sounds. She next saw a great white bull taste, smell and colour. Molecules are of beautiful form. Her third dream conformed by division (Fission), Union sisted in her seeing a white lion with red (Fusion) and division-cum union. shoulders. The Goddess Lakşmi was S-5/25 seen next, with two large elephants who Skandha bheda 27 - Particle were performing her abhișeka (bathmultiple types. ing) with golden pitchers. Marudevi Skandha desa - ATGT - Half part next saw two garlands of fragrant flowof molecule. ers, with black bees hovering over them, Skandha pradesa - स्कन्ध प्रदेश - A intoxicated with their fragrance. In the sixth dream she saw the full moon surhalf of skandhadeśa. rounded by her satellite stars. The sevSphuli nga - yas -Emitting sparks. enth dream consisted in the sight of Smaraņa - U - Recalling, Recol- rising sun in the East, destroying the lection, Memory. darkness, and rising gloriously in the


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