Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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7. A man may say that he is "Cooking rice" even when the rice is not being actually and is only ready for being cooked. This is an example of practical truth.
8. Indra can overturn Jambu-Dvipa. Indra may never do like this but he possesses the power to do it and it is a possibility and hence possible truth. 9. Injunction against commissions of sins as laid down in scriptures is scriptural truth.e.g., right belief, right knowledge and right conduct lead to liberation.
10. The calculation Palya and Sagara is an example of illustrative truth.
G.J. 135
9 प्रकार के असत्यमृषा वचन 1. Invocative (34), 2. Dictatory (आज्ञापनी), 3. Requestive ( याचनी), 4. Interrogatory (3), 5. Informatory (1), 6. Renunciative (प्रत्याख्यानी), 7. Doubtful (संशयवचनी), 8. Submissive () and the ninth unlettered (अनक्षरगता) are phrases neither true nor false (i.e. neutral); because they are part expressed and part unexpressed to the hearers (in their hearing). They may be illustrated as follows:
1. Come Rama.
2. Do this.
3. Give me this.
4. What is this. 5. This is my 6. I relinquish this.
7. Is this a string or serpent.
8. I wish to be such.
9. Sound which can not be reduced to letters.
Satya - सत्य - Truth.
master's message.
- Veracity.
Satya mano yoga - सत्य मनोयोग - True mind vibration.
Satya vacana yoga - सत्य वचन योग True speech vibration. Satyanuvrata - सत्याणुव्रत - The minor Vow of truthfulness.
Sautrantika - Représentationists.
Satsamprayoga - सत्सम्प्रयोग Actual
Satsanga - सत्सङ्ग – The association or company of pious men.
Sauksmya -- Fin‹ness.
Savikalpa - सविकल्प Determined.
Savipāka nirjara - सविपाक निर्जरा Ripened disintegration. सविशेषभेदवाद - is described as a doctrine of identity in difference or more correctly, identity associated with difference or identity amidst difference. सवियब्बे (Saviyabbe). During the reign of Gangas Saviyabbe became renowned for bravery. When her husband Loka Vidyadhara went out to fight a battle, she used to accompany him on horse back and fell fighting in the battle of Bagiyur. In an inscription she is praised as second Revati in beauty, Devaki in observance of Dharma and Sita in being faithful to her husband. She was living Jina Śāšana Devata as
well as a heroine of the battlefield. Savyabhicara - सव्यभिचार Erratic Undistributed middle.
Sayogakevali - सयोगकेवली - Omniscient with vibration, The 13th spiritual stage, Omniscient with volition.