Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar

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Page 394
________________ नयाभास - The Naya fallacy consists in denying the aspects other than the aspect with which one is concerned (for the time being). P. 7/2. नय के दो भेद - It is of two kinds - the expounded (vyāsa) and the compounded (Samāsa). P. 7/3. व्यास की अपेक्षा अनेक भेद In its expounded form it is of many sorts. P. 7/4. - (375) समास की अपेक्षा दो भेद - In its com - pounded form it is of two kinds, the Dravyarthika (or the naya which considers the substantial aspect) and the Paryayarthika (or the naya which considers a thing in its modifications). P. 7/5. 1 द्रव्यार्थिक नय के तीन भेद The Dravy arthika is of three kinds, viz., the Naigama (the non distinguished), the Samgraha (the generic) and the vyavahāra (the practical). P. 7/6. नैगम नय – The naigama signifies both of either two characteristics or of two substances or of a characteristic and a substance holding up one as the chief and the other as its adjunct. (In the statement) In soul there is an ever existing conscionsness (We have an instance) of two characteristics (being signified in an undistinguished way hoding up one as the chief and The other as its adjunct (In the state most) A thing is subst ratum, modified (We have an instance) of two substancees being signified in an undistinguished way holding up one as the chief and the other as its adjunct) (In the statement) 'A self engrossed in the affairs of the world gets happiness for a moment only (we have an instance) of a char - acteristic and a substance (being signified in an undistinguished way, holding up one as the chief and the other as its objects. तीन Three kinds of Naigama naya - प्रकार का नैगम नय - Naigarna naya is sub divided into three according to the true relations of the teleological and interpreting idea. The two illustrations refer to some present course; hence they come under - (1) Vartama na naigama-d41414But there may be looking back to a past event. On the morning of Deepavali day, you may say "To-day is a - parinirvāņa Kāla of lord Mahavira," But lord does not attain nirvana on that day which you are actually speaking about. The event took place several centuries ago. yet it was on a corresponding day that year. Because of this correspondence on event true of the day centuries ago is also associated with all such corresponding days of the subsequent years. Thus we speak of the king's birth day, the darbār day every year. The assertion has made only because of apast event. This characteristic attribute of the present the genuinely belonging to the past, yet transfered to the present because of an identical relation between the two is pertaining to. (2) Bhuta naigama (Past naigama) - Instead of looking back to the past you may look forward to a remote future. Instead of detecting in the concrete present some element which was once associated with it, you may discover in it something which is yet to be. At the sight of a prince you may hail. "Here comes his royal highness," The prince is but lion of the royal family. He is not


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