Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Because of these reasons, the great passions of Rāga (attachment), Dveşa (aversion), Moha (Delusion), Ahamkāra (pride etc.) were destroyed and he reached ommiscience (Kevala Jrāna) after a period of twelve years of patiently trying to memorize the two simple phrases. This clearly shows that it is not necessary to be very learned in order to reach liberation (Moksa). Also, if one is very learned and yet full of the defects Rāga, Dveşa etc. then that learning is not of much importance, even if one knows a very small portion of the Sastras, but if it is learnt and applied in life with the right faith and feeling of total mental surrender ‘Bhāva', such a small knowledge is capable of taking one to the highest goal of Moksa. while, great knowledge but without the right Bhāva is never capable of this.
Mati Jnana - मति ज्ञान - Sensory knowledge. That which knows its objects through the senses and the mind or that through which the objects are known or knowing alone is sensory knowledge.
S - 1/9 Matyaj nāna - HREIN - The intelligence, which without the instrumentality of teaching makes (one proficient) in poisons, mechanical devices, nets, traps and loops etc. (for capturing el- ephants, lions, fish, birds etc.) is wrong sensitive knowledge. Mātrā . HET - Degree Mātrkādhara - HITERT - Generating sequence. Mātsarya - HIGYEP - Envy, Non-Im- parting of knowledge out of envy.
Matsarya - Hif - Lack of earnestness or envy of another host. Matsarya - Hike - A man is learned. And knowledge is a worthy gift to be given. Butout of envy he does not teach others. This is envy (M
S - 6/10 Maukharys - sterf - Gossip. Maukhaya - Itact - Indulging in meaningless and unrestrained talk out of arrogance. hreef - Maukharya - Prattling away in a senseless manner. Mauna - HIA - Silence. Maya • 4141 - Deceitfulness, a pnenomenal appearance, Crookedness. Māyācāra - HRER - Fraudulent action, Treachery. Mayakriya - R - is deceitful practice with regard to knowledge, faith etc.
S - 6/4 Māyāvika - Arilao - Illusory. Maya dosa . माया दोष - Obtaining food by means of deceit. Maya samjvalana - माया संज्वलन - Gleaming deceitfulness. Maya salya - माया शल्य - Sting of deceit. Medhā - #11 - Retentiveness, Gradual awareness. Mekhalā - Hari - Girdle. Meru . #5 - Mount Meru of Jambūdvi pa is embedded in the earth to a depth of 1000 yojanas and is 99000 yojyanas high. Below it is the lower world. That which extends transversely within this range (namely the height of mount Meru) is the transverse world. Above it is the upper world, The crest