Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(319) (1) aan hy uin - Pain-overflow - . (7) tammt aucura - Omniscient Emanation on account of extreme and overflow-Whenagekarma has a smaller unbearable suffering.
duration than that of other three karmas, (2) Ure Hikar - Passion over- body making, family determining and flow, emanation on accountof passion- feeling, then the soul of an omniscient ate thought activity.
conquers or overflows and expands (3) alonferans Hacen - Fluid over
throughout the whole universe in 4 inflow - Emanation on account of trans
stants, and then withdraws to its body formation into small or large fluid body
in another 4 instants and the duration of or into many such bodies. Celestials do
all four karmas becomes equal. not leave their own place, they send Samudriyadrsyacitra समुद्रीय दृश्य their newly made fluid body with ex- f - Sea scapes.. tending soul units to far off places. Samu ha - HB - Cluster, Complex, Their connection is never ceased. (4) Arufe cura - Death bed
Samū hagata - LETA - Cumulative.
Samvara - HR - Apprehension of the overflow-emanation before death for touching the place of next birth. The
pure nature of the self. Stoppage of soul extends to that point and then
karmas, The prevention of the incomcontracts and dies thereafter.
ing karmas, stoppage. (5) rec en - Electric over
HPCR - The stoppage ofinflow of karmic flow- It is possible in saints withspecial
matter into the soul. powers obtained by ascetic practices. It iCRET CT 9H - Order of Samvara - So is bad or good. If a saint gets in rage, long as the root cause, identification of his soul units emanate from his left the self with karmas persists, Psychic shoulder with electrical matter and burn activity to wrong belief, wrong knowlthe undesirable object. This is bad. A edge, wrong conduct and yoga persists. saint being compassionate at seeing These form the cause of the Bhāvāsrava famine or disease prevaling anywhere, or material karmas. Material karmas in emanates his soul units with electric their turn form the cause of body buildmatter from right shoulder. It removes ing nokarmas. Nokarmas is the cause all cause of trouble and brings happi- of Samsāra. This is the causal sequence. ness.
But when discriminative knowledge (6) STERG FACETA - Assimilative appears, the self recognises its own pure overflow - A saint in 6th scriptural cetanā nature. This knowledge leads to stage emanates a man-like white form the absence of Psychic activity relating of one cubit from his head with soul- to wrong belief, wrong knowledge etc. units. It goes to an omniscient or saint. Absence of such psychic activities leads withfull scriptural knowledge and sees to disappearence of Bhāvāsrava. When him. The saint either removes his doubt that is absent karma naturally disaporenjoys the benefit of personally pay- pears. Disappearance of karmas means ing respect to him.
cessation of Samsāra. This is the order of Saṁ vara.