Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Lamba rūpa - 0741 - Vertical. Lambe - Speed - Elongated. Lambakāra.78119R - Perpendicu- lar. Lābhāntarāya-147274 - Obstructive karma of gain. Lālitya - Gifts - Elegance. Lālityamaya - Aftr944 - Elegant. Lāngalikā gati - Alsfera nfa - Mo- tion with the bends. La fichana - 1189 - Sign, Mark, Cognizance. Laukantika deva - cicaf74 ca- Celestial saints. Laukanti that in which one dwells, that is abode. Those who have Brahmaloka as their abode are Laukāntikas. If so, it would include all the devas residing there. No, the word is taken in its etymological sense. Brahmaloka is loka, Lokānta is its end or border. Those who are born there are called Laukāntikas and not all. Their abodes are situated in the borders of brahmaloka. Otherwise, that which is diffused with birth, old age and death is loka, that is Samsāra. Lokānta means at the end of it. Those who are at the end of Samsāra (transmigration) are called Laukāntikas. All of them have come to the end of transmigration. Coming down from there, they take one birth and attain beautitude. They are celestial sages, as they are devoid of longing for sensual pleasures. They are worthy of veneration by other devas. They are well versed in the scriptures of fourteen Pūrvas. They are intent on strengthening the resolve of the Tirthamkaras at the time of their renunciation
S - 4/24
Launca - Fita - Pulling out the hair. Laukika - Sillas af - Temporal. Laukika - Māna, Unmāna, Avamāna, Gup imāna, Pratimāna - लौकिक,मान, उन्मान,अवमान, गुणिमान,प्रतिमान - Universal - Metric, Fine metric, Submetric, Count metric, Counter metric. Lehya -za - Semi liquids. Lekha ta - Legend. Lepya ito - Stucco. Lesya - Colouration, complexion, The soul soiling tints, Complex.
per - Thought paint - That by which the soul stains himself with or makes his own the demerit (Pāpa) and merit (Punya) is the (thought) paint (79
get) So it has been described by the knowers of the attributes of paint (1991) The vibratory activity (of the soul) coloured by the operation of the passion (sub class of deluding karma) is thought paint (Leśyā). Therefore 4 (kinds of) bondage have been said to be the effect of these two. Yellow (Tejaor Pita), Pink (Padma) and white (Sukla) verily these are six kinds of paints (Leśyā).
Gātha - 489-490. द्रव्य लेश्या - The colour of the body produced by the operation of colour (sub-class of the body making karma is) matter paint (Dravya Leśyā).
G.J. 249 Gāthā 494. gourdigan as FTPUT - Wrathful, one who does not give up hostility, pugnacious in temparament, devoid of piety and compassion wicked, not subject to (any) control (or principle), slow, without common sense, without skill, ex