Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(331) 6. Riia riigaaraha (fa Piata - In some respects everyनिषेधकल्पनया युगपद्विधिनिषेधकल्पनया thing is inexpressible, the fourth predia 16:) - Statement of negation and
cation consists in such affirmative and indescribability made conjointly, the
negative statements made latter, which arises from combining
simultoneously. affirmation and negation simulta
स्यादस्त्येव स्यादवक्त्व्यमेव - In some reneously and yet without the absurdity
spects, everything is existent, in some of self contradiction, being added to the
respects, everything is inexpressible. former negation.
The fifth predication consists in an af7.स्यादस्त्येवस्यान्नास्त्येवस्यादवक्तव्यमेवेति
firmative statement together with a
combined affirmative and negative state(इति क्रमतो विधिनिषेधकल्पनया
ment made simultaneously. युगपद्विधिनिषेध कल्पनया च सप्तमः)
P. 4/19 Statement of affirmation and negation PAMATA PIGO Chata - In some made conjointly but successively,
respects, everything is non exestent in joined with that of induscribability
some respects everything is inexpressarising from combining affirmation and
ible. The sixth predication consists in a negation simultaneously and yet with
negative statement together with a comout the absurdity of self contradiction.
bined affirmative and negative stateHATHST -The law of sevenfold predi
ment made simultaneously. cation consists in using seven sorts of
P. 4/20 expression, regarding one and the same स्यादस्त्येव स्यान्नास्त्येव स्यादवक्तव्यमेव - thing with reference to its particular
In some respects everything is existent; aspects, one by one, without any incon
in some respect, everything is non-exsistency, by means of affirmation and
istent; in some respects, everything is negation, made either separately or to
inexpressible. The seventh predication gether, all these seven expressions be
consists in an affirmative anda negative ing marked with insome respects (Syat).
statements, made one after the other P. 4/14
together with a combined affirmative PUIGIRO - It is in this way, in some and negative statements made respects everything is existent. The first
P. 4/21 predication consists in such an affirma
विधिनिषेध प्रकार की अपेक्षा सप्तभङ्गी - tive statement
P. 4/15
Although regarding a thing, an infinite Pelikula - In some respects, every
number of predications may be made, thing is nonexistent. The second predi
there can be only seven predications cation consists in such a negative state
consisting in various ways of affirmament.
P. 4/66
tion and negation regarding the thing स्यादस्त्येव स्यान्नास्त्येव - In some re
considered in one of its particular modispects, everything is existent in some
fications. For relations of any mode to respects it is non existent inexpress
a thing can be of seven sorts and those ible, the third predication consists in
are of seven sorts because there can be such affirmative and negative statements made one after another.P.4/18
only seven modes of questioning. And