Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Sikṣavrata - The vow of concentration, the vow of fasting, the vow of limiting consumable and nonconsumable things, and the vow of offering food to an ascetic are the other supplementary or minor vows which are called Sikṣavrat S-7/21 śilākhan da - शिलाखण्ड - Rock boulders, relief.
Sulalekha - शिलालेख - Shell inscription.
Silānyāsa - शिलान्यास - Putting the first foundation stone.
Sulapata - शिलापट - Tablet Silā prakSepa - शिला प्रक्षेप - Outer face of the rock.
Sila-supplementary vows. शील के 18 हजार भेद - (Eighteen thou sand subdivisions that make up the right conduct) - (a) There are tenfold Dharma (b) This religion is towards ten types of Jivas/Ajiva substance: Firstly the five types of Jivas with one sense organ - namely the Jivas comprising the earth, the wind, the water, the fire and light and the vegetable world, then the four types of Jivas with two, three, four and five sense organs; and the Ajiva substance (i.e. a total of ten. (c) Using all of one's five sense organs for following this religion. (d) Practising the religion by subduing the four attachments for food, fear, sex and collecting things (e) Practising the religion by not doing anything wrong oneself, by not getting it done by others and by not praising and rejoicing when someone else has done anything that is not religious known as the three
karan as, and (f) Practising the religion through ones mind, speech and body (the 3 yogas). Thus 10 x 10 x 5 x4x 3 x 3 = 18000 subdivisions.
$ ilavrates vanaticara - शीलव्रतेष्वनति
R-Faultless observance of the vows of non-injury etc. which safeguard the Vows constitute freedom from transgressions. S-6/24
Silpa nikan-fc-Carvig, Frieze. Silan kita phalaka - शिलाङ्कित फलक Relief Panel, Roof slab.
Silpi - शिल्पी - Carver.
Sila kausala - शिला कौशल - Structural edifices.
Silpakrti - शिल्पाकृति - Relief. Sirastrana Sirobhūsana - शिरोभूषण
- Headgear.
Sisya-Acolyte. Sivikaffa - Palanquin.
Si lavrata - शीलव्रत - Calm disposi tions, Character, Good conduct, Discipline, Supplementary vows, Rules of conduct, Minor vows.
$ i la vrates vanaticara - शील व्रतेष्वनतिचार - Observance of vows and supplementary vows without transgressions. Brow, Apex, Crest,
Sirsa Tips.
Sita - Cold. sita--Sita is cold. Like white it denotes both substance and quality. Hence cold denotes a cold object also. S-2/32 Slesa - Interfusion, Reluctant integration.