Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Nāma - 714 - Naming, Nomenclature. Namabhilekha - नामाभिलेख - Label inscription. Nama karma - 774978 - Physique making karmas. Nāma niksepa - 7 fakta - Installation by name. Nānā - 7711 - Diverse. Nanyathanupapanna- नान्यथानुपपनLack in necessary con-comitance. Näraki - FR - Denizens of hell. Naraca - Pria - The still inferior joint. Näri. Art - That which rises from Mahā Pundar i ka and flows through its southern archway is the river nāri.
S-3/20. Nāsikā - hifa - (Literally nose) projected arched opening of a southern yimāna. Nāstitva - alfred - Negation, Non- existence, Not being. Nāstika - Fifts - Nihilist. Nātha van sa - 774 dit - Akampana, the king of Varānasi was the founder of glorious nāthavan sa.
has fast ashant (Nemicandra siddhānta cakravarti) - Nemicandra Siddhānta Cakravarti is the author of (1) Dravya Saṁ graha (2) Gommatas āra (3) Labdbi - sāra (4) Kșapaņāsāra and (5) Trilokas āra. THCHR - (Gommatas āra)-Gommatas āra is so named because it was composed for the reading of Camun da Rāya who, was also known as Gommața Rāya. This work is also
known as Pasca Samgaraha (the com'pendium of five things). In it the following five subjects have been thoroughty treated (1) Bandba (Bondage), (2) Badhayamāna(that which is bound)(3) Bandhasvāmi (that which binds (4) Bandhabetu (the cause of bondage) and (5)Bandhabheda (the varieties of bondage).
Dr. (Introduction XI-XII. Chroniconi - (Commentaries on Gommatasāra) - Camun da Rāya himself wrote a commentary on Gommatas āra in kanarese language. In the First verse of Gommațasāra there is reference to the fact that Camun da Rāya wrote in the popular language a commentary, named Viramārtandi. (Gommatasāra Karma kānda, verse - 972). One of the titles of Camun da Rāya being Viramārtanda. He named his commentary “Viramārtandi,” meaning "composed by Viramārtaş da. “This commentary of Camun da Rāya seems to have been lost, and we only have a reference to it in another commentary, named ke šavavarni yavrtti, by ke šavavar ņi, in the opening verse of which the author says. “I write the vrttion Gommatas āra from the Karnataka vrtti. There is another commentary on Gommatas āra, named Mandapra-bodhikā, written by Abhavacandra. Following these corrmentaries, Todarmalla has written a commentary in the Hindi language which is widely read by the Jina pandits of the present day.
Dr. (Introduction) XII. SPETAR - (Labdhisara)- Labdhisāra is a treatise on Labdhi, which literally