Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Pañcastikaya of Kundakundācāryain the Aptamimamsa of Samanta bhadra, in the "Sanmati Tarka" and Nyay avatara of Siddhasena Divakara, in the "Tattvartha - Rājvārtika" of Aklamka, in the "Tattvärtha slokavārtika" of Vidyanandin, in the "Pramā ṇanaya tattvā lokāla ṁkāra of Devasuri and several other independent works and commentaries both of the Digambara and S'vetambara sects. But the most exhaustive treatise devoted entirily to the subject is the famous "Saptabhamgi Tarangini of Vimaladāsa a Digambara writer of a much later date. Except the formal difference in the order of the third and fourth propositions of the 'Sapta Bhang i" "inter se, - which again does not coincide with the difference of Jain religious sects - There has been no change in the saptabhaṁg i ever since it became a set of seven propositions instead of three. In regard to Nayās, their number has been variously given. The author of the Tativ arth adhigama sutra" first mentions five Nayas नैगमसंग्रहव्यवहारर्जुसूत्र शब्दा नया : and next adds आद्यशब्दौ द्वित्रिभेदौ (1.35), but does not name these subdivisions. These are added, however in the Bhāṣya viz देशपरिक्षेपी and सर्वपरिक्षेपी subdivisions of नैगम and सांप्रत, समभिरुढ़ and एवंभूत subdivisions of . These omitting the subdivisions of which are regarded as unimportant, make seven. Siddhasena Divakara mentions only six nayas, omitting from the earliest list. Some books, such as the "Anekāntajayapataka" of Haribhadra,
discuss only the more comprehensive proposition of "Anek anta" with speical reference to the problem of and पर्याय, नित्य and अनित्य, सामान्य and विशेष
As important as the Syadvāda and the Nayavada but occupying a less specta cular place in Jainism, is its definition of reality- उत्पाद व्यय ध्रौत्य युक्तं सत्
which like the other two doctrines in a charteristic example of Jaina's Anek antav āda.
Anuvada bheda दर्शनानुवाद
Dar's ana nuv
-Vision relative types. Darśanātmā - दर्शनात्मा - Jivas who have general knowledge of things, hence are called Dar sanātmā.
Dasa Dharma - - Ten virtues, Ten duties, Ten commandments. Dasa karana - दसकरण Ten operations.
Das a
State, Predicament.
Compassion Dayamurti-f-Embodiment of
Dādhi - दाढ़ी - Beard.
Da dima-f-Promegranate flower. Dana Gift, Charity, Endow
Dana Charity is the giving of one's wealth to another for mutual benefit.
Dana--Charity. Charity is of three kinds, namely giving pure food and right knowledge and dispelling fear by infusing courage. The giving of these to others according to one's capacity is charity. S-6/24.