Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Sacitta pidha na - Hrafn - covering food with things containing organ
isms. Sabhā - - congregation.
Sacittasambandhahara सचित्त सम्ब
MER - Food place near one sensed Sabhāgāra · FYTIR - Auditorium.
organisms. Sabha mandapa - सभा मण्डप - Same
Sacittasambandhahara सचित्त सम्बas ran ga man dapa.
न्धाहार - Food containing one sensed Sabhamarga - 4147f- An elaborate
organisms. ceiling comprising multiple coffered
Sacitta sammisrahara - सचित्त सम्मिcusps. Sabhāpati - rfa - President.
STER- Food mixed with one sensed
organisms. Sabhya - 109 - Member.
Sacittasammisrahara- सचित्त सम्मिSacchastra paratantrata . सच्छास्त्र
STER- Food place near one sensed or- the dependence of rightscrip
ganisms. tural texts. Sacelaka - Hot - With clothes.
Sadacara - HRER - Gentlemanly
conduct. Sacetana - Fara - Animate beings,
HGTOR - (Sadācāra - Gentlemanly Living things
conduct). By gentlemanly conduct are Sacitta - fat - With living matter, to be understood a fear of popular disone sensed organisms, animate with approval, an enthusiasm for helping the consciousness.
needy, gatetfulness, a noble type of Sacitta - Hrah - Which is associated
readiness to be of use to others, a
praiseful attitude towards the nobleones, with consciousness is sacitta. That is
complete absence of demoralization living matter.
while in misery and likewise, humility Sacittābāra - Hfeller - Eating ar
while in prosperity to speak only at an - ticles having life.
opportune moment and not much, not to Sacittà bāra - EfatIER - Food con
contradict (in practice) one's own utter
ances, an implementation of the vows taining one sensed organisms.
taken, an observance of the religious Sacittamisrāhāra - fara FAAMER -
practices traditional with one's family, Eating mixed articles with those bav- not to spend money on things that are ing life.
unworthy and always to spend it on Sacitta niksepa - Hrara Firena - Placing those that are proper to preserve in the food on things with organisms such
activities that are of a primary type (i.e.
are specially fruitful) to give up lethas green leaves, Placing the food on
argy, to follow the popular customs, to sacita (with life) articles.
maintain proprieties in everything that Sacitta paradravya - सचित्त पर द्रव्य - one's, not to indulge in reprehensible living objects in the environment. acts even on the point of death.
Yoga - 126-130.