Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Samgha - F9 - The congregation of ascetics - The fraternity of ascetics is the congregation of ascetics. S-6/13 Samgha - Hje - is the congragation of the four orders of ascetics. S-9/24 Samghāta - MG - Conglomeration, Aggregate, Molecular interfusion. Samghata nama karma : संघात 714064- That, On the rise of which oneness or compactness is attained by the close interpenetration (i.e. without any intervening space) of space points of the bodies such as the gross physical body, is the name-karma of molecular interfusion. This is also of five kinds according to the five kinds of bodies.
S-8/11 Samgraha - #48 - The synthetic stand point, collection. Samgrahanaya - H4674 - Comprehensive stand points. Sambanana - 699 - Joint, Bodily structure, constitution. Samhanananamakarma संहनन नाम । asof - That on the rise of which the different types of Joints of the bones are effected, is the name-karmaof Joint. It is of six kinds - the perfect joint noted for extraordinary sturdiness and strength, the less perfect joint, the still inferior joint. weak joint, very weak joint, quite a weak joint. S-8/11 Samhita . संहिता - Hymm Samjna - HETI - Super imposed, Process of knowing, Impulses or animate feelings, Recognition, Mind, Reason, Linguisticsymbol, Sensation, Intellect. Samjfia - His - Ābāra, Bhaya, Maithuna, Parigraha - 17-37FER, 77, #87, fur-Sensation-Food, Fear, In- tercourse, Possession.
Samjna samjt i sambandha - HEN संज्ञी सम्बन्ध - Relation between word and meaning. Samjn a sutra - M e - The sūtras containing the technical words. Samjhi - Higit - Discursive or cognitive or scriptural, A rational being. Samjn iJivas - izi vita) - The fivesensed beings with minds are called Saṁja i Jivas. Those that are endowed with minds are calledrational beings (Saṁja i Ji vas).
S-2/24 संज्ञी के भेद - (The classification of Samja in beings). Jinabhadra gives the following classification of Samjari beings. The five classes of one sensed organisms possess ūha saṁjtrā; the organisms possessing twoormore senseorgans possess hetu-samjstā; the denizens of heaven and hell as well as the beings born of womb possess kaliki Samjñā; The samjñā of the Samyagdsrți chadmastha (a being involved in the world but having right faith) is šrutajñāna (in other words such a being possesses drștivāda samjā); the kevalins (omniscient beings), however, are free from the function of matij āna (sensuous cognition) and as such are beyond Samjñā.
S.J.P.55 Samjn itva - Fifarra - Rationality. Samjvalanya - Part - That which distrubs perfect conduct. Samkalpi himsa . PHI - Intentional injury (by mind, speech and body).