Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Sukla dhyana - 44 41 - Pure concentration - The four types of pure concentration are that of different scrip tural, shifting, that of single scriptural, that of subtle activity and that of complete destruction of activity.
S-9/39. Sukla lesya • शुक्ल लेश्या - White complex. Sukra - - Semen, Venus. Sundakara danda - शुण्डाकार दण्ड - Tapering shafts. Śūnyagara - PAR - Vacant habitation. Sinyagaravisa-शून्यागारवास-Residence in a solitary place. Living in vacant or unoccupied places such as the cave, the hill, the hollow of a tree etc. Šūnyavādi - Pact - Voidist. Śūnyavargaņā arranjar - Indifferent molecule. Švāsa - Part - Breath. svasacchvasa- श्वासोच्छ्वास - Respiration, 2880/3773 Respiration period. Ś veta mbara - paaie - A sect of Jainas
Şadadravya - 16504 - The six dravyas are Jiva, Pudgala, Dharma, Adharma, Ākāśa and kāla. Jiva tattva . 519 Tea - The very basic principle of life is Jiva or Ātma tattva, which is different from matter. It is characterised by consciousness and is capable of congnising itself and others; and it is immaterial and eternal, But it is found conjoined with matter, accommodated in the body assuming various
mo forms of life and wandering through different lives in the transmigratory career). Pudgala tattva - yaura Ora - All the concrete objects, perceptible by senseorgans, from the primary atom to the Mahāskandha are different forms of Pudgala. Dharma and Adharma - Epifth 37erfAre such subtle, unseen and immaterial principles as serve the mediums of motion (Dharma) and rest (Adharma) for the Jivas and Pudgalas. Akasa . 3719771 - Ākaša or space gives location and accommodation to all other substances. Kalam - Kāla or time marks the present state of all substances, their changes and gives rise to the notions of earlier and later. Sad laksana vyakhya . षड्लक्षण 14-Explaination of six characteris
Sadavasyaka- षडावश्यक - Six daily duties - Equanimity, Praising, bowing, repentance and renunciation and giving up attachment for the body are the six daily duties which should be ob served. Şad - dāru . org 676 - Pillar, made generally of wood.
Şat kāla - POSTS - Six periods. Şatkāyajīva - Teatre vita - Six body bios. Sat paksi katha - षट्पक्षी कथा - Six winged isputation.