Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(350) Stava. Fra - Praising.
Sth ā pita - Fanfic - Erected. Stena ahrtādāna - A TENGA - Sthira - fere - Statie. Receiving stolen goods.
Sthira padārtha - frer ugief - PermaStenaprayoga-स्तेन प्रयोग-Prompting nent entities. another to steal.
Sthirikarana . स्थिरीकरण - ConSteya - 19 - Stealing - Taking any- firmation, Stablization of the order. thing that is not given is stealing.
Sthavirakalpasutra - स्थविर कल्पसूत्रS-7/5
The sūtras concerned with elders Stena prayoga स्तेन प्रयोग - Abetment
course. of theft.
Sthirasamhanana - FERHIESA - Strong Sthāna - TYTT-The state of condition,
bone joints. Station.
Sthavira kalpa • स्थाविर कल्प - The Sth á naka - 16 - Shaft.
elders course. Sthāna-adhyātma, Anubhāga, Yoga,
sthavira kalpi sadhu - Tefacatoret bandha, Udaya, Margaņā, Jiva, Guņa,
Aty - Those who keep ascetic prescripMišra, Rūpi, Abhyantara,
tion in a milder form. Jahadyrttika, Ajahadvrttika - Pella -
Sthana nirmana - स्थान निर्माण - Fix. 37611A, 34947, IM, 371, 364, fon,
ing the position. Fita, Tu, FAS, 1549, 3424R, HEGE 14,
Sthana swarupa - स्थान स्वरूप - De37516Grer - Station - Spiritual, En
scription of degrees. ergy, Volition, bond, Rise, wayward, Sth a pana - Fer147 - Representation or bios, Control station, Mixed, Patterned,
representative, Placing. Internal Secondary, Sensed, Non sec
Sth ā panā niks epa - 01/1977 Frete - ondary sensred. Sthan dila - PerfuSat - Place of easing
Representation of one thing by another.
Sth a pita - Sefa - First removing the oneself.
cooked food elsewhere and then offerSthāpanā - 91471 - Demonstration.
ing it to the saint. Sth ā panā (Representation) - 641941
Sthaulya - (pet) - Grossness. It is - Establishing in things made of wood also of two kinds, extreme and relative. and clay, painting, dice etc. that this is The instance of extreme grossness is the that is representation. S-1/5 biggest molecule of matter pervading Sthapana Jiva. (Peralata) - the entire universe. Instances of relative Representative soul-Representing disc
grossness are the plum, myrobalan, etc. as living beings or as men is rep
wood apple, palmyra fruit etc. resentative soul.
Sthāvara - PCR - One sensed body, Sthapana kula - स्थापना कुल - Pivotal
Immovable. families.
Sthāvara - (FACE) - Those who are Sth āpanā niksepa - 54114-1 fiety - governed by sthāvara name karma are Installation of representation.