Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(369) rain : as clouds corresponding to that is 3. faragonatuturi pest - This mans temseen. Hence the mark is the cause per is not yet cooled down; because he (Kärana).
P. 3/79. has an angry face etc. This is an instance पूर्वचर की साध्य से अविरुद्ध उपलब्धि का । where the marks is positively.cognised IGIEUT - A muhūrta after the con- (upalabdhi) to be the effect (atore) of stellation of tisya will rise, as punarvasu what is incompatible with (viruddha) constellation is seen to rise. Here the the proven.
P. 3/88. mark is the antecedent pūrvacara. 4. fatig aaruitumiet - The speech of
P. 3180. this sage is not false : for, he has knowlउत्तरचर की साध्य से अविरुद्ध उपलब्धि का edge which is nottarnished by the stain, IGIEUT - A Muhūrta before, the Pūrva due to attachment and envy. This is an Phālgun i constellation rose; as the
instance where the mark is positively
cognised (upalabdhi) to be the cause uttara-pbālgun i constellation is seen (kārana) of what is incompatible with to rise. Here the mark is subsequent.
(viruddha) the proven. P. 3/89. P. 3/81.
5. faecydrasiunfar - A muhūrta सहचर की साध्य से अविरुद्ध उपलब्धि का
after, the Puşya - star will not rise; for उदाहरण - There must be a particular
Rohiņi is seen to rise. This is an inkind of shape in the mango fruit. As this
stance where the mark is positively - has a particular kind of Juice which is
cognised (upalabdhi) to be antecedent being tasted. Here the mark is
(Pūrvacara) of what is incompatible cancomitant (Sahacara). P. 3/82.
with (viruddha) the proven. P.3/90, विरुद्धोपलब्धि के सात प्रकार - A posi
6. Papa GTTRERINT – A muhūrta tively cognised incompatible mark
before Mrg sirah did not rise; for Pūrva (Viruddha upalabdhi) proves prati sedba (or the element of non existence, i.e.. phālgun i is rising. This is an instance negation) and is of sevea kinds. wbere the mark is positively-cognised
P. 3/83/ (upalabdhi) to be the subsequent 1. Foratasterfeet - The positive (uttaracara) of what is incompatible with cognition which is essentially - incom
(viruddha) the proven. patible. For instance - There can not be
7. fatioheartufa - This man bas only one aspect (of a thing), for, more not any false knowledge, for he has got than one aspect is met with).
the right faith. This is an instance where
P.3/84-85. the mark is positively cognised 2. fara comunion - This man has
(upalabdhi) to be the concomitant not yet determined the truths; for he has
(Sabacara) of what is incompatible doubts regarding them. This is an in
(viruddha) with the proven. P. 3/92. stance, where the mark is positively gyeter at 1514 - cognised (upalabdhi) to be pervaded (1) bfascioufour en farmaceut(Vyäpta) by what is incompatible gulfat – The negatively cognised (viruddha) with the proven. P. 3/87. (anupalabdhi)mark alsois of two kinds,