Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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RūpyakülāAbergani - That which flows through Mahā Pun dari kas northern archway is the river Rūpyakūlā.
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FT (L)
Rūdha . C - Conventional. Rūdhi - Hafa - Usage. Rūdhil baddha - Reference - Stereo typed. Rūksa - Fertit - Dry, Rough. Rūksata - FT86 - Dryness, Aridness. Rūpe - 19 - Form, Visual form, Colour, Material form, Modification, Unity, Pattern. Rūpa kșapa - 1994 - Colour moment.
Ripanupata - रूपानुपात - Indicating one's intentions by showing oneself. Rūpa pratīti - tata scia - Appearance. Rūpakara - 16470R - Features. Rūpa Prācurya - 1799794 - Profuseness. Rūpan kana - 4157 - Modelling. Rūpānatarapa - Tur - Modification. Rūpāntarita - 1741Ta - Transformed. Rūpa śleșa- Haupta - Interpenetration. Rūpi.aut-Rupa means form. What is form ? the effect of the aggregation of colour, taste, etc. is form. Things which have form are called material objects. Otherwise rupa is a word denoting a certain quality. And things which possess this quality are material objects (rūpins). It does not however mean that taste, smelletc. are excluded. as colour is inseparably connected with these.
$ - 5/5 Rūpi dravya - Put 504 - Perceptual objects.
Labdhi - Mroc - Attainment, Attainment of favourable time. Attainment of supernatural powers. Labdhi - mfo - Labdhi is attainment of supernatural powers of special austerities.
S. 2/47 Labdhi - fonet - Attainment - Attainment is a variety of destruction - cumsubsidence of knowledge - coverig karmas. In presence of this attainment of capacity, the soul makes use of the Physical senses (to gain knowledge)
S - 2/18 aft - Labdhi - The consciousness in its state of dormancy is called labdhi. In other words, the dormant capacity of the soul for knowledge is labdhi.
S.J.P. 56. Labdhi - Däna, Lābha, bhoga, Upabhoga, vi rya - affo - GTA, 4719, 971, 47, atef - Attainment - Contribution, Gain, Endurance, Self-attainment, Power. Labdhi indriya • लब्धि इन्द्रिय - The sense qua attainment. Labdhi - patica. aferent core - Five attainments. Labdhi-Navakevala- Afee-79498Attainment (Nine Omnisciental). Labdhi - Kāla, Karapa, Upadesa - afect - qilsa, assut, 34601 - Attainment - time, Operational, Instructional.