Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(264) 4.समता-Bysamatais understood the Yoga Parinama - योग परिणाम - Volisense of equality developed as a result tion Transform. of avoiding - with the help of right Yoga-Utpada-MT - 36416 - Volition comprehension - those things in rela
Transmigration. tion to which one had come to barbour
Yogasthana prari pana . योगस्थान a feeling of intense like and dislike
451 400 - Volition station. owing to the machination of nescience. The samatā produces a non-utilization
Yoga sparddhaka - योग स्पर्द्धक - Voof supra - sensuous capacities, a de- lition supervariform. struction of the subtle type of Karmas, Yoga Mārganā - PU - Volia break in the thread of expectation. tion variform.
Yoga - 364-365. Yogyatā -pal Ability, Capability. 5. gfa finta - By vrttisaṁkşaya is Yogah īna - Ta - Lack of mental, meant the cessation - brought about in
Vocal and physical steadiness. various ways of the mental states which are due to (a soul's) connection with a
Yoga märgana - TM TÍU - Vibraforeign element (viz. body or manas) a tory activity soul quest. cessation that will never be followed by Yoga prav.rtti - M Yarar - Vibratory a reproduction of these states. The
activity. vrttisaṁksaya - and it alone - leads to
Yoga sthāna - Pen - The different (the acquisition of) omniscience, the assuming of the saileś i state (i.e. the
grades of activity related to speech and state characterized by a cessation of all
body. mental bodily and vocal operation) and Yoga samnyasa - योग संन्यास - That the attainment of moksa which is free
which effects the stoppoge of all activifrom all disturbance and is permanent
ties is yoga saṁnyāsa. seat of bliss. Yoga - 366-367.
Yoga sthana - योग स्थान - Vibratory योग बिन्दु- Theyogabinduisone of the
activity, Degree of soul's vibratory acfour works that ācārya Haribhadra Sūri
tivity. wrote on yoga - the other three being
Yogavahi.- Monomaniac, the yogaviņšikā, the yogašataka
Such as a book worm. (along with an auto commentary). Yoga mana - Vacana Kaya - 41 -
Yogācāra- er - Practice of medi
tation. 47,927, 014 - Volition, mind, Voice,
Yogātmā - T I - Till the final body. Yoga - Dravya, Bhāva - - Gall
emancipation all jivas have the activi419- Volition - Fluent/Phase.
ties of mind, speech and body, hence are
called yogātmā. Yoga - Šubha, Aśubha - - 49,
Yogi ja ana . ifşa - The trans37719 - Volition gracious/ungracious.
cendent intuition. Yoga Margan ā sthāna - AM Are Yogin - IT - Contemplative, medi1917 - Volition wayward station. tator.