Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(298) 3778RICHT, articulate and inarticulae. the efforts of living beings (i.e. not The articulate sound is made up of produced by nature, but made by man alphabetical sounds; the inarticulate is
etc.). the language of animals.
Sounds not partaking of the nature of Non language sounds are of four languages are of two kinds, contrived kinds :
and natural. Natural sounds are caused 1. Tata - - sound produced by
by the clouds and so on. The former are
of four kinds. stringed instruments. 2. Vitata - The sound produced by
Tat is that produced from musical indrum.
struments covered with leather, namely 3. Ghana-sound produced by cymbals
the drum, the kettle drum, the large
kettle drum etc. Vitata is that produced etc.
on stringed instruments such as the lute, 4. Susira-sound produced by pipes and other wind instruments.
the lyre, the violin and so on. Ghana is
that produced from metallic instruments, Sabda - Yo - Knowledge arising
such as cymbals, bells etc. Sau şira is *from words, which taken in their popu
that produced through wind - instrular acceptance express real objects not
ments such as the flute, the conch etc. inconsistent with what are established
S - 5/24 by perception is known as sabda (The
Word's natural function - Troll verbal testimony) ' N. 8
FalHifaa orf-Word's natural function TO THIUT DHG - Sabda (the word
is, like light to reveal objects, but whether or verbal testimony) is of two kinds: the relation is corrector not, depends on 1. Laukika (the knowledgederived from the competency or the incompetency of a reliable person) and 2. Šāstraja (the man.
P.4/12 knowledge derived from scripture). Sabdanupata - 11477 - Indicating
N. Page-6. one's intentions by sounds. Sound - 97 - Sound is of two kinds. Sabda (artha ) . Tee 372f - Word one partakes of the nature of language
gauge. and the other is different from it. The
Sabda - bodha - Toate - Verbal first again is of two kinds, sounds which
knowledge. are not expressed by letters. Languages having scripts are rich in literature. The
Sabda jnana - शब्द ज्ञान - Verbal well developed languages serve as
testimony. means of intercourse among civilized Sabda naya - 9/6674 - The verbal view persons and other languages among point. primitive peoples. The latter kind of
Sabdapramanyavada- शब्द प्रामाण्यsounds (i.e. sounds not having scripts)
ara- doctrine of speech as valid knowlis the means of ascertainment of the nature of superior knowledge amongst
edge. creatures with two or more senses. Both Sabda samaya - 1 429 - The systhese kinds of sounds are produced by tem of philosophy or scripture.