Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(275) The sixth and the last man said “Our Linata . Tan - Engrossments, aim is to satisfy our hunger by eating
Absorbedness, absorption. the Jambū fruits. So why don't we pick
Lipikära - férfiahore - Scribe. out and eat the ripe fruits that have fallen upon the earth.” (This indicated
Lipis astra-fallopf - Palaeography. that Sukla (white) Leśyā i.e. the best
Lipta : fera - Coated. of the holy varieties as having taken Lipta dosa - fra ato - Taking food hold of the mans personality).
from a hand or out of a plate or pot Leśyā prar ū pana - 54001 -
besmeared with flour, Chalk and the
like. Complex presentation.
Kinds of Lobha - 074 a 4G - Greed Lesya - Nirdesa, Varņa, Pariņāma 821 - ficit, qui, uf014 - Complex
is of four kinds -(i) Fifan - The longing - Instruction, Colour, Transform.
to live (ii) Arogya - 371174 - The Lesya - Sakrama ņa, karma,
longing for freedom from disease and ill
health. (iii) Indriya - that the functionlaksana-1841 - H9401, A&TU - Com
ing of the senses may not be impaired plex transition, definition
and (iv) Upabboga - The wish for sense Lesya . Svāmi, Sadhana, indulgence. Samkhyā, Kșetra - tren - Fant, These are again subdivided into two
classes each, with reference to their FITETA, HON, 45- Complex - Owner, means, number, Quarter.
subjects namely to (self) and 4 (not
self, another) for instance the desire to Leśyā - Sparśana, Kāla, Anatara,
live with reference to oneselfis quilfan Bhava, Alpabahutva - 4941 - 1969, 161, 377, 97 3984 abra - Complex
atte and that with reference to another - Contact, Time, Interval, Phase.
is sillad 19). Licchavi - Fotogal- A Kșatriya clan.
nas - That space which is accompa
nied by matter and soul, which is rich Linga - F - Sex, Sign, Genitals,
with kāla (or time) and the two magniMiddle term, Bodily mark, Probans.
tudes (i.e. astikāyas) or Dharma and Linga - F - Monastic equipment - Adharma (i.e. the principles of motion Physical and spiritual, Phallus. and rest) and which is etermal is called Linga . fos - Sign - That which Loka or the physical world. causes the knowledge of hidden ob- Loka - mich - Cosmos, Universe. jects is lin ga (sign). S - 1/14 Loka- Urdhva, Madhya,Adho-7770Linga parā marša - fre 1431 -
FEAT, FED, 37a - Universe Upper, Resemblance of a sign. mbiance of a sign.
Middle, Lower. Liigasya trair upyam • लिङ्गस्य Loka bādbā.771 919 - Contradicत्रैरूप्यम्- Threecharacteristicsofmiddle
tion by popular opinion. term.
Loka bheda - 5110 - Types of UniLingi - férçi - Signet.