Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(283) Devasūri was recognised as redoubt- and which are unrelated (to the letters able debator not only by the great of another word); a (similar) combinaHemacandra but by the leaders of the tion of words makes a sentence.
P. 4/10 other Svetāmbara Gacchas also. After his death many Jaina Philosophical Vakya dosa . arep to - Defect of writers e.g. Ratnaprabha, Maheśvara,
speech. Somaprabha, Udayadeva, Pradumna, vakya prasamsa- वाक्य प्रशंसा - ExMunideva, Somacandra, Merutu nga cellence of speech. Munibhadra, Guņaratna, Munisundara Vākya sphota - arap pote - Speech have praised Devasūri in their writ- context, Sentence, exposition. ings. Devasūri is the author of many välukā prabhā - archi941 - That philosophical treatises. Besides the earth which has the colour of sand is Pramā nanayataltvālokālamkāra, the valukāprabhā. S - 3/1 Syādvāda Ratnākara is another of his vamana - 146 - A dwarfish body. reputed writings. P. (Preface) v, vi
vamanaakrti- वामन आकृति - Dwarf Vādi arct - Disputant, Proponent
figure. Vadi - Prativādi-Nyāya, Nirnaya Vāņijya pradhā na nagara - alfurver - वादी - प्रतिवादी न्याय निर्णय, - Determi- प्रधान नगर - Merchantile metropolis... nation of right, between dispudent/Op- vārtā - araf - Commerce. position.
Vāni. apuit - Utterance. Vädī bhasi mba - aiciuffs - Vāsaka - an4a - Impressor. Vad i bhasi mba flourished in the early Vāsanā. 0141 - An impression or years of the eleventh century and wrote
idea, desire, Previous actions or dispothe poem Ksatracudāmaņi and the
sitions or forces, Longing, Peculiar prose romance Godyacintāmaņi..' subjective tendency, VolumVāditva rddhi - aifera mateso - Dis- ptuousness. course prodigy.
Vāstu -are - is the place of residence. Vādya yantra . als - Musical
Vāstukāra - argent - Architect. instrument.
vastusmaraka- वास्तु स्मारक - MonuVāhana - 2167 - Mount.
ment. Vāk. 914 - Speech.
Vatsalya - airy - Joy and affection Vāk chala . 914 91 - Quibble. towards the right path and those followVakduspranidhana - वाक्दुष्प्रणिधान
ing the path and propagation of true - Vicious speech - activity.
Vatsalya - art - The attitude of Vakgupti . 7114 - Control of
love and devotion whoever develops speech.
love and devotion to the three Jewels वाक्य - A word is a combination of
which constitute the right path to moksa, letters which are related to one another
that person is considered to be the right