Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(353) TO 7 gefa - (Sunaya and Sūksma nama karma - 774 74Durnarya)- Nayas when taken in indif- That which produces a subtle body is ference to other view points are false 'the name karma of subtle bodies. and when taken with due allowance for
S-8/11 other view, establish truth about real- Siksma bidara - सूक्ष्म बादर - Fine ity.
Apta verse 108 gross, Apparently solid like a shadow. Sundara · FG - Elegent. Siksmshimsa-सूक्ष्म हिंसा - Slightest Suraksita - - Intact. injury. Susafjita - Befana - Well decked sūksmaekendriyaji va- valge Dignified.
ofta - Microscopic organisms present Sušila karma - 4 - The karma in earth, Water, Air etc. leading to right conduct is good. What
Sūkşma krfya niyrtti - forut is good may lead to the pleasures of
farafa-Accompanied with subtle physiSvarga.
cal movement and infalliable. Susama kala- सुषमा काल - Pleasant
Siksmkriya pratipati - सूक्ष्म क्रिया period.
uforgifer - Pure concentration of subtle Susama susama kala - सुषमा सुषमा
activity. calci- Pleasant pleasant period.
Suksmakrsti- सूक्ष्म कृष्टि - Weaker Susira prayogika sabda : सुषिर
than bādeara krsti, Fine tract. plifia. Presa - Flute experimental sound.
Sūksma nigoda labdhyaparya ptaka Sušruta - Usa - Love for listening. . fritmosf7a - The subtle Susa mskarana - Hotel U - Sophis- one sensed undeveloped being. lication.
siksmanigodavargana - सूक्ष्मनिगोद Susvara - Tap - Melodious voice, qual - Fine common body molecule. Pleasing voice.
Sūkşma nir ikṣaṇa - men fachata Susvaranamakarma-सुस्वर नाम कर्मThat which causes a melodious voice
Scrutiny. is the name karma of pleasing voice. Sūkşma prāņi - en mut - Minute
S-8/11 organisms. Suvarnakila- सुवर्णकूला - That which Siksma sarira - सूक्ष्म शरीर - A kind rises from Pun dari kaand flows through of subtle body. ils southern archway is the river Sūksma sāmparāya - 249 914124Suvarnakūlā.
S-3/20 Truth, spiritual stage of slight delusion, Sucyangula - 2456 - Linear finger. Slightest delusion, Subsided delusion, Sūcyakāra - onore - Pyramidal.
Slight passion. Sūkşma - 499-Minute body, Intini.
Sūkşma samparāya - H14R79 -
Stage of slight delusion. tesimal, Subule body, Fine, minute.
S-9/1 Siksmasiksma - सूक्ष्म-सूक्ष्म - Fine Line, Very minute.