Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(268) Rājanayika - Taft - Ambassado- Rāsi upamā kşetra pramāņa - If rial.
- 3441, A1 - Set simile measure. Rajatanirmita - START - Silver Räsi upamna kşetra pramāna - TIT inlaid.
- 3441, 5, 4410 - set simile, quarter, Rajā - 175 - Chieftain.
measure. Rājū - TT - 1/14 of the total height of
Rā'si - Sūcyangula, Pratarā n gula universe.
- LIFET - 425M, ARISTO - Set, Rājyasraya - Toetste - Royal pa
Linear finger, Squared finger. tronage.
Rāsi - Loka - fg - 10 - Universe Raudra dhyāna - stgezin - Cruel
line cubed. concentration.
Rāsi- Bhāva pramāņa - TIS - 979 Rādha - 79 - Devotion to self.
4914 - Set, Phase measure. Rāja kathā - <TE 75211 - State gossip.
Rāsi- Karmaracana - Lift TEATRajyadhikari - राज्याधिकारी - State
Set - Functional structure. dignitary.
Rā'si - Varga, Vargaņā, Spardd. Rāga - 7 - The pleasant feeling of
haka- f - arf, aafull, Pasit - Set - desire, Fondness, Attachment, The pair
Variate, Variform, Supervariform. of deceit and greed, Affection. Rāga - Subha, Aśubha - 17 - 14,
Rāģi - Anyonyabhyasta - ff -
BERITA TETT - Mutual product set. 379/94 - Attachment - gracious, Ungra
Rāsi - Dhārā - IT - EXIT- Set - cious.
Sebiquence. Rāga Vyakta, Avyakta - 17 - 2017 372417 - Attachment - Expressible, In
Rāģi - avali Udaya, Atisthāpanā.
TfT - Tramit, 394, 34ferpen - Set - expressible. Rāśi-dravya - JT - 504-Set fluent.
Trail, Rise, Over installation.
Rasi-Ā valī, Acalā vali,Avis esita Rāsi- dravya pramāņa - IT-504
- Tift - 3770Kit, BTaMart faglifon - Set 4414 - Set, Fluent measure. .
- Trail, Invariant, Remainder. Rāsi - Samkhyāta, Asamkhyāta,
Rā'si-5 reņi - TfT - stot - Set series. Ananta - TIFT - HEAT, 3HHİCIA, 37777
Rasi-Khaņdita, Bhājita, Viralita - - Set - Numerate, Innumerate, Infinite.
Luft - ufuca, efsta farfeta - Set Cut, Rā'si - Kā la pramāṇa - TT - Tet
Divided, Distributed. 4414 - Set-time-measure.
Rāśi - Apah rta, Vikalpa - TfRT - Rāsi-Kalpa kāla - Tift - otomy forst
3746n, facica - Set - Removed, AbSet, sum of hyper and hypo superentine
straction period.
Rā'si - Stoka, Tulya, Sarvā stoka - Rāsi-kşetra pramāņa - 19 -
21f91- patas, Tort, hobitch - Sa- sınall, 4411 - Set quarter measure.
equal, Smallest.
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