Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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deluding karmas. The order in which these five divisions of Samyama are described here is significant of the fact that the succeeding types are infinitely superior, in pointof virtue and merit to the preceding ones. They are all powerful causes of the stoppage of karmic influx and lead to m Gus – The term dan da signifies affliction. The daņ das are mental, bodily or vocal. In mental dan das are comprised attachment, aversion and delusion. The attachments are affection, Joking, liking, deceit and greed. Aversion includes anger, pride, dislike, sorrow, fear and disgust; and delusion consists in false beliefs and the three kinds of sex-passion or longings, that is to say the sexual cravings peculiar to the male, the female and the neuter. Bodily dan da implies such conduct as killing, stealing, striking, frightening, causing harm and the like. Vocal Daņda signifies falsehood, misleading phraseology, backbiting, harsh speech, self-praise, agitation and cruel discourse. S.D. 63 Samyak - (R) - The word Samyak, is either derivative or a non-derivative (Conventional word). When it is considered as derivative, it is derived thus. The word is derived from the root affc (अञ्च) with the preposition (सम्) by the addition of the suffix kvip (fan). Its meaning is laudatory. S-1/1 Samyagbhasa . सम्यग्भाषा - Careful speech. Samyak Caritra - Hero alfaProtection of the six kinds of organisms is right conduct. Samyak caritra - सम्यक् चारित्र - An attitude of neutrality without desire or
aversion towards the objects of external world is right conduct. Samyak caritra - (HRTE DIRE) - Right conduct. Right conduct is the cessation of activity leading to the taking in of karmas by a wise person engaged in the removal of the causes of transmigration. The attribute right is intended to exclude conduct based on ignorance or wrong knowledge.
S-1/1 Samyagdarśana - HRIGA- Belief in the real existences or Tattvas is the right faith. Samyagdarsan - सम्यग्दर्शन - Faith in the categories of jiva etc. Samyagdarsana - सम्यग्दर्शन - Right belief in conviction in one's own self.
Pu. 216 Samyagmithyadrsti - सम्यग्मिथ्यादृष्टि - Mixed right and wrong belief.S-9/1 Samyagdarsana . सम्यग्दर्शन - Right faith. Belief in substances ascertaind as they are is right faith. T. 1/2 Samyagdrști - Arriere - Enlightened soul, A soul with discriminative knowledge, True believer.
pepaya – (Samyag-darśana - Right attitude) - Umāsvāti defines right attitude as sraddhāna for the truth and explains sraddhāna as pratyayāvadhāraṇa, that is discursive determination. He further characterizes Samyagdar sana as invariable grasping of all the objects of the sense organs and the mind. Pūjyapāda Devanand i admitting the simultaneous emergence of Samyagdarsana and Samyag-Jøāna (right