Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(289) Vikäri - foart - Disturbing.
was drowned in a big flood in the ocean
and how it was brought out by lord Vikrta: faza - vitiated, Mutilated
Visnu in the form of Varāba. In fact it Tampered.
refers to the great task of renovation of Vikrti - foresta - Physical deformity,
Dharma done by Thirthamkara contrariety, vitiated state, Inconsis
Vimalan ātba at a time, when the countency.
try was plunged in the darkness of sins. Viksepa - faceta - Projection, Ram
The Hindus observe the festival of bling, Evasion.
he deformed form of Viksepana vinaya - faetya fanel -
kāmpilya where lord Vimal according Discipline qua assurance by diss uading
to the Jain traditon delivered his first Vikşipta - fafata - Scattered.
sermon of Dharma. Viksepani - विक्षेपणी - Stories that Cunningham identified the great city of turn men away from pleasures of senses. kāmpilya with the modern small town Vilakṣaṇa - Foctetor - Anamalous.
of Kampil, which can be reached easily
from the railway station of Kaimganj. Vimala - fq46 - Hale.
Lord Vimala nātha is the thirteenth भगवान विमलनाथ - Bhagwan
Tirthamkara, Shrine No 21 of the Vimalan ātha - Shri Vimala nātha, son
Pāras-nātha hill, marks the spot from of the king Sukrāta Varma and queen
where he attained Nirvāņa. A. 33-34 Jayasharmā, was a scion of the Ikşvāku
Vimar'sa - fauxf - Enquiry. ksatriya clan of Pāfchala, who had
Vima na - fa46 - The heavenly car or varaha or Sūkara i.e. a boar as their
abode. royal emblem. When the Brahmanas
Vimocita - fahifari - Deserted. composed the Pura n as in the earlier Christian era, they developed the theory Vimocitā vasa - fahlfegrare - Resiof Avatāra-vādaor incarnation by God,
dence in a deserted habitation, Living in and included some famous a place vacated by others. Tirthařkaras, Rşabha, Vimala,
Vimukta - fausto - Detached. Munisuvrata, and others among their Vinamrata - Forum - Humility, Venavatārs. Lord Vimalanātha was thus eration, Reverent attitude, Veneraion, taken as Varāha or Šūkara avatār of
Reverence. lord Visnu, who became known as
Vinaya - Farra - Reverence to the holy lord Varaha, the emblem of whose is a personages is vinaya. boar. According to Mahābhārata the Kinds of reverence - meaning of the word varāha is Śrestha 1.30R fanu - (Ācāra vinaya - disor the best and not the beast, a boar or cipline qua conduct) - It is of fourfold, a Pig.
viz. (a) deportment qua self restraint The story of varāha avatāra, which (Samyama Sāmācari) (b) deportmeni gives the account of this incarnation, qua austerity (Tapa sāmācāri) (c) Deallegorically narrates how the earth portment qua communal living (gaņa