Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Karmana Kayayoga • कामणि काय Karana viparyasa - कारण विपर्यास - ET - Karmic body vibration. Reverse cause. Karmana sari ra fa parte - The Karaña (Viruddha, Aviruddha) aku body composed of kārmic matter is (Foto, 319 ) Cause (Contradictory, kārmic body.
Non-contradictory). Kārmā pa vargaņā-mufu appon- Karmana sarira - कार्माण शरीर - Molecules of kārmic matter which fill
Karmic veriform. the universe.
Kāruṇya - Japaus - Compassion. The calfitantaros - (Kārmik i Buddhi).
disposition to render assistance to the
afflicted is compassion. S-7/11 The kārmiki is defined as the intellec
Kārya - darf - Effect, Causality. tion which comprehends the truth due
Kārya sama - forfym - Parity per to its attentive consciousness and breadth of vision of both the practical
character of outcome. and theoretical sides of actions and
Karayita - Forfora - Commissioner. which has received appreciation of Kāştha puttalika - 18 gafstant - competent critics. Anir. 940
Marrionette. Kārya eppef - Effect.
Kastha silpi . काष्ठ शिल्पी - Wood Kārya hetu - Goret - Reason of
carver. effect.
Kāya-ola - Embodiment, corporeals. Karya Karana bhava - कार्य कारण
Kāya (Mārgan ā sthāna) - 8079 9419- Relationship of cause and effect.
(ATAU BIA) Corpous (wayward staKārya ksetra - oppfats - Orbit.
tion). Kārya paramā Ņu - dref 24 - Kāyabala - for 16 - Strength of body. Effect atoms, Effect ultimate particle.
Kaya bala prana • 64 4G MU - Kārya sa mkarya - starf mig - Va
Strength of body, Body power activity. riety of effects.
Kayaduspranldhana- काय दुष्प्रणिKāraka - Foto - Agent, Cause, Fac
ETT- Vicious bodily acúvity. tor. . Karakakarana- कारक कारण -Gen
Kayiki Kriya- कायिकी क्रिया - is the erating cause.
attempt of a wicked person to act in evil ways..,
S-574 Karana -aru - Datum, Canse.
Kāyakleša - 074kt-Bodily sufferKārana (Upadan, Nimitta) - are
ing, Mortification of the body. (34167, faftet) - Cause (Affluent,
Kāyaklesa.ofpits - Mortification field.)
of the body. Standing in the sun, dwellKaran anupalambha • कारणानुपलम्भ
ing under trees, sleeping in an open - Non observation of the cause. place withoutany covering the different Kārapa kārya bhā postures.
S-9/19 479 - Cause effect phase.