Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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31467 F - Apahrta Samyam is of three kinds, according as it is preliminary,middlingor advanced. The advanced is the characteristic of saints who will notlive in places which abound in small insects to avoid injuring them. Those who will gently remove aside the insects with the soft foot (Brush of peacock feathers) are of the middling type, while those who desire to remove them with something else, fall in the preliminary class. S.D. 56 अपहृत संयम का पालन करने या उसकी Frete te horen glaset - There are eight kinds of Suddhis (purifications) which are helpful in the observance and steadiness of apabirta samyama. These are as follows:-(1) a la (2) 2774 yles (3) format einen (4) $4799 yifa
ity, and that is like a new born child in appearance. The effect of the attainment to Kāya Suddhi is that one ceases to fear and at the same time nobody else ever fears the possessor of such a body. far yuran - Vinaya suddhi is the purification of the sense or feeling of reverence and respect, and consists in the adoration of the Tirtha n karas, Siddhas and the saints, in reverence for the revealed world of the law (scripture) in respectfulobedience to the preceptor's directions in the attainment of high proficiencey in the study and recitation of religious traditions in acquiring excellence in the knowledge of the country and age and of the human nature, and in always acting only in accordance with the guidance of the head of the order. This purification is the true ornament of a saint, it is the cause of saintly glory and is the boat which is to take one to the other shore! ईर्यापथशुद्धि - Iryapatha Suddhi is the purification, that is to say, perfection in the observance of the rule of carefulness and regards the saints movement.
- Bhiksā Suddhi is the purification of Bhikså (obtaining of food). This signifies the observance of all the rules of the esaņā samiti without faltering. The Sadhu should notallow himself to be disappointed if no food is obtained, or if he has to go without it for any other reason. He should not accept food at a house in which singing or dancing is going on, or a child is born, or death has taken place; nor in one which is used for the sale of wine, which is a prostitutes residence or which is used for any other sinful purpose. The
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tragic - Bhāva Suddhi is the mental purity arising from the sense of delight that is itself produced from the unclouded clarity of the mind in reference to faith in the doctrines of perfec- tion and Godhood. Bhāva suddhi is the f canvas, so to speak which is required for painting the image of the divinity of the self, with the radium rays of pure conduct. drugi - Kāya suddhi is the purityof the body, that is rid of all worldly burdens (clothes, ornaments and the like), that abstains from all kinds of decorative Samskāras (bathing, un- guents etc.), that is no longer subject to physical or muscular excitations, that has its movements under proper control, that is an image of peaceful seren