Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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together constitute the path to mokşa. These are well known three Jewels or
ree Jewels or the Ratnatraya which constitute the mok sa mārg, according to Jainism. Ratnatraya or the three Jewels are considered from two points of view vyavahāra and niscaya. Vyavahāra ratnatraya gradually leads to mok sa and niscayaratnatraya directly leads to moksa. Mokşamarga - ten spf - Path of emancipation or liberation. Mokşarth i . Atentef - Aspirant of liberation. Mukhya pratyaksa - Hot THT - Transcendental intuition. Mraksita dosa - म्रक्षित दोष - Taking food from one whose hands and feetare besmeared with ghee (Purified butter), oil and the like or from plates which are similarly besmeared with such things. Mrdanga - 16 - Drum. Mrdu. 75 - Soft Mrdu sparsa - Tg napf - Soft touch. , tigt auf - (Mrgeša varmā) - The Kadambas were one of the ancient rulers of Mysore, who ruled in the early centuries of the Christian era. In his renowned family flourished king Mrgeša varma, Who ruled in the 5th century A.D. Although his queen Prabhāvati was an ardent devotee of the Brahmins, yet he himself followed the creed of Jinendra. He issued grant for support of Jaina temples. A-78. Mromūrti - quafi - Terracotta figure. Mrsartha - ef - Falsity.
Mrsavadaviramana- मृषावाद विरमण - To desist from telling a lie.
Mrtyughna tapa - 78 79 - Death conquering penance. Mudrā - 1461 - Gesture.
Mudrika - मुद्रिका - Ring. Mukhacatuṣki -e agost - Frontal mandapa or entrance porch. Mukha man dapa - MG US4 - Portico. Mukhākrti - Yalçfa - Mien, Countenance. Mūcha - 1188 - Moustache. Mukta Jiva - Heb jita - Emancipated soul, Liberated soul. Mukti - ro - Atonement. Mila nayaka. मूल नायक - Principal enshrined divinity. Mila prasada - मूल प्रसाद - Sanctum proper. Mukuta - 1972 - Crest. Muhūrta - her - Two nalis make one muhurta ( = 48 minutes 16, 777, 216 ävalikas make a muhūrta). Antara/Bhinna mūhūrta - 37 TUT her - Less than a muhūrta. Mukha - FC - First, Initial term, Extension. Mukhya - 404 - Primary.
Mukhya kala - मुख्य काल - Absolute time. Mukta - - Liberated. Muktātmā - 14 - Liberated soul. TCAT - (Muktā tma)- The liberated soul) - The liberated soul has no shape, no colour, no smell, no taste, no weight, no touch, no rebirth, no attachment. It is neither male, nor female, nor otherwise. There is no analogy. It is formless existence.
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