Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(257) Mūladhana - 197979 - Original Square Mūrtinirmāna gatividhi - ufaftufa root sym.
fatara - Iconographic activity. Mū labhūta - 497999 - Organic. Mūrtiparaka - utan6 - Iconographic. Mū laguņa. V10 - Primary virtues. Mūrtis astra . axira - IconograMū lagun anivartana - Tuhal- phy, Pantheon. Substratum of the primary attributes. Mūrtyan kana-t -Iconographic Mile karna dosa- मूलकर्मदोष - ob- form. taining food by imparting secrets for Mūsala - 4467 - Pestle. winning over the love of person and the
Mūtha - 70 - Hilt. like.
Yajmana - 467477 - The sacrificial Mū la karma - 6706 - Primay func
master. tional. Mūla prakrti - Tuzfa- fundamen
Yajna .457 - A sacrificial rite. tal specy.
Yaksa . 7781 - A species of celestial Mū la rasi - TST LIFET - Original set.
beings residing in the upper most strata
of the Ratnaprabhā bell, just bordering Mulādhāra - FITER - The basic
the earth, Demigod. ploxus.
Yama and Niyama - 44 794 Farera - Mūrccha - Tozof - Greed, Atach
Renunciation of bhogas and upabhogas ment, Infatuation.
is of two kinds, Niyama and yama (of Mūrcchā - Top - It is activity relat- these) the one which has a time limit is ing to the acquisition and safeguarding called niyama and the other which is of possessions such as the cow, the undertaken for life is yama. buffalo, jewels, pearls and so on, and
Yasah Kirti nama karma - 291: also inward thoughts like desire and so
कीर्तिनाम कर्म - That which proclaims on. Infatuation or attachment is at the
merit is the name karma of glory and mot of all evils.
S - 7/17. renown.
S-8/11 Mūrcchā - Tool - Infatuation - In
Yasastilaka - UzF1819 - The Yašafatuation is called attachment to pas
T. 7/17.
stilaka of Somadeva is a literary work sions.
of considerable merit written about 959 Murkha Katha - मूर्खकथा - Foolish
A.D. It belongs to the literary grace talk.
called campū, which is distinguished Mūrta - - Corporeal, Finite mag
both from epic and lyric poetry and nitude, concrete, with form.
from prose romances. Murta. - The qualities which are Jeet - (Yastā) - Sacrificer - A perceived by senses which Characterise
sacrificer is defined as one who adores the material substances and which are
the deity with the flowers of pure manifold mūrta or concrete qualities. thoughts, the mansion of the body with Mūrti kalā . facil - Iconography, the flowers of vows, and the fire of the Sculpture, Plastic art.
mind with the flowers of forbearance.
Y.C.P. 411