Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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also, and vice-versa. This however is absurd, since सामान्य and विशेष would in that exchange their natures and take each other's place ( faCİ
Next there is the fault of doubt arising from the difficulty of ascertaining the exact nature of a thing in regard to सामान्य and विशेष And from the same arises for failure to understand the position, thus throwing the whole science of logic into confusion विषयव्यवस्था हानि:
स्याद्वाद के विरुद्ध दी गई उपर्युक्त आपत्तियों का निवारण - All these faults fail to apply to which is a philosophy of a different kind altogether. For the सामान्य and विशेष in the Jaina Philosophy are not independent concepts as in the Nyayaand other systems. The world 'farta' in the stanza may primarily signify the particular दोष called विरोध in the narrow sense of the term and then indicate by way of 3ч the rest of the series of beginning with वैयधिकरण्य. or the word may be taken in the general sense of and may thus include the whole group of s viz. विरोध, वैयधिकरण etc. P-Syadvāda - śruta - The knowledge which determines the full meaning of an object through the employment, in the scriptural method, of one-sided nayas, is called Syādvāda s'ruta. N 30
ह् (H)
Haimavatavarṣa Haimavatavar şa is the country lying north of the small Himvan and south of the great Himvan, bounded by the oceans on the other two sides. हैरण्यवत वर्ष Hairan yavata varṣa. Hairan yavat varsa is between Rukmi on the south and Sikhari on the north with the oceans on the other two sides. S-3/10 Halāhala anubhaga हलाहल अनुभागDeadly energy.
Harikanta-The river Harikantā flows from mahāpadmas archway in the north. S-3/20 Harisimha and Harikānta - हरिसिंह तथा हरिकान्त- These are two lords of Vidutkumāras.. Harit-R That which rises from
Tigificha and flows through its southern outlet is the Harit. S-3/20. Harivarsa --Harivarsa is situ ated between the mountain chains of Nisadha on the north and Mahahimvän on the south, bounded by the oceans on the east and on the west. S-3/10 हरिवर्मा - Harivarmā succeeded Ravi Varma. He followed his father in promoting the catise of the Jaina religion. A 78.
Hramya - हर्म्य Attic storey, Attic
Portion of a south Indian vimāna. Hastaksepa - - meddling. Hastinakha --Scalloped border.