Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(258) Yathākhyāta - 22761 - Perfect con- body making karma) in the soul with duct, Idealconduct, Conformallynoted mind, speech or body, that very capaccharacter.
ity which is the cause of incoming of the Yathajatarupadhan-यथा जातरूप
karmas is vibration (yoga or vibrating
activity of the soul). ER- A form similar to that in which he
ah - Haribhadra maintained that yoga is bom.
is what leads one to moksa while as a Yathanamatathaguna- यथानामतथा
Jaina he was convinced that it is right गुण - Significant.
faith, right knowledge and right conYati dharma - fament - The monastic duct that lead one to mok şa. Naturally, way.
therefore, what Haribhadra calls a treatYatinivasa. ufafaara - The abode of ment of the problems of yoga is in fact ascetics.
a treatment of the problems of right
faith, right knowledge and right conYava. 99 - Oat.
duct. Yoga (Introduction page - 1) Yava madhya kşetra - 40404 -
Yoga.T - Activities, these have been Barley middle quarter.
explained as three namely bodily activYava murajaksetra . यव मुरज क्षेत्र -
ity, mental activity and speech. Barley drum quarter.
S-8/1 Yacana. 27991 - Begging.
Um - Yoga-Allspiritual and religious Yácani .re - Requestive. activities that lead towards final emanYatayata - -Akind of mental
cipation are considered by Haribhadra stage, Scattered cum collected.
as yoga. But special importance should Yaugapadya - eTE - Non succes
be attached, he says in his yogavim šikā,
to these five kinds of activities - sion.
(1) Practice of proper posture (sthāna) Yavattāvat - 2190198 - Simple equa
(2) Correct utterance of sound (ūrņa) tions.
(3) Proper understanding of the meanYenakemprakarena येनकेन प्रकारेण
ing (artha) (4) Concentration on the - By hook or by crook.
image of Tirthaikara in his full glory Yoga-m - Activity, Vibratory activ: ālambana), and (5) Concentration on ity, Meditation.
bis abstract attributes (anālambana). Of Yoga-m - Yoga is concentration or these five, the first two constitute exterapplication of mind. S - 6/12 nal spiritual activity (karmayoga) and Yoga. at - Activity - The action of the last three internal spiritual activity the body, the organ of speech and the (Jāna yoga).
Y.V. 1-2. mind is called yoga (activity). The vi
S.P. XIII. 4, S.P. XIV/1 bration of the soul is activity. This three Tu te stuit - (Kșapaka Śreņi) - The fold activity is influx (āšava).S - 6/1 ladder of annihilation. Yoga • योग - By the operation of the सालम्बन तथा अनालम्बन योग में अन्तर - matter maturing body (sub class of the (The distinction between sālambanaand