Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(337) Sayogakevali सयोगकेवली - Stage of sadharana hetvabhasa • साधारण omniscience with vibration. S-9/1 Santa - Common hypothetic fallacy. Sidhakatama - साधकतम - Efficient Sadharana sarira- साधारण शरीर - most.
Common body of several souls. Sadhana - AMTA - Cause, Cause of sādhārana sarira nama karma - origin, Probans.
साधारण शरीर नामकर्म - That which causes sādhana vyavrtta - 18 19e -
several beings to possess one common Excluded in middle term.
body for their use is the name-karma of Sadhanabhasa - साधनाभास - False common body.
S-8/11 probans.
sādhita - Hufen - Achievement. Sadhana vikala - eta fa757 -
sādhu - 1 - Ascetic. Destitude of probans, Defective in
Sadhu - Frý - Sadhu represents the middle term.
great ones who are on the path of persādhanabhāva - 197979 - Desti
fection. It represents mainly the saints ution of the probans.
who have attained great spiritual adSadhanavyatireki - nafasi vancement through tapas. Not in opposition with probans. sādhus - Free - These are all the souls sādharmya - A - Similarity. till date who have done and are doing Sādharmya udā harana - Hotel . the various activities that are shown as 36169- Affirmative example.
lying on the path of liberation. These
activities are known as Sadhāna.: Sidharmyadrstanta- साधर्म्य दृष्टान्त
Sadhu - Hi - is a saint of long - Illustration in agreement, Homogemagicel, homoge standing.
S-9124 neous example.
HITEL - (Sadhu) - That sage who pracsādharmyadrstanta bhāsa - hipertises well conduct - which is always çenere - Affirmative fallatic ex- pure and which is the path of liberation ample.
with perfect faith and knowledge-is a HTC gerTITA - (Sādharmya Sadhu. dr stantāntābbāsa) - Logicians have Dr. 54 declared that fallacies of the example FTS - The word Sādhu signifies en(drstāntābhāsa) in the homogeneous gagement on Sādbanā, and Sadhanā form, arise here from an imperfect signifies accomplishment, so that the middle term or from a defect in the Sadhu is he who is engaged in the major term, etc.
N. 24 accomplishment, that is to say, the resādharmyavat - Fleetaa - Positive alization of his great ideal, namely inference.
mok şa(salvation) on the Siddhi (accomsadharmyasama . साधर्म्यसमा - Bal
plishment or realization) of which he ancing the homogeneity.
becomes a Siddha (perfect being), that
is to say, a perfect God. Sadharap a . HIEROT - Moderate.